#dry elemental
moneteres · 2 years
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Theurgic Quest 04: Warlock Malgaras
“Please consider, when all your earth is scorched, there is nothing more to fear losing. Pacts with forces beyond empathy are rigid, but may I suggest there is freedom to be found in surrender?”
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elliasnovember · 5 months
NEW STORY TEASER FROM RC OFFICIAL TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ysiromanceclub/status/1782801609531052507?s=4
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Prominently featured Black Characters?! LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO ‼️‼️🙌🏽🥳🥳💖
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kinnporsche · 1 year
so, i saw that poll going around asking who the ‘most toxic couple’ in kinnporsche was, and so many people in the notes were talking about kinn & porsche’s first time in the hotel bathroom with far more sinister language than vegas & pete’s first time in the safe house and i was just like. you know vegas & pete’s first time was super fucked up consent-wise, right? just because vegas tells pete (in an effort to goad him into action, might i add) that “it’s not fun if you don’t give in,” doesn’t mean their first time existed on a level playing field. the insane power dynamics between an abductor and abductee is not something to be pushed aside and written over. adventures in stockholm, anyone?
also, why are y’all pretending that vegas is someone who respects consent, anyways? like, is it simply because of that one line? what about his actions? because he said something similar to porsche in episode four (“a guy like me doesn’t like to force anyone”) while he was literally sexually assaulting him. vegas roofied porsche and touched him without his consent—kissing/sucking his neck in order to “leave a mark” for kinn to find—and we know vegas was going to do more because after porsche headbutts him (something he does not do to kinn later on, by the way), we see vegas getting angry and forcefully flipping porsche over on the bed before his guards warn him that kinn has been alerted and is on his way. i mean, the sexual implications of shoving porsche onto his front and then straddling him are really quite clear.
he even sexually assaults pete in the minor family’s torture room after electrocuting pete’s testicles and beating him with a baseball bat—he licks pete’s neck and touches his naked chest and ass despite pete’s protests. and this was done deliberately as part of the psychological and physical torture. why are y’all trying to convince yourselves he’s this paragon of virtue? like you’re getting rid of the most interesting part of vegas & pete’s relationship dynamic. they’re fucked up! it’s intriguing! you’re allowed to enjoy the fact that they’re fucked up! like, that’s what makes the trajectory of their story so interesting. stop turning them into something that they’re not, especially in an attempt to turn kinn & porsche’s relationship into something that it’s not.
all in all, both situations (kinn & porsche’s first time + vegas & pete’s first time) deal with varying levels of dubious consent. like, this is a show about the fucking mafia. all of the characters are morally gray. yes, they’re our blorbos, but they’re literal murderers. you can’t just accept one fucked up aspect of their lives while denouncing another. and pretending that vegas holds the moral high ground over kinn when it comes to his romantic and sexual encounters is fucking delusional. and i haven’t even mentioned his sexual/emotional manipulation of tawan yet (and i’m not going to because i don’t give a shit about tawan lmao, fuck tawan. but the point still stands!)
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20dollarlolita · 8 months
Good news: went to San Francisco with friends. Got to go to Baby and AP. Had a ton of fun. Bad news: dumped myself out of my wheelchair and into a San Francisco gutter in the middle of an intense storm RIGHT before going into Baby, was rushing to get to AP before they closed and forgot my side guards in my car, drove for a few hours to get home and the storm knocked out my power and water, and my JSK is a little, well
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That's a seat belt print. This is what happens when you get in a car in a wet cotton burbery JSK for a few hours. The socks might be saveable but they have actual mud on the bottoms from loading and unloading my chair at one point. I usually wash this dress myself but it's definitely going to the dry cleaner's with a note that says, "I'm sorry (btw this is wheelchair dirt so i'm DOUBLE sorry)" on it.
I can't even start to clean it yet because my house still doesn't have water. And I can't take it to my dry cleaner's because the entire city they're in doesn't yet have power. So, unless any of y'all out there can confirm that leaving it in the backyard to get rained on will help it, this dirt's just going to sit there until an act of god is done happening.
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I also can't start to clean it yet because my front yard looks like this, and while the Honda Fit is AMAZING for fitting my rigid wheelchair into the back without me needing to take off the wheels, it is actually notably bad at off-road traveling around fallen trees.
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writingmoth · 10 months
liking romantasy as an ace person who is more sex-indifferent than sex-favorable is so exhausting. there are all these books that look cool but the authors mostly market them based on spicy levels and spicy scenes and it does nothing for me so i just sit here like :| thats nice i guess haha
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btheleaf · 3 months
As a Pema fan and expert, I'm curious your opinion on how Pema takes so many people becoming airbenders but not her. I imagine her relationship to bending and particularly airbending is rather complicated. Thoughts?
First of all, thank you 😂 my obsession has granted me a new title it seems. Pema Expert :)
Answer under the cut
When Pema was a child, of course she wished we was born with an element. What kid doesn't? She was born in the Earth Kingdom and throwing rocks around is COOL.
As she got older, she saw the pressure that all the benders were under to try and master their elements or use them in their daily lives for work. She was born into a family of non benders and primarily surrounded herself with non benders. She harbored no resentment for benders but was glad she wasn't one. She just wanted to be herself and was content to be how she was.
Pema becomes an acolyte because she falls in love with the teachings of the air nation and their way of life. In the acolytes, she finds herself as a person, she finds freedom, she finds joy and happiness, and she finds Tenzin. Never once did she wish for an element when she was getting everything she ever wanted without one.
The only time she ever truly wished she was born with an element (as an adult) was once after Book 2. A spirit pulled Oogi into the ocean mid-flight, and she had to pull Tenzin from the water after he exhausted himself from rescuing the kids and trying to save Oogi. He wasn't responding to CPR, and in that moment she never wanted anything more in her entire life to be a waterbender. He coughed up the water eventually and didn't die, don't worry.
When Bumi first shows his element in Book 3, Pema is shocked at first and then very disturbed by the development. Bumi and her were the only nonbenders in the entire group, and now it's just her and the acolytes again. To her, he basically left her alone with all these damn benders.
She jokingly tells Bumi how uncool it is that they can't bond over being nonbenders anymore and Bumi just,, fully starts crying. Pema is shocked and confused as he breaks down and tells her that she deserves it more than him, that she should have been an airbender because she spent her life studying the culture. He's afraid that she'll resent him now because of it.
Pema smiles and hugs him and tells him that she doesn't want an element, even if it's air. She hardly has time to raise four young children and support Tenzin when he's nearly dying all the damn time running around on Avatar business. She doesn't have the desire or time to learn an element.
She tells him that she doesn't want that responsibility, and she's actually sorry the element fell to him because she knows that he's proud of his illustrious career in the UF as a nonbender. He cries even more when she says that, and that solidifies the fact that she doesn't want an element.
She's glad the harmonic convergence skipped over her.
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mer-se · 10 months
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december sucks. It’s ok. find a sunbeam to sit in whenever u can
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prototypelq · 7 months
....while I haven't played the ubisoft avatar game myself, or more accurately, I have obsessively played the x360 one, I doubt it could be better than the Ancient Forest of Monster Hunter World.
I have. Never seen a jungle location be this layered, vertical and complex, while also remaining extremely readable. Like, there'a and easy route around the map and insides of a giant tree in the center of it, to act as a crossing or shortcut. However, the actual map is... so much more detailed than just this.
There are vine swing-jumping sections which open up new pathways for you, there are less noticeable vines to climb, which reveal new arboreal pathways ahead. There is an entire 'jungle-catwalk' section right near the dragon nest at the top of the giant tree. You cannot navigate these additional paths with map, it is much more simple and natural just to remember them and trust your memory on this.
It's just I have spawned in a rainy weather for the first time, and started exploring these vines, and this has been THE Avatar experience. Honestly no other game has ever made a more natural and interesting forest to explore than this one.
I genuinely did not anticipate this level of detail, beauty and meticulous attention to everything from a game about exterminating dinodragons. I picked it up for the Monster Hunter part of it the title, but let me tell you the World part is the actual gem of the game for me, I am in love with this.
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#the joy i felt when getting through the jungle vine-swinging and exploring all while it was raining is hard to properly convey#i am super glad this is the time i stumbled into this game cause i needed exactly that#weapon upgrade tree is still stupid tho#but yeah otherwise im loving this game very very much#i want to spend an entire day petting jagras i love them#pukei the trashchild i despise and love hunting you#also that one riverbed near barroth with the flowers? i want to spend my vacation there it is so peaceful and gorgeous#thankfully the mudmonsters didn't trample the flowers#i succesfully stole a dragon egg yay i have no idea why i did it#this is very much a conquistador simulator you get to enjoy the unconwuered lands while simultaneously extracting them dry and bringing#extinction to everything living in there thankfully this is a game and it is fun but sometimes it still rubs me wrong#well learn the real monsters were humans all along#(ive heard that the lore suggests the mh organisations are actually very aware of ecological repercussions however this is not felt in game#monster hunter world#mh world#mhw#btw my cat squire is very stupid he always turns away from the camera literally always#guess thats what i get for naming him rootbeer i still love my little gremlin son he helps out a lot#unrelated - I would rather uninstall then game than ever change that skull helmet#i do really dislike that some elemental damage requires iron weapons because of that#i dont mind iron weapons but cmon insect glaive has my buddy on it he would be much more comfortable on a bone handle
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sun-marie · 7 months
Pallegina Deadfire Portrait Consistency Mod
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Vanilla Deadfire Pallegina (Left)
Updated Deadfire Pallegina (Middle)
Vanilla PoE1 Pallegina (Right)
Pallegina's Deadfire portrait has few notable changes from her PoE1 portrait, namely smaller hair and a slightly lighter skin tone. In my eyes, this makes it a little bit harder to connect the two as the same character, so I thought I'd try my hand at tweaking it.
Some changes include:
Brighter, rounder eyes with larger pupils
Slightly darker skintone to match her PoE1 portrait
Removed lipstick
Made her hair larger and gave the ends a lighter-brown highlight
Rounded out some of the feathers around her eyes
Adjusted the angle her facial features
I made this for personal use so the changes aren't perfect, but I tried to keep the them minimal and true to Deadfire's original style, so I figured I'd share in case anyone else was interested!
Also includes an attempt at Watercolor portraits!
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Download Here
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gazelessmenagerie · 26 days
@dragvnsovl || Previous
A shiver crossed down his spine all the way to the tip of his tail, the soft brown fur puffing up as it swayed in gentle rhythms. Stroking his ego had been the awaited spark to a fuse lying dormant, sizzling into a slow burning fire spurred by the invitation poised at him. Soft, tender flesh exposed to him, the desire of that hand burrowing into the dark seas swallowing it. The sensitivity of his nose picked up on the building pheromones, causing a tongue to begin craving the sweet taste of salt ridden flesh. Rough hands took their time to clasp around a softer body, throat thrumming with a louder vibration as he heard his name.
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Quiet and gentle.. the way he wanted to begin as he started to nip along the soft, freckled shape of the Rabbit's shoulder. Occasional licks of a textured tongue lightly scraped, slowly easing to that tender veil of a neck to latch his mouth and suckle.
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wait im kinda verging on something, like a bowuigi hc ig regarding "matchmaker kamek".
Where, the reason kamek even begins accepting luigi into the fold, is because he remembers taking care of baby luigi back in super mario world 2 (ykno, bc /someone/ had to keep baby luigi alive while kamek waited on the capture of baby mario).
I myself havent seen that game all the way through but yeah i just enjoy this half formed hc of kamek having become attached to both these people (bowser /and/ luigi) since they were babies, but ofc luigi was rescued and so the feels only hit kamek once they're face to face again now that luigi is an adult 🥺
Basically, it's hard for kamek to not view luigi as a son (in law) now that he sees the potential relationship between him and bowser, and sets out to make it happen the (mostly) legal way 😆
(also, its cute in a twisted sort of way that luigi ends up in their domain due to being kidnapped both times, first by kamek and now by bowser 💀)
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sysig · 7 months
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Everyone needs a sugar-sweet mergirlfriend! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#The Mouse and the Mermaid#Just Desserts#Continuing the mermaid theme - I was curious how Soda would look as a Mercandy and hm well lol#I wonder if there's a specific ship dynamic I like between land-dwellers and mercreatures! Lol#As always it's fun to interpret non-JD characters into the Just Desserts universe <3#Pop is a multi-tiered wedding cake! :D So fancy and special!#Probably just a small one but shhh she's a mouse she'll never know the difference#I love her gloves hehe <3#There aren't any anthros in Just Desserts :0 I think she'd be looked at weird haha#They probably Could exist they just don't currently#Go and mope at the lake where the pretty half-animal ladies swim around!#Actually now that I think of it that is also probably an element of why most mercandies are avoided lol#Other than the fact that they're Eldritch to residents living in the equivalent of acid lakes and all that lol#Gotta be very careful and dry off completely before a smooch! Burning kisses huh#Hmmm now that makes me want to think about the water cycle and the natural variations of sugar-water hmmmm#I've mentioned before that when a mercandy dies her body is broken down into the surrounding water until it's eventually saturated#I guess new mercandies are ''born'' when another dies in a fully saturated lake haha - she breaks apart into Jellyfish (hehe) and a new egg#Little sugar crystal egg <3 Cuute#Ahem anyway!#I think Soda looks lovely as a mercandy <3 She'd look so stunning with the sun streaming through her! Lit up from the inside out literally#I do like the shape differences she has from Honey&EasterNest's girlfriend haha - their ear-fins especially :)#And Soda lacks the signature sharp teeth haha - ''How do you defend yourself??'' ''🙂 🤫’‘ ‘‘????’‘ lol#The real answer is that she headbutts and fin-slaps but that's only in her normal body lol#Mercandy are blown sugar! They're a bit more fragile! They need to be sharp to slice! It'd be quite a cultural shock haha
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redbean-nom · 8 months
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#redbean art#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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meirimerens · 1 year
going through pdfs and an autism moment the levels of which you've never seen and i'm reminded of the multiple buryat creation myths in which the lake (baikal) plays such an important role (because. they live here) and in which the buryats are descendants of swans... and thinking about how patho (inspired by this culture among others) completely lacks both A Lake and anything related to swans, with birds appearing as the muu shubuun "wicked birds" (another mongolic + turkic (mu shuvuu) folklore figure that is different in patho than it is irl)(i would say. yeah obviously), plague-bearers, etc. you got the Gorkhon which is river and not lake, which could be an equivalence, but rivers & lakes typically have different places in animist beliefs, often have different gender identifications as well, and the Kin does not have the same relationship to the river as the people of the region have with Baikal...
also the concept of sky-dwellers/sky-divers/generally Brother There's Something Up There with the head of the pantheon/all-progenitor being sky-bound ("the heavens" comes up often) is almost completely absent from the Kin's religious background, and most of the -dwelling is one in/within the Earth, with Bos Turokh literally being the land and Boddho being explicitely an earth-mother-goddess, and rather it being Suok associated with air.
that's fascinating how this like very prominent part of mongolic culture, whether attributed to Tengri or to Lama for the buddhist parts of it or Esege/Esege Malan is absent from the Kin's culture that's inspired by those and almost flipped on its head completely.
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cloud-somersault · 10 months
Sorry, I just feel like the prose should have a personality 🤷
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beeapocalypse · 25 days
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stepping away from this bc of a fuckoff headache. very rough idea for river drake armor sans the gnarly bladed helmet that would act as primary weapon and maybe some bladed front feet gauntlets
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