#duncan shepherd concept
wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Below, you will find my complete Cody Fern Characters masterlist! It includes prompts, drabbles, series, one-shots, concepts, headcanons, and MORE! The character of Michael Langdon will have an individual masterlist, the rest will be listed below, and as they are written!
* Copyright @wroteclassicaly - Do NOT redistribute, post to another platform, translate, or plagiarize my work (this includes AI) — under any circumstances! Reblogs, comments/feedback are ALWAYS appreciated! *
* Note: I do NOT claim ownership for the tv/movie universes I write about, or their established characters! *
AHS Masterlist
My library blog
Main Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 = smut
💔 = angst, depression, & anger
💝 = fluff & comfort
Series titles are in bold red
Appropriate warnings and tags will ALWAYS be added!
Michael Langdon Masterlist
Andy Dolan:
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #1 💔
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #2 💔
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #3 💔❤️‍🔥
Andy Dolan - Headcanons w/ Virgin!Reader ❤️‍🔥
Waves of Blue - ❤️‍🔥💔💝
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Jim Mason:
Rocking Into It ❤️‍🔥
Motion - (Jim Mason x Plus sized Fem!Reader Series )
Chapter One Teaser 💝
Future Teaser ❤️‍🔥💔💝
Secondary Future Teaser ❤️‍🔥
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Duncan Shepherd:
Duncan taking care of you when you’re sick - (Headcanon)💝
Soft sex with Duncan - (Headcanon) 💝❤️‍🔥
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Valiant Thor:
Valiant Thor x Fem!Reader - ❤️‍🔥
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Stan Vogel:
My Cabin - ❤️‍🔥
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Xavier Plympton:
Ride - ❤️‍🔥
Dibs - (Xavier Plympton x Plus sized Fem!Reader Series)
Chapter One
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Listen to That - (Duncan Shepherd x Michael Langdon x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🔥
When the Tide Meets the Shore - (Andy Dolan x Jim Mason x Fem!Reader Series) 💔💝❤️‍🔥
Series Teaser - ❤️‍🔥💔
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Thomas Browne:
(Coming SOON)
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celestialrequiem · 3 years
Days of Candy  2
Teaser Chapter 2
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Summary: In the small town of Willowdale, Y/N finds her dull life as a waitress at a mediocre diner get a little more interesting when the mysterious and daunting Sheriff takes an interest in her.
This series will have dubious consent and sexual harassment. It is a dark story about a Corrupt Sheriff’s who manipulates so if you are uncomfortable with that please don’t read!
This story also deals hugely with sexism as its based in the 60s.
He thought maybe that’s why you liked Xavier, he bought a similar red jacket as James Dean from the film several days after meeting you. Xavier also had that rebel vibe to him. He remembered his friend as well being a fan of Marlon Brando hence why he wanted to be an actor. To move out of the suburbs, to go to the dreamland..to Hollywood with you. You used to always want to be around him, he didn’t let the deputies patrol the drive in, since he always saw you there with him. He hated seeing you with his friend but he can’t help himself, he wanted to always be near you, see you and to one day feel your skin on his skin. 
He hated how you and Xavier were like Natalie Wood and James Dean. The perfect couple.
His jaw clenched and his brows furrowed as he starts to get jealous over a dead man.
You noticed his face seems boiling from rage as his hands gripped forcibly the steering wheel…you don’t know why. Scared to ask so you just continue gazing at the view in locomotion from the car window, as your sheer scarf around your head blowing from the impact of the wind.
You loved the aftermath of the rain, the order after the chaos.
Author’s note:
Chapter hopefully coming this week 😭, I sadly have a lot happening in my personal life so fingers crossed i have this done by the end of this weekend. It still is in the editing mode.
Also if you haven’t watched Rebel Without a Cause, Xavier’s red jacket reminds me so much of James Dean’s in that film. 
reference photo (i have this poster in my room hehe)
(Duncan has a housewife kink so obviously and misogyny kink but just to be safe lmao)
tagging some gals (who want to be tagged or who might be interested, let me know if you wanna be removed) : @guiltyfiend @instincts-baby @9layerdevilfoodcake @beautyiswithinchaos  @langdons-pinkyring @bloodcoatedeclipse   @plymptxn-reborn @5am-cigarette  @anakinsslag @michaellangdonstanaccount  @rexellaaa @jimmason @devilish-hecate @angelicmichael  @car241​ @kitty4860​ @deliciousartpoliticsdean​
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lovelylangdonx · 3 years
hi babeee! what about duncan having a baby girl with his wife?
omg dani. I'm such a sl*t for soft stuff. LET'S DO THIS. //// You were a mom.
You couldn't believe it. The day finally came when your baby girl entered the world, so little and so perfect. She looked just like you and Duncan. His blue eyes and your h/c hair. It was complete bliss at its best, everything changing for you the second she was born. Part of you wondered and worried that it was only a dream. That something as amazing as this couldn't possibly exist. But it did, and you proved that. Taking her home that day was what you were looking forward to the most and spending every waking moment you had with her.
And every moment she was asleep.
Duncan was just as determined to do so as well. You remembered the way he melted when he gazed down at the beautiful baby that he helped to create, tearing up at the sight of her. He was complete. You were complete. And when the first night came, neither one of you could sleep.
But it was Duncan who rose first. He couldn't hold out any longer, slipping out of bed as quietly as he could. Although he didn't have to travel far. Both of you decided to keep the crib in your bedroom for a while for the sake of quicker access, and just because it's what you two were more comfortable with.
And you could see Duncan now as he hovered over the edge of the crib. You could tell that he was completely enraptured by what he was seeing, his finger gently swaying along the path of your daughter's cheek. You smiled.
"Duncan?" You finally whispered.
No response. You smirked and exited the bed, then quietly made your way over to him and slipped an arm around his waist. Your daughter lay before both of you as she responded sleepily to her father's affection by writhing about.
"You're going to wake her."
Duncan shook his head and smiled. "I can't help it. She's so goddamn perfect, y/n."
"Language." You scolded, amused. But you completely agreed. The seemingly endless hours of labor that you endured to deliver her was worth every second. And to see your husband at the mercy of your daughter just as much as you were was enough to touch your heart in ways you couldn't explain. Because it couldn't be explained. No matter how many books you and Duncan have both read, there was nothing that could've prepared you for the moment of holding your child for the very first time. And you knew he felt the exact same way.
Then a soft cry entered the air.
Duncan froze. He paused to turn to you with a guilty looking expression, the back of his finger still against her cheek. You lazily raised your eyebrows in an I told you so manner. But both of you smiled as Duncan leaned forward and carefully picked up the crying child.
"Shhh... shh... it's okay, baby girl. Daddy's got you." Duncan soothed, cradling her against his chest and gently patting her small back.
You leaned against the crib as you watched the two of them. He was a natural at fatherhood. And he wasn't the kind of parent to roll over in bed whenever she cried in hopes that you would handle it, but chose to get up and take care of it himself. Just like he was doing now.
Eventually her cries faded into silence. Duncan turned to check to see if she was asleep, smiling once before gently pressing a kiss to her head. Now you were the one who couldn't help yourself as you made your way over to sneak a peek. The sight of it alone was nearly enough to stop your heart.
There was nothing that has ever been so sweet, so innocent, or so pure as your sleeping baby. You couldn't get enough of her. She was angelic, her soft features at complete ease in the presence of the two people who loved her more than the world itself. You gently cupped the back of her head as you stroked your thumb through a few wisps of her hair.
That's when she started to stir again.
You retracted yourself slowly, chastising yourself for being the one to disturb her this time. But not without a somewhat apologetic look to Duncan first. Even though he looked to be in high enough spirits about it.
"Who would've thought that we would be the ones keeping her awake?" He mused quietly. You tried not to laugh, nodding as you brushed away a fallen tear from your face. Something that didn't go unnoticed by your very observant husband.
"You okay?" He mouthed. The amusement was gone from his eyes. But you smiled to ease his worry, other hand coming to rest over his arm.
"Fine, Duncan. Just happy is all. I love you both so much." You leaned in to kiss his stubbled cheek. Then you took extra care in placing a soft kiss upon your baby's head, turning to face him again. "Thanks for making me a mom."
Duncan brushed back a strand of your hair then pecked your lips softly.
"Thank you for making me a father."
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 years
okay so being in a relationship with dark duncan and one day, after absolutely convincing him you're his good, obedient girl and he leaves you alone unsupervised and you automatically take the chance to leave and you wander into eden, where you meet andy and he just is so much softer with you than duncan ever was. teaching you to relax, yoga, meditation, he doesn't drug you like duncan had but he shows you the blissful pleasure a high can have and you don't mind if he never let's you leave because of how bad he wants to fix you and protect you from they rest of the world, because anything feels better than duncan. until he shows up after hearing about it being an expensive vacation spot of meditation, and your peaceful life fills like it's breaking down.
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stanvogel · 3 years
Dumb thought #13235225 - Imagine Duncan hiring out the National Gallery of Art in D.C. one night for a date and giving you a private tour of the collection. He knows about every piece housed in there, much to your surprise, and it’s the first time you get to see this other, softer side of him that you didn’t know was there before but now that you’re growing closer he feels more comfortable opening up to you and allowing you to see every facet of his personality. And once the tour is over, he leads you over to the fountain in there where there’s a table for two set up and several waiters standing around waiting to serve you both the meal he’s specially selected for the evening. The conversation turning more and more flirtatious the more wine you both drink until eventually he “accidentally” knocks his fork off of the table, blaming it on the wine, and crawls underneath the tablecloth to retrieve it and that’s when you feel the rough scratch of his stubble against your inner thigh that’s quickly followed by his soft, plump lips and a string hot, open-mouthed kisses that keep going higher and higher....
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littledemondani · 3 years
in the mood to write hc’s for the cody bois 🤭
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
Giving Duncan a nice full body massage after a long day at work and then just leaning down to softly kiss his tummy while you watch him blush.
hiii! thank you for sending this in! i love talking about soft!duncan so much wow
sorry its taken a bit irl gettin in the way of my soft duncan fantasy smh 
He laid flat on his tummy as you traced his back with your hands. You could literally feel each knot melt under your touch. Even through his cool demeanor, Duncan still stressed so much. 
You liked being able to indulge him in simple pleasures. Whether it was cooking his favorite meal after a stressful day or having him lay down for a massage -- whatever he needed that day, you were happy to provide it for him. 
Soft groans escaped past his lips as your hands wandered down to his lower back. You felt him twitch as your fingers grazed his sides. “Ticklish?” you mused, digging your fingers just a little deeper. 
“No.” you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“Uh-huh,” your fingertips brushed back up, “Turn around.” You were kneeling on the bed besides him, but as pretty as his backside was, you wanted to his face. And his tummy. 
Duncan always crinkled his nose when you mentioned how cute his stomach was. He was soft in all the right places. You always hugged him from behind to clasp your hands around it. “Y/N..” he’d groan with each passing comment or compliment you gave his body. “’S not what it used to be.” he’d huff. It might be the only time you’d see Duncan Shepherd blush. 
Duncan rolled over on his back, sleepy eyes looking over you. You took your chance to straddle his waist. His chest rose and fell softly as his hands held on to your hips. 
The blissful expression he wore on his face was such a contrast to the one he wore when he arrived from work and you loved being the cause of that relief. 
The quiet, intimate moments you shared with him were your favorite - the shameless touches and longing stares. You were the only two people in the world. 
You leaned forward and ghosted your lips over his. The barely there brushing of his scruff against the sensitive skin of your lips sent a shiver down your spine. Soft chuckles rumbled from his belly before he pulled you down for a full a kiss. 
A slow kiss.
Parting lips and stroking tongues; it was the kind of kiss that made your heart flutter in your chest. 
He held you down so you were flushed against his body. Skin to skin. He always managed to be a few degree warmer than you. Between the heat of his body and softness of his chest, being held and cuddled by him was your safe haven. 
You wiggled around when he managed to firmly place his hands on your sides. He knew he wasn’t being sly when you felt him smile against your mouth. His fingers danced along the curve of your spine. He knew you were close to breaking with the way he could hear your breathing hitch in your throat. 
“stooop....” you lazily mumbled into the corner of his mouth, “that tickles.” 
You might as well have told him to keep going - because it’s exactly what he did. 
“Just wanna return the favor, princess.” he continued his massage down your sides. 
“No. no, no. no,” you shook your head, sliding a little further down his body, “it’s about you tonight, remember?” you placed a quick peck to the corner of his mouth. 
You started a little trail of kisses down his jaw which seemed to have distracted from the idle tickles he was placing on you. 
His chest purred like a kitten and his eyes fluttered shut at the sponged kisses that followed down his neck. 
You continued to lower yourself down his body as the wet trail of kisses wandered down his chest. Your kisses paused when you reached the top of his to peek up at him. 
Duncan opened his eyes to see why you had stopped; he saw the way your mouth twitched up in a smile and immediately felt his cheeks heat up. 
“What?” he grumbled behind the twinkle in his eye. 
“Just love kissing your body. Kissing you anywhere, really,” you laughed and placed your lips on him again. 
Duncan slightly twitched on the mattress. No way in hell would he admit to it tickling. Even if you knew it did. 
You allowed your tongue to poke out in between your lips, wetting his skin with each passing kiss. 
Duncan let out a nervous laugh as he watched your head getting dangerously close to the waistband of his tightening boxer briefs. 
You took one more pause at his lower stomach - and making sure you maintained eye contact with his wild blue ones, you bit down on his tummy, suckling on it, before releasing him with a sweet kiss. 
“Y/N..” he warned, tangling his fingers in your hair. 
“Yes, Duncan?”
“I can think of one more place you can put your pretty lips on,” he smirked, stroking his hand down your head and down your back again, making you shiver in response. 
sorry if this is trash i hate myself and somehow this turned into a tickle(tm) thing bc @trulymadlysydney and i have no will power when it comes to taking a stand against this kink wow 
tagging a few that mayhaps be interested in this soft tummy ask: @ladynuwanda @mega-combusken @emmyrosee @langdonswhoreprobably @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @shyandtwordish
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dyns33 · 5 years
Concepts I’m in love with...
There are some many wonderful fics in this fandom, about Michael, Duncan, Jim... But some concepts just refusesto get out of my mind. So I decided to thank (and curse) the writers who messed with my brain (and others parts of my body) : 
- Soft!Michael and Sub!Michael (and Jimmy boy) - @ritualmichael sub!Michael and sub!Jim are so adorable !!!!, @1-800-bitchcraft for all the Shy!Michael writings, @sojournmichael too, and @venusxxlangdon, because Hotline Bling did something to me... I was not into shy sub boys before all this... 
- Michael and his twin, Jeffrey - @michael-langdon-appreciation, I also like the foursome, but we don’t hear enough about sweet Jeffrey ! 
- The Langdon triplets - @duncans-donuts and @thechildofmay, you both know that already I’m sure... 
- Mommy!Michael and Roadtrip!Michael - @cryptid-coalition, I know you are busy, so I’m sorry, I sent you like five asks, in anon, cause i’m a coward... 
- Jonathan, the serial killer - @ccodyfern, you created a completely new character, a monster who love to hate and we hate to love... but I can’t stop, I need more of him !
- @lvngdvns - all your concepts. All of them. You are killing me. Vampires, Werewolves, Constantine, Crimeverse... I know you don’t feel well lately, I’m sorry about that, take all the time you need, but know that your ideas are awesome (and your writing too) ! 
I also want to send love to : @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @tiny-ruby-seeds @wroteclassicaly @coollangdon @langdonsoceaneyes @nuke-em-from-orbit @stupidocupido @thelangdoncooperative @theinevitableprophecy @darling--michael @lovelykhaleesiii @queencocoakimmie @gremlinkween @7-wonders @interwebspiderdance @babydollcake @hisgirlwonder @petersfern-fics @langdonsinferno @katiekitty261 @starwlkers @sammythankyou and all the writers of this fandom because I’m sure to forgot a lots - You may be tired, busy, in lack of inspiration, writing a lot, inspired by others fandoms... Your writings are all amazing, I love them and I wish you the best no matter what !
(and hello @soft-michael-langdon, I hope you are alright.) 
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poppy-metal · 5 years
Y'all have heard and thirsted over bodyguard duncan x reader. So i bring you this.
Bodyguard reader x Duncan. I mean, he's a rich businessman with a cocky attitude. He has enemies. It stands to reason he'd need protection. What he didn't expect was for it to be a girl.
He thinks the concept is laughable until you take his hand and flip him on his ass quicker then he can think, blinking and dazed as he stares up at your smirk, "come again?"
He fights against the idea and her constantly but she is unmoved and does her job goddamn well and doesn't take Duncan's shit. She rolls her eyes and laughs at his attempts to seduce her, puts him back in line when he toes out of it and just generally is a boss ass bitch. He falls in love in like a month.
Starts doing shit on purpose to get her to protect him, to get her to turn that heated glare and that viper tongue in his direction. He hates how much your power turns him on. At first. He learns to love that too, soon enough. Hell, she carries a fucking knife with her in her belt and its so sexy he can't function. Suppresses the imagery of her pressing it to his throat.
He does shit like try and sneak out late at night to work parties hes not supposed to go to, almost at the door when light floods the room at the flick of a lamplight, and she's there, reclined back on his favorite chair, all calm and casual, but deadly. Like a fucking cat eyeing a mouse. She twirls her knife in her hand, "And what do we have here?", eyes liquid fire as he stutters for an answer, not expecting to be caught red handed. She rises, come up to him, appraises him slowly with cold eyes and jerks her head in the direction he came from, "Do you want to head back on your own like a big boy or do you need me to escort you?"
One day when he causes her trouble and almost gets hurt she gets angry and backhands him across the face, hes all shocked and about to tell her how he she cant just do that and she darts forward and grabs his chin and spits venom in his face, "You think this is a fucking joke, duncan? This is real fucking life, and you're in real fucking danger, so drop the entitled rich brat act right now, do you understand me?" Tightening her grip when he fails to respond, "did i fucking stutter, shepherd?"
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Below, you will find my complete Crossovers masterlist! It includes prompts, drabbles, series, one-shots, concepts, headcanons, and MORE, regarding various crossovers of different television shows and movies!
* Copyright @wroteclassicaly - Do NOT redistribute, post to another platform, translate, or plagiarize my work (this includes AI) — under any circumstances! Reblogs, comments/feedback are ALWAYS appreciated! *
* Note: I do NOT claim ownership for the tv/movie universes I write about, or their established characters! *
My library blog
Main Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 = smut
💔 = angst, depression, & anger
💝 = fluff & comfort
Series titles are in bold red
Appropriate warnings and tags will ALWAYS be added!
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When the Tide Meets the Shore - (Andy Dolan x Jim Mason x Fem!Reader) 💔💝❤️‍🔥
Series Teaser - ❤️‍🔥💔
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Listen to That - (Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepherd x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🔥
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celestialrequiem · 3 years
days of candy alternative universe
Because I love our Sheriff southern Duncan Shepherd 🤠 
just a thought, in an alternative universe of Days of Candy, the reader is a naive young lady who wants a job so she gets an interview as the Sheriff’s secretary. She would be so nervous, and he would be so taunting eyeing her up and down, calling her doll, toots, dolly.. and like he would say “are you good with ya  hands sweets?” , in a teasing way by grabbing her waist and touching her hands bringing it to his crotch, and she gasps and says “yes”, and he has her cornered at his desk, her body and her chest touching his, and he says “prove it”, she starts rubbing his crotch but he let her keep going for a while and he chuckles with a small growl, and says “you really are naive, aren’t ya sweets?” his hand goes from her waist to the typewriter behind her. He tuts and says, “I meant the typewriter toots, but I can tell you are good with y’a hands” and winks at her and she blushes. To get the job, he gaslights her and tells her “prove me how much you want this job”, despite her father is a deputy in the next office 👀👀, that her dad is nothing, even though he recommended her to him, so she decides to do whatever it takes, and she always found him handsome, and when she used to visit her dad during lunch time to give him homemade casserole.
He tells her to sit on his lap and tells her to type, but she is so nervous, he can tell she is blushing and her ears are heating up by his touch.  she can’t type a single word. He feels her heart beating and loves the affect he has on her. He brings her hair to the side to suck on her skin a hickey to mark her and whispers to her ears, tickling her skin “Maybe you should be my little housewife instead?” , “let me take care of ya doll, you can be my own personal secretary, how does that sound?”😳👀 
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kayla-artistic · 6 years
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ritualmichael · 5 years
Going off my last ask: here's something fluffy for you. Michael inviting Duncan up to his room at the outpost as they grow closer. Just sitting in front of the fire and talking. Teasing each other. Michael lets his mask slip, and Duncan does the same. They're allowed to be themselves around each other; the good, the bad, the painful, the pleasant. Duncan laughs at Michael for looking so presentable during the day, but wearing sweats with his hair up in the comfort of his room. -lvngdvns 🖤
they’re just sitting there talking, so close that their knees are touching and michaels going on about something but duncan kind of got lost in looking at him that he accidentally tunes him out. he’d reach out and tuck a piece of michael’s hair back which would instantly make him stop talking and look at him in confusion.
“what was that?”
“you had, um. your hair was in your face, it was distracting me.”
it would be such a soft gesture that michael would almost flinch away from it, so startled by it’s suddenness.
every time michael would throw his hair up into a messy bun of sorts from there on out, he would always tuck a piece behind his ear and think about how gently duncan did it to him that night.
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stanvogel · 3 years
Duncan Shepherd is the kind of boyfriend that gives you piggy back rides on the way to get a taxi or back to his apartment after a night out whilst carrying your heels for you while you almost choke him out from holding on to him so tightly and puts up with listening to your drunken gibberish the whole way there before he starts with his own.
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kissydevil · 6 years
hi sweeties I’m writing a 2-in-1 part oneshot about hate sex with duncan shepherd’s republican ass. it’s a university AU where you’re always getting into political fights with him during class and then you get paired up for an assignment together and then he comes over and......... yeah
let me know or just like this if you wanna be tagged 
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
Vile Intentions
60s!Older!Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader
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You’d been obsessing over your fathers older best friend for months, finding it near impossible to tear your eyes from the stunning man throughout every party of your parent's that he had attended. So when the notoriously promiscuous man made a move on your young and naive self, you decided to disregard your friends and mothers concerns of his ungodliness and let yourself collapse into his grasp. If only you had known of his growing obsession with you and it's Vile Intentions.
Disclaimer: the concept of 60s!Duncan was come up with by Daisy ( @celestialrequiem ) and all credits go to her! Daisy always comes up with the best concepts so if you’re interested in more creepy, 60s!Duncan then please check out days of candy!! It’s art😌 But with Daisies permission, i’ve been writing this piece for the past few months as a set up for a new au which I’m currently working on. I’ve already written multiple other (smutty) fics for it nd they should all hopefully be out soon:)
Please read the warnings!!
Warnings: inappropriate relationships, large age gap (reader is 20 whilst Duncan is in his early 40s), dad’s best friend!Duncan, very slight hints at daddy kink, some teasing, innocent reader, 60s housewife stereotype, possessiveness, manipulative behaviours, maybe some slight mentions of a religion corruption kink?, kinda creepy duncan, mentions of alcohol, implied judgments of reader and mentions of smut:)
Notes: This fic is kind of inspired by cruel intentions, the manipulation themes and sudcing stuff is anyway hehe. I haven’t actually finished this the way I wanted to, but ahh I just needed to post something so I can get out of the writer's block i’ve been having. So yeah! Basically this is just a bit of creepy, manipulative, 60s!Duncan that will be a set up for a few other fics i’ve got in the works:))💗
Word count: 3.3k
You had been staring at him all night, taking every chance you could to wander off from the rest of the party and stare at the handsome man.
Duncan, or as your parents referred to him, Mr. Shepherd, was a friend of your fathers and attended most the parties your family held. He knew your father from work as he owned a partnering company to the one your father worked at. They had met each other several months ago at a business meeting, and despite Duncan being 10 years or so younger than your father, the two of them became good friends quickly. At these events, they could usually be found drinking together near the living room bar, smoking cubans and joking about their recent work triumphs. It was their favourite ritual.
Duncan was around 40, well spoken and extremely attractive. Every time you saw him you were blown away by his looks. It was shameful how starstruck you became in his presence and you knew it was wrong to be thinking of an older man in such way, but you couldn’t help yourself. Your father spoke so very fondly of him and you couldn’t agree more with his sentiments.
You remember the first night you saw him. He had come over for dinner with your parents whilst you were out with some girlfriends and you had found yourself arriving home just as he was leaving. You were far too scared to talk to him, so instead you snuck up the stairs and stopped on the landing to lean over the banister and watch your parents wish him a goodnight.
You were shy, only having flirted with a few boys whilst you were in school as dating didn't appeal to you the same way it did your peers. You had been taught from very young age that the happenings that came from ‘dating’ were ungodly and that you were to stay far, far away from them. Instead you were to simply court a good man and marry him when the time came, but it had been 2 years since you left school now and the most male attention you had been able to gather was some light small talk at the local diner that had frightened you too much to properly partake in.
Still being at home with your parents had some benefits, though. You had more free time that didn't yet have to be spent as the ‘good housewife’ and you cherished that, knowing you would have to fill that role at some point soon. Luckily that thought didn't worry you too much. You had been prepared for it by your mother most of your life and like any good young lady, practicing your cooking and cleaning was just a normal part of life.
Parties were good for this. You were able to cook for your parent’s many guests and receive their compliments and criticisms on it, though recently the only opinions you cared for were Duncan’s. You would secretly listen in on his conversations with your father as he devoured your dishes, hoping for some kind of praise from the man.
You had spent this party in particular watching him from behind the kitchen door, peering past it just enough that you had a good view of his stubble blanketed face. As per usual, he was joking with your father, holding a bourbon in one hand and smoking a cigar with the other.
There were a few other men gathered closely around them, but all were busy with their own conversations, leaving Duncan with the perfect opportunity to bring up the topic he had been eager to discuss all night.
Letting out a laugh, he turned his head and fixed his eyes onto you. Seeing you freeze up in fear, he winked at you before returning to the conversion with your father. “Say, is that you daughter over there?” He lifted his glass in your direction, noticing you had now disappeared back into your not so secret hiding spot. You had retreated behind the door when you saw him point, not wanting to be in any kind of trouble with your father.
“Mhm, that’s Y/N. Our youngest.” your father chuckled at your bashfulness.
“She’s beautiful” He took a drag from his cigar, thinking back to the many times he had spotted your precious little face staring. Of course, he already knew who you were; but your father needn't be aware of that.
Your father nodded along. “She’s a pretty doll, but she’s too shy for her own good.” He looked down at the floor, worried thoughts running through his mind at the reminder of your anxiousness.
“Oh yeah?” This didn't actually surprise Duncan in the slightest; It was obvious you were shy. He found you gazing at him every time you were in the same room and yet you had never spoken to him. But this silent attraction of yours had never made you seem any less appealing to him, if anything the challenge of coaxing you out of your shell only served to entice him further.
He liked how quiet you were, the idea of receiving the reward of your sweet young voice when he finally managed to pluck sentences out of you delighted him. Just thinking about you excited him far more than anybody else he had been with. You were uncharted territory that was willing and wanting to be claimed by him. Nothing turned him on more.
“Well no man wants to marry a girl like that. She’d be a good housewife one day if she’d just talk to the men that showed interest in her! But every time someone’s tried, she’s gotten all flustered. Doesn’t say a damn word! Then they just.. loose interest and well.. here we are.” Your father cherished you, but he feared you would struggle in the real world; being you couldn’t hold a conversation to save your life.
Taking another drag of his cigar, he watched the door and listened to your fathers concerns, hoping to see you pop your head back around to sneak another peek at him, and surely enough you did. Your father watched this interaction, seeing the two of you lock eyes before yours fell to the ground cowardly. “She doesn’t exactly make it easy.” Your father commented.
Preparing to finally approach you after too many nights spent feeling your eyes on him without a single word spoken, Duncan finished his drink and placed it down on the hardwood bar beside him, saying one last thing to your father before parting. “Well perhaps those men should've put up more of a fight.”
Giving an illusion of focus, you stared down at your feet as you nervously danced them around each other. His polished black shoes entered your vision, your eyes trailing their way up his pant legs and blazer to his stubble sculpted face. Looking up at him from where you stood in the kitchen doorway, you felt your cheeks bloom a hot, cherry red. You were terrified.
“I couldn’t help but notice your staring back there, sweetheart.” He smiled down at you, his large stature making him tower over your frame.
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out. You wanted to defend yourself and apologise for your behaviour, but all you managed to squeak out after your long, unwanted silence was a meek “I-i’m sorry.”
“There’s no need for apologises. I enjoyed it.” He placed his hand on the wall next to you, leaning over you and licking his lip as he stared you up and down. He had never been this close to you before. He could make out the blue in your eyeshadow and smell the floral tones of the sweet fragrance you adorned. Yet he still craved to be closer.
You didn't know what to say now he was being so forward. Forgetting every word in your vocabulary, you felt your breathing grow heavy with the weight of fear now coursing through you. You looked back down at his feet, just wanting to avoid his eyes. Obviously you had dreamt of this occurring many times before, but now he was really here on front of you, the realisation of having to hold a conversation with such an attractive, older man had become far too daunting.
“You’re a nervous little thing, aren’t you?” He grazed his thumb over the bottom of your chin and lifted it slightly, his cigar balanced securely between his index and middle finger of the same hand gracing your face. “You know, I don’t bite, little one.” He chuckled, easing your nerves as you laughed lightly at his joke.
“So daddy’s not mad at me?” Feeling more confident now you had spoken, You looked past his shoulder at your father who was watching your conversation intently. You found it curious he approved of Duncan’s flirting.
“Oh no, Daddy’s not mad at you. I just thought you could use some company.” He caressed the outline of your jaw before bringing his hand to his face and puffing on his cigar, doing his very best to suppress the groan that was threatening to leave his lips after hearing your use of such a word. And his own words? They were smooth, of course. His confidence captivating and the way he bathed in your innocence; intoxicating.
He was a very flirtatious man, that you knew. You had heard rumours of his promiscuous nature when listening in on your mothers gossip sessions with her friends, all of them saying he hadn’t a wife, yet his bed was never empty.
You never saw him at Sunday service either. Everyone you knew would attend church, but not him. Not even once had he graced your congregation with an appearance. Your mother had commented on this concerning attribute of his to your father once before, during dinner, but he dismissed it, saying Duncan was a busy man and couldn’t afford to go to church when he was running such a large company; not even on god’s day.
But when you saw his face, all of your worries and concerns were washed away. He could have confessed unspeakable sins and you would have still found yourself worshiping him, falling to your knees and grovelling at his feet for just a slither of attention. And if your father trusted and defended him so often, then why shouldn’t you? Daddy knew him best and he wouldn’t be so open to him flirting with you if he was truly such a corrupt man.
“Company would sure be swell. That is.. as long as it’s you.” You batted your eyelashes at him, doing your best to uphold a facade confidence and flirt back. You didn't want to mess this up.
He smirked at the boldness of your words, moving his hand to run over your cheekbone with his finger tip of his thumb. “What’d you say we take a walk outside? Get a little more privacy.” He lowered his arm, offering it to you and waiting for you to grab it so he could lead you into the garden.
You considered your next move carefully, knowing it could be vital; but it didn't take you long to decide. You didn't care about the 20 year age gap or his reputation, too infatuated with his looks and charm to care about the judgmental stares you would receive if you walked out the door with him. So you accepted.
He finally had you.
That night in the garden had been incredible. He was a very traditional man from what it seemed, extremely polite and respectful; far more than any man your own age had ever been. You knew others might not agree with your pairing, but you didn't care. He had asked if he could take you to the pictures the next Friday and you couldn’t have been more thrilled, trying to hide your excitement as you accepted his offer.
Your parents had argued with each other over breakfast the next morning, your mother scolding your father for letting such a man attempt to court you. She wasn’t happy when she found out you would be seeing him again but your father supported it, saying he couldn't think of anybody else who could better look after you. Duncan was more than wealthy enough to care for you properly and you were well aware of that.
Duncan knew that too, of course. He knew he could offer you so many things you had never experienced before. Whether that was buying you expensive jewellery he knew your father never did, or fucking your virgin cunt senseless, it didn't matter. He just knew he could and he would. He wanted you. Wanted to make you his and nobody else’s.
Things had moved pretty fast after your first date. The two of you would see each other pretty regularly. He would take you to dinner at a number of fancy restaurants he liked, or for drives in his red Cadillac where he would slide a hand over onto your thigh and leave it there whilst you watched him drive. You thought nothing of this little habit. It was something that made you tremble, yes, but you would have never suspected it to be his intention. Just as you didn't suspect his true motives for dating you in the first place. You would have never guessed he wanted you in the vulgar manner he truly did, and certainly not since the very first time he saw you; that would just be absurd.
At first the realisation it wasn’t just another quick fuck he was craving was much to Duncan’s dismay, but he grew to appreciate his new found desire. He wanted to lure you in, use his suave and traditional act to make you slowly fall for him, convince you he was just as reputable and unblemished as you were. He dreamt of the day he could call you his wife, his personal piece of arm candy to parade around and have obsess over him whenever and however much he desired it. It shouldn't be too hard, that he knew. You were so young and unguided. Easily manipulated, one might say. He adored the way you looked at him, your eyes glassed over with innocence, he almost felt himself wanting to look after you. Make you his little girl. But mostly he just couldn't stand the idea of another man’s hands on you. He needed to be there before someone else swooped in and stole you from him. Like an eagle stalking it’s pray.
Whenever he would drop you off at home, he would always walk you up to the front door and plant a cheeky kiss on your lips, politely pulling away after just a few seconds; but this one time was different. He slipped up.
You had been seeing him for just over three months at the time and were falling for him harder everyday. So when he walked you to the door and pressed his lips against yours just as he always did, you made the impulsive decision to keep him there a just little longer, moving your hand up to his hair and stopping him from pulling back.
You felt his hand rest on your waist, his other moving up your back to press you closer to him. You’d not been excepting his enthusiasm and it shook you to your core, never having been kissed like this before. The furthest you’d ever gone with a boy had been a four second kiss that happened in the playground at school over a decade ago.
Duncan’s lips began moving against yours, rough and urgent. It was too much. You felt your cunt grow hot and you emitted a sudden whimper at the feeling of his tongue entering your mouth. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, flailing them around as he held you tight.
You felt the bittersweet tang of blood hit your tongue as he bite down on your bottom lip, the pain of it somehow transforming into more pleasure as he violently pushed you into the door, creating a bang so loud you were sure everyone inside would have had heard it.
Of course you had been right, your mother had in fact heard it and was now interrupting the frenzied, lust filled moment you were sharing with Duncan by calling out your name, trying to find out if you were finally home at an hour this late.
He released you from his grasp, placing his arms down at his sides and pausing. You stared up at him, lips pierced and face completely red with embarrassment. You were filled with an urge you didn't quite understand as you found yourself wishing the moment hadn't ended so quickly.
“Sleep well, Y/N.” he quickly wished you goodbye, running his hand through his styled curls and retreating down the path to his car after his sudden loss of self control. You watched him for a moment before opening the front door and stuffing yourself inside, just wanting to run upstairs and hide from your prying mother’s questions.
Despite Duncan’s words, you didn’t sleep well that night. You tossed and turned for hours, tirelessly fighting the unsatisfied tingling feeling that had occupied your crotch ever since he first set his perverted lips on yours. You’d never felt like this before. Your body radiated heat like magma, urges feeling as if they had become trapped underneath your sweltering skin, trying desperately to claw themselves free from your pent up limbs before you combust from complete absence.
It all felt so new. So stimulating. so.. arousing. How could you have possibly been expected to restrain yourself from falling for someone who you could make you feel such carnal pleasures? You had been hidden from affection your whole life, only to have Duncan bathe you in it; buying you anything and taking you anywhere you wanted. He nurtured you as if you were the most precious object in existence, making sure that the overwhelming sense of love for him inside of you grew so present that when the time came to propose, you couldn't have possibly said no to him; even if you had wanted to.
Your vision skewed and hazed by the puffy, white vail which draped over your face, you stared down at the church hall flooring, doing your best not to stumble over your own feet, being far too terrified to gaze up at the man you were destained to be with forever.
You were gaining on the end of the isle rapidly, fear flowing through your veins at a rate you had never experienced before and feeling the burn of your family and friends eyes scorching into your virgin skin. There they all stood, watching your young, trembling hands grip into your fathers arm with the sudden realisation you would soon be without him and belong to another.
Reaching the inevitable end, you left your fathers hold, carrying yourself up towards your future husband on only the dreams of what you hoped would be. Hearing the once deafening organ halt to a sudden silence, he lifted your vail and from deep within his chest, released a satisfied exhale, being reminded of the blinding and innocent beauty he was marrying.
Remembering your voice, as shaky as it may have been, you plead your vows. You stared up into his eyes and searched for the warm comfort his aquamarines had bore reassurance into your own with many a time before, solace and joy settling into you immediately.
Accepting your ring with a smile as wide as your now sparkling eyes, you muttered the fatal ‘’I do.”
"You may kiss the bride.” The priest chided happily, undivulged to how sinful of a man he had just bound you to.
Leaning in, Your new husband kissed you passionately. Quickly enough to look respectful in front of your peers and relatives, of course; but turbulently lewd enough to snatch your breathe away. He moved back, keeping his hold on your waist locked into place as he looked down at you with a devilish grin as you beamed back up at him.
“My bride. All mine.”
Thank you sm for reading!!🥺💗
Tags: @celestialrequiem @ntxoza @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @blakescoven @ritualmichael @ghostangels @fernfiction @ferndolan @brattylovee @7-wonders @angelicmichael @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @kitty4860 @instincts-baby @michaellangdonstanaccount @9layerdevilfoodcake @chicaluna2410 @plymptxn-reborn I've tagged just anyone who I thought might be interested, if you would like to be moved feel free to let me know!! you can also lemme know if you would like to be added to the tag list to:)
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