skydarcyedwards · 1 year
Hey, you've got sand on your head...
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We found this dugite (Pseudonaja affinis) digging a hole. It was relatively relaxed about us, and casually slid away after a little while.
Canon R7
Canon EF 100-400 L IS USM
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normal-newt · 2 years
Honestly I have such a soft spot for dugites. People are so mean to them, but they’re just scared little noodles with angry-looking eyebrows. Their little heads don’t have any malice in them! I know they aren’t harmless and cuddling them is a terrible idea, but so is trying to attack or move them. For goodness sake, either call a snake catcher or leave them be.
(Also, pressure-immobilisation bandaging is surprisingly easy to learn. Doing first aid straight away is so useful and more people should be taught about it.)
(Editing to add that apparently pressure-immobilisation bandaging is not always good idea outside of Australia.)
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mantisshrinp · 2 years
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I used this dugite knit pattern to make a few of my handmade Christmas gifts this year! I'm very much an amateur knitter, but this was great practice and a nice, low-stress, idle activity to work on.
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rudhacharya · 2 years
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Artist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rudhacharya/
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thedibblesarchive · 1 year
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taylor swift x frederic dugit for le parisien, 1989 era
(please respect my privacy in this difficult time)
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comic334sanes · 11 months
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cyberfell · 2 years
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Updating EJ.
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azaan1011 · 4 months
Unlocking Success: Strategies for Effective Social Media Marketing”
In today’s digital age, social media marketing is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. With billions of users active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok, the potential for brand growth and customer engagement is immense. However, leveraging these platforms effectively requires strategic planning and execution. Here are key strategies to unlock success in social media marketing in 2024.
1. Understand Your Audience
The foundation of any successful social media strategy is a deep understanding of your target audience. Start by creating detailed buyer personas that include demographics, interests, pain points, and online behavior. Utilize social media analytics tools to gain insights into your audience’s preferences and engagement patterns. This data will help you tailor your content and messaging to resonate with your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
2. Set Clear Goals and KPIs
Define what success looks like for your social media efforts by setting clear, measurable goals. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales, having specific objectives will guide your strategy. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and follower growth to track your progress and measure success.
3. Create High-Quality, Engaging Content
Content is the lifeblood of social media marketing. To capture and retain your audience’s attention, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value. Use a mix of content types, including videos, images, infographics, and articles, to keep your feed dynamic and interesting. Storytelling is a powerful tool — share behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer stories, and brand narratives to build an emotional connection with your audience.
4. Leverage Influencer Partnerships
Influencer marketing continues to be a powerful strategy in 2024. Partnering with influencers who align with your brand can amplify your reach and credibility. Choose influencers who have a genuine connection with their followers and can authentically promote your products or services. Micro-influencers, with smaller but highly engaged audiences, can be particularly effective in driving conversions.
5. Utilize Paid Advertising
While organic reach is valuable, paid advertising on social media platforms can significantly enhance your visibility and target specific demographics. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer sophisticated ad targeting options, allowing you to reach users based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads, video ads, and sponsored posts, to find what works best for your brand.
6. Engage and Interact with Your Audience
Social media is not just a broadcasting tool; it’s a platform for two-way communication. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Encourage conversations by asking questions, running polls, and hosting live sessions. Building a community around your brand fosters loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth marketing.
7. Monitor and Analyze Performance
Regularly monitor your social media performance to understand what’s working and what’s not. Use analytics tools provided by social media platforms to track metrics like engagement, reach, and conversion rates. Analyze this data to identify trends and insights that can inform your future strategies. Continuous optimization based on performance data is crucial for long-term success.
8. Stay Updated with Trends and Algorithm Changes
Social media is an ever-evolving landscape. Stay updated with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and best practices to ensure your strategies remain effective. Join industry forums, follow thought leaders, and participate in webinars to keep abreast of new developments.
Conclusion: The Path to Social Media Success
Unlocking success in social media marketing in 2024 involves a blend of strategic planning, creative content, and continuous engagement. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, creating high-quality content, leveraging influencer partnerships, utilizing paid ads, engaging with your audience, and regularly analyzing performance, you can harness the full potential of social media to drive brand growth and achieve your marketing objectives. Stay adaptable and proactive in embracing new trends and technologies to remain competitive in the ever-changing social media landscape.
Ephron Tech Media is at the forefront of digital innovation, dedicated to providing cutting-edge insights and solutions for businesses navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology and marketing. Our team of experts is committed to delivering thought-provoking content that empowers organizations to thrive in the digital age.
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dicasdalovezinha · 1 year
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revuetraversees · 2 years
Carnet d'inspirations, le fil, le trait, le dessin.
Carnet d’inspirations, le fil, le trait, le dessin.
Par Marc Wetzel Une exposition dans la garrigue (Carnet d’inspirations – le fil, le trait, le dessin) languedocienne. Lisa CRESPY, commissaire d’exposition  (06 avril-27 novembre 2022)  Aux Matelles, beau petit village médiéval du Nord de Montpellier, plus précisément à la Maison des Consuls (dont l’expo permanente propose une collection archéologique remarquable du Néolithique local), huit…
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skydarcyedwards · 2 years
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Dugite, Pseudonaja affinis.
Dugite appears to be an anglicisation of the Noongar dukayj or dukitj, or referring to a slightly broader range of venomous snakes, dobitj.
I'm extremely pleased to have finally imaged one of these beautiful snakes in the wild. In Perth they are very common but very shy.
I was also a little nervous. Human fatalities from dugite bites are rare, thanks in part to mutual respect or fear preventing bites.
Canon R7
Canon EF 100mm USM macro
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gaystropod · 10 months
Hello! Your pic looks like a brown snake, maybe a dugite? Did you take it?
I love brown snakes :3
My pfp?? Its an eastern brown snake!! One of my favourite snakes also :D i didnt take it its from a snake catcher in my localish areas facebook page- the actual colour of the snake isnt edited at all i just shifted the colour of the fabric to match my blog theme!!
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bluestonebliss · 9 months
Australia intrigues me… are there really as many deadly things there as I’ve been told? and have you ever had an unpleasant encounter with one?
Hmm, that's surprisingly hard to answer because I wouldn't say it is super dangerous, but my cousins in England strongly disagree. You always ask the long ass questions Lost, and give me the opportunity to share fun facts! :D This may end up being an essay, because far out. I apologise in advance.
There are for sure a lot of potentially dangerous things around, but it depends on where you are. I'll only be including those around my area.
Well, the first that comes to mind are Dugites.
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These bastards are highly venomous, and have the potential to give a lethal bite. They aren't notoriously aggressive, but if you fuck with one around november-ish you are gambling with a higher power. These snakes pop up in semi-urban areas a fair bit, and a sub-species is found on Rotto in rather high numbers. My dad found a juvenile in someone's swimming pool once, and as a kid I was told to never play in the pig-face around our house because that would be a preferred shelter for them. Basically, don't piss it off and keep your distance and you are fine.
In terms of other snakes I was warned heavily about as a kid, tiger snakes (highly venomous) are also pretty prominent. that is known to seek shelter, even if it means braving a human to get to shelter behind them. Some say they will actively attack. So, seeing a rather large snake coming right at you could be rather upsetting. They like wetlands and, such as the river a certain someone liked to go swimming in as a kid. Warning: Tiger snakes are amazing swimmers.
We get sea snakes and death adders, but other than that you are probably fine. Actually- funny story about someone who got drunk and put a dugite in an esky, but that's a post for another day.
The ones I hate the most: Fucking spiders. I am not a fan. Redback spiders are evil and I wish they would all just spindle along back to hell. We get one per week in the peak of summer, including a rather large one hiding in my jacket on the coat rack last night. ALWAYS check spider-likely spots, because they will be there. They are venomous, and despite being rarely fatal, it hurts like an absolute bitch. I had a rather bad reaction to a bite once when I didn't check the shed once. I was throwing up for far longer than I would have liked. Never made that mistake again. These spiders do not deserve the mercy of a cup or paper to banish them outside, squish them on sight. Or better yet, poison them so they crawl around and suffer for a bit, but don't let it out of your sight when you spray them: they crawl shockingly far after being sprayed and have been known to give you a parting chomp if able.
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My dad knew a guy who had a gear stick ball made of one of these trapped in resin. It fully deserved to be shoved in resin.
One of my favourites growing up was the Blue Ringed Octopus. It was always my favourite part of going to AQWA, and used to have a plushie one! These little guys even featured on my human biology ATAR exam. :D DO NOT TOUCH!! There is no antidote for their toxin, and the only thing that will keep you alive is being put on artificial breathing until it wears off. The trick to them, though? Sometimes, you don't even know you got bit because they are so small which is highly dangerous because if you decide to go for a swim when the toxin kicks in and then your lungs just go offline. Only the size of a coin or so.
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Look at him! Glorious.
Stone fish aren't typically found near Perth, but cases do come up every now and then. You still get them in W.A., but its usually up north. These breathing warts of a thing have a wonderful hobby of pretending to be rocks, which means people don't see them. Upon standing on them, one of its many venom coated spines will stab you. Hot Tip! Should this ever happen to you, don't keep stepping or put pressure on it if the barb is in you. The more pressure, or the harder you step, the more venom gets pumped in. Tread carefully in the ocean, my friends. They are highly venomous, and will ruin the next 1-2 days of your life. Can you spot him? :)
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To add to the stone fish, Cobblers are a type of venomous catfish that employ the same tactics found around the coast of Perth and Albany. Those barbs are very painful, but I don't believe lethal. Apparently, they are rather tasty.
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In general, wild pigs in the bush are common and will attack if provoked or if they have young. Once on a trip to Queensland on the opposite coast where feral pigs are a really big issue, there was just this dude in a ute with a couple of pig carcases hanging off the back on the highway. I've got a picture of it somewhere, if I find it I'll let you know.
Kangaroos have the potential to disembowel or severely maim a human if they piss one off. We kept about six of them as rescue pets, one of whom now lives with a kangaroo called Kapow. Kapow was named after his tendency to attack. Fully grown adults are a force to fear, roughly as big as a human when standing and very strong. Just don't piss them off and you will be fine. Most of the time, they are nice little friends! These are some pics of... Belle and Digby, I believe? These were before I was born lol.
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Oh, and ofc the sharks. I went to Rotto about a year ago, and we got kicked out of the water because there were sharks in the water nearby. An attack is rare, so if you swim between the flags and keep an eye on the lifeguards you will be fine.
And in some areas, we get the colloquially dubbed "Drop Bears". It's pretty intuitive, they are like koalas but they drop out of trees on top of their prey.
And, ofc because I must, the TLDR of other little nasties that aren't in W.A. but are worthy of an honourable mention:
Red-Bellied black snake- potentially lethal
Australian box jellyfish- arguably the most venomous marine animal
Irukandji jellyfish (although these occur in W.A., but nevermind)- potentially lethal if untreated
Cassowaries- human-sized birds that have claws capable of inflicting major damage, potentially lethal if provoked
Saltwater crocodiles- fun to watch, keep out of the water. My favourite is called Scar, he is good at jumping out of the water.
Sydney funnel web spider- Fatal in 15mins or so without antivenom. My grandad used to capture them and donate them to hospitals for milking to formulate the antivenom.
Inland taipan- yikes
Cone snails (found in W.A.)- "The venom from one cone snail has a hypothesized potential of killing up to 700 people"- (Kapil, Hendriksen, Cooper, 2023)
Bluebottles (found in W.A., but also everywhere here)
Tics- I know a guy who lost his leg from a tic bite, some cause paralysis
Blue-bellied black snake
Many many many more snakes. So many snakes.
Im not going to even go into the sharks
Even male platypuses have a spur capable of creating intense and pain lasting weeks that morphine doesn't treat.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 months
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Small batch of Aries Exclusive Miniatures have been restocked!
Civilian Vehicles Traffic Jam Wheeled Dugite
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fearlessinred · 2 years
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By Frédéric Dugit for Le Parisien Newspaper - 2014
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It’s 44 inches at its deepest! It’s enormous! I can’t stop standing in the center and looking around in awe at my own insane decisions! I honestly cannot conceive that I removed all of that dirt by myself with nothing but a shovel and a pickaxe!
I feel incredibly accomplished and also somewhat invincible right now. Tomorrow I’ll put the liner in, and maybe start figuring out where to put some of this freaking excess clay, because I don’t think it’s any good for gardening purposes. Then over the winter, I’ll be building the waterfalls and planning the garden to go around the pond. There’s still so much to do and it’s driving me crazy that now all I can do is wait til spring for it to fill up and be ready for planting, but like . . . it’s DONE. The digging is done!! There’s a POND there now! Incredible!!
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