#dunno what the other ship names are so I'll leave these here
cabinette · 7 months
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I decided cringe is dead and made a ship name chart :) any suggestions would be incredibly appreciated.... I'm reaaaal iffy about some of these.....
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Borbos, getcha blorbos! [ON HIATUS]
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Welcome to F/O-r Your Consideration, a blog where @carbo-ships posts one character a day that selfshippers should consider F/O-ing in some capacity. Romantic, familial, platonic, doesn't matter. This is like the free samples booth at Costco. Except with blorbos. Have fun. Posts every day at 5pm EST / 10pm BST. More info and submission guidelines below.
Q: ... What.
A: I dunno, man.
Q: Selfship? F/O? These words are not in the Bible. I'm lost.
A: "Selfshipping" is when someone "ships" themself or a representation of themself with a fictional character (often called their "fictional other" or F/O). This can be romantic, platonic, familial, anything you want. Did you ever wish Atticus Finch was your dad? Contrats. He's your familial F/O now. And a "blorbo" is any character you are especially fond of.
Q: Are submissions open?
A: Yes. Not right now! Taking a break :)
Q: How do I submit a character for consideration?
A: Just send me an ask with their name and source, and I'll handle the rest! Note that because the blog only posts once per day, it may be a while before they appear. Here are some submission guidelines: - If the character is rather obscure, please include a picture of them in your submission. This should not be fan-art unless it is your work or you have the artist's permission for me to reupload it. - Please only submit one character per ask unless the characters are from the same source or should otherwise be considered as a set. - Just to keep things simple, this blog only posts adult characters. (However, if I mess up and accidentally post a 17-year-old or something, just use your best judgment and leave them for the younger folks.)
Q: I submitted a character, but they haven't been posted. What gives?
They're probably just waiting in the very long queue. That, or I couldn't verify that they're an adult. If you'd like to check on the status of your post, you can message me non-anonymously with the character's name and I'll go check for you.
Q: One of your posts genuinely awoke something within me.
A: Good. Please tell me. I want to know.
Q: You should remove the post about [character].
A: DM me about it so we can privately chat about your concerns. Anonymous messages will be ignored. This is so that I can ask follow-up questions without publicly embarrassing the submitter.
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
watching mha S4 and my thoughts while watching ep1-14
their interveiwing 1A? this'll be funny.
nezu, it makes total sense to allow someone you dont know, who could be a villan onto school grounds, sure buddy (i will bully nezu about everything now) also i dont trust the interviwer, his name is tanayo i think
bakugo is so real for getting mad when a guy is photographing him eating breakfast love how tokoyami uses dark shadow to get food instead of waiting in line himself
why are their chess tiles flat, thats not chess bro
time to find out who overhaul is
okay, so a guy just exploded
shigaraki: "now i get it" well i dont, please explain okay so, i still have no clue whats going but i think its like: twice brings overhaul to base. they talk, shigaraki gets mad. they fight. some guy blows up, overhauls friends come, someone else died at some point and the guys arm gets cut off, overhaul and co. tell leage of villans to think about it, and leave
present mic calling almight emo is SO FUNNY wonder what happened with him and nighteye
nighteye, what in the actual fuck. he literally trapped a girl to a laughing machine, he's insane, like why, what is wrong with him.
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"oh no, hes not funny"
alright nighteye has an even worse almight obsession then deku
okay, so deku isn't failing
betting something happens with nighteye and almight in this season
Tokoyami is going to work study with a guy called hawks. I think hawks is goanna be cool
Deku and mirio found a kid. She was in the intro I think so she's important
so her name is ari. She's cute.
Is it coincidence that ari and shigarako have te same hair?
Crack ship: grand torino/recovery girl
I love Tomiki. He's my favourite.
random but, i'm gonna say that ectoplasm (the guy who makes clones) is the traitor. cause the leuge of villans has a clone guy (mimic) and ectoplasm is a clone guy. so same guy.
red riot is a pretty sick name ngl
kirashima tragic backstory unlocked? (had to check his name with google)
tomiki is allergic to postitvity its so funny i love him
okay, i need explanation, why is everyone here okay got it, this is boring, waiting for the actual rescue misson
nighteye: I cant! (regarding him not using his quirk right then) Aizawa: most jujdmental sideye ever (why does he have the funniest expressions)
loving aizwa right now, with him saying that to deku, like hes so.. also that little chest punch, then also the "i'll be your man" "no"
also ari is so cute and i love her (i barely know her)
ida is so silly, like why
TAMAKI-CENTRIC EPISODE, LETS GO, right after i decided he's my favourite too lol (4 ep8) also just realised his name is tamaki not tomiki
i love miriyo, hes so nice and just generally a good person
tiny plauge doctor becomong big :( he was kinda cute when he was little
tamaki's hero name is sun-eater?
we gonna talk about how miriyo is "sun" and tamaki is "sun eater" i need the backstory of tamaki's hero name okay, not what i expected, i still think theres more we can read into with sun/sun eater (yes im shipping it, sue me)
what if tamaki just starts eating random stuff, imagine if he eats paper and becomes his own notepad
tamaki is not okay (he got hurt and collapsed after a fight)
how come fat's skinny now. like why. i despise skinny fatgum
"a few pounds" you are literally less than half the size you were before
i love how evryones usually obsessing over almight, but we also have kirashima with crimson riot, and i think thats neat
okay, so i think ari's quirk is destroying someones quirk forever? give my kid a break, shes like, 5
also, on one hand, i think overhaul is a really cool and interesting power. on the other, child experimentation is not ok
alright, i'm betting someone gets shot, dunno who yet, but someone will get shot by those permanent quirk destroying bullets
how many personas does twice have?
someone has a truth quirk, also taking back the ectoplasm=twice thing cause they know who twice really is, and who ectoplasm is too, probably
the upside down drunk guy is so funny to me "what are you, drunk" "no, that would be you" (what if this became a ship)
ari is missing a horn, she has one, but its not centered, therefore she's meant to have 2, cause these things are supposed to be symetrical
i would die for ari, and also kill overhaul for her (MD i see why you hate him now)
going to say this now, capes are dumb, especially for million, cause his clothes are made of his hair, so you'd expect for there to not be much fabric, but he has a cape.
nimoto/chisaki new ship
(minimum requirements for ship is that they breathed the same air for at least a scene, and possible are loyal to eachother, but we dont need that)
what if miryo become the first quirkless hero?
miriyo, stop getting hurt
deku came and saved the day (and so did evryone else, probably)
i like locklock
chisaki killed nimoto, like dude, he was, like, the one guy who genuinely liked and supported you.
what if shigaraki and ari are related, i'm pretty sure they are.
ari is also favourite, i love her and would die for her
everytime someone screams "chisaki" i feel like their gonna say "Chisaki smash" and idk why
ari's quirk is to rewind
this scene (deku and ari right after quirk reveal) is going to break me
what if almight and nighteye became "messed up stomach due to villan" buddies
i like dabi, i think he's neat
shigaraki, u good bro? probably not but still
okay, nighteyes dead
i hope we get to see more of ari later on
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heinzpilsner · 6 months
Tadadada! Here's the epilogue to my 'Overanalyzing beach Maiko' series.
Firstly, let's list some main conclusion theses:
1) Mai became interested in Zuko's problems after he directly mentioned his scar and his relationship with Ozai for the first time, so her final change of attitude does make some sense.
2) The basis for Zuko's irrational jealousy was Mai's annoyed facial expression after he criticized Ruon-Jian.
3) The context of Zuko's jealousy rampage actually leaves a loophole for not-possessive interpretation (yay).
4) Despite how badly Zuko screwed up, Mai somehow managed to screw up even more (yep, still sounds contr-intuitive).
5) Mai actually expresses herself all the time and her "childhood trauma" is a big bullshit.
6) Apart from his inner crisis, Zuko has to fix many problematic attitudes and personality settings before he'll become a decent romantic partner for anyone.
7) So does Mai.
Something like this.
And now, a bit of old good boring and inaccurate psychology lecture mistake correction.
I think that I misinterpreted Zuko's side of "bring me food" scene, actually. You see, I saw it as conscious submission in order to avoid conflict with Mai, but...
It actually looks more like Zuko genuinely didn't realize that Mai's demand was not okay. He wasn't exactly eager to please her*, but he also didn't see her attitude towards him as problematic.
(*Not catching Mai's "I'm hungry" initial hint is kind of an indicator of Zuko's cool-off towards her. I mean, acts of service is his typical way of showing affection, which makes his sudden cluelesness pretty notable.)
Basically, Mai and Zuko in this scene demonstrate opposite facets of locus of control problem. Simply put, they both believe that Zuko is responsible for something he really isn't - in this case, satisfying Mai's hunger.
Later, though, it's Zuko who believes Mai owes him something - namely, to give him affection and meet his emotional needs. In his head, he gives responsibility for his emotional well-being to Mai and scolds her when she "ignores her duty" by not being "passionate" enough.
(But while Mai doesn't owe Zuko anything formally, she made a mistake of severely underestimating Zuko's contribution into relationship and his real value for her. This resulted in her coldness and lack of gratitude in response to his affection, which is quite a big relationship screw-up.)
Okaaay, and with that part out of the way, it's time for my final personal reflections.
In general, I have no doubts I made lots of other mistakes during my analysis. I tried my best, but to dissect relationship conflicts correctly, you need to have good feeling of personal boundaries and empathy of your own. And... Well. It's not exactly my forte.
I compensate for some things with theoretical knowledge, but my mind is a mess, so... Yep.
I feel like I have to go and read more psychological theory after this.
Also, I kinda tried to do an entertainment out of this, and roasting format doesn't exactly mix good with being objective. So, yep. It seems I got some kind of useless Frankenstein monster in the end, lol.
And finally... Perhaps I had to make it clear much earlier, but...
I have nothing against Maiko shippers or Mai fans. Ta-da!
I'm sure they have a lot against me now though, pffft.
I realize what I wasn't exactly restrained in my roasting, so it's natural for you to dislike me. But my goal wasn't to tell you what your preferences are inadequate or something. I mean, I myself ship much more toxic problematic shit (and have a weak spot for all sorts of flawed characters). It isn't supposed to be about being rational. You like it, I don't, it's ok.
Dunno, maybe someone needed to hear this.
That's all, I guess. If you were reading this series - thanks for your attention. Despite everything, it was a rather interesting experience for me, and I hope you found something useful for yourself too.
I wonder what I should analyse next >:D
I ignore all notifications, but maybe I'll make an exception soon. Ta-da! What a cliffhanger.
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nettlestingsoup · 9 months
hi!! i dunno if you've answered these ones already, but 5, 6, 8 and 16 for the new years asks pls!! i hope you had a nice christmas and that 2024 is a great year for you 💛💛
hi!! thank you for sending these! i've answered 6 here for honey and 8 here for spook; i answered 5 for sunny but i realised i forgot to post a snippet! @the-sunshine-dragon i'm sorry, i'll redo this answer here!
5: the red thread au, tentatively titled being human with you, is the first one i want to finish this year! here's the snippet i forgot to post the first time i answered:
“Seungmin,” Hyunjin says as he steps through the curtain, tumbles of pearl-pink and faded red and sweet magnolia white sliding from his shoulders; one or two of them catch briefly on his collar or his hair like they don’t quite want to let him go, but Hyunjin doesn’t seem to notice. He just smiles, his gaze caught on Seungmin as though he’s the only thing standing in the gallery at all, and says his name again. “Seungmin! I was worried I’d lost everyone when I saw you’d all gone inside. Glad you didn’t get far.” He draws himself up to his full height, the roses finally falling from his shoulders as he takes a few steps forward, and Seungmin just looks at him for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. He still isn’t used to being looked at like this - to having anyone’s undivided attention on him. “Minho and Chan are here somewhere,” is what he blurts out in the end, and immediately wonders if it might be the wrong thing to say; he’d promised himself that he’d let Hyunjin lead here, after all, and the last thing he wants is for Hyunjin to think that Seungmin is trying to get him to leave. But Hyunjin just laughs. “Oh, I’ll never find them,” he says. “Minho takes museums at a strange pace, and Chan goes wherever he does. I’ll walk with you, if that’s alright?”
16: i have around 40k of an absolutely wild au i started called the wars i'd wage for you, also known as the odysseus au. it involved seungmin, minho, and hyunjin being possessed by three fragments of an alien consciousness and being kept in a facility for experimentation, and chan, changbin, felix, jisung, and jeongin breaking them out (the ships were chanjin, seungbin, jeonglix, and minsung). it was quite dark - seungmin and changbin's plot involved seungmin experiencing a lot of violence and mistreatment from the scientists other than changbin, and minho and jisung's involved minho undergoing experiments into his healing capacity that involved causing him consistent harm and putting him under frequent anaesthesia that left him with memory loss - and very complex plot-wise, and i think if i went back to it i'd be genuinely quite overwhelmed by the mess i left it in. the entire 40k of it is also in past tense, and i would have to wrangle it into present. this is probably not the year i fix it, but we'll see what happens if i blitz through my other projects!
thank you so much for these asks! i'd honestly forgotten about the odysseus au entirely until i dredged my wip folder <3
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treecut-place · 1 day
Just gonna leave a few requests here, I’m fine with waiting for them
I’d love to see
Leafpool x Hollyleaf
Leafpool x Jayfeather
Leafpool x Lionblaze
That’ll be it for now
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Oh hey I like leafholly :3
No warrior name since they came out looking pretty apprentice aged, but a few names I could think up for them would be Juniperskip, Juniperbranch, Juniperleaf (now they're all leaves..), Junipershine, Junipershade, Juniperheart.............
Also uhh *looks at the date of the last Everything* long time no see huh. I did not forget but Damn did Things Happen
To anyone wondering I/we're doing fine! While this blog has been put off on somewhat of an unofficial hiatus, list of things that have occured to the entity running this includes: quietly left the general wc fandom (I'm still into it it's just... the fandom........ scary), deleted outlook-rock, got into rain code, experienced ego death, became a big boy rain code blogger, turned out to be fictionkin, the nefarious personality disorder came (or was there all the time but I ignored it lmao), turned out to be a system, on all levels except physical is most likely not the same person(s) yall know from the early 20s wc profic resurgence but there's lots of memories of it, got into akuma kun, got into a bunch of shit actually, acquired cool mutuals, healed from the horrific trauma of being called a ribosome at wattpad, got even more queer uhhhh etcetera etcetera basically life went on at least for me
But aughhhh I kinda miss the profic wc fandom. It feels like just less and less people are really posting anything, and I don't really know exactly how much the general tumblr fandom has shifted but from what I can gather it's still heavily leaning into the more anti side as usual. But ever since I kinda branched out more, I feel way safer and just. Better. Than when I was just mainly posting cats
But yeah, uh!! Yomi (one of our Guys. proooobably was around in our wc days? can recall most people we sorta got to know back then) has actually recently made a wc sideblog, @/snakerocks! He's the only one that plans on posting abt cats in the near future, and while it's mainly his some others are also allowed to occassionally also post on it as guests lol. The blog is private so it doesn't come up in search results (unless you type it all the way) so he doesn't have to worry about fuckwads getting pissy about whatever he posts like they use to on public blogs. Sooo if ur enchanted with our wcposting you can go follow and ask him whatever, shipping or character or au/rewrite wise or whatever, no matter how random................ So yeah!
Anyway concerning this blog: I definitely won't delete it, I may continue to just post on and off whenever I feel like it, maybe it's gonna be slow and rare as always, maybe i'll get a sudden burst of kitty inspiration and get more active, I dunno.
I hope you all are doing well, whatever you are doing now <33
- ashley & Yomi
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swampstew · 2 years
200 follower event ~ The ninja way
Thank you so much for the follows, it means so much to me that y'all like my silly stories. I'll keep special events to every 500 mark moving forward and hope to continue making content that we all enjoy♥ Check out my updated pinned post for a sneak peek of future content you can expect to see from me!
Word Count: 1.9K - contains Wano Arc spoilers! CW: 18+ only, Spicy, Eustass Kid X AFAB Reader, consent very much implied, vaginal penetration, voyeurism, sexy games, some BDSM, chasing games, masturbation. m!n0rs DNI you will be blocked
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Captain Kid was sulking in a bar in the capital city of Wano. The festival going on should have improved his mood but he was mad as hell. He took down an emperor and a literal clown took his rightful place as a new emperor. And the World Government named a literal child as a new emperor too. Why the fuck was the universe so against him???
He knocked back the sake, he wanted to get raging drunk and then slink home to the ship. He was so bummed he made Killer leave, not wanting to be a damper on his friend’s night for his role in the battle. Kid also regretted the decision. He was wallowing in self pity and leaning gravely into despair, Killer would be easing his frayed nerves and hyping him up. He held up his empty glass to the bartender, he needed to get much drunker.
A group of patrons at a nearby table erupted in cheers, toasting their glasses together before knocking them back. Kid squinted in their direction, trying to focus through the buzz. He recognized those people, from where…oh yeah. They were ninja and they had been in the fight on Onigashima along the samurai, minks and pirates. Hmm, he wondered if that one kunoichi was among the group.
The one ninja sitting with their back to him got up and made their way to the bathroom – it was the kunoichi! She had caught Kid’s eye when he had put the final blow into Big Mom. As he was laying down on the floor battered to shit with Law, samurai and ninjas had stepped up and defended them and their crews.
She had been the first one to jump in the line of fire for them. Or rather, she and her clones. Scared the shit out of him at first when they popped up out of nowhere; he thought he was dead for sure when they reached him to check on him. Seeing that he was just out of breath and needed a moment to recuperate, she gave him a knowing nod before doing a cool backflip and jumping into battle, clones in tow.
Kid drank his sake as he commiserated in the memories; shaken out of his thoughts when he saw her come back to her table. She was pretty hot, in battle and out. She had long Y/H/C that she tied back into a sleek ponytail. Not a bad body either, eying her from head to toe. He wasn’t sure he had it in him to even bother pursuing, he was in that bad of a rut. Her table was getting progressively louder the more they drank, and it made him feel worse.
“I heard that the pirate who took out Kaido started the festival by shooting fireworks from his shoulders! What a wild guy!”
Kid snorted, the only thing Luffy threw was his damn beer, spilling it on Kid who got literally wrapped up in the rubber bastard’s limbs as he tried to cut him down. Stupid fool thought they were buddies? Fuck that noise! Kid noped the fuck outta there.
“Let’s head over there and buy them drinks to say our thanks!” another ninja cried, the others agreeing quickly as they threw money down on the table, rising to leave. All but her.
She had a buttery voice that made Kid’s ears perk. “You’re not going to start with the Pirate Captain who is already here?”
“Kid-san over at the bar.”
Kid nearly choked on his drink, he thought he had been unobserved the whole time.
“Uhhh dunno Y/N, he doesn’t look too approachable.”
“Tsk too scared? And you call yourselves ninja.”
“Why don’t you thank him?”
“I already did.”
Confused, Kid stops his eavesdropping as the bartender placed an unopened bottle of liquor and folded note next to his glass. “From the woman at the other end,” she pointed.
Looking across the bar, Kid saw the same kunoichi leaning against the bar table, smiling at him and then with a cross of her hands in front of her – she was gone in a poof. Now VERY confused, Kid swiveled his head back at the group and saw that they were already leaving the bar. The Y/N was the last out the door and she turned back, meeting his eyes. She gave him a nod and walked out, hands tugging the pockets of her leather jacket down.
Kid looked at the bottle, it was an expensive brand and that made him crack a smirk. Opening the note, he read her curved handwriting: thank you for your help liberating my country. On the back there was a sketch of the festival route with little arrow markers. With a shrug, Kid chugged the sake in his glass and left the bar with his gifted bottle, intent on finding the ninjas.
He was quick to catch up to them, easy to spot the taller ninja of the group against the crowd, Kid followed a few meters behind them. Y/N suddenly broke off from the group without a word to her squadron, making a sharp left turn down a less crowded street. Looking back at the note, Kid quickly realized she was going down the route she had drawn.
Smirking, he dashed down the same corridor, doing his utmost best to keep quiet as he followed the sole ninja. She was fast, he lost sight of her almost immediately but he had the map so he made do. After he made the last turn, he realized that there were a few small houses down the street from the port. Looking left to right, he tried to deduce where the kunoichi could have gone.
It took Kid several houses before he finally peered into a window and found her. She was laying in bed with her pants down and her top pushed up, exposed, and playing with herself. Well now, he could do with a free show, might even cure him of all his woes.
He glanced around the street; he was mostly hidden from view and that was good enough for him. He unzipped his pants and whipped his cock out, slowly jerking himself to the sexy kunoichi.
“Finally found me huh?” she panted out loud.
Kid froze, shit he hadn’t meant to get caught so quickly.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind,” she husked, sitting up to discard of her pants entirely. She looked to him through the partially open window. “Bra on or off?”
“Off,” he coughed into his elbow. “Erm…thanks for the booze.”
“Heh least I could do,” she dropped the last of her clothes and laid back in the bed. “You gonna watch from outside or do you want to sit inside?”
Kid sat in the fabric armchair, drinking his bottle and stroking his cock, watching the kunoichi – Y/N now that they were on a first name basis – rub fast circles on her clit. She moaned and rolled her hips as she changed her pace.
“Play with yer tits more,” he crowed.
Y/N cupped her breast, squeezing her flesh and pulling her nipple. Tweaking it while she tweaked her nub, making sharp inhalations.
“Verrry nice,” he purred, increasing his pace and grip on his throbbing cock. “Y’know, this is hot ‘n all but I prefer being deep inside.”
“Oh you want penetration?” she giggled, plunging a finger deep in her core. “Sure if you can find the real me.”
Kid’s shaved eyebrows rose into his goggles. “The real you?”
Y/N pulled her fingers out of her pussy and sucked them clean. With a cross of her hands, she once again disappeared. Kid shot up from his seat, was he being pranked??? The sound of more poofing echoed in the room and suddenly there were five more clones of Y/N in a skimpy dress, beckoning him.
“If you can find me, you can stick it in me.”
Kid cocked a leer, sure he liked games, especially when he gets to be the hunter.
“When I find you, I’m gonna pin you down and take you the way I want.”
The clones pranced around the room, calling out at him to distract him, luring him to false promises. Kid pounced on the first one, throwing her to the bed and pinning her. Pressing his cock against her warm stomach, he husked into her ear.
He spread her legs and positioned himself over her, pushing her dress up and brushing against her naked center. She was wet, Kid began to push in, feeling her heat pulse around the edge of his tip. She crossed her hands and she was gone – Kid dipped into the bed, shocked, and now annoyed. Ok, time to dial it up a notch.
Kid hoisted another clone over his hips and slammed her into the wall, kissing her harshly and rushing his hand to her pussy. He got the first digit of his middle finger inside her before she also disappeared. He threw the third clone face down on the carpet and ripped her dress off, spanking her ass and watching her cheeks jiggle. He spread her thighs and watched her silk spill from her core in a thick line – he caught it in his hand and lubed his cock, aching to bury himself in her. Before he could get an inch and a half of his cock in her, she disappeared.
Now his cock was hurting. The fourth one tripped and fell on her back, and when he landed on top of her, hands kneading her tits and cock rubbing between her folds, he managed to get three inches deep in her before she also disappeared. There was only one left – Kid was fucking determined and ready to ruin her. She leapt on furniture and dashed around him, running through the house to evade him, teasing him with flashes of her body or blowing kisses every time he just missed her. Watching her lithe body twist and turn, he quickly learned how to predict her next move and as she leapt into the air, Kid dove to her intended spot and caught her.
He dropped her on the bed and held her by her hair, positioning her in front of his cock.
“I hope you’re fucking ready for me,” he growled, pinching her chin to open her mouth and stuffing his cock in her face. Her wet muscle squirmed over his heavy cock as he thrusted himself up to the hilt. He grunted out, “fuck this sure feels real,” sighing. “Too bad it’s not, you tease.”
The clone disappeared and he hung his head. Pacing around the room, “y’know I was totally willing to be a generous lover tonight but after this stunt, the first four orgasms are going to be my own.”
His ears picked up something in the corner behind a paper divider he had overlooked. He reached with his haki, so she was there the whole time but she managed to disperse her energy signature amongst each clone to fool him into thinking she was out there.
Using his dagger, he ripped the divider to ribbons and pushed through. Y/N was laid up on a purple chaise lounge, lace bra and panties shoved aside as she pleasured herself.
“Took you long enough,” she gasped.
Kid towered over her, cock bobbing angrily while he pinned her down by the shoulders. “That was pretty cute. I hope it was worth it because I am going to leave here having filled every one of your holes, twice,” he growled.
“I’m ok with being a sacrifice after what you did,” she squeaked.
“Don’t break on me,” he husked, angling his hips and burying his bursting cock deep into her warm and wet pussy, Y/N crying out from the way it split her open.
“Ah shit, you’re nice and tight. This is gonna be a good night after all.”
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dalesramblingsblog · 3 months
Brief Look at Judge Dredd Novels, Part XII: Black Atlantic by Simon Jowett and Peter J. Evans
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Black Atlantic is one of those most pesky of Judge Dredd novels, namely coming from an author (or authors, as the case may be) for whom I have next to no context`as regards the general arc of their career. This is always a bit of a problem, given my fundamentally greater level of unfamiliarity with Judge Dredd and 2000 AD when compared with the hyperfixatory giddiness of my Doctor Who fandom.
The last time we came up against one of these novels, with John Grant's The Hundredfold Problem, matters were not helped by the decision to actively depart from the urban dystopia that most characterises the world of Mega-City One in favour of the Big Dunkin' Donut.
And to a certain extent, Black Atlantic repeats this trend, with the bulk of its action unfolding not in Mega-City One or the Cursed Earth or even Brit-Cit - I still miss Armitage and Steel, how soon we forget - but on the cityship Sargasso cruising the titular effluent-clogged expanse of water. Yet in other respects, this is an entirely different beast as compared to The Hundredfold Problem, and the most important of these differences is that... well, it's actually rather good, which helps matters.
I am not nearly familiar enough with the lore of 2000 AD to be able to say how established cityships were as a concept. However, whatever the truth of it may be, the setting is an evocative and fresh one that makes it clear that real thought has gone into envisioning how such a metropolis would actually function, while also providing fuel for some suitably impressive action set pieces later in the day.
Jowett and Evans also have a pleasantly fluid and readable prose style that manages to steadily turn up the heat with new obstacles without succumbing to the weight of incomprehensibility, which is always something of a balancing act in these novels given the inherently heightened world in which Dredd operates.
Yet that world, in Black Atlantic, is also peppered with a whole host of pretty endearing guest characters. The star of the show is undeniably Gethsemane Bane, captain of a mutant scavenger ship, but even the usually functionally anonymous set of Judges that accompany Dredd on his mission have some decently characterised members in the form of Peyton and Vix. Heck, members of Bane's crew that disappear for half the novel like Can-Rat and Angle feel more fully rounded than average.
(Larson and Adams, meanwhile, are... functionally anonymous Judges. Tellingly, they're the ones that get killed off, which is perhaps a bit cynical from a certain point of view, but no more so than Star Trek's redshirt policy.)
If all of this sounds rather generic on my part, well, this is mostly just a result of general exhaustion after having written as much stuff as I have these past few months. Black Atlantic is very, very enjoyable, and while I'd like to pick over its themes in a bit more depth, I think what I've written here suffices for now.
It's the first of the Black Flame novels that I would argue comes close to matching Virgin's Deathmasques as an introduction to the world of Judge Dredd, even as the bulk of its action unfolds outside of Mega-City One. After all, the same was true of Deathmasques.
So for now, twelve instalments in, I feel like that's a pretty good spot to leave the series. Of the first three Black Flame books, this is probably the first one I can wholeheartedly recommend you check out if you're interested.
I'll return to the Brief Look once I get back to writing up the 1998 Doctor Who novels, but until then the ranking stands as follows:
Black Atlantic
Bad Moon Rising
The Medusa Seed
Dread Dominion
Dredd vs Death
Cursed Earth Asylum
The Hundredfold Problem
The Savage Amusement
(Anyway, now that I get to enjoy the pleasure of reading things purely for the sake of reading them, I'm going to probably... eh, I dunno, might read some of the other 2000 AD-adjacent books, take in a few of the Alien novels while I wait for Romulus and Noah Hawley's show to drop. The possibilities are endless.)
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A Shame
ShIp: Heizou x April | Word Count: 969 | Warnings/Tags: Food mention (like heavy), cheesy flirting hehe
A/N: so, here's the fic~ it's pretty much pure fluff (which is a good thing to post for a birthday, right?) anyways, I hope you all enjoy it! <3
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When Heizou finds himself heading to Treats of Teyvat for the fifth consecutive day, he thinks it's finally time to ask out the cute barista/owner. The pastries and drinks she makes may be good but they're not what keep him coming back day after day. If he were coming simply for those, he thinks he'd likely stop in once or twice a week instead of this.
But April… Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh is what has him returning every day. He finds himself wanting to come up with more flirtatious lines to see which will make her smile (or maybe even blush) instead of relying on the same ones.
While he's always been one to easily gain crushes, he's never stayed hooked on someone like this for so long.
Just the other day he almost missed an important clue on a case because he was thinking about how she'd react if he kissed her knuckles! He's never that distracted while on the case.
April lights up when she sees him walk through the door and that solidifies his will. Before he leaves today, he's asking her out.
"Welcome back, Heizou." She says and his heart flutters a little. His name sounds so pretty from her lips. "What'll it be today?"
He racks his brain for the pastry he'd wanted to try next, smiling as she brightens more when he mentions it. His drink order is easier as it hasn't changed thus far and she nods.
"That's a great choice! Feel free to have a seat while I get that ready for you." April says with a smile and Heizou chuckles softly.
"Mm… Is a certain beautiful barista going to take her break to spend with me again?" He asks. It's happened a few times since the first, but not every day he's been in. Sometimes, she's too swamped to take the break at the moment.
A coy grin spreads across her face. "I think I can manage that. Only if a certain unfairly pretty boy goes to sit down." She giggles when his face turns pink at her throwing his words around on him and he goes to sit down as she's requested.
Heizou watches as she bustles around behind the counter to ready his order, smirking a little when she sets the sign on the counter that indicates she's taking a break.
"Here you go." April says as she sets down his food and drink, returning to the counter for a moment to grab her own. Every time she comes over without some kind of snack for herself, he always suggests for her to grab one so she's started doing it ahead of time.
They sit in silence for a moment as they begin to eat. As soon as he's taken the first bite of his pastry, she gets that look in her eye she does every time he tries something new. It makes him laugh softly. "This is good. Are you capable of making something I won't like?" He teases, chuckling more as her face turns pink.
"Mm, I dunno. You'll have to keep coming in here to see. Though… if you do order something you don't like. Tell me. I won't take it personal, I promise. I'd just want to give you something you actually enjoy." She says and he hums softly.
"Only if you let me pay for both." He huffs softly when she looks like she's about to complain. "Even if it's something not to my tastes, you are still the one who made it and thus, the one who deserves to be paid fairly for it. I will not let someone as precious as you be snubbed of something you deserve."
Her expression softens and the prettiest blush spreads across her face. The words to ask her out rise to his tongue but he barely restrains them, not wanting to cut off whatever response she'll make.
"You're too kind. But I'll accept that." She says with a smile. "You have a good heart, Heizou." She lets out a soft sigh. "It's a shame. Someone like you has to have their eye set on someone." Her words are quieter but not enough that he doesn't understand them.
"I do." He murmurs, continuing even as her expression falls slightly. "And she's sitting in front of me now."
April's eyes widen and she murmurs his name softly. Heizou smiles at her. "Actually, there's been something I've been wanting to ask you this whole time."
"That is?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as she sips at her drink.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks. Her eyes widen more and he's rambling words before he can stop them, mentioning that there's no pressure of anything more if she doesn't want it but that he simply had to ask.
Her laughter, bright and warm, cuts him off. "Of course, I would. That sounds lovely." Her smile melts him from the inside and he's grinning back at her instantly.
"Wonderful." Heizou says and she giggles softly. They plan out the when of the date while finishing up the rest of their food.
"Mm… My break's just about over and if I'm right, so is your lunch." April murmurs and he nods. "Then I hope the rest of your day goes well."
"Thank you. Yours as well."
They share a soft smile before Heizou comes up to the front to pay. "Now, will I be seeing you again before our date?" April asks and Heizou chuckles.
"Mm, most likely. I seem to have made a decent pattern of coming in every day…" He trails off and smiles as she giggles. "See you tomorrow?"
"Sounds good. Bye, Heizou." She waves at him as he leaves, both of them excited about the date to come.
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Anyway yeah I made the lowkey side tag awhile ago to start talking about other fandom stuff but I think I might just turn that into the whole blog at this point bc I'm not really doing any big creator stuff for any fandoms I'm in rn, but I do want to rant about things but I never want to on my main for some reason?? Idk why it's just like a weird rule in my brain I didn't get a choice in making, but I also don't rant much over here because I'm like "well but like it's supposed to be lab rats..." and it felt weird to keep ranting about a bunch of other stuff when I wasn't also engaging in what the blog was supposed to be.
Not that I'm uninterested in the show anymore or anything, I'll still talk about it along with other things, just won't be my focus.
My mental health has just really kinda like. Idk I dunno if I'd classify it as "tanked" but definitely done something and I just don't have the motivation and energy to engage and create the way I used to. Which I miss, and really hope I can get back. But for now there are a few suspicions about some stuff and I'm just tired and I don't wanna be a definitive thing anymore and just want a space to ramble freely (where my brain will let me).
So yeah. This is Officially gonna stop being an Official Lab Rats Universe Blog now. I'm gonna change the description after this post but I'm not really gonna touch the rest of the blog. Might mess with the profile pic at some point but I like the URL. And I'm gonna leave the tag pages and all that so people can still find stuff. Plus I can't change or remove any of it on my phone anyway. Also also if I ever do make more stuff I've got things already set up to just add to for the archive. So. Yeah.
You're also still welcome to submit and ask stuff too, like, kinda obviously probably cause I'm gonna leave open, but idk I feel like I should throw that out there, I'm not like, hermitizing myself.
ALSO. Just bc I haven't been engaging... don't think I haven't seen y'all changing the Kaz/Chase ship name to that abomination of colors
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I started them I am not afraid to end them.
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autobot-ratchet · 2 months
Lost Light 1-3
Lost Light 1
I remember this also being an exodus point for a lot of people, if the Dying of the Light didn't piss them off enough to make them leave, the art style and name change did, even if it wasn't immediate lmAO like I pretty clearly remember a lot of people stopped reading a few issues in. I will admit, I was thiiiiiiiis 🤏 close to being one of them because I let people get in my head and convince me the comic was bad now because they said so (and also because of issue 9 but I'll get to that when we get there). When I really think about it, this was just another instance of people not having faith in the comic, that's what really made them leave, it was things changing too much and Certain Plot Elements occurring that people were convinced were never gonna be resolved, they decided to bail before they could be “proven right” and experience the disappointment they were bracing for, but they never were because the comic is fucking good lmAO anyway let's actually start the shit
eeeyyyy it's Anode and Lug
ooohh yeah I forgot that Lug starts off dead lmAO it was wild seeing that theory gain traction and then actually turn out to be the truth
I'm already dreading the Cygate drama lmAOghjdfks the seeds have already been sown...
love how Anode immediately shoves her foot in her mouth upon meeting Swerve. Also mildly off topic but I notice Swerve's badge is back on his crotch. I dunno man, if I had gotten shot in the shoulder and later learned it was because an Autobot secret agent sent hidden messages through bullets shot into the right eye of any random soldier's Autobot badge, I would not put that shit on my crotch lmFAO I don't care if Dominus is dead I ain't taking that risk
it was also wild seeing a bunch of fanart of Drift painting Rodimus up in his new blue color scheme and that also turning out to be canon lmAO they're so cute
oh right the fucking geobomb lmfAOgfdsajk I already forgot I was like “what's making the fortress shake??? oh right”
aww, Rung... oh right he starts coughing shit up, I can't remember exactly what they are though. Like, spark crystals??? something matrixy if I remember correctly
“Takes two, does it?” she really said “gayass” lmFAO
speaking of gayass, love this panel of Ratchet and Drift whispering to each other. “It's me you're speaking to. Don't lie.” that's married couple shit
Interesting how Rodimus puts Cyclonus in charge when all the command staff are otherwise occupied. Does that make him fourth in command
damn we really do just accidentally poof ourselves into the functionist universe huh
Lost Light 2
“Be careful. When you lie to me, you lie to God.” world's longest fart noise.mp3 can't wait for you to get owned too lmAO
“you made the pretty one with the sword collapse in front of his conjunx endura.” A. love that Drift is canonically considered pretty and B. oh my fucking god is THIS why the Driftrods kept saying that Driftrod was “set up to be canon” and that they got baited lmfAO because Lug mistook them for dating??? I'm gonna go back in time and smack the shit out of all of you shut the FUCK up lmfAO actually no I'll talk about this here so I can get all this out and have all my happy thoughts once I get to the part when Dratchet is confirmed canon, god the Driftrods were so fucking petty and nasty while this comic was still ongoing. And it's a shame because I love Driftrod even now, it's an excellent ship that I totally get the appeal of, I love Drift, I love Rodimus, I love their dynamic, but GOD were the big shippers fucking annoying lmfAO they were so convinced Driftrod was endgame (despite James Roberts being explicitly asked about it back in 2017 and saying that they'd only be good for the first two months) and they were so LOUD about it, they could not leave well enough alone when Dratchet was confirmed canon and would not stop flooding the tags with their bitching, they could not let the Dratchets be happy for even one second
“I want to make enough money to retire. You and me. No more scraping together a living, No more hand-to-mouth.” god fucking same lmAO
fdsjks poor Roller, he just woke up he's not prepared to deal with all this alternate universe shit
poor Minimus trying to let Rodimus know he understands how he feels but it just ends up making him feel worse
there it is again, “prepare, confront, repel,” that's gotta be the mantra of whichever god took over Pharma's body, fuck I only barely remember the details of the whole final battle, this just makes me wanna zoom to the end so I can remember properly
man, I know this is the whole point but it is agonizing knowing what the deal is with Cyclonus and Tailgate, just sAY SOMETHING CYCLONUS........ TALK IT OUT PLEASE I BEG
oUGUFDHGshjdf okay I gotta admit, Megatron ripping those handcuffs off like they were made of tissue paper activated my neurons lmfAO whoo *fans self*
god. I remember the absolute roller coaster that was trying to figure out what the fuck Rung's alt mode is lmAO
Lost Light 3
omg Cyclonus gave Whirl his number... I'm laughing at how often I'm noticing the exchanging of phone numbers between these characters lmAO but it is a form of intimacy! Especially to me, I do not just give that shit out, I have to either trust you first or have literally no choice but to give you my number for work's sake or something, and I'd assume Cyclonus is the same way so this is absolutely an indicator of trust
“Rodders...” awwwwwuh <3 <3 <3
ohhh so the geobomb is why we got transported to the functionist universe, and we're ALL here including the necrobot planet itself, not just the squad that touched down on Cybertron, got it. Also “I haven't been this ramped since Perceptor asked me to be his lab partner,” shut up gayass omg
aww omg Ten being brave and deciding to stand up to Killmaster... granted it immediately goes bad for him but still that's sweet lmAO
lmAO I forgot there was a functionist universe version of Anode omg
“We owe it to Skids to tackle the sadness head on. Avoidance is addictive.” erghgfhRHGHGSDJ
the concept of blacksmiths is really cool, I love Cybertronian lore and how expansive it is
“I was... indisposed.” *Monty Python voice* YOUR ARM'S OFF
much like with Tyrest, there's. Something about a fascist leader who thinks himself a prophet whose nemesis is the exact god he claims to act in the name of, but neither of them know it
Six-of-Twelve really tried to be like “he's a tank lol trust me” like he was just hiding the treads and the drill bit up his ass or something
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“If that changes please let me know in advance,” I say softly, “you can go now, if you want. It flies well.”
"I will," he promises, "I dunno... what Mustafar weather is like so I may get grounded sometimes I dunno. But I'll figure it out and- and I can call you every hour or something if you want."
He gives you one final, tight hug, then climbs into the ship, smiling a little to himself as he starts the engine and hears its deep purr. Oh yeah. With some modifications and other upgrades, this will be a total catch.
Ruhn looks out the window to give you a wave, then takes off from the surface, leaving the atmosphere less than a minute later.
It's... daunting, entering Mustafar's atmosphere and being confronted with all that lava, and the heat in the air that literally ripples around his ship. Why does his dad like it here so much?! Surely he enjoys his palace on Coruscant more, right...?
Maybe he will get answers to his questions the more they hang out.
Fighting off his nerves, Ruhn lands on the outdoor landing pad, slowly climbing out of his ship. He takes a deep breath and approaches the Inquisitor, suddenly very aware that he is... the only Jedi on this entire fortress. Outnumbered vastly. But he can handle himself.
"I'm here to see my father?" He tries, studying the angular design of this woman's helmet. Second Sister. He's memorized who is in what position. This one is cunning. Fast. Rebellious. All it would take is one swipe of her saber to kill him before Vader could even stop it.
The woman nods and turns on her heel, leading him inside the fortress. He can breathe better, once he's inside. The air is far crisper, cleaner. No wonder Vader wears his helmet if he's out and about a lot. Having to enter this atmosphere would choke up the lungs of even the most avid smoker, he thinks to himself.
A short walk and several hallways later, Ruhn is led into a conference room, where thankfully only his father resides.
"My Lord." Trilla gets his attention, gesturing to Ruhn. "The boy. Here to see you."
Ruhn suddenly remembers your rule of no talking to Inquisitors. But... he really didn't have a choice, since she came out to greet the mysterious visitor that he, at the time, was to them.
Vader looks up and quickly gets to his feet, shutting off his datapad. "Ruhn," he breathes.
"Hi," Ruhn says quietly, only when Trilla's presence has left completely. "I uhm- I came to see you."
"Does your mother know?" Vader's next question strikes fast as an asp. "If she doesn't, you need to leave. Now. I- I want you here but I don't-"
"She knows," Ruhn nods a little. "She... bought me a ship, for my birthday. So that I could come see you." He tears up. "So I could come see my dad..."
Vader blinks his own tears back and hurries around the table, pulling Ruhn in for a tight hug. "Thank you for coming," he whispers, giving him a squeeze, "Thank you. I- I don't even- know how to tell you how much this means t'me. I just got done with a meeting," he pulls away, "I can- how about we go back to my quarters and order some lunch? Maybe sit and eat together?"
Gods, the notion sounds so foreign and yet so exciting. Ruhn nods, starting to walk out and down the hall with him, "I... should probably stay in your quarters, whenever I'm here. I'm not supposed to talk to Inquisitors or clones."
"I understand," Vader nods. "You can stay there as long as you'd like. I uh- I have a dog," he looks down at his son, "Are you allergic to fur or anything?"
"No, I'm okay."
"Cool." He nods again, "His name is Anubis. And he's- well he's my therapy dog. He's my best friend, too. Gets along with everyone he encounters."
"Anubis," Ruhn echoes. "I like that name."
Vader grins, "If... you could do me a favor and text your mom that you made it safe? I don't want her to worry about you."
"Oh- yeah," Ruhn pulls out his comm and sends you a text as he walks into Vader's quarters. Made it safe, mom. Thank you. I love you.
He puts his comm away and looks around Vader's quarters, blinking. "Oh... these are very fancy," he murmurs, "I think- our whole house could fit in just your living room..."
Vader's smile softens, "You're welcome here any time. And- so is your mother or your siblings. But I know that probably won't happen. I should have cleaned- I didn't expect company." He starts to adjust the picture frames and dust off the top of a cabinet.
"I've probably got sand all over my room," Ruhn shrugs, "I don't mind, dad."
"Okay," Vader nods. "Uh... are you- what are you hungry for? Would you like fast food? Or the kitchen staff can make something?"
"Can.... you get McDonald's here?" he asks bashfully.
Vader laughs quietly, "Yes I can. Here." He pulls up the menu on his comm and hands it over, watching his son's eyes light up at the simple prospect of a cheeseburger. "Are you eating your mother out of house and home yet? You're growing, and tall like me."
"I try not to," Ruhn admits, "I don't wanna waste all her money. But yeah I eat really good. I'm well nourished."
"Good." Vader puts his order in once he gets his comm back, "It'll be here in about an hour. I could.... show you around? Until then?"
Ruhn nods, "I'd like that." He slides his hands into his pockets as Vader hurries back the hall to the first room.
"This is my bedroom, I uh- I don't spend terrible amounts of time here so it's kind of bland. I don't sleep well," Vader admits. "But the bed is comfy." He opens the next three rooms with the Force, all of them empty. "These... these are spare rooms. I had four, but-" he opens that fourth room to reveal a personal home library. "Well I made this room into an at-home library and uhm... there's a reading nook over there and... I dunno I thought- maybe your mom would like it," he says quietly. "There's a larger library, too, in case she couldn't find a specific book in here."
He pauses at the subtle overwhelmed look on Ruhn's face. "Am I going too fast? I'm sorry."
"No, I just- I haven't- talked to you this much... ever," he breathes. "And it's really nice. I- I missed your voice."
Vader's smile softens, "I miss you and your mom every second of every day. I'm really glad you're here." He studies Ruhn a moment longer before leading him through the rest of the quarters, pausing to spend quality meal time with Ruhn once the food comes.
They eat on the couches so they can be comfortable, and Anubis sleeps curled up on the couch next to Ruhn, enjoying his new friend's presence and warm body.
When they're done eating, he takes Ruhn around the entire fortress, showing him every single room before they settle in at home for a holo.
And then, when it gets closer to dinner, they share one last tight hug before Ruhn gets back in his ship and takes off for home. He never wants to miss dinner with his family- and flying out of Mustafar in total darkness doesn't sound appealing, either. So, evening it is.
Leia looks up from her book at the sound of his ship returning and landing outside, then shifts her gaze back to the page as Kata thankfully beats her to announcing, "Ru's home, mama!"
Leia doesn't want to speak to him. He's the reason there's quite a bit of turmoil in literally everyone within the family now. Even you and Luca. She doesn't appreciate the complexity of this situation one bit.
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firowisteria · 7 months
Krewstars Insanity: EPISODE 0
Megalli: FINALLY, we get this show on the air! It's been hell trying to set this up!
Botson: Tell me about it!
Megalli: Towards the audience! Welcome one and all to the show! I'm your host, Megalli!
Botson: And your co-host, Evan Botson!
Megalli: And we are..
Megalli and Botson: *in unison* KREW!
Megalli: We brought in eighteen contestants who will battle in teams OR by themselves! But regardless, one contestant will be eliminated every episode! Whoever wins, though, wins 150,000 bucks! The ships are one their way to bring in our passengers!
*The ship arrives. Gold is the first to walk out, and she looks like she is bossing other interns around. She has shades on.*
Gold: Quick! Quick! If you miss anything, I'll make sure that it will be on your future resumes!
Megalli: If it isn't GoldenGlare, the fashion queen! Your siblings are with you, right?
Gold: Well obvi! They should be out it a minute.
Lunar: *yawns* Finally. What took this ship so long?
Rainbow: Thank you for having us! That's what you meant to say, right Lunar?
Lunar: Yeah, whatever.
Funneh: WHOO! Okay, Krew, let's beat these guys as an alliance!
Draco: Funneh, what if we decide to do this on our own?
Funneh: *mouth hanging for a few seconds* YOU WOULDN'T DARE!
Draco: I dunno. You look like someone who would slow me down.
Megalli: Look! It's another ship arriving!
*Another ship arrives. Shien and Oga are the first out of the ship.*
Oga: You ready for this, Shien?
Shien: You bet I am, big guy!
Reine: Nice to meet everyone! Thank you for having us and me! I'm Reine!
Roberu: I'm ready to win! I'm the winning son, after all!
Kronii: I wouldn't count on it, y'know.
Roberu: What do you mean by that, friend?
Kronii: There are EIGHTEEN contestants. *takes out calculator.* That would be... 5.5% that you'd win by luck alone.
Ina'nis: Plus power!
Kronii: And power.
Roberu: How could anyone be so pessimistic?
Kronii: Not pessimistic, REALISTIC.
*The last boat arrives. Exer is the first to leave the boat.*
Exer: aaahhh! Finally! I can breathe!
Aubrey: Can you move out of the way, dude?
Exer: Sorry.
Kaguya: Why hello, nice to meet you all. My name is Kaguya Shinomiya.
Shien: Shinomiya? Like the BILLIONAIRE COMPANY! Why do you need money, anyways?
Kaguya: Umm... I-
Oga: Let her be, Shien.
Shien: But I GOT TO KNOW!
Bianca: Excuse me.
Reine: Hello! Who are you?
Bianca: No.
Reine: ... Okay.
Kuroo: We got this, Kenma!
Kenma: Why did you sign us up for this, Kuroo?
Kuroo: Because we like money! And winning!
Kenma: ...
Twisting Tiger: I feel you man. I hate reality shows.
Kenma: Then what are you doing here?
Twisting Tiger: I'm getting out of my comfort zone.
Kenma: Ah. Same.
Botson: Before you enter, I just wanna say this. No electronic devices, and NO HARMFUL POWERS. They are taken away in you haven't noticed.
Exer: Oh, PHEW!
Lunar: WHAT?!
Megalli: PLEASE! READ THE CONTRACT! You are all expected to play this game WITHOUT any unfair advantages. WHICH MEANS, no powers. Only skill.
Kronii: Crud!
Oga: Man...
Megalli: NOW you may enter the mansion to make drama and cut each others' throats open! RIGHT HERE! ON KREW... STARS... INSANITY!
0 notes
spitefulcrepechan · 3 years
Buckle up everyone yer girl's about to beat a dead horse.
Ok so one thing that kinda disappoints me is the fact that the cookie run fandom kinda forgot the fact that Moonlight's not a goddess of the moon, but rather an entity who guards a city of wizards via sleeping.
Yeah, she has a very apparent moon aesthetic but thats cuz the moon has heavy associations with magic, it doesn't mean she's from the moon or anything. Other than magic, the moon is also associated with sleep, and Moonlight is more powerful when she's asleep, so it'll only make sense to make a magic narcoleptic themed around the night.
Everyone just sees that Sea Fairy is attracted to the moon and believe that Moonlight is said moon.
And not only does Moonlight not have Sea Fairy in her relationships
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Nowhere does it say she's from the moon or anything. She was probably made with moonlight, but again moonlight is associated with witchcraft and wizardry, and it says here that she was created by ancient wizards, presumably with moonlight, hence the bloody name.
While I do like seamoon, its pretty shitty to say that its a canon ship without even the slightest bit of evidence and bash people for not shipping it, when there's more evidence to support that Seamoon is and probably never will be canon then that they'll ever BE canon.
The only two forms of evidence i can find of Seamoon being even vaguely implied is the fact that Sea Fairy has Moonlight in her relationships, but as stated above, those feelings are one-sided and it never explicitly says that she's in love with Moonlight, just the fact that she trusts her.
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Sea Fairy probably only likes her cuz she was made with moonlight, which uh
Dunno about you but that's kinda shotty
"Oh but trust obviously means they're in love, you're just a lesbophobic bitch who can't understand co-"
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Yah wanna fucking explain this then?
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Or this?
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Hell, even with characters that we know arent children, I dont see people shipping people like Spinach and Carrot together GODDAMN
Can you use relationships as a basis to ship two cookies? Yes, yes, you can. But you also don't HAVE to, such as with the Angel x Devil ship where Angel trusts Devil while Devil sees Angel as a rival
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But uh idk kinda common sense to not harass and call someone lesbophobic just cuz they don't ship seamoon and claim that its canon due to the "lesbian-coding" sea fairy has.
1. Sea Fairy has no such thing, she doesn't even have any links that so much as hint towards any form of love towards woman.
2. Either shit or get off the pot
Lesbian-coding imo, or sexuality coding in general, is kinda bullshit because if you want so badly to tell someone that this character is one thing, just flat out say it, quit feeding us breadcrumbs and expect us to be satisfied. Why do you have to make every single goddamn thing vague and implied? How hard is it to just flat out tell us that yes this character is not straight or cis? Sod off.
Devsisters doesn't even code their characters, they either leave it fully up to interpretation or flat out say that "yeah, these two are in a relationship", but even then yah don't have to follow canon, except when it comes to ages of course.
If you wanna ship Seamoon regardless of all this? Go ahead, I'm right along with yah. If we don't have to folllow the canon that almond and roguefort have tension together, you don't have to follow the canon that sea fairy and moonlight aren't actually together and you can headcanon them to be lesbians if you wish.
But uh I DON'T KNOW maybe don't attack people for not having the same headcanon as you??? And maybe don't throw "Lesbian-coding" as the bullshit evidence of that ship being canon?? Cuz there's no evidence of Sea Fairy nor Moonlight being lesbian coding???? The fuck's wrong with you people-
Unless you can prove to me with screenshotted evidence that seamoon is explicitly canon, it's all just fanon and heresy that sea fairy and moonlight are together. Leave Seapirate shippers alone, leave seafire shippers alone, leave every single shipper where they don't ship Sea Fairy or Moonlight cookie, regardless of their pronouns, alone. And before you go on a tangent about them being shipped with men, he/him lesbians exist, gender does not equal pronouns, you can go by they/them pronouns and still identify as a cisgender woman, and even if the shipper has the cookie shipped with either Moonlight or Sea Fairy headcanonned as a male, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER
WLW representation needed??? BITCH WE HAVE ALL THE WLW REPRESENTATION WE NEED and what about stuff like Pan or Poly representation too? Don't polymorphic people deserve some kind of representation too? Bi people? Asexual people??? You're so concerned about lesbians having representation that you're forgetting about all the other sexualities that could also fit into wlw as well. It's woman loves woman, not lesbian loves lesbian.
So long as people ain't shipping children with adults(looking at you, proshippers. Go to hell) let people ship whoever the fuck they want.
God one minute im talking about an overseen moonlight fact and then im talking more about how people shouldn't gatekeep i promise I'll post something more lighthearted next-
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bnesszai · 3 years
what are your main headcanons for the original op trio and their dynamic?
Right. Okay. So how to even gather my thoughts here cuz i LOVE THEM so much. Okay. Okay.
I think a lot can be said in just how absurdly loyal Zoro and Nami to Luffy. (the whole crew is and it makes me emotional but just bear with me okay. Slight spoilers ahead but I won't get into specifics). There's the famous "nothing happened" scene with Zoro and him bowing his head to Mihawk for Luffy's sake. There's Nami facing death but refusing to doubt Luffy for even a second and, more recently, Nami looking danger straight in the face and calling it a liar (if you know you know. if not, I won't spoil you). I dunno i just think there's a line of loyalty and the whole crew is so devoted, but i think these 2 are just the epitome. I think Nami has grown and learned a lot in terms of this.
And then like. This crew doesn't really have a "pecking order" but i think something can be said for the way the og trio travelled together on a tiny lil ship and how that changes the way they interact on the sea, especially in regards to Nami being able to order sven Zoro around.
Their dynamic means a lot to me. Nami saw firsthand the way Luffy and Zoro don't need words to understand each other and Zoro saw firsthand how Nami wavered but ultimately could not leave them (primarily Luffy) behind (thinking of the canon scene with Buggy when Luffy was caged up) "put your own life on the line." As if Nami HADN'T BEEN DOING SO FOR HER ISLAND THE WHOLE TIME.
Okay. Okay i have so many thoughts fuck okay.
You've got Luffy who just wants adventure, and Zoro who has destinations in sight but is always lost and Nami who could go anywhere, but was trapped. The 3 of them wouldn't have been unable to unlock their individual freedoms without seeking it together.
Less in depth things: i think when Nami is feeling anxious, she'll just sit next to Luffy wordlessly and lean on him and he'll put his head on hers and fall asleep. i think when Nami is feeling homesick, she'll grab some oranges and sit next to Zoro, and ask him what it means to be strong. i think Luffy will sometimes just pull the two of them into a hug and laugh at their complaints when he feels lonely, despite being surrounded by people (especially between Marineford and Dressrosa (again if you know you know)). i think Zoro will challenge Nami to a drink off when he's feeling angry at the world because she always ends up saying dumb shit that makes him feel lighter, and Luffy always cheers for them both in turn. i think when Luffy has nightmares, Zoro and Nami share a look and determine which of them would be better fit to wake him from it depending on what Luffy is saying/yelling/how he's moving/etc.
I just think the 3 of them have a very deep bond that's just a bit different than the rest of them (but not in a way that discounts the others if that makes sense?). I could go on and on and on but i think I'll stop here for today goabfoanogmalv. They're the main focus of the next installment of "these ghosts have a name" so
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
Boarding School Writing Guide - Part 2: Rules
Part 1
Yes, I'm finally continuing this.
Okay, rules. You can basically call them "guidelines" because even the teachers at our school know that some of them are straight up nonsense or that nobody cares about them anyways. If I were to go over all the rules we have, this post would be way too long. So I'll just go over the most important and the most stupid or most broken ones.
First, there is a restriction against any and all sexual activity. De facto, we don't even get to hold hands, but everyone still does it. There are also couples kissing in the hallway or cuddling and nobody cares. So this rule is a special case because it's one of the most hated rules and it only partially gets reinforced. First and foremost, the dorms are devided by sex, not gender. Generally, there are rumors that our headmaster might be a bit iffy when it comes to gender and sexuality, but he doesn't let it show. Derived from this separation, there's the "Bettdeckenregel" (which translates to blanket rule). It dictates that no two students are to be under the same blanket. Everyone makes fun of it. A large part of the student body is trying to get rid of these restrictions, but I doubt they'll be successful because there's a good reason why it exists: Should a student get pregnant, the teacher in charge of their dorm is then responsible for the baby, at least according to my 9th grade dorm mentor. And of course, getting pregnant this young is probably something undesireable, so they banned sex and anything close to that all together. As an ace person, I don't really care, but I can see why it might make some people upset.
There are a few more rules regarding our living situation. For one, you have to pick a roommate. There are no single rooms. At least there shouldn't be but there always are. Because every rule has exceptions. For example, I didn't have a roommate in 9th grade because she decided not to change schools after all. The dorms are put together based on wishes you can make before the new school year and on how the teachers think it would fit. Once the dorms are made, you can't change who you live with unless it's urgent, meaning you don't get along with your roommate at all or something along those lines. If you're sick, you used to have to make your way down to sick bay (that makes it sound like we're on a ship, but it's honestly more fitting to what that place looks like than, I dunno, hospital wing) and spend the morning there. Now, you have to make a call to the Diensthandy (= duty phone, a teacher carries it around for when studenst need something in the dorms and can't find a teacher to ask or for emergencies, the ringtone is iconic) and call in sick.
I could talk a lot about our bedtimes and stuff like that, but I already said all that in part 1. So just know that one of the most broken rules at our school is that you aren't allowed to leave your dorm (or room if you're under 16) after a certain time. Breaking that rule even has its own name, we call it a "Nachtaktion" (=night action). It's expected from every student at our school to go on at least one Nachtaktion during their time here. I haven't yet and I probably won't before finishing my finals and every time I tell someone, they freak out.
On top of that, there are some mandatory events that are meant to strengthen the school's sense of community, in the dorms and as a whole. Every other Friday, we spend an evening as a dorm. Figuring out what to do that day is always very complicated. Either nobody has an idea and maybe even is absolutely not motivated or everyone fights over what to do. Every other Tuesday that same week, there are two possibilites. One is we get a lecture from an alumni or some random person. They can range from very boring to pretty interesting, but most people claim they're always boring. On the other hand, we have an evening where the entire school gathers in the auditorium and we have an entire evening centered around one topic where a few dorms each make an entry. For example, one time we had the topic music. One dorm made a silly parody video of Billie Eilish's bad guy, another made a song quiz, another did karaoke with the whole school and the last organized a legendary rap battle between the faculties. Every one of those evenings, there is bound to be at least one technical malfunction. It's part of the fun. The majority of the school loves it.
But let me give you a nice bit of writing advice: For a neurodivergent person, especially one on the autistic spectrum, an evening like that can be hell. You have about 250 people crammed into one auditorium and not a large one at that, shoulder to shoulder. The music is loud, the microphones distort the sound, people shout and cheer, the lights keep getting turned on and off and sometimes flicker... So even if the entries are super fun, your character might not have a good time.
Now for the rule that everyone ignores. When we go off campus, we have to document it in a book and document when we come back again. It's because the teachers have to know where we are in case a fire breaks out. When we go away for a bit longer, we of course document it. But there's a grocery store pretty much right opposite the gate leading off campus. It sells the cheapest stuff imaginable and probably gets a majority of its income from our school because everyone goes there about once a week. If you document yourself going there, you are offically, in the best of terms, a pussy. You lose all your honor. That grocery store has been declared a part of our campus. Also, you must master the art of crossing the street to that grocery store without using the traffic light. If you use the traffic light, you must live in shame for at least the rest of the day.
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