#dun pony
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horsesarecreatures · 6 months ago
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Gotland Pony Kelwin 
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horsefriends · 2 months ago
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Horses Playing in the Snow by Sheila Swayze (x x)
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watchlpspopular · 1 year ago
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my little pilot. twenty one pony. whatever
[rb + like pls]
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 11 months ago
Pony Friends by Vicki Johnson
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hype-old-posts · 11 months ago
i just did a thing
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look at the thing i did
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barnlarn · 2 years ago
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I can't believe I haven't done this before, but here's a pony OC of my horse!
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mlp-beyond · 5 months ago
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Onyx Fleet and Sapphire Comet are the children of Flurry Heart and King Sombra.
Onyx Fleet -
• born as a unicorn, becomes alicorn in the last 1/3 of the war
• Onyx's cutiemark is from her desire to protect those she loves, which leads her to be super good at combat and combat strategy n stuff. Her adult career is similar to her grandfather's (Shining Armor) and she is in charge of the combat when the war happens.
• soft on the inside with tough outer shell personality type
Sapphire Comet -
• born as a pegasus, becomes alicorn at the same time as his sister (woo, destiny magic) despite them being in different locations at the time
• technology/invention nerd, cutiemark reflects this. As an adult he does science stuff, in the war he is in charge of taking care of the citizens and the production of resources for the soldiers
• super polite, caring personality and very dorky when he starts rambling about his science things
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trapddun · 2 years ago
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twenty one pilots ft mlp canon
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nightlyblossom · 9 months ago
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Here goes again! Last tweet didnt have Tyler's Tattoos. Anyway This is my way to celebrate Twenty One Pilots new album! See you in tonights stream! ots
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azuhrasims · 6 months ago
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Okay, so @adelarsims put out a call (on accident or on purpose) for unicorn sims. Between that and @faaeish putting out a new unicorn horn, I had no choice. I'm late, but my goth unicorn boy and I are here!
Skin by @miikocc | Ears and Tail (Pony Tail and Pony Ears) by GrimGuide | Horn by faaeish | Dun Factor Overlay by @occultradio | Stardust Body Blush by @gloomiegalaxie | Lashes by @ssspringroll | Face paint by @valhallansim | Eyelid and Lip gloss by @cosmimetic on TSR | Eyes (TSR) by @evilquinzel | Hair by @goamazons | Necklace by @strangegrapefruit | Shirt by @wotunciba | Trousers by @regina-raven | Hooves by @feralpoodles
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horsesarecreatures · 2 years ago
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Highland pony by ruthonthehoof
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horsefriends · 2 months ago
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Fjord Horse From Behind by Kristin O Karlsen
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judgementdayslittle · 8 months ago
hii babe can i get the judgement day helping prepare their black little for their birthday with like outfits,hair and everything else <3
thank you babe
Of course! And Happy Birthday! Earlier, on time, or late!
-So you get woken up with a bunch of kisses from your caregivers. They're so excited to wish you a happy birthday!
-"Feliz Cumpleaños cariño!" Papi says as he picks you up from the bed. Tossing you in the air a bit. Papi is so big and strong, he does it with ease!
-"We've got a big day ahead of us! So we've gotta get you ready, okay honey?" Dada says.
-First things first, your outfit! They let you pick it out, though sometimes nudge you to pick something with matching colors. Though if you choose to look like the incarnation of a rainbow, they aren't gonna stop you.
-You could wear a trash bag and they'd think you look super cute!
-Once that's done, it's hair time! Papi sits you down in front of him and does your hair any style you want! Though he tells you that your hair style has to be able to fit a certain type of hat. But it's a surprise that you'll find out later!
-Once your hair is all done, everyone comments on how pretty you look.
-Then they ask if you want make up on. If you don't, that's okay. But if you do, Mami does it for you! She's so gentle with it and asks you what kind of colors you want to use in the softest of voices.
-Then you finally find out why you had to have your hair done a certain way. They sit you down on the couch, and in comes Dom Dom! Raising a plastic crown up high in the air! Going "DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN! PRESENTING THE BIRTHDAY ROYAL!"
-Then he comes over and places it on your head. You feel like a princess/prince/monarch!
-For the rest of the day, you get to choose what you wanna do! You can go out and have a fun day on the town, or you can have a quiet, chill day in.
-But no matter what, that night they give you your favorite cake and ice cream!
-Before you blow out the candles, you think of a wish to make. Though it's a bit hard. Because what else could you need when you have the greatest caregivers ever?!
-...Besides a pony.
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 2 years ago
Pony Friends by Vicki Johnson
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horsefigureoftheday · 2 months ago
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Recently went through some boxes and wanted to share my humble collection. Aside from the Breyers, the two in the centerish are a cute flocked pair my German exchange student gave me in high school that I know nothing about.
And some Lion King figs as a bonus. 😂
BEAUTIFUL! I love the little leopard and the red dun pony!!!
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dandelion-wings · 10 months ago
I was thinking about a fic I'll never write at the barn this morning, and a line of dialogue required the name of horse breed, which led me very quickly to contemplating horse breeds of Teyvat. Which I have before! But today I got a little more in depth.
Bear with me on spelling issues, I'm on mobile and my phone can't cope with having Tumblr and Firefox open at the same time.
We are starting in Liyue, home of the Karst Pony, which is almost certainly the predecessor breed of all the others listed here and very certainly the oldest extant breed. "Breed" in fact is a loose term, as a number still live wild in the mountains of Jueyun Karst, and domestic and semi-domestic herds kept by small mountain villages (including Qingce Village) tend to have a range of characteristics as the smaller populations start to diverge--but the mountain stock never goes too far from true, as new wild stock is occasionally added either through capture to supplement others or through wild stallions wandering through. The Karst Pony is small, shaggy, sturdy, agile, and smart to a sometimes frustrating extent; they can be ridden, but not by very heavy, or armored, people, and are more often used as beasts of burden. They tend to be dun in the wild, but blacks and grays occasionally pop up, and in domestication are often bred for.
Karst Ponies are the direct ancestors of the Guili Plains Horse, bred to be larger and more refined and used for agriculture and transport on the plains back when Liyue civilization was centered there. The Archon War devastated their population and the changes in Liyuean lifestyle as they moved off the plains and prioritized trade and mining over the sort of agriculture where you need larger horses. However, they are considered a valuable part of Liyue's cultural heritage, and the last two hundred-ish remaining were seized some centuries ago by the Liyue Qixing and used as the base for a government program to revitalize the breed. Today they are primarily used by Millelith officers and couriers, but private individuals have again begun to be allowed to purchase and breed them for their own use. They are known for being steady and intelligent; the breed standard includes a notable Roman nose, and they are primarily dun, buckskin, bay, or black.
The Chenyu Draught is a bit smaller than the Guili Plains Horse, but much heavier, and was likewise bred directly from the Karst Pony; while the Guili Plains breeders wanted a more multi-purpose horse, the Chenyu breeders were aiming exclusively for a workhorse, and Chenyu Draughts are not customarily trained for riding. They are slow, steady animals known for catching a nap whenever they stop long enough, even in harness; they are primarily dun, grey, or black.
Moving on to other nations: the Fontaine Water Horse is in fact a pony by all reasonable standards, but Focalors forbid you call it that to a Fontainian's face. It may arguably be its own branch off some further-distant horse ancestor rather than a descendant of the Karst Pony, though it may also be just a very ancient offshoot, and is the only other wild breed currently extant in Teyvat. It lives wild along the shores of the many islands in southern Fontaine, and is an extremely adept swimmer, with a unique fifth gait that helps it traverse sandy shores swiftly and easily. It is very light-boned, shy and quick to startle, but, in domestic populations acclimated to humans, known to be very mischievous. All Water Horses are white, by which I mean gray (as most 'white' horses without some specific genetic stuff going on are born gray and have their coats pale over time; Water Horses pale out very quickly, within the first two years of life). Their population is a shadow of what it once was, as vast swathes were wiped out by Elynas, and it was largely preserved by a breeding program mandated by the Iudex and conducted in its later stages by Melusines, who released their end result back into the wild.
(Some say say Water Horses were different before the Melusines got involved, but no one can say how. They match the old records in every characteristic. It's just... a vibe.)
While some Water Horses have been domesticated, their size and light frames mean they can only be ridden by small children and Melusines--they are in fact the only horses who will tolerate Melusine handling--the humans of Fontaine used them as base stock to breed a larger horse called the Fontainian Pacer, so called because the Water Horse's unique fifth gait was bred for ardently and exaggerated into a much showier gait that we will call the danse. As with our gaited horses, some breeders have taken this to ridiculous heights, and thus there are two breed 'types'. the Court Pacer has an extremely exaggerated danse and is further bred for looks, being taller, thinner-boned, with a much higher-set head and tail, and often a blue-eyed cremello (one of those whites-with-genetic-stuff), though pale gray and perlino (cremello-adjacent) are both acceptable colors in show; the Classic Pacer is a bit shorter, heavier (relatively speaking, it's still very light), with a less exaggerated gait, exclusively that quickly-paled-out-grey, and overall much closer to the original Water Horse. Both types are not very bright and very flighty.
Which necessitated another, more practical breed for functional use: the Oractrice Charger was originally bred from Chenyu Draughts crossed with the Fontainian Pacer and the Mondstadt Hunter, with some Water Horse in there to get a more water-comfortable animal, though it doesn't have the unique gait and is mostly used in northern Fontaine, where horses are more useful, and as a police horse. It was in fact bred for Maison use, hence the name, though the combination of Fontaine's mekanization and the growing influx of Melusines in the government mean it's slowly been phased out. It's kept alive by rich nobles and its general popularity for outcrosses. It is a reasonably large and heavy animal, though not draft-sized, noted for its good temperament and stolid calm, though it tends to be quite stubborn. They are typically grey, black, bay, or chestnut.
Mondstadt's ancient pony breed is now extinct, but the Stormcrest Pony was definitely an offshoot of the Karst Pony, larger and with much thicker, shaggier coats to survive the pre-Barbatos wilderness. That adaptation meant they were doomed when Barbatos changed the landscape and climate, but they were the base breed, with some added Guili Plains Horse blood (and, given their coloring, probably some Desheret Red), for the Mondstadt Hunter, a medium-weight animal with a good temperament and a lot of energy. They were generally bay, brown, or chestnut, with the 'prototypical' Hunter being liver chestnut, and were bred primarily for hunting, though they were considered good all-purpose riding horses. Unfortunately, they were originally bred and primarily used by the Lawrences, and a combination of that association and a cultural shift to hunting on foot (mostly because hunting on horseback was associated with the aristocracy) led largely to their demise. The main remaining population is actually in Fontaine, where a few nobles liked the imports used to breed the Oratrice Charger enough to maintain their own small breeding programs.
Ragvindr, who I will always headcanon as the reason the Knights have a cavalry company, tried to maintain the breed, but for both political and practical reasons the Ragnvinds had to shift tacks early on. They eventually imported Oratrice Chargers and crossed them with Hunter mares, producing Mondstadt's current all-around horse, the Dawntrotter, a medium-sized animal with a steady temperament that is sturdy enough to serve both as a workhorse on the nation's wineries and a cavalry mount for armored knights. There are three breed 'types,' one nearly a draft and primarily used for winery work, one much lighter and considered an ideal riding mount, and in the middle a dedicated cavalry mount bred exclusively by three stables in Mondstadt, one of them the Dawn Winery. They are primarily bay or chestnut, occasionally brown or black.
Modern Sumeru relies upon the Sumpter Beast, which is comfortable in both jungle and desert, carries many times more than a horse does, and is a much, much easier keeper. However, the historical record makes clear that the desert civilizations once bred what's now known as the Desheret Red, a light, fast, smart, highly independent horse highly endurant in heat and desert conditions. It was exclusively chestnut and presumably contributed its blood to the Mondstadt Hunter simply because those red genes had to come from somewhere. Unfortunately, when the great desert civilizations collapsed, it dwindled into extinction. If any local wild ponies preceded them, they're not on the record, but even those would go back to imported Karst Ponies in the end.
(Rumors of blood-red 'rift horses' seen around the Tunigi Hollow are just that. No one has ever verified that they exist.)
Inazuma has imported horses over the centuries, but they've never been popular there--they don't have the terrain or, more importantly, the pasture space. Largely they've served as status symbols, and fallen out of favor amid the conservative influence Ei's policies exert. In any case, no one has made a dedicated effort to create an Inazuman breed.
Depending on their locations, I like the idea of Snezhnaya and Natlan having descendant breeds of the Stormcrest Pony and Desheret Red respectively, but we'll see! XD
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