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xomoosexo · 2 months ago
if it was for a dream video it will probably be less people? idk though maybe they’re recording another sapnap video. or george
oh yeah I forgot the next video is supposed to be a dream video. definitely no big group then
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bizlybebo · 4 months ago
i hate jrwi worst podcast ever
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wawa-pi-wawa-pi-wawa · 2 months ago
p̓us yaka chaku-k̓was kʰapa sx̣ilaqʰami
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timriva-blog · 11 days ago
“Le Grand Israël est là”, ou la théorie du complot devenue réalité
Écrit par Kit Klarenberg Depuis la création de Tel-Aviv en 1948, bien des choses ont été dites et écrites sur le “Grand Israël” – une idée selon laquelle l’objectif ultime du sionisme serait l’annexion forcée et le nettoyage ethnique de vastes étendues de terres arabes pour y implanter des colonies juives, sur la base d’affirmations bibliques selon lesquelles ce territoire aurait été promis aux…
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negreabsolut · 4 months ago
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Coberta del setè volum de l'edició catalana de Berserk, versió ‘Maximum’, que conté Tempesta de mort (parts 1, 2), El déu de l'abisme, Sang fresca, Estímuls, Eclosió, Gravat a la retina de l'ull dret, Fugida, Despertar-se en un malson, Corre, Jurament de venjança, Engendrament malèfic, Armament, El que caça dracs, Saga de la condemna. Capítol dels nens perduts (que consta de Torna l'Espadatxí Negre, Els elfs de la Vall de la Boira, Jill, Arriben volant, Larves); també inclou l'història breu Berserk - The Prototype.
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tornoaserjo · 1 year ago
Keep my wifes' names out of your mouth
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
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Yesterday, the linguist and activist Carme Junyent died. It saddens me deeply to write this post, because she was someone who I really admire.
She was a linguist who led the Grup d'Estudis de Llengües Amenaçades (GELA, Research Group on Endangered Languages) in University of Barcelona and author of many books and articles about language diversity and the defense of minoritized and/or indigenous languages here and around the world, and a firm defensor of immigrants' language rights and cultural diversity. She was also very active in defense of the language rights of her own community, Catalan speakers, against linguistic imperialism from Spanish and French.
Even in her last moments, she wrote an article about the right to die speaking one's mother language (Catalan in our case) if you are in your own country, instead of the usual case of forcing the patients who are part of the local marginalized and/or indigenous language community (even those in the very last moment of their lives) to speak in the dominant state language (Spanish, in our case). She sent it to the newspaper Vilaweb, where she often collaborated, to be published right after her death:
She has died of cancer at 68 years old. In her last months, most doctors who treated her in Catalonia's public healthcare system did not speak or did not want to speak Catalan, only Spanish. But she took the decision to keep firm and not change her language, so she could die in her mother tongue.
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neonbutchery · 10 months ago
com tumblr és una plataforma angloparlant, la majoria de les notícies que circulen són de moviments i mobilitzacions als estats units, canadà, anglaterra, i altres països anglos. i encara que està molt bé construïr solidaritat interacional i assabentar-se del que passa a altres indrets del món, cal no perdre la vista sobre les accions i els esdeveniments que ens cauen molt més a prop.
han passat uns mesos després de la primera llista que vaig fer, i per sort, l'activisme pro-palestí segueix creixent als països catalans, amb manifestacions, col·loquis i xerrades, i ara, les primeres acampades estudiantils. on jo he trobat més convocatòries és a través d'instagram, però si coneixeu algun altre recurs digueu-m'ho.
Comunitat Palestina de Catalunya. porten molts anys fent activisme i estan molt actius a xarxes socials. de fet, la majoria dels enllaços en aquesta llista vénen d'ells. INSTAGRAM / TELEGRAM / TWITTER
Comunidad Palestina de Valencia (en català i castellà) - FACEBOOK
Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins - JUNTS
Coalició Prou Complicitat - INSTAGRAM / TWITTER
Samidoun España (no és exclusiu dels PPCC, però penja moltes accions i convocatòries que si que ho són). INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK
Casa Palestina Catalunya - TELEGRAM / FACEBOOK / WHATSAPP
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction)
BDS - Pàgina oficial (en castellà)
Llista de productes, serveis i empreses per boicotejar que col·laboren amb l'ocupació israeliana i estan presents als PPCC
Directori BDS Catalunya (‼ pot no estar actualitzat ‼)
BDS - Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupación en Palestina. Perfil general de les organitzacions BDS a l'estat espanyol (en castellà)
BDS Girona
BDS Castelló
BDS Bages / Catalunya Central
BDS Alacant
Universitat de València - Acampada Palestina UV. Accepten a qualsevol persona que vulgui unir-se, i també donacions de diners o de menjar. TELEGRAM - TWITTER
@useless-catalanfacts podries tornar a difondre això? Moltes gràcies!
Llista més exhaustiva d'associacions regionals a sota d'aquest separador.
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina de Sants-Montjuïc
UAB Acció per Palestina
Comitè Solidaritat Palestina Facultat Dret UB
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina del Campus Diagonal
Comitè estudiantil de solidaritat amb el poble palestí
Penedès amb Palestina - LINKTREE
RipoPalestina (Ripollet)
Molins amb Palestina (Molins de Rei)
L'Hospitalet amb Palestina
El Montserratí X Palestina
SUMUD Palestina (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) - FACEBOOK
Terres de l'Ebre amb Palestina
Comitè en Solidaritat amb Palestina de Lleida
Pla de l'Estany amb Palestina
La Garrotxa amb Palestina
Ripoll amb Palestina
Mallorca per Palestina
Plataforma de Solidaritat amb el Poble Palestí d'Eivissa
Estudiants per Palestina
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quatregats · 1 year ago
Have talked to someone in Catalan again after more than six months and I can confirm that if I don't make at least five Catalan friends in this city by June I will actually not survive
Just realized that I have not talked to someone in Catalan in about six months, which is the longest since...possibly since I first started studying Catalan almost 10 years ago. Anyways this explains why I'm going insane rn
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nando161mando · 9 months ago
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🇵🇸 Arranquem de nou amb les mobilitzacions als carrers, i per aquest mes ens MOBILITZEM A ESCALA EUROPEA❗️
📣 El 18 i 19 de maig ens tornarem a trobar en una mobilització europea on denunciarem, totes a una veu, que des del 1948 el poble palestí es expoliat i expulsat de les seues terres!
🗝 Per això, ens alcem per la fi del colonialisme israelià i pel dret al retorn del poble palestí, i seguim exigint als governs europeus que prenguen partit en la fi del genocidi i trenquen tot tipus de relacions comercials i armamentístiques amb Israel ❌
🇵🇸 We start again with the mobilizations in the streets, and for this month WE MOBILIZE ON A EUROPEAN SCALE❗️
📣 On May 18 and 19 we will meet again in a European mobilization where we will denounce, all with one voice, that since 1948 the Palestinian people have been robbed and expelled from their lands!
🗝 For this reason, we stand up for the end of Israeli colonialism and for the right of return of the Palestinian people, and we continue to demand that the European governments take sides in the end of the genocide and break all kinds of commercial and armament relations with Israel ❌
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carl-lenn · 2 months ago
Updated my mines crafts skins
Cause.. da update
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Rambles under cut (If it even shows up here cause I think tumblr automatically puts a cut when theres a lot of images):
Ray has 4 variants while the rest have none lol. Theres a shirtless variant (toggled in skin customization) and a separate texture without wings where the shirt can also be toggled.
Also I think once I post this I'm gonna make ... more variants. Im gonna do the solar pallete swaps of Dret Ray and Carl. Which I don't think I've ever posted about on tumber. Ok bye I'll see yall laters
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decayingloverboy · 13 days ago
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A fallen angel who hides his likeness and a wizard who wants to play in it, somehow get entangled
the wizard is Leon and The angel is Dretphēna (dret*fee*na)
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error404vnotfound · 9 months ago
la gent que fuma a les parades de bus no mereix drets 🥰
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timriva-blog · 16 days ago
Na Argentina, uma promissora onda antifascista
Coletivos LGBTI organizaram um grande protesto contra as declarações de ódio de Milei. Esquerdas, movimentos populares e classe trabalhadores somaram-se. No meio da crise e barbárie no país, ato soa como um ar puro de rebeldia… Escrito por Adrián Pablo Fanjul No sábado 26 de janeiro, uma convocação feita apenas 48 horas antes por coletivos LGBTQ reuniu uma inesperada multidão no Parque Lezama…
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monroeknoxwrites · 10 months ago
shopping trip for the luskren triplets, please! 👀💖
Early Sunday mornings were exclusively for the trade market. Three floors underground, with a projected morning sky on the ceiling overhead, all the residence of their district gathered to barter goods. No one really had money to spend except on food and essentials.
Everything else could be found here for the proper trade.
Vanith came bearing a blanket and her tools, setting up in her usual corner right on the stone floor. She'd fix things for people in exchange for any interesting gadgets or junk they found. And things for her sisters too.
The market wasn't packed in those first couple hours but she and Vanit still took turns accompanying Vanis on her never-ending search for books she hadn't read a hundred times. Maybe a pretty skirt too. A pretty skirt and a blouse if she couldn't find an interesting book.
On her own, Vanit browsed seemingly without interest or purpose. She didn't know what she wanted until she saw it. Sometimes it'd be a knife, a cooking pot, a pre-invasion era leather jacket. Once she returned to Vanith's repair patch the proud new owner of an unused yet worn makeup hexagon, the different sides opening to eye shadow, lip gloss, perfumed lotion, etc. It was the kind of luxury item no one in their district could afford. Vanit didn't ask how the previous owner found it. She never asked questions and that's why the shadier barterers liked her.
On this outing, Vanith looked up from replacing parts in a practically ancient flashlight, at her sisters return, Vanis's arm hooked around Vanit's and pressed in close, their cloth bag heavy with some prize.
"Three books," Vanis explained, her good mood evident in how she rested her head on Vanit's shoulder and invaded her personal space brazenly. "That old nosy bitch Ms. Drets let them go for gossip from our building."
"Don't know why she cares so much about other people's business," Vanit said.
"Auntie says she's old and living on gossip alone," Vanith said around the screws held between her lips.
Vanit let herself be pulled down to sit by Vanis, clicking her tongue. "She better keep her nose out of our business."
"No secrets in this family," Vanis said, lacing their fingers together. Her leg stretched out to brush Vanith's.
Vanit rolled her eyes but allowed her hand to be held hostage, grabbing a set of glass bottles one-handed out of the bag. They were different shades of light pink.
Vanith leaned in to examine them then remembered to be the disapproving older sister. "Alcohol?"
"I wish."
Vanit sloshed the bottles back and forth, little bubbles forming at the top. She and Vanis' expressions matched as realization dawned in their sister's wide eyes.
"Carbonation!? They banned that. It's banned. How–" Vanith cut herself off with a shake of her head. She dropped her voice to a hush. "Right, no questions. I can't believe you found carbonats! And one for each of us too."
Vanit placed them back in the bag. "I'm not a fan, take mine."
"But it's your find."
Vanis bumped her leg gently. "It's all for you, Van. The fizz is gross going down."
Vanith nearly swallowed the screws. She was bubbly like those pink drinks until Vanit said, "Pay us back by cleaning the bathroom this month."
"You're bribing me with drinks you traded for my repairs." Vanith pointed her screwdriver at Vanit and Vanis in turn, accusatory.
"Shut up, you love them." Vanit showed no remorse.
"You want us to trade them back?" Vanis was no better.
Vanith spat the screws in her lap. "Of course I do and no you won't. Twisty, you're both so twisty sometimes I can't stand it."
Vanis bumped her leg again. "Trapped in that 'responsible big sis' net you built all by yourself, Van. Don't blame us for exploiting it."
Remorseless, Vanit wandered off to find something else and Vanis began her book, head pillowed in Vanith's lap – making her repair work all the harder.
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lescroniques · 1 year ago
2023, l'any més mortífer a les fronteres espanyoles: 6.618 persones han mort intentant travessar-les
Un informe de Caminando Fronteras alerta que la ruta canària, amb 6.007 víctimes, és la més letal del món Consell de la Discapacitat 6.618 persones han mort aquest 2023 intentant travessar les fronteres espanyoles, la xifra més alta mai enregistrada. Això implica que de mitjana, divuit persones al dia han mort a conseqüència de les polítiques de control de fronteres, tal com ha denunciat aquest…
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