maskedmuses · 4 years
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It’s Snowy’s birthday!
@drillelict​​ asked:  BIRF?? BIRFDAY!! HAPPY! BIRFDAY!! SNOWWWWWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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TUUUUUURTLEEEEEEE thank you!! It is indeed my birfday!! I want to interact with you again soon!!! Come back and RP with me some time, I miss you!!
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choudaigurrendan · 4 years
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 “Oh? You desire a heartening embrace or recognition from a fatherly influence, as well? Then come! I will supplant your aching wishes with my own fervent passions, young Man of the Spiral.”
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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@drillelict​ said:  so, like, nya.
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   Listen, tomorrow is Mother’s Day and we have to prepare gifts for Nia-himesama. Understand? Simon said he’s busy with his own preparations for her, and I simply don’t want Kamina’s help.
         Tell me, how adept are you in the kitchen?❞
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kiingsroar-moved · 5 years
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Hands him a drill bit on a chain pulsating with toxic, cosmic and evolutionary energy. "There ya' go, my soul." And begins to stalk off.
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       Lucifer stands there in confusion as he holds the odd object in his hand. This... wasn’t what he meant. 
           ❛ ... ❜
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                 THANK YOU FOR BEING BORN.
-niko && turts
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What is Nia's preferred prefence in dating?
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She is uh, Simonsexual
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heavenly-grievance · 5 years
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❝ᵀʰᵒˢᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰᵒᵘᵗ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ, ,      ᵈᵒⁿ’ᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᴛʀʏ ᵗᵒ ᵉˢᶜᵃᵖᵉᵎ
               ᴵⁿ ᵐʸ ʰᵃⁿᵈˢ,         ᵃ ʷᵃᵛᵉ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ,               ᵃⁿᵈ ᴍʏ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ. 
                 ᵀʰᵉ ˢᵃᵍᵃ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀɢᴇ !❞
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  He was familiar with the sick specters that settled upon his chest while he dozed. Imperceptible to the eye, but so heavy that Doflamingo could have sworn that he felt his ribs cracking, fracturing beneath the relentless presence. They weren’t uncommon. He’d enduring night terrors since his unspeakable childhood. He just... hadn’t expected it. Those sleepless hours had chased him down, down into this putrid cell, wrenched cold sweat out of his skin, and replaced the marrow of his bones with trembling rage.     
  Doflamingo hated lying on his back. It wasn’t the cold of the stone floor. It wasn’t the ache that exhausted his body, from motionlessness  He hated looking up, ceaselessly. He hated the view where everything in sight was unreachable by his hand, and he hated that everything within reach, was covered in filth and decay. The seastone shackles that governed his wrists were heavy, and they ground into his flesh without end. But he even gave that a purpose - rousing himself awake from the terrors of his visions.
  ❝Ah, it’s just so damn boring in here....
          Fufufu, where’s that corpulent devil?
               At leas a little torture would keep me awake.
                     I wonder if I’ve stayed long enough to start making requests.❞
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  His fist closed, curled against itself like a defective serpent. Fangs in the form of keratin crescents, bore deep red rivulets into the heel of his palms. The pain aided only slightly, to draw his mind away from the malefic voices that nested in the chasm somewhere in his head. His sanity stretched dangerously thin, as cells divided and died, without knowledge of the sun. Without once respirating clean air. A familiar hell. He didn’t think of their faces. He didn’t think on their voices. No one could reach him, here, but his demons. And... he couldn’t reach anyone else, from within this vile, unconscionable place. He was really finished with all of it, after all. ....something would have to give.
A twisted mirth crept across his mouth, weary features obliging a misplaced amusement. Tired muscles hauled their weight upwards, a perpetrator strung upon a rack; a sudden, expectant grin.
          ❝You know? I feel like something really good is gonna happen, soon....❞
                                                             — ❝ₒₙₗᵧ ₜₕₑ 𝒹ₑₗᵢ𝒸ᵢₒᵤₛ ₜₕᵢₙ𝓰ₛ 𝓌ᵢₗₗ ᵣₑₘₐᵢₙ.❞
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gritthoseteeth · 5 years
@anahori-simon @drillelict @imherebecauseyourehere
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There was no trusting it, the bright-ass glowing circle of fuck on the floor - the pride in his little brother was overflowing, but that didn’t stop the great Leader from refusing to follow.             IF HE COULDN’T REACH A DESTINATION ON HIS OWN TWO FEET,                             WHAT KIND OF MAN WAS HE? The Great DEMON LORD had, in all actuality, been stuck on the Observation Deck for a solid five hours, now, unable to find his way anywhere more interesting, or not completely filled with foreheads and their endless words.
        A quick adjustment of those signature shades, a hidden gaze trained solemnly at the teleportation pad in front of him.
                           “Mm - ! Good luck, Simon!”
                                                                                 - THAT. IS THE TRUTH OF YOUR UNIVERSE.
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anahori-simon · 5 years
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    “Ma’a, ma’a. You worry too much, Avant.
              There’s just enough room for you, if you curl your legs in.”  
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stcries-a · 5 years
☼ - DAYSTAR - a secret they don’t want coming to light, ♦ - HOARD - something that is precious to them. //For Aniki
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☼ - DAYSTAR - a secret they don’t want coming to light:That he’s not as tough as he makes himself out to be. Sure, Kamina himself is actually PRETTY tough, there are still a lot of things that can bring him down. He’s only human, and we all know how fragile they are compared to the likes of BEASTMEN and other creatures with enhancements. However, that’s why he’s so focused an keeping everyone else’s spirits up by acting out all the time. Keeping everyone ELSE strong alongside him, that’s what makes him stronger.
♦ - HOARD - something that is precious to them:Oh now I can have a bit of fun with this. The one thing besides his friends that is most precious to Kamina, is his SHADES. They were a gift from his father after he left from the surface, giving them to his son when he refused to go with him. This only allowed for his desire to follow his father to GROW as the years went on, keeping the glasses with him at all times as a reminder of his dream and who to chase after. Not matter where Kamina goes, there’s no doubt those POINTED red shades won’t be too far behind.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
drillelict replied to your post “QUOTES STARTERS: RP EDITION pt.1 @drillelict​​ said: ‘It’s been a...”
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                      ❝ ... ❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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@drillelict​​ said: 'It’s been a long time since I’ve been me.'
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  💫 —❝...for you, that must be an onerous realization to bear. For us, it is a truth, and a sentiment to be cherished.  There is no one more suited to be you, than you. And your place here awaited only you.❞
   Viral spoke softly, allowing a genuine affection to warm his words. If Avant would risk the bearing of his ragged heart, then even his clawed hands would be careful with the tracing of it. He knew. Avant had toiled onwards, after the loss of Kamina, with all his might against the Spiral King. Even his own variant from Avant’s reality had perished at the warrior’s self-destructive, unbridled fury. The Anti-Spiral had descended, and Avant had fashioned his rebuke in a manner he felt would immortalize Kamina’s strength and tenacity. Choking down despair and loss, Avant had warred on, until the blood of the Dai-Gurren Brigade had been utterly spent. Then he wagered his own life. And...
  It was past warranted, that Avant could call himself by name. See his face as someone familiar and without the bravado of an irreplaceable, but fallen brother. Viral didn’t wish to overbear the Human’s confession with his own sentimentality, but he did place a considerable value on both Avant as a person... and upon the gesture of having such a vulnerability shared with him.       
  ❝It’s good to have you here, Avant.❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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❥   𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍     [   𝐀   𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋   𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ]  . 👕  :    your  muse  helps  my  muse  get  dressed  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness . ♡   𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄  :    add   ‘  + 🔁  ’   to  reverse  the  roles .
 @drillelict​ said: 👕 + 🔁, dress avant he nakey
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     💫 —“Tch!” 
     The indignant scoff cut through a mouthful of carnassial teeth; hissed and thoroughly resentful of the pair of pants that had been launched like a projectile the moment that Viral had opened the door to Avant’s quarters aboard the Chouginga. Canting his head to the side in order to avoid the discarded garments, he quickly closed the door behind him before the inelegant view was foisted off on any other unsuspecting passerby. The view being Avant’s fully undressed form, belligerent and bare. His brow glistened and his skin had an unhealthy pallor -- perhaps a recent fever or a harrowing dream; Viral could only guess. And investigating for Avant’s sake was would be as difficult and trying as the haunted warrior decided of it.       
    ❝I knocked, you bastard, and you said ‘It’s open.’ That means you intended to throw those from the start. Premeditated crime, is it?
     Oi, why in the hell are you naked?
  Never mind. Put on some clothes! Keh, didn’t we have this talk, before, when you’d all fallen for the onsen trick?❞
 The Beastman admonished, wry and without real ire. It was effortless to become frustrated with Avant, but there was scarcely any benefit to letting him rile one’s temper. In that, he was very much like Kamina - a fact that might please him. And so Viral left it unsaid. He did cross the room to the fold-away closet, and browsed it for replacement garments. Shamelessly, the Human did absolutely nothing to conceal his skin - save for the bandages he always utilized, and the core drill that dangled just as boldly, from the warrior’s throat.      
  Of course he resembled Simon, if a bit more slender, weary, and just a bit less in height. And that was unsettling enough. But to force the discomfiting juxtaposition of concern and exasperation... that was the worst of it, as Viral mused with a flat look and an agitated mouth. He dragged a pair of pants from the sleek, metallic hanging clip and approached the room’s proper occupant.Taunting and symptom-checking at once, the Beastman held the clothing towards the twin, malachite spirals of Avant’s gaze,    
  ❝It’s rare to find you in your own quarters.
                                           Are you such poor shape?❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
replied to your
@drillelict​ said:  so, like, nya. �� —❝PERFECT...
… I can lick the spoon.
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💫 —❝... ... ...❞
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Nia would never slap him
                Cheer had been the first to find a hold along pale features, fingers held taunt for him before contact send a small vibration of elation through her system. It was as if in this void within the ship that sailed the stars, the very core that normally raged and swelled at a Spiral Being’s touch was quieted to a mere mute. It allowed Nia to flourish among them, relishing in the people she had left behind. 
                And the man who had helped bring her back into the world. Swirling greens that occasionally would mesmerized the princess--albeit briefly before a smile would resume on her face. 
                But this time, no beam or crescent seemed to tug at her roseate lips, instead confusion welling within floret eyes as they blinked once. Twice. Three times before her thumb gently oscillated against his skin. 
                “...Avant,” her tone was serious, an unusual occurrence for her. “I would never, ever slap you. You are too precious to me.” A blunt term, but beyond truthful. The entirety of the crew were creatures Nia could never bear to harm with even the slightest of blows. 
                “But...If it’s alright to touch you...” Her smile began to blossom, illuminating her features like an early morning sunrise. “Then I will remember to do so to soothe you. Whenever you need me to, Avant.”
                                                                                            ...Even if @drillelict​ might deserve it
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drillelict replied to your post: Suddenly remembering that Koya is by all...
NO!! NO FURRIES!! //gurgle
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I found this on a blog with furries beastmen, I don’t want to hear it
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