#dsmp college au
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cranberrymikexdd · 20 days ago
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the-sex-havers-au · 4 months ago
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TSH!Quackity looking like some boy band member based on this picture of young Justin Bieber because I’m trying to draw with references and I thought it’d be funny
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I have a DSMP AU called the TSH (The Sex Havers) AU. It’s a band and college AU that I have been working on since 2021 and do plan to make a side blog for eventually, but for right now, I’m comparing my old TSH!Dream design (based on how I saw Dream in my head) with a possible new TSH!Dream design based on what cc!Dream actually looks like !!
I haven’t decided which one I’m gonna use moving forward, but I am leaning towards the cc!Dream based one :33
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shadesofjinx · 4 months ago
Tweaking out and refreshing ao3 every five seconds because I love the idea I have for the fic but idk if it’s gonna reach the right ppl who will actually read it sobs 😭
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foxglovewritesstuff · 7 months ago
lay here for years or for hours // bedrock bros oneshot
Read on AO3 Warnings: none Words: 2.7k Summary:
Techno raised an eyebrow. “The library is closed. Time to go, kid.”
The boy furiously rubbed his eyes before sluggishly packing up his books. Techno had the strange desire to pat his head. Instead, he walked back through the shelves to the front counter to finish.
“Um.” The kid’s tentative voice broke the spell of silence. He fidgeted when Techno’s eyes landed on him. “Is it okay if I check out one last book before I go?”
Techno works at the college library and finds a boy asleep at the back when it's closing. He become more attached than he'd anticipated.
Technoblade stared at the blond boy sleeping in the back of the college library.
Should he wake the kid? Normally he wouldn’t hesitate, after all, the library was closing for the day and obviously no one could stay the night.
Techno frowned. He didn’t want to wake him. But then what was he to do? With a sigh, he reached over to jostle the kid’s shoulder.
Then the kid slowly lifted his head, which had been tucked into his arms on the desk. “Wh- huh?”
Techno raised an eyebrow. “The library is closed. Time to go, kid.”
The boy furiously rubbed his eyes before sluggishly packing up his books. Techno had the strange desire to pat his head. Instead, he walked back through the shelves to the front counter to finish.
“Um.” The kid’s tentative voice broke the spell of silence. He fidgeted when Techno’s eyes landed on him. “Is it okay if I check out one last book before I go?”
“Yeah, sure, kid.” Techno wasn’t sure why he said yes. The library was closed. But he figured it would only take an extra thirty seconds, and the kid seemed like he needed it. It wasn’t like the boy was being rude, he was just tired.
The blond-haired boy brought forward a book. Embossed across the cover was A History of Veterinary Science.
It made sense. The kid seemed like an animal lover somehow.
Techno scanned the book under the boy’s account, the beep the only sound in the library. Tommy, read the name on the account. Techno slid the book over and the kid- Tommy- looked up at him gratefully.
“Thanks, big man,” he said through a yawn, with half closed eyes.
Techno nodded and Tommy shuffled his way out of the library. He looked back once, and Techno caught his blue eyes. Tommy blinked and hurried away.
Techno placed the last of the returns from the morning back onto the shelves.
A lot of the students were on lunch break, and the library had that low hum of soft conversations. Sunlight flowed into the high-ceilinged room from the windows on the far side where he’d found the sleeping boy last night.
As Techno returned to the counter, he heard the doors push open. He looked up from the computer to see- Tommy?
The boy looked incredibly more energized than the night before, grinning brightly. “Ayy, big man!”
“Hello,” Techno said gruffly, wary of his energy but also interested.
“Do you just hang out in the library all day or something?” Tommy asked.
“I work here. Different shifts, yesterday was the closing one.”
“Don’t you go to this school? Do you not have classes?” He emphasized the word with a distaste. “What major are you anyway?”
“Nerd,” Tommy snickered. “No wonder you work at the library. Books and shit.” He shook his head.
“Coming from the kid that asked me to sign him out another book after the library was closed and he was asleep for who knows how long,” Techno responded. A frown flitted over Tommy’s features, as if he was worried Techno was angry, but then it was gone.
“Respect the grind, library man!”
“Don’t call me library man.”
“What should I call you then? What’s your name?”
“Technoblade. My friends call me Techno, though.” Techno both disliked how energetic the kid was and envied it.
“My name’s Tommy,” the boy told him.
“I know,” Techno replied easily. Tommy raised an eyebrow and Techno nodded at the computer. “Signed you out a book, saw your account, didn’t I?”
“Do you remember all the names of the people who sign out books?” Tommy tried to hide his sheepishness.
“Only if I find them drooling all over their notes after the library’s closed.”
“Wha- hey! I was not drooling.”
“Do you remember all the things that happen while you’re asleep?” Techno shot his own words back at him. “And don’t you have something to do here?”
The kid rolled his eyes. “Yeah, off to study!” He stared at Techno with wide, unblinking eyes while he hoisted his bag over his shoulder and backed into the shelves.
Techno half sighed half laughed, shaking his head and going back to typing on the clicky keyboard. Around an hour later, Tommy walked out the door with a furious wave.
The day after that, Tommy made another appearance, teased Techno, and settled down to study. And the day after that, and the one after that as well. It became a little routine, and Techno found himself looking forward to the bright laughter and break from books and shit, as Tommy had said.
“Hey, mate, made a friend?” Phil, his boss and the library director, spoke from behind him as Techno shelved returns. He startled internally.
“No hello?” Techno asked sarcastically.
“I’m glad, you two seem to have fun. The kid looks bright. It can be nice to have a study buddy.” Phil gave him an awkward fatherly wink before leaving Techno to continue shelving books.
When the library was nearly empty and Niki was around to help, Techno studied with Tommy. The first time, he pulled up a chair to the desk at the back and opened his laptop.
Tommy glanced over at him with surprise.
Techno shrugged. “I got an essay to write.” He thought he heard a soft “nerd” as Tommy went back to his work.
The next day, Tommy showed up in the morning, popping out of nowhere while Techno was shelving returns in the empty library. He always seemed to be shelving returns when people wanted to talk to him.
Somehow Tommy always managed to catch Techno’s shift; it was unusually early today.
“Ayy, Techno, my friend!” he greeted. As usual, Techno had to take a mental step back at the kid’s energy, eyeing him through his pink hair, which was loose for once. Nonetheless, he found himself enjoying his time with Tommy.
“Don’t you have classes soon?”
“Shut up, I thought I’d drop by to help you with your books and shit,” Tommy replied aggressively. “How do I know where these go?” He picked up a book.
Techno leaned over his shoulder. “Look at these numbers, see? Main number for main classes, decimals for more specific categorization. Just match them to the numbers on the shelves. This pile here though,” he patted the books, “is all to go on the shelf in the aisle over there. I sorted them beforehand.”
“Okay!” Tommy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the pile. He disappeared to where Techno had shown, and there were a few shuffling noises. Techno smiled to himself and shook his head fondly in the privacy of the aisle.
Tommy helped shelve the rest of the returns. Once Techno taught him the system, he figured it out easily. Phil was right, the kid was bright.
Tommy picked up another book and broke into raucous laughter and wheezing. “Look! Look at his face!” He thrust the book in Techno’s face.
Techno had to snicker at the overly-serious man’s face displayed on the cover.
“He looks so fucking pretentious!” Tommy said through laughter. “Suppose you’d understand, being an English major and all- hey!” he shrieked when Techno took the book and hit him gently over the head with it.
“Shh, you’re in a library, Tommy, children must be quiet-”
“I am not a child! And there’s no one here!”
Techno had just finished checking out a group’s stack of books on the slow computer, watching the clock tick towards the end of his shift.
Tommy hadn’t shown up.
He’d come by every single shift Techno had had ever since Techno discovered him asleep that night, even the unusually timed ones.
He tried not to think about it, to busy himself with answering questions and putting things on hold and checking on overdue books- but worry began to creep in more every minute closer to ending. His eyes darted to the door expectantly more and more frequently as the time passed.
What if Tommy was hurt? What if he was sick?
He could handle himself, Techno was sure. Logically. Nothing had happened, maybe Tommy was just busy, or forgot or something.
Techno felt a hand on his shoulder.
“You alright, mate?” Phil asked. “Shift ended a couple of minutes ago, and you got a lecture to run to.”
“Yeah, I better go.” Techno started to leave. “Uh- will you keep an eye out for Tommy?”
“Of course,” Phil said. “I’ll let you know if he comes by.”
“Thanks.” Techno swallowed. He hadn’t realized how much he’d come to care for the kid until he was gone.
The next day, Techno anxiously returned for his shift. There’d been a quick change by Phil, but he hoped Tommy would appear magically at his shift as usual. He’d decided if Tommy didn’t show up today, he would ask for his dorm to check on him.
He settled down in the chair behind the desk. The computer sat in front of him, still on from when Niki had left it only a minute prior. Niki was calming as well, more like a sister than the parental way Phil was. She had a fire in her, something Techno could relate to, though she wasn’t outwardly intimidating like he tended to be.
His shift passed smoothly, except for the low thrum of worry in Techno’s body. Tommy didn’t appear. The only mildly interesting thing that had happened was some guy wandering in, staring in confusion at the books, then loudly scoffing in offense and running out the door, slapping the top of the frame as he went.
Oh, and some kid asked him if he had any books on nukes. Nuclear engineers.
No Tommy.
Techno picked himself up, hearing Phil’s footsteps coming from the little office behind the desk.
“Didn’t show today either?” Phil asked.
“Nope. Think I’ll ask the front office if they know his dorm or something.”
“Good luck, mate, I’ll keep an eye out,” Phil told him. “My guess is that he got a cold. He’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Phil.”
Techno grabbed his bag and pushed through the doors of the library. The foyer the entrance was in was nearly empty. He turned the corner into the corridor and nearly bumped into someone. On instinct, his hands shot out to steady the smaller frame.
Tommy looked up at him.
Relief washed over Techno; Tommy was unhurt and safe-looking, energetic as always.
“Techno! You’re done?” he asked in surprise.
“Yup, shift just ended. Where’ve you been?” Techno asked, trying to keep the concern out of his voice. He wasn’t concerned, when had he been concerned?
“I overslept yesterday, and then there was a shift change at the café, and then-”
“Whoa, whoa- slow down, it’s alright,” Techno said.
“Worried about me?” Tommy asked with a grin, his slightly worried air disappearing.
“Oh hush, child, who knows what trouble you could get into,” Techno quipped.
Tommy squawked. “I’m very responsible, I’ll have you know! Actually, I have something for you,” he added. Techno noticed that Tommy’s hand was behind his back.
Tommy pulled it out with a flourish, presenting a chocolate chip muffin. “Ta-da! From Puffy’s café, I just grabbed it at the end of my shift!” he said happily.
“Thanks,” Techno muttered, a little taken aback at Tommy’s outward sweetness. Who knew gremlin children had a kind streak.
He took it from Tommy’s hand, who was still smiling cheerfully, and took a bit.
“Is it good?” Tommy asked. Then he shook his head. “Of course it’s good. It’s one of BadBoyHalo’s, makes the best muffins, honestly they’re a staple at Puffy’s, I hope you like it-”
“It’s great, thank you Tommy,” Techno responded after chewing and swallowing, giving him a pat on the head.
“I was gonna study with you, but I missed your shift…” Tommy mumbled.
Techno frowned. “We can still study together, c’mon,” he said, leading Tommy down the hallway.
When they reached Techno’s dorm all the way in residence, Tommy gasped as the door was pushed open.
He eyed the bookshelves and bedspread and messy desk as Techno spread out his papers. “Is that The Art of War? You really are a nerd.”
Techno was utterly immersed in Wikipedia, every hyperlink bringing him deeper. Ancient civilizations were a little too interesting. And this library computer was horribly slow.
The sun was setting, visible through the large windows at the back of the library. Techno always loved those windows, nearly floor to ceiling. They let the library be illuminated entirely by natural light on most days. He could stare at the clouds or the sun or the stars while in a room full of knowledge. He understood why Tommy liked the desks back there.
“Whatcha up to?” he heard Tommy’s voice ask. He looked up to see the boy leaning over the desk.
“Library stuff,” Techno replied wisely. “Don’t you have studyin’ to do?”
“Yeah, yeah, remind me about fucking schoolwork,” Tommy said with distaste, wrinkling his nose. He gave a dramatic sigh, placing a hand over his heart. “I suppose I must. Have fun working.”
Tommy backed into the shelves, never breaking eye contact with Techno. Then he was gone.
Techno snorted. The kid definitely made things less bland.
“I’m so glad I started giving him the schedules,” Phil said a while later, stepping out of the office.
“Oh,” Techno said simply. “That makes sense.”
“What can I say, the kid was dedicated enough to ask for them and come to nearly every single one of your shifts.”
“I should probably tell him we don’t have to hang out where he knows I can’t get away from him,” Techno muttered. “Though it’s nice to have the helping hand.”
Phil smiled and lifted his hand to ruffle Techno’s hair. Then he thought better of it, seeing the perfect neat plait it was in.
“Don’t push it,” Techno grunted. They both knew it was fond.
When the stars were visible and the library empty, Techno locked the office door and shut down the computer. He enjoyed the closing shift; the night sky was beautiful through the windows, the library had a soft warm glow from the lights, and there was pretty much no one he ever had to tell to leave, except for the occasional harried students trying to finish an assignment due that night.
Or who’d fallen asleep, Techno thought.
He’d walked through the library to check for anyone left, and spotted a familiar figure at a familiar corner at the back.
Tommy had his head in his arms, on his notes and textbooks, his laptop also long asleep.
Technoblade stared at the blond boy sleeping in the back of the college library.
Tommy’s chest rose and fell slowly, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.
Should he wake him? No, he couldn’t bring himself to pull him out of his resting, peaceful state.
Techno quietly pulled Tommy’s notes out from under him, closing his books and putting them in his bag, which he hoisted onto his shoulders.
Then he carefully lifted the sleeping boy, holding him close to his chest.
Tommy exhaled a puff of air, and Techno froze.
He was still asleep.
As smoothly as possible, Techno made his way to his dorm. It was far, but Tommy was easy to carry. It was mostly their bags that caused him some trouble.
Finally, Techno dropped the bags outside his door, unlocked it, and kicked it open. He slid the bags in with his foot and closed it behind him.
Techno pulled back the covers on his neatly made bed, delicately depositing Tommy on his mattress.
Techno tucked him in.
He studied his work for a moment, pride and protectiveness washing over him. Then he sat himself at his desk to study, an ear out of his headphones to listen to Tommy’s slow breaths.
Tommy was so energetic and loud that Techno had nearly forgotten his sleep-induced vulnerability and peace. He’d seen it once before, but he had a new appreciation for it now that he knew Tommy. He had seen Tommy’s sleepy state before his active one, and he was glad he got to experience both.
Tommy could get the rest he needed. He could lay here for years or for hours, and Techno would always make sure he was safe.
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xec0re · 7 months ago
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Medium size art dump since I don't really have any finished art pieces ;-; Art college has been keeping me busy
But I think I'll manage to finish the TGP!Tommy fanart and some art for a alien/space au I'm working on :>
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 2 years ago
Thinking about and not actually writing Skephalo for my DSMP superpower AU is so much fun, bc my chosen trope for them is "childhood friends meet again in college", PLUS Skeppy has been crushing over Bad ever since Bad saved him from bullies when Skeppy was in like 2nd grade & Bad was in 5th, but Bad didn't even notice Skeppy all that much as children/never saw Skeppy as anything more than a good friend with a bit of a reckless streak even in college, until [something] happens to finally get him to see Skeppy as something more.
(Short snippet I wrote inside my head attached)
[They're having a campfire on campus & Bad is roasting marshmallows for the water/ice type students who can't go near fire. Skeppy kept burning his s'mores so he asked Bad for help, but insisted Bad have the s'more after it was done roasting, cuz Bad had been handing out marshmallows the entire time without breaks.]
"Thanks, Skeppy!" Bad flashed him a quick, bright smile before turning back to his task.
"Anytime," Skeppy said breathlessly, looking starstruck.
Exdee leaned in to whisper into Skeppy's ear.
"You are so whipped for him it's not even funny."
"Shut the fuck up," Skeppy whispered back, dopey smile never leaving his face.
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accursed-worm · 1 year ago
hi worm :3 how are you
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londonisacountry · 2 years ago
Rushing~ dream x reader
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Art: quinnsreverie (pintrest)
Summary: college au, Y/N typically stays in their dorm and studies, but not tonight. Will playing truth or dare with their friends spice things up?
Word Count: 1233
Tags: college au, drinking, provacative language
Note: "Adei" is pronounced like "Addi"
Please enjoy! ‐>
Your Pov
"I can't believe you dragged me to this stupid party, I mean, come one. Me, at a party? Adeline, are you crazy?!" I whispered to my best friend. She convinced me to go out with her tonight because the guy she likes is supposed to be here. I am a sophomore at the University of Orlando in Florida and have managed to skip every party since school started. I don't drink, and since I may or may not have overwhelmed myself with classes this year, partying isn't a priority for me. We walk inside and are immediately assaulted by the smell of sweat, alcohol, and pot. I scrunch my nose and Adei leads me through the house into the living room.
"Adei! You managed to get the home body outside, what a miracle!" Levi yelled, waving us over.
"Yeah yeah Levi, I only came to be the two of you's  wingman because without me neither of you would get as much dick as you do." I tease. Levi throws his hands over his heart as if he was hurt.
"Don't listen to him," Jared interrupted, "we were all about to play truth or dare, you two should join us." he offered. Adei nodded and Jared led us further in the room to where a group of people were sitting in a circle. My breath caught in my throat when I saw who was sitting there: Dream. He is a year ahead of Adei and I in school, and I have had a crush on him since I started here. Trying to keep my cool, I sat down between Aedi and Levi. Levi and Dream are in most of the same classes, so they are pretty good friends.
"Levi, glad you could make it man." Dream greeted, leaning across the circle and dapping him up. He then turned to me,
"Y/n." he said, making eye contact with me before sitting back down.
"Alri-hi-hight!"Sapnap, Dream's friend, yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Who wants to go first?"
Some blond girl volunteered, and I wasn't asked until it was Sapnap's turn.
"Truth or dare y/n?" He smirked. I felt slightly panicky, but managed to answer,
"Are you single?" He had to ask.
"Yes I am."
"Hey," I scolded, "you only get one question."
"Fine. George it's your turn."
George took his turn, and after a few people went, It was my turn. I dared Levi to go kiss someone. We went around the circle again, but this time I was asked a few times. I was dared to take my shoes off, and then dared to hold toes with George for a round. Then, Dream asked me,
"Truth or dare y/n?" My name sounds so amazing coming from his lips.
"Truth." I gulped, starting to feel flustered.
"Why are you single?"
"I um, I was rushing. I met the wrong person." I replied, looking at my lap, twirling my thumbs. Thankfully it was dark in the room, I know my face is beet red.
After a few more rounds Levi was shirtless, George swapped shoes with Adeline, and most of the people had stopped playing. It was Me, Adei, Levi, Dream, Sapnap, and George left.
"Truth or dare Levi?" Adei said.
"Out of everyone playing who do you think is the best kisser here?"
Dream Pov
"Out of everyone playing who do you think is the best kisser here?" Adei asked.
"Probably Dream. He looks like he has experience." I smirked when I heard a bunch of 'oohs' from the group, but underneath them all, I heard a whisper
"I would test that." I followed the voice only to find it came from y/n's lips, this made me smirk even more. Next it was y/n's turn.
Your Pov
"George, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Why are you single?"
"The girl I like is gay." he deadpanned, my heart twanged for him. Everyone went around, until it was Dream's turn.
"Y/n." He paused, almost as if he was unsure of himself, "Truth or dare?"
"Out of everyone here, who would you consider to be the right person?"
I froze. There is no way I can answer that. Just as I was about to answer, Adei spoke up;
"Actually Dream, thanks for the invite, but I think we are done for the night." She said, giving him a 'so fake you don't know its fake' smile. She stood up, helped me off the floor, and headed towards the exit. Once we got out of sight she pulled me into a hallway;
"I have to use the bathroom before we leave, stay here." she said, disappearing into one of the many doors in the hallway. I leaned up against the wall, taking my phone out of my pocket. Before I even unlocked it I felt someone brush against my shoulder, leaning against the wall next to me. I looked over, and to my surprise, Dream was standing there.
"What happened to your shirt?"
"Your friend Levi dared me to take it off as soon as you left."
"Okay, why'd you leave?"
"Irrelevant." He said, adjusting himself so that he was in front of me. He put one hand beside my head, and used the other to tilt my chin up to look at him.
"Did you really mean what you said?" he whispered, his voice quiet, barely loud enough for me to hear. I felt my face flush and tried to look down, but his hand held my face firm. He backed up slightly before continuing;
"Did you mean it when you said you want to kiss me?" his gaze pierced right through me, and before I could answer, Adeline came back.
"If you mean it meet me by the oak outside the Fictional Writing building at one." he said, before hurrying away.
I was just catching my breath when Adei met back with me, "Hey, are you ready?" she asked, I just nodded. Neither of us had drank so she drove us home. When we got there it was just past midnight. Adei and I got ready for bed, and before I knew it I had 15 minutes to get to the tree after Adei had fallen asleep. I hurry and put some shoes on and rushed down stairs and to the walkway. I walk across campus and make it at 1:02, when I see Dream start to walk away. 
"Dream!" I whisper yell, chasing after him. He turns around and I can see the smile on his face.
"Y/n." he grinned.
"You really need to stop saying that." I chuckle.
"What ? It's just your name."
"Well if you keep saying it like that I might actually kiss you."
At this he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips, planting a kiss on my knuckles before hesitating. "Did you walk all the way here?" he paused, looking down at me. I just nodded my head.
"You should really be more responsible y/n, you could catch a cold." he scolded, sliding the jacket he was wearing off his broad shoulders, putting it around mine, and taking my hands in his. He could hold my hand in the entirety of his.
"I'm fine, really. It's not that cold." I protest.
"Y/n, you are shivering, besides how would you know if I was a good kisser if when I kiss you your lips are numb?" he teased.
"Well we could always try it..." I mumbled.
"Well now sweetheart, don't get to far ahead of yourself. At least let me take you on a real date first."
"Why me?"
"It's simple sweetheart, I like you."
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pigeonstab · 1 year ago
//Intro post//
Hi! I'm Pigeon, or pidge and this blog is where I post my art and reblog literally anything.
- My art is under #Pigeon's art stuff // #my art is for doodles n' such, I reblog a lot of stuff so art gets lost in the cracks...
- If you'd like an art piece from me Commissions are open ^^
- I use Clip studio paint for most of my art! Either with a flat marker pen or the Artemus brush pack
-Feel free to send asks! please don't reblog to communities ^^
My other shtuff:
-Ask Cole & Fern
-Pictures of my lovely cats
-College au (Utmv but supernatural)
-My liddol guy Enoch !! (utmv oc) you can read about him here
Utmv Masterposts:
-Read The thought in its entirety +extras (archived UT comic by @tratserenoyreve)
-Learn about Dancetale (by @teanstars)
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Fandoms I enjoy:
🌟undertale//utmv: My favourite game of all time!! // Bad sanses enjoyer
💤Hollow Knight: Second favourite game of all time Lost kin my beloved.. Quirrel my beloved.. Such a well crafted game and story
💤Tmnt: I like Rottmnt a lot, I'm also very fond of 2003 Donnie and Mikey + the 2012 series is very dear to me <3
💤Cult of the lamb: Leshy and Shamura lover <3 Love the lore, I'm not a fan of shipping in this fandom
💤 Minecraft (Dsmp // Hermitcraft): I make Dsmp analyses sometimes still (c!Tommy enjoyer) // when in the fandom I mostly watch Grian, Mumbo Jumbo and GoodTimesWithScar though I like most of the hermits
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My gribblies
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-Dividers by @thecutestgrotto -Bell and Horror stamps by @lemm-moxx
last updated Mar 12th
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the-sex-havers-au · 1 year ago
Some portraits of the band boys + a couple extra Dreams
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Past this I’m probably gonna start this blog by posting some old stuff and then I’ll start to revamp everything lol
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First time I’ve drawn my main TSH line up in a hot minute. I missed my boys.
Will be starting the side blog soon :))
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zorishy · 4 months ago
DSMP AU lore post
The Election TW: dismemberment
Three parties ran in the 2020 L’Manberg election:
Pog, President Wilbur and running mate Tommy; Swag, President Quackity and unknown running mate; and Coconut, President Niki and running mate Sally with 2 year old Floris as the campaign manager.
The race started civilly enough. The debates were mostly calm and none of the candidates seemed to be taking things too seriously. Wilbur and Sally would even have playful banter during speeches, which amused no one other than themselves. Eventually though, the citizens grew tired of this joke of an election. The call for actual policies and a genuine commitment to the country was heard by every party. Seeing this, Wilbur decided it was about time to get some endorsements. 
Wilbur decided to recruit his old friend, J. Schlatt. Now, Schlatt wasn’t the most well spoken man Wilbur had ever met. The ram had bullshitted his way through college while getting shitfaced at bars and parties; however, that was perfectly fine with Wilbur. The president didn’t need a genius, he just needed someone who could read a paper. 
At the next debate, Wilbur brought Schlatt along to voice his support for Pog 2020. The ram was practically black out drunk and rather irritable from how much whiskey he was drinking. Not helping Schlatt’s mood was how early Wilbur had forced him to get up for this debate, which he wanted no part in. Wilbur didn’t care what Schlatt wanted though, he just cared about getting the upper hand. When the time came, he handed Schlatt a pre-written endorsement speech before thrusting him onto the podium. The crowd stared expectantly, waiting for the agitated man to speak.
“I think that Wilbur… Wilbur is- he’s…” Schlatt paused as he looked down at the speech Wilbur had prepared for him, vision slightly blurred from all that whiskey. “You wanna know what I think of Wilbur Soot?” He gripped the paper in his hands, crumpling it slightly, “I THINK HE’S A TYRANT!”
Wilbur’s expression dropped.
Schlatt hoisted the papers from the podium into the air. “You see this fucking speech!? Yeah I didn't write a goddamn word of this! I didn’t endorse shit!” The ram hybrid threw the crumpled parchment down on the stage and stamps it with his hoof. 
“Tommy. Tommy, go get security.” Wilbur said as he turned to his running mate.
Tommy raised an eyebrow, “What?” 
“Go get security! Now! Go! Get Schlatt off the fucking stage!”
Tommy scampered off to fulfill his brother’s orders.
“Wilbur doesn’t know what he’s doing!” Schlatt continued, “You wanna know who placed that tnt, the tnt I stopped Eret from setting off? WILBUR! Yeah that’s right, if his plan failed he was going to kill all of us!” Schlatt’s ramblings didn’t let up when two bodyguards grabbed him and started to drag him away, “Wilbur doesn’t deserve to be president of L’Manberg, you wanna know who would? ME! Yeah that’s right, I’m running now! SCHLATT 2020 BABY! Things are gonna change around here mother fuckers, you just fucking watch!”
Wilbur sat with his head in his hands as Schlatt got dragged past him. Quackity anxiously followed the security guards, trying to keep them from hurting his husband.
Well… That could have gone better.
It wasn’t long before Schlatt and Quackity announced their running mates, which were each other. The couple thought that their chances of winning would be greater if they ran together. Wilbur tried to claim that this was against the rules, but anything he said about it was met with outrage from Quackity’s supporters, hurting the president’s reputation. With no other option, the election continued as it was.
After a few months, the election results were finally in.
In last place: coconut 2020. Niki and Sally weren’t too surprised. Floris was not the best at politics.
In third place: Schlatt 2020
In second: Pog 2020
And first: Swag 2020
Quackity, Schlatt, and half the crowd cheered when it was announced that they won. Wilbur called the new president up to the podium to give a speech and, to his surprise, Schlatt stepped up instead of Quackity.
“What are you doing?” Wilbur asked in a stern tone, like a parent scolding a child.
Quackity smiled, “Oh, I can’t believe I forgot to mention, my husband and I made a deal: if I won I’d give all my votes to him.”
“WHAT!? Quackity you’re not allowed to-“
Wilbur was cut off by Schlatt speaking into the microphone. “Sit down, Wilbur.”
Wilbur and Tommy reluctantly joined the crowd of civilians.
Schlatt cleared his throat, and began to speak, “Well… that was easy. You know, when I first announced that I was running, do you remember what I said? I looked every citizen of L’Manberg in the eye and I said that things are going to change around here. So, let’s start making it happen. My first decree, as the president of L’Manberg,” Schlatt’s voice grew louder as he spoke, “the emperor of this great country!”
Tommy muttered something to himself at the mention of being emperor.
“Is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit!”
At that, the crowd erupted into a cacophony of yelling and shouting, some in celebration, others in anger. 
“Get them the fuck out of here! They’re no longer welcome!” Schlatt cried out as he pointed at Wilbur and Tommy. Quackity stood behind him and shouted in agreement. Quackity’s betrayal of Wilbur rewarded him with a swift punch to the face from Sally.
The next few minutes were total chaos. Wilbur’s old security guards chasing L’Manberg’s founders out of the walls, Sally and Quackity beating the shit out of each other, Floris sobbing as Niki tried to comfort her, and, rising over all the noise, Schlatt’s maniacal laughter coming through the microphone. While trying to run, Wilbur’s wings got caught in the gate of L’Manberg’s walls. In a panic, he pulled as hard as he could until he found that he could continue forward, the adrenaline masking the feeling of his injury, for now.  
The founders of L’Manberg ran and ran. After a few miles, Wilbur suddenly collapsed in the woods, the pain from his wing being ripped off finally catching up to him. Tommy turned around the moment he heard his brother fall.
“Wil!” Tommy yelled as he ran to his brother’s side.
“Tommy- I’m fine…”
“Wilbur, what are we gonna do? Wh-where are we going to live!? We can’t go back, they’ll kill us.”
“I-I don’t know I just-“ Wilbur leaned against a tree, clearly on the verge of losing a canon life. “I just- need to rest for a moment…” 
Silence fell over the two, both boys panicking. After a few moments, a voice came from somewhere in the trees.
“Do you guys uh… need any assistance?”
Wilbur’s eyes widened at the sound. He knew that voice, “Technoblade?”
As if on cue, out of the trees stepped a towering piglin in a blood red cape, his face obscured by a boar skull fashioned into a mask. “Hullo.”
“Techno!” Tommy shouted as he ran to hug his friend. “Oh thank prime! How the hell did you know where to find us!?”
“The voices told me.”
“Did the voices also tell you how to perform surgery?” Wilbur asked as he shakily rose to his feet, his mangled wings hanging limply behind him.
“Uhh… I mean- I can probably figure something out. Come with me, you boys need somewhere to hide.” Techno responded before leading the boys into the woods and away from L’Manberg.
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onsimile · 18 days ago
Writing nerd rant 1
This coming April 24th, if I recall correctly, will mark the 5th anniversary of the Dream SMP. Whoo boy, what a phase and a time that was.
Was going to make animatics back when DSMP was still a thing, but high school was way too stressful and never gave me enough time to do things for fun. Now in the process of an AU web-novel based on the DSMP, re-adapted to leave out individuals like Wilbur (no matter how central to the plot their characters were.) Jack will take Will's place as the revolution's leader and founder, and planning to make Niki a more important main character alongside Tom, Jack, and Toby.
The only other detail I will give for now is that this is set in the late 25th century CE, on a terraformed planet Mars. Trying to balance college workload and my hobbies truly is a nightmare.
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itsgirlcraft · 6 months ago
Welcome to the masterpost of all [256] of my FavreMySabre AUs/OCs/concepts :]
Feel free to ask questions or just give me a number between 1 and [256]! Or directly ask CWK!Sabre or MCRP!Time for what something means, navigation (i.e., genres, specific characters), or just questions on the multiverse these all belong to!
264 AUs. 256 AUs w/o dsmp, 186 w/o dreams (or dsmp). 8 dsmp-exclusive AUs were included here, I apologize.
Edit: at the bottom of the main list ID, will be a "changelog," where I put additional AUs that I didn't have in the og list. Once a page has been filled, there will be a new picture of it and a proper ID like the original pages.
That way, nothing gets confused. Also, the AU number will change as needed. AU names will most likely stay the same, and if they do change, I will include the og in the changelog.
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Under the cut is the digitalized list/"ID"!
I got this done sooner than I thought tbh. Had to go thru my old tablet, my art binders, and all my notes on my phone. Worth it, this is SO USEFUL, my god!
FavreMySabre AUs/OCs List
drm = dream, OC = original character.
2019 era = 2019 and 2020, 2021 era =2021 and 2022, 2023 era = 2023 and 2024.
Oldest AUs (Wattpad, tablet, 2019 era) 62 AUs
•On The Run •Lost In A Fairytale •The Black Hole •Wings And Horns •Ore Steves (OCs) •Call Of The Void •Infected •The Nether Prince •Halloween With The Steves •Steve Saga High •I Don't Know How To Rule! •Future Legends •Altered Realities •Power Switch •Underwater • Not You. Anyone But You. •Why?! •Black Hole Steve (OC) •Family Secret •Undead Me •Fairies •Mirror World •Metal/Magnet (ocs) •The Cursed •Chicken Dad •Containment Breach・Wolf Boy •Vampocalypse •The Night Shift •Covid-19 •Broken Reality •Seven Square Chickens. One Adult. •Demons In My Head •Reverse Evil •Anti-Brine •Genderbent Royalty •Error 404: Steve Not Found (oc/drm) •Chemical AU/2.0 •Confusion •Gender Swap •Earth Portal •Rainbow City •A Glitch In The Matrix •SCP AU •Lost And Broken Soul/Cursed With knowledge •Wisps •Did We Meet Before •Darkest Quest For Peace •Learning The Ways Of The Multiverse •Trapped Crossover •When Three Worlds Meet •The Olympian Saga • Dragon (oc) •Dream SMP Meets Steve Saga:Therapy Edition •Moth (oc) •The Haunting Saga •OG Body Horror AU •Different Artstyle •That One Trapped/Steve Saga Crossover •Storm Steve (oc) •The Weirdest Adventure •Failed_Rainbow_Steve (oc)
Old AUs (2021 era) 48 AUs w/o DSMP
DSMP: •Minepocalypse •The Shapeshifters •The Meet-Up •The Streamers/Hunt •Guardian Of The Forest •The Game (drm) •Trapped In Minecraft But We're Stuck Together •The Monsters In The Cages Look A Lot Like Me
•The Obligatory Reversed Role AU But Optimistic (Steve Saga Roleswap) •DSMP/SS Oneshot •Squinkies Are Taking Over My Life •Time Travel AUs •Fantasy AU ft. Chicken And Horse •Hybrid Boys •A Dance With A Devil •That *One* Prophecy •Fading Humanity •Creatures In The Woods •Experiment Shadow •A Human In A Supernatural World •RQ ODAA •One Disaster After Another • Universe fusions (ocs) •Discolored And Disoriented •Language Barrier •BodySwap •Elements Of Family Magic •The Creation God's Puppets •Crash-Landing Aliens AU •RQ: Security Breach •Follow Me/Robot Soul •Uno Reverse, Fate! •Weapon AU •IRL Twisted Rainbow •Robots, Hybrids, And Experimental Friendships •Seldistynell (OC) •My Life As A Feathered Monster Hiding At A Human College •The Aliens Inside My Computer •The Five Elements •Monster Under Your Bed/Rescue Mission •Lab Monsters •Little Nightmares Crossovers •Monster House In Zombie Land •A Colorful World •Human Machine •Taking It Literally •Digital Magic •FRS' Childhood (oc) • Ancient Aliens • Demon AU •Anime AU • Nightmare Princess •A Rainbow Of Identities
Newer AUS (2023 era) 75 AUs
•Dark Matter/Wilted Lily/Ultra Chaos/ Corruption (ocs) •RQ Plague •Cave Monsters •SSO Color kids (ocs) •SHSF No Evil •The Owl House Crossover •SlenderSabre •Reverse Quest (Rainbow Quest Roleswap) •Wise Anger (ocs) •Blindfold-centric AU Collection •Blindfold Of Skin •Gacha DJ •RQ/TR MLP Crossovers • Naga!Plague •NPCs/Thing (drm) •SS Bodyswap AU •ColorSwap Horrors •TR Roleswap •SL Roleswap •Desk Dolls •AGITM x Trapped •TR Weirdcore •Become Food •ZWV Hybrid (drm) •Half-Fused TR •RealityElan •MCRP •"B" The Elf-Eared (oc/drm) • Jellyfish!Twisted •Human!Galaxy (drm) •Halloween TR •Alien!Sabre •Vent AU •Crystal Swap •Gacha Weirdcore •SBI x dragon!Sabre •WTWM Bad End •Catboy!Sabre •Color Change!Reverse •TFC!Elan •SkeleModern (drm) • Urban Legends •WTF!Sabre •Migraine AU •Dot Eyes •Haunted Dolls •Relationship Problems •Uncanny Alien •Planetheads •Potato/Carrot (ocs) •AR x RQ •Changing With My Imagination •Center Of The Freakshow •Eldritch POVs • RQ x SL •Happy Place Hub •TR x Nimona •One Last Chance Before Our Demise •Warforged •Hello Puppets •Reformed Villains •Imprisoning Infection •Apocalypse Survivors •Sky Voices •TR Elite's Return •RQ Roleswap x TR •Star-Rats •Diamond Mafia •God Application •Earthly War Crimes (ocs) •Would You Love Me If I Was A Worm (drm) •FMS x DSMP •Alien Or Human? (drm) • Shadow Child (drm) •An Angel's Death Wish (drm)
Dream-Based AUs/Concepts (76 AUs)
•Generic Simpsons Crossover •Medieval Simpsons Gore •Steve Summer Camp •Desert House •Me/Sabre As Mike Afton •Gx/Vd IRL •Flooded World •SS!NM/TFTSMP!Karl •SS/RQ Monster AU •How Isn't This A Nightmare •Twisted Parkour •New Steves ft. Ranboo (ocs) •Girl Posse VS. Steves •Branch Legs •Lava Rainbow •Music Video ft. Grandmas •The Red Eyes (ocs) •RQ x OSMP Ft. Various Demon Cats • Shapeshifting Imagination •Fix Before • Abandoned Mall •Guardian Is Ripped AF •The Dead Kings •Dungeon Crawler •Ruined City ft. SBI •Girl Fight ft. Eldritch Abomination (oc) •Weird Alien Carrot •I'm Colle •Dolls w/ Reds •Befriend VR Sabre •Interview Show •Crafting Dead •TR Planet •Sideways Void •Trapped Sequel •Become Dragon •Failed 7 Colors •Contact Via MP3 Player •Tricolor Jester/Apocalypse (oc) •LOTB Chicken •Steves At Mall •Haunted Mushrooms •WTF Emily (oc) •Prof. Red In Costco •Companion Adventure • Camping Race •Board Game •Psychiatrist/Colle's Ghost •Pathetic Baby Bord •Figurines/Power Levels •Cosplay/Basketball •Fruits •Camping w/ Origin •Dystopia Costco •TR Elite IRL• Rock Concert •Deku Floating Gloves •Dark Sun •I'm TR Assistant •Steve Comm Post (Normal) •Necromancer/Kirishima •Unrecognizable •Cashiers •Bad Intentions •Catnap/ATLA/SpongeBob •MLP/Jesus/OCs •Whirlpool Facecam •Barbie Dolls •Bedroom Balancer (oc) •Sps Sabre Sci-Fi Movie •Fake Blue On Earth •Gen Loss Implied •Genderswamp (oc) •Steven Universe/MHA/Steves At ComicCon •Seer/Colle/SS Galaxy Classmates •Steve Saga Mobile Game
Changelog 10/7/24:
<Added 3 AUs> •Apocalypse Alien (drm) •Time and Elemental's Adventure (drm) •Keep The Memories Alive (ocs)
<Changed 2 AU names> Cryptid Sabre->Cave Monsters, Tired Eyes->Blindfold-centric AU Collection.
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z3mora · 2 months ago
Uhhh making a new pinned ig!!
Hey I’m Zemora (different from c!zemora, an oc of mine!) and I mostly do art! I’m 19 (20 soon…. Ew) and am a full time college student with two jobs so I can be a bit slow on art!
I’m mostly into gravity falls at the moment, but all my interests function in a cycle, so I never truly leave a fandom. My background interests atm are otgw, dsmp, beastars, undertale, fnaf, and my ocs!
I’m cool with any pronouns honestly, but if u want a point of reference here’s my preference in order she/they/he! I do comms sometimes, honestly atm i do it on a case my case basis so semi open?
Mostly focused on my lost!stan au rn!! I do have other gravity falls aus I’d love to do and I might post about them but I’ll be much more focused on my lost!stan one. Speaking of, don’t be afraid to send me an ask! I could ramble about most of anything for a long time, I swear I don’t bite!
I have a pretty standard dni: pedos/lolis/shotas/“maps”, zoos, nazis, zionists, incest shippers, homophobes, transphobes, uhhhh just don’t be weird man!!
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