#dreams & reality
milimeters-morales · 2 years
i had a dream where i was watching ATSV with my mom but i couldn’t really enjoy it bc i couldn’t stim while watching it, but at some point the camera switches to a shoulder view of Miles swinging into frame and then i actually was him, and the feeling of swinging is AMAZING. anyways the plot of the movie was that Connors turns into the Lizard and his grief from losing Peter (they were close friends in this universe) caused him to try to escape to another dimension to see him again, causing Miles’s universe to become SUPER unstable again. Miles eventually has to team up with the Lizard (there’s a game they play and bond over? where you have to match the colors as they flash) to fight Spot, who was ALSO dimension hopping to find someone idk who. Gwen also shows up to fight, and helps them win, but also manages to reason with the Lizard and he becomes fully Connors again. In the end, the instability is starting to make people in Miles’s universe glitch out and lose limbs, and people start holding onto each other, but i don’t know the actual ending because I then turned into the ghost of the Peter that died, and i was glitching and it hurt because it was pulling an alive Peter FROM THE PAST into the universe 😭😭😭
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biteofcherry · 3 months
You don't fool yourself thinking he let you go out of the goodness of his heart. He didn't have a heart.
For years you lived accustomed to the notion that he kept tabs on you, because once he considered something- someone his, he would never truly let go. But as long as he didn't have his goons dragging you back to him, you were fine pretending that you're finally free.
Even if at times - rare, empty nights with a bottle of vermouth and an itching so deep in your core - you wondered bitterly, if your sweet freedom was because he had more entertaining projects to warm his bed.
Fleeting thoughts. Quickly replaced with the comfort of little dreams you were working on achieving each day.
But the light of passion and hope could be dimmed not only by the monster that still lurked in the shadows.
Brutal reality of heartless capitalism and injustice were bubbling like a tar. Which other leeches used to their advantage.
Small, sleazy scum, who amped their threats the longer you resisted, the harder you fought. They hurt others and undoubtedly would go for your neck next. Or other parts.
It was despair of a drowning person to reach for that razor blade.
Even if his help would bleed you a little, he had the power to pull you out of the murky depths.
If he chose to do that.
The cold glint in his eyes, as you walked across the polished floors of what used to be your home, filled you with dread. He could so easily say no and throw you out.
A fraction of warmth you felt in your chest was a shallow sense of safety. Just for those few moments no one would hurt you. Not here. Not in the monster's lair.
Only he could.
There were two other men sitting with him in the lavish space of the dark living room. Judging by the tumblers in their hands and pleased smiles, they were celebrating a small business victory.
Small, because even if for them it was a grand project, you knew it was an insignificant chunk for him. A bone thrown to the starving dogs.
"Gentlemen." His voice as he addressed his guests was like a blade to your balance.
Your legs nearly gave out.
It's been so fucking long since you heard that velvet poison of a voice.
"We have to cut our evening short," he declared, without taking his eyes off of you.
"My wife appears to be in need of me."
Who is he?
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tanoraqui · 8 months
I watched the new Percy Jackson show and then I reread The Lightning Thief, and my takeaway is…Rick Riordan did some sort of bizarre reversal of the usual adaptation devil’s deal on this one, wherein the key themes of the book are maintained—hell, key themes of the book are amped up and forefronted! The books slowly escalate, not just in the original PJO books but from series to series through Heroes of Olympus and the Apollo books, the idea that this mythological family is fucked up, the parents are doing badly and they need to fix their shit instead of just putting it on the kids. Whereas the show is saying this from day 1! The show also captures the true friendship, the uncomfortable justification of Luke’s choices, the heroes’ sense of otherness from humanity…
But at the cost of so much of the zing of the books? The humor, the absurdist snaps between fantasy and reality like the Minotaur wearing Fruit-of-the-Looms, or the unending quips from Percy that aren’t just rebellious snark, they’re funny. (“…I am the Mother of Monsters, Echidna!” “You mean the thing from Australia??”) And the drama, the fantasy, the mythological stakes—in addition to the total lack of nighttime lighting, I spent half the show thinking everything should be 20% more color-saturated, at least when they’re in Camp Half-Blood or actively fighting monsters, and rereading the book tells me that I was right. Throughout the books, there’s a mounting thunderstorm all across the country, as warning and ambiance of the coming war! Percy only has 1 dream that’s just darkness and a voice; the others include him watching a golden eagle and a giant white horse fighting viciously on a beach! And every god stands out vividly, whereas in the show they mostly come off as Some Guy. In the book, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon are all 10 feet tall (until Poseidon shrinks to tall to Percy), and even Ares is,
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vs this? This was the best they could do??
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He’s not even throwing fireballs at cops and innocent bystanders in order to make them back the fuck off from his fight with this 12yo. SMH. This is bargain-brand. It’s like they didn’t have the budget for special effects and they didn’t even try.
I guess, as devil’s deals go, I would rather have the themes intact. But damn I wish they’d at least upped the color saturation, and maybe the speed of dialogue. These kids SHOULD spend half their conversations snarking like it’s Avengers (2012) actually. The perfect adaptation remains elusive, until we get both the crushing weight of familial trauma AND epic heroes and villains being fun.
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leoarcie · 2 months
Becoming Elektra (via Jennifer Garner)
I remember the moment @slevydirect and @vancityreynolds had the idea for Elektra Natchios to show up in @deadpoolmovie 3— we were on the set of The Adam Project and they gave each other this look they have that can communicate an idea, 20 pages of dialogue, nuclear codes— there is a crazy artistic kismet between those two.
Other than trying to convince my kids’ preschool buddies that I was secretly a ninja, I hadn’t picked up Elektra’s sais since 2004; I was fit, but not @marvel fit. 🥷🏻👵🏼
As this impossible dream became reality, my bestie and OG stunt double @shaunaduggins and I amped up our training, led by @bethnicely at @thelimitfit: 1x/day, plus whatever homework she assigned for a second workout. Boxing 3x/ week with @flvcothefuture from @matchroomxchurchillgym. And lots and lots of @onepeloton’s @becsgentry. 💃🏻🏋🏻‍♀️🥊🏃🏻‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️ We had #SuperHeroSummer over here, twirling sais in the backyard and laughing at our sore old bodies.
I didn’t know that Elektra and I needed an ending, but Shawn and Ryan did. They are gifted in many ways, but seeing and elevating people around them is at the top of the list. Shauna and I were in heaven on set with them, with my old pal @thehughjackman, @dafnekeen, @channingtatum, @realwesleysnipes. Shooting the fight was so fun, being there all together—truly like a dream. I’m proud of my friends and grateful to be up there with them. Thank you doesn’t cut it, guys, but it’s a good placeholder until I figure out what does. ⚔️♥️
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Ok. Ok. Time to put my thoughts in order about S2 and we're starting at literally the first scene because whoo boy is there a lot going on that I like.
So. Stede's Fantasy Pirate Rescue aka this show having no illusions about Stede's fuck ups and where the story-driving conflict is coming from (*cough* Stede and Edward themselves *cough*)
It opens with what frankly a concerning amount of fandom seemed to view as the solution to all the problems of S1 - namely a Stede vs Izzy swordfight. Stede is really going all in on his dashing pirate hero fantasy. He has the beard. The sword skills. He gets his sword knocked out of his hand (again) but this time it ends on a witty one liner and stabbing Izzy with a concealed knife before artfully claiming his cutlass. He even dramatically kills him! And, villain defeated, there's Ed running through the surf to embrace him! Everything is perfect and wonderful and conflict free - and it all collapses back into reality with Wee John literally farting all over it.
Pete even openly mocks his moaning "Ed, Ed" in his sleep!
Because it's a fantasy! A ridiculous one at that! And the truly fantastical bit isn't even the reunion, or Stede's heroics. No... The part that's absurd, that even Stede can't make himself believe in his own subconscious mind, is that there's a convenient external villain to all of this and he and Ed can just pick back up where they left off.
Fantasy!Izzy and Fantasy!Ed are basically barbie dolls in this dream, but you can watch Stede's awareness that this is truly just a comforting fantasy slipping through.
Fantasy!Izzy gets cast as the villain because why wouldn't he? Stede has disliked him going back to that conversation at Spanish Jackie's where he basically offloaded a bunch of his own issues on this random pirate guy for having bad vibes, Izzy did betray him specifically to the Navy, and the last thing his crew would have been able to tell him about was Izzy ordering his stuff tossed and rowing them to an island (on Blackbeard's orders, but that's easy enough for Stede to ignore). He's even got him putting on a villain voice!
But the line. The only fantasy character line in this entire dream that connects with the situation in reality instead of sounding like stock NPC responses. Stede defeats his villain and The Villain / Fantasy!Izzy / Stede's subconscious looks up from his knees and reminds him:
"I never made you leave him. You did that yourself."
And Stede kills him for saying it! Goes back to the comforting script where he demands to know where Ed is and Izzy calls him a twat! Shut up, subconscious, Stede needs to rescue his damsel!
And his damsel barbie doll is so happy to see him! Fantasy!Edward's lines are the most disconnected, NPC babble. It's hilarious 🤣
Fantasy!Ed: "I knew you'd find me, babe"
Stede: "You're not mad?"
Fantasy!Ed: "I knew you'd find me, love"
Stede: "So we're good? About everything?"
Fantasy!Ed: "Fucking love the beard, mate".
Can I mention how much I love the repetition there? Zero engagement in the conversation, totally amps up the NPC vibe.
Stede is begging his own dream to reassure him that he didn't hurt Ed that bad, to tell him Ed will be so happy to see him it will fix everything, and he doesn't get what he's looking for. Because it's not true. The show in fact laughs in the face of that interpretation. Stede's making up a idealized "fix" (being a dashing hero) for the BlackBonnet relationship, and even Stede knows it's bullshit.
Edward and Stede's relationship issues and personal struggles have a bodycount this season (R.I.P. Ivan 😭) and it's immensely satisfying that so far no one is inclined to pull their punches on this fact or foist the blame elsewhere.
Not even Stede's subconscious!
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wordbreaker · 1 year
Strings ✷ Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Description: If there is one person that can piss Eddie Munson off, it’s the new neighbour… or the three times Eddie Munson ends up angry and how it stopped. 
( SILÉAS says ... ! ) I wrote this last year when season 4 came out. It's not a masterpiece⏤I don't even write for ST anymore⏤but it's fun and I wanted to share it with you.
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THE FIRST TIME Eddie wants to kill his new neighbour, it’s a Wednesday night and it's long past midnight. He knows she's the one making all that noise because it's not like Max Mayfield to blast her music for the whole neighbourhood to hear. The little redhead is far too glued to her walkman for that.
So there's only one other option he can think of.
A new trailer had been sold a week before, the one right in front his. If Eddie hadn't seen anything interesting in this event, he had no idea that the removal of the "for sale" sign would be the beginning of Hell.
He doesn't know what she looks like, the new neighbour, he just knows that she has an annoying tendency to think she's alone. 
In itself, she's not doing anything wrong, and he should even be happy that she's blasting AC/DC and not some shitty music at this hour. However, he has a D&D campaign to prepare for the club’s meeting next week, so he has no time to waste. The shorties—by which he means Sinclair multiplied by two, Henderson and Wheeler—have been bugging him to create a new one since the memorable end of the previous one. 
D&D is serious (at least for him), and Eddie won't be able to concentrate if he has to listen to that damn guitar one more minute. 
The last straw is the Highway to Hell solo.
While another neighbour shouts a totally useless "stop this shit!", Eddie opens his door with a bang—surely waking up Uncle Wayne in the process, or not because he too has to put up with this nightly concert—which slams brutally against the wall of the grey trailer.
From his doorstep he cannot see any light filtering through the curtains of the one opposite, but he does not trust this image: the neighbour is there and more awake than ever as Back in Black begins along its famous chords.
Three big steps to the trailer, three big breaths to calm down and three big knocks to call the neighbour. 
Not even a second later, the door opens and gives way to her, the one he is meeting for the first time. 
His words fade into his throat before he can utter them, the sight before him leaving him speechless. A cigarette in her mouth, barely hanging on, she looks at him with a blasé look, probably in a hurry to get back to her business.
Wisps of smoke form their hazy arabesques and intoxicate him, or perhaps it is the creature that has just appeared in front of him. To be honest, he doesn't know if he's dreaming or if it's reality, but the woman watching him seems to have come straight from his imagination. 
Tattoos blacken and decorate her skin in a constellation of ink that he wants to admire but can’t—maybe he does sneak a peek—because they're hidden by a big Iron Maiden shirt that falls over bare legs. He swallows. 
Why is he here again? 
That's exactly the question the neighbour asks him. Her voice is low and hoarse, damaged by tobacco and probably other substances. It seems to have collected dirt, sown by something called Life. In any case, the neighbour seems to have seen and done some shit. 
Eddie tries to answer. However, he can't take his eyes off the guitar hanging around her neck. It's simple, black but decorated with a few stickers that remind him of its owner's tattoos, and it's beautiful. Here's another point in common. Less so than his sweetheart, obviously, but it is metal, her guitar, almost as much as the one who holds it. 
So, she was the one playing. 
"Could you turn down your amp? I'm trying to get my campaign ready for my D&D club."
She scoffs, before muttering a "nerd" that he hears perfectly well despite the lowered tone. He thinks she did it on purpose. He doesn't really care. The word isn't said as aggressively as when Jason does it. It even sounds affectionate in her nicotined mouth (which he wants to taste but that's a detail for later, preferably tonight, late at night, and alone). 
"Don't worry, I'll turn it down." 
And without a goodbye, she slams the door, leaving him speechless from this encounter and perhaps, the mere sight of her. That night she keeps her word and Eddie can finish his campaign in silence. 
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THE SECOND TIME Eddie wants to kill his neighbour is when he is himself strumming his guitar one night to try to master the recently released Master of Puppets. The chords frustrate him because he can't string them together smoothly.
If that's the beauty of the art —the failure, the determination, the practice and ultimately the success—it's fucking annoying as of right now. And on top of that, he has to deal with his neighbour's solos, which are much better than his own. It's humiliating, and it doesn't help him to concentrate.
He lets out yet another grunt, a clear sign of his irritation, when at the other end of the path he hears Master of Puppets performed to perfection. She got to be kidding him. She must’ve perfect pitch, he thinks. Nobody can learn a song that fast, especially one like that.
She's beautiful, she's charismatic and she's a better guitarist than he is. It's him, only better, and just thinking about this makes him start to hate her as a string threatens to break under the pressure of his bloody fingers.
Or maybe it's not annoyance but rather misplaced frustration at his ineptitude to dare to ask her out. 
"Nice solo!" he hears from his open window. 
He thinks he's dreaming, but no, when he looks up, there she is, on the other side of the road, her guitar in her hand.
Tonight, she smiles and even waves at him. It's a nice change from last time. Her face lights up and becomes more beautiful. No cigarette between her lips either, although there is smoke coming out of the window all the same. It is far too thick to be from any Marlboro. The smell reaches him—Hawkins has been trapped by the wind for several days—and gives him the answer to the question he dares not ask.
It's weed.
An unhealthy jealousy takes hold of his body. He wasn’t the one who sold it to her. 
His thoughts wander and he imagines himself smoking with her, both of them lying in her room, a metal vinyl ripping through the restful silence. His hand would caress her soft thighs, while she would play two or three chords and they would kiss two or three times. 
"You've got good taste, Munson!"
She knows his name. He doesn't. That's enough to snap him out of his stupor. 
"Thank you..!" he yells and waits. 
Strangely enough, he doesn't care that she makes noise if it means she answers him.
It's a nice name, almost too much so when it's said in such a broken voice. But at the same time, it makes the sound addictive.
Eddie wonders what his name would sound like in her mouth, when she's underneath him, and his mouth ventures down her throat, her stomach and even lower...
Stop. She may be beautiful and talented, but she's still fucking annoying. 
"I'm not bothering you, am I?"
He should say yes, because of course she's bothering him with her chords flowing perfectly while his are jerky, but with those big eyes looking at him, how could he say anything but no? 
"No, don't worry. I think you could teach me a few things, even.”
"I heard you, though, Munson. You’re good with your fingers." 
He nearly chokes as a sudden wave of heat travels down his spine and goes straight to his lower abdomen. It’s an innuendo; it has to be. And yet, the girl's expression remains innocent, almost too much so in his opinion, but he's not thinking straight. 
Fuck, he really needs to stop with the neighbour. Besides, it's a cliché, "the neighbour". It sounds like the pitch for some cheesy movie Harrington sells in his crappy shop, and Eddie's never been one for cheesy romances. 
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THE THIRD TIME Eddie is frustrated with the new neighbour is when she turns her amp up to max and plays another Metallica solo.
Immediately, Eddie is on his way, as he was that first night, to knock on her door.
He's exhausted.
The teachers are giving him a hard time about a diploma he won't get, Jason's critics have multiplied in the cafeteria, and above all, Henderson won’t stop making fun of him and his embarrassment when he talks about the neighbour.
According to the boy, he has a crush on her. This is ridiculous, and it pisses him off. No matter where he goes, even to the high school where she doesn't go and therefore where no one is supposed to know her, he can't escape her.
Everything brings him back to her. 
So, this guitar solo is too much. He drums more than he knocks on the door, shaking the flimsy walls of the trailer. Immediately the music stops, and she appears in front of him. She has a joint in the corner of her mouth. The smell intoxicates him—or is it her fruity perfume?—but he maintains his stance. He won't let it happen this time. He's determined to tell her what he's thinking. 
“It took you long enough.”
She takes him by the hand and pulls him inside. The decoration is basic, it's the posters of different bands that make her personality shine. It's much neater than his house, though, he must admit. 
“You? Huh? What?” he stammers.
“I've been trying to get your attention for days, Munson. Days. My fingers are bleeding because you don't have the balls to come here. Seriously, you couldn't have put me out of my misery sooner? I mean... better late than never, but... Fuck.”
Eddie doesn't understand. It must show on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes are wide, his mouth is half-open, and his arms are flailing. Everything about him is in disbelief. Y/N sees it perfectly and sighs, exhaling smoke with it. Tangible frustration. She massages the bridge of her nose, as if this gesture will give her the courage to put up with him and his inability to think. 
“I like you, Munson. I thought that was obvious.”
The neighbour, she pisses him off. She's beautiful, she's more metal than he is, she's a better guitar player than he could ever dream of being, and now she's even got more balls than him. That's the last straw.
“Oh no! No! No! No! I was supposed to say that! Fuck! It's bad enough that you've mastered Master of Puppets while I'm still struggling and now you're the one taking the reins and deciding that you have a crush on me. Hell no! I'm the one- humph!"
She seals their lips, kisses him, and that brief but obvious moment makes his heart beat a thousand miles an hour. Eddie thinks it's more to tell him to shut the fuck up than anything else but he indulges in the moment.
As she bites his bottom lip and leaves the taste of weed behind, he allows himself to tighten his embrace, his hands closing over her, touching the grain of her skin from the small of her back to her neck. Her lips are much sweeter than he thought they would be.
“Can you please shut up, Munson?” she finally says, exasperated. At least that's what she's trying to sound like, but she's far too cute as it is. Her hair is tousled, her lips swollen, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks warm to the touch. He can't help it: he steals another kiss from her, which she promptly returns. 
“Does this mean you're going to stop playing at three in the morning to piss me off?”
“We could play together? After you explain the rules of D&D to me,” she offers.
His heart misses a beat, and he smiles. 
That's the last time he's angry with the neighbour. 
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amxrany · 7 months
Let's keep going guys (Part 2):
Papa Shroud had to stop Ortho from going after Idia, because the Ortho in Idia's dream is not what Idia remembers in reality. Papa Shroud tells Ortho to explain to Idia about the dream worldsince he's not aware that he's actually dreaming. But Ortho says he's not worried (which shocks both parents) because Idia would be probably amazed at seeing a humanoid AI (this made me giggle)
So Ortho enters Idia's dream, and Idia sees a video call request which he answers. STOP IDIA GETS OVERWHELMED CUZ HE THOUGHT ORTHO WAS COSPLAYING 😭😭😭. But Idia notices that Ortho calls him "Nii-san" and Ortho tells him that he is in fact the real Ortho (aka the humanoid AI), but Idia is in denial that he's real until Ortho points out for him that he noticed that the world is off.
Ortho tells Idia that he needs him to save the world together. Which causes Idia to go insane cuz a humanoid boy on his computer is asking HIM for help to save the world. When Ortho tells Idia that it's all a dream, the dream itself starts to distort. That's when RSA! Ortho calls and tells Idia that OG! Ortho is a lie, which pretty much causes Idia to go thru a crisis not knowing who to believe
Also guys the sprite for RSA! Ortho is uhhhh
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It's giving uncanny valley amped up to 11
Ok going back RSA! Ortho tries to tell Idia that he's simply tired but OG!Ortho tries to snap Idia out of it but then Idia gets dragged into the darkness
And once Idia gets consumed by the darkness, he goes back to the first time we see Idia's dream where it was the opening ceremony with Malleus (so i guess it's kinda looping???). But before Malleus can lead him to the Mirro Chamber a ball of light appears WHICH CAUSES IDIA TO HIDE BEHIND MALLEUS AND SAY THE RANDOMEST SHIT EVER I CAN'T 💀💀💀
TURN OUT THAT WAS CERBERUS ORTHO SAYING THAT HE FOUND IDIA and of course Malleus is not happy and wonders how did someone like Ortho find his way into the dream world. Orthos answers that question by replying that he works just like a ghost, who have the ability to go dimension hopping.
That's when the darkness reappears again because Ortho, the outlier, interfered with the dream. Malleus leaves Idia to get consumed (again) and Ortho desperately holds on to him. But Mama Shroud tells Ortho that he shouldn't try to save Idia, because if he gets consumed, he will be lost in the darkness. So Ortho had no choice but to let go...
Chopping this off again because I believe the next part deserves its own section, and I really need to make that damn paper so stay tuned!
Previous: Part 1 Next: Part 3
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animeomegas · 6 months
I'll be honest anytime I see Neji as a participant in a poll. I just click on it automatically 😂 I'll read what it says later. That's just the built Neji bias in me, but for the sick boi poll, I think I'd want to take care of sweet Itachi. Because Itachi is probably catching a fever more often than not and him being an easy person to subdue (only by his alpha, of course) he becomes even more vulnerable. Itachi needs a lot of TLC when he's feverish and delirious because canon and non massacre AU Itachi are subject to terrible nightmares and they are amped up 1000% when he's sick and can't tell the difference between reality and his dreams. So he's just a soft boy who needs a lot of kisses and support during this time 🥺
This is how I imagine all Neji stan tbh. We're all in too deep, we just see his name and we can't help ourselves 😔
Itachi is so so so cute though you're so right, I bet his fever dreams would be really awful. He'd need so much love and attention, and he soaks it all up like a sponge, because he's so starved for it.
Just imagine him sobbing into your chest all feverish and delirious after a nightmare. He's probably saying sorry over and over again. And as heartbreaking as that is, you'd get to be the one stroking his hair, making him feel safe, and cuddling him back to sleep.
So cute!!!
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djuvlipen · 1 year
Sorry for the triggering article. Not romani but ty for your bravery and support of women 💚
God, that was a good article, thank you for sharing, Anon. I recommend reading the whole thing but I want to highlight some specific parts:
For the last eight months or so, the entire country has been in turmoil and living a nightmare. I do not say ‘nightmare’ lightly. I wish it had just been a bad dream that we’d woken from. If only… But the reality is we can’t shake off the nightmarish situation that’s been stewing since about the time my country was accepted into the European Union and the borders were opened. While it was a fantastic opportunity for the development of the country, it was also the beginning of a horrifying new reality – rampant human trafficking. In an effort to provide for themselves and/or their families, people started to go abroad in search of work opportunities they couldn’t find at home. But it was also a huge opportunity for interlopers and human traffickers, because the opening of the borders made it easier for them to do what they had previously been doing with a lot more difficulty. Now their activity is widespread and unchecked. They have no qualms. They brazenly state that it’s a certified way of making a living. Given the legal status of prostitution in many EU countries, trafficking women and children has become in Romania a legitimate way of making a fortune for the ‘smarter’ people. They declare that dirty money is easier and faster to make with little to no effort on their part. That’s ‘smart’ to them. They announce this unapologetically, and with a superior smirk, on every medium, official and unofficial. For the ordinary, hardworking population, this is unbelievable, unbearable, terrifying.
This points at something I've been thinking about: the European Union is not our friend, it is explicitly anti-women. It doesn't simply tolerate the sex trade, it institutionalizes it to make profit out of it. It is antifeminist at its core and the first victims of it are women from impoverished Eastern European countries, with Romani (not simply Romanian) women being particularly vulnerable.
There are over 500 known trafficking rings in Romania, their areas of influence are well mapped and the leaders well known. They cover pretty much every inch of the country. Not a corner has been left unexploited by them. Prostitution is illegal in Romania, but it is flourishing anyway. As we all know, it produces enormous amounts of money for the ‘clans’ – as the interlopers call themselves with pride. But the biggest source of money is outside the country. In the beginning, they promised a job abroad in agriculture, in restaurants and as babysitters, and the women who fell prey found themselves in prostitution. When word got out and that tactic didn’t work anymore, they resorted to the ‘lover boy’ method. When that didn’t work so well, they started to steal children and young women from the street and even from their own homes. Thousands of other cases similar to Alexandra’s and Luiza’s have surfaced – including one where all six children – two boys and four girls – of a single mother were abducted by force, from their house. None of this – on this scale – would have been possible without the tacit agreement and practical protection of the authorities – police, the justice system, and politicians. The clans have grown so powerful that they even boast of having installed their own politicians, policemen, judges, and prosecutors. They continually escape justice. If some rogue policemen catch them and somehow manage to bring them to court, they use their money and influence to get off. The money that comes, as I said, not so much from the internal ‘market’, but from other European countries to which they traffic the children and women they get their hands on by any means. The most important destination are the countries where prostitution is legalized, like Germany and the Netherlands, but also the countries (including the UK) where laws against pimping and buying women in prostitution are not enforced. Romania has become the number one European source country of children and women in the brothels in Germany and Holland, and also Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece and the UK. Even though the total population of Romania is only about 19 million, there are thousands[*] of Romanian women and children forced into street prostitution in Italy alone – and that’s not counting those in strip clubs, brothels and ‘escort’ prostitution. It’s estimated that there are similar numbers in Spain, the UK, Germany, and Holland – and that’s not considering those in the Arab world and on other continents. Romania has haemorrhaged more than a million children (girls and boys) and women into the prostitution trade in these countries. In countries where prostitution is legal, like Germany, only a small percentage of the women involved are locals. German women do not take up this kind of ‘work’ en masse. (Should we wonder why it’s so off-putting?). But the demand is huge – so they outsource to countries like mine.
This part is also very important. I only wish she had mentioned that Romani women make up a large % of trafficked women from Romania; one of the reasons I started making posts about it is because many people don't think race is relevant when talking about the sex trade in Eastern Europe, because they think all of Eastern Europe is white. The vast majority of articles and studies therefore erasing the large % of trafficked Romani women by painting the general sex-trafficked victim as a white woman, which is not the case as race is relevant here.
And all this because of the participation of our men in power, men who served the parents of the two still missing girls who want their children back with the sentence (pun intended), “I’m hitting a wall.” Yes. That’s what the attorney general said to them when asked why they aren’t looking for the girls: “I can’t look for them because there’s a wall stopping me.” People started rallying for the girls. It is awful to see the two mothers in tears and on their knees in front of the Police Department building, begging the authorities to find their children and bring them home. So what is that wall? Might it be the needs of ‘punters’ in Germany? In Italy? All over Europe and elsewhere? The US military base located only five miles away from the town of Caracal? The need of the overpaid and oversexed American ‘heroes’ to have sex in their spare time lest they might die from abstinence? The needs of the ‘heroes’ (read ‘paedophiles’) in the other US military base about 200 miles away near the sea port of Constanta who built a special pavilion INSIDE the base camp where they go and have sex and where they demand to be brought younger and younger girls (children), new ones each time? (In the case of Alexandra Macesanu and Luiza Melencu, even the FBI got involved and ‘recommended’ putting a lid on the whole affair, and over 90 US soldiers were packed and shipped home a few days after the disappearances broke into the news.) Might all that be the WALL?
And that is very interesting too. Even in peace time, the military is harming and raping girls and women. The US military, none the less. That's imperialism right there. The most powerful country in the world establishing military bases in impoverished countries and harming the girls and women living there. Covered up by the State. Just confirms what we all know: the military is a rotten institution and all soldiers are a threat to women, and the US military is the most powerful one.
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I am too lazy and a little exhausted in the head. Withdrawal systems are difficult. So, I will just use mostly pictures. Here you go...
It was heavy raining outside and the clear and clean glass windows made the luxurious room of the Colonel magical. His room was as usual, clean as a whistle.
You would make the janitor do heavy duty cleaning every three weeks. Then you would do the rest yourself.
A perfectionist you were. The Colonel leaned back against the huge and soft pillow which he placed before the head rest of his King sized bed.
He looked down at your sleeping form. He smirked in arrogance, seeing how his skills in bed always knocked you out cold.
Quaritch couldn't believe he hit the jackpot when he saw you right here at the base. He was here to oppress and colonize. Never expected to find romance. And to the most beautiful girl ever to exist? Too good to be true.
Quaritch stroked your hair lovingly as you continued dreaming. Did you dream of him like he did of you? He smiled fondly.
He put on a green tank top and shorts. He decided to do some bench presses. He went to the cold amp suit room where he had his makeshift gym.
He lifted his usual 250 pounds plates. Whenever he was around you especially fucking the shit out of you, he felt energized. Like he drank some kind of real energy drink. Feeling young as a college boy.
He wondered if love was the fountain of youth. After an hour and five minutes, Quaritch felt sleepy. It was perhaps two in the morning. He decided to join you in bed. While doing so, he saw something or someone.
It was Sully, sitting alone in the empty cafeteria with a dazed look on his face. The Colonel wondered what he was thinking. Perhaps Sully was stressed by the double life as a spy. Quaritch pitied him.
"Haven't gotten lost in the woods, have you son?" The Colonel teased his subordinate. He grabbed a chain and sat in the opposite position leaning in.
"Your last report was two weeks ago...." Quaritch quirked up a wrinkled eyebrow. "I am starting to doubt your resolve!" He flashed his pearly white teeth.
Sully couldn't look at him the Colonel wondered why.
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Quaritch rolled his eyes. He told Sully to quit the mission and told him about the approval of his surgery.
To his suspense, Sully didn't seem happy. The fuck is going on? Quaritch narrowed his eyes. Would a Marine choose the side of a science puke?
"I am a man of my word." Quaritch placed his hand in Sully's shoulder.
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Finally, Sully looked at him.
"Colonel, if you loved someone. Would change for them?"
Quaritch was surprised as fuck but kept his cool face.
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"Met a girl and will change sides?" He narrowed his eyes.
Jake shook his head no. Quaritch didn't believe him. Something shitty was going on. Sully explained he feels guilty when the bulldozers will come and how he will explain it to his friends at the labs.
Quaritch rolled his eyes. He scoffed. "Fuck those bitches. They are not worth the guilt."
"What about Name?"
The Colonel stared.
"you told her yet?"
The Colonel shook his head. "When the time is right. I will give her the reality check as humane as possible." Quaritch didn't tell anyone. Not even you.
Your elderly trillionaire father died eight nights ago. The unhealthy life on Earth with stress and crime rates usually make people die a young age compared to the people in the past.
Your father aged before his time. Worked hard to make the Earth full of plants and vegetation. Like you, he hated the over developed life and industrializations.
The Colonel was bull shitting you. He wanted to kill the Navis and take their shit like the brute he was. He had a soft spot for you. He loved you. Not just your good looks and carnal desires. He just thought you were too naive and living in a fantasy world. He pitied you. Quaritch didn't want to hurt your feelings.
You like your hippie friends wanted to copy Navis' lifestyle. You loved their spiritual connections to the wonderful nature around them. The Colonel found it cute but would keep his mouth shut as you rambled on about making a better life back on Earth if humans copied the Navi ways.
The Colonel agreed to whatever you said. He joked how you will put him out of business. The program will regain peace with the Navis.
His heart broke for you when you actually believed his sarcasm and jokes. You were that desperate and hated life on Earth.
But, that bitch Augustine must have influenced you more than your optimistic father. The poor man is dead and for what? Nothing. The Colonel didn't want you to end up like your dead father.
"I'll be right next to her when she needs me when she catches on." Quaritch pursed his lips. The thought of you crying made him depressed inside. You were too sheltered.
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"I take care of my own."
Sully told Quaritch about being a real Navi man. That he has to stay longer with the clan. And the relocation of the Navi after getting their trust.
Quaritch was dying to kill. He was a solider marine leader. But, he didn't want Name to see him as a monster or hate him even more.
He knew he was going to be hated on by you. You will get over it after he makes a house in the woods for you. Then settle down. Then love him back again.
The Colonel was not like you. He didn't believe in fantasy unless you work hard. He got you by his evil actions of blackmailing. You think honest work can get what you want.
You have to think dirty. That's a fact
He stood up. "You better get it done, Corporal."
Sully was left alone.
Quaritch quietly closed his door as he stepped in. He was not stupid. He knew you would try to break up and leave him when he attacks home tree.
He stripped himself bare again and crawled next to your lithe and supple form.
He will have to think dirty once more to keep you in your place and check your attitude.
It's for your own good and both futures of him and you and eventually your future kids...
For now, he will show his true colors when it represents himself when the bulldozers come. Till then, he will act like the Prince charming you always wanted rather than the warrior who would kill to have you in his arms.
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pomniegranate · 5 months
It felt like eons waiting. But that was mainly due to Pomni continuously focusing on it. Caine said there were others, said to make herself comfortable and went on his merry way, leaving her to twiddle her thumbs, sitting in her anxiety.
The silence intensified, the feeling of being small in a place so large started to weigh on her mind, every second ticking on the clock becoming unbearable as her eye twitched at every sound it produced. For a lucid dream state, this one had to have been one of the worst she'd ever experienced. All because of a damn headset.
Trying hard to not focus on the many different sensations, she amped to distract herself by walking towards the stage and rested a hand on it. Who knows how long these "adventures" take, when anybody would actually show up, if there are others, or how long she'd continue to go against her actual reality now. Pomni didn't notice when they got back, consumed in trying to recollect anything she could about herself.
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kitthepurplepotato · 2 years
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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
When a weird, melancholic melody plays Bakugou’s broken heartstrings just the right way, he can’t help but embrace his scars and change for the better.
But when the music is gone and the reality hits, his two worlds suddenly collide.
This is a story about a struggling hero and a broken soul who only speaks through music trying to atone for her past mistakes by giving up on everything to save more people than she has ruined in the past.
General info:
Genre: Fluff and angst with eventual happy ending. It will get quite deep, so minors please DNI - the story is 16+ in my humble opinion.
Every chapter comes with a song of the day! (Rock/alternative/emo bangers!)
The updates will be slow on this one!
Warnings (for future chapters): Mentions of depression, trauma, communication issues due to that trauma, angst, mentions of toxic relationships in the past, mentions of suicidal thoughts, eventual suggestive content (or not, I’m not sure yet) with definitely NO smut. (Sorry) (You might need to get a dentist appointment after you and Katsuki get to know each other tho.) New warnings on every chapter as the story unfolds.
(This makes it sound so much worse than it will be, I honestly can’t write anything too angsty, so if you have a sensitive soul, you are still welcome to read this, I will probably change my mind halfway through the ficc anyway, if not, just write me a message and I’ll give you lovely spoilers to soothe your soul.)
About the reader: She/her pronouns, alternative style, mentions of piercings, tattoos and colorful hair. The reader has trauma and a really messed up past but she’s gonna be fine. Reader is also a musician and has a cool but uncontrollable quirk. I can’t say more without spoilers.
About the writer: English is my second language, please be kind.
More notes and fun facts by the end of the chapter!
Chapter one: Off With The Head!
Songs of the day:
Palaye Royale - Off with the head
Underoath - I gave up
The Present
I miss the sound of my soul
The music of my heartstrings
But the dream is about the end
I can almost feel my heart bleed 
With tears and blood I fought
Cuts deep red and violent
I want to stay with you…
But I’m lost in the silence.
This is the last day you are surrounded by your favorite sound on the Earth; music.
The sound of someone tuning a guitar, a random rhythm played on the drums nearby, the feedback of the amps, the echo of an empty building that’s about to be filled with thousands of people. 
As you throw your favorite pick into the air to catch it halfway down, lazily lying on the uncomfortable sofa in the dressing room you can’t help but wonder; what will your life be when this is over? 
“You’ll be fine, Y/N” comes an answer in your head to the question you never said out loud.
“I thought we made a deal; no sneaking around in my head without asking for permission.” 
“I just wanted to take your hand in case you are lost in that mess inside.”
Haru is your best friend. You’ve been attached by the hip since you met on a band practice; Haru quickly became your favorite person to hang out with as he was the only one who could understand you without words; his telepathy quirk allowed you to have a voice without the need of speaking up, and eventually, it helped you to get through your trauma and be able to speak again. 
There is a reason why you sing so much about silence and there is a reason why you only communicate through telepathy when you’re “Miss X” on the stage; but that’s a different story for a different day. 
Today, you will break your own heart and step on it, grind it in a grinder and throw it in a pit.
You are about to jerk out all your heartstrings out one by one, leaving nothing but emptiness behind. 
You are about to ruin everything you worked so hard for, for the greater good.
You are about to disband the band that saved your life to save everyone else’s instead.
No one ever told you that to be a hero, you need to die first. 
A story from 3 years ago.
Bakugou Katsuki was a lone wolf.
He enjoyed his solitude, loved the sound of the city rushing under his massive windows on the 7th floor, he loved the peace and quiet of his black and white flat, the beautiful shine of his pure golden handles, the feeling of freedom he felt in his massive living room.
As he sat down on his black fluffy sofa, he couldn’t stop thinking about all his friends; they were out having “fun”, spending all their hard-earned money on booze and band merch. 
Out of his close friend group which consists of Kirishima, Mina, Sero and Denki, Bakugo was the only one in the top 10. The reason was really obvious to him; while his buddies loved to party, loved to get into weird relationships that made them unfocused or grumpy when their significant other broke up with them without an actual proper reason, Bakugo did none of these things.
Bakugo wakes up at 5AM every day, trains until 7 in his own gym, goes to work at 7:30, grinds until 8 in the evening or sometimes 10, then goes to bed right away. 
Some people call it “lonely”, he calls it efficient. 
He’s only 25 yet he owns a massive flat in the fancy area of the city and has enough money in the bank to be able to survive without doing any work for the rest of his life; even tho he hopes he can stay a hero until he’s unable to walk and function properly.
With that said, Bakugo was absolutely happy with his life. He didn’t need alcohol or stupid concerts to have a breather; his work was his life, his reason of existence.
And if that was not enough, he didn’t even listen to music at home as the sounds of his surroundings were calming enough for him to be able to rest after a terrible work day.
Bakugo didn’t understand why was Denki so all over him about this concert, but here he was, jumping around the sofa like a monkey while the blonde tried his best to ignore his existence.
“Bakubro, just this once.” He begged, down on his knees. “You will absolutely love this band. They are super edgy like you, their lyrics are so deep and so meaningful!”
This guy never gives up. 
“Jesus Christ, fuck you.” said the angry blonde standing up from the sofa and pushing Denki just enough to fall on his ass. 
Fucking electric Pikachu and his nonsense… “Okay, I’ll fucking go! But if is sucks balls like the last one I’ll never go anywhere with you ever again. Got it, Dunce Face?” Chargebolt nodded at least 10 times. He literally looked like one of those plastic dogs with the wiggly heads, Bakugo found it quite amusing. 
It only took 10 minutes for the blonde to get ready; he put on an old black t-shirt with a skull printed on the front of it, tight black trousers, a black face mask, some old rings and a necklace he bought when he was an edgy teen, then topped the full set with a black beanie. 
While his main idea was to stay incognito, the whole look worked so well on the blonde that Denki almost had a heart attack. 
“You literally look like a rockstar, man, let’s go.”
Bakugo Katsuki felt really uncomfortable in the crowd. He just wanted to go home and sleep as it was was way past his bedtime. 
The sound of the clinking glasses made him feel super annoyed, he hated the commotion that came with the whole concert, he hated his loud friends cheering for the shitty songs playing in the radio before the gig and if that was not enough to make the blonde feel nauseous, the whole place smelled like spilled beer and sweat. 
The lights turned off all of a sudden; people started to scream and cheer and Bakugo wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He sat down on the bar stool and waited for the lights to come up; but instead of the usual grand entrance with strong, colorful lights and fake fires, there was a sudden announcement in the radio topped up with a massive amount of fog coming from the machines on the sides. 
We are nothing. We are zero. 
We are not dead 
But we are not alive.
We are nothing. We are zero.
But we are free. 
Suddenly, Bakugou forgot how to breathe. 
Heavy rock music blasted through the speakers, resonating in his bones, his head fuzzy, mind blank. He had no idea when he left the bar, but he certainly did. 
3 people emerged from the shadows, their bodies still hidden by the thick fog; their silhouettes made their way to their assigned positions; an outline of a guitar appeared in the middle and another guitar shape with a longer neck appeared on the right; probably the bass. The fog started to disappear so Katsuki took a good look at the two people in front of him; the singer-guitarist had a full black make up, his face was also full of piercings. His attire was edgy and sinister, but there was kindness written all over his features as he smiled at the crowd.  
The bassist; also clothed in all black with neon, hand painted scribbles all over her attire; she had black, long dreadlocks with a few neon green and neon purple streaks hidden in the darkness of her hair, face hidden under a creepy plague doctor mask. She looked like an alternative version of Momo.
As the fog got thinner and thinner in the middle and on the right, the left fog machine was still going on full blast, hiding one half of the stage from the curious eyes of the crowd.
The fog also revealed the drummer; he almost looked tiny behind his massive drum set; his indifferent ice blue eyes barely cared about anything but the drums as he played a heavy rhythm. He was on another level. It made Bakugo miss his early high school days and his random band he had with his friends. 
It also felt like he was a part of the drum set and not a living and breathing person playing the drums. He was there but he wasn’t. His pure white hair blended into the white screen behind him and Katsuki could understand the guy so well; he loved the music he was playing, but he probably hated the fame that came with it so he decided to disguise himself as much as he could to stay sane.
The blonde was mesmerized by how different all these people were yet they worked so well together. The concert only just started but he already felt some weird connection with the band. 
He was just about to get out of his stupor when someone else entered the stage with a massive jump from the side; a beautiful creature with colorful strikes in her otherwise black hair, face mask hiding her face from the crowd. Bakugo swears he saw black paws when the lady first emerged: she jumped high enough to be visible for a few seconds as the fog on the left side was still thick around the ground. Her whole body was full of colorful tattoos, except her face. This person looked almost inhuman, her eyes piercing through your soul, even tho she did her best to not make any eye contact with anyone. Bakugo did not believe in love in first sight. He didn’t believe in love, end of the sentence; but the way his heart fluttered by the sight of this almost inhuman being was worthy to be called something like that.
If her beautifully extravagant presence was not enough, she rocked a black and gold striped guitar with skulls on the neck and horns on the top. Black and gold; just like his home. 
We are nothing. 
But we are here
We are zero 
But we believe 
We are nothing
But we’re not alone
We belong 
We are free. 
The whole “song” sounded like a mantra; it wasn’t about the words or the music for this intro. To be honest, the whole song did not make  any sense, yet you couldn’t stop chanting, you couldn’t stop “feeling”; like the song just went straight to your soul then clawed it’s way up to your mouth to let all your real, bottled up feelings loose.
And Katsuki felt everything; the pain of an unsuccessful rescue, the frustration of having no one to go home to, the emptiness in his heart and the sore in his muscles. Actually, when was the last time he took a day off? 
By the end the concert, the main singer went to the side and ruffled the other guitarist’s head. She looked vicious and adorable at the same time. Katsuki couldn’t stop staring at the friendly interaction; so she is a human, after all. 
“Your turn, X. Show them what you got” 
Instead of talking, she just nodded and went to the middle without making an eye contact with the crowd. She was in her own little world. 
She took her mask off and knocked her fingers on the microphone 3 times. Her face was decorated by a few piercings here and there; the same kinds the other guitarist was wearing.
Needless to say, in Bakugo’s eyes she was even more beautiful without the mask. 
“She said hi” translated the bassist, and before Katsuki could think too much about what just happened, miss X played the first few chords. The guitarist guy put his guitar on a stand and went straight to the piano at the back. 
The crowd went silent. 
I stay behind 
I stay quiet 
I let you hurt me
Bloody and silent
The sound of the guitar was clear, it almost sounded like an acoustic session. Miss X barely sang; she just whispered into microphone. 
I want to scream 
But I have nothing to say
No strength to talk
No words to spare 
Her voice got stronger, but wavered like she actually had no strength to sing this song until the end. The whole place felt stuffy, anxiety popping off the walls. Some people just stared at the stage, silently crying. 
As my silent tears 
Fall down on my face 
I leave you behind 
I am done with the pain
I have no voice
I have no words to say
I might be broken 
But I can still run away 
Slowly, her voice got clearer and clearer; with a crooked smile on her tear stained face, she pressed a button on the floor. 
Katsuki almost fainted when the clear sound became distorted and loud.
Suddenly, the clear voice changed to a scream, the slow melody turned into heavy rock music and the whole place woke up from their daze. 
I’m done with the pain 
I won’t let you hurt me
Not anymore 
You played me so dirty
The blood on your hands 
Won’t wash away 
The hole in your heart
Won’t ever mend
You will rot away 
In your personal hell
Your soul so broken 
An unfixable mess 
The sound got heavier and heavier then got to a sudden halt; the guitar settings were changed again to a less aggressive sound. Her voice sounded broken and weak but still aggressive, leaving goosebumps on the hero’s skin.
I wish you could have seen
The love you left behind 
The hope of a future 
Happy and kind 
I gave you all the chances 
I gave you my all
You broke all your promises 
You’ve broken them all
While first Katsuki thought the song will be a break up song, the melody and the lyrics made him think otherwise. Katsuki worked with people with trauma. He knows a broken soul when he sees one. 
As you lost yourself in pity 
As you completely lost your mind
Freedom might be lonely,
But I welcome them with a smile.
Katsuki was shaking. 
Katsuki also somehow ended up in the first row. 
As Miss X finished the song, there were no cheers coming from the crowd. Everyone was too shook to their core to speak up.
The singer suddenly found Katsuki in the crowd and showed off her broken smile again, just for him, wiped her tears off with a napkin she got from the guitarist and the whole band left the stage. 
The lights went off again. 
We are nothing. We are zero. We are free. 
As the room got bright and the life came back into the building, Katsuki left the crowd, left his friends and went straight to the exit. 
He had no voice. He had no words to say. 
Things have changed for Bakugo in the last few years. 
After his first concert, Bakugo closed himself off a for a few days to think about what he wants to do with this newly found obsession of his. He is not the type of guy to get so involved in music or a person but he couldn’t stop thinking about that one song sang by that one beautiful creature. 
The blonde is also an extremely stubborn person, so looking into Denki’s eyes and telling him he was right was the biggest challenge of his life and he almost died for saving this country, so that says a lot. 
After a few days, Bakugo came out of his shell and embraced his new self; the guy who goes on gigs sometimes and actually enjoys them. 
His old rings became a part of him. He’s still himself; but more open minded and a bit more edgy. He also owns some cool merch now.
The present 
It’s that day again. The day when Katsuki is able to see his favorite person on Earth; Miss X. 
“Oh, someone looks edgy and cool, are you off to see your wifey again, Kacchan?”
Oh yes. His friends found his obsession hilarious and even Deku decided to bully him for it.
“I would shut my trap if I were you. You might need your balls one day. Oh, wait!” Katsuki makes a dramatic surprised face and looks deeply into the green nerd’s eyes. “You probably won’t.” 
“Hm, this is quite a bold statement from someone who never had a partner in his life.” Says Todoroki Fucking Shouto, the prince on the white horse, the forever defender of princess Deku. 
“Fuck the both of you, I’m out.” Katsuki rolls his eyes at the two and leaves.
His relationship with Deku changed a lot since he started to go out more with people. They might sound the same as they were in high school, but instead of their usual rivalry, they just work side by side now as the first and second best hero in Japan. Katsuki is aware that Shouto could easily take their spots and be the first if he wanted to, but he decided to join Deku’s agency to make his old man furious instead. He’s still the third best hero in Japan and  he looks comfortable with his current position; it makes Katsuki’s blood boil.
As Bakugou’s favorite band is based in Japan, he was able to see them 9 times in last 3 years. He usually gets 2 weeks off when they are on tour and he goes to at least 3 or 4 gigs per tour. It’s quite convenient this way; he’s able to use his holidays, see new cities in Japan and because traveling all around the country costs a fortune, non of his friends is willing to pay the money to come with him so he is able to have a few, peaceful days to himself and himself alone. It’s annoying enough to have them around on every single concert in Tokyo. One time Denki decided to make a sign that said “Marry me Miss X” and gave it to Katsuki before the concert. Needless to say, the sign was burned into ashes before they stepped into the building. 
This concert is special to him. First of all, this is his 10th concert, second of all, this is the last gig of the tour; it’s a special Tokyo gig with only 100 tickets available. Katsuki was lucky to win one ticket for himself but thankfully, no one else in his friend group could get one. 
As Katsuki opens the door to get into the tiny venue in the middle of the city, he’s welcomed by familiar faces; there are no cordons this time and one half of the band is already sitting on the stage, chatting away with the fans and answering questions. His eyes wonder around the venue and he smiles; Miss X and the band’s Drummer Yuki somehow managed to find the highest place in the building, which is a massive shelving system for the booze behind the bar and they are silently watching the other two talking from the top of the cabinet like two indoor cats looking for excitement in a boring flat.
Katsuki hears a quiet snicker coming from miss X, and Yuki takes his wallet out and gives her some money. 
“X said you’ll find us in 10 seconds and I said you won’t.” Shrugs the guy like they didn’t just make Katsuki’s heart miss a beat by acknowledging his existence. 
“Thanks, I guess?” Answers the baffled hero and    instead of his usual water, he asks for a glass of whiskey. 
“Our treat!” Grins the drummer and jumps off the cabinet with a massive thump. Miss X lands right in front of Katsuki on the middle of the counter, almost spilling his whiskey; she looks at the beverage like it personally offended her and takes a sip from it before disappearing into thin air. When he looks down at the counter there is some change and a note next to his drink. 
“This is a goodbye, but this isn’t the end. X.”
Katsuki is a little bit smitten right now, but… he definitely did not like the sound of that message. He only hopes he completely misunderstood what Miss X was trying to say.
“Seems like Miss X wants to start this gig so let’s meet in 5 minutes guys!” Speaks up your best friend who’s still outside talking to the fans. 
It’s happening. This is the last time people will hear your voice. 
You know you shouldn’t have left that message to Dynamight. You know he’s probably all freaked out right now. But while you never talked to the guy; you never talked to anyone except your closest friends to be exact; he was such a great supporter for so long and you wanted to warn him about what is about to happen. You wanted to tell him in person in your own, messed up way.
“Y/N, are you ready?” Says the voice inside your head and you wake up from your daze. Haru is right next to you, with a sad smile on his face. 
You nod your head and make your way to the now dark stage; it’s time to scream your heart out one more time before the silence swallows you whole. 
As the light goes off, Katsuki emerges from the bar and makes his way to the side of the stage; it might not have the best view of the band, but he enjoys being close to the stage without other people bumping into him, and no one ever had to guts to send him away from his spot before, so he hopes for the same for this time. 
The concert starts with the usual song; Zer0, which is actually the band’s name as well. 
We are nothing. We are zero. But we are free. 
Katsuki knows something is wrong right after the first few notes of the intro; the always smiling guitarist, Haru just stares at the crowd for a moment and as Miss x emerges from the fog, she “accidentally” bumps into the guy to get him out of his head. 
The rest of the concert goes as usual; the crowd cheers, then the crowd cries when Miss X takes the mike from Haru to sing her heart out. The concert is about to end but there are 3 taps on the mike right before the lights are supposed to come back. The teary eyed crowd silently stares at miss X who doesn’t look like she’s about to leave the stage.
So this is it - Katsuki thinks. - This is what the message was about. 
“There is a song I wrote for today.” Speaks up the always silent guitarist, and everything freezes; no one dares to look away. “This is our last song as a band. Our journey has come to an end. I want to thank you guys for everything. So… listen to me one last time.”
All the lights go off on the stage except for 4 spotlights; one for each member. Miss X starts to play a song no one has ever heard; the song start off with a pleasant but melancholic melody; it’s full of pain, determination and longing.
I miss the sound of my soul
The music of my heartstrings
But the dream is about the end
I can almost feel my heart bleed 
With tears and blood I fought
Cuts deep red and violent
I want to stay with you
But I’m lost in the silence.
Miss X looks to the side; she looks right at Katsuki who can’t help his tears this time. For his surprise, Miss X keeps her eyes on him for the next few lines, like he’s the only one in the building who would understand the meaning behind her words. 
This is a goodbye 
But this isn’t the end 
I’m not giving up
I just need to defend 
Defend the ones in need 
Defend the ones in pain
To help the world to heal
So we can all be free again.
With tears in her eyes, she gives Bakugou a broken smile and he can’t help but smile back. 
He understands. He understand this way too much. 
This is a goodbye 
But this isn’t the end 
Take my hand to see 
This future ahead 
This future full of smiles 
Where no one’s left behind 
Where voices are heard 
And hearts are always warm 
Miss X takes a deep breath and tries her best not to cry out loudly; the song is about to end which means… these are her last words to the fans.
But we won’t stop fighting 
We won’t let you down
Our melody of freedom
Won’t ever die. 
Everything comes to a sudden halt; darkness swallows the whole building as the band members disappear one by one. A loud “fuck!” is heard from the back of the stage; probably one of the members having a meltdown in the backstage area; it was broken and manic, probably coming from a person full of tears and frustration. Katsuki’s guess is the main singer-guitarist Haru, as he was out of it the whole time while playing on the stage. 
After the show is over, Katsuki feels nothing but emptiness. He already cried enough in the last few minutes to not be frustrated about the sudden announcement, and he also had 2 whole hours to get ready for it thanks to the message he got from Miss X before the concert. Everyone else is in pieces; random strangers are comforting each other in the first few rows, some people are shamelessly bawling their eyes out in the corners, some others left right when the concert has ended as they did not feel comfortable showing emotions in front of so many strangers. 
Katsuki takes a deep breath and makes his way outside; the message from Miss X safely hidden in his jacket pocket for the days when he can’t help but miss the freedom he felt during these concerts. 
He always wanted to be a hero, but having something else to wait for made his job so much easier for him. Before his first concert, he always felt like a caged animal who’s only existing to serve; a disposable tool who’s ready to die any day for the greater good. 
Katsuki already feels the cage door closing down on him; the feeling of dread and misery washing over him and burning his skin and bones like acid. 
As Dynamight makes his way home by foot to clear his mind he can’t stop thinking about Miss X’s lyrics; he has a feeling their path will cross again in the near future but it might as well just be a lie made by his brain to cope with his current situation. 
It’s not like Miss X will magically fall from the sky right into Katsuki’s arms on a random sunny afternoon. Life is not a cringy romantic movie, but Katsuki, for the first time in his lonely life, wishes it was. 
1 month later 
Dynamight isn’t the most liked hero in Japan at the moment. 
Well, he was never a fan favorite; thanks to being short-tempered and almost anti-social when it comes to any kind of human interaction, Bakugo was only admired from a safe distance, and only by those who actually did their research to see how much he has done for this country when he was a teen. 
Katsuki knows he has no chance to be the Number 1 hero anyway; Deku’s name is the same as All Might’s - Saint and Untouchable, the Symbol of Victory and peace, the savior of Japan and probably the whole world, as he likes to travel abroad to help out other countries in the time of need. 
Japan is in a really good place right now; even with the Number 1 hero being away, villains still have no chance against the current heroes as their generation was not only trained to fight off bad guys but also to win an impossible war. 
Katsuki also lost years worth of experience after his fight with All for One; Katsuki had some serious surgeries at a young age, so him being Number 2 is an absolute miracle anyway. He might be stubborn, but he‘s old enough now to know when to give up. 
With that said, Bakugou’s reputation went down even more in the last few weeks.
Since Zer0 disbanded, Katsuki didn’t really know what to do with all his pent up energy so seeing Dynamight in the news for almost blowing up the paparazzi was a weekly occurrence. 
Today was one of those days when Katsuki was ready to blow someone’s face up if they came close to him; and the fact that he could feel someone tailing him in the shadows of the alley didn’t help his mental state at all. 
Katsuki honestly does not understand the paparazzi. They literally behave like the villains sometimes; they follow people, lurk in the shadows and they also ruin everyone’s precious eyesight with their camera’s flash and then they get offended for being blown to the moon by accident. Like bruh, don’t be an ass if you don’t want to be smacked in the face, am I right?
And also, how is he supposed to know if he’s being followed by an enemy or just by a paparazzi trying to get some money to feed his family? Being a famous hero is mentally exhausting. 
The blonde lost himself in his thoughts for a second there, which was a terrible mistake.
The next moment everything happens all at once; a loud thump as something hits the back of his head, the world spinning around for a few moments, his back hitting the wall with great force - Dynamight collects himself enough to find the enemy, but his eyes can see nothing but the darkness of the alley.
The enemy has an invisibility quirk. Bakugou is absolutely fucked. 
There’s also a massive gash on the back of his head, blood trailing down his neck, dampening his shirt; but that’s fine. He was in the mood for a good fight anyway. 
He is just about to fight the invisible culprit by throwing explosions in every direction until it actually hits the target when a black, panther-like shadow emerges from the top of the building; but Katsuki’s head is throbbing so much he can barely concentrate on the invisible fight let alone on another shadow attacking from behind; Katsuki’s mental instability is clearly clouding his decisions right now and he is definitely not prepared for a proper fight tonight. 
One of his explosions finally hit the villain and the impact makes him visible for long enough for Katsuki to land a good punch; but his knuckles meet with nothing but the thin air as the black shadow snatches the now fully visible villain by his neck. 
Katsuki needs a moment to get the full picture here. For the first few seconds, he can see a black panther in a ghost form - what? - literally CHOMPING on the guys neck while throwing him into the brick wall of the alley. The villain goes through the wall, into the building, his body almost completely covered by the falling debris; needless to say, he is not going anywhere and Katsuki is sure he’s also unconscious if not dead already. 
Katsuki takes a few steps back from the panther, ready to fight for his actual life if that thing attacks him; but the panther suddenly morphs into a black fog and from it emerges a… person. A person he missed so dearly in the last few weeks. 
This is all a fever dream, a vision (thanks to his severe concussion) or a shape shifter villain. This isn’t real. 
“You… needed help?” Comes a small, stuttering voice Katsuki knows way too much. 
“Stay away.” Warns the blond, getting in a defensive position, barely standing. The new “enemy” turns their head to one side like a dog, confused, but it only takes her a few moments to understand the situation. 
“This is a goodbye, but this isn’t the end.” says Miss X, clearly uncomfortable with being forced to talk for so “long” and Katsuki can’t take this anymore; the hope of safety washes over him as his bleeding head almost meets the concrete. Thanks to Miss X’s quick reflexes, he lands in her arms instead. 
“I was about to finish him off.” Slurs the blonde and Miss X snickers quietly at the response. 
She did fall from the sky - thinks the hero, amused by his own correct prediction as a sweet, pleasant scent fills up his nose right before he passes out due to the blood loss he didn’t have time to acknowledge in the heat of the moment. 
To be continued in Chapter 2 - Concrete Jungle
Wow, I feel like I just gave birth to a child.
I hope you guys liked the first chapter of this story, I’m so excited (and anxious) to write the rest of it!
Some side notes about the first chapter:
💥 The Readers Guitar is a Schecter Synyster Gates Custom S, Sustainiac in black and gold.
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💥 The intro’s sound is similar to the Palaye Royale song (at least in my head haha) and the main song of the first concert is similar to the Underoath song, hence why there are 2 songs for this chapter for you to listen to (you don’t need to tho!)
I have no idea how to write lyrics so please don’t judge me too much. Thank you. 💥
💥I know That Bakugou shouldn’t faint so easily but keep in mind that he was really out of it, the attack was unexpected and he wasn’t in his hero costume either so… poor guy was the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong mindset.
💥 Also random fun fact: I based the drummer on my boyfriend of 8 years who also played the drums in a band when we first met and I find it absolutely hilarious that I ended up using his personality for one of my silly side characters! 😂
Have a great day, guys! 💜
P.s. I can also make a taglist for this one if you guys are interested!
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cptn-m · 12 days
One Piece chapter 1126 review
After like four more chapters of Egghead loose ends than expected, I think we can finally call the transition to an Elbaf arc complete. But we still spend most of the chapter on things that follow up past arcs. Shanks has been waiting to check Barto off his to-do list since Wano, the Blackbeard sections reference the cutaway sequence and events from Egghead's final set piece, there's a Bonney and Kuma moment, and more updates on the Revolutionaries' siege. Any of those things, I think, you could justify grouping as part of Egghead's epilogue if not for the obvious first plot hook of Elbaf in the final pages of the chapter.
But that's just One Piece sometimes. Look back and think about where Thriller Bark and Sabaody separate. Chapter 490 contains all together Brook's new crewmate toast, Kuma's debrief about letting Luffy go, and the giant mysterious figures in the Florian Triangle - all important story or theme points for Thriller Bark - but also the arrival at the Redline and the introduction of Camie - vital setup for Sabaody. The transition of arcs happens kind in the middle of the chapter. Such is the nature of a serialised story after it gets big enough.
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And what an opening to an arc. The crew gets smashed on hallucinogenic booze and loses a day or two and end up separated, left to piece together what they missed. It's fairly unique. You might compare it to Zou, where the reader's POV starts at the end of a normal arc and we get the main events filled in via flashback. But after Egghead's cutaway, there's precedent for not circling back to the skipped day as well. It's going to take a lot more than one chapter - and probably the next one - to be fully sure what Oda's building up to here and how he plans to structure it.
The opening party has two moments I really like. Nami being driven to drink by the giants' warrior customs, and Bonney and Kuma finally reunited and able to enjoy the open sea they dreamed of. Kuma's even smiling. He's going to make it!
On the other hand, it really handwaves away the timeline discrepancies with Dory, Brogy, Oimo and Kashii's journey. Maybe they could have waved that hand a little faster to say the duo from Ennies Lobby at least reached Elbaf and decided only recently to go check in on the captains. Oh well.
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And then we have Shanks and Bartolomeo. This is a much darker side of Shanks than has previously been shown, or at least than has previously been directed toward anyone we like. I think with so long offscreen it's been easy to fill in the blanks with what we want to see of the man, and it's inevitable some fans are going to be shocked, surprised and even disappointed by the reality. Personally, I like a mentor with a secret or two to dramatise the relationship. I'm interested to see what Oda does with it.
Shanks acts like a pro pirate here, a seasoned pillar of the criminal underworld. The importance of respect, reputation and the risks that come from people thinking they can get away with crossing you all speak to historical piracy and even more modern organised crime. But his expressions stick in my mind. The blacked out and shaded-over eyes could simply be a sign he's in serious mode, but his close up when Bartolomeo expresses regret that he won't see Luffy be King of the Pirates betrays genuine sadness. Compare and contrast his encounter with Kid, which features the same darkened eyes early on, but a much angrier expression in the aftermath.
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Does Shanks regret that he has to escalate a turf war with Luffy? Does he simply not like that the role of Emperor forces him to be ruthless for the sake of protecting his territory? The fast transition from appreciating Barto's loyalty to delivering the final lesson only amps up the ambiguity.
Props to Barto though. His commitment is real and wonderful. Hope this isn't the end of his story.
Blackbeard's sequence doesn't give us as much new, just a sense of plans and building toward the future. I enjoyed the details of the bandages on the skull and learning that Garp is still alive though. And poor Pudding. That's going to be an interesting source of conflict in the future, when Sanji gets wind of it.
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It's also nice getting a view of the Revolutionaries' actual tactics through Laffite's sequence. The bombs and fires give the sense of kind of a geurilla operation, all sabotage and terror. From all the Dragon "…" and "looking east" memes that have been repeated enough to become insufferable, I think there's a chunk of the fanbase that needed to see this stuff to understand it.
We return to the Strawhats for the final new story hook. Bonney getting to act like a little girl again, clinging to Jinbei's side, is the cutest touch. But hang on, if we're acknowledging her as a kid here, she probably wasn't drinking with the rest. She might be key to figuring out what happened while everyone else was blacked out.
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I'm looking forward to where this Lego-look castle is going to go next week. We've seen Oda toy with this idea for a colour spread many years ago (chapter 622) and it looked pretty good back then. Makes yuo wonder how long he's wanted to do this. I have no particularly novel theories about what's going on here - the same likely conclusions everyone else seems to be reaching - she's probably on Elbaf already, a plaything to some kind of child prince. Maybe Loki, but I don't know if the timing lines up him to act that young. The real question is how this happened while the rest of the crew remains at sea. Did an envoy sail on to meet them? Could the Great Erik have reached Elbaf then departed again for some reason?
And hey, no break next week. Three chapters in a row again! Looking forward to seeing where all this is going with you all!
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HERE IT IS! The moment some of you have been waiting for...well maybe not really lol...
Since I completed The Red Dress as promised I have started on one of my promised other new works.....UNDER THE SPELL!
Please be nice I am SO not used to writing for Mary, so I hope its ok!
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Mary Goore x OC Piper!
Piper and Mary have been best friends since they first met as children. When Mary and her boyfriend Sid asked her to come along on gigs, Piper thought it was a no-brainer. But as the excitement of the buzzing amps dies down, she realizes she wants more—now if only she can get him to agree.
Chapter 1: Fishnets and Regrets
Also available HERE on AO3!
Eventually will be NSFW below the cut 😈
She was trying her best to stay cool, staving off the tears that relentlessly pricked at her eyes. The sharp-winged cat eyeliner and heavily mascaraed lashes sent a trail of black down her cheeks. A battle lost, but only for a short moment until she could bring herself to carry on. Piper stared into the mirror of another random bar's bathroom, angry at herself for not realizing what she wanted to do with her life sooner. Despite her upset, the show must go on. Knowing that would need to stuff it down before heading out to face them again—her chosen family and partners in crime, Repugnant. 
She had spent the last 6 years of her life traveling with them and when the sounds of humming amps kicked on and the guitars screamed as they were being tuned—she needed to move her ass. Before heading back out, she adjusted her tattered fishnets, that had seen better days, and re-tied her scuffed up black combat boots. They were her favorite—a gift from Mary many years ago. Piper checked the mirror, once more, just to be sure that her mohawk hadn't fallen, before using her foot to kick open the door.  
Her mind was still heavy with anger and hurt. The fight she and Sid had was only a short time ago and it left her feeling heated, like she was roasting from the inside. Now she'd have to go and watch them perform—pissed off but having got her shit together enough to keep the peace. After all, there were still a bunch more gigs to go and the road home, for her, didn’t really exist. 
It was the first time in a long time Piper wished she was somewhere else. Traveling with the four guys and Tom's girl, Annie, had been a dream come true. She lived for the music, the lights of the stage, and the energy from the crowd as the guys performed. Having grown up with Mary and getting close with the rest of them, it was only natural that they all worked so well together. So, when Mary and Sid asked her to tag along while they toured the world, she thought she couldn’t ask for anything more—that was until last week. 
She was late—very late. Her period, which had normally come like clockwork, had decided to give both her and Sid the scare of a lifetime. Both of them in a full-blown panic as the reality of that drunken mishap set in. Sid was pissed, throwing shit around the hourly rate hotel room, spouting comments about her needing to get shit taken care of and him not wanting any damn kids. Piper wasn’t at all surprised at his psychotic meltdown, but what she was surprised about was her reaction to the negative test. In that moment everything changed, and she was, for lack of a better word, conflicted. 
When only one line appeared on the stick, Sid was ecstatic. Jumping up and down acting like a complete and utter fool. Thrilled out of his mind that he had dodged yet another bullet despite his recklessness. Piper was relieved too, in a way. Sid was not necessarily the "fatherly" type, but the idea of having a kid hadn't left her—even a week later. 
That's when the fight happened, and of course it just had to happen before the show. Sid couldn't let things go and give her the space she needed when she told him nothing was wrong. So, with his incessant pushing and Piper's built-up anger, the truth came spilling out like blood from a gushing wound. Not her finest moment to be sure, but she wondered if all of this was what needed to happen.
Things had been rocky for some time with Sid. He was a good man deep down, but definitely immature and Piper was pretty sure his photo was next to "man child" in the dictionary. She loved him, but she knew at this point it was over between them—Piper had figured out she wanted more than just a spot in the tour bus and glorified groupie status with the band. She told Sid she wanted to move on with her life and settle down. And with that revelation, blow up number 1,346 began. Leaving them officially split up and Piper in an awkward place—feeling empty. 
She took in a deep breath before continuing down the hall and stepping out onto the floor, the band playing when she had made her way to the pit. The guitars were drilling into the audience’s skulls and the drums banging hard, vibrating in her chest. The feeling of the music coursing through her, was truly something she'd never get enough of. Piper watched Sid playing his guitar, Tom on drums, Carlos on bass, and of course Mary absolutely slaughtering the vocals. The frustration, hanging itself within her soul, shredding with the sounds of the death metal they came to play. 
The smell of cigarette smoke was heavy in the air and the sticky floor pulled at the bottoms of her boots, but she didn't care. Piper head-banged her way through Draped in Cerecloth and tried to just let go. Her mohawk swinging around and the chains on her belt rattling as she jumped up and down, screaming into the universe and giving every last bit of energy she had to Mary and the guys. Thankfully it was gonna be a great night of music, but also a night she would never forget.
The show was a blast, the crowd losing it over the performance and tearing the place up as they rocked out to what their parents surely referred to as “deafening noise”. As their spot was over, Mary and the guys along with Piper and Annie took the opportunity to throw a few back before heading out for the night. All of them laughing and celebrating another show well done, Piper being a bit less enthusiastic as usual. Mary, taking note that she and Sid had been keeping their distance. 
The bar had now been closed for over an hour and while everyone else minus the stagehands had left to head back to the bus, Piper decided to hang out for some time alone. She sat by herself with a beer in hand and picked at yet another tear in her fishnets, when she saw Mary coming towards her. Fuck , she thought to herself knowing exactly where this was going.  
Mary Goore had been covered in blood since the beginning of the show. Preferring to start things out with a bang. Dripping with it as he raged in sonnets of death and the defiling of corpses. The metallic liquid, now managing to cover his shirt and matted a bit of his hair, but he didn't care. It was another glorious night for him and the guys, though he couldn’t let go of the feeling that things were off with Sid and Piper. 
He felt a connection to her like no other—the best of friends since the cradle. Their families were close from the beginning. When Mary's Dad took off and Piper's parents were killed, they were the ones to help each other hold it together. She had been a staple in his life. A constant he knew he could always count on. Things had been weird lately between her and Sid, that was for sure. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out things were at an all-time low. 
"Pipes? Why aren't you on the bus?" He asked as he slumped down beside her on the edge of the stage. Piper shrugged a bit, taking another swig of her beer to finish it off before speaking. 
"Just didn't feel like it quite yet. I figured I'd wait till everything got packed up and then head over."
"Bullshit." Mary said straight faced and serious toned. He was a bit intimidating after a show, all that blood over his face and the tiniest amount of grumble to his voice—after having pushed it so hard.
"Oh come on. Don't do that thing you do." Piper begged—her words futile. She knew he could sense it, there was definitely something she wasn’t telling him. Piper was surprised that Sid hadn't told him yet about their break up, since he had never known how to keep his mouth shut. 
"You know better sweetness than to lie to my face." He told her as he widened his gaze and tried to lean in closer. Piper pressed her lips together into a tight line and furrowed her brows before dropping her eyes to her lap. Damn Mary for always being right and always knowing when she was hiding something. 
“Sid and I well…we aren’t a thing anymore.” Piper said calmly before looking back over at Mary. His face was filled with disgust, imagining the multitude of things Sid could have done to destroy things with Piper, who had stuck by his ass for so long. 
“What did that rat bastard do now?” Mary growled knowing full well how asinine his friend could be. Piper put her hand on Mary’s shoulder to calm him. It was slick with blood and sweat and some face paint, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Mary grabbed for her hand and gave her a concerned look. 
“No Mare, it’s nothing like that. We just decided that we want different things—I want different things.” Piper explained. 
“Well what the fuck does that even mean?” Mary laughed, though a bit nervously.
“I think this may be the end of the road for me. After the next few gigs, I’m gonna have to figure something out. I got other things I wanna do with my life and being stuck on the bus isn’t it anymore.”
“Where is this coming from? I thought you loved being on tour with us?” Mary asked her, completely confused and honestly more shaken than if it had been only the Sid issue. He didn’t want Piper to leave. Half the time she was the only thing that kept him from going off the deep end. What’s got her ready to run if it ain't Sid , he asked himself. 
“I wanna settle down, take up root somewhere and well that's not gonna happen with Sid or while I’m on the road with you all.” Piper admitted. She and Mary had usually been upfront with each other. Each appreciating the other's candor, saving them from misunderstandings but tonight she was withholding something. And while Piper might have wanted to keep the intimate details of her heartache to herself, Mary would know she was lying before she could speak the words.
“What a pussy.” he snorted, angry with Sid for spurring this whole thing on, thinking to himself anyone would be lucky to be committed to Piper. “Honestly Pipes you are better off without him…but I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I want you to stay. Don’t go.”  
“Uh…fuck…Mare that’s not the start.” Piper explained, swallowing back the knot forming in her throat. Now Mary was on red alert. All his senses, buzzing with something big about to come out of Piper’s mouth—and then she said it. 
“I wanna have a baby.” she told him, Mary turning even paler than his face paints. It was only when his stunned stare turned into a dissociated blink, that Piper knew he hadn’t gone catatonic, “Mare?”
“Ah…umm…” he began smearing the blood through his hair as he ran his hand over his head. Clearly still in shock from Piper’s confession, “...what happened to you starting that band? What were you going to call it? Crazy Chrysanthemums or something?” he asked, unable to think of anything else to say in his stupor.  
“It was Wild Violets…That doesn't matter. That was just a fleeting idea.” Piper explained, “You’re missing the point.”
“And this ISN’T a fleeting idea?” Mary continued. 
“No…I honestly hadn’t thought about this kinda thing at all, but we had a scare and well… I can’t stop thinking about it.” Then Mary stood up, beginning to pace the stage as he took in everything his best friend was saying. Her words, hitting him like daggers to the chest.  
“Yes?” She asked as Mary walked over to her and held out his hand. Waiting for her to take it so he could lift her up onto the stage. Piper gave it to him, quickly getting up on her feet as Mary and her eyes met in what remained of the stage lights. 
“So not a joke…not a fleeting idea?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Pulling at the worn neckline of his Morbid t-shirt.  
“Not a joke I swear.” Piper replied, putting up her hands like some girl scout signaling her pledge to the troop. Mary got quiet again—his eyes dropping away from hers and down to the scratched up remnants of old band stickers and other crap that had adhered to the floor of the stage. “Mare?” she called to him, watching him get lost in thought. 
“Sorry I am still trying to wrap my head around you wanting Sid to be a dad.” Mary jabbed, trying to insert some humor into the situation, but he could tell it only made Piper more upset. 
“Oh come on Pipes you know this whole thing is a little fucked right? Hell, even I'd be a better Dad than..." Mary began when the idea struck Piper like a ton of bricks. One she instantly knew felt right, but oh boy was it going to be a bitch to convince Mary. He could see it—the look in her eye told him she was scheming and now his anxiety went through the roof. “…what are you thinkin’... 
“Mare…here me out. What if you—” Piper barely got out the first words before Mary began pacing around once more, his eyes blown wide and his jaw dragging across the floor. 
"Nope, nope don't like that." Mary said, shaking his head. “No way you’re even considering what I think you are considering.” 
“But Mare…you are my best friend. My other half, I can’t think of anyone else better. I don’t wanna waste my time with some deadbeat guys…not when I have you. Not when I know that you’re perfect.” Piper finished, a newfound energy surging through her. Wondering why she hadn’t thought of this before tonight. Mary was visibly in shock. His mind swirling with the implications of his best friend’s words. Wondering if he was finally losing his mind from all the stress of touring.  
“Perfect for what Pipes?” he asked her, straining against the words he knew were about to leave her lips. 
“I want it to be you. I want you and I…to have a baby.”
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wannabepapa · 1 year
Scenario: having a food baby in your belly, and someone mistakes you for actually pregnant, so you play along with it,
HATE | No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | F*CK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
i love pretending to be pregnant when i have a food baby. it's easy to do since my stomach looks so full and firm after eating too much. though i haven't gotten the opportunity to try it out in public i could imagine it would open up more opportunities to really let my imagination fly.
hopefully i have someone with me so they can amp it up and really sell it. them cupping the curve, telling whoever asked when my due date was some random date while looking proud for being the parent to our pretend baby. it makes me wonder if i should turn the dream into a reality for them.
send hot scenarios 💕
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evenmoreacid · 2 months
The creators of dhmis take five screenshots (one from each episode of the TV show) and explain the thought process behind them :)
There’s something quite unnerving about a lot of kids TV shows, whether that be the larger than life primary coloured creatures, the bizarrely off-kilter humour, or the often inexplicably surreal scenarios the characters find themselves in. And it’s precisely this premise that Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared takes and runs with.
Helmed by creators Becky Sloan, Joseph Pelling and Baker Terry – who also voice some of the puppets – the darkly comedic show first launched as a YouTube series back in 2011. Taking a satirically educational-cum-existential nightmare format, the short episodes quickly garnered a cult following. Starring Yellow Guy, Red Guy and Duck as the main puppet protagonists, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared juxtaposes the apparent innocence of colourful kids TV with fever-dream horror, often switching between the two with hilariously unsettling rapidity.
Fast forward to now – over a decade since the show first etched itself into our minds – and Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is back with a whole Channel 4 series. Expanding on the YouTube shorts, the six half-hour-long episodes amp up the charmingly unhinged reality and surreal situations that Yellow Guy, Red Guy and Duck find themselves in, learning about everything from jobs to family, death and more. Think Sesame Street as a warped acid-trip with a healthy dose of Cronenberg-tinged visceral body horror.
With the new Channel 4 season out now, Sloan, Pelling and Terry talk us through a series of snapshots from the series, giving some behind-the-scenes insights into the creation and incredibly crafted detail of the cult series. Read on for easter eggs, filming techniques and some, er, interesting fan art.
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Joseph Pelling: Even though this is the first image we’re going to talk about, it’s probably the last thing we shot. Some of these more stylistic images, where you have the backgrounds become graphic flat backgrounds, we shot them using back projection. Which is fun, because it’s quite an old-school technique but it fits. It’s very theatrical and doesn’t lend itself to realism in any way. So for us, it’s a perfect tool because we were lucky to be working with this format where things don’t need to look real.
Becky Sloan: These bits are probably one of the funnest bits about the show. It’s a chance to dive into these other worlds and other styles. You can go into any different medium – 2D animation, CGI – and be really playful with it.
JP: This is probably too technical, but we did this interesting thing where we had to whip pan into the shots. Because the sets didn’t exist past the size of the screen, we lit the screens with back projection as this illustration. We also had printouts of that same illustration in the foreground in front of the characters so that when you whipped over them, you’ve got this kind of motion blur, in camera, of the same image, but in the foreground. You can use it to extend the set and that kind of in camera Gondry style, [which] is the kind of stuff that we love. We always try to do as much of that as we can even if you can tell it’s quite shonky and fake. It adds to the weird handmade-ness.
BS: The ties they’re wearing all match the colours of the characters, which is pretty cool. The art director went out of their way to do that, which is a nice touch.
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BS: Me and Baker were on this set, because we have two sets up and running at the same time. We got really carried away dressing the set with loads and loads of fake silicone meat. Joe was on the other set and I remember hearing Joe over the walkie talkie saying, “We need to rein in the meat”. We were putting it everywhere – on the clocks, on the walls. This image was where we ended up, we needed to actually make it look like they’re cooking a shepherd’s pie not like they’ve like murdered someone in their kitchen.
JP: This was the end of the shepherd’s pie We‘ve Got to Get Things Ready song. Which was a fun sequence in terms of it being a bit in the episode where it’s not necessarily descending into something dark like in other songs or veering off into something more strange… but just becoming more stupid.
BS: That shot made me think of a typical last minute thing with the art department where we were like, “We need two chef hats quick, go find some! Or make one right now in five minutes”. There’s always so much stuff like that – where we forget what we need for a scene or think of stuff on the spot. We were shooting in a studio at Canada Water so luckily there were some nearby shops for people to go out on a mission to find all these random things we added to the list.
JP: I remember when we first started making these. Before we had a whole crew, we’d have maybe one person helping and everything had to be made prior to the shoot because obviously you spend your entire time on set just just trying to film it and puppeteer it. With this, half the stuff that actually needed to be made was being made in tandem with the shoot so we had this amazing workshop of of props and puppets being made right down to the wire.
BS: Every time the art department would be like, “Okay, we’re almost done”, it was a massive to do list and then never-ending stuff kept getting added to it. I remember being like, “We need peas! Punched out some felt peas and carrots”. “How many?” “I don’t know 100 peas?”. It’s quite mad on set.
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JP: As an image this sums up some of the scenes across the series where we had to write dialogue and build up character between the three guys. In contrast to the previous two images, we couldn’t just rely on loads of prop based or visual jokes or adding in lots of things, because it’s just too many props. We had to try and write some quite nice weird little claustrophobic scenes. I like this scene where they’re discussing their own TV show, and then Duck comes in and does the three guesses thing. It makes you feel that they have a really horrible dynamic.
BS: It’s nice that every episode starts in that way. A bit of calm before all the chaos, like a typical kid show. The sky outside the windows is real, it’s all in camera in case anyone was wondering. The fridge is riddled with Easter Eggs.
JP: Mainly, it’s just a nice moment between them. And that sets up the theme of the episode being about them. Not really understanding why they hang around together. Because if they’re not a family, then what are they? That idea came from us talking about kid show episodes where you’d have a generic kind of kid show where there’s a bunch of creatures that live together. It’s not really explained why they live together or how they know each other. We thought it was funny that they addressed that quite full on.
BS: Like that Candy and Andy thing we’re obsessed with, the Gerry Anderson show that never made it ’cause it’s so creepy. It features mannequin dolls called Candy and Andy and they have panda bears for parents. It was very inspiring for Lily and Todney… maybe too inspiring. There’s hardback collectible books you can get on eBay. And I bought a few and one of them had the scrawlings of a demon inside, all the eyeballs scribbled out in red.
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BS: It was fun working with the VFX guys who were doing all these animated bits and writing a list of objects that were a mixture of really random or mundane and a few easter eggs from the show for the people who knew the YouTube series. Some of them are so quick you wouldn’t really even notice it.
JP: It looks quite similar to what we did with episode four of the YouTube series where the digital world is this quite naff looking clunky gridworld.
Baker Terry: In hindsight, we shouldn’t have done that, because it’s very disrespectful to the digital world. It’s more important even than the real world at this point or it is the real world rather.
JP: True, I feel more real online. Another technical thing that we always have trouble with is that we can’t really use green screen or blue screen very effectively, because the characters are blue and green. So we end up having to rotoscope loads of bits which is probably not a problem that most people have on a regular shoot. Duck doesn’t work on green screen and Yellow Guy doesn’t work on blue screen and Red Guy wouldn’t work on pink screen so I think we had to have loads of different strips.
We kept changing all the little jokes in there, that don’t massively change the story, up until the last minute or even after we shot it. Because you can get away with really easily dubbing over characters, especially Red Guy, and we’d get tired of the jokes so it’s quite an irritating process.
BS: Looking at the script for so long, by the time it comes down to filming we’re like this is so not funny anymore. But then to someone who hasn’t heard it before they might laugh at it so sometimes it’s a bit dangerous to keep changing it and you lose some comedy gold.
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JP: It only made sense for us to do this episode later in the series because it’s about one character getting tired of everything, getting tired of the format that he’s stuck in.
BS: This was Red Guy’s episode, wasn’t it? They each have one episode where the story is slightly more focussed on them. This was Red Guy trying to escape their world and failing.
JP: It’s a good example of why expanding the show so it was set within this whole little town of characters, which we had talked about before, wouldn’t work. This kind of episode wouldn’t have worked because the whole point is that he becomes aware that he’s only really able to go from room to room. It’s a good example of why we wanted to keep it claustrophobic.
BS: The train comes out of the fireplace. That still was probably one of the funniest moments for me, that little crappy remote control train coming out of the fireplace. It was going to come out of a mouse hole at one point.
JP: Didn’t someone ask us if it was a reference to a Magritte painting? There’s a Magritte where this train comes out of a fireplace. We were like, yep.
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BS: Originally they were all going to be rocking out with these colourful electric guitars but then we thought it’d be quite funny if Yellow Guy just has a really shit guitar that’s just made of cardboard and we don’t paint it or anything. I remember giving that task to Beattie [Hartley] in the art department: “you’ve got 10 minutes, I don’t want you to spend any longer on it”. She came back with that and it was perfect.
BT: Lots of the nicest almost unspoken details are from Beattie right? She did so much.
JP: Because we shoot everything with puppets we have all these rigs for the puppeteers. Which means we can’t move the cameras so that we can then get a clean version of the background and paint out the puppeteers. But if you add lighting, it’s such a dangerous thing to do, because you end up changing the background. I’m amazed that we managed to do it on this because it must have been quite a lot of post-production to clean it all up.
BS: Any wide shots like that, where you can see them standing, we have to rig them. It takes quite a long time. That’s one of the unique things about the show. In most puppet shows like Sesame Street it’s always from the waist up. We’ve always been keen to show the floor and do wide shots which is more of a challenge to shoot but that adds to the magic of puppetry.
This isn’t really linked but it’s just quite funny that all the fans are obsessed with drawing the characters as humans and shipping them – which is making them have sex with other characters and stuff. Really sexy drawings of Electracy, it’s so weird.
JP: No, it’s not. It’s great. We love it. Keep doing it.
BS: We love it, it’s bizarre.
JP: I love it. My family loves it.
BS: Yeah, that’s a whole rabbit hole of fun to explore.
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