Reblog if God told you to come out
Love answering ”why are you transgender?” with “God told me to” because it’s funny and it confuses everyone except for me. And God. Because he told me to.
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ykw? this jovial visitation I am thinking about how I honestly love the inherent absurdity of doctrinal mormonism. there is a part of me that takes perverse and immense pleasure in having been born into the alleged cult of some guy who alleged to have seen an angel in his room 200 years ago and then published possibly the most inexplicable book of morality tales in existence. like yeah, it is my birthright to be an absolute weirdo who's unafraid of hell and is offensive to any and all man-made institutions. it is my right to make the wild claim that I continue to personally receive divine revelation from God Himself. it is my right to have the audacity to be unafraid of death. what are you gonna do about it? stop me??????? lol
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“Well, it would confuse the kids if trans people were teachers.”
You know what else is confusing? Being told my entire life that I would be exclusively attracted to men when in fact I am a raging queer. And you’re not giving kids enough credit, if they can handle topics like ‘you have a set of earthly parents and a set of Heavenly Parents and both are real parents to you’ then they should understand the concept of being trans.
Also, I’m not sure if they’ll care. God knows me and my friends were only in primary for the songs and the fruit snacks.
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Today is the only day you can reblog this.
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I only could go for a little bit but it was so fun! Maybe we saw each other 👀
Call this a reminder to everyone in Provo to look up the Raynbow Collective and come to the future events!
Back To School Pride was SO FUN!! I've never been to a Pride event before -- this was my first time ever being able to go because I am finally not living at home anymore [my parents are awesome, they just don't love the idea of me being queer]. I got free pins and stickers and trinkets and candy and SOME GUY DREW A FREE PORTRAIT OF ME!!! [it's so so so cute!! and it has the genderqueer flag and a tiny mustache on it] AND! I bought a genderqueer pin and a tiny stone shark [with cash so my parents couldn't trace it]!! I talked to some feminist church bloggers and I volunteered to have them interview me for my experiences as a queer LDS woman [it would be so cool to be a guest writer for them??]. I met friends and got fliers and got invited to queer events and I am so so so overjoyed. I LOVE BEING IN COLLEGE AND I LOVE BEING QUEER AND MORMON!!!
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I'm also taking a physics class focusing on environmental science and the climate, which seems like it will be really cool!
So far we've talked a lot about how economic factors have to do with climate and vice versa. Even if I need to remember how to do math....
There's not a lot of *new * information so far I don't know, but I really like some of the nuance that can be added, like about the carbon impact of building solar panels or other renewable resources.
One of the biggest obstacles to making renewable energy accessible is the price point to begin it. It's harder to set up a nuclear plant than it is to just start burning oil in a developing country, and those people need power now
All in all, I like the idea of learning more about the nuance of this
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I'm Shawn Spencer, and this is my associate...
Hoid finding increasingly ridiculous ways to introduce Kaladin.
"This is my associate."
"This is my escape from boredom."
"This is Kaladin. He's the narrative's favorite, unfortunately for him, but at least he got my acquaintance out of it."
"This is my partner in crime. That's not entirely true. He is my student in crime. I am corrupting him."
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At 26 years old and 8 years out of high school people still ask me how I read so fast and the answer is that my brain basically views written text as a visual language instead of a representation of spoken language.
I only “hear” text in my head if I take the time to translate it into spoken language. Asking me how I read so fast is like asking me how I understand spoken language so fast. It’s just meaning being streamed into my brain.
Like if you wanna read so fast that you scare people that’s legitimately how you do it. You stop translating text into sound in your head and view it as its own thing.
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*Holds up crucifix*
Oh yeah well you haven't heard about my mission yet
*glances at crucifix*
the next white boy who I hear brag about their mission is getting bitten
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Fun fact of the day:
The Supreme Court ruled that honking your horn counts as free speech
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I find it very disappointing that there has been posters up on light posts around my apartment for months now advertising for wedding photos, a show from 2023, and a lost cat, but the flyers for the BYU Pride event got taken down in two days
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Weirdly anti-millennial articles have scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard that they are now two feet down into the topsoil
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My bishop in sacrament meeting: my only concern for all of you is that you're going woke!
Me: 🤨
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Wait when is school pride and drag? Did I miss it?
Hey incoming queer byu students! I’m going to be helping with education week in the library, if any of y’all need anything or just a friend to lean on, I’ll be wearing a rainbow friendship bracelet so people can find me and you are not alone! Also you should come to back to school pride, it’s a wonderful experience and I’ll be there too in drag. Byu as an institution sucks but there’s a lot of us around and you don’t have to be afraid to go up to us :)
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Messy crying at the end of Sunlit Man but I can't explain what's wrong to my sister because you need 5000 pages of backstory to even sort of understand the painful nuance
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In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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its really funny to me that you found my main blog first. I have both a church blog AND a cosmere blog.
Whaddaya know, those two things tend to coincide. Weird huh?
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