#dumb law
alex21705 · 5 months
This is just dumb
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mugiwara-lucy · 11 months
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This may be the most self awareness I've seen from Luffy in the whole series 🤣
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baby-xemnas · 7 months
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bepo turboshitting in the bushes is somehow their fault as well
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prairieenyasblog · 4 months
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i can't believe i drew the cartoon time-traveling gay old men with separation anxiety in 2024. god. i found that lil doodle in my 2017-18 sketchbook and i decided to redraw it lol, n then i just made the dumb doodles below. fighting the urge to call them a found family even tho milo’s got a perfectly loving family at home isnidjuwhudjs
since i'm sick i decided to treat myself and make something self-indulgent real quick :) back to grinding now
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annonir · 2 years
Glass onion script team really said "we've hidden the meaning of the film under several layers of plot, but yes. the message is just as obvious as the title indicates. all you really need to see is that powerful billionnaires don't deserve shit and CAN be taken down by force" and it's very direct action of them
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scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
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the realization that a 03 leosagi child could be a dragon-bunny hybrid hit me like a derailed freight train a few days ago
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i do not know her name or anything else all i know is that her fam is as surprised and awed by her as i am
also that mikey needs a refresher on how biology works
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
My favourite part of MDZS is how cool Wei Wuxian is.
Like, we don’t talk enough about how cool he is. He performs Empathy three times. His ability to use a flute is so powerful, the song doesn’t even have to sound good for it to work. He brought a dead guy back to life (kinda sorta).
But especially, I love how Wei Wuxian treats ghosts and corpses! Wei Wuxian just hangs out with corpses, for FUN!! He scares away low-level corpses just by existing! He hears the voices of the dead to the point that he can’t enter a place too full of resentment without getting a headache from the constant chatter.
I also really like the Extra where Wei Wuxian is just like “Well, the ghost will go away when he’s done screaming. I’m not worried about it.” And he just leaves a screaming ghost at some guy’s house so the ghost can move on peacefully (as peacefully as is possible when one moves on by screaming).
I love all of this so much because Wei Wuxian is constantly saying that people have too high of expectations of him. Xue Yang telling him to put Xiao Xingchen’s soul back together is just one example of this. Someone will tell Wei Wuxian to do something and he’ll be like “How powerful do you think I am?!” And it’s like… Wei Wuxian, you spent six hours hanging onto a cursed sword in the Xuanwu’s mouth, you survived three months in the Burial Mounds and then returned to make it into a semi-livable place, you killed at least a thousand people that one time, and you came back from the dead, just to name a few.
Wei Wuxian is so strong. He’s so cool. He is terrifying. He is unstoppable and unflappable if only because he gets over his embarrassment in about fifteen seconds! He just rolls with it! He rolls with anything that happens! He remains Shocked and Apalled by Lan Zhan’s behaviour for all of five minutes before basically going “lol okay”! He told Lan Zhan that he wanted to sleep with him in front of Lan Xichen, Jin Ling, a handful of Jin disciples, and the literal bad guy of the novel!!!
(I’ll never get over that scene. It is so funny.
WWX: “I need to say something, it can’t wait.”
JGY: “Then just say it right now as you are.” (Referring to the fact that Wei Wuxian has a wire wrapped around his throat that can kill him in seconds)
WWX: “Good point! Lan Zhan, we should’ve fucked.”
This scene is so fucking funny, I will absolutely never get over it)
I love powerful protagonists and honestly, Wei Wuxian is at the top of the list when it comes to overpowered protagonists. The only thing that phases him is dogs, and even then, he himself admits that he can get used to their presence as long as they aren’t barking.
TLDR: Wei Wuxian is so powerful and I totally get why Lan Zhan fell for him.
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heph · 11 months
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anotherguynamedjeremy · 5 months
Whoever is responsible for leaking those Disney TVA pilots online, I only have one thing to say to you: thank you!
I hope that they don't get taken down before I get a chance to watch them.
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rillette · 1 year
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My favorite one peice character.... legislation.......
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soullessjack · 5 months
supernatural went downhill when they stopped implying that the Winchesters are assumed to be a firefly-esque psychopath satan worshipping serial killer family to normal people and I stand by that
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alex21705 · 1 year
Make sense of this
19th century Great Britain
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hunterkhean · 3 months
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Silly short Conversation Came to my head I can't help but draw it...
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bra1nw0rmz · 2 years
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He’s so pathetic n cringe fail bbg 2 me
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zoroslost · 8 months
Thinking about Law having trouble getting himself to eat and generally take care of himself while hes traveling with the Strawhats. (Usually, his crew takes care of making sure he eats at least twice a day) One day Luffy takes his hand and closes his pinky finger and thumb and shoves the three fingers back in Law's face and says "Look your fingers say it so you have to eat." And Law argues back with him but eventually gives up and decides to eat. The same thing happens a few days later. He puts up less of a resistance each time.
Eventually, they part ways and Law catches himself slipping back in to the same habits. Before his crew are able to remind him though, he looks down at his hand, folds in his pinky finger and thumb, and chuckles to himself before finally getting up to eat.
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eunnieverse · 1 month
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