rp-partnerfinder · 3 days
((re-submitting, forgot ages)) Hey y'all! I am a 33 y/o trans male searching for an X-Men RP, specifically Erik/Charles. I have a pretty huge over-arching plot that I'd love to do set in a modern Sentinel/Guide AU. I play Erik/Sentinel and I am searching for a Charles/Guide. Looking for RPers age 25+!
This AU is set in 2018. Sergeant Erik Lehnsherr is a baseline human medic who has just returned stateside from his tour in Afghanistan where he was injured by an IED. His best friend Magda got pregnant after they had a one night stand, and decided not to tell him since he was deployed. She died, and left him with two six-month old twin infants, Pietro and Wanda when he returned home. Professor Sebastian Shaw is Erik's "ex," as they were engaged in a scandalous secret "relationship" during his time at MIT. Sebastian is ultra-rich and hires a mega powerful legal team to go after Erik and take custody of his children. In this 'verse, Sentinels and Guides are pseudo-mythological figures. David/Jonathan, Achilles/Patroclus. They are hyper-powerful mutants who rely on a soul-bond (genetically, hormonally) to amp one another up. The Sentinel is the Destructive force and the Guide is the Reasoning force. When they meet, they immediately form this bond with one another. The Guide helps the Sentinel regulate, and directs the Sentinel's devastating powers. The CIA monitors any mutant who has the potential to manifest as a Sentinel, and so have been following Erik unbeknownst to him, his entire life. While Erik appears to be a baseline human, he is actually an Omega-level mutant capable of molecular/temporal/reality manipulation. Enter Charles Xavier, Erik's VA caseworker helping him navigate the legal battle and reintegrate into civilian life. When they meet, the Sentinel/Guide bond immediately flourishes to life.
I like a good mix of plot, action, intrigue and eventual smut. I enjoy both slow burn and insta-chemistry. We can hammer out the minutiae of the world, or allow it to unfold organically.
Erik is played by Adam Brody. He is a Lithuanian-American semi-observant Conservative Jew from Midwood, NYC. He is friendly, charming and talkative. ESTP, Leo-vibes, Enneagram 9w8.
He's the diplomat and the leader, knows several languages, and is a genuine, certified genius. This is the domestic fluff guy, always ready with a joke and a can-do attitude. His wit conceals a soft interior.
Keeps kosher and goes to his dad's house every Saturday for Shabbat. They keep asking him when he's going to Bring A Nice Young Man Home. It's a whole thing.
Word bank ; diplomacy / foreign language , CIA , military , college , teacher / student , teacher / parent , parenting , soldier / civilian , clinician / patient , TiMER , sentinel / guide , ds!verse , omega!verse , time travel , multiverse traversal , mind control , poetry , narrative fuckery , experimental , telepathy , soulmates , bonds , true love , trauma , recovery , abuse , WWII , modern historical , war , cultural discrepancy , fish out of water , sci - fi , star trek redux , blah la la la !
If this interests you, feel free to add me on Discord. I am Weemie.
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pianokantzart · 6 months
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Very curious about this implied friendship.
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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I need him carnally
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silvertws · 3 months
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how I would draw Light's eyes if I actually had motivation every time lol
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survival-and-magic · 1 year
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Commission of Winnie and Wilson from @loadingbones that came out JUST absolutely gorgeous. I'm such a sucker for these two it's shameful.
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sharjeelxd · 6 months
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spider-verse before the spider-verse
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demonstars · 2 months
dreamnap gravity falls twins who gets me
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Hey um do you have any headcanon about the star children from yoshi's island ds, I mean we know who they are but what kind of powers they have and that? I'm kinda disappointed that Nintendo never explore the storyline again that would be a nice game idea.
(Incase you don't know who the star children are: mario, luigi, peach, Bowser, donkey Kong, yoshi and Wario)
I do have headcanons from years back. Nothing too special; it's more that I headcanon that the Star Children are all destined to be connected (whether familial, love interest, enemy, ally etc), and they are all blessed with a power that unlocks when they reach adolesance.
Mario has control over fire.
Luigi has control over lightning.
Peach has her floating abilities, the power to make her emotions (or "vibes") manipulate the world around her (case in point: in Super Princess Peach she can turn into a fireball when mad, make plants grow with her tears, and had healing magic. She is one of the most powerful of the Star Children.
Bowser is a more powerful koopa with his fire breath and physical strength.
Wario has physical strength.
Donkey Kong is more powerful than the other Kongs, being more stronger and faster.
Yoshi has the flutter jump and overall has more enhanced abilities than the normal yoshi.
These headcanons are more related to the game universe.
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originemesis · 4 days
@hclluvahctel xxx
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BEING DISMISSED SO BRAZENLY MULTIPLE TIMES was not a fun time, and Charlie was starting to feel genuinely IRRITATED about this man's attitude toward her. "I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you woke up in an unfamiliar place tied up." She mutters, half to herself seeing as he didn't seem to be listening to her anyway. She also didn't think kidnapping could be shrugged off as 'nothing' but she doubt pointing that out would lead to anything. She grimaces as he reaches out to touch her, frown still firmly set on her lips. She hadn't expected the portal, and as the cloud she was sat on disappeared she dropped to the floor with an OOF. She looked down at her restraints as Adam said he'd remove them, glancing up at him and giving a small NOD in understanding. "I've been willing to do that since the beginning." She pointed out, deciding not to comment that she didn't appreciate being referred to as a 'bitch'. She held her wrists up so he could take the bindings off, pointedly ignoring the talon against her wrist. She hoped he had no intension of hurting her, given he hadn't already.
"Depends~ on how hot the bitch that tied me up is." He admits, finding her complaints amusing at best. They're not much of an argument for him to just set her loose in heaven...he has to be responsible after all. No brats of Lucifer can be off their leash willy nilly in the great kingdom of heaven after all.
With his talon poised against her wrist, he slides the sharpest end underneath the electrical bindings keeping them bound and teases the strength of them with a flex or two before looming in close to her face to grin. "...well if you're so willing ~ I can work something out for you...but piss me off and you're going to wish I stuffed you into the most stubborn pickle jar imaginable."
Sliding her cumulus stretcher over with a snap of his fingers, he takes a moment to fiddle at her wrists before a sharp crack of a wing flap dismisses the bindings on her wrists and ankles, leaving her stumbling and confused before his hulking figure staring down unimpressed at her temporarily free situation.
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"There you go~ comfy?" With a smirk, he scoots her in to his flank with a wing of an appendage, drawing her in with the same energy of a childhood friend ready to divulge a secret. "I'm sure you've got...questions. But how'sa 'bout we talk about them over some food, huh~? You like Chinese?" Hopefully she doesn't mind the flashy lights of heaven in the middle of the night. Folks don't exactly sleep when there's joy to spread and hoards of happy souls filing about shaking hands, rubbing shoulders and chirping hymns.
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coffeejerk · 11 months
maggie and dio actually share a lot of traits, despite dio being an evil vampiric bastard and maggie being firmly anti-evil vampiric bastard.
alcoholism they inherited from their fathers? check
questionable fashion sense? check
memory problems? check
bouts of insanity? check
surviving hell and back through the sheer force of will? check
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pokemonfrommemory · 9 months
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rejectshumanity · 1 year
her blog is nowhere near being set up (and idk when it will be), but...... @coffeejerk
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conseille · 1 year
"i wasn't there for you when you needed me." from viv :))))
with hyejin gracefully handling the cops outside, yerin and vivian are granted a moment away from the investigation, giving yerin time to fill her wife in on what happened during her patrol. for yerin, the incident was unlucky but easily reparable. the thieves had broken seiren’s front door and windows, but . . . they only managed to steal the espresso machine and some cutlery. although it’s a little worrisome it happened while yerin was upstairs cutting fruit and waiting for vivian to come home, she knows she was never in real danger. 
that’s why she’s surprised when vivian seems so upset, the guilt rising in her voice, pained in her eyes. immediately yerin softens, closing the distance between them.
❝ . . . that’s not true. you’re always there when i need you, viv, ❞ yerin reaches forward, cupping vivian’s face gently.   ❝ and no one got hurt. we’re all fine, i promise. ❞ she brushes her thumb over cheek, reassuring her. ❝ you were doing important work, ❞ she emphasizes, giving a smile. after all, spider-woman couldn’t be expected to stay home every night when there’s crime happening in the city. yerin couldn’t be so selfish with vivian’s time, no matter how much she wants to.
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❝ it’s because of you it wasn’t worse, too. ❞ yerin reminds vivian, trying to lighten the mood and make vivian smile. ❝ they didn’t stand a chance at picking your locks. ❞ she hopes for a tease in response, any sign that vivian feels better.
❝ . . . are you okay?  ❞
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survival-and-magic · 1 year
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Things Winnie learned in The Constant.
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shadowedmagic-a · 2 years
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Assorted information about Maxwell/William’s SCP verse because brainrot momence fr!!!
The Codex Umbra is the primary SCP object, with Maxwell being considered a result of it and the Constant being a dimensional anomaly tied to it. It was initially classified as Euclid, although there are arguments made for a Keter designation.
William is the Codex's “host”, despite having been alive for decades without aging, it was only later on that he became conscious of this fact and alarmed.
He’s able to use the Codex for “magic tricks” involving shadow puppets, however -- primarily depending on how sleep deprived he is -- he’s able to use the Codex to do more significant tricks, such as levitation, teleportation and manipulation.
William falling asleep is considered to be the trigger event for more “dangerous” anomalous activities, such as kidnappings and various sightings across the world of an entity that resembles William  ( or rather, Maxwell )  as a solid black silhouette, as though a walking shadow.
It is unsure of other anomalous activities that had been reported -- such as shadow hands and shadow monsters -- are as a result of the Codex, or part of a larger problem.
Attempting to damage the Codex leads to little success, only serving to cause William to panic to point of breakdown. Opening it shows blank pages to anyone besides William. When William explains the book’s contents to others, he grows increasingly frantic. Recordings of his explanations become corrupted, and the people who listen finds themselves unable to understand and are later plagued by nightmares and minor hallucinations  ( similar to DST low sanity ).
William turned himself into the SCP Foundation at some point in hopes of better understanding his condition and what happened to his old assistant, Charlie. Differing from canon, William wasn't dragged into the Constant during the final show and only Charlie was.
When asked, he's unable to remember how exactly he came to know about the Foundation, mumbling something about a dream involving a black throne and eternal darkness.
“Maxwell” is the self-given name of the entity that occasionally takes over William. Though William believes Maxwell to merely be a stage name, “Maxwell” considers himself independent. He occasionally refers to himself as “Their King”, refusing to elaborate on this “Them”. Although further research has to be conducted to confirm whether or not Maxwell is a part of “Their” species, or merely a spokesperson born from William like a parasite.
In containment, Maxwell occasionally shows himself for questioning, but chooses to be purposefully vague or cryptic in his answers. While he doesn’t attempt to escape or harm researchers, he makes it clear that he could escape at anytime, if he so pleased. There is uncertainty behind the truth of his words. When asked why he chooses to remain in containment, Maxwell never gives a clear answer. Some leading theories involve the “Charlie” figure that brought William to the foundation in the first place.
Similar to SCP-035, he often knows more information about the person he’s holding a conversation with than was given, and may use it for flattery or psychological torture. Although, he only tends to “act out” when denied something he asked for -- such as cigars. Occasionally, William will mention something he shouldn’t know as well, such as asking someone if they were alright after a certain event whose existence he had no direct access to.
Though he remains in containment, “kidnappings” or other shadow/Codex related anomalies continue to occur on the outside. When questioned, William seems ignorant, but always forgets about it by the next time he's asked no matter how soon after.
However, occasionally when asked about some victims of the SCP, William vaguely mentions having known them in some fashion, despite no records existing of the two having met at the same time, or the meeting even being possible.
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little-buggy-boy · 2 years
Update on the Spinda Event and the polls!
Next week I am super busy but spring break is right after so the next set of polls will be made after next week! The event is coming along, I haven’t checked how many Spinda I have for trading but it’s a handful, that’s for sure!
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