#Czech composer
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lesser-known-composers · 4 months ago
Josef Bohuslav Foerster (1859-1951) - String Quartet No, 2(?), Lento. Allegro ·
Stamicovo kvarteto
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postcard-from-the-past · 5 months ago
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Czech composer Antonín Dvořák on a vintage postcard
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 6 months ago
捷克民族樂派作曲家-安東寧·德弗札克Antonín Dvořák(1841-1904 Czech composer) - Dvořák: New World Symphony 新世界交響曲(E小調第9號交響曲)/ Tomomi Nishimoto 🫶 👍 日本指揮家 - 西本智實/にしもと ともみ Nishimoto Tomomi (b.1970 大阪)。她正式的指揮家生涯始於1998年指揮京都市交響樂團。她在俄羅斯的職業生涯始於1999年指揮聖彼得堡愛樂交響樂團。2002年她被任命為莫斯科大劇院交響樂團「千年」的首席指揮。此外,她在2004至2006年間擔任聖彼得堡穆索爾斯基國家學術歌劇院和芭蕾舞劇院的首席客座指揮,同時也在2004至2007年間擔任柴可夫斯基基金會旗下俄羅斯交響樂團的首席指揮和藝術總監。2005年,她指揮了柴可夫斯基未完成的交響曲「生活」(Symphony in E-flat /Tchaikovsky)的首場公開演���。2007 年她在奧地利布魯克納豪斯(Brucknerhaus)指揮了林茲布魯克納管弦樂團,西本智實也成為活躍於歐洲的指揮家了。其後,她指揮過許多歐洲樂團,除了與樂團合作演出的活動之外,西本智實亦作為歌劇指揮與布拉格國家歌劇院和匈牙利國家歌劇院合作。她於2010至2011年擔任俄羅斯國家交響樂團首席客座指揮。
The Symphony No. 9 in E minor, "From the New World", Op. 95, B. 178 (Symfonie č. 9 e moll "Z nového světa"), popularly known as the New World Symphony, was composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1893 while he was the director of the National Conservatory of Music of America from 1892 to 1895. It premiered in New York City on 16 December 1893. It has been described as one of the most popular of all symphonies.
00:45 Ist Mvmt. Adagio – Allegro molto
10:33 2nd Mvmt. Largo
22:35 3rd Mvmt. Molto vivace
30:05 4th Mvmt. Allegro con fuoco
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quentinfiletmignon · 1 year ago
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02.03.24 • Bedřich Smetana Museum • Prague
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toughtink · 2 years ago
i remain super excited for fontaine, aka steampunk fantasy france, to drop in genshin at the end of summer (i hope! please don't make me wait longer than that!!), but i've been theorizing for a while that fontaine will be a bit more like sumeru and less like liyue and inazuma in that it's real world inspirations/counterparts will be a little less one to one. sumeru's inspiration, for good or ill, pulls culturally and ecologically from southeast asia all the way across to north africa. that's a HUGE swath! and while most of the jungley area feel more indian and persian and the desert very obviously references egypt with those sci-fi pyramids, it's got a little bit from a lot of other places, too. of course, this isn't the first time fantasy media has kind of homogenized north africa, the middle east, and south asia into one giant thing (*side eyes disney's aladdin*), and there's plenty to be criticized about this approach--but this post isn't about that. i think they might be doing a similar approach with fontaine.
i believe that while the main capital city of the region will likely reflect paris, complete with a magical steampunky version of the eiffel tower, we might see a few other references potentially including more spanish/portugeuse influence on the left side of the map (can i say west if this map doesn't even have a compass rose to tell us north?) and potentially more british and irish influence on the right side as it gets closer to mondstat. mostly, i think this because the loch folk, the seelies, xin yan saying that rock and roll originates in fontaine which sounds more akin to british rock culture, and some of the names of fontaine npcs we've met so far seem to expand beyond just specifically french culture. also, i wouldn't be surprised if they use those cultural inspirations as a way to smooth the transition into the nations on either side, maybe using spanish colonial architecture along the borders to natlan which seems to be based more in mesoamerican civilizations.
in the same vein, i'm wondering if snezhnaya will be doing something similar? instead of just fantasy russia with some italian influence thrown in with the fatui, maybe it'll be a broader swath of eastern and northern europe? i expect it to be mostly cold there, of course, but i wonder if we'll get a snowy venitian-inspired city?
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efcmovie · 7 months ago
Behind The Scenes of the recording of the EFC Movie soundtrack "Fight Of My Life"
The EFC soundtrack album, featuring the original movie score, is now available worldwide on all major digital platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube Music. The music of EFC, composed by Obediya Jones-Darrell and performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra features Orchestra with the hard-hitting sounds of hip hop, trap, and pop. As you immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of the EFC soundtrack album, don't forget to experience the movie itself. EFC is currently available for purchase or rental on all major US digital and VOD platforms. Don't miss your chance to delve into the exhilarating world of EFC, both through its groundbreaking soundtrack album and its compelling narrative.
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suetravelblog · 1 year ago
Kromatika 2023 2024 Slovenska Filharmonija Ljubljana
Slovenska Filharmonija – gov.si Last night’s performance by the Slovenia Symphony Orchestra was exceptional. Seeing them live on stage was a fantastic experience! Bulgarian Conductor Rossen Milanov led the orchestra. Rossen Milanov Conductor – cd-cc.si kromatika Kromatika 2023 2024 The Kromatika 2023 2024 performance last night was the sixth in a series of nine. Kromatika concerts highlight the…
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slaviclore · 25 days ago
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talism4niac · 8 months ago
Actually you know what, here's a Megathread of the folks behind Project Dragon / Everhaven
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I figured the least I could do is highlight as many people as I can that had involvement with the project and has posted their work. If there's anyone that I missed please DM and I'll be sure to update this when I can! Go and show these folks some love! </3
Nicholas Kole : Portfolio | Twitter | Instagram
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Airborn Studios : Artstation | Twitter
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Ines Marsal : Twitter
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Camille Peyrebere : Twitter
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Leslie Van den Broeck : Artstation
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Chloé Labbé : Twitter
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Janneke Bruijnes : Twitter
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Malte Sturm : Twitter
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Andrea Orioli : Twitter
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Charlène Le Scanff : Twitter | Artstation
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Julien Allard : Twitter
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Lucas St. Martin : Twitter | Instagram | Artstation
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Andy Hansen : Twitter | Artstation
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Florian Coudray : Twitter | Artstation
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Malwina Czech (Mawluna) : Twitter
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Joey Vergara : Twitter -Game Designer
Mel Ramsden : Twitter -Game Designer
Shaan Joshi : Twitter -Game Developer
Bethany Higa : Twitter -Narrative Designer
Dave Huddleston : Linkedin -Lead Animator
Cris Velasco : Twitter -Composer
Hunter Howe : Twitter -Director
Michael vicente - Orb : Twitter -3D Artist
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lesser-known-composers · 2 months ago
Josef Suk (1874-1935) : Quartetto in la minore
Ensemble Taras :
Vaclav Macha pianoforte, Radim Kresta violino, Eva Krestova viola, Vaclav Petr violoncello
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 2 months ago
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025
Monday, January 27th, is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp located in Poland. On this day in 1945, Soviet troops from the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front opened the gates of Auschwitz and witnessed the horrors that had occurred there.
Memorial Day commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, during which one-third of the Jewish population—six million Jews—along with millions of others, were murdered by the Nazis, and victims of other genocides. This is a significant commemorative event held at the former concentration camp on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This site was established by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II.
The music of Schindler’s List, composed by John Williams, is made unforgettable by Itzhak Perlman’s violin. Born in Tel Aviv in 1945, Perlman was already a renowned musician when, at the age of 48, he performed the iconic violin solos for the 1993 soundtrack. The theme music from Schindler's List by John Williams is often played on Holocaust Memorial Day and Remembrance Day.
This memory must be passed on to future generations. For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. We remember and we must never forget.
Never again! 🕯️
#InternationalHolocaust #RemembranceDay #80thanniversary #liberationAuschwitzBirkenau #schindlerslisttheme #johnwilliamsmusic #storybehindthemusic #HolocaustMemorialDay #Filmsguild #Schindler'sList #ItzhakPerlman #LiamNeeson #NeverForget #NeverAgain#WWII
🎥 Schindler’s List
Posted 27th January 2025
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@ aria-diary This is not forgotten because was part of the Generalplan Ost - GPO (General Plan East), a plan devised by Nazi leaders in 1941--1942 to resettle Eastern Europe with Germans, and move "inferior" groups within the Nazis' domain.
Nazi Germany's plan for extermination and large-scale ethnic cleansing of Eastern European Jews, Slavs, and other peoples of Eastern Europe categorised as "Untermenschen" (refer non-Aryan people they deemed as inferior) Nazi ideology - was mainly used against "the masses from the East", that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs (mainly ethnic Poles, Belarusians, Czechs, Ukrainians, Russians and Serbs). The territories involved included the occupied Poland, the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), Belorussia, and parts of Russia and Ukraine.
During the war, many of the Nazis' activities were carried out with General Plan Ost in mind. They massacred millions of Jews in Eastern Europe,in addition to millions of Soviet prisoners of war. Millions more were sent to Germany to do forced labour.
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The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/7, passed in 2005, designated January 27th as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
This date marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, where more than 7,000 prisoners were freed. It is estimated that approximately 1.1 million people perished at Auschwitz during its five years of operation.
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The notorious “arbeit macht frei” "work makes you free" sign at Auschwitz
@ aria-diary, I understand your concern. The Holocaust is referred to as the Shoah in Hebrew. (Shoah “calamity” is the term that is preferred by the Jewish community, because ”Holocaust” means “sacrifice by fire”) the systematic murder of millions of Jews by the Nazi regime and their allies during World War II. This plan was known to the Nazis as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem" and took place between 1941 and 1945. The Final Solution marked the tragic culmination of the Holocaust.
Auschwitz's liberation is significant because it was the centre of the Nazi campaign to eradicate Europe's Jewish population through extermination camps, whose primary purpose was the mass murder of Jews. Nearly one million of those who perished there were killed by poison gas and their bodies were incinerated in crematoria. The Jewish people were the largest group persecuted by the Nazis, targeted based on racial and political grounds.
There were prisoners in Auschwitz from almost every country in Europe They included Albanians, Belgians, Danes, Dutch, Greeks, Hungarians, Italians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Luxembourgers, Norwegians, Romanians, Slovaks, Spaniards, and Swiss, also died there and were targeted for different reasons.
80 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the full impact of these events is still not completely understood. The post-war public often seeks to move on from the trauma of war, and the media tends to favour stories that can be celebrated. However, it is essential to remember the Holocaust context "Not forgiving Not forgetting." This serves as a way to honour and remember the victims of the Holocaust.
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deutsche-bahn · 9 months ago
I took some time and translated one of the anecdotes I'd written on here, since people keep putting my german posts through google translate in the notes and it makes my eyes bleed
It's a small story of a situation I got myself into while I was travelling through Prague. It was winter, I was 19, and completely disoriented on my way through eastern Europe. That day I'd made plans to meet some folks for breakfast at a café. But me being me I had somehow managed to type the wrong café into google maps, which sent me marching into the wrong part of town.
I burst into this unassuming little café somewhere in Prague like I was a Roman looking for the last unoccupied village in Galicia, walked through the rows of tables, couldn't find anybody. Opened google maps and promptly realized my mistake.
Unfortunately, by that point I'd caught the eye of the waiter. Some young, skinny guy with a pastel tshirt and a bow tie, looking vaguely like an overwhelmingly gay youtuber straight out of 2016. Good for him honestly.
He came flying in my direction, asking if there was anything he could help me with.
This is the point where I should briefly mention what I looked like at the time, since that somehow manages to make this story so much worse, yet so much better:
For starters I was dressed in a giant winter parka that I had quasi-borrowed from my ex. It was oversized to the point of making me look like the world's saddest emperor penguin. I'd spent the night on a flixbus (because what's new), was sleep deprived to the point of delyrium and wore giant hiking boots. The fact that I also suffer from a condition called "always looking like a 12yr old" certainly wasn't helping. In short, I looked like you could've cast me as Gavroche then and there.
The waiter proceeded, in czech, to ask me- well, something in czech. My czech skills are... lacking, and even that's a euphemism. I replied with all the wit I could muster: "What?? Sorry"
He repeated, now in english: "Hi, can I help you?"
I decided to opt for the one answer that could possibly make me look even more like a lost child.
"No, I'm just looking for my friends!"
Fantastic, stellar job, you babyfaced lunatic. Why not tell him that you'd now like to call your mum to come pick you up now? Jfc.
The waiter had already entered lost-child-emergency mode and actually offered to let me call someone if I needed to. Ah shit. "I can make you some tea!" he added. I got the vague feeling that he was five minutes and one more concerning remark on my part away from calling the authorities on me, so my reply of "ah, no no, I'm perfectly fine!" came out with a wee bit too much panic in my voice.
At that point he asked me what I was doing in Prague to begin with. In his eyes, there was a child standing in his cafe, unable to speak the local language and without his friends. Goddamn you, google maps.
I had travelled to the czech republic for a larp, and I'd rather have perished than explain the concept of larping to a random gay waiter. "Oh, it's very very complicated" I said instead. Holy shit, can you act less like a potential human trafficking victim, I fucking beg you?? Thanks in advance.
By this point the waiter was even more concerned, if possible. I thanked him several times (I must've seemed so composed and relaxed) and promptly booked it back out onto the street. Average Wednesday
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lifeofpriya · 1 month ago
Valentine's Love - Lukáš Dostál
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[gif credit goes to @escapentropy]
a/n: @smileysvech reached out to me a while ago about a potential Valentine's Day fic with Lukáš and i immediately heeded the call 🤭🫡 hope y'all enjoy this fic 🫶🏼 who knows, as long as @pyotrkochetkov and @smileysvech don't put me in fic prison, there might be a few more valentine's day fics coming out too hehe
summary: Lukáš decides to surprise you for Valentine's Day...
You're standing in the cozy living room of the apartment you share with Lukáš, feeling a peculiar warmth that seems to radiate from the kitchen. The scent of garlic and basil fills the air, hinting at something delicious simmering on the stove. You've been dating the 24-year-old goalie for a few months now, and he's proven to be as adept at cooking as he is at saving pucks. You've come to appreciate the quiet moments at home, nestled between his grueling training sessions and travels for games.
As you hang up your coat, you hear the clink of pans and the rhythmic thud of something rolling. Curiosity piqued, you peek into the kitchen, expecting to see the usual takeout containers from your favorite Italian place. But instead, Lukáš stands at the counter, his strong arms covered in flour, meticulously rolling out pasta dough. He looks up, catching your gaze, and a bashful smile lights up his face. "Surprise!" he exclaims, his Czech accent thick with excitement.
You step closer, taking in the sight of your typically stoic boyfriend in an apron, a smear of sauce across his cheek. The counter is a landscape of ingredients: eggs, flour, a cheese grater, a bottle of wine with a mysterious label, and a bouquet of fresh herbs. "I wanted to do something special for Valentine's Day," he says, his eyes searching yours for approval.
You can't help but smile. "It smells amazing," you say, leaning over to give him a kiss. The flour on his face transfers to your cheek, leaving a powdery imprint. Lukáš laughs, wiping his hands on a towel before embracing you. His arms are warm and solid, a reminder of the protection he offers not just on the ice but in your life as well.
"Thank you," you murmur, your heart swelling with affection. You've never had a partner put so much effort into the small things. Most of your past relationships felt like a blur of Netflix binges and takeout food. But Lukáš brought a certain charm and romance to your life that you never knew you were missing.
As you slip out of your shoes, the floor feels cool against your feet. You notice a trail of rose petals leading from the kitchen to the dining room. You follow them, finding the table set with two place settings, each with a flickering candle. In the center, a handwritten note waits for you. "Dobrý večer, my love," it reads. "Tonight, we feast."
The aroma of the simmering sauce fills your senses, making your stomach rumble. You recognize the scents of tomatoes, onions, and the richness of olive oil. Lukáš must have been planning this for days, you think, impressed by his culinary prowess. "What kind of pasta are you making?" you ask, eager to learn more about the feast that awaits.
"It's tagliatelle," he replies, holding up a long strand of the freshly-made pasta with a flourish. "With a homemade bolognese. I hope you like it."
You nod enthusiastically, feeling a warmth in your chest that has nothing to do with the steam rising from the pot. "It's already perfect," you say, and you mean it. You can't remember the last time someone had done something so thoughtful for you, especially for a holiday that's often dismissed as commercial.
Lukáš beams at your response, his cheeks flushing slightly. He's usually so composed on the ice, but in the kitchen, he's all passion and nerves. It's endearing. You watch as he carefully drapes the pasta into the bubbling sauce, the strands sizzling as they make contact.
The kitchen, usually a place of casual meals and hasty breakfasts before early morning skates, has been transformed into a romantic haven. The candles cast a soft glow, and a playlist plays in the background—a mix of songs that you both enjoy. You're touched by his attention to detail, how he's created an atmosphere that feels so intimate and thoughtful.
You offer to help, but Lukáš gently shakes his head. "No, no," he says, waving you away with a floury hand. "You just sit and relax. This is my gift to you."
You take a seat at the table, watching as he works. His movements are precise and focused, his eyes never leaving the pot. You can see the love he puts into every gesture—the way he stirs the sauce with a wooden spoon, the care with which he arranges the pasta on the plates. It's not just about the food; it's about the effort, the time, the intention behind it all.
As you wait, you sip on the wine he's poured for you, feeling the warmth spread through your body. The notes of berries and oak mingle with the scents from the kitchen, creating a symphony of flavors that dance on your tongue. The music shifts to a slow, sweet melody, and Lukáš looks over at you with a question in his eyes. You nod, giving him the go-ahead.
He approaches you, holding out his hand. You stand, taking it, and he leads you to the small area he's cleared in the living room. It's not a fancy dance floor, but the way he looks at you, the way his hand fits in yours, it might as well be the most luxurious ballroom. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close. You can feel his heart beating in time with the music.
The song he's chosen is one you both discovered together, a hidden gem from a Spotify playlist. It's about love found in unexpected places, about two people from different worlds colliding and finding harmony. As you sway together, your eyes locked, you realize how true those words are.
Lukáš's hand is firm but gentle as it guides you through the makeshift dance floor. His other hand rests lightly on the small of your back, the heat from his palm seeping through your sweater. You've never felt so safe, so cherished. The way he leads you in the dance mirrors the way he's been guiding your relationship—with confidence, but also with tenderness, always making sure you're comfortable and happy.
As the song reaches its crescendo, he dips you, and you laugh, your hair brushing the floor. The room spins for a moment, the candles casting a dizzying pattern of light and shadow. When you right yourself, you find his lips waiting, and you kiss him deeply, tasting the remnants of the wine and the sweetness of his smile.
"Let's eat," he whispers against your mouth, and you break away reluctantly, the scent of the bolognese growing stronger by the minute.
As you sit down to dinner, the tagliatelle is a perfect al dente, each strand coated in the rich sauce that clings to them like a warm embrace. The flavors meld together in a symphony of taste, each bite a testament to Lukáš's dedication.
"What are you thinking?" Lukáš asks, his gaze holding yours as you savor a bite of the tagliatelle. The sauce is heavenly, a blend of flavors that dance on your tongue, but your mind is elsewhere, lost in the beauty of the moment.
"I'm just thinking how lucky I am," you reply, your voice a soft whisper. You can't remember the last time you felt so seen, so understood.
Lukáš's eyes light up, and he leans across the table, capturing your hand in his. "I feel the same," he says, his thumb tracing lazy circles on the back of your hand.
The conversation flows as easily as the wine, your laughter echoing off the walls. You share stories about your day, the mundane and the magical, and he listens with the same intensity he brings to the net. You can see his mind working, filing away details to remember for later, to ask about, to understand you better.
As you finish your meal, the tension between you builds, not from unspoken words, but from the love that has grown in the quiet moments you've shared. He reaches for your plate, his fingertips brushing against yours. "Dessert?" he asks, his voice hopeful.
You nod, curious about what he's prepared. Lukáš leaves the room and returns with a small box, setting it gently on the table between you. "I hope you like it," he says, his voice a mix of excitement and nerves.
You lift the lid, revealing two heart-shaped chocolate truffles, each one with a sprinkle of gold dust. They're not store-bought, you can tell; they're homemade, with an artistry that matches the pasta. "They're beautiful," you breathe, reaching for one.
Lukáš's smile widens. "I made them myself. I know you love chocolate."
You take a truffle, feeling the velvety smoothness against your fingertips. As you bring it to your mouth, you pause, looking at him. "What's the special ingredient?"
Lukáš chuckles, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "It's a secret," he says, popping the other one into his mouth.
You cock your head, your curiosity piqued. "A secret ingredient?" You take a bite of the truffle, letting the chocolate melt on your tongue. It's heavenly, a rich, velvety symphony of flavors. As the taste unfolds, you detect a hint of something unexpected—it felt like you bit into something solid.
"Wait!" Lukáš says, his eyes wide with excitement. "Don't swallow yet."
You look at him, the truffle still melting in your mouth. He pulls out a tiny envelope from his pocket, his hand shaking slightly. "I had these made special," he explains, handing it to you.
Inside is a small note card with an intricate design of a duck—his team's mascot—and a heart intertwined. You read it out loud, the words sending a shiver down your spine. "To my love, who fills my net with warmth and keeps me from feeling empty, Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Lukáš."
You look up at him, your eyes brimming with tears. "This is so beautiful," you murmur, taking his hand.
Lukáš's smile falters slightly, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. "You're crying," he says, his voice a mix of concern and confusion. "Is it bad?"
You shake your head, a tear slipping down your cheek. "No, it's just…" You struggle to find the right words. "It's so sweet and perfect. I've never had anyone do something like this for me."
Lukáš looks relieved, his hand still clutching yours. "I wanted it to be special," he says, his voice earnest. "You make me so happy."
You lean across the table, the candlelight flickering in your eyes. "You make me happy too," you reply, your voice thick with emotion. "This dinner, the dance, the truffles… it's all so perfect."
Lukáš squeezes your hand. "Good," he says, his own voice a little tight. "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. Wait, you didn't swallow the ring, did you?"
Your eyes widen in shock and you almost choke on the mouthful of truffle. "Ring?"
Lukáš's eyes dart to your mouth, and he looks slightly panicked. "The truffle… it's supposed to have a ring inside."
You laugh, your shock turning into delight. You chew slowly, the sweetness of the chocolate giving way to something hard and metallic. Your teeth clink against it, and you pull it out with your tongue. It's a ring, a beautiful, small diamond set in a delicate band of gold.
Lukáš watches you, his eyes a mix of hope and terror. "You didn't swallow it," he says, sounding almost like he's been holding his breath.
You laugh, shaking your head, holding up the ring between your fingers. "No, I didn't," you manage to say around the mouthful of chocolate. "It's… it's beautiful."
Lukáš's expression relaxes into a smile, his eyes shining with relief. He takes the ring from you, walking over to the sink to give it a quick rinse before returning to the table. He reaches for your hand again, taking a deep breath. "It's a promise ring," he explains, his voice husky. "A symbol of my commitment to you, to us."
You feel the weight of the ring in his hand, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of his touch. "A promise?" you repeat, your heart racing.
"A promise," Lukáš confirms, his voice steady. "To be here, to support you, to love you, through all the games, the wins and the losses." He pauses, looking into your eyes. "And if you ever want more, just say the word."
You're speechless, the ring glinting in the candlelight. You've never been one for grand gestures, but this… this feels right. The warmth of his hand, the earnestness in his gaze, it all clicks into place. This is the kind of love you've always hoped for—unexpected, unyielding, and wrapped up in homemade pasta and chocolate truffles.
"Lukáš," you start, your voice a little shaky, "this is…"
"Too much?" he asks, his own voice filled with uncertainty.
You shake your head, your eyes never leaving the ring. "No, it's perfect," you murmur. "It's more than perfect."
Lukáš slides the ring onto your finger, his hands steady despite the tremor in his voice. It fits perfectly, as if it was made just for you. "Good," he says, his smile reaching his eyes. "I knew it would."
You sit there for a moment, the ring glinting in the candlelight, feeling the weight of the promise on your hand. "Thank you," you murmur, the words feeling inadequate for the depth of emotions swirling inside you.
Lukáš's gaze holds yours, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your knuckles. "You're welcome," he says, his voice a warm caress. "But the night isn't over yet."
The promise in his eyes sends a thrill through you, and you realize that the surprise isn't just about the food or the ring. It's about the journey he's crafted, a romantic evening that's as much about the little things as it is about the grand gestures.
"What's next?" you ask, your voice a mix of wonder and anticipation.
Lukáš winks at you, his eyes full of mischief. "I've got one more surprise," he says, rising from his chair. He disappears into the kitchen, returning with a tray of steaming hot chocolate.
"I made it from scratch," he explains, setting the tray down on the coffee table. The mugs are filled to the brim, a fluffy cloud of whipped cream adorning each one. "It's a recipe from my babička, my grandmother. She always said it's the perfect end to a romantic dinner."
You take a sip, the rich chocolate warming your throat. "It's incredible," you say truthfully. The sweetness is balanced with a hint of bitterness that grounds it, much like your relationship—sweet moments with a hint of the challenges that come from two people navigating their careers and hearts.
Lukáš settles back into his chair, watching you with a content smile. "I'm glad you like it."
You take another sip of the heavenly hot chocolate, feeling the warmth spread through your chest. "It's the perfect ending to an amazing night," you say, leaning back in your chair.
Lukáš's eyes sparkle with satisfaction. "I'm happy you liked it all."
You lean back into the cushions, your belly full and your heart even fuller. The warmth of the hot chocolate is echoed in the glow of the room. The candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, and the music plays softly in the background, a serenade to your newfound love.
Lukáš reaches over, his hand brushing against your thigh, sending a shiver of excitement through you. "What do you think?" he asks, his eyes searching yours for approval.
You look down at the ring, feeling the weight of his words. "It's… it's amazing," you finally manage to say. "I never knew I needed this kind of surprise."
Lukáš's smile turns shy. "I wanted to do something to show you that you're not just my partner, but also my teammate, my support system."
You nod, understanding. "You know, I've never had anyone who cared so much about what makes me happy," you admit, your voice a little wobbly.
"Well, I do," Lukáš says, his thumb still tracing circles on your hand. "And I want to keep making you happy, every day."
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quentinfiletmignon · 11 months ago
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chussyracing · 1 month ago
What has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
Williams has a new sponsor to become Atlassian Williams Racing
They also became the first team to launch their 2025 car officially (since then we also saw 2025 McLaren hiding in one-off testing camo livery and Haas during a private filming day at Silverstone yesterday)
Tina Hausmann is returning for her second season in F1 Academy with Aston Martin
Nina Gademan will be driving for Prema (after it was already announced she will be repping Alpine)
Allwyn scored a new partnership with F1 as a part of LVMH group and they also signed with McLaren the next day (fun fact the founder of the KKCG Group that Allwyn is part of is 3rd richest Czech guy so all hate is sent his way from my side <3 I hope he trips and dies with his 8 billion in his pocket)
Aston Martin became (as far as I am aware) the first F1 team with an official beauty brand partnership in Elemis
Kinda fits with Carlos Sainz shooting an ad for L’Oreal Paris
Mercedes fired up their 2025 engine
Eni partnered with Alpine (again) and there are rumours they could get a partnership with MSC Cruises too and maybe Valvoline
The Ferrari/UniCredit event in Milan will take place on 6th March
And F1 introduced the entertainment for tomorrow’s season launch at O2:
Host will be Jack Whitehall (comedian and actor I never heard about)
Feature by Kane Brown (also never heard about)
Bryan Tyler’s Are We Dreaming (the composer of the F1 theme song, I do know him)
Take That (british band)
Mgk (“award-winning multi-platinum recording artist”??? so I guess a musician?)
There are RUMOURS that Checo, Guanyu and Val are all on Cadillac’s list of potential drivers (besides Colton Herta)
Cupra Kiro took a similar route to Alpine and are now co-owned by an investor group including Idris Elba
Max also became the brand ambassador of AlphaTauri
After MBS said they could just cut off radio communication altogether if drivers don’t stop swearing, he also said they will have multiple race directors
FIA now announced they will have one race director (Rui Marques) but he will have a deputy race director in Claire Dubbelman (so where is the truth)
THEY MASSACRED MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL, Monaco will have a title sponsor for the first time ever in history, it will be Formula 1 TAG Heuer Grand Prix de Monaco (wtf)
Congo wants to stop the talks of Rwanda with F1 due to a conflict in the area (F1 answered something along the lines… we are looking at it)
There are many more team kit / race suits / helmet drops for 2025
Franco has a good chance of driving for Alpine this season if anyone was still in doubt but Vowles say that he will then return to Williams
Third year in row now, rumours about Seb returning to F1 appear
F3 will be using 100% sustainable fuel already this year
Max broke a new F1 record and led the champioinship for 1000 days in row now (who was the last person to lead a championship before him you ask? Yeah. Charles. Smh. Ferrari give him the car or so I swear)
Szafnauer is apparently working on a project to bring 12th team to the grid (so this must be what Andretti was hinting at) – btw there are rumours F1 is very much interested in the team being a Chinese manufacturer
The new Hulu show Downforce with Daniel Ricciardo included will not be happening
Rafael Villagomez will stay with VAR in F2 for this year
and Victor Martins got confirmed for ART in F2 so F2 grid is complete
and Charles randomly dropped two new pieces when he woke up at 11am today: MC24 and SIN24
Now for pure gossip from my comms:
Gabriel Bortoleto made good choices under Fernando Alonso’s management and apparently has an exit clause from Sauber if there is a better offer for him and he also has “first buy” option from McLaren
A lot of people online were angry at Hungarian’s newspaper investigation into driver pays for this year (let me mention two interesting parts)
Yuki is criminally underrated with the same rumoured pay as Kimi Antonelli (despite being in his 5th year with the team), apparently it is due the Japanese personal sponsors not bringing as much money as the team would like from him
And Charles’ pay compared to Lewis’ (first of all lewis is 7 times wdc so idk if anyone expected them being paid the same??? But there are actually many other reasons like Ferrari sponsoring Charles’ junior career including a prestigious seat in Prema Racing in 2017 in F2 or Arthur running in FP1 in AD 2024 which reportedly took about a million out of Charles’ pay)
They have “multiple sources” saying Kimi Antonelli totalled 3 cars during his testing to be prepared for F1 which is the main reason Toto hired Val as a reserve driver, in fear of something like that happening in Kimi’s rookie season
Ferrari said no to Newey because he wanted a share in the team and with it also decision rights, on the other hand, Aston didn’t mind that – but now that Newey is a shareholder he apparently doesn’t agree with Lance staying in the team
Haas has Ollie for two years with + 1 option but Ferrari has first-buy rights on him
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chiliconsharls · 4 months ago
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Chapter 4 of the Modern Royalty AU is up:
“As for Prince Charles, sire, his Serene Highness has been invited to the ‘Symphony of Shadows’ ceremony by the minister of culture of Czech Republic alongside representatives of the Philharmonic,” she says and Lorenzo makes a funny impressed face at him across the table and Charles tilts his head, smug. “The event draws royalty, dignitaries, and music enthusiasts from around the world to enjoy a variety of performances— this year, however, they’re celebrating renowed composer Hans Zimmer.”
“And will certain Spanish royal be joining you in this endeavor?” he inquires, his grin a little too wide for Charles’ liking.
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