hailtothepumpkinqueen · 6 months
*boops you anyway*
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*boops you back!*
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resin-popia · 1 year
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Taglist: @somnium-dulcem @papasecondoplush @historian-crown @visiosatanae @thebandghostofficial
Wig by SophyMolly (IG)
Faceup and mods by Me (ANamelessFool)
Harness by user goodboyyer-6 (Ebay) Clothing from Alice Collections
Resin Popia is a Dream Valley Cayes BJD from Alice's Collections (NFS)
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months
Found another reference to Zeus/Jupiter and Hera/Juno sleeping together before marriage. Still kind of surprises me how popular this idea was.
Iuppiter ante sui semper mendacia factus, / cum Iunone, prius coniunx quam dictus uterque est, / gaudia libauit dulcem furatus amorem.
Previously, Jupiter (who always devises disguises of his own self) tasted delights with Juno, before they were made man and wife, by stealing sweet love.
- Appendix Vergiliana. Lydia 63-65
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František Ignác Tůma (1704-1774) - Stabat Mater 1. Stabat Mater Dolorosa
0:00 2. O Quam Tristis 2:49 3. Quis Est Homo 4:21 4. Pro Peccatis 6:08 5. Vidit suum dulcem Natum 7:20 6. Eja Mater 8:24 7. Sancta Mater 10:17 8. Fac Me Tecum 12:14 9. Virgo virginum 15:36 10. Christe, Cum Sit Hinc Exire 17:34 11. Fac Ut Animae Donetur 18:41
vocal ensemble Currende, direction by Erik van Nevel from Belgium
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its-caesar-bitch · 2 years
get ready for spooky season - Latin translation of trick or treat!
Dolus aut dulcis!
(Alternatively, if people feel strongly about the accusative of exclamation, dolum aut dulcem)
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turangalila · 1 year
Josquin des Prez (c.1450-1521) Stabat Mater
Stabat Mater dolorosa / Juxta crucem lacrymosa, / Dum pendebat Filius, / Cujus animam gementem, / Contristantem et dolentem / Pertransivit gladius. / O quam tristis et afflicta / Fuit illa benedicta / Mater Unigeniti. / Quae maerebat et dolebat, / Et tremebat, dum videbat / Nati poenas inclyti. / Quis est homo qui non fleret, / Christi Matrem si videret / In tanto supplicio? / Quis non posset contristari, / Piam Matrem contemplari / Dolentem cum filio? / Pro peccatis suae gentis, / Vidit Jesum in tormentis, / Et flagellis subditum. / Vidit suum dulcem natum / Morientem desolatum, / Dum emisit spiritum. // Eia Mater, fons amoris, / Me sentire vim doloris / Fac, ut tecum lugeam. / Fac ut ardeat cor meum / In amando Christum deum, / Ut sibi complaceam. / Virgo virginum praeclara, / Jam mihi non sis amara, / Fac me tecum plangere. / Fac, ut portem Christi mortem, / Passionis ejus sortem, / Et plagas recolere. / Fac me plagis vulnerari, / Cruce hac inebriari, / Ob amorem filii. / Inflammatus et accensus, / Per te Virgo sim defensus / In die judicii. / Fac me cruce custodiri, / Morte Christi praemuniri / Confoveri gratia. / Quando corpus morietur / Fac ut animae donetur / Paradisi gloria. // Amen.//
graindelavoix. Live performance in Brussels Kapellekerk (08.2017)
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absentmoon · 2 years
🏛 + ralsei >:}
5th Declension (ē-stem)
Case—Singular || Plural
Nominative—Ralsēs || Ralsēs
Genitive—Ralseī || Ralsērum
Dative—Ralseī || Ralsēbus
Accusative—Ralsem || Ralsēs
Ablative—Ralsē || Ralsēbus
"Ralseī osculum dulcem das."
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emathyst9 · 5 months
Got Dulcem on The One and Oni King difficulty on all the songs for the Genshin rhythm game mode
I don't know how but I just managed to stumble through
Also fricking love Wriothesley's theme and I got Discantus on Pro of that
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odedmusic · 6 months
Stabat Mater: VI. Vidit suum dulcem natum
#OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic
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surlecoeur · 6 months
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carneirodemercurio · 7 months
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"Tu quidem sāncta et hūmāni generīs sospitatrix perpetua.. dulcem mātris adfectātiōnem miserōrum cāsibus tribuis. Quin mari terraque prōtegās homines " Apuleius.
"Most holy and everlasting redeemer of human kind.. bestow the sweet affections of a Mother upon the unfortunate. On land as well as at sea, You protect people". Apuleius.
Honouring Isis Pelagia on this festive day of Navigium Isidis. May she protect all who work & travel on the ocean and all of us who live by its shores.
"Santísima e eterna redentora do xénero humano… trae os doces afectos dunha Nai sobre os miserables. Tanto na terra como no mar, protexes á xente". Apuleio.
Hoxe honro a Isis Pelagia neste día festivo de Navigium Isidis, e rezo que ela protexa a todos os que traballan e viaxan no océano e a todos os que vivimos na beira do mar.
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primalpikachu05 · 11 months
My Latin Translation of the Greek Translation of A Cruel Angel's Thesis
Thesis Angeli Crudelis
Ut angelus quem fata crudelis occidit
Tu, iuvenis, surgas et heros noster fias
ventus dulce te afflat
pulsans ianuam cordis tuum
Venire procul te maneo
Et tu solus ad me surrides
Forma quae venit lente
Te tangit et iterum exit
Et tu petis videre
Ille ignem cum oculis innocentibus
Olim possis videre te almas in dorso habere
Sed omnes gradus comitunt et futurum fortissime tenent
Ut angelus quem vita persequitur
subito olim voles certissime
Si praeteritam quae te tenet indicas
procul voles ad mane certissime
Et cum caelus tibi lucem dulcem dat
Tu, iuvenis, surgas et heros noster fias
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resin-popia · 11 months
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Yes, I am looking for photoshoot requests and asks...
Taglist: @somnium-dulcem @papasecondoplush @historian-crown @visiosatanae
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earthry · 1 year
Headcanons Taglist
if you would like to be added or taken off, please contact me!
@lightbluuestars, @the-curator1, @ghostinagreenhouse, @saruman-the-silly, @emo-mess, @somnium-dulcem
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grill_0001.jpg by sublimepizzastarfish. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0.
This derivative work incorporates the following works:
Black cat by libberry: https://openclipart.org/detail/214639/black-cat. Public domain
Bright anime eyes by Kasuga~jawiki, Dulcem, & Hikin1987: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5600092. Licenses: CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC-BY-SA-2.5, CC-BY-SA-2.0, CC-BY-SA-1.0, or GFDL-1.2.
Caution Frog Sign by wipp: https://openclipart.org/detail/7272/caution-frog-sign. Public domain
Frog by revzack: https://openclipart.org/detail/343652/frog. Public domain.
Propane Gas Grill by Own Kelly (Lighfusegetaway): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Propane_Gas_Grill.jpg. Licenses: CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL-1.2
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lux-inferis · 2 years
From the well of poisoned gravity
In humble servitude
Subliminal grips
Rendering flesh from bone
Bound by this spell
Oh rejoice
How the darkness surrounds me
Every waking moment
Suicide and it’s failures
Every waking moment
Bound by this spell
Oh rejoice
The obsidian wreath cast around my neck
I have drifted away to sea
A blackened cesspool of mind
Of memory
Every waking moment
Veins bleed out
Rivers run red
Desolate is this shrine of servitude
Oh rejoice
For death has come
Hold me so close to your icy chest
Such sensation to behold
Vultures swirl overhead
A visage of death and decay
Take this smile lightly
Beneath the bone a shroud of torment
Oh rejoice
I cut away at the pieces that ail me
I cut at the veins that hold life
For death has come
Dulci mors
Dulci mors
Sucipe me dulcem mortem
O gaudete
Lux Venice
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