#ds krampus
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radbrott · 2 months ago
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doodles i made for klei art streammm (p.s. to people browsing hashtags - dont look at my profile, cos i mostly draw big fat naked men)
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dont-freeze-together · 1 year ago
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crossf1res-art-museum · 4 months ago
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I drew a Krampus Dragon from Dragonvale in Art Academy : D
If only I knew how to screenshot on my DS games ^^” (yeah sorry the pic’s a lil blurry)
It’s nice to try out this game/art program again for the first time in over half a year
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goat-slice-art · 6 years ago
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This is how Wortox’s short went... right?
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benrey-bone-god · 5 years ago
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This goat is trans an there’s nothing you can do to stop him
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gecko1011010 · 2 years ago
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lostbvttons · 5 years ago
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Welcome To Chaos Camp! 
Warning! if you’re going to fight Krampuses make sure it will not rain frogs the same day!! 
@steamed-tets as our guest Wilson, @ghostshivers as Wendy and @lambyanxious as Wes!
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gazkerber · 6 years ago
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“[...]And though Wortox felt better to have helped on the whole,
His fiendish half was still cursed to ensnare this foul soul”
Fanart of the newest Don’t Starve Together character, Wortox!
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nikodavisflores · 6 years ago
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HEY! A Lil @ds-secret-santa gift for @the-gentleman-botanist I hope this is what you wanted!!!
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eldarianduelist · 6 years ago
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Maxwell gets very into character around the Hallowed Nights.
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heckmate · 7 years ago
Have you noticed that Maxwell has a (small) beard in more and more of his skins 🤔
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goat-slice-art · 6 years ago
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Krampus, devilishly in season
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absolutepokemontrash · 3 years ago
Stupid Headcanons, Christmas Edition! 🎄
So, up in the Celestial Realm, the real Saint Nicholas gives presents to all the angels who were good ^.^ and coal to the angels who weren’t uh… doing their best. (Mammon got a lot of coal as an Angel)
But down in the Devildom, someone else gives gifts to all the demons who were sufficiently evil that year. Krampus himself rides around and drops presents off for all the delightfully devious demons ^.^ Nowadays though, the holiday is less about proving how evil you were all year to some random humans or angels (that would be very counterproductive to Diavolo’s peace goal) now it’s more about how adorably mischievous the kids in the area were.
Lucifer: Everyone, get your acts together, Von Krampus will be here any minute. Mammon, get out from behind the curtain!
Mammon: B-but Lucifer… he’s really scary…
Lucifer: He’s visited this house every Christmas for the past thousand years, how are you still afraid of him?
Mammon: Bad vibes…
Lucifer: *sigh*
Satan: I hope I get the book I asked for.
Asmo: I hope I get that adorable magic mirror I saw on Majolish’s website the other day~!
MC: Wait wait wait, what’s this about Krampus coming to visit? And Luke just told me that Saint Nicholas works up in the Celestial Realm, what about the human world?!
Lucifer: Well, that’s a very long story.
Satan: No it’s not, you’re just not good at summarizing. *ahem*, a few hundred years ago the elves tried to unionize, and Saint Nick threatened to fire all of them and hire the little Ds instead, so the elves overthrew Saint Nick and banished him to the Celestial Realm.
MC: …uh…okay… what happened to the elves?
Satan: They work for Krampus now.
*There’s a massive thump on the roof*
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deepsixfanfic · 3 years ago
Queria desejar um Feliz Natal pra vcs da DS e das outras equipes também!
Grace: Em nome de todo o DS, agradeço e desejo o mesmo pra você! Pra todos que nos acompanham por aqui, boas festas e se divirtam muito. 
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Joe: Um beijo e desejo de boas festas do pessoal do Stormwatch também! 
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Zoe: Não saiam no Natal, a gente deixou o Krampus fugir sem querer. Estamos procurando ele, mas ainda não é seguro pra crianças. 
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part 2 part 3 (soon) drawings marked with R* need a redesign behavior for each under a cut, in order:
Wilson, or Kilson - grows horns and shackle goes from silver to gold during winter - able to build complex structures; steals materials from humans - doesn’t seem weak to anything, so he’s very tough to get rid of - appears if you destroy someone else’s structures one too many times Willow, or Killow - breaths fire, obviously - a serious hazard as she’s got no self control; will set anything nearby aflame - weak to water; performance at worst under rain or snow - appears if entire forests are carelessly burned down over 3 times Wendy, or Kendy - too weak to defend herself; possesses no horns and her tongue isn’t long enough to use as a whip - does, however, have the ability to summon her considerably dangerous sister if attacked. have fun - after abigail’s been defeated, though, she’ll try to run as only way to avoid being killed - appears near graveyards when survivors are low in sanity and their naughtiness level is high enough (around 20 points give or take) Wolfgang, or Kolfgang - follows survivors around to wordlessly beg for food, and grows whenever he’s fed often enough - upon reaching his strongest form, however, he’ll become hostile and won’t stop following the player until they’re dead - the only limit to this is darkness (and water in shipwrecked). he can also be shooed away by foes larger than him - appears whenever the player is very low in health, hunger and sanity and their naughtiness level is high Wickerbottom, or Kickerbottom - despite being blind most of the time, she can find survivors through her other senses - if weakened enough she’ll stop using her claws/horns, open her eyes and become very aggressive; not only she’ll use her tongue but also summon tentacles, eye plants and even thunder as she sees fit - her only weakness is monster food; the player can drop this for her to pick up - appears once her books have been used 30 times and the player’s sanity is low enough
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