#dude just wear whatever he sees another confident guy in
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Guys! Guys! Important Jimmy / Lex thing
Lex dresses like whoever inspires him the most
How Lex dressed as Ivo's assistant

How Lex dressed after meeting Jimmy!
And note - the last time we see him dressing like Ivo is when he's watching Jimmy's livestream of the Superman v. Ivo fight in the city. And Lex acts dismissive and annoyed at the pro-Superman talk, but the next time we see him he's literally dressing like Jimmy.
and then he shows up to a goddamn formal debate, where Jimmy is wearing a fancy lil suit, and Lex is still just in an outfit based on Jimmy
(this might not be new info to anyone, but I thought it was cute)
#my adventures with superman#maws jimmy olsen#maws spoilers#maws#maws season 2#jimmy olsen#maws superman#jimmylex#jimmy olsen superman#my adventures with superman jimmy#my adventures with superman lex#maws lex luthor#lex luthor#jimmyxlex#jimmy x lex#jimmy olsen x lex luthor#lex has no drip headcanon#dude just wear whatever he sees another confident guy in#my man sees a successful nerd and just steals their fit#jimmy would steal his jacket at the drop of a hat
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Steddie Halloween
Halloween after 'Spring Break' must be such a hard time for Steve. This is the guy that regularly hosted costume parties at his house during his King Steve era. And at some point probably hosted more laid back ones for the kids and Robin.
But since the Russian bunker he just... can't.
He has regular and more frequent night terrors of torture that had him and Robin shivering and holding onto one another like buoys. He's been dragged down into the depths of lakes by unseen monsters that left all kinds of scars. He gets migraines from moving too quickly or seeing strobing lights.
He carried Eddie's body out of the upside down, hands slippery in blood. He did CPR and felt Eddie's ribs crack under his hands. He looked at Eddie handcuffed to a hospital bed while doctors said we just don't know yet. Had to watch his Uncle, his father, sit by Eddie every day, rarely leaving his side, staring at his chest like he was grateful for each breath his boy took.
So. He's not really able to do Halloween anymore. And that's hard for him.
But whatever. He'll survive. He's fine to sit on the sidelines if it means the others will have a good time.
At this point, Steve was already coming to terms with his bisexuality. He'd already done a speed run through the Coming Out stages and walked out the other side with the eerie confidence only Steve Harrington could muster. This is a dude who has decided that he's going to flirt with Eddie until the other realizes and gets with the program. He knows Eddie likes him. He's a pro at dating and relationships and crushes. He just needs Eddie to figure out that the not so subtle hints mean something.
And then came Halloween.
He'd already told Eddie during a movie night about how much he missed the spooky season.
(And yes, he did discuss it while openly combing Eddie's hair back from his face and absolutely relishing in the way the other boy was turning all kinds of pink under the glow of the TV. Yes, Eddie was taking his time to catch up but no one said Steve couldn't have fun while he waited).
"Aw man. That sucks." Eddie barely managed to boot up his brain again to answer.
"It's fine," Steve would say, even though it wasn't.
And then, on October 31st, Steve wakes up to a maze in his backyard.
It's not a very good maze. It's mostly just tipped over pallets taken from behind Melvalds as the walls and tarps as the ceiling to block out some of the light. But it's so clearly meant to be some kind of a haunted hallway.
Steve is in boxers and a ratty Hawkins Swim Team t-shirt. He didn't take time to put on shoes, so he's walking across the cold concrete and the dewy grass in tube socks.
There's a sign posted on a piece of cardboard at the entrance.
He stands there, shifting from foot to foot in his rapidly dampening socks, not quite sure what to do but intrigued nonetheless.
There's whispering and hushed voices from inside. And then Dustin is stomping out from around one of the pallet corners dressed in a suit that's clearly too small for him.
"Come on, dude. Can't you read? You're supposed to enter."
"It says enter if I dare."
"Yeah. So enter."
"What if I don't dare?"
Dustin rolls his eyes hard enough to make them stick, and honestly this kid and his tone.
"Can you just-" He groans. "Look. Eddie set this thing up and he and Robin dragged us all out of our beds at ass o'clock in the morning to put on these stupid haunted house costumes and wait around for you to wake up. So can you please just dare?"
Steve blinks. He looks at Dustin's suit. The tie is a little crooked and he's wearing bright yellow socks with his dress shoes. "I thought haunted house costumes were supposed to be... yunno... scary?"
"Yeah," said Dustin, gesturing to himself. "I'm the corporate grind."
And Steve can't do anything but laugh.
He goes through the little haunted maze. El was apparently having the time of her life and waves at him from a dead end, decked out a dress she made out of bits of stapled paper. "I am very frightening," she assured Steve. "I am overdue bills."
"That is very frightening," Steve agreed and ruffled her hair before going down another short hallway.
No one jumps out. There are no bright lights. Will had drawn decorations that they'd taped to the inside of the recycled plywood warning him of imposter syndrome and sleeping past your alarm and girls. Lucas at least put in a little more effort as a basketball player, though he had his knee wrapped in a bandage they must have picked up at the pharmacy and explained to Steve that the true horrors were being benched all season.
Max had refused to put on a costume and declared that she was scary all on her own.
Even Robin was there, waving at him. There was a cooler besides her. "This is the checkpoint," she said. "All the best haunted houses have checkpoints."
Apparently, the checkpoint included his migraine medication that he'd coincidentally forgotten to take that morning and a takeaway cup of lukewarm coffee.
"I tried to keep it warm!" She flapped her hands, waving them at the cardboard cup. "I literally held it between my knees and everything. But I had to help Eddie out last night to start building and-" she paused. "Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Forget I said that! Just- drink your coffee! Or don't! Is it warm enough? It's probably not. Fuck."
Steve is always shocked at how much more he loves Robin every day.
"It's good," Steve assured her, taking a sip. "Much scarier this way. Nothing scarier than a cold cup of coffee."
When he finally does make it to the end of the maze, Eddie is right there waiting. He's dressed as a vampire, with the stupid fake teeth and blood drawn down his chin with lipstick.
"You escaped the haunted maze!" Eddie put on a show of acting shocked, horrified, angry. His speech comes out garbled from behind the plastic teeth so it sounded more like you ethcaped the ha'ted mathe! It was endearing. Charming. Perfect. "My evil plan is foiled!"
Steve smiled. He looked back at the tarp and plywood and cardboard and duct tape. "You put this all together?" He turned back. "You built me a haunted house?"
Eddie's posturing paused. Despite how much he tried, there was little Eddie could do to hide the way he turned almost shy. He took out the teeth. "Uh. Yeah. But it's no big deal."
"It's kind of a big deal."
"It's really not," said Eddie. "Just- yunno. Figured you should be included." He brightened. "And this isn't everything! We've got a party planned at Joyce's tonight. Low music, we'll keep the lights on. Kids even picked out a movie, but I can't attest to the quality."
"You built me a haunted house."
"I... did." Eddie cleared his throat. He shoved the teeth back in. "But just so you know, it was all part of my evil plan. Which you foiled, My Liege!"
Steve stepped forward. "What was it?"
Eddie paused.
"The evil plan. What was it?"
"Oh. Uh." Eddie swallowed. "Keep you in my evil clutches forever?"
Steve beamed.
Robin had to usher a group of jeering kids away from the Harrington house. It was apparently too much for them to see Steve grab Eddie by the edges of his stupid vampire cape and tug him into a kiss.
"Dracula doesn't swoon," Dustin shouted back at them, covering his eyes.
"This one does," said Steve happily, before going back to work on a very shocked Eddie.
In the end, it did take Eddie a minute to catch up. Once his brain rebooted and he was able to comprehend that he was kissing Steve Harrington, the boy he'd loved since long, long ago.
He spends that night at the party sitting on the couch with his face buried against Steve's chest while the movie played. "You'd been flirting with me?"
"Mmmhm," said Steve, popping a candy corn into his mouth.
"This whole time?"
"Yup," said Steve.
"I wasn't imagining it?"
"Nope," said Steve.
"This is real?"
"Yup," said Steve, and dropped a kiss onto the top of Eddie's head.
"Okay," rasped Eddie. "Just checking."
"Learning how dumb you were being was the scariest thing this entire halloween," Dustin mumbled from the floor.
#steddie#steve harrington#halloween#eddie munson#USUALLY I'D HAVE WAYNE INVOLVED#BUT THIS TIME I JUST WENT WITH IT#tiny thing#silly little story#stranger things#st fic#headcanon
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Okay, so i finally have some time off, so im gonna sit and try to binge all 3 seasons of The Newsreader at once.
Heres what I know so far, my little assumptions/speculations from some spoilers and things I've seen online. And I don't know the whole timeline of things obviously, so I might say some things out of order.
Dale is a soft, awkward, sad boy who wants to be a news anchor?? But he's really bad at it. He doesn't have much confidence.
He likes Helen. They get together... eventually.
He's super soft with Helen.
Helen and him are in a relationship and the curly haired dude (Tim??? I dont know all the characters and other actors yet on the show. Tim is jealous and wants Dale. And Tim and others from their job try to ruin their careers. Or at least Helen's. And also their relationship.
Dale and Tim kiss. Dale discovers he's bi???? And Tim like his pants and thinks he should change them or whatever. Maybe he's just trying to get him out of them??????
I dont know much about S2. Sam wears a bad wig, and the people want to bring back S1 wigs. Dale's so stressed out his hairline got pushed back.
Dale is getting more successful at his job, which is probably causing him and Helen's relationship to be rocky. Other people are still trying to break up their relationship. I'm not certain if their actually still together at that point.
Lestat takes over in a few scenes lol.
Dale cheats or Helen cheats or starts taking interest in another guy.
Also Dale's in the bed with someone, idk, and it seems very intense, he's gripping the sheets, I don't know whats happening in that scene but I'm here for it though.
Again don't know much but to be prepared with lots of tissues. I've seen alot of people crying.
Someone give Dale a hug. He really needs one.
There's a character named Pip. Nobody likes Pip.
Dale is still going through it but worse. Shit hits the fan, but it's okay??? Still a happy ending??
Sam reids acting is phenomenal this season. 10s all across the board. I'm so scared of what I'm going to see.
But I'm so excited to finally watch the show.
#sam reid#the newsreader#the newsreader spoilers#dale jennings#i dont think im really prepared for the amount of emotional damage this show is gonna give me
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im dYIIIINGGGG with the adam warlock x quill sister! when he calls her 'little quill'??? with that accent of his??? so soft and husky??? im screaming at my phone dude aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i need part iii right freaking now!!!
PAIRING: adam warlock & fem! quill’s sister!reader
POWERS: adapted from D.C.'s Stargirl, although in this instance, the powers are a part of you and the staff just helps you use them.
WC: 1.9k (woo a shorter one this time!)
SUMMARY: your first meeting with Adam wasn't one that indicated that you'd become friends anytime soon. Your second meeting. . . wasn't great either. But, somewhere along the line, you would develop a soft spot for the curious man-child.
WARNINGS: slight gotg three spoilers, badly written original fight scene, possibly ooc canon!guardians.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: OMG!!! This is my first-ever inbox message- thank you, anon! You made my day with this <3 I love Adam's/Will's accent; I definitely hope that we get to see (and hear) more of him in other Marvel movies. As requested, here's part three (even if it's technically part zero, lol.) I do take requests if anyone wants to send me stuff! (I just won't write smut, sorry!)
I hope you guys enjoy this part, although I'm not very confident about it since I'm terrible at writing fight scenes. It's hard enough for me to imagine original content (like the other two parts) but scenes where people move around a lot without the movie itself to rely on are very difficult for me because my mind doesn't think in pictures, but in words and I don't know how to describe fighting. I'm sorry if this isn't as good as the other parts. 😭
And on a side note, the 'no shit, Captain Sherlock' is another reference to space people messing up Terran lingo :)
Part 1 , Part 2
You were admittedly not in the best mood when you first (officially) met Adam. Peter and Mantis had left only days ago, leaving you to sort out your feelings alone. You were currently in the training room, fueling your sadness into anger at their abandonment. You often used your powers to aid you while you were fighting, but they weren’t much use during everyday life— unless you wanted to fly. Now, however, they were very useful.
Brilliant blasts of golden light shot out from the staff that your hands gripped tightly. While your powers could be used without aid, the staff helped you control them; Ego had made it for you when you’d become old enough to serve as his protector. Although you were disgusted with the weapon’s origins, you couldn’t help but agree that it made your fighting much more effective.
Each of your blasts hit the targets squarely in the middle as you turned deftly to conquer the row. A scowl was prominent on your face as you pictured each of your targets as Peter’s or Mantis’ face. (While you would never really want to hurt them, of course, the sting of their desertion fueled your thoughts.) You were listening to a playlist by the Rage Against the Machine— which you had chosen solely because of the band’s name as it mirrored your feelings. The music that was blasting in your ears was so loud that, if someone had been standing next to you, they could have heard the lyrics as if they were wearing your headphones themselves.
As you moved up and down the line of targets, you were unaware of the audience of three that had entered the room. Groot, Rocket and Adam stopped by the entrance to watch you unleash your fury against whatever enemy you were envisioning. The new leader of the Guardians gestured to you. “There. See? I told you she’s nice.”
Adam hesitated, clearly uncertain. “She looks mad.”
“I am Groot,” Groot agreed.
“Shut up,” Rocket retorted, glaring slightly at the tree who was supposed to be helping his case. “She won’t hurt goldie. You’ve already seen her bad side, haven’t you? This is nuthin’.”
The golden boy had to admit that Rocket was right; he remembered only too well his first encounter with you as you’d jumped in to help your friends fight off his unexpected attack.
He’d just defeated the stupid tree-like thing and as it scuttled away like a demented spider, the faint sound of a whistle pierced through the air. An arrow shot out of nowhere, harmlessly bouncing off his skin and only annoying him more than anything else. He looked around sharply, but there didn’t seem to be anyone brave enough to fight him in the vicinity. “Hey! Who threw that?”
He scoffed when there was no answer, stalking towards where he’d last seen his target. But before he could get very far, a force came out of nowhere— this time much stronger than an errant arrow. It knocked him off his feet like a bullet and together they were sent flying through the town, which elicited more cries of fear from the citizens.
He landed harshly against a building that got in the way and debris fell on top of him from the force of the collision. Adam grunted irritably; this was the second time during this fight that his enemy thought that throwing him into a building would be enough to deter his attack— didn’t they ever learn? He stood and shook the dust off his clothes before he strode back out to the street to face this new opponent. Except— it wasn’t the same blue person from before.
The golden boy stared at the other person with disbelief, the only thing that he could come up with was: “you’re a girl!”
She scoffed. “Yeah, no shit, Captain Sherlock.” She twirled the staff in her hands expertly between her fingers before she set the butt down on the ground. It glowed softly as it lit up with her power, her face set. “Let’s do this thing.”
Adam had no qualms about fighting a girl, so they charged at each other without hesitation. He thought she’d be as easy to take down as her teammates but when they collided, she merely used her staff as a shield against his attack. They paced across the open space as they exchanged blows, the girl using her staff offensively and defensively interchangeably. As she flipped neatly out of the way of one of his advances, he began to see how evenly matched they were.
“You are stalling,” he realized. “If you just hand over your friend, we would not have to fight.”
The girl paused, flicking some of her hair out of her eyes. “Oh. Well, in that case—”
She charged at him again, her staff catching on his uniform. She followed him into the air and her swift kick to his stomach sent him tumbling away from her. It was then that he realized that she could fly— just like him— and that was what had powered her initial attack. In the time it took for him to recover from the spin, a blast of golden light was sent his way. Because of his more durable skin, though, the light only felt like volts of electricity rather than something that could do actual damage. The most effective part of her power was the blast itself, which he had to fight through to get closer to her.
Now that he knew where her power came from, he made to attack her staff in order to knock it out of her hands. She seemed to sense his plan— Adam figured most people she fought went this route— and she countered this by trying to fly above him to push him towards the ground. He responded by grabbing the staff in her hands directly while she was mid-swing. The girl was tiring slightly, her breath becoming shorter as the fight went on and she was now on the defensive.
She tried to yank her staff loose from his hold but as evenly matched as they were, he was still stronger. The girl then attempted to shake him off by lighting the staff up with her power. If he hadn’t been such a strong opponent, the golden light would have burned through his hands. As it was, the little volts were barely something that he registered. While he could have easily swung the staff to send her flying off the end and into the ground, he held back the true show of his strength as she didn’t seem to be as resilient as the two blue people or the tree.
Instead, he tried once more for the diplomatic route: “you have fought valiantly for your little friend. If you surrender him to me now I will leave your village in peace.”
The girl’s eyes narrowed with fury as she continued to fight to free her weapon. “Go to hell!”
Adam sighed, having partially expected that response. “Very well. Have it your way, then.”
He smoothly jerked the staff from her grasp and carelessly tossed it to send the weapon spiraling towards the ground. He turned back towards the girl to finish her off as he had her teammates, but he paused. She seemed to hang, suspended, in the air as time appeared to freeze around her. Her eyes widened and, for the first time since he’d encountered her, a look of fear appeared on her face.
Then, she dropped like a stone.
They were very high off the ground by this point and the fall would likely kill a normal being. He wasn’t sure if she would survive, so his reflexes kicked in before he could really think about what he was doing.
By now, the shock had worn off and she fell through the air, she reached up to him as he was the only person who could help her. Adam put on a spurt of speed to try and catch her but she was falling faster than he had anticipated. The girl slammed into the ground and lay still just as he landed next to her. He told himself that saving her wasn’t his mission, and her incapacitation only made obtaining his goal easier. His mother’s orders echoed in his mind, so against his instinct he turned away from her in pursuit of the squirrel.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you. You whirled around with your staff in a defensive position only to be met with the sight of your teammates. With a sigh, you pulled out one earbud but didn’t pause your music.
“What?” you asked shortly.
“Don’t you take that tone with me, Little Quill. I’m ya superior now,” Rocket replied, unaffected by your attitude. “I wanted you to meet golden boy here.”
You gave Adam a once-over, ignoring how the sight of his. . . attractive features made your stomach curl pleasantly. “Yeah. We’ve met.”
The boy in question shifted uncomfortably, feeling once again ashamed of his previous actions. Before he could say anything, Rocket spoke again, adjusting the straps of his jumpsuit as he did so: “well, I ain’t great with humie ages, but I figured ya’d be about the same. I thought it might boost team morale to see ya two hangin’ out together or whatever humies your age do.”
While your first response was to dismiss the whole endeavor— you didn’t want to get close to someone else just to have them leave you, too— but a small, traitorous part of your mind whispered: he saved your brother. Another part chimed in: he’s not bad to look at.
“Fine,” you grumbled. “He can stay, but he better not get in my way. I’m not stopping my training because of him.”
“That’s the spirit, Little Quill,” your captain said, choosing to not acknowledge your reluctance. “I’ll leave ‘im in your hands. Let’s go, Groot.”
As you shoved the earbud back in your ear, you could faintly hear Adam’s protest: “wait! You’re not leaving me here, are you?”
While Rocket’s reply was drowned out by your music, the boy’s words hit you unexpectedly; it sounded just like your response to Peter’s and Mantis’ disinclination to stay with the Guardians. Some of your anger faded as you glanced at the boy who stood awkwardly in your periphery. Despite all of his strength and power, Adam looked a bit like a lost puppy and his expression made your features soften against your will. Fine. Whatever. It wouldn’t kill you to be nice.
You took out an earbud again. “Well, don’t just stand there. I know you can fight, so let’s see you use those skills.”
At the reminder of your first encounter, he sent you a guilty look. As he stepped up next to you, he said quietly, “I’m sorry about that, by the way. For almost killing you.”
You patted him on the arm companionably. “Hey, no hard feelings. You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last, so just add your name to the list.”
All of the Guardians had forgiven him with surprising readiness and it seemed like you were no different— only, you were. His gaze stayed on the spot where your hand had touched him. There was a lingering warmth as if your hand was still there, the sensation sending tingles (not unlike the ones that he felt during your blasts of power) through him.
@repostingmyfavs , @trashpenguin
#adam warlock x reader#adam warlock x y/n#adam warlock#adam warlock fanfiction#adam warlock imagine#gotg v3#guardians of the galaxy#gotg imagine#adam warlock x you#marvel#mcu#mcu x reader#will poulter x reader#will poulter#will poulter imagine#marvel x reader
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I'm back. Again. So anyways i wondering if you could do stan from south park.
yandere stan marsh: “background character”
content warnings: yandere, stalking, all characters 18 or older, alcohol use, jealousy, kidnapping, GN reader
Stan had been interested in you for as long as he could remember. For the most part, anyway. From seventh grade, the year Wendy, his long-term girlfriend, decided to dump him, to the present, he’d been borderline infatuated with all that was you. His friends teased him for moving on too fast, for pining after somebody that had always stayed far, far away from him and his friends.
He followed you to college. After overhearing that you’d been accepted into a local university, he applied immediately, and was accepted alongside you. In fact, he followed you everywhere, even registering for a dorm when he heard you wanted to live on campus.
His past with you aside, Stan currently stands against the wall, laughing and swapping shots with his childhood best friend, Kyle Brofvloski, at a mutual friend’s engagement party.
“It’s crazy that kids we know are already getting married.” Stan admits, his eye twitching in discomfort as he forces down another shot. “God, that’s bitter.”
“Dude, it’s not even just marriage. Red got knocked up.”
Kyle continues, going on to describe how he found out and such, but Stan tunes him out as he spots you across the room. His face flushes and his eyes widen, as he hadn’t expected at all to see you here. After all, you’d never wanted much to do with just anyone from South Park.
Yet, here you are, smiling and congratulating Kenny on his engagement (which he seems less than excited about in contrast to his fiancé, who is bouncing around and sharing drinks.)
“Stan, you’re not even listening.” Kyle scoffs, losing interest in what he’d been saying and with it, motivation to keep talking to him. “What’s with your face?”
Stan looks over and quickly fixes his dropped jaw, clearing his throat. He opens his mouth to answer, but Kyle intervenes.
“Nevermind, I think I know.” He rolls his eyes and carefully takes the shot glass from Stan. “If you’re gonna drool over them, at least do it sober.”
Kyle’s gaze shoots toward you, who is admiring Kenny’s fiancé’s ring as they proudly show it off. “I can’t believe you’re still into them. I mean, it’s been years, and have you guys even spoken? Really?”
Stan glances away. “Whatever, dude. We’ve talked a few times…”
“Was the last time you talked in eighth grade when you asked them out and got rejected? Cause that’s not exactly a brag.” Kyle teases, earning a scowl from his shorter companion.
Stan pushes himself off the wall, not dignifying Kyle’s taunting with a response. No, instead, he approaches you with a surge of confidence that can only be born through mockery and embarrassment.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greets awkwardly, although it seems he’s spoken too softly, because you don’t react, staying engaged in your conversation. So, he tries again. “Y/N, hi..!”
Once again, you don’t even flinch, don’t even look his way. He feels drowned out by the party around him, like a shadow, or a ghost. He knows he’s only ever been a background character in your life, but ignoring him like this? He’s sure it’s cruelty.
You’re invested in Kenny’s fiancé’s story, admiring their ring and complimenting their appearance. Stan’s patience wears thinner, and the slight buzz of the alcohol he’s already consumed only fuels that fire.
Stan swallows his anxiety and grabs your shoulder, eliciting a sharp gasp from you, followed by your eyes finally meeting his. All the confidence he’d built up is suddenly lost on him, and all that’s left in its place is a warm feeling in his gut.
“Hey, can I help you?” You ask.
It’s an innocent enough question, not spoken maliciously or even suspiciously, but it irritates Stan regardless. He’s not a customer, nor you a server, why can’t you be casual with him? He doesn’t want to be a stranger, surely years of knowing each other means something to you, anything?
“Uh, well—“
Before he can finish, the fiancé cuts in. “Oh! Did you want to see the—“
Something in Stan snaps. Kyle had always been the hot-headed one, but Stan’s anger was not lost on him over the years. “Shut up!” He snaps, then turns to you. “I’m trying to talk. Wait your turn.”
“Don’t be a douche.” You try to reason, crossing your arms. “It’s their party, and I’m sure they didn’t mean to—“
Following the trend of being cut off mid-sentence, Stan interrupts you. “I’m a douche? For real? Y/N, I have done literally everything I could to get even a sliver of your attention, but you’re so self-absorbed that anyone outside your line of sight is disregarded. I’ve known you since I was 8 fucking years old, I mean, seriously!”
“I thought Kyle was the angry one.” You retort. You know it’s a shitty reply, only proving his point, but it just slips out.
You watch as Stan’s irritation and desperation take a physical form, turning his face red and making his body tense up. You expect some yelling, some insults, maybe even a booze-driven slap or a punch.
What you don’t expect is for him to grab your face in his sweaty hands and push his lips against yours. It only lasts a sliver of a second, and he pulls away to gauge your reaction. You struggle to pinpoint your strongest emotion, but you’re sure anger is high on the list.
“Stan, what the fuck?”
“I love you. I’ve loved you since middle school, I loved you when you dyed your hair that ugly ass color in tenth grade and when you fucked that guy from some frat, and I still love you even though you treat me like something you found on the bottom of your shoe.”
“Dude! I don’t like you because you’re impulsive, and you do random shit like kissing me when you’re mad at me. The sentiment is sweet, and maybe you really do mean what you’re saying, but I don’t want to deal with your emotional baggage while I’m trying to support my friends.”
“Holy shit.” He weakly lets go of you, looking you up and down. “You’re a piece of shit.”
“I thought you said you loved me.”
“I do. But it’s easier to romanticize the bitchy shit you do when it’s not toward me.”
You stare up at him, inspecting his expression. He’s absolutely distraught, but more than that, his desperation is creeping back out.
“You know what? Fuck this, and fuck you, and fuck Kenny and his weird ass fiancé. I love you, and I don’t give a shit if you wanna be a jerk, but you don’t get to treat me like this.” He pushes a finger against your collar bone, glaring at you. You look around for assistance but find everyone distracted in their own little worlds, even the fiancé, who ran off to Kenny.
He almost looks like he might attack you, but again, he takes you by surprise. He sighs and kisses your forehead, then grips your wrist and begins dragging you out the back door. You panic and attempt to pull away, but his scrawny body is stronger than you’d think, and the drinks you had aren’t exactly making you stronger, judging by the way your legs turn to jelly.
“You know, just cause I’m calmer than him, doesn’t mean I don’t get mad, too.” He says, referencing Kyle. “I’m gonna shower you in so much goddamn love and affection, you’ll be begging for me not to leave you, and you’ll see how it feels to be so obsessed with somebody that…”
He trails off, shaking his head. “Nevermind. Get in the car.” He pushes your weak, stumbling body into the backseat, following the aggression with an awkward head pat.
#tw yandere#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere South Park#yandere sp#yandere South Park x reader#yandere Stan marsh
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Dancing 'Til the Break of Dawn - Pt16
(TWST Zombie apocalypse AU where Yuu beast tames just a little too close to the sun)
You know, Yuu had thought that he had seen it all. The apocalypse, the cannibals, the weirdly nice moments that sporadically poked through all of the gloom. He’d thought he was finally used to it. That nothing could surprise him anymore.
He was a fool.
Because nothing had prepared him for –.
“Is that a fucking furry?”
“I’m not a furry!” a surprisingly young voice groaned.
The three teenagers glanced at each other. And then their eyes slid back down to the fursuit the guy was wearing.
The guy pulled off his(?) head, sighing as he tucked it under his arm. He was a relatively normal-looking dude – with scraggly blond hair and gray eyes, sure, which wasn’t particularly common around these parts, but Yuu’s cat was green so he couldn’t really say anything about that.
… okay, he was normal-looking save for the fursuit.
Honestly, Yuu wasn’t sure what animal it was supposed to be. The ears were round? Maybe a bear? Why was it fucking blue of all things?
A fish, maybe?
No, fish don’t look like that.
Was it wrong to ask?
Wait, he was being impolite. Problematic, even.
“We’re not, like, kink-shaming you,” Yuu said, despite the fact that he totally was.
“It’s the apocalypse, you do you,” Deuce said, awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ace echoed. “Whatever makes you feel confident, I guess.”
The stranger’s face flushed a faint red. It was probably hot in that suit, especially when he was so close to the fire. He should probably take it… off…
No, he shouldn’t, please don’t, actually, Yuu has reconsidered.
“It’s – I have an explanation!”
They waited, patiently, for said explanation.
The person looked relieved that they were even being given a chance. But they couldn’t seem to explain themself, because they kept awkwardly opening and closing their mouth, starting sentences just to stop them immediately after. Finally, they turned around, peering into the dark.
“Jack, come out and explain it, you’re better at this.”
Oh. There was another one.
Yuu was going to have a breakdown.
He sent the person in a wolf fursuit a weak smile. “Nice to – nice to meet you.”
The person cleared their throat. “Yeah, so, it’s to protect us from zombies. They won’t be able to chew through it, y’know?”
“What – what about other survivors?” Ace asked. “Like, I could slash through that stuff just fine…”
“Most people we face are disoriented enough for us to disarm them,” Jack said.
That checked out.
“... why didn’t you just wear full denim, instead?” Deuce asked. “Same effect, but less…”
There was a beat of silence. If they could see Jack’s face, Yuu was sure his expression would be the kind you wear when you’re looking over an old test and see something you got wrong that you really shouldn’t have. Original Furry (or was he a furry by proxy?) looked at Jack, who shifted awkwardly from foot to foot.
“It wouldn’t cover everything,” he defended himself, weakly.
Everyone continued to look at Jack, varying levels of incredulity etched on their faces.
He cleared his throat. “Besides, double denim is a crime against fashion. Right, Ruggie?”
‘Ruggie’ nodded a little too hastily for them to see it as genuine.
And, regardless, they had eyes. Common sense. Free will, even.
Yuu looked, pointedly, at the fursuit once again. “A crime against fashion, huh?”
Jack coughed, awkwardly.
Deuce was the only one kind enough to divert everyone’s attention:
“You should probably, like, cake that thing in bl – mud or something,” he suggested, squinting Ruggie’s bright blue fursuit. “It’s super noticeable.”
Ruggie lifted his hands in a kind of shrug. “In the dark, you can’t see colors. There isn’t much of a point down here.”
Yuu, who had spent more time in the dark over the past day than he would like, could see his point. There were simply things that were close by, and things that were further away. Dark and darker. If they hadn’t been right next to a fire, it would have been fine, and Yuu doubted that they spent that much time by fires.
But Yuu had to admit that he wasn’t sure what they would do up on the surface.
If they ever went to the surface.
Ace must have come to a similar conclusion, because his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Still, he was quick to correct it by crinkling them in a smile that Yuu knew was entirely fake.
“We should get going,” Ace said, dipping his head politely. “Thank you for having us.”
Ruggie raised an eyebrow. “Really? We were just about to have dinner. We got our hands on a couple of Twinkies.” He leaned in, conspiratorially. “Want to learn whether or not they really have an infinite shelf life?”
Yuu had never wanted anything more.
He pressed his lips into a thin line. If it was Twinkies, then they would still be in their packaging. If the food had been tampered with, then they’d know, since the plastic would have to be damaged in some way. So, it wasn’t as if they could poison them. As for a direct attack, they were wearing bulky fursuits, so they weren’t really threats.
And, really, everyone knows you can’t kill a man while he’s eating Twinkies! That’s just fucked up.
So, after looking at Ace and Deuce to see whether they had caught something he’d missed, he shrugged and nodded.
“Sure. Twinkies sound great.”
“That’s not really a dinner food, though,” Deuce pointed out. “Yuu can cook something.”
Yuu sent him an incredulous look. “You can’t just – volunteer me to cook!”
“Yeah!” said Ace. “Only I can do that!”
Ruggie snickered behind his hand. “Well, I’d never turn down free food.”
Yuu sighed. What did he do to deserve any of this? Outside of starting the apocalypse, because he hadn’t done that, remember?
Somewhat reluctantly, he sat down by the fire. Held out a hand, grinning when Deuce handed him his backpack. He rifled through it, pulling out a few scattered ingredients. They had some rations. They had packed enough for about a week, but they’d have to scrounge for food sometime soon…
Onigiri, maybe? he mused, pulling out a jar of umeboshi.
But the problem with umeboshi was that they’d have to commit to eating it for the next few days, since it wouldn’t keep. Was Yuu ready to make that kind of commitment?
He sighed, popping it open. Sure, whatever. Maybe Jack and Ruggie would be freakishly into umeboshi, and Yuu wouldn’t have to worry about maintaining the leftovers –.
“You guys can come out,” Jack said, turning to peer into the darkness. “They’re safe, I think.”
Yuu felt as if he had been doused in cold water. He immediately stopped considering the plums, his head jerking around to find a few people (also dressed as furries, yay…), slowly stepping into the light. Ace and Deuce pressed closer to Yuu, their hands tightening on their weapons.
Yuu swallowed thickly, watching them all crowd around them.
… it didn’t matter if they were outnumbered, because, at the end of the day, they were all in fursuits. They weren’t going to be able to move fast, and trying would only end up in clumsy movements that Yuu could take advantage of. He was safe. He was safe.
He took a deep breath to steady himself, before flashing a smile, his head tilting to the side. “At least I won’t have to worry about leftovers! Are all of you down to eat umeboshi?”
One of them, in fact, was not. Leona, a guy in a lion fursuit (no, Yuu was never going to get over that, because what the fuck), strode over. The head of his costume was tucked under his arm like a demented kind of football, but he tossed it aside to pick up the jar Yuu was holding – clumsily, his giant ‘hands’ ghosting around it a few times before he finally managed to grab hold of it – and lifting it to his nose. He sniffed, experimentally, before jerking the jar away from himself so fast that a little bit of the pickle brine sloshed over his fursuit.
Yuu grimaced. That would be a pain to get out.
But, frankly, Leona deserved to suffer for not liking umeboshi. It was, probably, a crime. Too bad there wasn’t a legal system around to prosecute him anymore.
Everyone else was happy to eat it, so Yuu decided to make one with plain rice for Leona and call it a day. He was a saint, but even saints wouldn’t make a whole alternate dish just for one person! He was doing this for free!
… wait, how did he get roped into this? Hadn’t he said he didn’t want to?
He sighed, scooping up the jar again. He’d already opened it, he supposed he had committed to helping.
He passed out the onigiri as he made them. Ace and Deuce got theirs first (at the exact same time, because there was no way Yuu was going to deal with one of them complaining about favoritism), and then Yuu started on the ones for the random people they had stumbled across.
In the meantime, Ruggie pulled a backpack out of the front of his suit and set it in front of himself, picking through it until he found the promised Twinkies. He tossed them to anyone who asked. Yuu grimaced when the one he asked for hit him in the shoulder, sending Ruggie a glare.
“You could have waited until my hands were free,” Yuu sniffed.
Ruggie lifted his hands in a nonchalant shrug. “I wanted to see if you’d drop the food in your lap.”
He rolled his eyes. “Someone’s not getting any onigiri.”
Ruggie narrowed his eyes, before snatching up the Twinkie at Yuu’s side. “Fine. No Twinkie for you, either.”
Oh. He didn’t think that through at all.
“Wait, Ruggie, let’s talk about this –.”
“So, who do you think the actual furry is?” Ace whispered, grinning.
“Who says one of them actually has to be one?” Yuu asked, rolling his eyes.
“I mean, someone had to figure out that the costumes are hard to bite through. And who goes around biting furry costumes?” Ace reasoned, far too smug for someone talking about furries in an abandoned subway during the zombie apocalypse. “I rest my case.”
“It’s got to be the lion,” said Deuce, after a moment’s thought. “I feel like, if someone’s gonna be a furry, they’ve got to go for a cool animal, right?”
Ace and Deuce were, of course, done with their food and now crowding around Yuu with pleading eyes. Yuu was pretty sure that the conversation was meant to distract him from the fact that he had already made them food. But whatever. He could make them seconds. Onigiri was filling, but not particularly nutrient-rich. There was a chance that Ace and Deuce would get more out of the Twinkies than the onigiri. So, yeah, he would gladly feed them a little extra. He didn’t want them to keel over, after all.
He sighed, sending them a briefly annoyed look so they knew it wasn’t because of their attempts at manipulating them, before getting to work.
Ace smiled, only a hair sheepish, and only for the sake of alleviating Yuu’s annoyance.
“So, what do you think, Yuu?”
Yuu raised an eyebrow. Jerked his head in Jack’s direction. He was one whom Ruggie called upon to help explain their case; therefore, he was probably the one who had come up with the idea. The guy was also totally the kind of quiet guy who claimed that he was secretly a wolf on the inside or something. Hell, he was even sporting a wolf cut (admittedly, this was probably because access to barbers was limited here, but it was still apt)!
Jack’s face flushed. Unsurprising, seeing as Ace and Deuce were not trying to be quiet in the slightest.
“I’m not –!” He huffed. “Fine, here’s the lowdown.”
Apparently, they had been a football (or, as Americans say, sah-cah) team, back before their lives had all taken a turn for the worse. The outbreak had started during a game, and their team mascot had managed to fend off the zombies for quite a while, which was how they had figured out that they could be used for protection.
Ace, Deuce, and Yuu shared skeptical glances, but decided it wasn’t worth it to argue right now, so they simply nodded and asked them to continue.
Ruggie, it turns out, was wearing said mascot uniform. It was a hyena.
The football team didn’t know why the hyena was blue, either. It wasn’t even their school colors!
But, as Yuu chowed down on his own food, finally, looking around, he couldn’t quite ignore this feeling that was nagging at him. A faint buzz in the back of his mind. It was only after he had finished counting the seven furries that he figured out what, exactly, was wrong: “Uh, aren’t there supposed to be, like, eleven people on a football team? Minimum?”
Leona raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, families are supposed to have at least three people, but you don’t see me pointing out the distinct lack of parents here.”
Yuu’s eyes fell back to the food, his face flushing, feeling thoroughly chastised.
“At least two people,” Deuce corrected, quietly.
Leona grimaced. Ha!
“And there’s three of us here,” Ace said, slinging his arms over Yuu and Deuce’s shoulders, dragging their faces close, until their faces squished against each other’s. “So… it’s, by your definition, a complete family.”
“I think I mentioned ‘parents’,” Leona sighed. “But, sure, fine.”
Ace smiled, languid and catlike, as if he had won. No one wanted to argue with him, so Yuu supposed that that was close enough.
But Yuu only had room in his heart for one catlike smile, and he wasn’t really the type to let his friend’s ego get too big: “You’ve made your point. Get off.”
“No. I don’t feel like it.”
Deuce started leaning against him, too.
Yuu rolled his eyes. Truly, he suffered more than anyone else. Where was Grim when he needed his personal attack cat to scare people off?
Yuu gave a hiss when Ace slumped further against his back, his arm beginning to dig into his shoulder a bit too much.
He turned his head, intent on telling his friend off.
Only to find Ace’s eyes drooping, his head slowly falling to press into the back of Yuu’s good shoulder.
Yuu, with a casualness he didn’t really feel, set down his food to rest a hand atop Deuce’s head. The boy immediately sighed contentedly and threw his arms around Yuu, as if he were a body pillow.
Admittedly, this behavior wasn’t entirely strange, not for them. They had been sleeping near each other lately, cuddles weren’t exactly out of the question…
But neither of them would ever be quite this relaxed in the face of strangers. Hell, they were barely ever this relaxed in Grim’s presence, even though the zombie had already (more or less) proven that he (probably) wouldn’t eat them (unless the situation was dire).
No, something was wrong.
“Ace?” he said, slowly.
Ace gave a low hum, as if to say he was listening.
“Move your arm for me?”
Ace’s arm flopped off of him.
“Great, thanks,” he said, though he barely even registered that he was even saying it. He was too busy trying to figure out what it was that had poisoned them. It couldn’t be gas or anthrax, plenty of the furries had taken their costume’s heads off and would be succumbing too. It couldn’t be the Twinkies, Ace had made sure to punch holes in the three cake packages, listening for the telltale whoosh of air exiting the package for the first time, to ensure that they were truly untampered with… and, besides, Yuu hadn’t gotten to his yet, and Deuce had been waiting in solidarity, so that wouldn’t explain what had gotten to Deuce.
And, now that he thought about it, hadn’t he been a little more quiet for the past half an hour? Hadn’t he heard a buzzing in the back of his mind, a nagging feeling that something was wrong?
But if he had been poisoned, too, then how?
The only thing he could think of was the onigiri, but that had been made with Yuu’s ingredients and equipment. And no one had touched –.
Yuu lurched forward, shoving his fingers down his own throat.
Shit. Shitshitshit.
He needed to throw up. Now.
Leona had touched the umeboshi. Had made a show of struggling to grab it. Had jerked it away from himself, spilling a bit of the liquid over himself.
(Had dropped something into the jar. Had swished the liquid inside around, hiding the toxin that was slowly dispersing itself within the brine.)
As if taking pity on him, Jack lifted a hand, palm up, to show off the uneaten food.
Yuu finally managed to expunge his stomach.
He could hear Ace murmur something that might have been ‘ewwwww’. Deuce whined about how is ‘pillow’ was moving.
Yuu peeled them both off of him, pulling his gun from his waistband, pushing himself to his feet. Pointed it at the nearest person.
His fingers curled over the trigger, his hands shaking, his knees weak. He couldn’t tell whether it was anxiety at the idea of murdering someone or the toxin that had to be in his system already.
“Why is that one still aware?” Leona asked, sounding irritated.
Ruggie sighed. “He didn’t eat until after everyone else, what did you want me to do?”
Jack’s lips pressed into a thin line, staring at the gun aimed at his chest. He gave Yuu a strange, pitying look. And then looked at everyone else, almost imploring. “They’ve been nice, you know, I don’t think they really need to be purged –.”
“If they were willing to come down here, they would have been willing to kill to move forward,” Leona drawled, pointing at the gun in Yuu’s clammy hands. “Or are you having second thoughts, Jack?”
Everyone’s eyes fell on Jack. If he were actually a wolf, like he surely believed, his tail probably would have tucked itself between his legs.
Jack looked at the ground. “No. I’m not.”
Oh. They’re not just furries.
They’re a cult.
Yuu’s fingers fumbled along his gun, unsure. He knew how to shoot, yes, but if he tried to do so then he would be proving Leona’s point. And he wasn’t confident in his ability to take on this many people in a fight, fursuit or no. Especially not when Ace and Deuce were out cold at his feet, free for the furries to use as leverage.
He would just need to… stall, then.
Well, good thing he loved the sound of his own voice.
“My cult is better than yours,” Yuu said, his eyes flicking to the shadows. Where were his stalkers when he needed them?
Ruggie spluttered. “The fuck? Excuse you?! One, we’re not a cult. Two, if you don’t worship Her, then you really must be purged.”
“You’re not a cult, you just believe in a god-like figure specific to solely you guys, declare everyone else the ‘outgroup’, and actively murder anyone who you believe to be ‘morally corrupt’,” Yuu said. “But not in the ‘cult’ way, in the fun, cool, totally hip way, right?”
“... yes,” said Ruggie.
Yuu nodded along, giving him a mockingly pitying look. “Right, of course. Well, I have a question: what happens when She doesn’t save you, and there’s no one else on the island for you to Purge? Who goes first?”
A hand settled on Yuu’s shoulder, fingertips digging into the bandages.
Yuu gasped, flinging himself forward, away from the hand. His hands and knees scraped against the floor, but he barely felt it over the fucking lava that had decided to make itself a home in his shoulder.
He flipped onto his back, pressing a hand to his shoulder. It hurt even more when he did that, but if he had popped his stitches then…
Leona stood over him, his expression cold.
Well, he supposed it wouldn’t matter anymore.
“He’s trying to divide us. We shouldn’t let him,” Leona said. His eyes lifted, briefly, to Jack, something that should never truly be considered a ‘smile’ playing across his lips. “Do the honors, will you? Since he’s clearly not intent on passing out the easy way.”
Jack looked at Yuu. Took slow, deliberate steps forward, as if he was trying to soothe a wild animal.
Yuu dropped his hand from his shoulder, fingers ghosting along the floor in search of his fallen gun. He hadn’t even noticed he’d dropped it, but he supposed he must have at some point –.
“Looking for something?” Ruggie drawled.
Yuu didn’t have to look up to know what Ruggie was teasing him about.
Instead, he kept his eyes trained on Jack as the boy picked up Deuce’s bat.
“Please,” Yuu said, forcing tears to his eyes. It wasn’t that hard. “You seem like a nice guy, you – you can’t –...”
Jack grimaced, even as he lifted the bat above his head. “I have to.”
#twisted wonderland#ace trappola#deuce spade#twst yuu#twst grim#leona kingscholar#ruggie bucchi#jack howl#savanaclaw#idk why i hate crossposting so much it takes like five seconds
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“Love is the only reality, and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.”
– Rabindranath Tagore
Chapter 3: Lust in Translation
Dave woke up and fumbled out of bed, groaning at the thin layer of sweat clinging to his skin. “Gross,” he muttered to himself as he swiped a damp hand across his forehead. Maybe the AC was acting up again, or maybe it was just another weird part of his day-to-day lately. Whatever it was, he shoved it to the back of his mind and grabbed his VR headset off the cluttered desk.
It had all started as a joke in an online VR hangout. He’d been sitting in a virtual tavern with his buddies when Eulemia strolled in, bold and confident. She’d walked straight up to him and declared, “What’s a space alien like you doing in a place like this?” It was corny, but it worked.
Two weeks later, they were texting, calling, and spending hours together in their private VR world. She wasn’t just someone to pass the time with; she felt real.
The morning passed in a haze of anticipation. As he worked from home, Dave's phone buzzed with texts from Eulemia.
Eulemia: How’s work, my alien overlord?
Dave: Boring as hell. Thinking about you, though.
Eulemia: Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.
Dave: Well, if you like that, wait until tonight.
By the time his shift ended, Dave couldn’t focus on anything else. He slipped back into VR, where they spent hours in their shared world. Tonight, they stood on the edge of a pixelated alien landscape under a glittering digital sky.
“You’re too sweet,” Eulemia said, leaning in close. Her tusks glinted in the starlight. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you.”
Dave scratched the back of his head. “Guess we’re both lucky, huh?”
They stayed like that for hours—talking, joking, flirting. The conversation turned sultry, as it often did, and Dave found himself blushing despite being alone in his room.
Later that night, as Dave lay sprawled on his bed, still wearing the wireless headset, he felt a buzz from his phone.
Eulemia: You know… I was thinking. Maybe it’s time we met outside VR.
Dave’s stomach did a weird flip. They’d joked about it before, but this was the first time she’d suggested it seriously.
Dave: Yeah? I’d like that.
Eulemia: Let’s FaceTime. Right now.
His palms felt clammy as he pulled off the headset and picked up his phone. Heart pounding, he swiped to accept the call. The screen loaded, and…
“Hey, Dave!”
The voice was deeper. Masculine.
The face staring back at him wasn’t Eulemia—or at least, not what he’d imagined. Instead, it was a scruffy-looking guy in his mid-thirties wearing a tank top and leaning back in a gaming chair. “Man, you should’ve seen the look on your face,” the guy said, grinning.
Dave froze, his brain short-circuiting. “What… what the hell is this?”
The guy cackled. “Oh, come on, don’t be mad. You made it so easy, dude! Two weeks of this alien-orc romance crap? I had to see how far you’d go.”
Dave’s face flushed red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
He shot up from his chair, gripping his phone so tightly his knuckles turned white. His foot caught on the leg of the chair, and before he could catch himself, he stumbled backward.
The VR headset, still perched on the edge of the desk, toppled to the floor as Dave fell. Arms flailing, he crashed into the window behind him. The glass shattered, and Dave found himself airborne.
Below him, a speed dating event was taking place on the patio of the café beneath his apartment. A dozen startled faces turned upward just in time to see Dave plummet into the middle of their carefully arranged tables.
The last thing Dave saw before everything went dark was a cluster of horrified singles, their drinks spilling as he landed with a resounding crash.
Upstairs, his phone buzzed with a final text from Eulemia—or whoever he’d been talking to.
Eulemia: RIP, alien overlord.
#writing prompt#creative wrting#creative writing#writerscommunity#writers on tumblr#writing#original story#storytelling#short story#story
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Make him jealous

Where popular!reader falls for loser!ellie the same day she kisses her in a party to get her ex jealous.
Pairing: loser!ellie X popular!reader
Warnings: r! is drunk, r! has a men boyfriend, r! isnt out yet, nothing else i think

You were kinda drunk (in Monday morning you'd be apologizing to random people for random things you did or said to them) in your friend's party when you saw him. The dude who was cheating on you with a cheerleader, feeding the whole school with fresh gossip and making you look like a fool. It past three days since he was found in one of the boys cubicles with her and two days since you heard the news, deciding to ignore it and take revenge. Because everyone knew that womanizer loved you. And not anyone knew you were gay as fuck. Since the moment you were told of his infidelity you decided to ghost him and ignore him completely and right now the idiot was walking towards you, ignoring the death stare you were giving him. You just walked away to the garden and on your way you could see in a mirror that your sweet boyfriend was still following you.
You just hoped there was someone there and, thank god, Ellie was there wearing some jeans and a black tee. You didn't actually know her well and you knew she was a loser (why would you kiss her?) but your mind wasn't working well and maybe it was just the alcohol or a simple instinct but you just realised of how pretty she was and she just looked so beautiful while holding a glass of coke and you needed to make your future ex jealous or maybe just take revenge, and what could be better than a kiss to do that?
Why not doing it with her, the girl who became 100 times more attractive in the last two seconds? She's gonna forgive me for this, you thought. You saw her talking with Dina, a girl who wasn't as loser as Ellie (just in your own opinion), and another guy who you didn't know.
While you walked towards Ellie you felt nervous and your heart started beating faster. God, you could feel your cheeks burning. Without previous advice you cupped her face and kissed her all of a sudden. She was really hot so why not trying? Ellie didn't even have time to react because you were fucking kissing her. She kissed you back, a little confused, and when you broke the kiss you were still close to her, holding her tomato red face as your heated one was really close and her hands rested on your waist. "Can you pretend you're my girlfriend? Please." You said, from your not-so-boyfriend it looked like you were whispering sweet nothings in Ellie's face.
"I mean he deserves it." She frowned in the right moment she heard you mention your boyfriend, taking her hands off you.
"I won't help you with whatever the fuck you're planning with your boyfriend."
"Please Helen- fuck I mean Ellie! Shit, please."
"Fuck you." She took your hands off her and walked away, leaving you there, mesmerized as you watched her while Dina and the guy watched the scene, shocked. For his part, your boyfriend was frozen, it looked like you hit his pride. You just wanted to go home, maybe you were too drunk.
You walked past him and suddenly stopped when you heard his voice.
"Babe if this is for Susan, it was just once. You're overreacting. I mean, kissing a loser like her? That's all you've got?" You felt the anger growing inside you. You retraced your steps and held his arms softly, it almost seemed like you were forgiving him.
"Do you know what's overreacting?" You hit his groin with your knee. "We're over." You just went into the house as you looked for the Uber app in your phone, hoping Dina and the Asian guy told everyone how confident you looked breaking up with him, the way you weren't actually... Hurt, just so Ellie heard that too. But how could you be hurt if the only thing that filled your mind since the last 2 minutes was her? Since you got to your house (and in the way home) you just thought about her. And in your dreams... Well, you dreamed about a chip who wanted to persuade you to not eat them. It was obviously related to Ellie. (?)
You spent the whole Sunday stalking her and her friend's Instagram acc from a fake bot one and admiring her awkward smile in the few pics she had with Dina and (you finally found out his name) Jesse.
"Why can't she post anything about herself? Why would I care about The Big Bang Theory memes? God, Ellie." You talked to yourself, giving up. On Monday, you didn't share any classes with Ellie but one of your friends noticed your nervousness.
"You're looking for Ellie, aren't you?" You felt the blood running violently throught your cheeks.
"Who told you?"
"Who told her?"
"I think someone said it in a groupchat."
"Whatever, do you know where is her?"
"Why would I- wait do you really like her?" She let out a chuckle.
"See you later." You smiled at her and went to the bathroom, hoping to find either Ellie or Dina there. On your way there you saw Jesse talking with a friend of him (not Ellie, sadly) and you didn't hesitate and walked towards him.
"Hey um... I know we barely know eachother (correction: you barely knew him) but I'm looking for Ellie. Do you know maybe where is her?" You said while fidgeting with one of your friendship bracelets.
"Let me see if I get it well. You kissed her without her consent to make your ex jealous and you expect me to tell you where is her?"
"I have to apologize with her." You said, almost begging. Jesse sighed.
"She's probably in the football field. Don't try anything weird."
"Thanks." You said with a wide smile before running in direction to the field (well, you started walking normally after some minutes). When you got there you saw Ellie sitting under a tree reading what seemed like a comic. Your heart rate increased and you started feeling all dizzy. You got closer and when she saw you, you were like 5m apart from her. She put a bookmark in the comic and you practically ran to her. She was about to stand up when you quickly sat beside her, your body in direction to hers, and grabbed her arm looking at her in the eye.
"Hey I'm sorry for kissing you. I was drunk. I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry and I know it's weird but- sorry." Your apologies came out of your mouth so fast they seemed like a single word in a foreign language. She just looked at you and blushed, probably remembering about the kiss.
"Do you know how stupid does it feel when someone uses you to get someone else jealous?" She said simply and your hand slowly fell to your lap. You just couldn't think of a proper answer.
"I don't even know if it was to make him jealous." You said looking at your hands which were resting in your legs, your face now was in a deep shade of red. When you you looked up at her you couldn't help but glance at her lips. She sighed.
"If you just wanted to kiss someone, why not Jesse?"
"I guess it's because..." You cleaned your throat awkwardly, fidgeting with your bracelet. "Maybe I think you're attractive. Maybe."
"Wait you're gay?- wait you're into me?" Her face turned even redder than before.
"I didn't say I liked you." You looked away on a poor trial of hiding your blush. "I just-" You sighed. "I don't know, man." She chuckled.
"You're pathetic."
"Anyways... sorry for that." You said, your eyes still wondering over the football field. She held your face and kissed you. It was so sudden you didn't have time to react. You kissed her back as soon as you processed what the fuck was going on, leaning your hands on her hips. It was a slow and gentle kiss, Ellie's hands gripped softly in your hair as if you were a flower. When you two finally pulled back looking for some air you just felt too fuzzy. You smiled looking away.
"Where did you learn to kiss like that?"
"You won't like the answer."
"I won't." You agreed with a smile
That same day, you were in your phone when someone sent you a picture of you and Ellie under the tree. Probably the whole school had seen it but you didn't care. You just stared at the picture, mentally blessing the anonymous person who took it since you looked good there.

a/n: I don't know if this is good and is the first thing I post here so tell me if I had any mistake in something!
#𝜗𝜚 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘴#ellie williams x you#the last of us#tlou ellie#ellie williams#ellie tlou#ellie williams the last of us#ellie x reader#ellie the last of us#ellie x fem reader#ellie x you#ellie x y/n#ellie williams x female reader#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams x y/n#ellie williams fanfic#ellie tlou x reader#ellie tlou 2#the last of us part 2#the last of us 2#ellie williams tlou#lesbian#loser ellie#queer#wlw#men dni#cattjull
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hey ik no one is gonna see this but me ahahah. we had sports day on monday and im going craaaazy. so basically we have forms and each form gets a colour, you wear that colour, bla bla blaaa
so my form (pink) and this other form (green) are like arch rivals and we battle for the winning form.
keep in mind weve only had 2 sports days so far.
last year, we nearly won. we got a close second. we probably wouldve drawn or won if greens form didnt have a pe teacher as a form tutor. he could so easily slip extra points on.
this year, i just had it in my head: we were winning.
me n my friends tried soooo hard in netball, placed a solid second in that. thats good in my books as the first form had lots of netball girls in it and we beat another form with lots of good netball girls too. so that got us points. i came third in javelin (bronze medalll!!!) and other people placed in other sports, we got lots of track placements and shit. but . the mfing relay.
so imagine its the boys relay and the 4 boys get to their spots, the first kid flies in front and gets the baton smoothly to the next guy, and this guy to the next, and it gets to the last guy. this dude is so quick so no worries there. its just.... the lanes kinda go funny at the start of the last 100 metres. cuz it goes straight and whatever. its hard to explain. anyways, just imagine its very confusing to keep in your lane, regardless even finding the right lane to start off. THIS DUDE. (now im not blaming him, i totally get it, and hes a lovely guy) he went in the wrong lane for like a second. and we got DISQUALIFIED. UGHHH. THAT WAS GONNA BE AN EASY GOLD.
when theyre reading the order of placements, it obviously comes down to us and green. im confident were gonna win. like they got golds sure. but we placed in alot of things. he says theres a ten point difference. which means the boys relay couldve cost us the competition.
hes abt to say it...
everyone is watching sir..
and he finally says it...
WE FUCKING LOST. THE WHOLE OTHER TEAMS JUMP UP AND CHEERS. we were all just there like wtf? icl i was acc sad. like im not that kinda person AT ALL but i spent the rest of the day sulking in my room. tough luck i guess. at least i got a medal .... 😢
0 notes
Part I: Sweet Tooth
(Part II)
Eddie stares down at his wristwatch. One minute to noon. Just one more minute.
“Want us to clear the path?” Argyle claps him on his shoulder and squeezes. “It’s almost time.”
“I don’t – I don’t know. Maybe you guys could stand behind the kitchen doors? You can see through the windows, right?” Eddie scrunches his nose.
He can feel it, he’s been conditioned to it by now, the familiar pit of anticipation. Other people may call it butterflies. Eddie thinks it’s more like pterodactyls breathing fire inside his stomach. He desperately needs someone to hold his fucking hand during this hardship.
But he also really, really doesn’t want anyone up close to witness him making a fool of himself in front of Hot Steve - a new regular customer at their cafe. An incredibly attractive guy who works at the bookstore next door.
Eddie can NOT fuck this up. It only happens once a day, for a maximum of three minutes.
“Maybe today’s the day you ask him out,” Jonathan smiles. Dude never smiles with his eyes. It’s kind of unsettling.
“Absolutely not, have you seen Hot Steve?” Eddie groans. “There’s no way he plays for my team. He’s –“
The doorbell chimes. Eddie’s head snaps towards the entrance, mouth falling open. Hot Steve is walking towards him, holy shit. It’s go time. Eddie shoos his coworkers away with a frantic wave, straightens his name tag, and rests his chin on his palm and bends over a little, elbow on the counter.
This is always the way he greets Hot Steve. It’s his signature move. Although, it hasn’t really worked yet. If it worked, Eddie would’ve won Hot Steve’s attention by now. But this is the best he got at the moment, damn it.
“Hi, Eds, how are you doing?” Hot Steve is wearing a baby-blue button-down today, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His name tag pin on the left side of his chest glints.
Eddie loves that Steve came up with that nickname on his own, despite only having seen him here at Cafe Byers for, like, two weeks now.
“Better now that you’re here.” Eddie gives him a cheeky smile, If Argyle and Jonathan were here, they might’ve been impressed with how smooth it sounded; they always comment on the way he flirts, the things he says. If you ever said shit like that to me, I’d be hella blushing, brochacho. You know you got game, right?
What they don’t know is that these lines are rehearsed in his head, so many times. It’s all Eddie ever does: practice pickup lines for Hot Steve.
“Right out of the gate, huh? You're makin' me blush,” Hot Steve smiles, and honestly, it’s hard to tell if he’s blushing at all. Or if he’s even flustered. Hot Steve's always so confident. “I’ll get a latte. With oat milk, please?”
“Oh?” Oat milk? That’s new. Steve didn’t care last time what milk he was getting. Interesting. Or is it? Eddie decides to file that information away for later. “Yea, coming right up.”
Another thing about Hot Steve that really does something to Eddie’s overworked pterodactyls, is that he never has a phone with him. Or on him. If it is, it's never visible.
Which is odd, because the entire café is littered with folks who cannot tear their eyes away from their little gadgets and devices, especially their phones; most people can’t even wait for their drinks without looking at them, checking something constantly, emails or texts or whatever.
And, well, Hot Steve never does any of that. He always waits at the end of the counter, patiently watching Eddie making drinks. It always makes him feel so self-conscious. Eddie’s burnt his hands under hot steam a couple of times, actually.
But these two, maybe three minutes of Eddie making a fresh beverage for Hot Steve – this is the only time he gets to make small talk with him. Each time, he learns something new about him, or confirms something that Eddie’s already inferred. The grand question of the day is: “So, who’s the drink for?”
Hot Steve blinks rapidly, as if coming out of a daze. “Uh – what?”
“Whose drink is this?” Eddie says, tamping the coffee grounds. “I’m assuming it’s not yours.”
“How… did you know it’s not mine?” he narrows his eyes.
God. It’s really telling, isn’t it, that Eddie’s noticed these things? “First time for you to ask for oat milk, so. I don’t know, I figured,” he shrugs.
Hot Steve opens his mouth as if to say something. Then he doesn’t. In the corner of Eddie’s eyes, he sees him nodding with pursed lips, with a hint of a smirk. It’s so distracting that Eddie almost heats up regular milk despite this whole conversation being around someone’s (not Steve’s, apparently) preference for plant-based milk. Oops.
He finishes making the latte and walks over to the cash register, handing over the drink. Steve receives it with a small thanks.
But Eddie knows Steve's not quite done here today. Because, when you have a tiny (massive) crush on a near-stranger, you just, kind of look for patterns. That’s just how human minds work; Eddie has been carefully collecting all the little information about Hot Steve, just based on the few minutes that he spends at the café at noon.
Which is how that Eddie’s almost certain (almost, because there’s always room for anomalies) what Hot Steve’s about to do when he asks, “Is that it for today?”
“Oh – um,” Hot Steve scans the glass case of assorted desserts and baked goods, subconsciously wetting his lips. “Actually, yea. Can I have the blueberry crumble, please?”
This is one of the very few predictable things about him. Eddie doesn’t know why Hot Steve even looks at the shelves of sweets each time as if he’s ever going to make a different choice, because it’s always the same, the only constant pattern besides his entrance that he’s ever shown Eddie: the house blueberry crumble, the ones that Eddie bakes himself.
And every time Hot Steve asks for it, Eddie has to turn around and flex his arms, letting out a silent scream of victory, because Hot Steve is fucking hooked on those things. It’s truly incredible to know that he wants it. Eddie pours his heart and soul into those.
“Of course, babe,” he swoops down, takes a small square piece out with tongs, wraps it in a pocket of parchment paper. “D’you know I bake these every morning?”
“You – it’s you?” Hot Steve’s eyes widen comically. “Wow. I thought they were, like, shipped over from a bakery or something.”
“We do have an oven,” Eddie points behind the kitchen with his thumb and looks back, makes a mistake of drawing attention to the door, only remembering then that Argyle and Jonathan are probably watching this whole thing. Really hoping that they’re being discreet.
“That’s amazing. I – I love them,” he says, not at all looking behind, thank God. “Guess you’re good with your hands.”
Eddie could practically hear the angelic chorus from the sky. Holy shit. Hot Steve loves his crumbles. Fuck. He could cry.
But, you know. Everything always comes to an end, and that’s usually how far their conversation goes. Nothing more than just small talk, and then Hot Steve would pay for the stuff, go back to the next-door bookstore where he works. And until the next day, it’s as if he doesn’t even exist. A mythical creature that only appears during those three minutes in time and space, then vanishes afterwards.
So he tries, just one last time before he leaves. “Steve?”
“Yea?” Hot Steve looks up, batting his lashes. They’re – so – pretty. So long, delicate. Such a fucking contrast to his muscular arms and chest that his thin blue shirt does nothing to hide, sleeves and buttons ready to pop. It’s sinful.
Fuck, and time’s ticking, yet there are so many things Eddie wants to ask. What is your drink, then? ‘Cause you never get the same drink twice.
Why is it always at noon? Is that your break?
Where are you from? When does your shift end? You do work at the bookstore, right?
When are you free?
All of these are more or less reasonable, if not a tiny bit creepy questions. But any of these would’ve been so much better than what Eddie actually blurts out, so out of the left field that he surprises even himself: “So, uh, how much do you bench?”
Oh, fuck. Where the hell did that come from? Eddie cringes hard inside, unsure how those words, that kind of vernacular even came out of his mouth, please, he wants to rewind time -
But it's spilled oat milk. Guh. He crinkles his nose to prepare himself to apologize. Sorry. That was so – I’m not a gym bro. I’m not! Look at me! He's about to say, but:
“You wanna know?”
Hot Steve has a shit-eating grin on. That’s a first. There might even be a faint blush on his cheeks. Holy shit. Hot Steve took the fucking bait. Not that it was bait – it was just Eddie being a fucking disaster – but he nods all the same, stupidly. Of course he wants to know. He’s committed, now.
“Let’s see.” Hot Steve’s now circling around the counter to take a closer look at Eddie, eyes travelling up and down. It feels like Hot Steve is undressing him with his eyes. It’s kind of insane that they’re doing this in public.
Hmm. 140, 145 at the most – Hot Steve mutters under his breath. “Oh yea. Easy,” he says, still smiling wickedly.
“What do you mean, easy?” Eddie croaks.
His breath hitches when Hot Steve leans over the counter, inches away from Eddie’s face. “Probably could do twenty reps of you,” he whispers, winking.
Eddie’s brain short-circuits. He stares open-mouthed at Hot Steve, unable to move until he exits the café with the drink and a brown bag, fading away from view. Gone for the rest of the day, rest of the evening. Rest of the next morning. Only to return the next day at noon, like a fucking reverse-Cinderella.
“Why were you guys whispering?” Jonathan appears from behind, nudging him on the arm. “What did he say? Did you finally ask him out?”
“I’m about to ask him out myself if you don’t,” Argyle says lazily, earning a sharp smack from Jonathan. “Just joking, man, you know you’re my main dude,” he squeezes a squirming Jonathan on the side.
“He… “ Eddie gulps, closing his eyes, and pictures Hot Steve’s tantalizing smile. “He winked.”
Continue reading on Ao3
Read the sequel: Savour
#steddie#steddie fic#Steve x eddie#eddie x steve#Steve harrington#eddie munson#argyle stranger things#jonathan byers#jargyle#jargyle supremacy#steddie:sweet tooth#ao3#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#ronance#stranger things#stranger things fic#modern au#coffeeshop au
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I really love your headcannons about Strawhats with Teen reader, that's why...
If you don't mind - Can I ask for Platonic Strawhats with Female! Teen reader that tend to be the quietest in the crew because of her shyness?
I also had and the next idea after this one- but I don't want to overwhelm you with it. Take care of yourself!
Have a nice day!
Sorry for the wait, here you go!
He was intrigued by you
That’s why he forced you onto his ship. And then he realized that instead of having a convoluted backstory, you were shy
And quite honestly it was refreshing
Even though he likes being around Chopper and Usopp and be loud as heck, he likes spending time with you
You balance him out
And even though you’re not an adult, he’ll go to you for advice. This makes the rest of the crew confused (and low-key mad) because he doesn't want their advice
But most of the time he doesn’t take your advice anyways
I think that you two are close, seeing as he is endlessly extroverted and will break through your walls no matter how hard you try
Most of the time he leaves you to your own devices, but he will drag you to large parties and make you feel as welcome as possible
He does the same on the ship, but that was never a problem anyways because everyone likes you
Feels the need to protect you, not only because you’re a member of the crew, but also because you’re the youngest
10/10 I can see him giving you some of his food (only some)
Ultimate big brother vibes
Likes to go to you for a quiet space because the ship can be loud
So he spends a lot of time with you… sleeping
He also half-asks questions to fill up the space and gets to know you pretty well
He also feels a need to protect you since he sees you as kinda weak (but almost everyone is weaker compared to him)
He will also feel the need to shield you from the craziness of the ship
Like sir, it’s nice that you care, but they can take care of themselves too you know?
Doesn't incorporate you into the crew since… he’s mostly sleeping. But he would try, and he would fail because they already like you
Cue him being shocked that he wasn’t your only friend on board, but to be fair he is sleeping most of the time and not watching you
He likes the calmness you bring to the ship, good for his meditation sessions (but I don't think you want to just sit there why he meditates)
I can see you having fun with him and Chopper, maybe play a board game
8/10 calm down sir, they can take care of themselves
She’s like the cool and fun older sister
She likes to dress you up in her old clothes, and then gush about how cute you look (no, not her super tiny bikinis)
She takes it onto herself to guide you through… whatever I guess
Also feels the need to protect you from dudes
I think that she gives good advice, but when combined with Robin the two of them give life-altering wisdom
You can go to her for anything from how to sew to how to manipulate people
Always gives you juice when the crew starts drinking
If the ship starts to get too rowdy she will shout at everyone to keep it down, and then turn to smile at you as if her actions were for you
She will share her tangerines with you
I think that she wants to protect you, but is frustrated at the fact that she can’t be as strong as the Monster trio (but everything works out in the end)
If you borrow money from her, she will reduce the interest (only by a little)
9/10 only downside is the interest (if you ever borrow money)
He was high-key suspicious of you
To be fair he is suspicious of anyone and everything, and seeing as you were quiet he was on the edge
But after you saved his life, he gets all buddy-buddy (really Usopp? You got saved by a teenager)
I think the two of you would get to know each other when he’s working on a new invention, and you guys are having idle chatter
Now he tried to act like a cool older brother. Always ready to swoop in and talk about his “accomplishments”
He will do just about anything to make you laugh
I can see some crazy (but fun) times with him, Chopper, and Luffy
He would give bad advice, but occasionally he does have some piece of wisdom
He would try to protect you, but… yeah
He ends up feeling bad, and incompetent. But tell him that he was amazing or something and he’ll be fine
I think he would get frustrated when you beat him at a game of cards
10/10 he is just so fun to be around
Also acts like an older brother
He tries to protect you from guys, saying that they’re all dogs (but then you point out that he’s a guy)
This also means he tries to limit your time around Zoro, saying that he’s a bad influence
Then the two start to fight and right as they pull you into it, Nami hits both of them and carries you off to eat or something
Gives you more food because you’re still growing
He is a surprisingly good listener and when he chimes in his advice are always good
And like all of the crew, he will try to protect you from danger (ma’am you are still a teen, why are you on this ship? Oh wait, Luffy…)
I said he acts like your older brother, but he also acts like a proud dad sometimes
Like sir, why are you crying? All they did was perform twinkle twinkle little star on the piano (Brook taught you)
He also tries to restrain his pervert tendencies around you, but when they inevitably happen he can’t look you in the eyes for several days (he also smokes more. It gets to a point where you have to confront him)
He also teaches you how to cook
8/10 he can get a little extra sometimes
If things get too crazy on the ship, he likes to go to you
I feel like he would try to act like a big brother, but you would just pet him (sorry Chopper)
I can see Chopper trying to get you to socialize more with the crew. Just drags you out with his tiny Reindeer paws
I can see you confiding in him a lot because it’s kinda like venting to a stuffed animal (again, sorry Chopper)
He gives (almost) child-like advice, but it’s so simple and it always works
I think you would beat both him and Usopp at games, and then they would proceed to chase you around
He would try to protect you, but he also knows that you need to push yourself to get stronger, so he lets you fight some of your fights
When you end up hurt, he always makes sure to be extra vigilant with your care
I believe that you would also try to protect him, but his pride would end up hurt
I think you two would spend a lot of time in his office for a quiet place to read (and for him to do work)
He makes you help him organize stuff
10/10 a great duo
She is the kind older sister
She is such a good listener, and her advice would solve all of the world's problems
If things get crazy on the ship, you go to her. She has the presence of calm around her that just soothes you
I think she would also like to participate in dressing you up with Nami. That means you get to wear Nami’s old clothes and Robin’s old clothes
Robin always has an extra book and cup of tea reserved for you. Tea times are when you two like to ramble about anything and everything. This is also the place where you can vent and the both of you talk about your past
She would like to teach you about world history, while you listen and ask questions
She would try to teach you how to read one glyph, but if it’s too hard she stops (and low-key gets sad)
Robin also lets you help her garden. She enjoys having a person keep her company while she does the things that make her happy
She thinks that you are too adorable, and that also makes her go into a momma bear mode when she thinks you are in danger
She will yell at crew members, and she will annihilate the enemies
Robin sees you in a similar way to Chopper, so if you say something dirty or cuss, her image of you will be ruined
10/10 she is perfection
I see him as a weird uncle figure
He mostly hides in his workshop and creates weird but cool inventions while you watch him and ask what he is doing
I don’t see you two talking about important things, just you two having fun and making jokes
He is fun to watch, but when he tries to get you to participate— it’s even more fun
I can see Robin trying to shield you from him (hey, he says he’s a pervert)
He would share his cola with you (I can see some very fun crew bonding time when everyone gets cola and huddles around Franky’s new invention)
Franky is the opposite of shy, so sometimes it gets to be a bit too much
Like sir, please leave them alone for one second
I think that Franky and Usopp would try to teach you how to make things
And if you like to prank people… they’ve created a monster
Expect all three of you to get yelled at
8/10 pretty good, but he does say some stuff that you don’t get sometimes
Another weird uncle
When he asked to see your panties, both Robin and Nami slapped him so hard, he had flown off
He never asked again
I can see him joining in on the Robin history over tea, and add things in he knows from living during the period (dang he’s old)
He occasionally makes the tea you three drink
I think he would try to teach you how to use a sword, and then get yelled at so he teaches you to play instruments instead
He’s a surprisingly easy-going teacher, if you don’t practice he’s not mad. He just assumes you don't want to learn. That means he won’t teach you, which leads you to practice
He would let you peek inside of his skull and then jumpscare you. It works every time
Brook would tell you about what he did during the two-year time skip, all while you’re laughing at the fact they called him Satan
I think that being around you and Luffy would make him remember his days as a teen
Starts to get all weary like a dad (and just like Sanji)
7/10 rough start, but good ending
He is the dad (not like, is)
He is always concerned for your health, and whether you should be fighting or not
He told Luffy that it was ridiculous to bring a teen on board, but then he realized Luffy is only 19…
Jinbei is always there to make sure you feel included, and will often leave the crew’s festivities just to hang out with you
Honestly, his old man self likes the quiet you bring
If you ask him, he’ll tell you about Fishman history (also over Robin History Tea Times)
100% tries to protect you. I think that can make you frustrated at times, but he has saved you so you can’t be too mad
So he teaches you Fishman Karate (it gets Robin’s stamp of approval because there are no sharp objects)
Jinbei gives the best advice, again dad and old man
He’s able to see different perspectives and tell you the best course of action (that gets annoying when you just want him to take your side, but you have Nami and Robin for that)
Also is proud of you when you achieve something (part of the tears dad group)
10/10 every group needs a parent figure
#One piece#one piece imagines#one piece imagine#one piece self insert#one piece senario#one piece x reader#one piece#sanji#sanji x reader#vismoke sanji#Luffy#monkey d. luffy#luffy x reader#zoro#zoro roronoa x reader#roronoa zoro#nami#cat burglar nami#nami x reader#usopp#god usopp#usopp x reader#chopper#tony tony chopper#chopper x reader#nico robin x y/n#nico robin x reader#nico robin#one piece franky#franky
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Wreck My Plans.
Mob!Bucky x Reader AU
Run-through: Taking time off work, you come back to your hometown for the holiday season, and you decide to go clubbing with a few friends. There, in the middle of the dark, loud room your eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue ones. Ones which you never thought you’d see again after so many years. There he was, your ex-boyfriend; Bucky Barnes.
Themes: mob!bucky, smut, fluff,
a/n: i missed my Sin Army. Happy evermore day. And to my Marvel fam, how we doin’ after those trailers?!
Time stopped.
One minute the music was deafening and the next, you couldn’t even hear it. All you could focus on was your current, erratic heartbeat as you stared into a pair of stormy, blue eyes. They looked darker and much more mesmerizing than you remember.
His name echoed in your head as a smile formed on your face. Bucky.
The smile on his face mimicked yours as he walked over to you at the bar, crossing the ocean of drunk people swaying to the music. Amongst the crowd he crossed, were some of your friends who ditched you just minutes ago to go have fun with a pair of dudes they met just upon entering the club.
You could join them, but rubbing your body against a stranger’s sweaty body was not what you intended to do tonight so you stayed back at the bar.
Good thing you did so, else you wouldn’t have noticed Bucky on the other side of the room.
You smiled a little brighter once he stood in front of you. Very, very well dressed in his dark suit.
“Is it really you?” he spoke, teasing you right away. Just like he used to.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at him, mainly to hide your nervousness as you realized how much deeper his voice had gotten. Or how much more attractive he was. He had always been a hottie, now even more so. Muscular and tall, even with the suit on you could tell he had a body to die for.
You and Bucky broke up right after graduating high school. You moved for uni while he stayed behind and joined his family business. It wasn’t a messy break up, just two 18-year-olds deciding to end a relationship and focus on their futures.
You finished college a few years later then moved again, for your dream job. And now, almost 7 years later, you were back in your hometown for the holidays for the first time in a long time.
“It is. How have you been, Buck?”
He smiled and took the seat right beside you. “Great.” he wasn’t lying. “You?”
You let out a little laugh. “Are we seriously gonna do the whole work and the weather thing?” you asked, and he laughed.
Oh how you had missed his laugh. It’s been years since you saw him, but everything about him was so familiar it hurt. The way his eyes closed when he smiled or laughed too hard. The blue in his eyes, the crinkles by them. The perfect shape of his nose which you always teased him for.
Everything about him reminded you of a simpler, happier time of your life.
He stared into your eyes for a few seconds, then smiled in nostalgia. “You’re just as pretty.”
You rolled your eyes again, casually ignoring the sparks which flew in between you two.
“Oh please. Enough about me, what about you? You’re quite the talk of the town I heard.” It was true, they were saying all sorts of things about him ever since you came home. No one knew where he lived, whether he was in town currently or no - he was, you just confirmed it a few minutes ago.
“Yeah? What have you heard so far?” he spoke with a smirk on. Words didn’t affect him anymore.
You raised an eyebrow. “So the rumors are true?”
He chuckled, and signaled the bartender to bring him a drink. You watched each of his actions cautiously. Everything about him screamed power. His stance, his movements, his poise. You had heard around that his dad’s business was doing poorly years ago and he turned to some shady stuff. And he dragged his son along. Something about mob, gangs and illegal stuff. You had trouble believing it at first, because you knew him. You knew Bucky and you couldn’t imagine someone as gentle as him being associated with this side of life.
But the smirk he gave you proved all those rumors and theories to be true.
“Oh,” you wondered why you didn’t feel the slightest bit afraid. “Well, it suits you.” You scanned him quickly and wondered where you got the confidence to do that.
You were right, it did suit him. The power, the mean yet magnetic demeanor, the way he could get absolutely everyone to stare at him in awe and fear - truly, it did suit him.
He smiled and took a sip of his drink, then placed his glass down. “You should be running for the hills, not complimenting me. Is that what your strict, conservative father taught you?” The last part was an inside joke so he couldn’t hide his smile.
You shook your head. Bucky and your dad never gelled well. Ever. “Leave dad out of this, he still hates you by the way.” your words made him chuckle at some memories. “So now what, you have gangs and guns and stuff?” you asked.
“Yeah I’m kind of the bad guy around here.”
You laughed. He stared at you in complete awe and he couldn’t help but smile. He felt it too, the pull or sparks or whatever it was that was preventing him from looking away. Like as though something had tied him to you and he couldn’t get away and he definitely didn’t want to.
“You’re here with someone?” he asked, looking around and hoping you’d say no because he hated the thought of you being here with another man. Which was weird because he was meeting you for the first time in years, yet he was already feeling so protective.
And that skin-tight coral dress you were wearing wasn’t helping either.
“With some girl friends,” you replied and he quietly let out a sigh of relief, “But it seems they’re nowhere to be found.” You looked around and couldn’t see them. They were wild party animals anyways.
Bucky smiled and got up from his seat, extending his arm out for you to take. “Come on then, let’s get out of here.”
You took the last sip of your wine and took his hand. You let him guide you to the back of the club. “You know the owners?” you asked, seeing he was so comfortable in the space. He chuckled.
“I am the owner, doll.” he answered in that cocky, velvety voice of his. And that nickname, that damn nickname brought back so many memories; they came flooding back in like it was no one’s business.
The first time he kissed you. Prom. That road trip you took together. All the ones you planned but couldn’t take. All the times you snuck out of the house to hang out at his place. The one time you got caught and how your dad almost lost his shit completely. The time you had your biggest fight and didn’t talk for two whole days. How he apologized first for that one.
You remembered everything.
He held the door open for you as you slid into the passenger seat of his slick, black car. He was quiet when he got into the driver’s seat. But the silence was comfortable, like the kind you have around your closest friends and family; where you’re just happy with sharing space and air, just knowing the other is here and not having the need to fill the silence with useless talks. The kind of silence which spoke louder than words ever could. Comforting, and warm.
He pulled into the entrance of a private property and your eyes widened for a brief moment. “You live here? This is your home?” you asked, a little surprised at the grandeur of the mansion in front of you, which grew bigger and bigger as you approached it.
“One of my houses, yes.” he replied, cocky as always.
You playfully scoffed. “Showoff.” you muttered, loud enough for him to hear and laugh at.
He got out of the car and walked around to open the door for you. You rolled your eyes at his antics, “You don’t have to do all that, you know?” you teased.
He chuckled and casually reached down to hold your hand in his as he guided you over to the front door. It was chilly out, so he walked a little faster. “Oh come on, I know I’m the bad guy now but I'm chivalrous enough to treat my ex-girlfriend right.” he played along, knowing exactly which word would get a reaction out of you.
“Ouch.” you pretended to be hurt. He laughed as he ushered you into his home.
The first thing you noticed were the guards. Then the extravagant foyer which led to the equally extravagant living room. The color theme, the lovely smell of the house, there was something about it which was so familiar, yet you couldn’t place a finger on it.
“You have a beautiful home, Buck.” you looked around and noticed that the guards had left.
He smiled and let go of your hand, letting you walk around his personal space for a bit. He could get used to this, the thought popped into his head out of nowhere. He could get used to seeing you in his home.
“Come on up, you’ll love the library.” he spoke and extended his arm out again. You took his hand and he led you up the large, fancy wooden stairs.
He was right. You did immediately fall in love with his library/study room. It was everything one dreams of. Spacious, yet cosy. Modern, but with a vintage twist. The right amount of light, but not too much. It was beautiful.
You walked a few steps further and started noticing the little things; like the mini bar, the unused typewriter on the desk, the scattered papers next to it, the chandelier which made the room look magical.
“This is beautiful.” you commented as you lazily skimmed through the books on the shelves. You heard him move around glasses in the background.
“Thank you.” he paused, pouring himself a drink. “You want a drink?”
You turned to face him for a brief moment. He had taken off his coat, leaving him in his very expensive looking black shirt. “Sure.” you answered, then you turned back around to check out the books and you could feel him staring at your back. You smirked as not so holy thoughts filled your head.
How would tonight end? You wondered.
You walked over to his desk and plopped down on his large seat. He walked over as well, placing your glass down and leaning against the edge of the table, staring down at you with a smirk on and a look in his eyes which you couldn’t quite understand.
“What?” you laughed as you took a sip of the liquor. It was smooth, and sweet and left an amazing aftertaste in your mouth as it slid down your throat, burning just a little. It tasted expensive.
“Nothing.” He replied, softly as he eyed you carefully. “I just can’t believe you’re here, after all this time.”
You smiled and looked up at him. “Things changed, haven’t they? I mean, the Bucky I knew hated whiskey and brandy. He liked cheap beers and vodka.” you pointed out.
Bucky smiled and rolled his eyes, shoving a hand in his pocket out of habit. Suddenly he looked much younger and very boyish. “He changed, Y/N.”
This was the first time he used your name tonight and you felt funny inside. The good kind of funny.
“Mhmm.” you agreed. “He got meaner.” you teased and stood up from the seat, and looked past him. Right by the couches, was a small coffee table upon which something shiny caught your attention. And being the curious being you are, you walked right over without a second thought.
“You think?” he sounded playful as he watched you walk over to the coffee table where his guns were kept. He doesn’t usually leave them out in the open like this but he was cleaning them earlier so he left them there.
Bucky watched how you picked one up and examined it.
“Yeah,” you spoke up without taking your eyes off the hand gun. “He got dangerous.” You weirdly liked how it felt in your hands. A little heavier than you thought it would be.
He was surprised at how comfortable you were with this side of him. Another woman would turn the other way and would run. But not you. “Be careful with that, doll.” he warned you softly. “They’re all loaded.”
You smirked as you placed the gun down and picked up another. And you sensed him tensing up where he stood.
“Don’t touch that one.” he said calmly. You frowned.
“Why not?” you asked.
He placed his glass down and walked over to you. “I’ve done bad things with that one. I’ve hurt bad people.”
You knew your way around a gun. Your father used to hunt as a hobby so you knew the gun was locked. But just for the hell of it, you aimed it at him and smirked. “Yeah? I think I like this new Bucky a lot better.”
He smirked, loving the fact that the city didn’t diminish your spunk. He realized then that you were still the same girl he fell for in highschool. “Careful.” he warned again, giving you a soft smile. Seeing you like this made him want to do bad things to you. He felt hot as he watched you aim a gun at him. He didn’t know why.
“Scared?” you teased, loving the reaction you got out of him. The buzz of the wine earlier and the whiskey just now amplified your confidence and you loved it.
Oh fuck you looked hot. It made it hard for him to focus on anything else. “Put it down, Y/N.” he kept his devilishly handsome smirk on. You held your ground and it made him groan and roll his eyes. He approached you and you giggled. He carefully took the gun from you and placed it back down on the table, then without another word said, he circled his arm around you and pulled you closer. “Good girls don’t play with those. You used to be so obedient, what happened?” he teased.
You smirked, finding his body heat really comforting. “I’ve changed.” you purposely repeated his own words, then added, “Maybe I’m not such a good girl anymore.” you purred. He clenched his jaw and exhaled loudly.
“Don’t tease me baby girl. I’m not as nice as I used to be.” his words made you all hot and bothered.
You smirked. “Prove it.”
And just like that, with one look of his, you were under his spell. He smirked and leaned in, purposely avoiding your lips as he gently kissed his way along your jaw. You shivered when his lips touched your neck; leaving soft kisses along the side of your throat while his hand wrapped tighter around your waist.
He made you whimper and whine, you could feel him smirk against your skin. He pulled away after a while, and held your chin in between his forefinger and his thumb, and he looked into your eyes with an intensity which made your body tingle. His thumb soon moved up to touch your soft lips gently. He traced the shape of your mouth and spoke, “I’ve missed you.” he looked down at you softly.
Your lips parted as he trailed his fingers down your chin, down your neck before he gently wrapped his fingers around your throat, applying just a bit of pressure there. You smirked as you looked up at him. “Not so sassy now, are we?” he sounded cocky and in control, just how you liked him.
And suddenly all those years which had gone by didn’t mean a thing. You picked up right where you left off. The spark was still there.
“Buck… please,” you whined under your breath. Oh how he had missed this…
He chuckled. “Come here, baby girl.” he walked a few steps backwards and plopped down on the couch, pulling you onto his lap where you fit perfectly. A soft, unexpected moan left your lips as he slipped his hand under your dress and inched higher and higher up your leg, and caressed your inner thigh as he went.
He smirked when you moaned and kept going. He leaned in to kiss your jaw and down your neck; his stubble brushing against your skin gently. His lips warm and soft as they peppered your skin with kisses, making you instinctively tilt your neck to give him easier access. He chuckled when you visibly trembled as his knuckles brushed against the front of the flimsy thong you were wearing. He couldn’t wait to tear it off your body.
His need to have you grew with each passing moment. Hot, fiery, burning desire. Bucky slipped his hand past your underwear and touched your wet folds, his two fingers circling around your clit, “You’re dripping, doll.” He chuckled as you moaned when he slowly pushed a finger past your entrance. Then another and started gently pumping them in and out of you.
Your body throbbed. You whined, throwing your head back and letting him do whatever he wanted with your body.
Bucky looked up at you in pure adoration as he placed his thumb on your throbbing clit and brushed it occasionally while he finger-fucked you; your wetness dripping and smearing all over his hand; his fingers touched you in all the right places; curling just right and massaging your walls perfectly. His other hand gently wrapped around your neck; not squeezing yet but just holding you firmly.
You got a little louder as he sped up; his fingers slipping in and out of you with ease and eliciting sounds which turned you on even more. Seeing you were whining and whimpering already, Bucky moved his hand from your throat and pushed two fingers into your mouth; slowly pumped those two as well; an obscene attempt to keep you quiet.
Your mouth immediately wrapped around his fingers. And he swore under his breath again at the sight of you so salacious and open; his fingers buried in your wet core, slipping in and out of you rapidly while his other two fingers were buried into your warm mouth. The sounds you made alone were enough to make his pants feel tighter; and make him want to devour you even more. You moaned when he sped up again; his fingers stroking your walls perfectly and increasing the sweet, almost agonizing pressure forming in between your hips. You felt a rush and a warmth washing over you; intensified by his tight grip at your throat.
“Are you gonna cum for me, doll?” he asked, leaning in to just bite your lip; not kissing you properly but just biting down and nibbling on your lower lip and making you go crazy. You whined in pleasure and nodded. He sped up again; and you rolled your hips against his hand in a haze – chasing your orgasm; moaning and whimpering. “Cum for me, come on, babygirl.” He encouraged you and tightened his grip around your throat just a little bit more.
You let the familiar waves of pleasure wash over you as you came all over his fingers; crying out loud in pleasure. Gushing out all over his hand as he kept pumping them in and out of you, getting everything he could out of you. Once satisfied, he removed his hand from your underwear and pulled his hand back from your throat and wrapped both his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, causing your sensitive core to brush against his crotch. And you could feel his erection.
“You have no idea how bad I’ve missed you, baby girl.” He whispered against your parted lips. “I searched for you, but I couldn’t find a way to get to you.”
“Buck…” your hands reached up to cup his face and you pulled away just a little to look down at him. “I’m here.” you whispered, breathless still.
He wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. He finally pressed his lips to yours and kissed you like there’s no tomorrow; there was nothing gentle or innocent about the kiss, just hunger and passion and pure craving. His soft lips moved perfectly against yours through the messy kiss. He moaned through the kiss when you slid your hands into his hair and tugged on it gently. His hands rested on the curve of your ass; holding you close to him as he gently pulled away from the kiss and stared into your eyes.
He gripped your waist and pressed your cloth core onto his, making you grind against him; causing you to feel his hard on through his pants. You almost moaned at how big and firm he felt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and your body shuddered as a wave of pleasure washed over you while you shamelessly rocked your hips ever so gently against his clothed hard on. He smirked at your involuntary actions.
“Fuck… I need to have you. Now.” he growled before pushing you down on the couch and hovering on top of you. He purposely pressed his crotch down in between your parted legs, making you moan at how fucking big he felt. “You feel that?” he breathed into your ear and made you shiver at how deep his voice sounded. You could almost feel the lust in his voice. “You did that, babygirl.” He pulled away from your face a little to look at you, smirking.
He kissed his way down your body, sliding your dress down your body while at it. You felt his mouth in between your thighs. Your back arched off the surface of the couch as his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit and licked down, parting your wet folds with ease.
Your taste drove him wild, so did your soft whimpers. Your hand flew to his hair and you tugged on it gently as he flicked his tongue over your clit over and over again. His stubble rubbed against your sensitive skin incessantly, and the friction burned a little but it was the kind of pain you kept wanting more of.
His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you, making you cry out loud. You came violently all over Bucky’s tongue, body shuddering and shaking while you moaned his name out loud. It gave him a pleasant rush when he heard your strained voice moan out his name.
He kissed your inner thighs, licking you clean before kissing his way up your body and finding your lips again. He kissed you with ardor; eager to just be inside you already and make you squirm and shake under him, but he also wanted to cherish each moment and worship your body. You felt his tongue stroke the top of your mouth, and his hands touched you wherever he could; your breasts, your waist – leaving trails of goosebumps wherever his fingers touched your skin.
He pulled away for a bit and grabbed both your wrists and pinned them down on the couch above your head. “Keep your hands there for me, baby girl.” He mumbled under his breath and lifted his hips to align his erected cock to your entrance. You instinctively spread your legs apart to give him more room. His hand reached down and he pumped his cock, rubbing it all over your dripping core in the process. You squirmed and moaned when he did so; the tip of his cock rubbing up and down your wet lips, parting them as he circled your clit gently. You shuddered under him; whining in need. Your body begging him to just take you already.
“Look at me.” He almost moaned as he whispered a little breathlessly, looking intensely into your eyes. The dimmed lights made his eyes look darker than usual, and his face looked dangerously handsome. His voice was deep – which caused the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. With a slow, steady push, he inserted his length into you. You shuddered as you felt all of him. You heard his ragged breaths as he removed himself out and pushed himself back into you again.
You moaned out loud, unable to hold back the sound which escaped your lips. “Fuck…” was all you were able to mutter under your breath as he pulled out of you completely, then pushed back into you again; filling you up entirely.
He sped up just a little, rocking his hips against yours and his hand reached up to wrap around your neck gently. He stared into your eyes, speeding up into you again. He leaned in to kiss your open mouth, shamelessly shoving his tongue past your parted lips and stroking the inside of your mouth. You could only nod senselessly, overwhelmed by how good he felt deep inside you. His lips left your mouth and kissed down your face. You let out a moan as he found your sweet spot, and felt him smirk against your skin. You moaned again as he bit and licked the skin beneath your jaw, all while slamming into you relentlessly; stretching you out and pounding into you like his life depended on it.
You could no longer keep your hands off him so you reached out and held onto his shoulders; your nails digging into his skin as you felt a pressure forming around your lower region. Bucky quickened his pace and pounded into you harder than before; the sounds of your skin slapping one another resonated around the room.
The dim light made his eyes look even more piercing than usual. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around his waist. The new position was much more pleasurable for the two of you; the tip of his cock touched your most sensitive spots and your back arched off the couch – your chest pressing against his partially unbuttoned shirt; his body heat radiating through the fabric.
You moaned out loud and he very gently tightened his grip around your throat. His voice cracked as he whimpered in your ear. He somehow sounded needy but in control at the same time, and it drove you crazy. You felt your walls clench around him, and tighten around his thick member; making him swear out loud.
“Cum for me, babygirl. Come on.” he panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. He didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came – hard.
You whimpered at how he kept slamming into you even after you came, and your face burned as you felt the knot forming again right at your core. Bucky fucked you relentlessly; not even stopping for a second. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and shamelessly told you about it; whispering against your skin about how perfect you felt around him – wet and warm all for him. You moaned as you felt your second release approaching while the first was still fading. Your legs were numb, and your body moved along with his like a rag doll; yet, you wanted more of what he had to give. You craved him.
A rush coursed through your veins as you felt your mind clouding with lust again. His large frame hovering above you as he tightened his grip around your throat just a little more. “Cum for me again, come on.” He growled, his lips dangerously close to yours as you whined and whimpered under him.
A series of cuss words left your lips as you came for the second time in a row, walls tightening around his length. He bit down on your lip as you lifted your hips to meet his thrust; chasing your release. Your body trembled under him as you came again; gushing out around his cock while he still pounded relentlessly into you before slowing down again.
He kissed you again, while you tried to steady your breathing and calm your racing heart. He chuckled when he pulled away to look at how disheveled and messy you were all because of him. His hand left his throat and his thumb traced your lips again, he was mesmerized by how much of a whimpering, tear-stained mess you were.
“It’s okay doll, I’m right here.”
You woke up in his bed.
And the flashbacks of the time spent there hit you immediately.
You felt his arms around you as you peaked from under the blanket to try and reorient yourself. The room was brighter. You checked the time and it was around ten in the morning.
Well, there goes that family breakfast you promised your parents.
You felt Bucky stir in his sleep behind you. He peeled one eye open and smiled at the sight of you still in his bed.
“Morning baby girl,” he said in a deep, groggy morning voice which made your heart flip.
“I have plans with my family, you know? You’re just, shamelessly wrecking them.” You teased and watched how his smirk grew. His arm tightened around your body, under the covers. His touch was warm and gentle as he tugged you closer to his equally warm body.
Your bare chest pressed against his and you looked up and stared into his blue eyes. They were so dreamy you still couldn’t believe they were real.
“Oh please. Admit it, you like it better here with me rather than being confined in that old man’s house.” He rolled his eyes as he mentioned your dad.
You giggled. Him and your dad always hated each other.
“Imagine what he’d say once he finds out I’ve been hanging out with the bad guy. Again.” You played along.
Bucky laughed and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “I’ll deal with him. I’d do anything for you.” he whispered softly, the last part even more so.
Your heart did that thing where it felt like it was bursting into a millions little pieces in the best ways. The butterflies in your stomach went wild at the sound of his morning voice. You looked up at him and then leaned in to kiss his neck softly.
“I missed you, you know?”
“Hmm, I know.”
You giggled and hugged him tighter. “What now?” you asked, thinking about what would happen two weeks from now, when you’d have to get back to the city.
His chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. “I was planning on expanding my… business to another city. How is it over there?” he asked, a smirk forming on his face as he waited for your reaction.
Your eyes widened as you quickly pulled away and sat up on his bed with a shocked look on your face. “You’re moving?”
He smiled at you. “I’ll go wherever you go at this point. I just got you back, I'm not giving up on us this time.”
“Are you sure about this? Our lives… they’re so different.” you looked down at your lap as you spoke. “Will we make it?”
He sat up and leaned against the headboard, pulling you onto his lap, caging you in his arms. “Oh we will.” Then he looked past you for a brief moment, out the floor-to-ceiling windows. He noticed the snow falling delicately. It was truly beautiful, but nothing matched how pretty you looked - messy hair, swollen lips, love bites all over your skin.
He leaned in to kiss you, then whispered against your lips. “We will make it doll, don’t you worry. Just trust me.”
a/n: ily.
#bucky barnes#mob!bucky#mob!bucky x reader#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes x reader#winter soldier#bucky barnes au#marvel#Sebastian Stan
4K notes
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f i r s t t i m e w/ t h e m
— mark and 00’ dream line x fem!reader
— 1.7k words
— smut
warnings: dom!idols, overstimulation, squirting throatfucking, pet names, cockwarming, unprotected sex, mutual masturbation, pussy slapping, spitting
‹ mark lee ›
i think mark would be the type to ask you if you’re okay with it every other minute because he wouldn’t wanna do anything that’ll hurt you or make you uncomfortable. but once you reassure him for the hundredth time that you’re completely okay with anything he does, he won’t hold back. after asking seven times (at least), and he gets that sure and confident look of yours, oh boy, he will not hold back. definitely the type to slap and grab your ass constantly while he’s thrusting into you. his pace would be slow and steady at first but once you adjust to his size, he’ll snap harder. i think he’d keep his pace slow but the power of his thrust would literally knock you out. i also think he’d be vocal, but moaning and grunting wise. not much talking from him during your first time together because he’s too nervous to come up with sentences. mark would pin your hands above your head when you reach over to try and rub your clit because he wants you to come from only his cock. and he succeeds. he’d also be the type to lick your neck when he sees you sweating. he’d whisper pet names such as baby, princess, babygirl, and kitten into your ear but he’d sound so desperate and fucked out when doing so. he’d want to cum in you if you were okay with it, and he loves to overstimulate you both so he’d continue fucking into you. he’d make sure you cum on his cock twice before pulling out of you. he’d lick the cum out of your pussy but very quickly so you don’t cum again and pass out lmao. overall, mark would definitely make sure you’re completely comfortable with doing it and will literally fuck your brains out steadily the second you give him the green light.
‹ huang renjun ›
ugh renjun would be so gentle with you. i don’t see much foreplay for the first time having sex with him, though. just a lot of groping and touching and feeling your entire body up. he’d be the type to place kisses all over your chest, neck, stomach, face, and thighs while groping your breast and ass. small whispers of praises too, to make sure you feel beautiful. he would also jack himself off while he sucks on your nipples, and he’d make you touch yourself so you guys just watch each other pleasure yourselves. at one point, he’ll just stop whatever he’s doing and admire your body sprawled on the bed, looking so helplessly and desperate for his cock. his dick would jump at the view of your glistening pussy, so ready for him. he’d go slow when entering you, i think he’d tease you for being so tight. “god, darling, so snug around me. hmm let me ruin you.” yeah, he screams corruption kink to me. he would keep a slow pace the whole time but his thrusts are so fucking deep. he’d kiss and suck your tongue while fucking you too. he would bite your collarbones and lick them right after to ease the sting. his moans would sound like whimpers, i think. the look on his face would be so dominant and dark but the noises that escape him would sound broken. renjun is also the type to lightly choke you for the first time, but his grip will gradually tighten overtime. he makes sure you cum first, then he finishes on your bare stomach then picks up his cum with his fingers and makes you lick them clean. ideally, he’d want to decorated your face with his cum or finish in your mouth, but he saves that for when you feel more comfortable.
‹ lee jeno ›
you cannot tell me that jeno is not an ass person. this man would literally go crazy when he sees your bare ass for the first time. he’d make you lay on your stomach on his lap so he could have the perfect view. i think the first time with jeno would be so so so touchy and intense. he’d give you light spanks because he loves to see the way your ass jiggles. he’d also slightly thrust up into you when your laying down on lap unconsciously because he’s just that horny. he’d also finger you in this position, making sure you cum at least two times before taking his monstrous cock (bc we all know he’s packing). he’d coo at you so much, clicking his tongue every time you jolt from the sensitivity. once he thinks your ready, he’d waste no time being inside of you. so no blowjob for him, yet. he’d carry your body so you could lay on your back, and he’s definitely the type to take his dick and tease your clit with it, spreading your juices all around. god, jeno would be ruthless. immediately starts with a rough pace, not fast, but rough. reaches your g-stop with no problem. he would grab your hair and make you maintain eye contact with him while he’s fucking you up and would spit in your mouth then kiss you messily right after. he would make you cum with his dick then he’d pull out but would aim his cum on your clit and slit then spreads it around your pussy with his tip. then he’d lick you clean, making you cum for the fourth time!
‹ lee donghyuck ›
this dude would be such an annoying ass tease! hyuck would mockingly praise you and make cooing noises every time you’d whine when he’d purposely miss your clit when fingering you. this mf would not shut his mouth, he’d be so good at dirty talk ugh (his gemini popping off). he’d be the type to call you his cumslut, cockslut, whore, yeah you get the point. you’d be such a pillow princess with him lmfao. he’d eat you out so well, and would literally not stop eating you out until you yank him off by his hair which he loves and could literally cum from the feeling of the harsh tug. even when you yank him off, he gives you a moment to catch your breath but gets back to work. would definitely make you squirt and he’d drink it all up. “look at my pretty whore, such a slut for my tongue, aren’t you.” whenever you’d close your eyes or look up at the ceiling, he’d pinch your thigh or ass or both because he wants your eyes on him constantly. the only one who’d let you suck his cock during your first time. oh you think you’d have control when sucking him off? nah. he’d fuck your throat. you’d be kneeling for him, looking up at him with doe eyes and he’d admire the view from above, caressing your face and hair before he slides himself in your mouth. he’d be decent and give you time to adjust to his thickness (bc he’s packing too) before going in completely. he’d hold your face steady and just fuck into your mouth, but won’t cum just yet. he’d pull you off the second he feels his climax approaching and push you down so you lay on your back. he gives you a few harsh pussy slaps with his thick cock before entering you. his girth is so thick and would definitely stretch you out. he’d overstimulate you, rubbing your clit hard and fast and sucking on your nipples, flicking his tongue around them while drilling into you incredibly fast. he’d definitely want to cum in you if you let him, but if not, he’d be okay with cumming in your mouth.
‹ na jaemin ›
he is such a soft dom omg. he’d have so many pet names for you. darling, angel, love, sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, everything! “pretty girl, will you let me take care of you? love you?” he could spend all day eating you out because he’s addicted to the way you taste and react to every single motion of his tongue. he would also buy you lingerie to wear if you planned your first time beforehand, and wouldn’t take it off of you because you look so beautiful in it. he’d only pushed your bra up to show your breasts and panties to the side to reveal your wet cunt. he would finger you and suck your clit into oblivion. also another member to make you squirt from eating you out so well and for so long. the squirting would only encourage him to keep going until he literally cannot breathe. he would maintain eye contact when eating you out and would wink at one point just to tease you. he won’t let you suck him off even if you beg because he wants the focus to be on you. even though he would eat your pussy for majority of the time, he won’t let you come on his tongue because he wants to feel your pussy tighten as you cum around his cock instead. he’d enter you carefully, kissing you while doing so in order to distract you from the pain. once he sees all signs of discomfort go away, this boy will not hold back. i don’t think he’d choke you but he’d definitely grip your hips and your breasts so tightly that it lowkey hurts but you honestly don’t care at the moment. not when he’s fucking you so well, he’d hit your g-spot every single time. he’d switch your positions so you’d be on top of him but he’d still be the one thrusting into you because he doesn’t want his princess to be doing any work. he would definitely suck on your titties like it’s the last day on earth while fucking up into you. he’d admire the way they’d bounce at every thrust and could cum from the sight. yeah jaemin’s a tits guy. he would have his sly ass smile on display while fucking you too. you and him would cum at the same time and he’d finish inside. jaemin would move you so you could lay down comfortably but will not pull out because he wants his cum to stay inside (if you’re on birth control). you guys would fall asleep while his cock would still be in you because it feels so warm and comfy.
#nct#nct dream smut#nct dream#nct dream scenarios#mark lee#mark lee smut#huang renjun#renjun smut#lee jeno#jeno smut#lee haechan#haechan smut#na jaemin#jaemin smut#nct smut#nct 127#nct 127 smut#neosmutcollective
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JJ Maybank x Reader
Reposting from my deleted account with minor edits.

Not my photo. All credit to original poster @pop-punk-maybank <3
"You wanna put some stakes on this, Maybank?" You asked, feeling especially cocky.
"You think you can beat me at beer pong?" JJ asked incredulously. You had to admit it was pretty arrogant of you to think you could beat JJ, aka beer pong king of OBX.
"Oh, I know I can babe." You doubled down. JJ smirked.
"Alright, what do I get when I win?" JJ asked confidently, putting his hands on the table and purposely flexing his muscles as he leaned forward.
"Whad'you want?"
JJ smiled. "After the game is over, you have to jump off the dock, into the marsh." You frowned. You were a little let down by the anti-climatic nature of his dare; it was unlike the blonde.
"I didn't bring a bathing suit." You quickly retorted, shaking your head, knowing that wasn't an option.
“Yeah, I know. You aren’t wearing a bra either.” JJ smiled devilishly. A chorus of “oohs” came from the group that was gradually gathering around. Your mouth dropped open a little.
You closed your mouth and glared at JJ for a second. “Bet.” You said and gasps of disbelief and giggles left the small crowd. Even JJ raised his eyebrows, a little surprised at your answer, but he regained his confident front quickly. “And if I win, you have to show me the video Pope took of you from last weekend.”
JJ immediately dropped his smirk. Pope and John B shared glances, obviously knowing what JJ says/does in the video. “Yeah, that’s not happening.” JJ said looking away.
“Only if you lose.” You reminded him and JJ looked up at you. “What? Is JJ Maybank scared to lose at beer pong to a chick?” You challenged.
Laughs and more “oohs” came from the small group of party-goers.
JJ looked at you for a minute. “Fuck it. Fine. Let’s do it.”
The game got set up.
“Last chance to back out, Y/L/N. You ready?”
“I’m always ready for your JJ.” You teased. He shook his head, knowing the tactic of trying to distract him with flirting all too well. You looked at each other in the eyes and took the first shot at the same time to see who would go first. Your ball bounced off the rim of the solo cup and of course, JJ’s sunk in one. You took a breath in and JJ smiled and cocked his head at you.
“Get used to passing those back to me, Y/N/N, because you’re not gonna keep them at all tonight.”
“Yeah, keep talking shit, JJ. We know this is the only way you’re scoring tonight.”
JJ’s first shot of course went right in. “Drink up, babe”
You smiled and grabbed the first cup, downing it easily. “How’s losing taste?” He asked, getting cockier by the second.
“Just shoot your shot.”
He does and sinks another one, shit-eating grin only growing more. “Balls back.” He smirked. You glared for the umpteenth time that night, but matched his smirk as you rolled the balls back and downed another cup.
“You regretting this bet now?” JJ asked as he sunk another one.
“There’s a lot of game left, Maybank.” You continued feigning confidence.
Finally, JJ misses one. “Fuck” JJ whispers under his breath. “Alright, Y/L/N, let’s see what you got.”
You shot and made it, grinning at JJ. “Okay, okay. it’s just one.” JJ says and gulps down the first drink. You sink another one. “Balls back.” You smile.
You waste no time sinking the 3rd one. “Getting nervous, J?” You ask. But before he can answer, you’re missing your 4th shot, “Not really.” JJ replies cooly.
The game went on and of course... JJ won.
“Never shoulda bet against me, Y/L/N.” JJ gloated smugly. “I definitely should have raised the stakes though, because jumping into the marsh with your clothes on isn’t really that satisfying for me.”
“Who said I was gonna keep my clothes on?” You asked seductively as you shimmied out of your denim shorts, but leaving your cheeky underwear on. JJ gaped at you for a second before regaining composure and smirking at you. You turned your back to him and took your top off before swan diving off the dock.
“Fuck that’s cold!” You yelled when you resurfaced and approached the ladder to get back on the dock. JJ had a towel ready for you, but when you went to grab it, JJ pulled it back, just out of reach with that shit-eating grin on his face. You shot daggers at him with your eyes.
“First, say: ‘JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was completely wrong for thinking I could beat him at anything.”
If looks could kill, JJ Maybank would be one dead pogue from the scowl you were giving him.
“Fuck that. JJ, give me the fucking towel.” You said reaching for it again and not realizing your bare chest was coming out of the water. JJ smirked down at you and licked his lips, before you threw your arm over your chest to cover your boobs. He chuckled to himself, “The water really is cold, huh?” he teased,
“JJ.” You said sternly.
“You gotta say it.”
You inhaled deeply, “JJ’s the sexiest, funniest guy and I was wrong for thinking I could beat him.” You muttered and slurred quickly under your breath.
“What was that Y/N/N? I didn’t hear you.”
“Fuck you ...JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was wrong-”
“Completely!” JJ clarified.
“-completely wrong for thinking I could beat him. Now give me the fucking towel, Maybank.”
JJ held the towel out, unfolded so it completely covered the view of you climbing the ladder so no one could see you, but he didn’t turn away, instead he kept eye contact with you even as you struggled to cover your boobs while climbing up the ladder. Once you emerged, he wrapped the towel around you and smiled. You held the towel around you as you kept eye contact with JJ a little longer than usual. You looked away first and cleared your throat. Getting nervous, you stuck your hand out for a handshake. “Good game, Maybank.”
“Good game, Y/L/N.” He said sweetly. And with his guard down, you easily pushed him off the dock and into the water. You laughed as did a lot of the party who witnessed it.
JJ surfaced, “Oh you are so dead, Y/N! You know that right?” JJ said dangerously as he quickly paddled over to the ladder and you started to retreat.
You and JJ ended up in a tickle/wrestling match, after he chased you. And as the party continued, JJ only seemed to cling to you more. You couldn’t help but think that maybe the relationship between you two was more than just shameless flirting, that maybe it could be something more. JJ let you borrow some of his clothes after you both ended up in the marsh, so you could be warm and comfy. You were in his lap with is arms around your waist, sitting around the fire, when your brother texted that he was on his way to pick you up.
“Time to go?” JJ whispered to you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he read the text on your phone.
“Yep, it’s that time.” You sighed and leaned into him for just a second before standing up. JJ followed you away from the fire. “So I’ll see you tomorrow night at the movie thing? I’ll bring back your hoodie all washed.”
“Oh no, don’t worry about it. Looks better on you anyway.” JJ smiled as he brought a hand up to your cheek and ran his thumb along your jaw. You couldn’t suppress the butterflies swarming your stomach. You both looked down at the other’s lips when a horn honked loudly.
Both of your heads snapped in that direction and JJ’s hand immediately fell from your cheek. “Y/N let’s go!” Your brother yelled from his truck
Now, Jj was the one who cleared his throat awkwardly, “Okay, so yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You laughed at the awkwardness of the situation, “Bye”
JJ bit his lip, shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling before turning back to the party.
You walked over to your brother’s truck. “I’m just gonna go inside and go to the bathroom real quick.”
This earned an eye roll from your brother.
When you walked out of the bathroom and out of the Chateau, you saw JJ grabbing a drink from the cooler ...and he wasn’t alone. Your heart sank as you saw him handing a girl you’d never seen before a drink, both smiling and laughing before JJ followed the girl and sat next to her around the fire.
Maybe it was all in your head. Would JJ Maybank actually be more interested in you than just a friend he flirted with? He did flirt with everyone after all. You just thought maybe it was different with you. Did it really only take 5 minutes for him to move on to the next girl?
“Hey, you okay?” A voice asked, pulling you out of your heartbreaking thought spiral. It was Pope. He was headed inside to get some water. Pope followed your gaze to where JJ and the girl were, the tears in your eyes threatening to slip out.
“What?” You asked after not really processing what he said as you finally broke your gaze off JJ and looked at Pope who gave you a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, I’m fine!” You said wiping your eyes. “My brother’s waiting to take me home, so I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You sniffled.
Pope smiled sweetly, “Yeah, see you then Y/N.”
You got into your brother’s truck and he started driving back to your house when you got a text from Pope.
Pope: I know you lost, but I’m gonna show it to you anyway.
Then another text came through, this one was a video. The video of JJ from last weekend.
In the video, all 3 boys were out in the hammocks, visibly drunk, or high ...or both. JJ being the worst of the 3.
Pope was holding the phone. “So JJ, your turn: who’s the one girl on the island for you?”
JJ scoffed drunkenly and it was clear that he didn’t know Pope was filming: “Bro, obvusly it’s Y/N/N dude. Y/F/N fucking Y/L/N. I’d simp so hard for that girl. ...I just want to buy her flowers. I think she likes peenie...ponies...pennies ..whas it called?”
“You mean peonies?” Pope clarified. John B looked at Pope and realized he was filming and gave Pope a knowing smile.
“Yeah those. Penonies, pen- whatever. I just want to treat her like a princess. Like sleeping beauty ...Y/N loves taking naps. Or Belle... she reads a lot n stuff ...or ooh Ariel, that’s the one. She’s just like Ariel ...like a mermaid.”
“Y/N has y/h/c hair” Pope stated but JJ ignored this.
“Yeah anything else, J?” John B asked wanting JJ to continue.
“I dunno dude. I just want to brush her hair n feed her grapes.”
John B and Pope couldn’t help but laugh, “Feed her grapes?” John B asked laughing.
“Yeah, dud-” and with that JJ finally turned and realized Pope was filming, “Arr you fucking recording this?!” JJ asked starting to reach over and wrestle with Pope.
“Oh my god. I cannot wait to show this to Y/N.” Pope laughed.
There was more wrestling between JJ and Pope before the video stopped.
You smiled down at your phone. “Thanks Pope <3″ you replied back.
Taglist: @railmerafe @moniamaybank @hernameisnoell @moonrisebeach @october-cameron @abbyj1822
#jj maybank#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x y/n#jj x reader#jj x y/n#JJ fluff#jj outer banks#Outer Banks#outer banks imagine#obx#obx fanfiction
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another helping of living w/ bakugou thoughts:
pls i am so sorry, i feel like i bombard y’all with these constantly, but u don’t understand, he literally lives in my brain full time
- if you’re rolling your sleeves up, to wash your hands before dinner, he’ll whack your hands away and do it himself. very much “you’re takin’ too long, idiot. i wanna eat already. let me do it.”,, don’t be fooled tho, you could do it in 2.5 seconds and he’d still open his mouth. bc it has absolutely nothing to do with u and everything to do with him wanting to be close to you
-ik he watches the mha equivalent of the history channel. i just know it. dude is a grandpa at heart, n im so confident he would 100% sit down and watch a 3 hr docu on like, old weaponry or some nerdy shit
-bakugou is annoyingly arrogant, but only about things that don’t matter. like, he’ll fully sit in front of you and tell you he’s stronger/faster/smarter in passing conversation,, but when he does actually impressive shit??? the man clams up. absolutely clams up the second you praise him, trying to brush off whatever ridiculous feat he just pulled to protect u with a “It’s not that big a deal, shut up about it already, dumbass.”
- pls mans is an absolute simp. u ask him to do something and he’s on his feet in a second. ofc he’s complaining but he’s also then following that up by doing things you didn’t even ask him to do. fan behavior honestly.
-when you’ve had a bad day, he’ll make u food and throw blankets in the dryer for u. don’t expect much verbal comforting from him, bc obviously, but he’s pretty good with actions. you always feel a little warmer after he’s wrapped you in a blanket n fed you something ungodly spicy
- i have absolutely no basis for this but ik he secretly watches kids movies. like, if it’s animated then he’s there. ofc no one is allowed to find out about this ‘embarrassing’ behavior tho, except maybe you. maybe. if you accidentally happen to see it bc he’d never tell u himself.
- he’s a beast to wake up in the morning, but he’s a lot more easy to convince if u pet his hair. or rub his back/shoulders. maybe even kiss his neck. look, u cannot tell me that he doesn’t want to be absolutely coddled in the morning- especially when he can get away with it so easily.
-bakugou always pulls ur legs into his lap if u sit down next to him. pls he’s so weird, he’ll just like, tap his fingers on ur calves absentmindedly while he’s watching tv
-he probably created a playlist of songs ur ‘allowed’ to play around him. meaning, it’s only the songs on ur phone that he likes 🙄
-bakugou always takes his work phone calls outside. like if his phone rings he’ll just stand up n walk tf out the door to take it. even if it’s cold. u ask him once about it n he just “Work stays at work. This is my fuckin’ home. Now shut up about it already.”
-you’ve never once seen this man wearing socks around the house. don’t ask me, i cannot explain this whatsoever, but i just kno this man walks around constantly barefoot 🤢🤮 unfortunately.
-he’s like, the most functional person ever in almost every aspect, but the stuff katsuki is bad at?? pls he is hopelessly bad. like, lets say art stuff. omg he just doesnt have the patience for it, okay, so say goodbye to any dreams of cute lil couple’s crafts. like, he’ll sit there while u do yours, but his will look like utter shit
- during the week, katsuki is either at work, training, or at home. pls, he works so hard during the day that i highly doubt he’s anything but an absolute homebody during the work week.
- bakugou gets pissy if u re-arrange any of the furniture on a whim. pls he likes comfort and familiarity n if he stubs his toe on the stupid coffee table one more fucking time, he’s going to scream
-its a rare occurance,, especially bc of the crazy hours he works,, but bakugou rlly likes making dinner for u to come home to. he just likes to feel like he’s taking care of u tbh
-he still goes to bed at like 8:30. or thats what u think, but rlly he just goes to sit in your room and have some time to himself for a bit. as much as he loves u, he prob still needs some alone time to recharge
-bakugou takes meticulous care of any plants u have in the house. like he’ll water them on a strict-ass schedule, n preen them when necessary. pls the way he’ll curse them out if they even dare to wilt under his care?? very much “What the hell, you bitch? ‘m doin’ everything fuckin’ perfect! Grow already!”
-katsuki is such a little bitch when he’s sick. he’ll be running like a 103 temp, brain literally melting, and still trying to get up and work out. the only way u can get him to chill the hell out is if u take a nap with him. ofc that means u always get sick too,, but hey- lil sacrifices right??
-he never lets you get the door. like, if there’s a knock n neither of u knows who it could be,, pls he’s on his feet so fast. waving u away n looking thru the keyhole w/ sm suspicion
-he has his spot on the couch, n u will not find him sitting anywhere else. like, that’s his spot. u better pray for anybody who mistakenly takes it
-bakugou doesn’t like dirt or grime, so he won’t allow you or himself, to sit on your bed with clothes that have been outside. like, even if you’re just sitting on top of the covers, he’s gonna throw a fit and demand you change your clothes first bc “No way in hell am I gonna let your dumbass dirty up my bed.”
-katsuki rlly likes when it storms outside. he’ll go sit in front of the window and watch the rain, sipping on a warm drink while he waits for more thunder.
-living with bakugou is incredibly frustrating, bc he’ll just show up with new skills all of the goddamn time. like you’ll be like, “hmm i’d love to remodel the bathroom someday”,, and the very next weekend bakugou is meticulously re-tiling the bathroom floor by hand, probably also painting the walls in a new color, maybe even installing a new sink just to spruce it up. n then he’ll just present the entirely new, upgraded room with such weird nonchalance that it pisses u off. pls and if you watch him while he does these little projects, with all the weird precision and skill he suddenly gains?? pls you’re sure he must be possessed by the ghost of a craftsman
- when he hangs out with the bakusquad, he’ll drag you along every time. he expects you to sit with him the entire time and act as a social buffer?? basically, someone’ll ask him a question, one he deems stupid and therefore not worth answering, and bakugou will just look at you expectantly. he’ll just stare at you blankly, hardly even blinking until you pick up the slack and answer for him. you call him out on this many times, but it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t change anything. he does this over and over and over again
-bakugou gets really unsettled when you guys fight. like, he can’t sleep and he’s snapping at everybody, and is somehow more aggressive than usual. he always wants to just make up already, but the pride in the way won’t allow it
-he’s a weird stickler about intended furniture functionality?? like, the table is for eating, and the couch is for watching tv, and then only way you’re gonna get him to mix the two is if you ask him rlly rlly nicely
-finally- i have no basis for this one, but ik it in my heart: bakugou has a very intense fight with your thermostat nearly every single day. he swears up and down that it never ‘behaves’ for him, but every time you check it, it’s working perfectly fine
ahahhaa sorry y’all for the super random spam today,, but here were are back to our regularly scheduled bakugou programming,,,, bc idk if it’s obvious ur honor, but i love him
#bnha bakugou#mha bakugou#bakugou katsuki#katsuki bakugou#bakugou x reader#bakugou x y/n#bakugou x self insert#bakugou hcs#bakugou headcannons#bakugou fluff#bnha fic#mha fic#mha headcannons#bnha headcannons
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NSFW 18+ Plug! Dabi x Fem! Reader HC
a/n: first off, minors DNI. Second, this is my first time posting any of my writing on any platform. I have so much shit on Wattpad that just sits in the drafts. I am not confident enough to publish my shit writing. I’m shocked that i am even doing this. But I thought about this while breaking up 🍃🍃 for a blunt. I’ve seen so many hcs/Drabbles of stoner Dabi. ....but what about plug dabi
Also I want to mention that I do not condone drug use unless for medical reasons. it helps me with my extreme anxiety. literally saved me. And I 100% do not condone drug dealing. Just wanna throw that out there before you read.
a/n: this shit is SOOO long I’m sorry. I worked on this for like three days.
Summary: literally brain rot. Dabi being your plug HC.
Warnings: drug use, intercourse, dumbafication, oral (f receiving), sexual themes, mentions of alcohol.
I feel like you would probably meet him at some house party. Full of people drunk and/or high off of drugs that were given at the party, the supplier being Dabi for said drugs.
He immediately noticed you when you joined the circle of people passing blunts around, thinking you definitely did not belong here. You looked so innocent with those unsure doe like eyes when a random guy passes the blunt to you.
Gravely mistaken when he watches you puff that blunt like a champ, not coughing up a lung once and throwing back alcohol like it was water. Good girl on the outside but bad girl on the inside? Holy fuck he thought you were hot. He’s gotta get to know you.
After the smoke sesh, he would pull you aside to introduce himself just to get close to you.
Would definitely give you his number saying, “if you ever need anything, hit me up. I got whatever ya need, doll.”
Anytime you text him needing something, he would get so excited. He would drop whatever he’s doing. It don’t matter if he’s in the middle of a sell, dead asleep, at his part time job extra cash, or early in the morning. He’s gonna give you what you’re asking of him asap.
Definitely giving you discounts even on his best shit. Original price for 10 grams is $100? He’s giving it to you for $50.
Also would throw in extra without your knowledge. One time you noticed he gave you three extra grams and tried to give it back to him. “‘S okay. Just keep it, doll.”
Plug dabi would definitely get jealous if you bought anything from anyone else besides him. He will make sure to give you shit for that.
If he doesn’t have what you need at that moment. Baby, he’s going to make sure he gets it by any means necessary if it means he gets to see you for a few minutes.
Will always bring the drugs to you wherever you’re at. No matter how many times you’ve told him you’ll meet him somewhere or come to his place. He doesn’t wanna inconvenience you.
He would always look for you at parties. Once found, he’s dragging you away from everybody to a vacant room, outside, or to his car. He wants to smoke with you alone.
Loves when the smoke rolls smoothly out of your mouth after you inhale it. Thinks you look god damn sexy with the smoke floating around you and your low red eyes look fucking adorable.
If there’s something new you wanna try lsd or shrooms etc, he’ll offer to be with you and to stay sober incase you have a bad trip.
He knows he’s completely infatuated with you, but will not admit it to his friends. Especially Keigo. “You’re fucking whipped.” “Shut the fuck up, Keigo.”
Absolutely hates it when some random dude hits on you at parties or even stands close to you. He’s pulling you away to smoke.
Finally gets the balls to text you one night to smoke with him. “I got some good shit this time, doll. Wanna smoke it with me?”
When he gets to your house, he’ll already have the blunts rolled, a pipe, or anything you want ready for you.
Will hold the blunt to your lips when it gets too small. gets a boner feeling how soft they feel. He doesn’t want you to burn your pretty fingers.
Loves that you match his energy when it comes to smoking. No one has been able to smoke as much as he does like you do.
When he starts to notice the looks you’re giving him, the way your eyelashes bat at him and the lustful look in your eyes. He decides he can’t hold back anymore.
He’ll grab your chin with his thumb and forefinger to face him, softly blowing smoke onto to your lips as he stares at you. Will roughly pull you in closer to smash his lips against yours after the smoke disappears.
Gently pushes you to lay back on your bed so he can hover over you and rest himself between your legs.
No high from any drug could compare to the soft whimpers and moans leaving your lips when he pushes his hips into yours. It was fucking music to his ears.
Absolutely snaps when you tug on his white hair. He’s tearing yours and his clothes off now.
And don’t you dare try to cover that beautiful body of yours. “Don’t hide from me now, baby.”
He’ll start leaving marks on your neck, then down to your breast, taking extra time sucking, licking, biting, and kissing on them.
When he gets down lower on your body, he’s happy to set that you’re already soaking, showing that you wanted this as much as him. He’ll wrap his arms around your thighs, setting them over his shoulders and will go to fucking work on your pussy.
Swears that he could’ve came on the spot from the moans and whimpers leaving your lips. Especially the moan that you let out when he added two of his fingers into the mix.
Will make it a point to constantly praise you while his tongue makes you feel like you’re higher than cloud 9. “You taste so fucking good.” “God, so fucking beautiful.”
Will stop right before you cum. “Nah, baby. I want you cummin on my cock.”
After he’s got you all ready for him, baby you are in for it. He’s waited so long for this fucking moment. He ain’t holding back. He’ll grab your throat tightly as he seethes himself into you. You both gasp at the feeling of pure ecstasy.
Loves your fucked out face. Tongue lolled out. Tears brimming your eyes. Little bit of drool dripping of the corner of your mouth. Hair a complete fucking mess from the many times he’s pulled on it.
His stroke game? GODLY. He’s thrusting into you like a god damn rabbit but he’s hitting all of the right places and it feels so fucking good.
100% rough but his words are the opposite. “You’re taking my cock so well, doll.” “Look so beautiful while I’m fucking ya dumb.” has a degradation kink but that’s for another time.
Aftercare with Dabi is pure heaven. He’ll hand you his shirt from off of the ground for you to wear. He’ll clean you up, light up a blunt for you two, and cuddle you until you both fall asleep.
Oh and, you definitely getting shit for free for now on.
Tags: @bakugosbratx
#mha dabi#bnha dabi#dabi smut#dabi headcanons#dabi x reader#mha x reader#mha smut#touya todoroki#stoner dabi#bnha x reader#bnha smut#I’m actually posting this wtf#im so nervous wtf
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