#driking wine
dazeddoodles · 6 months
So if eda has a driking problem, and lillith has a weed problem, what would their parents had ( i think dell has a severe tabaco problem)
WHY are we bringing their parents into this?
I guess Gwen would have a wine problem, both of their kids get their smoking and drinking habits from them.
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rosesandalfazemas · 2 years
How well a crackship would PortRus work?
Seven Hells this is crack. Well done anon.
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If I have to develop some headcanons, I would said some good and bad sides:
GOOD: both are romantic and some old-fashioned, so if something happens would be after talking about literature and driking a good wine/vodka. Intercourse is not the main topic of the couple, they enjoy other ways of linking maybe fetish stuff.
Also, they talked a LOT about everything, and they don't fear to talk about emotions. This would lead to love confessions, some roleplaying stuff and funny bed time.
Ivan is very attentive and sweet, because he knows how it feels to be ignored by the "popular" ones. He appreciates uniqueness ; and Portugal is a piece of cake of that, true be told. That is fascinating for him. At the same time, Gabriel cares a lot about his partners, he's soft and tender, but he is rude if Ivan asks; so this is a good complement.
BAD: Portugal used to be with colder lovers - except Spain, to make contrast. Ironically, Ivan is sweet and intense, and changes his personality with frequence. Port wants to estability.
At the same time, Gabriel could be cold sometimes to Ivan, who would want to more demonstrations of love... and more enthusiasm about life; saudades get him crazy.
They don't shout each other when they're angry, simply they don't talk for weeks, although they're in the same place... and in the same bed.
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kurapike · 1 year
me after driking 3 bottles of vodka
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me after 1 (one) glass of wine
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wxnheart · 2 years
Isekai Isha anon here with more slep deprived fueled crack.
it was over, at least for that day and noe she was back in the cage, left to recover and sob away ger pain while she whispeded the curs for whatever vile creation Nurgle shoved down her throat.
with sore eyes she gives in to the tiredness that overtook her immaterial body, resigning herself to the farthest corner of cage, recoiling into a ball as far as she could get from the door and as her tired eyes close, she falls asleep.
for a second, there's dakness, cold and the foul smell of Nurgle's rotten garden, on the next one, there was warmth, light and the gentle scent of fresh air and flowing waters. as Isha opens her eyes, her vision is assaulted by the sun light as her sking is kissed by the gentle flows of shallow waters from the river where she found herself laying in at the smae time a gentlke and cool breeze kissed her skin.
"what a marcelous dream", the goddess says to herself, a faint tinge of hope in her delusion filled voice. for one moment, she thinks that she may be dreaming of the eldar gardens of yore, but as her eyes gaze upon the green, she noticed that no, this was a completly differetn place, "where is this place? i have to recolection of ever being here", she thinks, doubt growing in her mind.
she starts looking around, trying to situate herself only to conclude three things, first, whenever she is, she is free from the chaos infuence, proof being that she couldn't feel the chaos gods, second, she was totally lost and third, she was butt naked, not that she could care less aboiut the last one.
"yyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!", she scemas and dances as the realization sinks in, her bare foot rejoicing at the feeling of actual grass undeneateh them. abandoning any last resemblance of decorum and grace she throws herself into the ground and rolls over the grass, happy tears of joy rolling from her eyes as she gets thirsty dues to all that celebration.
she goes back to the river, scoops the water with her hands and gulps it dawn, the cold and clear water roling on her toungue and flowing down her throat like the finnest wine. after who knows how many millenis of driking nothing but that foul soup and putrit liquids, the clear water was a delicacy and once again abandonaling any elegance, she shoves her head ino the river and gulps the water nutil she is about to drown.
tired but happy, she searchs for a tree, laying under its shade she looks to the sky, blue with just a few sparce clouds in it and smiles. she is free at last, sure she was as naked as a new born in the middle of gods knows where, but she no longer was caged and even if this new found freedon is nothing but a fever dream she will enjoy it while it lasts.
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nezh4a · 11 months
driking with coworkers better than anything bc we only order wine
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deluluspqr · 2 months
Liber 🍷
1. Basic Information
Name: Liber/ Bacchus
Epithets/Titles: Liber Pater (the free father)
Domain(s):  viticulture and wine, male fertility,madness and freedom
Symbols: Grape, wine glass, theater mask
Sacred Animal(s):
Patron of: subversion
He is a part of the Di Selecti, one of the 20 most important gods
2. Appearance
General Description: Dark haired man in his early 30s with dark, glassy eyes
Common Attire: androgynous party clothing
Iconography: He is depicted as a barely clad young man driking wine or eating grape
3. Personality and Traits
Primary Traits: Rebel, casual, bipolar, intense, sexual
Notable Strengths: he is the least rule abiding of the gods, therefore the only free one
Notable Weaknesses: prone to mood swings and psychotic breakdowns
Behavior Towards Mortals: He is nearly always on earth, partying
4. Relationships
Spouse/Consort: None
Children: Multiple demigods
Allies: gods and giants
Rivals/Enemies: titans and giants
Relationship with Worshippers: He will absolutely show up if you ask, but might ignore conventional prayers
He is a part of the Aventine Triad, with Ceres and Libera
5. Worship and Cult
Primary Locations of Worship: temple of the Aventine Triad and of Liber Pater
Major Festivals: Liberalia on March 17 (tied to freedoms and rights), Bacchanalia  ( unofficial cults, more like a party)
Typical Offerings:
6. Mythology and Legends
Key Myths:
Famous Deeds:
Historical Influence: His cult was often feared by the patricians in ancient Rome, due to it's connections with civil disobedience and uncompatibility with roman values
7. Powers and Abilities
Primary Powers: Power over the earth similar to ceres, power over the human psych
Limitations: His power over nature is more limited than Ceres
Artifacts/Weapons: Wine glass
8. Miscellaneous
Associated Tarot Card: The Devil
Associated Colors: Purple, red
Emojis: 🍷🍇🎭
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0ynes · 11 months
" Xibalba " from the soundtrack to the movie The Fountain got me thinking of Mihawk at his loneliest, his most thoughtful, the untold feelings he hides away and all that he must have experienced and felt for his whole life, the triumphs and the losses.
Oh this one is very melancholic. I can see Mihawk alone in his castle, driking his wine and thinking about all of those things.
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ H A P P Y   E N D I N G *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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ok bye going to write now hehe
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beevean · 3 years
at a point of Barok's trial, Iris begins to cry because of Asougi's attitude (he's still too deep in his hate to see clear) and Barok, while driking a glass of wine ask to the judge to give a penalty to Asougi (with a death glare) and the judge does it because "we are in england prosecutor Asougi, be a gentleman"
Spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney 2
Nooooo poor Iris 🥺
This scene has big "to make a young girl cry is the most despicable thing to do" energy and I'm all for it
(love ya Asougi, but your prosecutor side is a bit of an ass lol)
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crheadcanonsideas · 3 years
Vamps Exclusive HC / Oneshot - Gifted with Inmortality
This is a mix between one of my most like hcs and a oneshot to give it more context. I will explain the hc first, then the oneshot HEADCANON Both Alchemist (Alch) and Vampire (Vamp) were born as gifted children, but Vamp is the only one of the siblings with vampirism (to be more exact I hc him being an elder vampire but thats for another ocassion) since birth because is only congenital in the male part of the family. This vampirism leads him to have inmortality. During a lot of time (mostly his teen year) Vamps starts driking due to the pression of him making him an alcoholic.
After years of burned down he gets to the conclusion that he really has all the time of the world to do what he wants so he starts becoming more relaxed. Everyone thinks (even Alch) that he became a lazy person that like having people doing everything for him but for Vamp its just that he's so burn out and at the moment wasn't able to stop that his relax state became a method of escapism.
Later he realizes that he's the only inmortal being he knows and starts trying to make people pass the time with him since he actually wants to have good memories of them before they die. All of this has make him look like a lazy drunks who just wants people to stop working to relax. Only the people that listens to him know his real intentions (the juice bar regular for example). ONE-SHOT
Today was like any other for the wine red hair cookie. It was afternoon, with the sunset been visible from a few sun rays coming through the curtains. Opening his coffin, he stretch with a cracking sound that actually concern him a little but not enough for know to care. He get up floting a bit and close the coffin without any effort depise being actually pretty heavy. He look at a mirror he had in her room. Of course, no reflection of him was seen byt his clothes. They were pretty dirty and probably smelled bad. Vampire sigh as he tried to remember the last time he actually take care of his image or just himself. As you might think, nothing came to his mind.
Thinking more about it, he has been doing the same every day. Wake up, drink, sleep, and repeat. He knew he was starting to doing a copi mechanism to deal with the reality. He sigh again and took a decision he hadn't take in years: he would try to be produtive for once. He wasn't that gifted kid he used to be but still didn't want to become too relax to really start being lazy. But first things first, he really needed a shower and clean clothes. He was happy his sister actually was remembering him of doing his chores of hi would have anyting to wear.
After a short shower, he dress up and put his hair in a messy bun so it would been annoying. Before going out his room, he hear steps going one side to another. Was his sister doing anything important? Probably since she was always researching. He open the door slowly so he wouldn't scare her. Both of the exchanged glances for a second before Vamp actually said anything Vampire: Hello Alch, whats with the conmotion? Something of the matter?
His voice wasn't as calm as usally but she didn't mind.
Alchemist: I have a few things to do so I don't have time for chit chat, if your looking for wine it's in the same place as always.
She continued walking but was stop by the realization of her brother's next words.
Vampire: I'm not interest in looking for the wine right now. Do you need help?
Alch: Did... Did you just said you don't want alcohol?
She turned her head at him and walk until been in front of the older one. He was starting to get nervous
Vampire: Ummm, yes... I don't want wine right now, that a-
Before he could finish, her sister drag him down to her level starting to check him. She was pretty sure that either he became craizy, wa seek or that he wasn't his brother. After som akward minutes, she stopped with a confuse lok on her face.
Alchemist: Are you okay Vamp? Are you sick or anyting?
Vampire: Of course I'm not, what makes you think that?
Alchemist: You are rejecting wine. WINE!
Vampire: Come on, it's not that weird...
Alchemist: It is! Now I'll have to investigate this... don't go out for know, I want to test some things later.
The purple hair girl started mumbling and walking towards a room at the end of the mansion. Her brother sigh for a third time today and check the rest of the hallway: it was a mess of paper and stains of who knows what. Vampire then thought of the first thing to do right now: clean and organised. It was indeed a really tiring thing to do an even if the vampire didn't exactly wabted to do as his first task for today, he could do much more after the talk with his sister.
He started picking up the papers from the floor, reading them enough to organising them in order. Even with the big amount of paper in his hand, Vamp carried all of them in his arms to later put them in a box on a some how cleaned spot on the hallways. He then look around only to see for a brief moment his sister watching then hidind from a door. Okay, that's odd, he though. He ignore the situation an continue cleaning. He really should do this more instead of driking until been unable to do anything but well, he was someone who was hard stoppings habits
Like an hour pass and most of the hallway was cleaned. Vampire felt good with himself but was starting getting tired. Then, the doorbell rang. He took a look watching as his sister walk fast to the door. Maybe she was waiting for someone? Vampire just smile and continied. Maybe after this he would try tio drink something more normal and refreshing. He also wanted to see his friends but Alch's petion of him staying was still up and he thought that going may probably make him drink, not a good idea for today.
Miutes later, he started taking all the cleaning tools back to their place with know a hallway good enough for the stardarts of his home. He walk down the stairs with things in his hands when he saw a recognizable fizzing hair talking to his sister: Sparkling. Weird, wasn't Sparkling open by this time? He took a glance to one of many clocks around the house checking he was rigth, which he was. He put away the cleaning supplies to them get near the both of them. They were just talking about something but when the redhead got closer they became silent.
Vamp: Hello Sparky! How are you? Odd to see you out of the bar
Sparkling (Spark): Ah, hello Vampire. I'm fine, I came because your sister was worried I give you something weird.
Alch: Well, it's not normal seeing him cleaning and dening alcohol. Are you sure you're okay Vampire?
Vamp: God, of course I'm fine. Can't I just try to be productive for a day?
Alch: Well it's not something you would do
Vamp: How do you know that!?
The room went silent. Vampire actually sound irritated. He usually look lazy and relax, immersed in his thoughts or just drunk. Very few times somthing could get him on his nerves. It was his sister and he actually was upset for start acting like that but he could control it. He just make an irritated sound before trying to get back to his room but was stop by his friend holding from his wrist.
Spark: Hey man, I know you're pissed but wanna talk about it?
Vampire just give a silent nod before start floting towards them. He them stop in front of the others thinking and thinking what he wanted to said before actually saying it. It wasn't hard but it felt hard.
Vampire: Look Alch... I just wanted to try and be productive today... You're always helping me around while I juste drink and sleep all day. I wasn't like thos before but... I could help it anymore. I'm trying to start doing things again since I think I can try to stop with my bad habits and maybe we can do thing together again... I'm sorry if I startled you
After an awkward silent Alch got his brother into a short hug before leaving again to her room. He smiled feeling hat calm he always was trying toget to them noticing a tap on his shoulders.
Spark: The bars under renovations, want to meet up with the others an go for a walk?
Vampire: I've been cleaning the hallways all day, I'll love to go
Both of them went to the door and, before leaving, the older sibling turn his head and shout "Bye sis! See you later! Love you!"
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t4ttrpg · 3 years
oops i stayed up until 2am driking wine, finishig fruits basket and bawling my eyes out for like 4 hours straight
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ratztom · 4 years
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Down the rabbit hole with Alice and explore Wonderland ! Take the pill and drike the wine and see the underland, but beware of the Jabberwocky ! ;)In Wonderland I will do also the “mirror land” but the queen of Hearts will be the main ruler ^^
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annavysoul · 3 years
i don't know about this birthday. he is 23 (24..? lol) and he is allowed to drink alcohol actually. But ain't it weird he always drinks milk even tho other members drink Alcohol? 💀 so maybe he was underage and not allowed to drink lol
tho maybe its cause alcohol doesnt have a great taste for him🤔🤔 but also in a v live we see him driking wine🤔 suspicious if u ask me lmaoo
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original-idiots · 4 years
The Aftermath: Batfam Social (JasonxOC)
The Wayne kids go to a party at Wally’s and face the consequences the morning after.
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“Get out!”
Duke ducks out of the room and the pillow Jason throws hits Adri’s door instead. Duke’s laughter rings in Jason’s ears as he leaves in search of the others.
“So loud.” Adri frowns, massaging her temples before pulling her duvet up over her head. Jason joins her, burrowing into the sheets and finding her in the center.
He pulls her close. “It was a stupid bet anyway.”
“I knew I wasn’t going to win,” She mumbles, half sober and asleep by less. Jason wasn’t going to say it but he agreed. A few glasses of red wine at a gala was enough to get Adri dancing, forget the almost dozen of whatever the hell they had been driking last night. “What happened to you?”
Jason groans. “I got pulled into darts with Roy. A shot every round, three if you lost and I lost.” He admits, remembering how much they egged him on and then started chanting his name, evoking the ancient and all powerful magic of peer pressure to get him to agree. “It was darts that then turned into knives and then arrows.”
“That was a rather poor decision.”
“It was indeed a dumb fucking decision,” he agrees, laughing into her hair. “But to be fair I was kicking ass up until the 3rd round.”
Adri turns around in his arms, leaning her forehead on his chest. “So who won? Who are we treating?”
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The Party
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dykemd · 4 years
yall learning about jesus n shit driking holy wine eating those lil crackers like the mood sets itself
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