#druck season 6 rewatch
i have no option but to rewatch seasons 5 and 6 of druck i think
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pigeonriot · 2 years
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#season 7 ended & i am still extremely disappointed in it but i am still obsessed so now i'm starting to notice the smalles of details 😗✌️
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menacing-anon · 3 years
As promised, here I am going through some of Fatou and Kieu My’s argument at the end of 6x08... 🤔
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I already wrote a whole separate post about this idea, which can be summarized as... Kieu My isn’t doing anything new, so if Fatou doesn’t know her now, did she ever know her?
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With no disrespect to Fatou, I wonder when Kieu My played games or put on a fake smile that night.
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My response is “sometimes?”, because I would say that it’s an understatement; Constantin’s mistreatment of the Cash Queens is pretty consistent. He was only nice to Fatou one (1) time: tonight, and even then, his behaviour was less than ideal. And Fatou reacts in a way I love - through being teared up and tense, she chuckles, briefly and almost silently, then gives a little nod.
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Wait, what? So Kieu My wanted to explain this to Fatou, but decided against it because Fatou didn’t pay attention to what Kieu My was saying on one (1) occasion, after which she apologized and said that she was tired?
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This whole bit isn’t an issue with the way this conversation was written, but with the existence of this subplot. As other viewers have written, it portrays a bisexual character as an infidel, which is a stereotype. And in terms of the story, it a) isn’t necessary, because Kieu My and Fatou clearly have lots of other reasons to argue, and b) is never brought up again. It’s what prompted Fatou to leave the party, but it’s not as if she needed to leave that party at that moment to have an argument with Kieu My.
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Not only is this a pretty appropriate response, but I also love how Nhung delivers the line. She says it quietly and sadly, sort of like to herself, like it’s a realization spoken aloud rather than a question or an accusation. It seems like Kieu My should be the one saying “I don’t know you anymore” 😶 Totally unrelated, but her eyeliner is really visible in this shot and I like it 😅
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Mmmgggmgmm... this one’s a reach. I just checked, and it lay screen down when Kieu My got a notification. The text didn’t catch Fatou’s eye - she took the phone and read it, and the next ones as they appeared.
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Oh, okay; let me maybe cross out and replace my notes on what “it” is about, because... y’all are parkouring from topic to topic. *talk about things* *talk about other things* “Here’s what this really about: [an unrelated thing].” And anyway, I didn’t think Fatou had a problem with this? Kieu My left because Fatou was kind of rude in response to her respectfully trying to help Fatou and asking about her problems, and Fatou understood this and apologized. Kieu My said that it’s okay between them, and that maybe they could talk some other time, the last part being the reason I don’t react the same way to her next few lines about not being Fatou’s distraction. Kieu My said they could talk later, and now that they are, she makes her points, but Fatou making this accusation in the first place takes me by surprise.
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A Recap of The Topics So Far:
Kieu My’s friends, games, and fake smile; Fatou not listening; Kieu My’s chat with Maya; Kieu My leaving Fatou on Tuesday; and now Kieu My opening up. In any case, I don’t know what she means... when did Fatou leave her “standing there”? Almost every time Kieu My talked about herself, Fatou paid attention and responded appropriately.
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Streaming this clip live must’ve been like,
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Topic 6 has entered the chat, and it’s... this? What is Fatou even referring to? The fact that she liked Kieu My before Kieu My made any moves? I don’t think so, because it’s strange to accuse a person of not knowing somebody was interested in them, especially since for a time in season five, Fatou didn’t want Kieu My to find out how Fatou felt. I guess Fatou is talking about 6x04, when she kept trying to get in touch with Kieu My to no avail, and, at that rate, maybe also her ignored table tennis invitation. This all happened weeks ago, though, and Kieu My has been opening up to Fatou ever since. Why is Fatou bringing it up now? It’s not great that I can’t really tell what they’ve been talking about for the past few lines 😐
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Topic 7 - yeah, a great point, and it’s frustrating that it took Kieu My and Fatou so long to arrive at it, but I would be pretty fine with that in the end if they actually acted on it from then on. Instead, though, they basically don’t resolve any of their issues - even with Kieu My saying this and Fatou mentioning it again later - and that’s even more frustrating! Here’s a short post about that, and this relevant meme from after the Aquarius reunion clip 😐 Also, Fatou has actually tried to talk about their issues and take resposibility for her actions more than Kieu My, which I write about in this post (though it also includes events that take place after this clip).
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What does this mean now? That in Fatou’s world, problems are resolved without communicating? That Kieu My and Fatou don’t talk about their problems, so Fatou isn’t part of the world where Kieu My does communicate? That Kieu My isn’t letting Fatou into her life in general?... Me @ the folks who live in the world where everyone understands this:
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This season has space references throughout, and that’s cool, but this comes off pretty melodramatic to me 😅
Long story short, I don’t like this conversation because its content is difficult to follow, and kind of inconsequential in the story, especially for an argument that is so intense and takes so long to move past. Ideally, this would have been clearer, and built up and resolved much better.
(The screenshots are from drucktranslations 🙂)
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calliettes-posts · 3 years
If there's one thing that druck made me aware of, it's that I'm soo glad to be done with higher education in Germany
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flodaya · 3 years
someone yesterday said I’m just mad the plot isn’t what I expected it to be and I’ve been thinking about it and that person 100% got it correct, if they clearly set up storylines and relationship dynamics in previous seasons only to just not follow through I am upset and quite reasonably so if you ask me
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roses-for-the-moon · 4 years
Y'all, the way Druck has just taken over my life. It's not even funny.
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rawsgaydad · 2 years
marauders stans need to stop using skam actors as face claims y'all don't deserve druck season 3
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dr-drea · 2 years
Most Important Scenes - Mailin Richter
Part 7 of my essays on favorite scenes for each character.
To be honest, I was hesitating about writing one of these for Mailin, because I wasn't really in the mood to rewatch season 8 (and I probably will never be). But thinking about it, Mailin's most important scenes take place in season 6 anyways.
No, Ava. I want to clear this up now.
Being rather a background character in season 5, it took until season 6 to see Mailin growing as a person. Between a lot of Kieutou ups and downs, this is also the season where we see the Cashqueens struggling with some conflicts for the first time. And Mailin and Ava are at the center of this.
It is a conflict that doesn't revolve around little personal issues. This isn't about Mailin and Ava specifically, but about Mailin being white and Ava as a black person. The conflict revolves around privileges and ignorance, around "being an ally" and invading minority spaces. Essentially, this is about racism and systemic discrimination. A heavy topic, but one that needs to be adressed. And it is especially important considering how Mailin (a straight white neurotypical girl) is the most similar to Druck's target audience. Having Mailin saying and doing these things is so meaningful, because she is supposed to be relatable. And if you identify with Mailin, it means that at this point, you have to do some self-reflection about your behavior with and towards black persons.
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The problem which occurs between Ava and Mailin (this time, specifically) is that they handle conflict differently.
Mailin isn't a conflict person. We can see that every time either Nora or Fatou are criticized, because she never joins in on the criticism. She avoids the conflict.
Neither can she bear to be in one: now that the conflict cannot be avoided by "being nice", she wants to get over it as soon as possible: "I want to clear this up now." Literally, now.
Ava, on the other hand, cannot or doesn't want to ignore things that bother her. And she cannot just hide her feelings for the sake of "group harmony". This clashes with Mailin sensing something is wrong, and so she is pressured to call Mailin out on her behavior at the vigil. Even if she doesn't want to talk about the situation at all, hoping that Mailin will eventually get it by herself.
Now, in the typical "white person learns about racism by being called out by a black person" narrative (yes, I've seen this one before, at least in German media), this would be the point where the white person 'gets it' and informs themselves about racism. This is what happens in Mailin's case as well, but with two important differences: Ava calling Mailin out is framed as something bad, she is pressured to do it, she states how uncomfortable she feels and that she never wanted to call Mailin out; Mailin educates herself, but she clearly doesn't get the problem (because she does it in front of her black friends, therefore harassing them).
My point is that Druck takes a critical look at said narrative, emphasizes that it is not Ava's job to teach Mailin about racism and that the problem is not simply "solved" by Mailin getting informed. There are a lot more nuances behind that, and I appreciate that the show tried to talk about that.
Im getting too involved again, am I?
The best intentions do not always lead to the best outcomes, and it is exemplified with Mailin's behavior. She is so obsessed with being a "good ally", that she doesn't realize how uncomfortable she made Ava and Fatou feel in the process.
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This scene isn't about the Ava-Mailin conflict primarily, but about Fatou's problems in school. But Mailin, again, immediately wants to help and solve the problem. Her personality is quite literally the one of an activist, in the sense that she always wants to get active to get problems out of the way.
But this isn't always a good thing. And this scene is the moment where Mailin realizes that. She 'gets it' now: Some actions are not hers to take, some spaces are not hers to occupy and some words are not hers to say. Sometimes it is better to take a step back and watch and listen, rather than doing something.
And I wanted to apologize to you for that.
Now that Mailin finally understood how problematic her behavior was, the one thing left to do is apologize.
And I like Mailin's apology, because she states everything she did wrong in the past weeks (from trying to identify with victims of racism, to asking Ava and Fatou uncomfortable questions). Considering that Druck's target audience is mostly white and rather young, this is necessary (and I would be lying if I didn't learn something with that storyline, too).
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I know everyone is tired of reading this, but: Thinking how Mailin's character development is basically 'not everything is about me', I am convinced that the original writers would have never even thought of making a season about her. It destroys the message. You don't make someone the main character whose defining learning experience is about not being in the spotlight.
The purpose of Mailin's character is to include someone similar to the general audience, and having her reflect her position in the face of her less privileged friends. You know what, maybe Mailin is the audience. Because what does an audience do? Watch and learn. Too meta? Maybe, but my point remains the same.
The audience I'm talking about already has so many characters in media to identify with. This was never supposed to be about Mailin. This show, out of many shows who tell the same stories about the same kind of people over and over, was supposed to do it differently. To tell the stories of those who usually get ignored.
(And I'll stop here, before this turns into a rant. Just as a fun fact: My take on Mailin is inspired by that one shitpost about season 8, saying that the lesson of the season should be that not everything is about Mailin, leading to a POV switch; i cannot find the post anymore, but I'm sure it exists somewhere and I always thought there was some truth behind that.)
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drucktranslations · 3 years
hello! i was rewatching druck season 5 and noticed for episode 2, clip 1, the subtitles have nora refer to ismail with the 'he' pronoun. i wonder if this was explicitly said in german??
apologies if this has been discussed before! i assumed we never knew ismail's pronouns and season 7 is when it would be potentially talked about.
thank you for all your guys' hard work!!!!!! you guys are so wonderful to do this, i hope you're all having an amazing day/night 💛❣️🧡
Hi, thanks for your question! Yes, that’s right, so far Ismail has only been referred to with he/him pronouns. This hasn’t ever been discussed or questioned by any of the characters, though it’s very possible that it’s a topic Ismail will explore in the new season. We have seen Ismail express their gender in a few different ways, like with the skirt from the last clip of s5 e1, or the lipstick they were wearing during new year’s in season 6, but their gender identity hasn’t been confirmed so far.
Ismail’s actor Eren has they/them pronouns listed on their instagram, which led to most people, especially in the english-speaking parts of the fandom, referring to Ismail with they/them pronouns as well.
Another thing that might be important to know is that German is a much more gendered language than English. There are specific “male” and “female” versions of most words, like student, doctor, teacher, singer, etc. Similarly, I’m not aware of an established gender neutral pronoun like “they/them” would be in English. There are a few neo pronouns that come to mind, but none that are commonly known. This would probably also be addressed if Ismail is nonbinary, concerning which pronouns and descriptors they would choose for themselves.
If anyone reading this has corrections and/or additional info, we’d love to hear it!
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nolabballgirl · 3 years
Skamfr is now finished this week. The story of Maya and Lola. What was promising has now turned into disappointing end. It would have been better if the original creator David made this story, no? To pick up from Season 6. The new team does not feel the esence of Mayla.
hi, Anon! thanks for your ask! so looking at skam france as a whole, i actually don’t think this season was THAT bad (or as bad as people make it out to be.) and certainly, david hourrègue made extremely terrible decisions as a showrunner. let’s review:
imane’s season (s4) was one of the worst sana seasons period. arguably the only worse sana season was wtfock s5, and the bar is below the basement floor for that remake.
and they made daphne into one of the most ignorant and racist versions of a vilde (to be surpassed only by the horridness that was amber in wtfock).
manon/charles (s2) was the worst version of noorhelm in any remake. of an already problematic couple, the skam france version was even more terrible and they took that suckage into imane’s season to ruin their version of yousana.
emma’s season (s1) was a paint by number copy of the OG with no original thought. arthur’s season (s5) had potential and then devolved (the car! justice for alexia!)
the treatment of characters of color has been a travesty from both david’s time and going into shirley’s.
as for shirley, let’s talk about her seasons:
s7 had tiff as main. now if you thought isi’s apology to ava in druck was bad, well rewatch tiff’s non-apology apology to lola in s7. really the only way to like tiff is really to imagine her with a complete personality transplant as she appears in s9. but think about all the white privilege and gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss moments in s7. the way tiff treated judith and aurélien -the two main black characters that season - was dirty. what was the ultimate takeaway of that season?
s8 (bilal) another season with promise but bilal’s story played second fiddle to that of jo in the back half of that season and once again a character of color is done dirty in favor of a white woman.
so coming back to maya s9, i’m not saying that this season is good. but the first half of this season was pretty solid. like previous seasons, shirley tends to lose the plot in the second half of the season, which is what happened here. and i wish different decisions were made/written in this back half of episodes. and i wish maya’s backstory was explored a heck of a lot more.
anyway, i have no idea how this season will end up, but i do think that in the overall skam france canon, s9 is by no means at the bottom.
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hanna-water · 3 years
Someone once wrote a post saying something like “anyone who says that their dislike towards Lou is not connected to the way she looks, is not honest to themself.” (I don`t remember the exact words) This comment really stuck with me and made me think. As much as I wish that this wasn`t the case, I have to admit that it`s partly true. I tried to exchange Lou in my imagination with other people that I find physically attractive (Maya from Skam France for example) and pictured her in the same clips, doing and saying the same things. Even though I still dislike a lot of her behavior during the first half of the season, the way she looked would have made a big difference in the way I perceived her.  I think this is related to the fact that it`s a vital part of Druck/Skam to be able to empathize with the maincharacter....understanding why she/he/they act in a certain way or make a certain decision. Isi was crushing on Lou since their very first encounter and I just couldn`t understand it, since she was not someone I would have a crush on or would be interested in. It was very difficult to put myself into Isis position especially while it was so apparent how Isi was chosing Lou over Sascha for a long time.  But whatever reason might be behind it, I feel like I need to reflect on this a bit more because I don`t like the fact that physical appearance and style seem to be a reason for me to excuse negative behaviour or bad character traits, both in fiction and in real life.... and to add: I actually did start to like Lou 😘 after it became clear that she and Isi would only remain friends and since she apologized and encouraged Isi to talk to Sascha. The dislike was mainly during the first 6 episodes and I still skip some scenes of her, Isi and Consti together when I rewatch the season because I find this triangle thing cringy. 
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orionfalling · 2 years
doing a druck s5&6 rewatch on twitter @kieutoutoday in the month before nora machwitz's season first dropped two years ago, and she and fatou jallow changed the skamverse forever
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menacing-anon · 3 years
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This is a funny subtitle, and you know where else it might have worked? 😆
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(The screenshots are from drucktranslations 🙂)
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calliettes-posts · 3 years
Can you believe its been exactly a year since kieu my opened the door for fatou at the wg, fatou talked how "wintery" the weather is, fatou stared at kieu my removing her boots, and then day dreamed about kieu my feeding her???
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flodaya · 3 years
that moment when fatou said she always falls in love super quickly and hard, my fatou has adhd headcanon is thriving 
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karin-in-action · 3 years
I'm rewatching season 6 of Druck and that scene when Ismail tells Fatou that Kieu My also just wants to be seen 💔😩 like I think it's also very revealing about how Ismail feels.
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