#dummy ticket generator
shahzebshezzi · 7 months
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"Need a Dummy flight ticket for your visa application or travel plans? Our “Dummy Ticket” Generator has you covered! Quickly create realistic-looking flight ticket with ease. No more searching for unreliable templates or struggling with complicated software. Simply input your travel details and get a convincing “dummy ticket” instantly. Perfect for visa applications
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dummyticket-travel · 7 months
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"Generate Dummy flight ticket easily with our “Dummy Ticket Generator” tool. Create realistic-looking flight itineraries for visa applications, travel planning, simply input your travel details, and our generator will produce a convincing dummy ticket that can be used for various purposes. Our user-friendly interface makes it simple to generate a dummy ticket in minutes. Whether you need it for visa requirements or Flight reservation “Dummy Ticket” is best.
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myonwardticket · 2 years
Dummy Ticket Generator | Verifiable Fake Flight Ticket | Onward Air Reservation
The world has become tech-savvy! Hence, we are here to serve Verifiable Fake Flight Tickets online to our clients. We provide both flight and air reservations.
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majoresca · 2 months
King Cedric, the Great: What are you doing now, your majesty?
He said that becoming king was his biggest dream in life, but, did he think about what that would really mean? A change not only for him, but for all the subjects of Enchancia.
And perhaps, for the entire Ever Realm.
Cedric as King.
To be king, it is not enough to have a crown on your head and a dream of ruling in your heart.
A king must know how to behave as such, in addition to knowing about the politics of his own kingdom ,as well as dealing with political relations between other kingdoms.
• Did Cedric even study what it took to be a king? Did he study politics? Laws?
• Did he try to find out what he could do better than Roland, so that his subjects would like him more than his predecessor?
• Did he study Enchancia's problems in depth, to at least try to suggest solutions to them?
( I'm going to assume the answer is: no. And what is that book back there? "How to govern for Dummies"? Yes, I think you will need much more than that, your majesty.)
Eviction notice.
Well, when you take someone out of the job they were born to have and put them out the door of their generational home, what do you do with them?
• If he managed to remove Roland from power and take the throne, what would he do with the rest of the royal family?
• Did he think about what would happen to them after they were deposed?
• Did he think about where they would go?
• Perhaps in a secluded place, living comfortably, but out of sight so as not to arouse suspicion?
There is a saying: whoever is seen, is remembered. So the opposite is also valid.
( What's your plan Cedric? Give them mustaches and fake names? With a one-way ticket to an island in the middle of nowhere?)
Under new management.
It is to be expected that the people of Enchancia will react in some way, especially to a change as drastic as a takeover of power.
Those favored by Roland II would fear that this new situation would leave them at a disadvantage.
The disadvantaged, however, would have hope for the new king, as long as he fulfilled their expectations.
• Did he care about his subjects?
• The people of Enchancia that he would be responsible for after he took the throne, did he think about them?
If the people of Enchancia had a positive opinion about Cedric's reign, he would have the support of the people on his side, which would make him much more difficult to dethrone in the future.
If public opinion were bad, then opposition would arise, and unless he did something to improve things, it would only increase.
There is no point in making promises without intending to fulfill them, because the people would know and remember them.
And promises are debts.
Word is a currency, and how much is yours worth? This, coming from a traitor to the crown, of course.
( And I think your majesty has already started with a dirty name in the square. Owing more than you can pay, which is a bad sign.)
Hello Neighborhood!
After generations and generations on the throne, neighboring kingdoms would react to the seizure of power.
And after years of negotiations and treaties,they would be interested to know how things will go with the new king.
The most loyal kingdoms would certainly try to put Roland II where he was. Or at least put his sister Tilly in his place.
Now, kingdoms with less affinity to the previous royal family, could see themselves with an advantage. Perhaps if they supported the new king, they could make agreements that until then were impossible to make.
All hail the new king! And long live him!
As long as he is useful to our interests...
( It's not very pleasant to have friends just for the sake of interest, is it? Well, you should get used to it now. At the price of keeping the crown on top of his own head. Practice your fake smiles, because you will need it.)
What goes around,comes around.
Since he would have seized the throne, anyone could do the same to him. The spell goes against the sorcerer, and he ends up inspiring others to revolt against him.
• Did he think that someone might have the same idea as him at some point, to try to dethrone him?
• Did he think of any plan against it?
( The sword of Damocles doesn't seem so harmless now, especially when it's sharp and aimed at you.)
Cedric has become king, what now?
What? Didn't your majesty, the king, think of any of this?
Now, aren't you thinking about "improvising as you go"? Oh, were you? Uhm...
Well I have good news and bad news for you friend.
The good thing is that your majesty will really be the first and only in many things.
The first of the lineage, the first sorcerer on the throne and so on...
But also, the first to be deposed, the first to be the most unpopular, and the first to unite enemy kingdoms just to remove you from power.
The bad news is that whatever you do first, you will probably also do last. Because you won't have any chance to do it again.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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this was a "part two" of my last memory vault based on the "Uncle Cally" AU, this time depicting how ol' Uncle Cally started moonlighting as Doctor Loboto! I got a lot more ambitious with this one, and I think it made me drift from aping the Scott C style as closely, but I'm still darn proud of it...!! I'd like to do more in this style someday. I've got ideas...
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A title slide mimicking those of the Psychonauts memory vaults, reading "The Amoral Doctor Loboto!"]
[Image 2 ID: Cal leaning back against a portable ticket booth, looking concerned. Inside, Donatella is comforting a distraught Augustus sitting on the floor with the cash register, a speech bubble coming from him showing a stack of money with a big X over it. Outside the booth, Raz is working on sending PSI-punches at a bag of flour marked with a generic bad guy, which Cal is holding up with telekinesis.]
[Image 3 ID: Cal in a small, rickety flatbed truck with miscellaneous scrap in the bed, driving away from the circus camp under cover of moonlight. He is looking back at a billboard advertising the Aquatos, looking conflicted. The edges of the image are crowded with dark foliage.]
[Image 4 ID: Cal in his "Doctor Loboto" guise in some kind of lair, lit only by a barred window above him. There is a cartoony death ray pointed at the window next to him, with an open panel he appears to be working on, holding a drill in one hand and a "Brain Surgery for Dummies" book in the other. In the foreground is a fish in a bowl, hooked up to machinery with wires and diodes.]
[Image 5 ID: Cal, back in his circus outfit, holding a stack of cash in one hand and proudly handing Raz a True Psychic Tales comic with the other. Raz looks utterly delighted. In the background, Augustus, stretching and practicing with Mirtala and Dion, looks over his shoulder at this with suspicion.]
[Image 6 ID: Cal in the dead of night using his telekinesis to chase off two shadowy figures, who are fleeing in terror. He is standing on some crates with his cloak billowing and a hacksaw in one hand. Behind him on a wall is a poster of the Aquatos.]
[Image 7 ID: Cal, in his "Doctor Loboto" guise, checking a PO box. He is opening an envelope containing a letter addressed to "Dr. Loboto", a blueprint, some cash, and a pamphlet for Whispering Rock on which Oleander's portrait can be seen.]
[Image 8 ID: "Loboto" and Oleander at a wooden workbench. Oleander, grinning manically with his hands spread across a blueprint of the brain tank, is explaining his diabolical plan, as represented by word balloons depicting a child having their brain removed, the brain-tank shooting lighting, and Oleander holding the world in his palm. "Loboto" is leaning against the table with a finger on his chin in consideration, though a thought bubble reveals he is actually imagining Oleander as a strongman lifting a giant dumbbell, with little hearts floating around him.]
[Image 9 ID: Oleander and Cal in the Thorney Towers lab, working on the brain tank. Oleander is sitting on top of the tank's frame, holding a welding torch in one hand; he lifts his welders mask to chat with Cal with a big grin. Cal, lying on the ground next to the tank holding a screwdriver, actually pulls down his face mask to grin back. Mr. Pokeylope is visible in his cage in the background, and further back Sheegor walks in looking nervous and holding a jarred brain.]
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rontra · 1 year
if you don't mind answering how was the process of signing up for an account in order to buy a ticket for the umineko stage 2 archive stream? wasn't sure what to do since it needs a japanese address to sign up for an account on confetti
Hello! Yes the account wants a Japanese address, BUT it doesn't know if you fill in dummy information + the system will never need your address since we're exclusively buying digital tickets, so it's fine...
For detailed instructions on registering an account (including the address step), the steps in this thread should still be the same--just, obviously, use the EP2 tickets link instead :B--and youll be up and running pretty easily
To anyone else coming across this post in general, Umineko Stage EP2 streaming is open now and you can watch it as many times as you like until the 16th! Consider buying a ticket! 🫡
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shwarmii · 1 year
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hi, i'm @/shwarmi, and tumblr tERMINATED MY BLOG (AND ALL MY SIDE-BLOGS WITHOUT WARNING ME) and i messaged them to get it back but idk when theyll get back to me, so here i am in the meantime, hello, i guess this is my back-up account now, yes, my url is a pun on Roman numerals, anyway, sure do fucking hope i gET MY BLOG BACK JFC
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edit: i've been filling out a ticket form about Account Termination once a day (here's the link to it if you ever need help finding it for yourself in the future; please don't try to help me via spamming the ticket form or anything, they explicitly ask to not involve other people uninvolved in your account AND i feel bad enough doing spam once a day already; but, anyway, yes, i recommend doing what i did and having bookmarked the aforementioned link and just copy&paste my form answers into the ticket from a seperate document, like from Google Drive or something, so you don't have to retype it everytime), and i have recieved no reply nor even a confirmation e-mail. hence the lack of updates on how my account is doing. there's no other way to contact staff, except maybe via Twitter, as their support e-mail is no longer accepting messages (hopefully bc of the following they will be in contact with you sooner than they have been with me, bc i didnt know this following tip this past week i've been filling out that ticket and noW YOU DO, you lucky bastard. do what i did with a seperate document to prep in case this is a multi-day process, but hopefully you'll get farther in less time than i have bc jfc i wasn't even getting a confirmation e-mail beforehand big McYikes)
BUT!!1! a friend of mine who was terminated last year said to attach my un-terminated e-mail's account (aka the e-mail i am using right here for @/shwarmii, and not for the terminated @/shwarmi like i had been doing liKE A DUMMY APPARENTLY) to the ticket's general "Put your e-mail here" slot and to explain within "The more details, the better" part your original e-mail attached to the terminated account in addition to the rest of your explanation. and i finally got a confirmation e-mail that my ticket has been recieved! yes, it was just an automated response but yay! finally!! progress!!1! i at least got a fUCKING CONFIRMATION E-MAIL, HAHA, VICTORY!
god i fucking wish i knew about the "just dont use your e-mail linked to your terminated account" tip a week ago jfc on a hot dog stick, my guys, finally, a confirmation e-mail, gahhh
since i now have a confirmation e-mail, i will wait five buisness days (so today is the 8th and a Monday, therefore, i'll wait until Saturday which is the 12th except i said "business days" ergoooo Monday the 14th) to e-mail them again. i hate waiting tho ughhh like, fine, i'll do what i gotta do but also ugghhhhh
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↳ additional note: this update/edit was made on 8 August 2023. @/shwarmi has been terminated since 31 July 2023 (or 30 July 2023, and i just was too exhausted to make the account/post until the 31st. i forget. i was in the middle of moving and im disabled, so i was over-exerting myself big-time. i had processed that my account had been terminated at the time and just responded by taking a nap lmao rip but yeah, therefore, it's all been a blur)
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NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. COOL. (Narrator: It was not, in fact, "cool".) I WAITED AS PLANNED (this update is being written on 14 August 2023) AND STILL NO FOLLOW-UP TO MY CONFIRMATION TICKET. HATE THAT FOR ME.
instead of sending in a new ticket as i originally planned, i replied to their confirmation email since it said i could do that (for permalinks or whatever) so that they will HOPEFULLY get back to me without me having to be a pest about their automated systems, ugh.. (i have cropped out my email and the Ticket Number(? i assume that's what that string if letters and numbers are anyway) for privacy reasons, but here is what the confirmation e-mail looks like and how i replied. i am including this mostly to help out anyone who may be terminated in the future have an idea of what to expect and an expectation of "OH, okay, so i can reply to THIS email-address, got it" kind of nonsense or whatever. why not lmao)
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i will wait another five buisness days, so that'll be on the 21st of August 2023. hopefully, i will update with good news before then (aka: they'll haVE REPLIED MAYBE PLS PLS PLS) but i guess i will have to be annoying if not
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it is the 20th (so they have one more day before i have to be annoying anD I DONT WANNA BE.. pls send me ideas of how to be annoying that doesnt include the Hateful Xitter pls, my only idea is to DM them there and i dON'T WANNA) and even my gmail thinks the lack of response is fucked up lmao rip
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having a Bad Brain Day streak rn due to my (abusive) dad's failing health and unpacking and all this other shit i have to do post-moving like switching my insurance and renewing my liscence and fuck all, so bothering tumblr about not replying to me is gonna take a bit more of a backseat for a minute, hold on
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it.. is now August 30. brain still in gutter, but i forced myself to make a xitter/twitter (don't follow, ill delete the account after they help me or not). and it wouldnt let me dm, so i had to just @ them and post. brain so sad that i cannot even be amused rn that @/shwarmi on there was taken by a shwarma restaurant. @/tumblrsupport's Replies tab shows signs of helping people as recently as 2 hrs ago, but idk if there's another queue here. i guess we'll find out?? i just want my accounts with all their posts and shit back pls, this has taken so long to try to do 💔
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edit: if you're curious, it is 3 Sept 2023 and i am still waiting (it looks like they are looking at people who @'ed them on Sept 1 rn and iM LIKE "PLSSSS, I @'ED YOU ON THE 30TH OF AUGUST PLSSSSSSS", gonna give them until the 5th before i tweet again i guess 🥺)
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i am not god's strongest soldier. i continue to cry out for help, alas, i have yet to receive an answer
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it does not help that the twitter account sometimes says to people: "What is your Tumblr URL? We can check and see if there was a glitch of some sort. But be advised that if it is a TOS violation situation or a bigger tech issue, we cannot assist/reply on Twitter" so that doesnt make me panic aT ALL that maybe i broke TOS without any form of a warning or knowledge that i wasnt following tumblr's terms of services regarding things like nsfw and whatnot (narrator: they were panicking)
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i hate it here. staff should at least be able to tell me (via email, if not twitter) that i wont be getting my account back or whatever else instead of just saying NOTHING??????
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going to do all this again (tweet support, make a whole new ticket (i still have the info saved thankfully), reply to my old email confirmation) on September 27th (an arbitrary date based on I Have A Lot Going On Rn) if they continue to not reply. if i hit the 30 images limit, guess ill be reblogging and adding even MORE to this thread jfc juST TALK TO MEE!!!1!
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beedlemania · 6 months
The boys all probably have their own collections of things. What do you think they collect and is there any reason why they collect those?
That’s a tough question!
I think both Micky and Davy collect shells. The only difference is Micky collects anything he likes and Davy only collects the ones that are perfect and not cracked. It makes sense since they’re beside the beach and every time they bring in a new haul, Mike puts some of their old ones back outside because it’s like an invasion and they don’t even notice anyhow.
I think the other obvious one is Peter collects records. He’ll save up as often as he can and make a big deal of finally buying one. He can spend hours searching for the perfect one and then he’ll play it over and over again until he can afford a new one. He built a little shelf next to the record player so he can display his favourite ones and he loves to talk about them to anyone who will listen.
Micky collects snowglobes. I feel like his family travelled a lot when he was a kid so he has one for every American state and maybe some other countries. When Davy goes back to England he makes him bring him back a snowglobe so Davy gets him one from all the major cities he can manage to get to on his visit. Micky collects these because it reminds him of all the places he’s been and all the memories attached to them and it helps him when he’s homesick.
Mike collects something a bit more random like stamps. He saves all the stamps off every letter they receive or if he sees a cool one in the post office. I’m not sure if Americans have special stamps for special occasions but if they do, he collects them all. He has a scrapbook dedicated to them which he hides on his bookshelf and he doesn’t admit it to anyone because he thinks it’ll make him look old or uncool. He can’t remember when he started collecting or why but he loves to keep them, especially if they’re from a special letter from home or a check for a gig.
Davy I think collects stuff from each date he’s on (a ticket, or receipt, or a written phone number) and he has a journal where he puts them and writes about each date/girl. He does this because it’s fun but he doesn’t show anyone in case they think it’s shallow. It’s hard for him to remember all the dates he’s been on but he loves to read back over his journal and remember how much fun he had and whatnot.
Peter loves trinkets in general. There’s always something new on display in the pad and peter never explains where he gets them from. He has a whole collection of ceramic animals that he keeps in his bedroom because he’s given them all names and likes to say goodnight to them all individually. He’ll see them in shops or sometimes in the trash and he’ll feel bad for them and take them home.
Davy collects playbills, even if he can’t afford to go to the show. Hes always at the ticket office collecting the posters or whatever he can get his hands on and he pins them all to the wall above his bed. If he gets one he hasn’t heard of or can’t go see, he’ll make up the plot/songs in his head (which is where his songs for the band come from eg My Share of the Sidewalk). For his birthday the guys all save up to take him to a musical he’s been wanting to see since forever and Davy puts the playbill for it right in the middle of his collection.
Mikes guilty pleasure is collecting toy cars. He gets all the different types of models he can get. He hides them in case the others think they’re silly toys but Micky finds them and they bond over their favourite cars and Micky starts adding to the collection. For his birthday one year, Micky makes mike a small model car either whittled from wood or made from scraps of other projects he works on.
Micky tries to start a collection of puppets/dummies at one point but it freaks Peter out so Mike makes him get rid of them. They keep Mr. Schneider though because there’s just something about him…
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princetorn · 7 months
⋆ verse — to be a boy among the boys ( 1939 – 1954 )
canon . A childhood spent in the shadow of the Appalachian mountains – long summers, Little League, sweet tea, Sunday sermons – and a briefly awkward adolescence of braces and coltish limbs.  A child prodigy, they say.  He is a scab-kneed boy marked for sporting greatness.
⋆ verse — six cylinders underneath the hood ( 1955 – 1957 )
canon . Baseball was once his greatest love, but now he fixates on hot-rodding and his ‘Little Sweetheart’ – a Chevrolet Corvette that he spends his weekends diligently working on and his nights racing.  Royce has grown into himself.  He has motor oil under his nails, Brylcreem in his hair, and butane in his blood.
⋆ verse — all a ghost can do is haunt ( 1958 – )
canon .The end came sharp and sour, in a twist of shrieking metal and the lick of flames.  Murder, though he does not know it. Royce Clayton is dead, buried in a small plot overlooking the baseball field.  He has become a cautionary tale to the people in the town of Marshall, and his ghost is doomed to walk the earth.
⋆ verse — caged within jars like fireflies ( 1997 – 2001 )
Captured by wealthy explorer, collector and ghost hunter Cyrus Kriticos – with the aid of his psychic assistant Dennis Rafkin – Royce is transported to Pennsylvania and kept contained by Latin barrier spells.  He and eleven other spirits form the Black Zodiac, with Royce representing the Torn Prince.  Cyrus intends for the enslaved spirits to power the Basileus Machine, a contraption designed by a fifteenth century Italian astrologer while under demonic possession.  If successful, the device will open the Ocularis Infernum ( ‘The Eye of Hell’ ) allowing him to see all things, past and future, divine and damned.
⋆ verse — college is fun as long as you don’t die ( 1958 – 1962 )
Royce doesn’t die that fateful October night.  He lives to see prom, to graduate, to take up a baseball scholarship and move on with his life.  He still harbours a great love of hot-rodding, but baseball is his ticket out of small-town misery and he grabs the opportunity with both hands.
⋆ verse — it ain’t over ‘til it’s over ( 1963 – 1968 )
He did it, he made it, he’s finally famous.  Royce is a Major League Baseball player, his face is printed on posters and in the newspapers.
⋆ verse — when you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed ( 1969 – )
By 30 years of age, Royce is past his peak and his time in the spotlight comes to a close. Retiring from baseball, he starts coaching the up-and-comers – but it isn’t the same as standing in the home plate with a crowded stadium screaming your name.
⋆ verse — professional crash test dummy ( 1958 – )
Royce doesn’t die that fateful October night, nor does he seize the chances baseball presents. Instead, he follows his hot-rodding dreams, and goes on to become a sports car racer.  James Dean would be proud.
⋆ verse — we’re gonna be together forever baby
exclusive to @shellcrack . Royce Clayton is in love with Miriam Ross – the prom king has found his queen, and he is saving for a ring.  What started out as a jockish bet has ended in something serious, with the hot-rod playing for keeps, making big plans for them to leave their small town behind.  Whether they make it or not, Johnny refuses to get out of the picture.
⋆ verse — crazy fun park
A teenager from a quiet corner of North Carolina is offered a baseball scholarship in Melbourne.  Generously bankrolled by Henry Clayton, Royce and Johnny jet off to Australia to tour the university.  Following an argument, Royce is involved in a fatal car accident.  Many years later, a theme park is built on the crash site.  It thrives, it dies, and it collects spirits along the way.  Alternative premise:  Royce is attached to a vintage baseball glove or card which Violetta gifts Nimrod, unwittingly bringing Royce’s ghost to Crazy Fun Park.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #76: “Dummy Love” | March 9, 2008 - 11:45PM | S06E07
The Aqua Teens receive a mysterious package containing a red-haired ventriloquist dummy. He repeats the word “kill” and generally seems very sinister. The main gag is they do dramatic things, like have the power go out, providing the dummy with the cover of darkness to carry out a violent act, but these moments play out with a slight reversal where nothing bad actually happens. The dummy’s evil intent is constantly telegraphed but undercut. Who is he, a freaking POLITICIAN? Folks...
Eventually they try to get rid of the dummy but he keeps popping back up, even after going to absurd lengths to make sure that doesn’t happen. When they use a flame thrower to turn him into a pile of ash they also set up a bunch of security cameras so they can monitor his potential re-emergence, but then he parachutes down from the sky. They try to give him to Carl, but it turns out Carl has his own dummy, who repeats the word “die”. The two dummies fall in love. Shake eventually begins using them in a stand-up comedy act, taking advantage of their penchant for magically reappearing. He becomes quite popular.
Meatwad wishes on a shooting star for the dummies to become real boys, and they do! In fact they become grown-ass adult men. Shake is so mad that his meal ticket is gone that he attacks them with an axe and lands himself in jail. The episode ends with the dummies taunting Shake over the phone with their individual “catch-words” after he makes his one phone call to the house. When shake hangs up the dummies become slightly more eloquent, remarking “he hung up”. 
I remembered this one fondly, but I don’t remember the last time I actually watched it. It’s a bit one note, and I forgot the beginning scene where Shake reads a rude children’s book to Meatwad. It too much resembles an actual “tWiStEd” children’s book that would actually be sold in stores. I consider this one to be just okay now. I like that they attempted atmosphere at the beginning of it by having it be a dark and stormy night. There’s fun bits, but I wouldn’t call this one remarkable.
The dummies are voiced by Josh Homme, the founder and consistent member of Queens of the Stone Age, and also T-Pain. I think Queens of the Stone Age had an Adult Swim tie-in music video or something like that. Let’s all hope I didn’t/won’t miss it for this blog. T-Pain made many more appearances in various Adult Swim Shows, most memorably as live-action Frylock.
The last thing I’ll mention is that the dummies themselves could be a sly reference to Rudy & Gogo, specifically Redhead Rudy, and his African American friend Jumpin’ J.B. Gogo was their live-action pet goat. They hosted a cartoon show on TNT in the mid-90s made up of old cartoons in the Turner Library. The host segments were shot on a green screen and featured colorful spiral backgrounds. Hey, here’s some of it on YouTube.
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emoishcatgirlfriend · 2 years
Porcupine Tree @ Mexico City 2022 🇲🇽 🇬🇧
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My. Fucking. God.
Where do I even begin to explain the absolute bliss I felt during the 3 hour long show????
Being Porcupine Tree my absolute favorite band ever and being a big Steven Wilson fangirl, in no way I was gonna miss this show. The whole day was an adventure, though. Sadly, my girlfriend had an accident around 5 am that day and was unable to go to the concert. I went to take care of her the whole afternoon and she told me to give her ticket to someone else. By the evening, her brothers were taking care of her and knowing she was safe, resting and feeling a little better but not enough to leave home, after talking about the situation, I left to the concert. (She's even better by the time of this post, thankfully.)
Arriving somewhere but not here at the venue, I waited for some friends that I told to reunite with me at the entrance, and I met at least ten other friends that I didn't expect to see there, from classmates to teachers and fellow musicians. It felt nice to know more people appreciate this band as much as I do (almost).
I entered the venue a little late, mostly because I was waiting for my friends before going into the Pepsi Center auditorium together, so I wasn't in place to enjoy properly one of my favorite songs from them: Blackest Eyes. I was listening to it as I was walking to my table in the VIP Lounge section, almost at the very front. (I'll never be able to thank my godfather enough for that). Said table was next to a metal railing spliting the general section from this one, where I spent the whole concert in monke mode shaking it, shouting and waving at my favorite ensemble.
After Blackest Eyes ended, Steven took the microphone to formally introduce the show and mentioned they'd play the whole Closure/Continuation album just before Harridan began sounding. That song to me is already destined to be a classic of the band. Such a fucking brilliant comeback, my gaaaaaaaaaawd 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
I'm not gonna describe the events song by song, though. You should know, however, that there is a tradition here in Mexico that involves throwing a plushie of the mascot from a popular national pharmacy franchise called "Dr. Simi" into the stage. At a certain point of the concert, one of those flew right into the tour's bassist Nate Navarro, so, after that song ended, Steven asked for more plushies to be thrown at them. Only one more Simi, a porcupine and a mexican flag made it there, to which Steven showed a little comical disappointment.
In general we all noticed Steven somewhat quirky and in a very good mood. The whole band was, in fact. Even Barbieri's cheeks rose one millimeter at one point of the night. Steven joked about having to make an intermission because of them being old. Also, at some other point, he asked the crowd to shout "Happy Birthday Yali" while recording it into his cellphone to show the video afterwards to his adoptive daughter. What a sweet, heartwarming detail 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
The songs they played outside of C/C were Even Less, Drown With Me and Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled (not in that order). Love those songs, but when the feels really started to kick in was when Fear Of A Blank Planet began. That album saved my life from eternal mysery of a poor career choice. It felt very intimate.
When I really lost it was with Anesthetize. As soon as I began hearing the guitar intro I couldn't contain myself and I started crying a fucking river. Ugly face, runny nose, shouting the lyrics with no mistakes and headbanging as hard as I fucking could. That song means the absolute world to me. One of my friends had to hug my from how aggressively I was sobbing. I remember that moment and I want to start crying as hard again. I even shouted from the top of my lungs "TE AMO STEVEN" like a K-pop stan. I'm a big dummy for him, I swear.
They ended the show after "playing adult peek-a-boo" with Collapse The Light and Trains, and as if it had been only 30 minutes, the concert was over. Made some impulsive t-shirt purchasing after that and I got an In Absentia one and a FOABP that doesn't fucking fit me because I couldn't fucking read the tag attached to it.
So, yeah. It was a lifetime experience that I am extremely thankful to have lived and shared with my friends, and a memory I'll carry dearly until the day I die. I want to cry again. Hug me, please.
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dummyticket-travel · 3 days
How to Take Dummy Tickets & Dummy hotel booking for visa 
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myonwardticket · 2 years
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dummticket · 1 month
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Using dummy air tickets is generally safe as long as you only intend to utilize them for for proof of onward travel. It's important to note that dummy tickets are not valid for actual flights and attempting to use them for travel purposes will not works. https://dummyticket.services/index.php
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