fantasblog · 2 years
Have some human paldea and Darik (fell version of paldea)-
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Paldea (duelette shipchild) and Darik (dudik shipchild) by me
Art by me
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petitepluiedemai · 30 days
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Eliot Dudik
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david-goldrock · 16 days
This one time, I was in an argument on theology, and the other person asked for evidence on something, don't remember what, I linked this song instead, and the ensuing confusion was hilarious. I just linked it cuz it's a good song, and I thought it'd be funny (it was). It took a while before we got back on track, and I gave the proof he wanted, but now I would really like it translated so I can show him the meaning of the song. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it!
The Ammunition Hill
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This song is about the battle over the ammunition hill in north Jerusalem: a military base by the Brits which was controlled at the time by the Jordanians. The battle took place during the 6-day warץ
From Wikipedia:
A decision was taken by the Israeli Jerusalem Command, under General Uzi Narkis, to forgo an aerial attack on the hill due to its proximity to civilian areas. Instead an artillery barrage was to be focused on the police post, followed by a ground attack using an enlarged paratroop company.
The size of the Israeli assault force was based on incorrect intelligence, which detailed the hill as being defended by a single platoon. When the ground assault began, the police academy was discovered to be empty of Jordanian troops, as they had taken shelter from the barrage in the bunker system of the hill, thereby enlarging the force defending the hill to one equal in size to the assault force rather than 1/3 of its size, as had been anticipated by Israeli Central Command
[opening] It was the second day of the war in Jerusalem The horizon paled in the east, we were in the midst of the battle on The Ammunition Hill We fought there for three hours A stubborn, deadly battle was fought, the Jordanians fought stubbornly It was an unusually fortified destination At a certain stage of the fighting, I had only four soldiers remained with me We went up there with a force of two companies I didn't know where the others were because the connection with Dudik the Company Commander was severed at the beginning of the battle At that moment I thought they were all killed
[Verse 1] At 2, 2:30 We went through the rocky ground To the field of fire and the mines Of the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 2] In front of fortified bunkers And mortars - 120 A hundred and then some guys On the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 3] The column of dawn had not yet risen Half a company laid in blood But we have been there already In the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 4] Between the fences and the mines We only left the medics And ran without a sense (I think this means in Ecstasy) Towards the Ammunition Hill
[Bridge] At that moment a grenade was thrown from outside, miraculously we were not hit I feared that the Jordanians would throw more grenades Someone had to go upstairs and watch I didn't have time to ask who was volunteering, I sent Eitan Eitan did not hesitate for a moment, went upstairs and started to operate the machine gun Sometimes he would pass me and I had to yell at him to stay in my line That's how we went about thirty meters Eitan was covering from above, and we purified the bunkers from the inside Until he was hit in his head and fell inside
[Verse 5] We went down to the tunnels To the niches and the rails And to the death of the burrows Of the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 6] And no man asked where He who walked in front fell There was needed a lot of luck On the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 7] He who fell was dragged to the back So that he wouldn't hinder pass Until the next one fell On the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 8] Maybe we were lions But anyone who still wanted to live Must not have been On the Ammunition Hill
[Bridge] We decided to try to blow up their bunker with a bazooka The bazooka made some scratches to the concrete, we decided to try an explosive I waited above them until the guy with the explosive came back He would throw them at me, package by package, and I would place the packages one by one at the entrance to their bunker They had a method - first they threw a grenade, then they fired a bunch, then they rested So between a bundle and a grenade, I would go to the entrance of their bunker and put the explosive there I set off the explosive and got as far away as I could I had four meters to maneuver, because there were legionnaires behind me as well I don't know why I got a commendation, I just wanted to get home safely
[Verse 9] At 7, 7:20 To the police officer school They packed up all of those who remained From the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 10] Smoke rose up from the Hill The sun in the east rose higher We returned 7 to the city From the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 11] We returned 7 to the city Smoke rose up from the Hill The sun in the east rose higher On the Ammunition Hill
[Verse 12] About fortified bunkers And about our brothers the men (also maybe the greats) Who remained there, 20-years-olds On the Ammunition Hill
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elar-urfu-ru · 25 days
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ascoltolelune · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_58AnhnbIgI)
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toosadtofallasleep · 7 years
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Köszönjük, fantasztikusak voltatok❤️❤️
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sesiondemadrugada · 7 years
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Eliot Dudik.
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na-volgen · 7 years
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forestgreenlesbian · 3 years
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Road Ends in Water, Eliot Dudik
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worldsandemanations · 2 years
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Dudik Memorial Park, by architect Bogdan Bogdanović, 1980. Photo: Stefano Perego.
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setdeco · 5 years
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BOGDAN BOGDANOVIĆ, Dudik Memorial Park, Vukovar, Croatia, 1980
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kwebtv · 3 years
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Tommy  -  CBS   -  February 26, 2020 -  May 7, 2020
Crime Drama (12 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Edie Falco as LAPD Chief Abigail "Tommy" Thomas.
Michael Chernus as Ken Rosey
Adelaide Clemens as Blake Sullivan
Russell G. Jones as Donn Cooper
Olivia Lucy Phillip as Kate Jones
Vladimir Caamaño as Abner Diaz
Joseph Lyle Taylor as Deputy Mayor Doug Dudik
Thomas Sadoski as Mayor Buddy Gray
Tonye Patano as Mrs. Gates
Luke Jones as Henry
Naledi Murray as Luna
Kurt Uy as Deputy Chief of Detectives Joe Kang.
Matt Dellapina as Vincent Siano
Katrina Lenk as Kiley Mills
Sasha Diamond as Ashley Kim
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proudbulge · 4 years
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Andrej Dudik
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mybeingthere · 4 years
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BOGDAN BOGDANOVIĆ, Dudik Memorial Park, Vukovar, Croatia, 1980.
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rosalind-of-arden · 5 years
Worldbuilding: The High Garda
As I work on this young Wolfe/Santi fic, I find that I need to work out some details about the High Garda. I figured I might as well share notes for anyone else who might be able to use this stuff.
Canon notes:
Uniforms are black with Library symbol in gold, multiple weapons on the belt, flexible armor built in. Centurion uniform has Horus eyes on the collars (Stormcrow had Horus eyes on the captain’s uniform, too). Vest, underwear, jacket, trousers, socks, boots, weapons belt. Library symbol on collar. Camouflage versions of the uniform exist.
Jess observes “a full squad” of about 80 soldiers in England. But this is Jess, before he was assigned to the High Garda. Later, Jess says Santi took a half century to Oxford. Inconsistency? Unreliable Jess? Not all the soldiers hanging out around the Translation Chamber actually went to Oxford? After the battle, Wolfe says 12 soldiers died in Oxford, a large enough number to justify changing routes.
Soldier names to possibly reuse: Costigan, Rijuta Khanna ("a small Indian woman”, Morgan’s guard), Yeva Dudik (taller, broader, East Asian, Morgan’s guard), Shi Zheng (recruit in Glain’s squad), Captain Feng (probably in ex-Archivist’s pocket, possible traitor/defector?), Helva Svensdotter (Scandinavian, recruit in Glain’s squad), Zelalem (tall, thin, Muslim, recruit in Glain’s squad), Garrett Wu (recruit in Glain’s squad ), Violet Bransom (sturdy and muscular woman, recruit in Glain’s squad), Sergeant Reynolds (prison guard in Rome, acquaintance of Santi’s), Wu Xiang (Blue Dog), Phoena (Blue Dog), Ariane Daskalakis (prisoner with Wolfe), Sarven (Blue Dog), Vickers (English, with Santi in Stormcrow - old friend?)
I am not going to try to figure out the guns. There must be a wide variety of options. Some only nonlethal, some lethal, some can do both. Rifles and handguns. Thomas thinks the stun gun engineering is impressive.
Transports: a tight fit for 7 students plus driver and gunner going to Oxford. Big enough for a full squad plus gear at the training ground (who drives there? who knows).
In war zones, Library teams carry very visible black and gold banners that can easily be folded up and stowed away.
Titles for top position include Garda Magnus, High Commander, Lord Commander.
High Garda compound is “very large, very complicated.” Includes bar with alcohol and various things to smoke, tattoo artists. Far enough from Ptolemy House to require a train or carriage ride. Secured gates with guardian statues. Sphinxes on patrol. Single barracks rooms for recruits. There is at least one watchtower. Training grounds include buildings and entire mock neighborhoods. Restricted area at the far western edge surrounded by a high stone wall, only one gate. Huge storage warehouses.
Contracts available: 5 year starting as sergeant, bracelet color not specified (silver? gold is permanent, isn’t it? So when does Glain get gold?); 1-year starting as private, copper bracelet
Relaxed attitude toward nudity, at least in the context of changing clothes and showering. At least in the field, showering and bathroom facilities seem to be gender neutral.
Some kind of rules exist restricting soldiers’ relationships: Jess and Glain both have concerns about rumors spreading that they’re sleeping together. Maybe officers can’t sleep with privates? Recruits in training aren’t supposed to date? There does not seem to be any restriction on soldiers and Scholars dating. Wolfe doesn’t think twice about asking to have the soldier he’s falling in love with permanently assigned to work with him.
Veterans call new recruits “Corpse Squads” but not to their faces.
Soldiers are expected not to ask questions about their missions
Squad size: in the training exercise, Jess, Glain, Tariq, Helva, two down, one in a store, three in a defensive position - ten total; also, in Smoke and Iron, there’s carrier space enough for 50ish, Santi assigns four squads to carriers, plus Wolfe and the kids
Squad names: Blue Dogs (Blue Squad), Green Squad, Harpies, Shadow Team, Mars One
Squads not kept together after training. Once in a company, squads do seem to stay together and develop team identity.
Company size: Santi’s has 500 soldiers total.
Support staff: armorers (in charge of supplies), Medicas
Ranks: private, sergeant, centurion, lieutenant, captain. There are multiple “top lieutenants” in Santi’s company.
“’No messages on missions.’ Jess should have known that.” Standard policy?
Promotions take time? Zara is only “acting captain” in Ash and Quill, weeks after Santi’s defection. Glain doesn’t expect her field promotion to lieutenant to stick.
Library rules have High Garda outranking Scholars in transit and combat, Scholars outrank High Garda otherwise.
Speculation and Headcanons:
@thegreatlibraryfangirl made the interesting suggestion that Jess’s observation of 80 soldiers in a “squad” might suggest that as in ancient Rome, a century is made up of 80 soldiers and 20 support staff. Some possibilities for handling support staff:
Integrated into each company, either in their own squads or as members of fighting squads. At least some, like Medicas, must be, they would need them on missions. A Medica might fit in with a squad specializing in rescue operations. Maybe a dedicated squad for building and fortifying camps? When stationed in Alexandria, company support staff get assigned to work with whatever servants are employed on base?
Outside the company, brought along on missions as needed, but not organized into squads or given ranks. Probably some like this for tasks that they usually don’t need people for outside the High Garda base?
Uniform variants: The standard black and gold is used for most duties: policing in Alexandria, walking into war zones to collect books, etc. Camouflage versions for more secretive operations. There must be a dress uniform. Probably black and gold with more ornamentation?
Usual weapons: handgun, rifle, combat knife. Handgun has stun and kill settings. Not everyone gets to carry Greek fire, maybe only specialists and high-ranking officers? Santi frequently seems to have it on hand, but Jess and Glain never do.
Company composition: 500 soldiers. 5 centuries. Each century has 10 squads, 50 squads total. Numbers of officers might vary a bit, but with lowest ranks possible, it would be 50 sergeants as the squad leaders, 5 centurions, two lieutenants, one captain. Santi’s company skews higher on the ranks, with at least a few squad leaders as lieutenants, so probably more centurions and sergeants as well.
Squad composition: Ten soldiers, at least one of them is an officer. Squad Leader position is designated based on rank and seniority.
Contemplating the abundance of lieutenants in Santi’s company. Some options (leaning toward the first myself):
Ranks are awarded based on multiple factors. Promotions automatically come with leadership positions, but soldiers may also be raised in rank for years of service or battlefield valor. Santi has lots of lieutenants around because his company is that good. Does Santi have squads of nothing but officers? Sure, why not. For all we know he has squads of all lieutenants.
Lieutenant is both a formal rank (2nd and 3rd in command of a company) and an informal term for someone in a leadership position. 
There are multiple levels of lieutenant. Something like the US Army having both Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel as ranks. One is the top in charge of the company with the captain level, the other is squad level?
Squads are usually kept together, but they may be shifted around for some missions, especially if the company is being split up. Squads develop team identity and get competitive with each other.
Some squads are specialized. On the combat side of things, some probably specialize in siege weaponry, stealth operations, and so on. There are also specialized support squads: Medica, equipment maintenance, etc.
New squads are named by colors (blue, green in canon). Some stick with that name and/or base their squad name on it (Blue Dogs). Others develop new names for themselves.
Tattoos: most soldiers get their company symbol tattooed on. Many squads get a squad symbol tattoo as well. Are there century symbols? If so, those make good tattoos too. When someone new joins a squad, the rest of the squad goes with them to get their tattoo and buys them drinks after.
Santi has a book and cobra on whichever arm the lion tattoo isn’t on. He also has a cobra coiled around somewhere - leg, forearm? He has a couple squad tattoos from different squads he’s been on.
Glain promptly gets the cobra and book and a blue dog tattoo post canon. She’d have gotten them already if there was time.
Wolfe has a cobra somewhere. Smaller than Santi’s?
Troll had the book and cobra and a very large blue dog.
All titles for the top position are valid. Lord Commander is the more formal option, used in official ceremonies. High Commander is more casual. Garda Magnus is an older title, rarely used. A commander’s preferences may impact which one they use more often.
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myborderland · 5 years
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Eliot Dudik
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