#Helena Maleno
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lescroniques · 1 year ago
2023, l'any més mortífer a les fronteres espanyoles: 6.618 persones han mort intentant travessar-les
Un informe de Caminando Fronteras alerta que la ruta canària, amb 6.007 víctimes, és la més letal del món Consell de la Discapacitat 6.618 persones han mort aquest 2023 intentant travessar les fronteres espanyoles, la xifra més alta mai enregistrada. Això implica que de mitjana, divuit persones al dia han mort a conseqüència de les polítiques de control de fronteres, tal com ha denunciat aquest…
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
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Each year thousands of migrants make the journey from Western Africa to the Canary Islands
More than 30 migrants may have drowned after their boat sank in the Atlantic Ocean off the Canary Islands, two charities have said.
Walking Borders and Alarm Phone said the boat was carrying around 60 people.
Spanish authorities said rescue workers found the bodies of a minor and a man, and rescued 24 other people - but did not know how many people were onboard.
The incident places fresh scrutiny on Europe's response to migration, after a boat sank off Greece last week.
Helena Maleno Garzon, from Walking Borders, said that 39 people had drowned, including four women and a baby, while Alarm Phone said 35 people were missing. Both organisations monitor migrant boats and receive calls from people on board or their relatives.
The boat sank about 100 miles (160km) south-east of Gran Canaria on Wednesday.
"It's torture to have 60 people, including six women and a baby, waiting for more than 12 hours for a rescue in a flimsy inflatable boat that can sink," Ms Garzon said.
A Spanish rescue service ship, the Guardamar Caliope, was only about an hour's sail from the dinghy on Tuesday evening, Reuters reported, citing Spanish state news agency EFE.
The ship did not aid the dinghy because the operation had been taken over by Moroccan officials, which dispatched a patrol boat that arrived on Wednesday morning, 10 hours after it had been spotted by a Spanish rescue plane, Reuters reports.
The BBC has sent a request for comment to Morocco's interior ministry.
Angel Victor Torres, leader of the Canary Islands region, described the incident as a "tragedy" and called on the European Union to establish a migration policy that "offers coordinated and supportive responses" to the issue of migration.
Although off Africa's western coast, the Canary Islands are part of Spain, and many migrants travel from Africa to the archipelago in the hope of reaching mainland Europe.
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The Western Africa-Atlantic migration route is considered one of the world's deadliest, and at least 543 migrants died or went missing on that journey in 2022, according to the UN's International Organisation for Migration (IOM).
IOM said there were 45 shipwrecks on the route during that period, but acknowledged the figure is "probably underestimated" because data is scarce and incomplete.
Most of those making the journey are from Morocco, Mali, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire and other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, it said.
Separately, Spanish authorities also rescued more than 160 people from three other boats near the islands of Lanzarote and Gran Canaria overnight on Wednesday and Thursday morning.
The news comes after a migrant boat carrying hundreds of people sank off the Greek coast last week, with at least 78 known to have died, although many more are feared to have drowned.
The UN's human rights office says that up to 500 people are still missing, and the BBC has obtained evidence casting doubt on the Greek coastguard's account of what happened. The coastguard claims that the boat was on a course to Italy and not in need of rescue.
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gtaradi · 2 months ago
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snap221sn · 4 months ago
Emigration irrégulière : 158 sénégalais dont 15 femmes débarquent en Espagne
Une pirogue avec à bord 158 personnes dont 15 femmes est arrivée sur l’ile d’El Hierro en Espagne, selon la journaliste Helena Maleno Garzón. « Un convoi avec 158 personnes (15 femmes) sorti Senegal arrivé El Hierro« , a-t-elle notamment posté. Le flux semble diminuer comparé à l’année dernière. Mais les départs de pirogues du Sénégal vers […]
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a2imediagroupe · 2 years ago
Route des Canaries : au moins 51 migrants morts dans le naufrage de leur embarcation au large du Maroc
Une embarcation de migrants partie du sud du Maroc a fait naufrage samedi sur la route des Canaries. Au moins 51 personnes sont mortes. Seules quatre ont survécu et ont été hospitalisées. Selon des médias et associations, le drame s’expliquerait par un manque de coordination entre les services de secours espagnols et marocains. Ils avaient déjà passé huit jours en mer, selon Helena Maleno, la…
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warningsine · 2 years ago
MADRID, June 21 (Reuters) - More than 30 migrants were feared dead after a dinghy headed for Spain's Canary Islands sank on Wednesday, two migration-focused organisations said, as they criticised Spain and Morocco for not intervening earlier to rescue the vessel's passengers.
The groups, Walking Borders and Alarm Phone, said the dinghy was originally carrying around 60 people. Spain's maritime rescue service confirmed the deaths of two of the dinghy's occupants, a child and an adult man, and said a Moroccan patrol boat had previously rescued 24 people.
Neither Spanish nor Moroccan authorities would confirm how many people had been on board the vessel or how many might be missing.
Walking Borders spokesperson Helena Maleno said in a tweet that 39 people had drowned, without giving further details, while Alarm Phone, which operates a trans-European network supporting rescue operations, said 35 people were missing.
The tragedy sparked criticism from migrant rights activists who accused Spain of omitting its duty of care, as the dinghy was within the country's search-and-rescue region under international law, meaning Madrid should have led the operation instead of Rabat.
At the time of its sinking, the dinghy was located in waters off the coast of Western Sahara. Although Morocco administers a majority of the former Spanish colony, its sovereignty remains under dispute and the United Nations lists it as a non-self governing territory.
Spain's state news agency EFE reported that a Spanish rescue service ship, the Guardamar Caliope, was only 46 km (26 miles) - about an hour's sail - away from the dinghy on Tuesday evening.
The Guardamar Caliope did not aid the dinghy because the operation had been taken over by the Moroccan Rescue Coordination Centre in Rabat, which dispatched a patrol boat that only arrived on Wednesday morning, some 10 hours after it had been spotted by a Spanish rescue airplane, EFE added.
"It's torture to have 60 people, including six women and a baby, waiting for more than 12 hours for a rescue in a flimsy inflatable boat that can sink," Walking Borders' Maleno said.
"Spain has pulled a Greece," she wrote in another tweet, in reference to the recent shipwreck off Greece's Mediterranean coast in which at least 82 people drowned, while describing Europe's border policies as "torture and death".
The EU has said it and member states have been intensifying efforts to establish an "effective, humanitarian and safe" European migration policy.
Morocco's Interior ministry has not responded to a Reuters request for comment and Morocco has not made any official communication about what happened.
The leader of the Canary Islands region, Angel Victor Torres, lamented the deaths on Twitter and said it was "necessary and urgent for the EU to have a Migration and Asylum Pact that offers coordinated and united responses to the migration phenomenon".
The Canary Islands off the coast of West Africa have become the main destination for migrants trying to reach Spain, with a much smaller share trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to the Spanish mainland.
The Atlantic migration route is one of the deadliest in the world. Attempts to reach the Canary Islands' shores saw at least 559 people - including 22 children - die in 2022, according to data from the U.N.'s International Organisation for Migration.
The migrants using the route are typically from several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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arifnews · 4 years ago
Migratie-activist zegt dat Marokko en Spanje haar het zwijgen willen opleggen
Een gerenommeerde Spaanse activiste voor de rechten van migranten beschuldigt Marokko en Spanje ervan haar het zwijgen op te leggen door haar te beletten terug te keren naar het Noord-Afrikaanse land waar ze twintig jaar heeft gewerkt. Helena Maleno, de oprichter van de Walking Borders-groep die reddingswerkers waarschuwt wanneer boten met Afrikaanse migranten in nood terechtkomen, zei dat zij op…
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almanyalilar · 4 years ago
İspanyol STK: 2020 yılında 2170 düzensiz göçmen Kuzey Afrika'dan İspanya'ya gelirken öldü
İspanyol STK: 2020 yılında 2170 düzensiz göçmen Kuzey Afrika’dan İspanya’ya gelirken öldü
İspanya’da göçmen hakları savunucusu sivil toplum kuruluşu (STK) “Yürüyen Sınırlar Kolektifi”, 2020 yılında Kuzey Afrika’dan İspanya’ya gelmeye çalışan 2 bin 170 düzensiz göçmenin yolculuk sırasında denizde hayatını kaybettiğini açıkladı. İspanyol STK’nin yayımladığı “Yaşam Hakkı Monitörü 2020” adlı rapora göre, Kuzey Afrika’nın farklı noktalarından İspanya’ya doğru bu yıl gerçekleşen düzensiz…
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kiro-anarka · 5 years ago
La defensora de Derechos Humanos y experta en migraciones publica 'Mujer de frontera", un libro en el que repasa el proceso judicial que pudo haberle costa cadena perpetua por presunto trafico de personas, pero que también son unas memorias de su experiencia como activista en la frontera sur. En esta entrevista critica las 'cloacas del Estado' que siguen operando y cómo ha evolucionado el control migratorio desde que se afincó en Marruecos.
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pacienciaras · 7 years ago
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IU denuncia el “silencio cómplice” de la UE y del Gobierno ante el juicio en Marruecos a Helena Maleno.
La portavoz en el Parlamento Europeo, Marina Albiol, censura que el proceso se inicie tras una investigación de la Policía española y no tiene dudas de que “se ha fabricado un caso” contra la activista, a la que se está usando “de cabeza de turco” para acallar las críticas a las políticas migratorias. Critica la pasividad del Servicio de Acción Exterior cuando se juzga a una ciudadana comunitaria en un tercer país...
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ecuadoretxea · 6 years ago
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Helena Maleno Garzón: Frente al naufragio de los Derechos Humanos, “políticas de ayuda y amor” https://bit.ly/2JW9rke Conferencia en el Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Bizkaia (Bilbao) por el 30 aniversario del Ararteko
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 4 years ago
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Menschenrechtsaktivistin in die EU entführt
Willkür im Umgang mit Kritikern der EU-Flüchtlingspolitik
Hatten wir erst vor wenigen Tagen den "Verkauf" des (auch) ecuardorianischen Staatsbürgers Julian Assange für einen IWF Kredit an Großbritannien angeprangert, so geht es heute um die "Verbringung" der in Marokko lebenden Menschenrechtsverteidigerin Helena Maleno. Beide Vorgänge entbehren jeglicher juristischen Grundlage und sind ein Schlag gegen die angeblichen Werte der Europäischen Union.
Die Gründerin der Nichtregierungsorganisation Caminando Fronteras/Walking Borders berichtet in einem Video darüber, dass sie am 23. Januar ohne Angabe von Gründen gewaltsam aus Marokko nach Spanien deportiert wurde. Sie hatte zuvor fast 20 Jahre dort gelebt und ihre Kinder sind dort aufgewachsen.
Sie ist der spanischen Polizei und dem früheren ultrakonservativen Innenminister Jorge Fernández Díaz ins Gehege gekommen, weil sie ein Reihe von Menschenrechtsverbrechen der spanischen Grenzbehörden in der Enklave Ceuta öffentlich gemacht hat.
Sie informierte über "heiße Abschiebungen", eine Praxis, bei der Flüchtlinge, die es geschafft hatten, den Boden der spanischen Exklaven Ceuta und Melilla zu erreichen, einfach wieder nach Marokko zurück gebracht wurden.
Sie prangerte die "Mordpolitik" Europas und Spaniens an, für die "Marokko eingekauft" werde.
Sie veröffentlichte auch die tödlichen Vorgänge am Strand von Tarajal in der spanischen Exklave Ceuta, in deren Folge 15 Menschen ertranken. Die paramilitärische Guardia Civil hatte mit Gummigeschossen auf schwimmende Menschen geschossen, trotz allem blieben diese Vorgänge straflos.
Bereits 2012 brachten ihr diese Veröffentlichungen Ermittlungen der spanischen Justiz ein, unter anderem wegen "Menschenhandel" und "Förderung illegaler Einwanderung". Obwohl alle juristischen Vorgänge eingestellt wurden, war sie in den letzten Jahren mehrfach tätlich angegriffen worden. Sie berichtet von insgesamt 37 Angriffen in nur einem Jahr. In zwei Fällen sei bei ihr eingebrochen worden, sie erhielt Todesdrohungen, ihre Kommunikation wurde abgehört und sie wurde von der Polizei beschattet.
Von dem rechtskonservativen Innenminster, gegen den (inzwischen) auch Vorwürfe wegen Mafia-Methoden erhoben werden, hatte sie nichts anderes erwartet. Aber, dass der derzeit amtierende Innenminister Fernando Grande-Marlaska der sozialistischen Regierung Sanchez mit der Politik von Fernández Díaz nicht gebrochen habe, sei ein Beweis für die kriminellen Strukturen in der Polizei.
Helena Maleno lebt nun, inzwischen glücklicherweise mit ihren Kindern, eigentlich gegen ihren Willen in Spanien. Ein Auslieferungssverfahren an Marokko wurde nie gestellt - warum auch, wenn alle Ermittlungen eingestellt wurden. Nur die "Werteunion EU" hat einen weiteren Knacks bekommen ...
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Spanische-Menschenrechtsaktivistin-fuerchtet-um-ihr-Leben-6017002.html Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7612-20210416-menschenrechtsaktivistin-in-die-eu-entfuehrt.htm
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sinapsinews · 5 years ago
Napoli-«Imbavagliati», a Helena Maleno e Carola Rackete il premio Pimentel Fonseca/VIDEO
Napoli-«Imbavagliati», a Helena Maleno e Carola Rackete il premio Pimentel Fonseca
E’ stata presentata questa mattina la quinta edizione di Imbavagliati, il festival napoletano del giornalismo civile che racconta storie e fatti poco conosciuti attraverso la voce dei cronisti censurati o minacciati. Dal 20 al 24 settembre al Panla manifestazione promossa dal Comune di Napoli e ideata da Désirée Klain proporrà…
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lagacetadealmeria · 7 years ago
Gruptortuga, una de las organizaciones antimilitaristas más activas en la Red, se hace eco de un artículo de Al-Hakam Morillas defendiendo a Helena Maleno en La Gaceta de Almería
Gruptortuga, una de las organizaciones antimilitaristas más activas en la Red, se hace eco de un artículo de Al-Hakam Morillas defendiendo a Helena Maleno en La Gaceta de Almería
Gruptortuga, una de las organizaciones antimilitaristas más activas en la Red, se hace eco de un artículo de Al-Hakam Morillas defendiendo a Helena Maleno en La Gaceta de Almería.
Al-Hakam Morilla Rodríguez, Coordinador de Liberación Andaluza: @lascultura
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iniciativadebate · 7 years ago
Criminalización del bien
Cristina Fallarás | La Marea |05 diciembre 2017
La investigadora, periodista y miembro de la ONG Caminando Fronteras Helena Maleno tendrá que comparecer ante un tribunal marroquí acusada de un delito de “tráfico de personas” y por “impulsar la inmigración clandestina”. Como ella misma denuncia, el proceso parte de una investigación iniciada por el Gobierno español en 2012.
Helena Maleno se…
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corallorosso · 6 years ago
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Ennesima strage di migranti: 45 morti a largo del Marocco L'ennesima strage della disperazione: quarantacinque migranti sono morti nel naufragio della loro imbarcazione nel Mediterraneo mentre stavano tentando di raggiungere la Spagna. Lo riferisce l'attivista spagnola Helena Maleno, a capo di una ong che ha sede a Tangeri. Una fonte ufficiale del Marocco parla di 21 migranti soccorsi dalla Marina marocchina ma non conferma le vittime. La stessa fonte riferisce che le persone soccorse provengono tutte da paesi sub-sahariani e quando sono stati presi a bordo dalla nave della Marina, a nord di Nador, erano in gravi condizioni. globalist
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