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Grace and Mamrie play DreamPhone for their patreon livestream.
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vampire-skunk · 5 months
I never played this game because I never had any interest in crushes and boys and whatnot, but I've heard of this game a LOT, an oh boy.
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8bitpickle · 10 months
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i want you sooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
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aluckiicoin · 7 months
@shallliveoninsong & @maskednihilism ; here's the compromise one gets to see it and the other gets to decide to see it. Fair enough?
The dreamphone dialled for a very, very long time until the connection finally established.
The dream showed a dreary, dark and bare room, filled to the brim with shadowy figures surrounding a shivering blonde creature – trying to curl up into the tiniest ball possible. Hard to tell who it was when the eyes were pressed closed and shackled arms wrapped around bruised knees. The humanoid shades around worked to remedy that however, grabbing at the person, tugging and tearing relentlessly until tears marked unmistakable frightened wide pink and blue eyes. Words, sounds, curses resounded through the room, all in languages that would be foreign, nonsensical. Cruel hands pulled and tore at the blonde until they could bury right into the young one's chest, digging through it with clear delight. Tearing skin open without any remorse. A certain spark of glee wandered over the shadowy beings when the first one managed to excavate a handful of green shiny gemstones.
That's all it took for the shades to become more aggressive, tugging and tearing into their victim's skin viciously, clawing out more and more of the prize – despite the begging, with a complete disregard for the sobs, the tears, the pleas and the suffering of their victim.
They kept digging, pulling, pushing despite the struggles, taking and taking and taking. Their greed marked the poor thing with golden lines, golden shackles, vibrant golden – bleeding – scars.
Ultimately the struggling stopped, the sobbing turned silent, shoulders shaking still, eyes still leaked but otherwise seemingly dead. Hands burrowed into the chest with the same disregard as before but failed to pull forth anything while their victim surrendered to the shackles, sunk into them, if he couldn't be free of them, maybe he could make them his. Only when the fifth, and sixth, and subsequent tries didn't manage to pull out more gems the shadowy figures retreated, left behind the broken weeping empty husk kneeling on the ground.
They took all there was to have. At least until he'd clean up and looked presentable – the connection cuts off.
The dreamer likely woke up because of something.
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teyvats-worst-hero · 5 months
My final thoughts on Penacony Part 1:
I think they did really well conveying the resort aspect of it at the very beginning, it literally reminded me of the terrible tourist culture where I live. I think I would’ve appreciated more love given to the lobby instead of… a really long hallway…
In the Golden Hour, I like how gilded age it looks! Morally dubious stuff everywhere: Dreamphones, billboards that chase you, SoulGlad at every corner, everything. Really sells how consumerist Penacony is, how corrupt.
But I also wish the billboards didn’t chase you every time you walked by. It raises my anxiety by 21%.
The notes I’m finding around the map are super disturbing, and this kind of worldbuilding really suits Penacony. Everything is so bright and perfect that you pay no mind to the danger in plain sight.
The enemies are really well done, it’s all so toy-like, so theoretically non threatening. And the battle theme fucking SLAPS, I love it. The TV enemy scares me shitless though. Too human-like in an uncanny valley way, but really too monkey-like. Don’t ask me. I don’t know. My primitive brain keeps screaming “MONKEY! RUN! DANGER!”
They did a really good job with not making any one person seem entirely on our side, everyone seems to have their own motivations without them being overwritten by someone they just met. They have some secrets and I like that. I also like that they interact with each other. Makes it feel so much more real and like things are happening outside of the protagonist, and we’re a faction of our own. Not some impossibly perfect neutral entity that NEVER has allegiances no siree (Cough cough Genshin Impact)
I like how things are mostly left to the player to think about. There’s no “I knew you weren’t Robin because your singing voice was weird!” to spell out earlier foreshadowing. God I hate when stories spell out foreshadowing. No one is telling me to be weirded out by things aside from the game’s INSISTENCE that Sampo is EVIL and NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
Some things I don’t like?
Black Swan.
I really dislike how she’s written overall. She just shows up and starts dommy-mommying the story and has a little “betrayal” moment that happens too fast for any importance to be attached. She’s like. Budget Kafka. I’m annoyed by how often she talks down to the player without ever actually feeling like a person who’d do that, like Sparkle or Aventurine, so it just sounds… Forced. Out of place. Obligatory. Her entire character is being a sexy plot device. Maybe she’ll get a personality, but as it stands, she doesn’t have one. Fight me.
This mission also has a problem with assuming you care deeply about characters you’ve strolled around with for 30 minutes. Now I’m not saying it’s bad to treat the characters like they have emotional weight regardless, that’s a good thing, but when your big plot beats rely on that weight to throw punches, it falls flat.
You run around with Firefly for a little bit. Cute. But very surface level.
You have a beautiful moment with her talking about her chronic illness. That’s great, if you saw my previous posts you know I got very introspective over it.
You go into the dream world and ALMOST die.
You go into the dream world again two minutes later and she ACTUALLY dies, and you immediately move onto the plot and another death that fully overshadows any plot or emotional significance of Firefly.
But NO my friends, she isn’t ACTUALLY dead, she’s something something Sam?
It just feels cheap. If they’re using Black Swan as the catch-all mysterious plot device, they’re using Firefly like tears in a can. Legitimately what would change if Firefly just… didn’t die there? If we just saw Sam and the shadows of Firefly, but couldn’t find her after? Is the point to make it seem like she isn’t Sam? Cause that’s a super cheap and unnecessary trick.
Back to the ending though. I really like the reveal of Robin’s death, it feels super weighty for the plot and the setup and payoff of Sparkle is excellent. I have no idea what’s going on with Misha. Probably some kind of descendant of the Watchmaker, maybe he’s split in two. One in the real world one in the dream. Misha and Mikhail perhaps?
Overall, really interested in this story. Good job Hoyoverse.
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sigmabateman · 1 year
did that thing where you think you wake up and go on your phone but it was just in your mind except on said dreamphone i was watching tiktoks.. i haven't had tiktok in actually years now yet my mind was generating a for you page for me in real time. very funny
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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90's Fest Board Game of the day: Dream Phone #game #games #boardgames #dreamphone #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas3rdannual90sfest
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richardsphere · 1 year
Lets watch Ice Queendom cause i got a month of Crunchy-Blog S1E3
Ok before i start the episode, I hope this is where the timelines start to diverge. because duck fammit everything so far has been a rethread. ---- First thing in the episode “redecorating complete”. If i remember right that means we’re probably not diverging stories yet because of course we need the port classroom scene that happens imediatly afterwards. I dont remember ML!Port’s speech, but my gut says there might be a tiny rewrite to hint at things that have since been written into the series lore in more recent seasons. That RT probably didnt have defined in S1 yet. But also his speech is generic enough i might just be imagining it. (that is not a put-down. Generic is not always the same as bad.) Ports face is a lot more angular then i remember. the boarbatusk battle is pretty much identical,  Weiss sees herself.
Im betting that there must at one point have been some of those “Yang is a bad sister” types complaining ML!Yang didnt interfere, and thats why IQ!Blake tells her this is something Ruby has to do herself. Is it me or is the size disparity between IQ! Rose-pin bigger then the ML! equivalent? Could be trying to emphasize Ruby’s youth.  The Port and Ozpin scenes are both still not that great. IQ!Cardins eyebrows are really unsettlingly thick. IQ! Jaune has a neckscar matching Weiss. the Cardin V Jaune scene is entirely offscreen, focussing on the teammates in the stands with some generic “sword vs sword” sounds. (presumeably to save on budget). Personally i think they could have thrown in a few “dustsplosion” sounds to sell the weight of Cardins Mace offscreen. The Pyrha unlocks Jaune’s aura scene is moved to the rooftop where she accidentally told him to “do a flip”. this scene happens AFTER aforementioned Cardin fight. Which features Aurameters that imply its already been unlocked.  Unlocking increases Scarsize. IQ!Weiss is secretly watching Pyrrha and Jaunes rooftop gettogethers. IQ!Weiss takes more then just Port talk to decide to be a good teammate, and instead decides “well if my girlcrush can support the inadequate noodleboy, clearly its a secret test by the school that awards extra credit and Pyrha realised this before I did”. As a result IQ!Weiss attempts to be a good teammate feel somewhat hollow. (also on a note, the whimsical life-threatening bunkbeds remain unchanged) I’ll be honest, im not entirely certain i remember what JNPR’s room normally looks like, but the presence of a dividing curtain in IQ! has been noted. (i dont remember seeing it in cannon, but also it could just be peeled out the way when everyone is awake) We didnt get the sleepover, but the BunnyJamas are here! (also Jaune wont wake up after GhostJaune brambletangled him) Turns out scars are more like Bramble-tattoos.  Only “closest friends” can enter the dream. Presumably because IQ!Jaune and IQ! ruby never had the “first friends” scene, IQ!ruby doesnt go and its IQ!NPR only. Nightmare environment has Carrot-lance wielding bunny-knight statues with the Rabbit logo on the shield. Because IQ was released after S4 and they dont need to hide Jaune’s “true symbol”. Tiny todling Jaune with rabbitears, Im still annoyed they didnt go for “Jaune ascenscion shows his true leporine symbols” in the V9 climax. This was only yesterday so i cant NOT make note that they ACTUALLY MADE HIM A RABBITFAUNUS IN THE SPINOFF.  VINDICATION. if only for this one dreamscene. There’s a dreamphone. Bunny Jaunes ears wilt when sad. We need more Bunny!Jaune. (if only because, having only 1 of the 8 “core” ensemble castmembers be a faunus always felt like a fantasy tokenism-thing) IQ!Glynda mentions that jaune’s aura is underdeveloped This is not a change in the series. (cannonically aura regeneration can be trained, such as shown by them mentioning him starting to regenerate quicker during an Atlas Arc Trainingmontage), but i suspect some people might have thought it goes counter to Pyrrha claiming Jaune has a naturally large aura.  Oh no, time to see if this spin-off treats the “Weiss is racist against faunus in general, then Sun in specific then continues to equate all faunus with the White Fang and never apologises for it, instead expecting Blake to apologise for getting angry at her racism and cannon treats this like an apology”-arc better then ML! did. PENNY! *sobs in five languages* The one thing about this arc i hope they dont change, is Penny being Penny. Ghost weiss is looming I get they’re using that line about “the nightmare grimm gets stronger the more stressed you are” to justify including this arc at all.  Teleporting Penny! you know, rewatching this scene now, it becomes rather obvious that they probably didnt have the finer details of Blake’s backstory worked out yet, because otherwise Penny (who probably has a database of political VIP’s) wouldnt have felt the need to verify that “blake” was “the faunus girl” as she’d have recognised her as being basically a princess of a foreign kingdom. IQ!Penny “saw her without it” and doesnt hiccup. whereas ML!Penny just has the detailed cameras and processing power to identify them beneath the bow. Dockyard battle happens entirely off-screen (for budget reasons presumeably) and the conclusion of this arc is still dissapointing and still includes no apologies. Just a “dont run away in the future” with a non-specific implication she’ll try to be less racist in the future and a total unwillingness from Weiss to admit she commited any wrongs during this storyarc. IQ!Ruby wants blake to “give her those kitty ears”, i dont know enough about fantasy catgirls but that feels like something you cant demand, catgirls have a right to consent too you know. Oh ok, so not only is the ending of this arc still as bad as it was before, with refusal to acknowledge past wrongdoing. IQ!Weiss is also lying about her intentions to become less of a racist person in the future. Thanks for confirming that Ghost!Weiss.  ------- I can barely believe it myself. But they somehow managed to take, what was already widely recognised as some of the worst dissapointing characterwriting in RWBY’s history and managed to make it worse in this adaptation. Congratulations!
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survey--s · 2 years
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What are your plans for the day ahead? Absolutely nothing, haha. I have to go and brave the Christmas supermarket shop tomorrow so today I’m just enjoying being at home and out of the cold, wind and rain. I’ll probably just carry on watching movies.
What was the last thing you cleaned? The inside of the fridge ready for tomorrow. I need to go and get a chicken, yorkshire puddings and potatoes, as well as some kind of dessert, plus some savoury snacks etc. We have SO much chocolate Ihat I feel like we need some crisps and stuff to balance it all out, haha.
When do you go to your soonest appointment? Uh, the next appointment is work really, which isn’t until January 3rd. What did you last order online? Toby’s cat biscuits - he needs special urinary food as he’s been diagnosed with crystals so every month I need to find the cheapest place and order them lol. Luckily I found them for £30 as the place I normally get them from wanted to charge me £60 lol.
Can you see any bottles from where you're sitting? No. There are loads of bottles in the cupboards and the fridges, though.
What time do you usually try to wind down in the evening? Around 5-6pm. I don’t like having busy evenings so I normally try and get everything done before then.
What's something you have been putting off? Cleaning out my car lol. I was intending to do it after riding tomorrow but my lesson’s been cancelled and the forecast is awful so it probably won’t get done until after Christmas now.
What restaurants do you frequently eat at? Just a few local, independent places. Do you like banana pudding with a lot of bananas or more vanilla wafers? I’ve never had banana pudding before.
How many books would you guess you've read in the last 5 years? Maybe twenty or so.
What was the last message you sent? "Yeah I know, he’s just sulking ‘cause you went without him” Have you ate anything green today? No. What's your favorite way to add greens to your diet? I try and add them to soups or sauces.
When did you last light a candle or incense? Today. If I’m home and awake, the wax burner is always going. I currently have a scent called “Spiced Chocolate Maracons’ on the go and it smells exactly like hot chocolate and Christmas.
Is it currently warm where you are? No. Probably around 6-8 degrees?
Have you ever fallen out of bed? Yeah, several times when I was younger. Never as an adult.
What do you like on your hot dogs or burgers? I really don’t like either that much, but on burgers I would generally go for bacon and blue cheese, or a BBQ bacon cheeseburger. I quite like buttermilk chicken burgers too.
Are you currently listening to anything? I’m watching Alice Through the Looking Glass.
What did you last put in storage? I stuck the extra cat food and litter in the cupboard under the stairs.
What's your favorite thing to do outside? Ride horses, walk the dog, go to the beach.
Are there any celebrities that you are a big fan of? Not really. I don’t pay much attention to celebrities.
Do you ever watch award shows? Nope.
Do you usually run out of shampoo or conditioner first? Conditioner.
Do you have any LED lights in your home? Yeah, all our lights are LED’s as they’re so much cheaper to run.
What is your biggest challenge? Not giving in to all my food cravings, hahah.
What was the last sweet thing you've eaten? Some of my Christmas chocolates.
Do you prefer buying new clothes or thrift shopping for clothes? I prefer new clothes.
What is something you need right now? Nothing in particular.
What's something you like that is blue? Blue skies.
Have you treated yourself today? Kind of? Yeah, I had a massive lie-in followed by breakfast in bed, lol.
Have you ever traveled alone? Yeah, plenty of times.
What color is your most worn jacket/hoodie? Black or purple.
Who is someone you would like to get to know more? Susie.
What toy do you miss the most from your childhood? Dreamphone! Damn, I used to absolutely love that game.
Have you ever lost something valuable to you? Yes.
What or who has impacted your life the most? My parents.
Would you say you are toxic in any way? Hmm no, I don’t think so. I think I used to be in some ways, though.
What's one of your favorite memories from the past year? Galloping down the beach in the winter sunshine.
How often do you use a straw? Only when I go to a restaurant or something and get given one with my drink.
What's your current favorite song? Demons by Dolly Parton.
What are some books you'd recommend to someone? The “Alice” series by Christina Henry, the “Rivers of London” series by Ben Aaranovitch and anything by Neil Gaiman, especially Neverwhere.
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lady-starbind · 3 years
Why in the frick play dreamphone when you can phone the DREAMIEST SALESMAN (1997) IN EXISTENCE?!
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dubaisetup · 3 years
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octoberboy1031 · 4 years
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Don’t invite me to your lame ass slumber parties unless we’re going to play this!! 💀☎️💖 Art by @shaunwatson87! Prints here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/839219683/scream-phone-poster-print-ghostface?ref=shop_home_active_1 #telephone #dreamphone #screamphone #scream #troubleinwoodsboro #ghostface #ghostfacelives #whoisghostface #horror #horrorgeek #scarymovie #creepy #spooky #july #summer #dandelionwine #terrorverse (at The Terrorverse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq8zf3pt39/?igshid=16tnw1041jehn
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thediarydash · 5 years
I will have an iphone 7+
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kamchronicles · 5 years
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Who remembers this! #DreamPhone #TBT #Explore #Memories #Throwback https://www.instagram.com/p/B1xWsNOn8m2/?igshid=1ct18qkhwaua1
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aaxxx024 · 5 years
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He likes me! Playing some old games #dreamphone #vintage #crush https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz4VTHhBRns/?igshid=10sxna1mdam0q
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