#ds9 magazine
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rraaaarrl · 6 months ago
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Garak are you okay
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the fact that the guy who played Garak, wrote a novel about Garak's life, incredible. That's dedication to your role.
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wait what's this you say?
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stra-tek · 9 months ago
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This is how Stardates in TNG and DS9 (and supposedly TOS, even though Gene Roddenberry is on record saying they were random numbers) were *supposed* to work, from the Official Star Trek Fan Club of the UK #4 (1994). By Terry Jones.
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theauthoressdefiant · 6 months ago
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“The couple have a 13-year-old son, Rod Jr., who is interested in “girls and wasting time,” according to his mother.”
Majel Barrett on her and Gene Rodenberry’s son, in Star Trek Magazine
Thanks to @droids-in-disguise for the scans! They are so fun to read!
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asaemoryfanclub · 1 year ago
Quark!!! 😡🫥 *Pans over to Quark and he is shifty*
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Like that old audio of the dude looking at the other dudes computer and finding mouse art of them kissing as the background or something. This is like that in my heart😘🥹. Also Odo's addressing Quark about it because it's making literally EVERYONE so sick and inundating sickbay too heavily. Also!! I made the executive decision that since when drawing hands nails is such an important part of properly communicating them, Odo doesn't know how to do them, that's Odo's only real issue, never learned to sculpt in school.
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asinglegrainofsandv3 · 11 months ago
Found more old star trek magazines
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lesbianmarrow · 1 year ago
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kiradax real
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3x03spring · 2 years ago
suddenly remembered the other week when i spent an hour or more at work trying to figure out a confessions of a shopaholic ds9 au with quark as rebecca bloomwood and brunt as derek smythe
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beesnutz · 1 year ago
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cunty DS9 magazine covers save me
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saltilier · 7 months ago
Do YOU love Star Trek? Specifically, DS9??
Do you like to show your love for things by plastering your personal belongings with stickers of very niche pop-culture phenomena that only 10 other people in the world will recognize???
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Then maybe you'll like these stickers I made of Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko as his alter ego Benny Russell, who appears once (1) in the entire series, in episode 6x13 "Far Beyond The Stars". (you know, the one where they're all sci-fi writers for a magazine?)
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I also made one of Kira Nerys. Nothing niche about this one, just good old Major Kira.
You can stick them on your laptop to cover up the logo on the back of the screen, so no one can see which evil mega corporation lured you into giving them $1500 for a device that will break in a year, but that you need to complete your university degree which you will realize is completely useless when you finally cave and start applying to cashier positions at your local aldi because you still don't have a job 6 months after graduating.
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Shipping only available within Australia (for now). But if you're from outside Australia and you want them, send me a message and maybe we can work something out.
Thank your for reading this far. And if you don't want a sticker, but still want to support me, just click on the etsy link! that gives me page views, which I assume the algorithm likes. Oh, and/or reblog/like this post of course. Thank you so much :)
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ds9promenade · 6 months ago
Podcast episode discussing DS9 "Past Tense" & "Far Beyond the Stars"!
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My friend Laura invited me onto their podcast to unpack Deep Space Nine episodes 3x11 & 12: "Past Tense" and 6x13: "Far Beyond the Stars," using them for a broader discussion on the role of science fiction in dreaming better futures into reality.
In our conversation, we:
compare the 2024 of "Past Tense" to our 2024
share our theories about historical events that may have inspired both episodes, as well as their relationship to other works of speculative/science fiction
point out and offer revisions for parts of "Past Tense" that somewhat undercut the story's intended messages about the evils of capitalism, ableism, police / military violence, and anti-homeless laws
gush about the artistry of the filming and acting in "Far Beyond" (Avery Brooks monologues my beloved)
and more — with a dash of humor as we go!
Give "Sanctified Imagination Far Beyond the Stars" a listen wherever you get podcasts — or read along with the transcript!
(CW: Christianity) — please do go in forewarned that Laura's Autistic Liberation Theology podcast centers around reinterpreting the Bible from a trans & disabled lens. If you skip to 44 minutes in you'll miss most of the religious commentary, except for when it makes sense to bring it up re: Joseph Sisko's 1950s incarnation as a street preacher.
If you are interested the full episode, some of the places we go in our winding conversation are:
Womanist midrash & sanctified imagination, which enact this call to imagine possibilities for the oppressed — to "make a way out of no way"
How Jesus's use of parables to teach about his envisioned "Kingdom of God" —where there's access for all, oppressors reformed and oppressed liberated, all needs met and all gifts celebrated — invites people to engage their sanctified imaginations to join in the work for a more just world, here and now
AutScape's & Crip Camp’s modeled possibilities for a fully accessible, disability-centered world
various directors / show writers who, through writing, discovered something new about themselves (think the Wachowski sisters & The Matrix, Dan Harmon and Community)
If you give it a listen (or read), I'd love to hear what you think! Did you connect with the concept of imagining better futures into reality? Any other Star Trek episodes you think encapsulate that well?
Transcript of the above audio clip:
Avery: I definitely think the writers of this episode were thinking about how When Deep Space Nine was coming out, people's response to seeing Sisko was, Yeah, is, you can't have a black space captain. A black man can't be the hero of Star Trek!
Which just shows, like, for the viewers, like, Yeah, we've come a long ways here in the 90s. But we still think it's ridiculous to imagine a black space captain and it's only just becoming possible now.
Laura: yeah the um, , editor of the magazine says "put it in a drawer for like a couple of decades and might be--" it's like, yeah, that's
Avery: Yeah.
Laura: inside joke.
Avery: At the end, when, um, Benny Russell breaks down after being fired and everything, the street preacher comes back and, Benny says, "Tell me, please, who am I?"
Don't you know?" "Tell me." "You're the dreamer and the dream."
Laura: ah, this is so amazing.
Avery: And, like, yeah, that fits on so many different layers with, uh, Benny Russell is dreaming Sisko and dreaming Deep Space nine, and also Sisko is dreaming him, and also breaking the fourth wall,
Laura: yeah, because they're, neither of them are real, they're both fiction and yet they're, yeah. real.
Avery: Yeah. Yeah. Breaking the fourth wall, the writers and Avery Brooks are the dreamers, and the dream. This is, this is what, people have been dreaming of, this even the possibility of this. And they're making it true.
Laura: and at the end, you see him looking out the window and seeing Benny Russell in the reflection of the glass and
Avery: it's such a good shot. It's so good. It like gives me chills
Laura: you Have to cast something into the space you're not there yet to-- that becomes you.
Avery: Yeah. dream yourself into being.
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stra-tek · 2 months ago
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New Trekkies Start Here!
From the official Star Trek magazine November 1995. It was all so much smaller and simpler back then😆
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msenglishgent · 11 months ago
Found a Star Trek magazine in the wild at target, I of course skimmed for anything DS9 and
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no mention of garak huh….hm….interesting…..
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months ago
Just realised I had a dream where I was reading the (very short) editorial of a TV-this-week type magazine
And it was just a couple of paragraphs musing about how popular DS9 had been, ending with something along the lines of "and was a surprisingly progressive show for the time. If you watch Odo's (René Auberjonois) interactions with Bashir, the changeling is constantly blushing whenever he's around the handsome doctor. The implications are there for even the most romance-blind viewer".
And I remember thinking "ohh, this was weird for the second I thought a TV guide was gonna talk about Quodo. Random Odo/Bashir propoganda? What is this!"
But also a ton of scenes running back through my mind of Odo turning red and fidgety around Julian and realising "But this guy is RIGHT though??? How are we all sleeping on this??!"
[... The answer, of course, being, that I was asleep 😅 RIP blushing!Odo, for ten sleepy seconds you were the most important character 💔]
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sapphosewrites · 1 year ago
All True, Especially the Lies—Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cardassia - Uncanny Magazine
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c-130jsuperhercules · 1 year ago
i think, of the Ferengi rules of acquisition, numbers 34 and 35(war is good for business/peace is good for business) are probably my favorite ones bc I think it's a clever way to say "when in Rome, do as the romans do" through a ferengi cultural lens, so to speak. Because it's not that they contradict each other, it's because they perfectly complement each other to sort of sidestep the idea of whether peace or war is good or bad for ferengis, and instead pose a third idea; that being that the good, profit seeking ferengis, would change their ways during each period in order to maximize growth and revenue.
Especially during the dominion war during ds9, i think this helps to neatly tie a bow on the Ferengi attitude about the whole thing, or perhaps what they feel their role is in it, not so much acting as soldiers or conquerors, but as the men selling shovels to gold prospectors in 1800s California, so to speak. Plus, these rules were invoked* by Quark, during a conversation where he also talks about how excited he was to cater to the cardassians, the former(ish) enemies of the current masters of deep space nine, the federation. With a certain fearlessness or anger, too, that sort of implied he had no strong lean towards one or the other, with his main focus being, again, PROFIT.
But, more to the point of the two rules being what they are, two separate rules one after each other, not simply a single rule saying "peace or war, make your profits soar" or something like that, I think help to make ferengis renowned for their cunning. Because I think them being separate helps to further the idea that the two concepts are separate and should be treated differently. Like, you could say that the rule is talking about two material goods you can sell, peace and war. They have to be able to decide and then act on which of the two would make them the most profit, and then work on selling it. If war is most profitable to you(desperate buyers), then sell(and propagate) war, but if peace is most profitable to you(far safer supply lines and steady contact with regular customers) then sell peace. That cunning and business sense is why I think they make such a good third party to the Dominion and the Federation, acting not as support or opposition, but as a sidling, neutral bystander observing and influencing from the inside, ready to leap to the side of whoever will benefit them the most.
*I say invoked because it does feel like they are quoting scripture, written by someone with cultural authority over them. it's hard to call it purely a rule book, or purely just an advice column, because there are rules that both inhibit a ferengi, and releases them towards ultimately seeking profit** And they follow this path that the Rules outline, with a fervency one would normally expect from a Benedictine monk
**I'm thinking specifically about the rule of acquisition #109: dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack. it is both discouraging seeking dignity over profit, and putting shame on having no money, thereby pushing a follower towards seeking profit. It is, of course, advice you could also find in a magazine for very shrewd people, but cased inside a doctrine that is spread around the planet, taught in schools, drilled into the mind of every ferengi. It isn't just someone quoting a passage from 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, it's more akin to someone quoting a Bible verse or something.
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ihaveaweirdidea · 11 months ago
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So, I don't know that the internet needs another opinion on this... since i tend to draw a lot of Star Trek fan art I do have thoughts... While this news is bittersweet, I've been through this before. Fair warning - this is long and sappy.
I'm in my 40s and I can kinda recall when it was thought Next Generation might be canceled... then DS9... then the multitudes of times Voyager almost got the axe. Then Enterprise. ... Prodigy. ...
For a show that had, what feels like, a polarizing first season, 5 seasons is pretty darn good. I'm happy that it exists in the first place. I'm happy it's as amazing as it is.
At least in this modern age, we can learn these things in advance. During my youth, if a show got canceled I just had to wait and maybe read about it in some entertainment magazine months after thinking "Isn't X show due back?" Imagine what those who lived through the TOS cancelations felt. I know this is by no means a consolation; it's a miracle the fandom got such a good show to begin with. I'll forever be grateful Lower Decks aired because it's my wife's favorite show and now we can share the fandom. If you're new to Trek and experiencing this tumultuous Renaissance for the first time, I have this to offer - take heart, there will be ups and downs but try to find joy in the journey. I can think of no finer fandom to be part of than Star Trek. 🖖🏻
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