#drone diet
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loveofmyeternity · 1 month ago
I quit the drone diet..
But I found something better. A drone that's on the market and lifts at least 150 lbs!
As you may or may not know, my latest idea for a scheme for when I get to his state is to get a heavy lift drone and follow him from the sky.
Until recently I thought the heaviest lifting drone on the market could only list 121 lbs which is almost exactly my weight. I thought it could be good to lose some weight to reduce the risk of breaking the drone mid-air, so I started dieting.
Unfortunately by the end of it, I started looking like Christian Bale from the Machinist with a wig.
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It sounds like a joke but my head was looking a bit too big on my body. But now that I've found a drone that can lift me I can continue with just trying to be fit rather than light.
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novacaene · 3 months ago
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everything I do is cringey and I'm okay with it
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d1etmountaind6w · 4 months ago
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vulcanette · 1 month ago
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banyanas · 6 months ago
man if i had an actual plot structure to use as scaffolding (because i can’t really do slice of life or things like it) i could write so many N and Uzi words that are just the actual practicalities and obstacles (varying in size and some seen, some unforeseen) of an interspecies relationship
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stormvanari · 11 months ago
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LOW, but Worker-fied
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eretzyisrael · 2 years ago
Good News From Israel
In the 30th Apr 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Innovative Israeli therapy causes cancer cells to collapse.
A simple Israeli device will save numerous babies from suffocation.
Israel opens a permanent embassy in another Muslim country.
Three Israeli startups have won awards for hydrogen-based technology.
A record number of passengers used Ben Gurion Airport in March.
Israelis are “all a flutter” from a heavy dose of butterflies.
Some great stories to celebrate Israel’s 75 birthday.
Raed More: Good News From Israel
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As it completes its 75th year, Israel continues to build up the modern Jewish State. This latest Positive newsletter contains medical advances to build up the strength of the sick and injured everywhere - physically and mentally; young and old; collectively or individually. Israeli volunteers help rebuild the lives of the vulnerable from Israel to Brazil and all points in between. In hi-tech and business, Israelis are helping build a society with clean energy, pollution-free agriculture, clean water, healthy foods, and sustainable products. Israel strives to build a better future for all. The photo was taken during Israel's 75th Independence Day fly-past. It aptly highlights the Israeli spirit and determination to reach new heights.
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nyaifyz · 2 years ago
imagine a murder drone who eats the robotic roaches instead of killing workers for oil
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
I could't contain myself guys sorry--
Bro, do you realize how scary it would be to have Vox as a Yandere?
just imagine it. You could be one of his workers, maybe too good at your job, because not only do you do what Vox tells you without asking questions, but you also know what to say and what not to say to avoid a "tantrum" from him. or rather, when his insecurities attack with force like when Alastor returns.
Vox would probably be a somewhat condescending yandere (as seen with Val) but don't think you can't turn tables easily, if you stroke his ego enough, you can have him around your finger. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous for those around you.
He makes the typical 180 degree turn in attitude when it comes to Other Employees and when it comes to You. Damn, you may be the only one of his employees who gets paid vacations (or even vacations) or even birthday bonuses, things like that. He likes to give you his things or products with the excuse that "they are for testing" even if they have already been released on the market.
Vox: who the fuck eat My leftovers!?! WHENEVER WHO WAS I'M GOING TO-
Darling: it was me sir.
Vox:--give You the rest and take You out for lunch, You haven't eaten in the whole day AGAIN, didn't ya?
He definitely avoids conflict with you by hypnotizing you, when he starts to feel hostility, fear on your part or that you want to leave, he makes you "out of nowhere" have "ONE MORE TASK" and you can't help but do what he says.
and IT IS NOT just to avoid fights or for you to leave, it is something CONSTANT (once every two days MINIMUM), although Vox is not worried about your brain turning into mush due to its powers, it always keeps nutritious things in your diet and they come out relatively often , as you have to follow him everywhere.
Eventually he becomes more clingy and needy in this case, it's practically not that he's proposing to you or anything, he's just slowly dragging you into a relationship without you realizing it (because you're not lucid enough). Unless you develop a higher level of tolerance to his hypotonic trick, I don't think you'll notice his Red Flags.
I think it would be ESPECIALLY BAD if Darling is also a Sinner, because then they wouldn't even be able to get out of the pride ring to run away from Vox. leaving you with many fewer options and having to avoid all of Vox's technology, which you could only achieve by 1- going to the Cannibal Legion or 2- going to the Hazbin Hotel.
Running away is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, not only because of his hypnotic trick, but because he literally has EYES EVERYWHERE, on every screen in hell. If you somehow manage to get away with it and run away, Vox would be SO ANGRY and looking for you all over hell with their screens.
Although definitely if you were gone more than a day, he would be more distraught than angry and would begin to despair. Even Val and Velvet would give him a hand because of how bad it would be.
Just imagine, thinking that you finally lost sight of Vox's search drones, without realizing that you stand in front of some store and VOX ITSELF appears on the screens :)
If you made the stupid decision to go to the Hazbin Hotel, Vox would be distraught and would even think that Alastor was somehow holding you hostage, obviously! Why would you go there if you knew his biggest enemy was there? Alastor must be using you as a bargaining chip! How dare he!?
(in this case, fortunately, the punishment is much less severe, but he would definitely monitor you for the rest of your life)
When he eventually gets you back (after a few days or even WEEKS of anguish) expect, first of all, to be in a mortal embrace that lasts AT LEAST 2 days and then receive your "punishment" which would be to be under hypnosis for AT LEAST 1 YEAR to be sure that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
Although calm down! He gives your mind breaks periodically because 1- he doesn't know if that would ultimate mess with your head and 2- it's nice to hear YOU talk instead of the robotic version.
When that year FINALLY ends, you will be a much more obedient, more terrified, sweeter version of You, according to Vox, like a frightened Deer. It was a long and hard process, but the good thing is that you don't have to do anything anymore! absolutely! Just do what he tells you and everything will be fine.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Not one of the Best yanderes to have, but Def not the worst
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
words for when your characters are ________
absorption, chew, contract, crunch, deplete, diet, dig in, dispatch, draft, exhaust, feast, finish, glut, gobble, gormandize, graze, guzzle, ingest, nibble, nosh, peck, polish off, prey on, quaff, sip, stuff, take, tear down, wolf, xerophagy
bob, careen, circulate, contort, curl, dandle, descend, dislocate, displace, drift, entwine, fidget, flourish, haul, loop, oscillate, paddle, pivot, pulsate/pulse, revolve, rock, rotate, skirt, topple, transport, tumble, twine, uproot, waft, waver, wheel, wield
Moving quickly
barge in/barge into, bolt, bustle, coast, dart, decamp, flash, flinch, flutter, gallop, glide, hurry, hustle, jiggle, make off, plunge, prance, rebound, ricochet, run, scamper, scramble, shake, shudder, skedaddle, skip, slide, slither, speed, sprint, storm, swerve, tear, twirl, wag, whiz, wobble, zip, zoom
Moving slowly
amble, creep, dalliance, decline, dilly-dally, hobble, knock about/knock around, laggard, linger, lumber, meander, plod, prowl, ramble, reel, saunter, slink/slither, sneak, steal, stroll, tarry, tramp, waddle, wander
accent, bark, bellow, cackle, chant, chortle, clamor, cry, drone, giggle, growl, guffaw, harmonize, howl, laugh/laughter, locution, mumble, mutter, parrot, roar, shout, shut up, snap, snicker/snigger, squawk, stutter, voice, whimper, whistle, yammer, yowl
The above are concepts classified according to subject and usage. It not only helps writers and thinkers to organize their ideas but leads them from those very ideas to the words that can best express them.
It was, in part, created to turn an idea into a specific word. By linking together the main entries that share similar concepts, the index makes possible creative semantic connections between words in our language, stimulating thought and broadening vocabulary. Writing Resources PDFs
Source ⚜ Writing Basics & Refreshers ⚜ On Vocabulary ⚜ Part 1
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emmyrosee · 2 years ago
You left him for two minutes. All of two minutes.
On the rare days off that you and Shoto get to spend together, it’s almost always spent curled together on the couch or in the bed, watching him work out for fun before making him cheat on his diet, anything that lets the day drip by slower than any other day of the week.
You left him to pee. That’s it. Placing the bowl of sour candy down, you slip out from his lap, give him a kiss before moving down the hall like any standard, subconscious person would.
Two. Minutes.
“Shoto, what’re you doing?”
“You like the strawberry flavor the best.”
By the time you come out, he’s got a pile of pink candy, separated by the other colors except for purple, which is in its own little pile. “You don’t like the grape flavor.”
You quirk a brow and walk back over to him, watching as he continues to segregate the candies, “baby, I would’ve been more than happy to just pick around them, you didn’t have to do all of this.”
“But you don’t like them,” he repeats, looking up at you with those doe eyes that you love to get lost in. “You look down every time you reach for one. I thought I might help ease the burden slightly.”
Burden. Your first world problem of not liking sour grape skittles should be the farthest thing from a burden to him.
But to shoto, it’s not one, and it’ll never be one; little acts of services like these aren’t new, small details just to make hour by hour tasks and privilegies just that much easier.
It’s something he’s always done. Something he’s always going to do. Because he loves you.
With a smile, you slink back into his lap, your head nuzzling against his stomach while the tv drones on about whatever he put on while you were gone. You kiss the warmth of his tummy to feel the muscles constrict under the affection, and you bury your hand into the bowl of candy right after.
“Don’t be cheeky.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you hum. A hand rests on your head, thumb gently rubbing over the warmth of your crown as silence fills the room once again.
Popping a skittle into your mouth, your face quickly grimaces, and he hums in acknowledgement.“Eugh,” you grumble, and he looks down at you, silently asking you what happened.
And you want to lie. Truly! It’s better for everyone if you do, just tell him you bit your tongue and let him think nothing more.
But apparently, you don’t.
“Missed a grape one,” you tease.
“Spit it into my hand.”
“Sho, no-“
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 1 month ago
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Haunted Settlement
This small island (that I still have to name) is thought to be the place of origin of the dire chinchilla. Colonizers were surprised by the large size of these animals, and by the amount of meat in their diet, so they took a few specimens for their zoos. This happened several times.
As the local population of chinchillas dwindled, they became extremely aggressive and hard to capture. Many an explorer perished at their claws. The island was deemed too dangerous, even cursed.
In the late 90s, a team of 8 scientists arrived to the island and started building a settlement to study the local wildlife, which had not been documented extensively, beyond the chinchillas. The scientists were encouraged to carry firearms and explicitly told that a potential rescue was not guaranteed. A death was confirmed during the fifth month, and that was the last communication ever received from the team.
Recently, a photograph taken by a drone showed the settlement in disrepair, but no signs of violence. Rumors about some supernatural entity protecting the island from human presence persist to this day.
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astragatwo · 1 year ago
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Limbus slugcats I did between uni work and owed art! Partially inspired by ari-zonia's Limbus slugcats I saw a while ago, but I also wanted to do my own take on em! Also includes iterator Dante for funsies.
I had clearer ideas for some of them than others, struggled to think of something for Hong Lu & Meursault but instantly knew what I wanted to do for Don Quixote and Sinclair. It was fun to figure out though!
All of the info/etc assumes:
All hard-mode spawns
Ascension is the goal of the campaign
Definitely not balanced, I just like numbers
Text transcription under the cut in case it's hard to read! Fair warning that it does get pretty long.
Yi Sang - The Researcher
0.8 spear damage
1.4 speed
Can craft pearls (does not contain data)
Survivor diet
Double jump at Karma 5+
Faust - The Scientist
Survivor stats
Survivor diet
Can read pearls
Can craft items
Amount of craftable things depends on # of pearls catalogued
Pearls must contain data
Has a self-made scanning drone
Don Quixote - The Valiant
2 spear damage, longer cooldown
Slide inflicts 0.6 damage
Can become stuck in walls
1.7 run speed
1.3 tunnel/pole speed
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Can maul
Ryoshu - The Artist
Special spear deals 2 damage
Reg. spear damage 1.2
Can eat grenades/cherrybombs
Otherwise, hunter diet
1.2 run speed
Cannot hibernate w/o her spear
Lost spear = game over
Increased stealth/quiet
Can maul
Meursault - The Steadfast
bulky, can tank 1-2 fatal hits
1.7 spear damage
0.8 run speed
slide deals 0.4 dmg
bodies worth 1/2 pips
Hong Lu - The Sheltered
Hunter stats
Increased chance of pearl and special spear spawns
Better swimmer + slightly extended breath timer
Survivor diet
Glows faintly (not as strongas neuron glow)
Heathcliff - The Ruffian
1.1 spear damage
Rubble deals 0.8 damage
Can throw small animals for varying amounts of damage depending on size
1.2 run speed
Hunter diet
Can maul
Can survive 1 fatal hit
Ishmael - The Seafarer
Greatly extended breath timer
Better swimmer
1.2 run speed
Otherwise survivor stats
Cold resistance, but temporarily loses resistance coming out of water however
Can craft few items (ex. 2 rubble = 1-time-use spear)
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Rodion - The Gambler
High cold resistance
Starts with slightly raised global reputation
Pearls can be eaten for a random (+), (-), (=) effect
Pearls worth 1/4 of a pip
1.2 spear damage
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Sinclair - The Apprentice
Stats alter based on karma level
Lower karma = higher stats
Higher karma = lower stats
Speed never goes lower than 1.2
Survivor diet
0.6-2 spear damage
1.2-1.7 run speed
Can maul at ≤3 karma
Quieter when crouching
Light bodyweight
Outis - The Commander
1.4 spear damage
Otherwise hunter stats
Hunter diet
Global rep more sensitive to change
befriended scavs more aggressive when threat is present
Can craft few items (ex. lantern, flashbang, 1-time use spear, etc)
Gregor - The Cermin
Survivor stats
Has slugpup companion
Can be used as a diversion
Slugpup cannot die
Can shock animals at cost of 1 pip
Used to stun, strength of infant centipede
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Can eat most things
Can survive 1 fatal hit
Dante - Twelve Chains That Bind
Cannot raise karma
Not super functional
Slugcats can bring other sinner corpses to their chamber to be revived
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americanwh0rerstory · 6 months ago
Rainy days [kyle spencer]
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Franken-kyle x witch!reader
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SUMMARY: kyle doesn’t like thunder, so you decide to comfort him
CONTENT WARNING: mentions of death, lana del rey (it’s not rlly a warning but she’s mentioned in the fic)
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thunder rumbled from a distance away, rain hammering down on the roof. however despite how far it away the storm was, it sounded as though it was looming over the academy. no matter what anyone tried, nobody could calm down the distressed kyle. with every roar of thunder, every flash of lightening, it just continued to cause kyle to be in a worse state
he was attempting to hide from the thunder, his hands over his ears and his knees up to his chest whilst he sat in the corner of the room. Madison almost instantly gave up with him, sauntering off to do her own thing. zoe tried too, but kyle just wouldn’t listen to her. through the loud thunder and the garbled distressed noises he managed to say one shaky stammered word: “y-y/n”
he wanted you, the only person who hadn’t gotten fed up with him at any point. so obviously you came the second word got to you that kyle was seeking your comfort. you knelt down in front of him, gently putting your hands on his and pulling them away from his ears so he’d be able to hear you.
“it’s okay ky” you reassure him gently, looking into his panic-stricken eyes as you spoke to him in a slow and comforting tone. you grab the sparkly earphones kyle had used before and carefully put them on him, his face lighting up slightly the same way he always did when the headphones were plugged in.
you plugged the headphones into your laptop, putting your playlist on shuffle and hoping kyle would like what came on. it was Diet mountain dew by lana del rey, hopefully something kyle would enjoy. judging by the small smile on his lips and the way he seemed to be calming down, he did like it. you sat beside him, intwining your fingers with his to provide him extra comfort whilst you both listened to the music, the rain droning on as mere background noise
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growthhyp · 2 months ago
Hey, could I have these sunglasses. I don't usually like them but I think this pair would suit me.
The Sunglasses
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In the sweltering heat of a suburban afternoon, you meandered through the cluttered maze of the garage sale, your eyes scanning over the mishmash of objects that seemed to have been plucked from the owner's life without any semblance of order. The muscular man behind the makeshift counter, sweat glistening on his bulging arms, caught your gaze as you approached. His biceps stretched the fabric of his sleeveless shirt, a silent testament to the hours he likely spent pumping iron. You, on the other hand, were content with your lean build, the result of a disciplined diet and occasional jogs in the park. The gym was never your sanctuary, but rather a place you'd visit only when necessity called, like when you had to lift that one heavy box your roommate couldn't manage.
But there they were, the sunglasses, perched atop a pile of old magazines and knickknacks like a gleaming prize waiting to be claimed. They weren't flashy or expensive looking, just a simple pair of aviators with a black frame and slightly tinted lenses. Yet, something about them whispered to you, promising an allure that could elevate even the most mundane business suit. You were attending a convention across the country, and you had a feeling these sunglasses would be the perfect accessory to complete your look.
With a sudden sureness, you pointed at the aviators and said, "I'd like to buy these sunglasses." The muscular man's eyes lit up, and he gave you a knowing smile as he reached over to grab them. "It'll look good on you," he said, winking. You felt a strange warmth in your cheeks, unsure if it was from his compliment or the heat of the garage. Without a second thought, you handed over the cash and took the sunglasses. They felt surprisingly light in your hand, as if they were made just for you.
On the day of your business travel, you dressed in your usual casual attire: a well-worn pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. The convention was in another country, a place filled with opportunities to showcase your company's latest innovations. The flight was long, and as the plane climbed into the sky, you found yourself lulled by the steady drone of the engines. The cabin grew dim as the flight attendant dimmed the lights, and you decided to catch some rest.
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With the sunglasses from the garage sale resting on your face, you drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The cool plastic frames felt surprisingly good against your skin, and the tinted lenses blocked out the last remnants of daylight.
As your body began to relax, you noticed a peculiar sensation in your arms. The fabric of your t-shirt, once loose and comfortable, grew taut against your skin as your muscles began to swell. The baggy sleeves that once hung loosely now clung to biceps that bulged slightly. You felt a strange sense of detachment from the changes happening to your body as if it was all just a vivid dream.
In your sleep, a montage of muscular men flexing their bulging biceps played out before your eyes. Despite not being particularly interested in such sights, you couldn't help but feel drawn into the scene. They grunted and posed, their muscles rippling in a display of power and strength that seemed to be seeping into your subconscious. The dream was oddly mesmerizing, and you found yourself noticing the intricacies of their physiques, the way each muscle interacted with the others to form a harmonious whole.
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As the plane droned on, your t-shirt grew tighter around your chest and arms. The once-loose cyan shirt now hugged your body like a second skin, showcasing a physique that was no longer lean but had morphed into something more. Your chest was no longer flat but instead bulged with newfound muscle, and your forearms, once thin and unassuming, had begun to thicken and curve with power. The sunglasses remained perched on your nose, a silent sentinel overseeing the metamorphosis occurring beneath them.
The dreams grew more intense. You saw yourself in a gleaming gym, surrounded by the scent of sweat and metal. You were lifting weights, feeling the burn in your muscles as they stretched and grew. Flexing in the mirror, you marveled at your new form. The reflection staring back at you was no longer that of a casual jogger but a sculpted figure, a vision of athleticism that seemed to have been pulled from the pages of a fitness magazine. The idea of working out was no longer a chore but a craving that grew stronger with each passing moment of sleep.
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As the plane's engines hummed, your body continued to change. Your cyan t-shirt clung to your torso like it had been painted on, your abs popping out in a perfect six-pack that seemed to shout "look at me!" The fabric of your sleeves strained against your biceps and triceps, bulging with every twitch and flex. Your shoulders had become boulders, the seams of your shirt threatening to split under their newfound weight. Your legs and calves had also filled out, the material of your jeans now taut and revealing every ridge and curve of your muscular limbs.
But the transformation didn't stop there. You felt your feet swell in your shoes, the leather stretching and groaning before finally giving way. The toes of your sneakers peeked out, the fabric torn and destroyed by the sudden growth. Yet, the discomfort didn't wake you. Instead, your dreams grew more intense, more vivid. You were now in a world where muscles weren't just for show but were a symbol of power and respect. Each time you saw your new physique in the mirror, you felt a thrill of excitement, a longing to push your body even further. The gym had become your sanctuary, and the idea of physical perfection was now an all-consuming passion.
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As the plane's voice announced that it was preparing to land, your eyes fluttered open. The cabin was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, and the world outside the window was a blur of colors and shapes. You sat up, taking in your new body with a sense of wonder. Your posture was now straight and strong, your shoulders pulled back in a way that exuded confidence. You looked down and saw the sunglasses still perched on the bridge of your nose, a reminder of the strange journey you'd just undertaken.
You felt a surge of excitement as you realized that your dream had somehow become reality. The sunglasses had done something to you, and as you touched your newfound biceps, you couldn't help but smile. The fabric of your t-shirt was stretched to its limit, outlining every muscle in your arms and chest. You flexed, watching the fabric of your sleeves strain against your bulging muscles, and felt a thrill run through you. This was the body of a man who could conquer the world, or at least the business convention you were heading to.
Deplaning, you walked with a newfound confidence that seemed to radiate from every pore. The other passengers couldn't help but steal glances at the Adonis that had emerged from their slumber. The airport bustled with people, all rushing to their own destinations, but you moved through them with the grace of a predator. You knew that you stood out, but instead of feeling self-conscious, you felt powerful, like you owned the very air around you. You knew that finding a gym to maintain your new physique would be a priority during the convention. After all, a body like this was not a one-time thing; it was a lifestyle you were now eager to embrace.
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romaine-arts · 2 months ago
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categorizations for mudokons, through the skewed perspective of industrialist society. a collaboration between me and @lair-of-the-white-worm
SCRUBS Nicknames: Workforce (formal), Cattle (derogatory) Scrubs are Mudokon workers that have been industrially bred for factory labour. Due to the artificial breeding process that is preformed on enslaved queens, Scrubs are usually inbred and suffer many deficiencies and mutations as a result, most commonly a lack of feathers. Scrubs are raised to never know of their mothers, nor their enslavement, and are forced into manual labour the moment they are capable of lifting. A diet of processed foods, lack of vitamins, and horrible working conditions usually results in incredibly poor posture, joint pains, breathing problems, oral health issues, etcetera. Scrubs are fed propaganda to believe these health problems are entirely normal for their species. A Scrub's lifespan is approximately 40 years due to poor health and addictions to alcohol and nicotine products. Scrubs are considered "rude and stupid" by Mudokons that grow up in more urban environments. Scrubs are mass-produced and typically undergo artificial de-sexing processes to ensure that they remain workers (i.e. won't immediately undergo drone development if exposed to sexuality) while under "employment". Scrubs make up an uncomfortable majority of the Mudokon population in midwest Mudos.
CRIMPS Nicknames: Show-muds (offensive) Crimps are Mudokon workers that have been cosmetically altered by Vykkers to be more aesthetically pleasing. Mostly found in the servitude of high-class industrial elites, Crimps are likely to be seen taking on the role of butlers, maids, or other forms of personal servant. While Scrubs may undergo a de-sexing process, Crimps undergo complete chemical castration and are completely incapable of ever developing further. This castration process also ensures Crimps remain youthful and will never be able to develop beyond their worker physique, even if exposed directly to sexuality. Due to Glukkons finding Mudokon pinky fingers and pinky toes unsightly, Crimps have them surgically removed to appear more kempt and clean to their masters and mistresses. They will also have their two remaining toes grafted together in order to fit their feet into more fashionable shoes, or simply to walk more elegantly. Other plastic surgeries Crimps can be seen with are lip fillers, face-lifts, brow-lifts, chin augmentations, and boob jobs (Mudokon workers cannot grow breasts naturally unless they are future queens. As Crimps are completely castrated, any seen with breasts have had them applied surgically or chemically). Crimps will commonly get their natural feathers plucked (if they have any) and undergo transplants to have a fuller, thicker, artificial head of unnaturally coloured feathers. In more urban areas, modelling photos of Mudokon Crimps will be put on posters to serve as an example of what a "high class" Mudokon looks like.
CORRECTIVES Nicknames: Rekties (informal) Mudokon workers born in the wild and captured for enslavement are known as Correctives. Corrective workers are seen as feral, wild animals that need to be tamed and trained in order to serve, hence the necessity of 'Corrective Facilities' from which they get their name. Correctives are captured during military Slig raids on Mudokon villages, from tribes that refuse to relocate or comply to industrial developments. Mudokon workers captured and sent to Corrective facilities seldom ever undergo any form of de-sexing. Also, due to being hatched in the wild naturally, Correctives are not born with pre-existing medical conditions, and only risk developing them overtime if exposed to harmful environments. These factors are advertised by the sales representatives of Corrective facilities. They do, however, undergo immense abuses such as whipping, branding, beating, and degradation in order to "correct" things such as their posture and attitude in order to appear more "proper". Their use of the Mudokon language, culture and traditions is beaten out of them. It's commonplace for enslaved Mudokon queens to be sourced from these Corrective facilities, as the captured Mudokons are not de-sexed and are left intact. Due to this, female Correctives are highly desirable and go for a high price. Correctives in these facilities are brainwashed into a distaste for the native Mudokon tribes and a warped hatred for Mudokon Scrubs in factory environments. Correctives that comply with orders will be forced into whipping and beating other Mudokon Correctives. Despite the grueling process of "civilizing" Mudokon correctives, aside from the underground trade of developing Mudokon queens, purchasing a Corrective otherwise is seen purely as a status symbol. The sheer amount of resources that go into training a 'decent' servant from a corrective is often seen as a waste of moolah, with the advent of industrial queen programs. Very few Corrective Facilities still exist, as their products and services are seen as obsolete.
NATIVES Nicknames: Bush-Muds (offensive/derogatory), wild (informal) Native Mudokon workers in their natural environment are living in their element. In Mudokon tribes, workers serve as the main providers of all those within them. While Drones live to closely protect and breed with their Queen, the native Worker Mudokons act as farmers, fishermen, builders, shamans, and soldiers. In the wild, Mudokons live off a natural diet of fruits, vegetables, insects, fish, and occasionally Meep, though fruits make up the vast majority of their diet. They give the natives the nutrients they need to serve their tribes. Mudokon worker feathers are naturally quite beautiful. While not as dense as Drone feathers or Queen feathers, native worker feathers are a sight to behold and even serve to accessorize various regalia that they wear during ceremonies. Queens/”female” Mudokons have dull grey feathers, while developing drones will have more vibrant feathers in order to put on displays for their queens. Native Mudokons are very spiritual and connected with the land. They have immense respect for the world around them and live incredibly humbly, usually near rivers or dense forests depending on the tribe. Due to industrial development and oppression, most Mudokon tribes in the east and Midwest of Mudos live in hiding. In the wild, Mudokon workers can live up to 100 years (or longer if they choose to become a Shaman). Mudokon Workers that become Shamans take a vow of celibacy, and will not develop into drones or queens.
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