#druck mia
justalexx-things · 9 months
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Merry christmas 💛
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herzlak · 2 years
Mia and Alex BOTH IN A SUIT is something I did not deserve.
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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MELISSA'S 225 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME ranked by my followers 192. mia winter and alex hardenberg - druck “You told me you fell in love with me because I knew who you were from the beginning. That’s why I know you don’t hurt others to protect them from you. You hurt others to protect yourself. But you don’t need to do that with me. You don’t have to push me away. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here.”
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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My endgame❤
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holly-mckenzie · 2 months
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#Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
DRUCK: Season 2, Episode 1
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Finding out that Damian Hardung has been on a tv show with Milena Tscharntke has ruined me actually
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lalalenii · 10 months
I'm rewatching druck and honestly Mia aged kinda badly
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blairswldorfs · 1 year
btw have I told you guys that I've been on a random binge-watch of every Noora season of Skam/Skam versions?
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sageandred · 10 months
Now why did Druck cut Amira's season 3 episodes short?
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justalexx-things · 1 year
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Druck and their bisexual characters 💜
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book-tease · 1 year
no bc why was i reading davenzi fanfiction and got a wtfock notification… actual jumpscare
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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EVERY FEMALE CHARACTER THAT I LOVE (in alphabetical order) MIA WINTER - DRUCK Follow your heart but take your brain with you.
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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naipan · 6 months
Palestinians behave towards Palestinian terrorist organizations like Nazi Germans did towards the Nazi regime
The collective identity of the Palestinians is hatred of Jews plus sacrifice, and any solidarity with the Palestinian people always refers to their own anti-Semitism. Until 7-10, the anti-Semitism expressed through Palestine solidarity was still emotionally justified as support for the innocence persecuted by Israel. But this lie came under pressure when the Palestinians showed the whole world on 7-10 that they were not adequately portrayed in the image of peaceful shepherds and olive farmers.
7-10 and the findings that Israel has been able to gather since the invasion of Gaza consistently indicate that Palestinians behave towards Palestinian terrorist organizations like Nazi Germans did towards the Nazi regime.
Residents of the Gaza Strip have followed Hamas terrorists to commit atrocities. Others have celebrated the extermination of Jews, torture and brutal rapes on the streets and on social media, desecrated corpses and mistreated hostages.
Support for the Hamas terror government stands at 4/5 and 2/3 of Palestinians support the extermination of Jews on 7/10.
The Israeli army has not found a single school or mosque in Gaza that has not served as a weapons depot.
The KKH are an inherent part of the terror infrastructure. A terror tunnel runs under the UNRWA HQ, many UNRWA employees are terrorists, some of whom took part in the ravages on 7/10.
Terrorists are being trained in schools and hatred of Jews is being planted deep in people's minds.
The hostage Mia Shem says that there are no innocents in Gaza. This may be too general, but according to all objective findings it is much closer to the truth than the Palestinian victim kitsch.
Terrorists and aid organizations and the UN and civilians form a single swamp that would take decades to denazify.
But the world does not want to separate itself from its idea of ​​Palestinian victims and Israeli perpetrators, ignores reality in favor of Palestinian propaganda and makes demands that border on collaboration with Palestinian terror.
Israeli troops are fighting a war of liberation in which the existence of the Jewish state is at stake and if it is important to take Rafah for the security of Israel and its population, then the army should march in there.
Israel did not choose this war. To break it off in order to serve the perpetrator-victim reverse anti-Semitism would prepare the ground for the next massacre. (Google translated)
Die kollektive Identität der Palästinenser ist Judenhass plus Rumgeopfere und jede Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk verweist immer auch auf den eigenen Antisemitismus. Bis 7-10 wurde der via Palästinasolidarität ausgelebte Antisemitismus noch gefühlsduselig als Beistand mit der von Israel verfolgten Unschuld zurechtgelogen. Doch diese Lüge kam unter Druck, als die Palästinenser am 7-10 aller Welt vor Augen geführt haben, dass sie im Bild von friedlichen Hirten und Olivenbauern wenig adäquat abgebildet werden.
Der 7-10 und die Erkenntnissse, die Israel seit dem Einmarsch in Gaza sammmeln konnte, verweisen stimmig darauf, dass sich Palästinenser zu palästinensischen Terrororganisationen verhalten, wie Nazideutsche zur NS Herrschaft.
Bewohner des Gaza Streifens sind den Hamas Terroristen gefolgt, um Gräueltaten zu verüben. Andere haben Judenvernichtung, Folter und bestialische Vergewaltigungen ausgelassen auf der Straße und auf social media gefeiert, Leichen geschändet, Geiseln misshandelt.
Die Unterstütung für die Terrorregierung der Hamas steht bei 4/5 und die Judenvernichtung am 7/10 befürworten 2/3 der Palästinenser.
Die israelische Armee hat in Gaza nicht eine Schule oder oder eine Moschee gefunden, die nicht als Waffenlager gedient hat.
Die KKH sind immanenter Teil der Terrorinfrastruktur. Unter dem UNRWA HQ verläuft ein Terrortunnel, viele Angestellte der UNRWA sind Terroristen, manche haben am 7/10 mitgewütet.
In den Schulen werden Terroristen herangezogen und der Judenhass tief in die Köpfe gepflanzt.
Die Geisel Mia Shem sagt, dass es keine Unschuldige in Gaza gibt. Dies mag zu allgemein sein, aber ist nach allen objektiven Erkenntnissen viel viel näher an der Wahrheit als der palästinensische Opferkitsch.
Terroristen und Hilfsorganisationen und UN und Zivilisten bilden einen einzigen Sumpf, den zu entnazifizieren Jahrzehnte dauern würde.
Doch die Welt will sich von ihrer Vorstellung palästinensischer Opfer und israelischer Täter nicht trennen, blendet die Realität zugunsten palästinensischer Propaganda aus und stellt Forderungen, die an Kollaboration mit dem palästinensischen Terror grenzen.
Israelische Truppen kämpfen einen Befreiungskrieg, bei dem es um die Existenz des jüdischen Staates geht und wenn es für die Sicherung Israels und seiner Bevölkerung wichtig ist, Rafiach einzunehmen, dann soll die Armee dort einmarschieren.
Israel hat sich diesen Krieg nicht ausgesucht. Ihn abzubrechen, um den Täter Opfer Umkehrantisemitismus zu bedienen, würde den Boden für das nächste Massaker bereiten.
@Oliver Vrankovic
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tryingadifferentsong · 3 months
Just finished watching Druck / Skam Germany Season 1 for the first time. Yes, I know I am late to this, but here we are.
Honestly the first few episodes didn't quite get me, it all seemed to be too purposely educational - how Amira's culture was referred to so much, the gynecology story etc. (but maybe that's just me being ~10 years older than the target audience lol)
And one thing that really bothered me, the characters are supposed to be around 16/ 17 years old but how do they look (and most of the time also act) so mature? I think it would've been more realistic to me if they were portraying university students rather than 11th graders.
But damn, the end really got me hooked for more! 😍 Hanna's monologue at the beginning of the last episode felt so raw and emotional, I loved how Mia supported Kiki and confessed about her ed, and how they teased Matteo having a crush on Jonas.
aaand ofc I really loved the music, gave me a huge throwback to 2018!
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