#druidry 101
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txst-psf · 5 years ago
Druidry and Irish Polytheism 101
Hi all!
I know this time of isolation and global crisis is wildly boring and stressful, so hopefully a few informative posts will help to keep you busy and distracted! Remember to practice tons of self care, and keep a regular cleaning schedule to stay healthy. I love you all!
- Wren
See below the read more break for Druidry 101!
DISCLAIMER: this is my own personal understanding and experience with Druidry (based on research, but still filtered through my perspective), so, like with all research you do, take this with a grain of salt! I consider myself an Irish Polytheist Reconstructionist as well, so this article will be based on Irish Druidry in particular.
First off, let’s explore what “reconstructionism” is. Reconstructionism is looking to history and finding (to the best of our ability) the practices ancient practitioners used and recreating the tradition as if it had evolved naturally with time. Not all Pagans/Druids/witches are reconstructionists, and that’s perfectly valid! If you know me or have heard any of my workshops before, you know how much I love research, and that’s partly because of the reconstructionist approach I take to my practice. I like to know why I do the things I do in the way that I do them, as well as the most “authentic” way to practice and honor my deities (for lack of a better word! Other approaches to Paganism and witchcraft are valid as well, it all depends on the practitioner. No two paths are the same, and that’s part of the beauty of Paganism and magic!).
That being said, the history of Druidry is complicated and muddy, due to the stark lack of primary sources. A lot of the information we have is filtered through a prejudiced Roman or Christian perspective, so we have to sift through the resources we do have very carefully to try to piece together the true history of Druidry and ancient Celtic practices. It’s also enough content to warrant several other posts... So let me know if you’d like to hear more about it and how Druids fit into ancient society (and if you just can’t wait, a good start is researching the four cycles of Irish mythology)!
For now, I’ll focus on what my favorite author (Morgan Daimler) considers to be “commonly held beliefs” in Irish Reconstructionist Polytheism, “...polytheism, animism, belief in honoring spirits and ancestors, immortality of the soul, and shared cosmology.”
Polytheism and Animism
Polytheism is the belief in more than one deity, or a pantheon of deities, and animism is the belief that everything has a soul/spirit. Irish Reconstructionist Pagans believe in and/or worship Irish deities, otherworldly spirits, land spirits, and ancestral spirits, often through offerings, stories, prayers, and song. There are several landmarks in Ireland (wells, rivers, trees, boulders, mounds, etc.) that ancient Irish folks held to be sacred spaces with their own spirit and personalities.
Belief in Honoring Spirits and Ancestors
There’s a loose hierarchy of spirits, depending on who you ask. First, there are land spirits, the physical, topographical features I was describing earlier. They’re thought to be fairly sedentary and tied to their respective feature, rarely traveling far away from it. They have their own personalities, which can be malicious, especially if associated with a place that’s perceived to be dangerous, and usually have myths about their danger.
Next, there are sovereign spirits. These are like land spirits, but with a larger area associated with them, from a field to cities to sometimes entire counties in Ireland. They’re perceived as guardians of the land spirits in their area, and can travel a bit farther from their spot, but rarely do. They’re said to occasionally take the form of a person or animal to communicate with folks that can see them, and can also communicate through visions or dreams.
Higher up the hierarchy are the Fae, or faeries, Good Neighbors, Fair Folk, Other Crowd, daoine sidhe, aos sidhe... etc. According to another of my favorite authors, O hOgain: “In Irish lore the Fair Folk live in the land, on the sea, and in the air, being associated with the mounds, stone circles, watery locations including the sea and bogs, caverns, and strange swirls of wind, as well as specific trees, especially lone hawthorn trees.” Working with the Good Neighbors is generally an important aspect of Druidry. Honoring them can be incredibly rewarding if you can get on their good side and strike up a safe deal with them. They’ll teach you magic and healing, enhance artistic performance, and bring good luck and blessing. It’s important to note that a relationship with the Good Neighbors should be based on respect and friendship, not what you want from them. I could write several posts about the Good Neighbors, but for now, I’ll leave it at this: be very careful, and very respectful when dealing with the Fae. Like with any practice, be sure to do your research before jumping into it.
Fourth, we have ancestors! Since this tradition generally believes in the immortality of the soul, it’s only natural that we’d honor our ancestors. They’re probably one of the easiest spirits to commune with, since they’re closer to us and have an established interest in us and our well-being. A lot of folks have ancestor shrines and celebrate holidays with their ancestors when they come back to visit. It’s also important to note that our ancestors don’t have to be blood relatives! Some folks prefer to count family friends or chosen family members who have passed on as their ancestors, or even mythic heroes.
Immortality of the Soul
Some myths mention reincarnation into animals, like Lebor na hUidre and Tochmarc Etain. This is debated, but some believe that the mortal dead can join the Good Neighbors. Other than that, I truly have no idea where souls go between lives. It’s fairly debated, and from my understanding, not well known. There are several possibilities: Tech Duinn (the house of Donn), Tír Tairngire (Land of Promise), Tír fo Thuinn (Land under the Wave), Mag Mell (Plane of Delight), and Tír na nÓg (Land of Youth), to name a few. Basically, we have no clue where we’re gonna end up, but we do know that we’ll keep on goin’!
Shared Cosmology
First off, what is cosmology? Basically, it’s the understanding of the universe, how and why it works, and how it'll end. We have something close to an end of the world story, which is the Morrigan’s second prophecy in the Cath Maige Tuired, but we don’t have much of a creation story, as far as I know. We do have hints that some folks have tried to fill in the holes for, like Lebor Gabala Erenn, where the world is divided into 5 (five being the number that implied a sacred whole) sections, each representing important qualities to the ancient Celts.
According to druidry.org, North was for battle and conflict, represented by fire, the sword, and the eagle. East was for prosperity, represented by earth, riches and bees, and the salmon. South was for creativity and intuition, represented by water, music and poetry, and the sow. West was for intellect and remembrance, represented by air, learning and teaching, and the stag. The center was thought to complete the ritual space, and was for “mastery and rulership.” It was usually represented by a stone and the Mare of Sovereignty.
The ancient Irish invented the wheel of the year, and believed in two seasons, the light half of the year (Summer) and the dark half of the year (Winter). Summer began with Bealtaine/Beltane (pronounced kind of like bee-YELL-ten-uh in Irish), and Winter began with Samhain (pronounced s-OW-ehn).
They also believed in a threefold world, represented by the triskele/triskelion, three spirals connected at the center. The three spirals represented the three realms (the sea, the land, and the sky), and the middle, where they all meet, represents the center or the sacred fire.
The sea, and some bodies of water, were believed to be connected/portals to the Otherworld, as the various otherworlds were generally thought of as islands across the sea. The land was the physical world, inhabited by our Kindreds - other people. The sky was the realm of the Gods, or Shining Ones, from which they watch over the world. Offerings were often made in sacred fires, as the belief was that the smoke would carry the offering to the Gods.
The three realms are also represented as energy centers in the body. We call them the cauldron of the mind, of the heart, and of the belly. The cauldron of the mind holds our wisdom, and is upside down at birth. It’s turned upwards through learning and spirituality. The cauldron of the heart holds our emotions and artistry, and is sideways at birth. It’s turned upwards through artistic mastery and emotional maturity. The cauldron of the belly holds our health, and is upright in a healthy person, sideways in a sick person, and turned upside down at death.
I’d like to reiterate that this is by no means a complete guide to Druidry! I’m not an authority on the subject either, just a gal who reads a lot. Regardless, I hope this helps someone in their path!
- Wren
Irish Paganism: Reconstructing Irish Polytheism by Morgan Daimler
Chris Godwin, Senior Druid for Hearthstone Grove, ADF
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breelandwalker · 4 years ago
Hex Positive - Year One
On May 1st, 2020, I embarked on a new project - a podcast based in practical secular witchcraft which combined advice for practitioners, discussion of the modern witchcraft movement, and the history behind our practices. Needless to say, it's been a RIDE!
Starting in June, we begin Year Two, so now's a great time to get caught up. Whether you're just beginning to listen or want to revisit some old favorites, here's the episode listing for Year One of Hex Positive and the Witch Ways minisodes. All of these (plus lots of bonus eps) are available on your favorite podcatcher and the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network site.
Remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts, check out my Patreon, and recommend the show to your witchy friends and neighbors. The more, the merrier!
Hex Positive Episodes
Ep. 001 - Welcome to the Table
Ep. 002 - What Is A Witch?
Ep. 003 - Hex Positive
Ep. 004 - Advice for Beginner Witches
Ep. 005 - They Blinded Me With SCIENCE...Denial (Guest Host: Trae Dorn)
Ep. 006 - Come In For A Spell, pt. 1
Ep. 007 - Come In For A Spell, pt. 2
Ep. 008 - Things That Go Bump, pt. 1 (Guest Host: Jenn aka The Ouija Girl)
Ep. 009 - Things That Go Bump, pt. 2
Ep. 010 - Personal Traditions with Kai (Guest Host: Kai of Witchcraft For The Restless)
Ep. 011 - Secular Celebrations
Ep. 012 - Witching From The Broom Closet
Ep. 013 - Consent and Modern Love Magic
Ep. 014 - American Druidry with Dana O'Driscoll (Guest Host: Dana O'Driscoll)
Ep. 015 - Let's Get Wyrd with Lozzie Stardust (Guest Host: Lozzie Stardust)
Ep. 016 - Listener Questions Episode
Witch Ways Episodes
Witch Ways 01 - Bree's Banishing Powder
Witch Ways 02 - Seven-Year Bath
Witch Ways 03 - The Water of Life
Witch Ways 04 - Sickroom Salt
Witch Ways 05 - Don Thy Armor
Witch Ways 06 - Blackberry and Thyme
Witch Ways 07 - More Flies With Honey
Witch Ways 08 - Ornament Charms
Witch Ways 09 - Threshold Powder
Witch Ways 10 - Apple Of My Eye
Witch Ways 11 - Simple Joys Powder
Witch Ways 12 - Not On My Watch Vinegar
Witch Ways 13 - Straw Into Gold
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ardenti-luna · 2 years ago
so, @apollowritesstuff asked for some information on paganism and the like after i posted a graphic of pagan holidays/celebrations. this is a short introduction to paganism and druidism—keep in mind that paganism is super diverse, so people follow it in a lot of different ways, and this is just my 'take' on it.
when people describe themselves as pagan, they most likely follow a religion more accurately described as neopaganism or modern paganism. it stems from Celtic and Roman religions, but after the roman empire, it was often applied to anyone who wasn't Christian.
modern paganism is split into many different branches or ways of practicing paganism, and i'll talk about a few of the main ones below. however, in general, paganism focuses on the divineness of the earth, the universe, and nature. paganism doesn't necessarily worship a select divine being(s), and unlike most religions it doesn't follow a sacred text. modern paganism also draws possible inspiration from north African and Dharmic religions, although this is often left out of paganism and it's history. modern paganism is very confusing to explain, because not only are the different 'branches' of paganism wildly different, but within each branch the way individuals practice is very diverse as well.
personally, i consider myself a druid or a druid pagan. druidism focuses very closely on the physical aspects of the earth and nature. it focuses on worshipping the sanctity of the natural world, and in a modern setting it often leans towards environmentalism and a rejection of consumerism. some druid pagans are polytheistic, but i personally hold no belief in a divine being, but rather the divinity of nature and the universe.
people who are Wiccan are often the people you see practicing on tiktok and other social media apps. wicca is also called pagan witchcraft, and the term wiccan has derivations in the words witchcraft and witch. wiccans often worship some higher power(s), and there is a strong emphasis on the practice of magic as a kind of law of nature. wiccans view their magical practices as a force for good, such as healing and protection.
heathenism or (contemporary) germanic paganism is a branch of paganism that often worships multiple deities. in heathenism, rather than being seen as infallible, these gods are represented in a personified light, with strengths and weaknesses. these gods often come from Scandinavian and anglo-saxan sources. heathenism had a slightly darker past, with a rise in the early 1900's of people trying to keep heathenism to only ethnically and racially white people. it also seems to have been involved in the rise of the nazi party. however, nowadays, most people following heathenism place emphasis on strong ethics, including integrity and honor, and the religion is seen as much more open.
please correct me if i am wrong with any of my info, as i don't know a lot about other branches of paganism! there are also many, many more apart from the three i described, but i hope this post gives a good introduction.
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minnesotadruids · 3 years ago
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Oakdale Grove’s Spiritual Retreat... 
This last weekend, eleven of Oakdale Grove’s members attended our “Recharge Retreat” at Willow River State Park in western Wisconsin. The daytime weather was room-temperature to warm but nice and dry, and the nighttime weather was chilly jacket weather for sure. I had two wool blankets on Friday night and I was still shivering and had surreal dreams about trying to fall asleep in a tent. I only knew they were dreams because key details kept changing. 
On Saturday night I lent a third wool blanket to a grovemate who was camping in a hammock. I almost did that on Friday night because it was hard enough to fall asleep. It turns out he too was awake for much of the night, so I could have approached him with the extra blanket on Friday but I didn’t want to disturb him.
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Our Grove’s Preceptor held a class on Meditation on Saturday morning where we all took notes, then dispersed for a short while to practice our technique before we came back together to journal about what we observed with all of our senses. After lunch we had an open format discussion on the history, philosophy, and structure of Reformed Druidism which lasted into our dinner party which was a whiskey & charcuterie potluck. The Jack Daniels Original Tennessee Honey turned out to be my favorite of the five or six spirits we sampled. It was smoothest and sweet, and tasted better than one of the two more expensive spirits I had brought.
We had an initiation into the Order of Hephaestus, yeah technically that’s a Greek fire god but within the RDNA it truly exists. Our Flamekeeper Ross was ordained to that level of the priesthood and leapt over the fire nine times while chanting to Hephaestus. The badge of office for the Order of Hephaestus is a yellow ankle cuff. There was also an initiation into the Order of Ogmios, the Gaulish god of eloquence and deep wisdom. The order is reserved for members of the RDNA priesthood who are educators, mentors, motivational speakers, and tutors. Our Preceptor Courtney who has worked in education and is a mentor was ordained to the priesthood of Ogmios on this occasion. The badge of office is a golden masonic style “v-neck” collarette with a book pendant.
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The Third Order: The Order of Dalon Ap Landu:
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Saturday night I actually didn’t even try to sleep, because two of Oakdale Grove’s Second Order druids had been preparing for the priesthood for several years. They had their All-Night Vigil which I served as Vigil Warden for to make sure they conducted their rite of passage correctly. Everything went well, and at dawn they were individually ordained to the priesthood of the Reformed Druids of North America. Their first official sacrifices of their priesthood were made, and the omen was a resounding affirmation from all four directions, and they consecrated the Waters-of-Life in Dalon Ap Landu’s name with recognized authority for the first time. 
They received their red and white ribbons: the prescribed badge of office for the Order of Dalon Ap Landu into which they entered triumphantly on that morning. Usually the presiding priest is not moved to tears by the proceedings, but it was a moment of great pride and I ended up crying during the most esoteric parts of each ordination. It’s more common for the ordainee to be brought to tears but let’s just gloss over the fact that yes that was also the case, moving on.
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After the sunrise ordinations it was time to have breakfast together. I think I laid down for fifteen minutes before I got back up and went into the next planned event of the morning, which was on Bardic Expression. We had a lesson on making art with found objects which not only creates something unique but also keeps items from going into landfills. It’s great for reusing, upcycling, or cleaning up otherwise unwanted things. There were painted cans and painted rocks, and my favorite was one by a grovemate who made a highly detailed representation of a moon goddess:
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After this last session, it was time to pack up and break camp. We went our separate ways, and the two new ordainees to the Third Order (as well as myself) went to our respective homes and to bed to recover from the Recharge Retreat.
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witchyintention · 4 years ago
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Druid, member of the learned class among the ancient Celts. They acted as priests, teachers, and judges. According to Julius Caesar, who is the principal source of information about the Druids. The Druids of old were of the Celtic peoples – yet today one can be called a Druid without any Celtic ancestry.  Within Druidry, they honour the ancestors in a triad – ancestors of blood, of land and of tradition.  
The earliest known records of the Druids come from the 3rd century BCE. Their name may have come from a Celtic word meaning “knower of the oak tree.” Very little is known for certain about the Druids, who kept no records of their own. However, modern druids honour the land upon which they live, work to live in tune with the natural cycles of life, and live a life that is filled with honour, integrity and truth.  These latter three haven’t changed much over the course of millennia; they are still pretty much the same as they always were. 
Honour is living with great respect for yourself and for the world, for living a life filled with integrity and truth. Integrity is having the will to stand for what you believe in, even through the darkest nights of the soul.  It is standing strong though buffeted by high winds; it is living your soul truth.  Truth is living in accordance to the natural principle of life; it is finding your place in life and not working out of the bounds that our own bodies and souls are bound to in this life.  It is living in accordance with the natural world.
Today, Druids seek to sacrifice ignorance and to learn all that they can about their place in the world.  A Druid might be inspired to heal with herbs, and learn all that he can about that path. Another might be a park ranger, working to protect wildlife. Honestly the possibilities are endless. But what do they all have in common? Easy they all are constantly learning.
When I was looking up things to write this I didn't find much. I reached out to a few groups I am in and to no avail I was unable to find someone following the path. So if you, or someone you know, happens to be following this path for several years allow me to pick your brain on the topic. I am a rather curious soul.
What is the path like?
~ It is, at least my experience in the OBOD, is a very myth based, self driven path that you walk at your own pace. You’re given a set of coursework to read, with stories and history and whatnot to draw from and then practical work today. Mostly meditations and journaling with themes from the reading.
What are some of the key learning points?
~ While I can’t divulge the actual coursework itself, it is all based in Celtic myth and legend, history, practical work as well as other mystical ideologies (the elements, the idea of deities, magic, learning from myths and legends)
What sets it apart from other paths?
~ for me, is that the base idea resonates with me. That we are constantly growing and changing and ever becoming. To call myself a Druid is true to a point. But I an always working toward becoming a Druid, a better Druid. The work at my own pace is also nice as I have a busy life, and the Themes and myths the OBOD work with also vibe very well with me.
How did you get into it?
~ I’ve always had a very eclectic practice. And one day a friend and I were talking about our practices and she said “that sounds a lot like druidry!” So I had no idea at the time but I looked it up, looked into it, and it was basically what I’d been doing all along.
How did it help you?
~ I’ve found a great deal of the introspection from the practical prompts to be extremely helpful. I’ve learned about the world. About myself. About other people. And all the connections between those things.
How can someone else get into it?
~ Well there are several druidry organizations out there. From the ADF to the OBOD to the Canadian order. It’s all about finding which one vibes well with you. Though a good starting point for anyone would be John Greer’s book “the druidry handbook”
One of the most important questions. Is druidry a closed practice?
~ Yes and no. The OBOD asks that we don’t share detailed info about the coursework with non members. But that isn’t a true closed practice. What druidry is today is extremely different from what it once was. As it was an oral tradition and most of not all of the true druids were killed off. So what we have is what is remembered through stories and Myths and other cultures memories of the druids. Anyone can be a Druid, though.
Thanks to @greywoodgrimoire for letting me throw a bunch of questions at him about Druidry.
OBOD, The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids or OBOD is a Neo-Druidic organisation based in England, but based in part on the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards. 
ADF, Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, Inc. is a non-profit religious organization dedicated to the study and further development of modern Druidry. In Modern Irish, Ár nDraíocht Féin means "our own magic". "ADF" is also used to represent the phrase A Druid Fellowship.
Writen By: Reine Alicis, March 5, 2021
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motherofmoonthread · 5 years ago
spell tip
Hello, witches!
If another practitioner knows exactly how you've executed a spell, it makes it very easy for them to undo it. This applies to wards, sell jars, sigils, and anything else. If you use a spell another witch has created, or share a spell with other witches via tumblr, TikTok, or whatever, I recommend you always add or remove something from your actual spellwork to avoid this problem. Not only is magic more powerful when you personalize it, but your magic will be more difficult to dismantle if you do things this way.
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kreechure · 7 years ago
Hmm how does one go about getting into/learning about druidry..? 
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omnistpilgrim · 3 years ago
I've resolved to study and re-read more spiritual texts this year (starting 2022), and share quotes I like. (note that this isn't meant to be a list of recommendations, just a record. not all of these have been spiritually edifying to me.) List of what I've read so far:
Anglicanism/ Episcopalianism
The Book of Common Prayer
The Dhammapada- translation by Eknath Easwaran
Peace is Every Step- Thich Nhat Hanh
Radical Acceptance- Tara Brach
The Faith Explained- Leo J Trese
Theology For Beginners- Frank Sheed
True Devotion to Mary- Louis de Montfort
The Modern Saints- Gracie Morbitzer
The Secret of the Rosary- Louis de Montfort
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is My Body, This is My Blood- Bob & Penny Lord
Good News About Sex & Marriage- Christopher West
The Story of A Soul- St Therese of Lisieux
Christianity (general)
The New Testament
The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis
The Heart of Christianity- Marcus J Borg
God Can't- Thomas J Oord
Mere Christianity- CS Lewis
The Wisdom Jesus- Cynthia Bourgeault
The Universal Christ- Richard Rohr
The Case For Christ- Lee Strobel
The Great Divorce- CS Lewis
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul- John Philip Newell
Searching for Sunday- Rachel Held Evans
Unlearning God- Phillip Gulley
Saving Jesus From the Church- Robin R Meyers
Christianity (biblical analysis)
Inspired- Rachel Held Evans
What is the Bible? - Rob Bell
The Uncensored Bible- Kaltner, Kilpatrick, & McKenzie
The Gay Gospels- Keith Sharpe
The Bible Doesn't Say That- Joel M Hoffman
The Sins of Scripture- John Shelby Spong
Paul and Jesus- James D Tabor
Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World- John Shelby Spong
Forged- Bart D Ehrman
Jesus, Interrupted- Bart D Ehrman
Zealot- Reza Aslan
Jezebel- Lesley Hazleton
101 Myths of the Bible- Gary Greenberg
Divine Feminine
The Way of the Rose- Clark Strand & Perdita Finn
Missing Mary- Charlene Spretnak
Circle of Mysteries- Christine Lore Weber
The Goddess in the Gospels- Margaret Starbird
Now is the Hour of Her Return- Clark Strand
Waking Up to the Dark- Clark Strand
Wild Mercy- Mirabai Starr
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar- Margaret Starbird
Goddess: 50 Goddesses, Spirits, Saints and Other Female Figures Who Have Shaped Belief- Ramírez & Walsh
Druidry/ Celtic Paganism
The Book of Hedge Druidry- Joanna van der Hoeven
The Druidry Handbook- John Michael Greer
The Druid Path- John Michael Greer
The Book of Celtic Myths- Jennifer Emmick
Forest Magic- Nikki Van De Car
Sacred Nature- Karen Armstrong
Filianism/ Déanism
The Gospel of Our Mother God
Hellenistic Paganism
The Iliad- Homer
The Odyssey- Homer
Mythology- Edith Hamilton
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths- Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
The Bhagavad Gita- translation by Barbara Stoler Miller
The Upanishads- translation by Eknath Easwaran
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Hinduism- Rasamandala Das
Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction- Kim Knott
The Qur'an- translation by Abdullah Yusufali
The Tanakh
When Bad Things Happen to Good People- Harold S Kushner
The Book of Mormon
Norse Paganism/ Heathenry
Norse Mythology- Neil Gaiman
Hávamál- from the Poetic Edda
D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths- Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Paganism (general) / Wicca
The Spiral Dance- Starhawk
Paganism- Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Drawing Down the Moon- Margot Adler
The Path of a Christian Witch- Adelina St Clair
Tarot Fundamentals- Sasha Graham
Astrology- Carole Taylor
Tarot Magic- Donald Tyson
Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Book of Shadows- Scott Cunningham
The Witch's Book of Power- Devin Hunter
The Deep Heart of Witchcraft- David Salisbury
A Book of Pagan Prayer- Ceisiwr Serith
Faith and Practice- Baltimore Yearly Meeting
A Testament of Devotion- Thomas R Kelly
Living the Quaker Way- Philip Gulley
A Quaker Book of Wisdom- Robert Lawrence Smith
Letters to a Fellow Seeker- Steve Chase
Poems from the Sikh Sacred Tradition- Guru Nanak
The Tao Te Ching- translation by Stephen Mitchell
The Tao of Pooh- Benjamin Hoff
Other/ Interfaith/ General Theism
A World of Prayer- edited by Rosalind Bradley
The Interfaith Prayer Book- compiled by Ted Brownstein
God of Love- Mirabai Starr
A New Earth- Eckhart Tolle
How to Believe in God- Clark Strand
Holy Envy- Barbara Brown Taylor
The Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle
Atheism and the Case Against Christ- Matthew S McCormick
Letter to a Christian Nation- Sam Harris
Why I Became an Atheist- John W Loftus
God is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
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tardigraded20 · 5 years ago
Witchy Questions
1. Are you solitary or in a coven? -solitary, you think i have time for humans? 2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? -Idk someone who said fuck other religions and said revive the old gods 3. What is your zodiac sign? -Gemini 4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? -I don’t, but I am open to it 5. Do you work with a Pantheon? -No, but I am looking into the norse pantheon  6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination? -tarot and rune stones 7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) -bergamont and I use incense 8. How would you define your craft? -idk i diy religion  9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? -No, i haven't tried but I would if i was motivated for it 10. How long have you been practicing? -5 years? I guess? I don’t count 11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? -lmao i wish 12. Do you believe in Karma or Reincarnation? -Karma yes, I am not sure about reincarnation 13. Do you have a magical name? -how do you find that? 14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? -Yeah, but im not sure how much my dad thinks im serious   15. What was the last spell you performed? -A positivity jar  16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? -about mythology yes but actual witchcraft? Kinda.  17. Do you write your own spells? -im not that original lol  18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up? -I do but its kinda just a book i occasionally write in  19. Do you worship nature? -somewhat, but its not a focus  20. What is your favorite gemstone? -umbalite and labradorite 21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? -feathers and naturally fell from a bird  22. Do you have an altar? -yes 23. What is your preferred element? -fire 24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? -no 25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? -idk  26. What got you interested in witchcraft? -lmao percy jackson 27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? -no 28. Have you ever used Ouija? -Yup, at school in the hallway  29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? -pfft no 30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? -no, but I am looking into it 31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? -Not everything is black and white, you can do your own thing 32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? -Yeah, although mildly. My favorite is Samhain 33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? -yes but i would never force it on them 34. Do you meditate? -I try too but not often    35. What is your favorite season? -autumn 36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? -Nature based magic 37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? -Appreciate nature  38. What is your favorite witchy movie? -Kiki's Delivery Service 39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? -The Raven Boys because it is fucking amazing 40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. -some shitty rain spell from a childs book 41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? -when i was in Senior Kindergarten I saw a “fairy” 42. What is your favorite type of candle to use? -beesewax 43. What is your favorite witchy tool? -candles 44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? -I use a rock to grind shit because i dont have a pestle and mortar  45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fae or spirits? -I want to try working with fae but I need to learn more 46. Do you practice color magic? -yes, a bit 47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? -No, I think? I have older online witchy people I talk to but no mentor 48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? -In person, but somethings you can only get online 49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? -I guess? I think that life has a story that gives you options and a new story starts on what you choose, kinda like an RPG 50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? -Read into it and appreciate it more 51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? -yes, at my grandmas funeral     52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? -”I CAn PrAcTiCe CLoSEd ReligIoNs If i aM rEsPeCtFul” 53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? -bergamont    54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? -no but I should 55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? -spilling wax on myself    56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? -not burning the house down    57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? -chanting shit in my room    58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? -yup    59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? -of course, its dealing with things that dont have 100% safety measures    60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? -lmao I one day want to be a teacher but I never feel knowledgeable enough for that     61. What is something witch related that you want right now? -my own pestle and mortar    62. What is your rune of choice? - Hagalaz   63. What is your tarot card of choice? -the empress    64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? -Lemongrass 65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? -no   66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? -Yup, I have a cheap ass pentagram necklace    67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? 68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? -no because I am poor and where would I find one?    69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? -yes 70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? -those scared looks that karens give you, even though you are eating cupcakes and smiling    71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? -the amount of people who keep on trying to make you christian      72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? -heatherdale    73. Do you celebrate the sabbats? If so, how? -yes, by lighting candles and making tea 74. Do you ever work skyclad? -I want to be but nooo 75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? -makes me happier 76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? -other witches and what makes me happy 77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) -The fae yes, but like celtic like ones 78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? -I have none    79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? -No, because I am not ready for it   80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? -Hahahaha no, if you dont respect my religion I dont have time for you    81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? -meditation and divination     82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? -beesewax 83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? -have a bath 84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? @spellchased 85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? -meditation and a yes-no pendulum 86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? -in jars and by aesthetics    87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? -my mom is interested in druidry but doesn't call herself one    88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? -I dont know? I just did what felt right.    89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? -No    90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? -with closed practices you need to be initiated, but with open religions thats not the case 91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? -incense tray and incense    92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? -The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul     93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? -Read. Just read a lot.    94. What techniques do you use to 'get in the zone’ for meditation? -Silence and deep breathing 95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? -I need to practice it     96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? -night because i dont sleep 97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? -My best time is the full moon at midnight  98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? -It was okay, nothing special     99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? -old practices become easy, but you learn more complicated things 100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? 101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? -I eat cheese, eggs and fish 102. What is your favorite color and why?  -purple, blue and yellow because its pretty 103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? -why dont you respect Jesus? Because he did nothing for me Susan.  104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? -sight 105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice? -Karma, I keep on doing shitty things 
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kiwiwitchpriestess · 6 years ago
Recommended Reading: Paganism 101
If you’re new to paganism and not sure where to start, it’s easy to default to studying Wicca because there is such a huge volume of accessible information on modern pagan Witchcraft and most of it is labelled as ‘Wicca’. But what if you’re looking for something other than Witchcraft? Or just not sure what will suit your needs?
Here’s a list of books for beginners that look at modern pagan religions and practices in general. I have read almost all of these books, and the few that I haven’t (marked by *) were recommended to me by people whose opinions I trust.
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America by Margot Adler
To Walk a Pagan Path: Practical Spirituality for Every Day by Alaric Albertsson*
The Path of Paganism: An Experience-Based Guide to Modern Pagan Practice by John Beckett
Paganism (Thorson’s First Directions) by Vivianne Crowley
Pagan Religions: A Handbook for Diversity Training by Kerr Cuhulain*
An Introduction to Pagan Studies by Barbara Jane Davy*
The Practical Pagan: Commonsense Guidelines for Modern Practitioners by Dana D. Eilers
Paganism 101: An Introduction to Paganism by 101 Pagans by Trevor Greenfield
A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism by John Michael Greer*
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions by Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Pagan Spirituality: A Guide to Personal Transformation by Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans and Witches Today by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond
Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings
Voices from the Circle: The Heritage of Western Paganism by Prudence Jones and Caitlin Matthews
Seeking the Mystery: An Introduction to Pagan Theologies by Christine Hoff Kraemer
Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom From the Elders by Kristin Madden
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Paganism: Meaningful Ways to Commune with Nature and Follow the Pagan Spiritual Path by Carl McColman
Paganism: An Introductory Guide by Riley Star
Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives by Michael Strmiska*
One Heart, Many Gods: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Devotional Polytheism by Lucy Valunos
Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion by Michael York
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madamehearthwitch · 7 years ago
Hello! I'm a longtime Pagan/witch/lover of land and legends, mostly solo with a few close friends I do magic and/or ritual with from time to time, but I've been intrigued lately by the presence of "witch courses," "druid courses," etc. I noticed you mention one that you did in a comment recently -- do you have any insight/tips/experience you would be willing to share about good courses, the pros and cons of formalized learning, and perhaps some recommendations?
I think the whole witch and druid courses have evolved over the past few years based on the way society has shifted. We’re less locally-based… so finding a teacher became very difficult for a while. With the proliferation of the internet online courses have stepped in to fill that gap. And traditionally, an apprentice would pay for their learning by working at mundane chores, nowadays that’s often not possible, and so a monetary exchange was born.
For a long time I resisted courses because the idea of paying with money for them felt… distasteful? It also restricts learning to those who can pay, which is not in the heart of witchcraft or druidry imho. 
Now, as my thinking evolved, I’m less put off by it because I’ve come to understand for myself the exchange of value. And for the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (which is the only course I’ve ever paid for), there is the option to apply for lesser rates based on financial situation.
As OBOD is the only pagan course I’ve taken I can only speak to it. And my experience has been very positive. You have the option to engage one on one with a tutor which is really helpful. And there are private forums and Facebook groups as well.
The questions and prompts in the Gwersi (lessons) are thought-provoking for the most part. (not every lesson resonates, and that’s okay) And I’ve quite enjoyed the meditations and rituals that I have learned with them. OBOD is a huge community around the world (although largely UK based) and I like that aspect of it as well.
I joined them more as a way to dig into my spiritual side, rather than practical lessons on magic. And that’s precisely what it is. It’s got me digging deep into myself and asking questions, meditating and mulling things over.
Not sure that at this point in my life I’d join a witchcraft course. I’m big on personal practice. So there isn’t much I believe I’d benefit from in that respect. I’m very comfortable with what I’ve learned so far, and the herb courses I’m taking and plan to take are kind of the next step with that.
I do think, after reading the discussions yesterday RE: salt circles, that there perhaps is a place for solid teaching on witchcraft that isn’t Wiccan. I’ve not heard of anything other than perhaps the Temple of Witchcraft courses. People seem to speak highly of them but I have no personal experience with the books or the course.
Definitely, I think there is a place for formalized learning. Picking up any “witchcraft newbies” book with a few years under your belt will show that. It’s certainly tough, as a baby witchling, to progress from the witchcraft 101 books onward. But… it should be?
Witchcraft is a practice, something you dedicate yourself and your life to. It’s a path that most of us will walk our entire lives, always learning and studying. There is so much benefit to be found in self-won knowledge. That’s part of what I enjoy about the structure of the OBOD course. It’s a lot of giving you things to think about and letting you get there on your own.
Where I think people sometimes get confused, is that witchcraft isn’t a religion. It’s not something you can say you are, go to church on Sundays, and bibbity, bobbity, boo you’re a witch! It’s work. It’s not something that someone is going to hand you on a platter.
If I were looking for a witchcraft course I would want one that was completely removed from any religious affiliations. One that let me work one on one with someone who had more experience than I did. And one where the goal was practice, and leading questions for self-directed researching and learning.
So… that’s my novel. I hope I answered your question somewhere in there, lmao!
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manifest-magick · 6 years ago
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Witch 101 Workshop- The Paths Hosted at @manifest_magick⠀ ....⠀ You’ve felt a call in your soul to the ways of the witch.⠀ ⠀ For those who do not know where to start- as the paths are many and are shrouded in mystery- this is the workshop series for you. ⠀ ⠀ Run by three practising witches from different traditions, this is a panel workshop and discussion with a Q&A. ⠀ ⠀ In this instalment, we’re exploring the face of the witch, the paths and types of the craft and debunking common witch myths. We get to explore origins of the witch, and the traditions of British and American Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, Ceremonial magic, ⠀ Re-constructionist Pagan magical traditions as well as many others!⠀ ⠀ We touch on how these paths explore the concepts of witchcraft and where their similarities lie. Using this knowledge, you can begin to craft your own path, or find the one that sings to you.⠀ ⠀ 12 people maximum, pay on the night, pay at the door or pay via Paypal- advanced booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.⠀ ⠀ Tea, coffee and snacks provided. ⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ #pagan #pagansofinstagram #witchyvibes #paganwitch #traditionalwitch #covenwitch #mystics #druidry #traditionalwitchcraft #solitarywitch⠀ #witchgram #witchesofinstagram #witchaesthetic #instawitch #witchessociety #witchsociety #witchesofig #witchesofinsta #healersofinstagram #witchstagram #witchystuff #babywitch #witch #witchcraft #wicca #wiccansofinstagram #magick #spellwork #triplegoddess #occult http://bit.ly/2QHCZSC
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witchyintention · 4 years ago
Druidry Studies: Masterworks
What is Druidry?
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motherofmoonthread · 5 years ago
Do you know any effective weightloss spells ? I’ve tried a few before but they don’t seem to work 😔 I’m not really trying to be healthy I just want to reach a certain weight
let me preface this by saying all bodies are beautiful bodies. i don’t know your personal reasons for losing weight, but you are 100% worthy and beautiful just the way you are.
however, i do understand the struggles of body image. when i was working to lose weight, i did a five-day fruit and veggies cleanse.
(though i suppose it’s less of a spell and more of a daily practice or ritual.)
i completely cut out all grains, all dairy, and all legumes and ate only whole, unprocessed fruits and veggies (and seasoning!) for five days. the morning smoothies were delicious. after five days, i gradually added protein to two meals a day (hard boiled egg with breakfast smoothie, piece of chicken at dinner in a dressed salad, etc.). 
from there on, it was finding a balance of what worked for me long term (and incorporating cheat days!). i lost around 15lbs, was doing daily yoga, not drinking caffeine, and experiencing increased energy. going back to the earth and experiencing what she has to offer us by way of nourishment tends to be a really great way to balance your energies in your body and to connect to the self and to eating in a positive way.
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fromthelightofphoebe · 8 years ago
Witchy/Pagan Booklist
These are some of the books I have read. This is by far an incomplete list as I am always reading new stories.
Traditional Witchcraft
American Folkloric Tradition pdfs by Lauralei Black
Devil’s Dozen by Gemma Gary
Aradia, The Gospel of Witches by Charles Leland (also a helpful book for Wicca)
Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham 
Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Age by Vivianne Crowley 
Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition I didn’t like it at first, but after reading what Nancy Chandler had to say about her tradition I liked it a lot more.
Italian Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi I didn’t like it. It’s another Wicca 101 book. I’ve heard Raven Grimassi’s titles have been better since leaving Llewyen 
Goddess Worship
Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries by Z. Budapest This Novel is extremely controversial and I’m not recommending it to anyone
Cauldron of Change by De-Anna Alba I liked it but you all know how I feel about a whole chapter being dedicated to morals of the craft.
Eclectic Witchcraft
The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham Awesome for Hearth Witches
Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults by Kasey Hill
Fairycraft by Morgan Daimler
Ascension Magick by Christopher Penzack (^^)
Gay Witchcraft by Christopher Penzack Highly recommend for LGBTQIA+ interested in Neopaganism 
Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura (&&)
Reclaiming and Feri Witchcraft (Also called American Traditional Witchcraft)
The DustBunnies/MarchHares Big Damn Handout Volume I by VeeDub 
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Fifty Years In The Feri Tradition by Cora Anderson
Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjure
Honestly, I don’t read many books on the subject, I just watch videos, but I will post books if I can find a good reliable one.
Demonolatry and Satanism
Complete Book of Demonolatry
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits by Carol K. Mack and Dinah Mack
Tentatio Diabolus by Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus
Liber Azerate by MLO (Temple of The Black Light)
I’m still looking into this more. There will be more to come as I am reading more.
Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (^^) This book is a freaking textbook, so I’m skipping around.
Temple of the Ancients. The group was founded by ex-Joy of Satan clergy disillusioned with the Nazism of the HPS. Their teachings are not Sumerian reconstructionism, but are heavily based on JoS teachings sans Nazism and believes Satan and Enki to be seperate.
Godless Paganism by John Halstead and others One of my favorite books for neopaganism. Helped me find my path as I don’t believe in cosmic deities.
Out of the Shadows by John Coughlin
Deity Specific
The Morrigan by Morgan Daimler
The Magick of Lilith by Baal Kadmon
Clavicula Nox Issue IV: Lilith
The Gospel of Our Mother God (^^)
Jungian Psychology
The Goddess in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen &&
Goddess Within by Roger J. Woolger &&
Shinto: The Kami Way by Sokyo Ono &&
Still looking
(&&) denotes to read
(^^) denotes still reading
Moral of the story: Read a lot. Practice even more.
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