#As a weird pig mole version of Simon
fallen-and-holy · 6 months
TMA dæmon AU!!
My brain has been consumed by a dæmon au for a while now, i am going insane thinking about how the entities would warp and change dæmons, because when an avatar Becomes they are intrinsically changed and warped so their soul would as well and i am having Very Normal Thoughts about this. (Especially as a TMA fictionkin with a dæ) I don't think the dæmons would usually be replaced, but I think they would change forms. Becoming/dying is definitely an event that would trigger a re-settling. There were probably some Avatars who were always suited to their Entity before Becoming, so their dæmons didn't/wouldn't change much, just becoming more dangerous/unsettling. Also, I included links to dæmon analyses from the Dæmon Forum for some forms if anyone wants to look any deeper into this. More info in the form of rough bullet points below the cut!!
Psychopomp animals, bats, black cats, corvids, vultures, and black dogs. 
the animal would likely stay the same, but it would be a shadow/inky version
Birds and ocean creatures, usually much Bigger than they should be, dwarfing the dæs around them
Mike- some type of bird
Simon is a dolphin, they’re both little bastards
Same as the vast, they wouldn’t interact with their ‘mian tho. They wouldn’t be *gone*, that would be too kind. They just would always be there, at the edge of their ‘mians consciousness, never interacting, getting lonelier and lonelier. 
Or their original dæ, but cut off from them.
Peter’s would either be a solitary sandpiper, his daemon is always circling ahead but never interacting, or a sea creature that he leaves behind when he’s off his ship
Not animals. Conecepts, colors, ideas, shapes. Ever changing, never cohesive
Michael would lean towards colors and shapes, while Helen tends toward concepts and sensations
Owls mostly, maybe some corvids too. 
Jonah is a cuckoo bird or honeyguide maybe? I like the honeyguide bc it's ‘helpful’ but it's a parasitic egg layer like cuckoo birds. But cuckoo bird symbolism is much more recognizable
Jon is going to be an owl once he Becomes. The patterns on its feathers will be like eye spots
The spiders. 
Ooo, also maybe digital dæs because of the web's connection to the ‘web’/internet? 
Maybe there could be something like a Sergay Ushanka where someone tried to replicate their dæ in a computer program, or make a new dæ
Burrowing animals like pangolins or moles maybe? Im honestly not completely sure i've never understood these guys
Wonderful suggestion from anon! “buried's big thing is love, smothering love. the buried loves you unconditionally - i'd imagine the bond length between the daemon and the dæmian are very very short, almost painfully so. the buried eventually will probably make the dæmian its own daemon tbh, slowly merging the dust with the dæmian.”
I quite like that, thanks so much anon!
Dolls, porcelain versions of their animal, cuckoo birds
Cuckoo bird for the Not-Them
Breekon and hope i dont think would have daemons, i think they have a weird connected relationship so that they’re like each other’s daemons
Nikola would have a creepy little porcelain smthn
also, a manifestation of the Stranger could be replacing people's dæmons before replacing them, so they feel the terror of their own soul unrecognizable before them. Just a thought :3 
For flesh hives, the Hive itself is their dæmon. For others, usually bugs, also rats
Jane’s are her worms
John Amherst is a plague rat
Chimera animals, strange mishmashes of animals that should never work. Too many limbs, or too many bones. Also pigs.
Predators, specifically cats/felines and wolves/canines, but any predator works. Wolves/canines for the pack hunter aspect, cats bc they hunt for sadistic fun
Julia and Trevor would have complementary wolves/pack dogs, maybe Julia as a wolfdog and Trevor as a wolf. https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26989 https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=25939 
Daisy would be a domestic cat, the association of looking small and tame but being ferocious and dangerous, also hunting for fun and pleasure instead of necessity. Also less of a pack hunter, cats work well for that. Maybe a more wild cat like savanna cats or bengals https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1219169#p1219169  https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1228376#p1228376 
Honey badgers, hippos, bears, aggressive and dangerous animals. Teeth and claws are always a bit too sharp, too dangerous.
Melanie's daemon is a honey badger after her trip to india. Resettling after a traumatic experience is rare, but not unheard of. Nobody thinks anything of it until her daemon changes back after the bullet. https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26529 
Salamanders, foxes, tigers, made of wax or with fiery fur, 
Agnes would be a lion.
Jude a salamander? The passion associations would be good for her anyway
Humans or pre-entities
Basira: American staghound maybe? https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1228800#p1228800
Jon pre coma: I like northern mockingbird for the innocence ‘tricked into it’ aspect, as well as the general teacher associations https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1216836#p1216836 
Martin: im thinking colorado mountain dog https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1219914#p1219914 
Tim: Maybe bull? https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1203471#p1203471
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Nia would never slap him
                Cheer had been the first to find a hold along pale features, fingers held taunt for him before contact send a small vibration of elation through her system. It was as if in this void within the ship that sailed the stars, the very core that normally raged and swelled at a Spiral Being’s touch was quieted to a mere mute. It allowed Nia to flourish among them, relishing in the people she had left behind. 
                And the man who had helped bring her back into the world. Swirling greens that occasionally would mesmerized the princess--albeit briefly before a smile would resume on her face. 
                But this time, no beam or crescent seemed to tug at her roseate lips, instead confusion welling within floret eyes as they blinked once. Twice. Three times before her thumb gently oscillated against his skin. 
                “...Avant,” her tone was serious, an unusual occurrence for her. “I would never, ever slap you. You are too precious to me.” A blunt term, but beyond truthful. The entirety of the crew were creatures Nia could never bear to harm with even the slightest of blows. 
                “But...If it’s alright to touch you...” Her smile began to blossom, illuminating her features like an early morning sunrise. “Then I will remember to do so to soothe you. Whenever you need me to, Avant.”
                                                                                            ...Even if @drillelict​ might deserve it
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drillelict · 5 years
#She kinda love him#As a weird pig mole version of Simon
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