#dropped project
skrrts · 2 months
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♡ amaranth #1 (series) | dropped project
✧reader x demon!hongjoong & reader x witch!mingi ✧genre: supernatural, rebirth, soulmates, poly romance (reader) ✧warnings: insecurities, mention of death, signs of mental health, mention of witchcraft, eating, food, minors dni ✧ word count: 5,6k ✧summary: Hongjoong never cared for love until he met you. The demon courted you until your family gave their blessing for a wedding, unaware of what he was. However, before the bond could be sealed, you were killed. Scared to lose you for good, knowing you already lived most of the lives given to a human soul, he begins to search for your reincarnation. 2024, and your current life is quite boring. You study while working at a local bookstore. It’s where you meet Mingi, a witch who charms you for his own reasons. You gain a soft spot for him when the demon appears, announcing you are his. You have no idea what’s going on when the two supernatural beings seem about to start a fight over who gets to claim your soul for good. Just that they forget to ask you about your thoughts on that.
a/n: a dropped project inspired by "goblin" & "love & deepspace". i felt this one was too specific. This chapter was written and edited so I figured instead of just deleting it, I'll post it to the dashboard & in my dropped project tag.
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                  #01 The Witch ; MINGI ; A Soul To Grow
Yunho looked with concern at Mingi. The runes on his body indicated that the younger man had overdone it again. “You shouldn’t push yourself so hard,” his voice was gentle as he leaned forward and healed his best friend, but he knew there was only so much he could do. Without completing the ritual every member of their coven went through, it proved to be harsher on the body with every passing year to use magic in their way. It was of no help that Mingi was more persistent to go ahead than any other witch.
The small huff indicated that he did not appreciate the lecture coming from his best friend. “Well, you heard my reading earlier. They say I am about to find the soul that will allow for my growth to happen.” Yunho knew that no matter how confident the other tried to be, the feeling of falling behind was hard on him, even terrifying.
For the coven, it was proof of weakness that Mingi had not found a soul yet, and for Mingi, a fear of falling behind, falling out, and being left alone. It was foolish because, for Yunho, the decision always would be an easy one. He’d rather leave with his best friend than stay, even if that meant giving up on his parents, as hard as that was.
“Well, there are many ways one can grow; it doesn’t mean that you have to do the ritual…” Yunho tried again, but he already knew it was rather pointless. Once Mingi set his mind on something, there was only success or hard failure with no room for recovery.
“It will be fine, just wait,” Mingi stood up, rolling his shoulders. “I am already feeling better, thanks,” he lied, and Yunho sighed but stood up, a soft smile on his lips. “Be careful and call me if you need anything.”
“This was the last shelf, and nothing is missing. I’m relieved! The last inventory check showed just how many books were stolen,” Seonghwa sighed as he handed you the list to sign with your name, confirming that the two of you had completed the task together. “I can’t blame them. As a student myself, I know the financial struggles too well.” You wouldn’t be able to study if it weren’t for this job and the financial help from your family, who saved up for your academic future since the day you were born.
Your life was rather uneventful: average family, normal childhood, and after graduation, you decided to study in a city about three hours away from your hometown. You moved into an apartment that barely deserved the name, just large enough to fit a bed and a desk, but it did the job. When you were looking for work, you found an ad for this bookstore that only sold books to students. Despite the niche market, there wasn’t a topic or major for which the store didn’t have literature.
It was a smart location, situated right next to the campus. Seonghwa’s parents opened the shop when he was little, and he took over when they wanted to go on a world trip. Although he was about the same age as you, he seemed content with his fate. The two of you got along well, and you also liked Jongho, who worked the other shift once a week. Sometimes, you both ran the shop together. He was a quiet guy but always seemed to know a little bit about everything whenever a student came in looking for a specific-themed book.
“Thanks again for helping. This just made it so much faster!” Seonghwa smiled and shrugged off the apron he wore with the store’s name and logo. Each of you had one, although Seonghwa took great care to ensure everyone had a color he thought suited them best. “I will make sure to repay you. How about a boba tea? That new store across the street seems promising.”
The idea was nice. Money was tight, and there were only so many times a month when you could treat yourself to snacks. “Sounds good! It’s been forever since I had one. Feel free to pick a flavor you approve of; anything will be fine!” Seonghwa chuckled. “Alright, love. I’ll be going then to get us something sweet. Do you think you’ll be okay alone?” You nodded. It wasn’t the first time you ran the store on your own by now. “Sure thing. It’s almost closing time, and I doubt anything will happen.”
Seonghwa smiled. “Okay, I’ll be back in no time.” You gave him a small wave and watched as he walked down the street. “I wonder more if he will be back in time, considering he seems quite smitten with somebody working there,” you chuckled to yourself as you started to prepare for closing the store. Since the two of you had just done the inventory for June, there wasn’t much left to do. With the new semester approaching and new students arriving, you slowly made room for new books, making the store feel a little emptier than usual until the deliveries arrived.
You flipped through a medical book that had fallen off a shelf. There was a quiet admiration for those who pursued such a difficult study, and you felt a little guilty that you were working towards a language degree with hopes of becoming a teacher abroad one day. You placed it back on the shelf when the doorbell announced a visitor. At first, you wondered if Seonghwa had returned quickly for a change, but instead, a tall stranger had entered, looking around.
There were a few things about him that stood out, from his height to his fashion, which somehow screamed emo with a modern touch. Maybe it was the tattoos, and you judged yourself for being so biased, especially since the only reason you still didn’t have a single one was because you chickened out every time you stood in front of a studio. While his hair wasn’t dyed, he had an undercut and wore quite a bit of jewelry.
You finally cleared your throat and tilted your head. “Can I help you?” His head turned around, and his eyes remained hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, which seemed a little off considering the sun hadn’t shown all day. You knew the expression of curiosity; it didn’t require visible eyes. It wasn’t the first time a new student came in too eager or just a tourist interested in the old building the bookstore was tucked into.
“You guys aren’t closed yet, are you?” he hummed, the question way too casual to be sincere. “No, we’re still open for about,” you checked your watch, “thirty more minutes. We only sell books related to the university, though. I know the name doesn’t always make it too obvious.” Ah, why did you just say that? It was rude to assume he wasn’t a hip art student or studying something like IT.
It didn’t seem like he took offense, though; the smile remained on his lips. “I’m aware. I was looking for a few particular historical books. I have a list if that helps?” A history student? Now that was a surprise. “Sure, let me have a look.” When he lifted his hand, you noticed just how many rings he wore on each finger. He really had a particular style.
After working here for almost two years, you knew a little bit about every section and could tell by two titles that this was an actual list. You read through it, picked up a basket, and placed each book inside. It couldn’t have taken more than five minutes when you returned, looking up at him. The stranger had taken off his sunglasses by now, and you blinked, admitting he had quite unique and handsome features, from the curious dark eyes to the little moles and plump lips.
You shook yourself awake by typing something on the keyboard. “We have everything but the one about the shamans. If I place an order today, it should be here by Monday. Would you like me to order it?” It would mean he’d have to give you his name, and you happened to be here on Monday too. Wait, why were you keen on that?!
“That would be cool! Would it be alright if I just reserve the other books and pick them up and pay for them all at once on Monday?” he asked, fingers brushing through his hair. “Sure, that’s no problem. I only need your name, and then I can make a note. I will be here on Monday, but my colleagues will also find it. Do you have a student ID? If you have one, we apply a 2% discount for the entire order. I can just prepare everything, and you will be quick on Monday.”
He looked at the basket and then back to you, smiling. “Sure, I have one. One second, it’s somewhere here.” It took him a moment before he pulled out a worn-out leather wallet and offered it to you. Your fingers took it as casually as possible, and you typed in the number before you had a quick glance at his name: Song Mingi. A unique one, at least you only ever encountered one Mingi before, and that was telling, working in a store with hundreds of new students every term.
“I see this is your first time shopping here. I can make you an account if you want to. It’s literally just your name and student number. At the end of the year, you can get a list from us to make use of the tax reduction for what you spent on your student materials…” He was staring at you, and you found yourself blushing. “Is something wrong?”
The smile turned into a grin. “I just thought you were pretty good-looking. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe?” Staring at him, you blinked. “I…uhm, thank you? I mean no, I am single.” Why did you give him this information? Maybe because this was the first time anyone flirted with you. It wasn’t rare for customers to bring gifts for Seonghwa in hopes of winning the young bookshop owner’s heart, so did Jongho. Considering you were here on most days and did not…
You didn’t think of yourself as unattractive, but you were just like your life: very down-to-earth and uneventful.
“Good to know,” he seemed pleased with your reaction, and the sunglasses returned to his nose. “And that would be great; those books get pretty expensive. I will come back on Monday then, same time?” The question seemed intended to find out if you would be here, and while everyone would likely tell you to be less reckless with a stranger, you nodded.
The moment Mingi walked out of the store, a heavy sigh left his lips as he got a last glimpse of you through the large window of the bookstore. How strange that after looking for so long, he finally found someone like you — a soul living its final life.
There was a special magic that remained in such a soul, and upon release, a witch could consume it. Well, that was the simple way to describe it because the offering had to be made willingly, or else it would simply disappear like all the others when there was nothing left for it, passing over for good.
Mingi’s phone rang, and he sighed, noting the name of his best friend. He hesitated but eventually answered. “I’ll be back soon. Did you miss me so much?” he joked, but Yunho’s silence was telling. The witch rolled his eyes as he watched his shadow grow as the sun began to set. “What’s with calling me just to be quiet?” It made him nervous, although he would never admit it.
“How did it go?” Yunho sounded too concerned, which was odd for a witch as talented as him. “I found one,” Mingi finally shared, shrugging to himself. “Works at a bookstore close to our new university. Probably our age. Somewhat cute but no signs of, you know, being different from other humans or knowing that it’s the last one…”
Mingi lied to himself every time he said he was fine with the traditions of his coven and the way they worked their magic. He was desperate to fit in, no matter what he needed to do. He couldn’t bear the thought of being alone.
You felt a little silly by the time you made it to the bookstore. It was quite obvious just how much effort you put into your outfit today; you even applied a little bit of makeup and fixed your hair. Seonghwa was curious right away, but because it was a rather busy day, you managed to dodge his attempts at questioning you. When the evening came around and the end of your shift, you started to wonder if maybe you had let yourself be tricked into thinking Mingi really would come.
You were tidying up your apron when the door opened and Seonghwa made a knowing noise. You were just hanging your bag over your shoulder when you noticed the tall figure standing there. Mingi looked quite a bit different from last time: while still modern and very handsome, he wore glasses and a hat that made him look much more mature, together with a more tuned down oufit. When your gazes met, he grinned, "Sorry, I got a little distracted, am I too late?”
He didn’t look like he was here to pick up a bunch of books, but more to ask you out for a date. For some reason, it seemed you had the same thought, because there was a gentle hope that just maybe, luck would be on your side. Why not? If anyone else always got those random dates, why not you?
“You must be Mister Song? The book you ordered arrived,” Seonghwa chuckled and pulled the paper bag up. “Everything is already packed, so you only have to pay.” Mingi seemed to force himself a little to look at the store owner, but he wasn’t unkind. “Thank you. I appreciate it was as quick.” He paid and took the bag, looking at you again.
“Looks like you finished work?” Before you could say something, Seonghwa was already about it, giving you a gentle shove. “Oh yes, we are done here for the day. It’s a lovely evening for a change, no rain or anything. Enjoy!” He winked at you, and before you could say anything, the two of you were out on the street. You cleared your throat, “Sorry about that, he’s always quite keen on… things.”
Mingi laughed, leaning down a little to look at you. “Well, it’s quite late and you shouldn’t be out alone. Maybe I can walk you home, unless… you have a bit of time?” So it was a date! You tried to hide your excitement about going out with a stranger you knew nothing about other than his name, age, and major. “Ah, sure! I don’t work tomorrow and my lectures are in the late afternoon.”
He seemed happy about your answer and turned around. “Mind to come to my car with me? It’s nearby, just want to drop the books there.” You gave him a quick nod and walked beside him. Mingi adjusted his steps to match yours, looking at you. “So, you know my major, what about you?” His question seemed genuine, so you decided to give him the proper answer.
“It’s boring, but I want to work as a teacher overseas, for languages. I thought it would be amazing to live abroad, teaching older students. I know almost everyone seems to do it these days, but I want to do it properly, which is why I decided to study.” Your parents hadn’t been all thrilled about it, as you could have done anything, but they supported you.
Mingi did not seem to be disappointed about your answer but more invested. “Interesting! I take it that means you like to travel? Any places you would like to go to? It could be to work or just to visit and enjoy a vacation. I always tell myself I would, but you could say studies keep me here…” You felt there was more to it, but it would be rude to ask.
Instead, you tapped a finger against your chin, trying to figure out an answer. “Hmm, I feel like there are just so many places one could go, you know? I mean, our country is beautiful, but I really would like to see more of the world. Maybe places where cultures really clash, like Canada or Australia, which is a little silly. I’m not sure if they would hire a Korean teacher there.” You laughed and looked at him.
Mingi seemed to have taken quite an interest in your face; his smile had changed from the overly confident version from earlier to something gentle. “I do not think it sounds silly. If anything, it’s smart. I feel there is quite a demand for just that.” He nodded and pointed towards a black van. “This is my car.”
It wasn’t what you expected, but at the same time, fitting. “I will wait here, take your time,” you nodded, and he winked. “It only will take a second.” He stepped over and opened the trunk, placing the books inside before returning to your side. Oh, this man was bold. You couldn’t stop thinking that when he offered his arm to you. “Shall we?” There was a hint of hesitation; you questioned if you were so desperate at this point to accept it so easily.
Your dating experiences weren’t even worth a mention. There was a cute guy in high school, a few dates in the first year of college, but that was about it. You always figured that you simply were too ordinary and your drive to be in a relationship too low to try and change that. It didn’t mean you did not enjoy the idea; the chance to explore it was too tempting to miss out on. “Where are we going?”
Mingi did not seem to be too suspicious about your hesitations; he just was too confident to worry about it. “Well, I am a history major, so the most logical thing to me is to take you to a place that suits this while being cute,” he chuckled. “There is this active exhibition going on right now; I thought that could be fun. If you do not feel like that, though, we can just grab some food and then get you home.”
Now you really felt bad for purely judging him for the tattoos on his neck you were sure to have seen on the first day, which seemed to be covered by his outfit today. He really was more than his appearance or the confidence he portrayed. “Oh no, that sounds fun! I just should warn you, it has been quite some time since I went to a place like that.”
Mingi was surprised just how trusting you were. Back at the store, upon first meeting, he had thought of you as a confident person because you were in your own territory. It was why he decided to approach you there first instead of going for a random flirt, but now, you almost seemed too generous to a stranger.
No, he did not start and get attached, especially not that quickly, or he wouldn’t be any better. Then again, it wasn’t so easy because he could sense the radiant energy that your soul held. A soul that reached the end of its human circle was the strongest. It was why so many supernatural beings were usually drawn to it, but it seemed your life had been rather quiet so far. Good for him; he could do this with fewer worries…
The exhibition was designed for tourists, with giant items, some of them interactive, arranged to resemble a playground. Mingi watched you with curiosity as you looked surprisingly excited by the time he bought the tickets.
“If I’d have known they did something like this, maybe I’d have come sooner,” you joked, and Mingi smiled. He watched as you stepped ahead, looking around, passing by other visitors, some of whom were couples. Mingi had no experience when it came to dating. While his confidence wasn’t necessarily a lie, it just didn’t work so easily for him. Love meant letting people in, and with that either, lying or sharing the truth. But how did you explain to anyone that he was part of a witch coven?
He stopped as you picked the swing of all things, looking a little shy at him. He could tell you hoped he’d push you. “Really? If you wanted to do this, we could have just gone to an actual playground,” he teased, but Mingi stepped behind it. The swing was covered in leaves, making it look like it was part of a jungle.
“We could, but there we would be judged as strange adults. Here we can do it while pretending it’s all for gaining knowledge.” At least, you were witty. Mingi liked it and hoped to see a little more to it. After all, he needed to win you over so you would volunteer to leave your soul to him by the time of your end… He pushed the thought aside and started to aid you with the swinging.
“You seem too confident to care about the opinions of others,” he started, a means to try and get to know you better. It was easier to ask questions when you did not have to look the other in the eye. Considering that silence followed as you moved, Mingi assumed you were more careful with your answer.
“I guess I am, but then I am not. It’s hard to explain, but I feel as I start confident, but then when I think about it, I get nervous. Then, it’s like I never was confident to begin with, you know?”
Your voice was thoughtful as you swung through the air, and Mingi was a little speechless because he knew that feeling exactly. He too often tried to act confident, but then, when feelings and thoughts came crashing in, he crumbled. Just he tried to hide it, and for all other times, he had Yunho, who stepped in to shelter him.
He hated feeling so weak.
You had to cling to the swing not to fall forward when it was suddenly forcefully stopped, but before you could complain about it, Mingi’s face was close. This time, you could see his eyes clearly and the two moles that felt so unique. His breath tickled your skin, and you had no idea just what was going on anymore. You swallowed as he slowly leaned in, his long lashes seemed ready to shut when you found yourself leaning back.
“Ah…. I’m sorry, I think this is too early,” you whispered, and whatever had gotten over him seemed to be gone. The man blinked and shook his head: “Yeah! Sorry! I just, you know! Sad topics, never mind, I mean we do not have to talk about it, I get it.” It was obvious that he was a little lost , so you tried to fix it, getting up with a smile.
“No, don’t worry about it, I do not mind! It’s nice knowing somebody understands it, you know?” You dropped the topic. “Well, shall we look at the rest and then get some food? There is a burger place Hwa recommended to me the other day nearby.”
Mingi managed to smile; you were certain it was more forced this time. Whatever was on his mind must be quite serious, and you felt bad for likely having been the reason for it. “Sure, sounds good.”
You tried your best to make the rest of your time at the museum more comfortable, asking questions about if he came here often and what his favorite exhibition had been. Slowly, Mingi relaxed again, and the conversation was casual and fun. He knew quite a bit about it although not being an art major but shared how he had considered studying that, but his family insisted on something more traditional. He spoke about his enjoyment of music and interest in fashion.
Every time you complimented it, his smile seemed to grow and it made you oddly happy. You enjoyed listening to him, and Mingi made sure to give you time to share your thoughts on it. By the time you made it to the burger shop, nobody would be able to guess that the two of you only had known each other for more or less one day.
“Mh, I didn’t remember they were so expensive,” you mumbled to yourself. Mingi chuckled: “You know, I could just invite you?” You hurried to shake your head: “No! You paid for the museum, shame on them for taking money from students… I got this!” He waved his hands: “How about we share the fries? I never will eat an entire package on my own anyway.”
You could tell he was trying to help, so you sighed and gave in, just mentally reminding yourself this would mean living off instant food for the next week to come. Once the order was set and the tray carried to a small table, the two of you ate and Mingi relaxed back, eyes wandering outside the window. “I admit, this was a lot more fun than I expected. Yunho comes with me sometimes but he’s really busy with his work; I feel bad to ask him to tag along to things like that.”
This was the second time the name slipped, first earlier when you looked at a painting of a dog. “A friend?” you asked, picking up a fry and watching him nod. The way he smiled made it obvious that this Yunho must be important to the student. “He’s been my best friend since early childhood, pretty much like a brother.”
This must be nice, having a friend like that. You couldn’t complain, really. You had quite a few good friends but none of them was to the level of being considered equal to a sibling. “Is he also some edgy and tall guy like you?” you asked playfully with a wink. Mingi rolled his eyes, smirking: “Please, edgy is such an old-style word! Nah, he is taller than myself but other than that, very caring.”
You laughed: “Likely very popular with the girls.” Mingi shrugged, finishing his chicken burger. “Who knows, I tell him to take his chances but like I said… he’s somewhat busy.” You nodded, deciding not to pry today; if anything, you might learn more about it naturally. “So, I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for inviting me. That leaves it, well, I still do not have your number.”
Mingi blinked, realizing you were right, and he chuckled, taking out his phone and offering it to you. “Let’s change that then!” You smiled and gave him yours before you both saved each other. When you checked under what he registered himself, you playfully rolled your eyes: “Tall Handsome, really?” He rose from the chair: “Just making sure! It’s getting late, let’s get you home.”
When he said it was time to go, you were a little disappointed but he was right. While your semester was as good as over, you had a few extra classes taken for the credits. You walked back to his van and he drove you to your apartment complex.
“Next time, the plan’s on me,” you offered with a smile and Mingi nodded. “Sounds good… sleep well.” You hesitated for a moment before leaning in, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before getting out of the car. You were confident there was a hint of a blush on his cheek as he smiled and drove off.
“Ah, this was such a long and expensive day,” you sighed to yourself before stopping in front of the mailboxes. A few envelopes were shoved inside yours. You sighed as you opened them and looked at the signature of the university. “Always so in time with the payment note for the next term…”
You flipped through the others, sorted out ads, and moved over to the trashcans to leave what you didn’t need right away when a pale hand appeared, opening the can for you. You looked up in surprise, facing a man that was about your own height. You did not pay too much attention to that, though; his features were much more captivating. It was hard to describe but there was something oddly beautiful about him. Sharp yet elegant, knowing, and curious eyes, a casual smile on his lips as his free hand brushed through dark brown curls.
“Thank you,” you mumbled. A quick glance over the rest of his appearance made you wonder what he was doing here. While his style was certainly unique, it wasn’t difficult to spot pricy brands, nothing people in this neighborhood wore. Yet, for some reason, he seemed familiar. Maybe you did encounter him before?
“You are welcome. It’s a little late to get out the trash; being out after dark is a little dangerous or so I heard,” his voice was melodic, and you had a hard time looking at him as for some reason, he made you nervous. What was it with handsome men suddenly paying attention to you this month?
“It’s not as bad as the press wants you to think,” you joked but fixed your bag. “I am about to get up so…” His smile did not fade, eyes fixed on you before he nodded. “Well, I actually acquired this building today. Guess, I’ll see you then. Sleep well.” It was hard to tell what felt more off, the bow he gave you or the news that he bought this building… he couldn’t be much older than yourself, and why would anyone want this?
All you could do was stare as he walked into the night. Yes, this really was a strange day. “Mh, gosh, I spend too much time with books!” You patted your cheeks like it would wake you up before disappearing into your small apartment.
Hongjoong sighed as he settled into the armchair close to the fireplace. On the day he arrived in this city, he knew right away he had finally found you after searching for two centuries.
Your soul was burning so brightly, so beautifully, that he would have enjoyed it if not for knowing that by the time he finally managed to track you down, you truly had reached your final life.
You looked different this time, but it did not matter. If anything, he quite enjoyed seeing you so lively, so stubborn, and confident. In the life you met him, society had been very different, and you had to give in to the status of your family and what they wanted from you.
Hongjoong had really practiced his patience for you, back then and now. If he could, he would just walk in and shake your soul up a little, reminding it that in a previous life, you loved him too and that the connection between the two of you was surely still there.
He would likely have done it if not for the little witch clinging so closely to you all day. Hongjoong knew exactly what that one wanted from you, and there was no way he would lose you ever again, as unlike that guy, he wanted all of you, and all you had to do for that was to devote your soul to him.
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wondashoever · 7 months
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soapyakships · 1 month
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eva-birdman-art · 3 months
I don't know why I bite
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xulips · 7 months
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scrapped kohane birthday comic idea
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redpapercraness · 2 months
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some fuutas from da sketchbook
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phoenixtakaramono · 7 months
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I think the Princess of Hell and her devoted knight make a great powerhouse couple
Higher-Res Version: Twitter
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axoqiii · 9 months
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NEW LEAKED SET IS SO PRETTY??? i love you akiyama mizuki
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k3nnyonly1 · 4 months
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Just the neighbors hanging out, what can go wrong?
(Want free to add your OC in)
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viktormaru · 11 months
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Omentober 19
The End
So... Iso am I right?
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hunny-pp · 23 days
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hardest fucking ego ever, my god .
edit: speadpain....
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wondashoever · 6 months
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bro like,, dont you ever just wanna go fuzakeru na bai bai bazu merodi
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soapyakships · 7 months
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perhaps a true love's kiss might wake the princess
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lydiannettelizabeth · 2 months
Pjsekai magical girl au where all the leaders are recruited by miku to be magical girls send tweet
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swingstep · 7 months
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so i saw that angela does not have a shimeji yet. ... fixed it :)
ta-da!! now you can have a tiny little library director running around your screen, free of charge!! ^w^ she is very polite and will only steal your windows Sometimes. its ok, she is allowed.
link will be provided in the replies of this post; godspeed, have fun, and cherish your local angela today! 🎉✨
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books-and-omens · 1 year
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I think I—
He nearly says it. He nearly says ‘I think I ought to stay.’ But Metatron is walking off, very deliberately walking off without giving Aziraphale any time to respond. 
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