#dumpster child
orangelenny · 1 year
finally back playing tower heroes and these two are still the best tower combo
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kean-thebean · 1 year
lemonade child
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it looks like piss help
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starwrighter · 9 months
"Dad" Dan au
(Pov I haven't read Agit yet) ( I don't mind spoilers though)
I don't think we in the dpxdc fandom play with the canon information that Dark Danny is a product of Danny's ghost half fusing with with Plasmius.
Yeah, he's completely down with mass murder and is really sadistic in the episode but that's not as fun to play with in this context.
He's still merged with Vlad and I'd like to have that bleed into him a bit more than the "oh he's so evil," but him being obsessed with his own Mom like Vlad is a level of weird I'm not willing to touch with a fifty foot pole.
I say, let him have Vlad's obsession with making Danny his son. It's hilarious! Imagine being obsessed with making your past self your son! Dan had no qualms with directly trying to murder the past version of his family. But I love the idea of him first seeing his past self in all his awkward half-ghost glory an obsession kicks into gear with a fury!
Dan hating his own parents with a passion because they're uh, well... His parents. And that stops him from being his own parent! It's so stupid. Dan judging every single one their parenting decisions. All while he himself is still morally detestable.
It's great! Still can't decide if he's just stalking the family like a creep. Or he pretended to be redeemed and Danny with Jazz gaslit their parents into believing they have an older sibling ghosts his from them.
Onto the dpxdc part of this!
Now Dan is just looking for the opportunity to whisk Danny away. Jack and Maddie are interfering with his obsession without even trying to! He'll be trying to feed the kid something edible and they'll be ectoplasm samples in the fridge! Ghost hunting equipment in the open when they know it has a tendency to misfire around their son! Dan doesn't care if they really love Danny. There are harpoons pointed at his kid! Those idiots were one misstep away from accidentally killing their child a second time and Dan isn't having it!
Dan yoinks Danny and fucking books it into the ghost zone. Danny clearly wouldn't be happy with this development (betrayal or surprise you choose!) And Dan is trying his best to get Danny to co-operate. Either with specter deflectors or a deal with Desiree. But Danny's stuck with the guy.
I'm taking advantage of the fact that the Dc universe has absolutely obliterated it's multiverse making pretty much impossible for normal ghosts and humans to navigate. Dan flees with Danny to an iteration of the Dc universe and pokes around for a place to settle.
Metropolis's hero was an annoying goodie two shoes and he'd kill this "lex Luthor" the moment he heard the fucker speak. Plus, both rogues and hero's threw cars like baseballs.
Gotham was flooded with crime but their rouges were just people. Their heroes were just people. Crazy people sure, but Dan could kill them if they stepped out of line.
If only the self proclaimed hero's would stop trying to make grabs at his kid.
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canisalbus · 8 months
In my mind, Machete is the one that found Ear in a dumpster or something, saw the familiar markings, and decided immediately that this was his child now. Presents him to Vasco with so much nervousness.
Vasco, meanwhile, sees the huge bat like ears and fluffiness and agrees. This is definitely their child now.
I just like the idea of them getting attached at first sight not because the kid looks like them mixed together, but because of the features that remind them of the one they love.
Also, with Ear being so fluffy even in his child state contrasting with Machete not being fluffy till growing up, I think ear will be Extra Fluffy when he gets older. Chow levels of fluffy.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Sometimes if you're quick enough in Fawcett at night, you can manage to snap a picture of one of its elusive cryptids.
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redbean-nom · 2 months
din djarin, age 10: clone wars refugee child
boba fett, age 11: in federal prison for destroying an entire venator while trying to kill mace windu
#star wars#din djarin#boba fett#redbean talks#meanwhile jango; age 14: the actual mand'alor#very funny to realize that din and boba are almost the same age#when you look at the difference in what they were doing for most of the clone wars#din at age ten was a small frightened child hiding from super battle droids behind a space dumpster(?)#boba at age ten was jangos copilot/getaway driver for jedi-hunting missions (and also an equally small child)#then three years later was a full blown crime boss and involved in human trafficking#i really want to see more of the mundane conversations about raising grogu#like among the mandos there's#din (children of the watch hardcore mando): i must teach my small son to shoot#boba (literally-lifelong bounty hunter raised in child soldier central): do you want recommendations for good starting blasters#bo katan: i asked the armorer to make a custom set of knives too btw#the armorer (already made armor for small son): dont you think he needs a flametrhower for his birthday#and then the Associates#they've got ig11 (trigger happy assassin droid); fennec (experienced bounty hunter who fought cad bane at age early-20s?)#krrsantan (crazy gladiator probably-madclaw); koska (tackled boba as an introduction); axe (stabbed paz over a game of chess)#and then. there is Luke.#imagine everyone pondering over how to modify a disruptor rifle to fit very small arms#(because boba's absolutely going to spoil his small green nephew)#and luke just in the background like 'maybe we should. not? give the preschooler a deadly weapon? this is not safe?'#din: eh he's smart he'll be fine#luke; fearing for his life: it's not him im worried about-
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fried-manto · 11 months
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*shinggg* knife sparkle sound effect
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you know the contrast between how Vergil is presented vs thinking too hard about Vergil’s story is pretty funny. Man’s reputation is this iconic badass, the pinnacle of what video game rivalries can be, the coolest guy to play as, the guy who breaks every game he’s added to,
and then you go to the story and like. man’s lost his free will and autonomy at 19 and then came back a fractured man half of which was a lovecraftian eye beast the other half of which was a chronically ill goth man. and then he reunites and hes in like his 40s now I believe but legit the last time he was actually in a game where he wasn’t being mind controlled when he was 19 which is both sad but also thinking about how this guy who’s considered one of the top badasses of gaming has never really lived life outside of being a teenager.
Anyways this is the secret comedic potential of post DMC5 for Vergil because not only has the human world probably changed a fair bit in terms of technology, if he’s sticking around Dante he’s gonna actually have to learn in depth how taxes and grocery shopping work. Amazing.
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fandomforg · 1 year
ok, so, mcu peter parker somehow gets sent to the star wars universe
we’re all familiar with the trope of ‘earth girl who’s a big star wars fan goes to star wars galaxy and tries to save everyone there with her knowledge of the Plot’ but now think about if peter parker, resident star wars nerd/super genius/superhero, gets sent there
first things first, he would lose his marbles seeing all the cool aliens and technology (even though he’s already seen plenty of aliens/tech just from being on earth) but like!! it’s not just any aliens!!! it’s star wars aliens!!! woah!!!!
he wouldn’t really even have to worry about hiding his enhancements bc he could just go ‘uh, i’m not baseline human?’ and everyone there would just go ‘oh, ok’
as soon as peter got his bearings tho, he would absolutely immediately start scheming on how to stop palpatine/prevent the clone wars or whatever. like full on murder cork board with red string as he thinks. whatever poor soul has offered to let this lost child stay with them is very concerned because every time they bring him a snack it looks a little bit more like this kid is trying to overthrow the government (he kind of is planning to overthrow the government)
peter has gotten in enough debates online to know that most of the groups that might be able to help him (the jedi, the mandalorians) are a little too wrapped up in their own stuff (connections with the senate, civil war) to stop palpatine with any sort of efficiency, so he just goes ‘huh, guess i’m gonna be a vigilante again’ now he’s spiderman again!!! but this time in star wars!!!!!
webslinging on corusant would go so crazy though
so by day, peter is working part time at some little corusant shop where the owner lets him use the spare room (and the owner is also constantly so concerned over this insane child that just showed up one day without knowing the date, but knowing many random historical facts that they space-google and find out are absolutely correct)
and by night, spiderman is swinging between the levels of corucant, stopping petty crimes avoiding the jedi who keep trying to figure out who this spiderguy is. they think must be force sensitive (‘just look at how fast he’s running! and he’s sensing hits before he sees them!’)
eventually, peter finally makes his move and goes after palpatine. it’s uhhhh, actually easier then he expected. peter may have had a few too many backup plans. palpatine was not expecting his sixth lightning to be absorbed by a brightly-colored suit (‘thanks, mr. stark!’) nor was he expecting to be covered??? in spider?? webs???? it’s very hard to cut yourself free from webs when you can’t move an inch to even ignite your lightsaber
the next day, palpatine’s guards find him still stuck to the wall of his office and spitting mad, while the jedi find security footage of the chancellor attacking that one vigilante with force lightning and pages and pages of evidence of palpatine’s crimes (sith-related and not) just sitting in their inbox. the arrest goes pretty smoothly after that.
once this all finally hits the news, the shop owner that peter’s been staying with (read: slowly being adopted by) just kinda shouts out a ‘kid! what did you even do?!’
well now that that’s handled, the next thing on peter’s to do list is, uhhh, getting home. yikes.
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parksrway · 1 year
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back on my bullshit
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enden-k · 2 years
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saw this tweet and had to draw my bbygirl
bonus fox version bc i couldnt resist w that pose 🦊💙
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #132
Peter loses so many backpacks, Tony starts numbering them like his suits: "backpack mark 5," "backpack mark 13," "here you go kid, backpack mark 49."
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astrito · 1 year
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He's listening to this
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lovesickeros · 1 year
im back for my monthly delusion and its alice this time BECAUSE WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE TALK ABOUT HER. OR RHINEDOTTIR. extremely powerful witches who are probably on equal power level to an archon just vibing and committing war crimes.
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Toji x Reader
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Toji Fushiguro:
You're favorite animal is a racoon (otherwise known as the trash panda), you love giant man tits and you have a thing for dead beat dad's (be it hit men or 100 year old vampires).
First Date:
You're shift ends and you close for the night. You were the owner of a small convince store and had heard rumors of a thief causing trouble for the locals. Some claimed that their valuables would vanish over night while others claimed that they were missing articles of clothing. One resident even returned home to find that not only had his shower been recently used, but his house was now littered with empty beer bottles that had been purchased the night before.
Seeing how convince stores are frequent targets for robbers, you decided to not take any chances and keep a baseball bat on you for safety. You were just about to leave when you heard one of the store windows shatter. Oh no. This was it. You raised your weapon defensively. "STAY BACK! I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE THIS!" To your surprise it was now quiet. You slunk around the aisle hoping to find the perpetrator but all you found was the empty remains of one of the many refrigerators.
"What the fuck is going on? Who robs a store just for a pack of booze?" Suddenly you heard the cash register open. By the time you got to the counter, the money was already gone. "Shit! There goes today's earnings!" You then noticed what appeared to be a thin trail of slime. Clearly not caring about how bizarre your day was now, you decided to follow it. The gooey path led you to the dumpster bin outside. "Gross. I can't believe I'm doing this..."
You lifted the lid and saw what appeared to be a homeless man? He was oddly muscular and you suddenly had the urge to make him wear one of those mega milk shirts. You then shook your head. You were here for your money, not to ogle some bum. You grabbed him by the collar. "Hey! Wake up!" No response. You then slapped him a couple of times and you realized you weren't making any progress. In the end you just decided that screaming into the unconious man ear was the best course of action.
The stranger was now starting to wake up. "... Megumi? Is that you?..." You then threw a half eaten apple at the man. "Who the fuck is that!?" He sighed with relief. "Oh thank God. I still have time to pay the child support." He then looked up. "And who are you?" You were starting to wish that you had just gone home. "I'm the one you just stole from! Now give me my money back before I break your kneecaps!"
"In afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Suddenly a purple worm appeared and vomited up all of your cash. "You know what? Keep it!" The man cursed under his breath but then regained his composure. "Are you insinuating something? And here I was on my way to buy some lottery tickets but I'll just take my business else where." Honestly, you were starting to take pity on the pathetic mess in front of you. "Dude, look I don't care about it anymore. Just let me help you."
You learned the man was named Toji. He didn't tell you much but you figured that he had left everything behind. You let him use your shower and then helped prepare him for bed. Now Toji was all snuggled up in his sleeping bag (aka the disgusting giant worm creature). "I just wanted to say... Thanks." You waited for him to fall asleep and then you somehow managed to put his body into your car trunk. You then pull up to an animal shelter. "Sorry Toji, my landlord says I can't have pets." You gently place him into a box (marked 'for free') outside the front door. Oh well. Now he was someone else's problem.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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One: shout out to discussing films for calling her what she is really, let alone proceeding to close replies so her fellow transphobes can't proceed to try and defend her and sprout transphobic shit, plus also proceeding to link trans charities, aka The Transgender Law Centre and Trans Lifeline , in the tweets attached to this one.
Two: well we knew this show would be fucking trash anyway, but nice to know it'll even more trashier with her attached to creative decisions on the show.
Which brings me to three: if you still insisted on attempting to watch the show whenever it came out because you for some reason think JK Rowling isn't somehow attached to Harry Potter stuff still, then this is confirming to you she will be actively attached to the show so if you watch it and support it, you are supporting a bigot.
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