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lyrasky · 2 years ago
Cynthia And Johnny O【Dreamboy/ Dreamgirl】和訳解説バブルな恋 John Frusciante's Fav Song
Cynthia And Johnny O【Dreamboy/ Dreagirl】和訳解説バブル臭強めラブソング John Frusciante's Fav Song Lyraのブログへ #CynthiaAndJohnnyO #Cynthia #JohnnyO #dreamboydreamgirl #和訳 #解説 #バブル #ラブソング #JohnFrusciante #redhotchilipeppers #cynthia2 #MickeyGarcia #eighties #freestyle #ジョンフルシアンテ #シンシア #ジョニーオー
  いつも違う場所にあちこち遊びに行くのが好きなLyraです。 大体、ぶっつけ本番や無計画旅行などをするために予期せぬことが起きたり、予期せぬ出会いがあったり…します。規制に縛られない、それが楽しいんですよね。 今回とある場所に行き、ブラザーと盛り上がってる映画みたいなことが起きたので備忘録がてらゴージャスな時代にヒットしたこの曲を和訳します。色々とバブリーな感じだった、のとこれかかったので。 ダンス映画や恋愛映画に使われたりしてた超レトロなヒップホップなサウンド。丁度、こ個数年の流行りが昭和平成時代の曲、もしくはそのマネだから、この曲もそのうちリバイバルしたりして〜。 Dua LipaやThe Weeknd がまさにコレ。時代は巡る〜。この世は回ってるんだわ、同じところをぐるぐると。 Continue reading Untitled
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noxwithoutstars · 1 year ago
PT/ Dreamboy/girl /PT end
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IDs/ Two similar flags with seven equal stripes. The middle three of both are pale purples. The left flag’s other stripes are darker purples and the right’s are orange and red. /IDs end
✧ Dreamboy/girl is a term for when one is a boy/girl and also related to dreams in some way
✧ Requested by no one
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ID/ A white DNI with a panel of the manga Oyasumi Punpun with 5 kids doing a joint pose. Words are black on the right side: “DNI: anti- ‘contradictory’ labels, anti-mogai, terf, gatekeeper, anti-decolonization, believes ‘narc abuze’ is real, demonizes ‘scary/evil’ disorders + labels.” /ID end
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pigspeetsandhooflikefeets · 2 years ago
I’m not a big fan of Millie because 1. not funny and 2. I didn’t really get as invested in her relationship with Priya as the show expected me to, but I’ll defend the hell out of her inclusion on the show (to a degree). She’s a definitely necessary attribute and wake-up call to the audience of impressionable teens/pre-teens. Shitting on your generation is bad, and it will lose you your friends. Don’t go behind your friends and try to sell their information to the highest bidder. You are like other girls! And that’s great because other girls are great too! Stop being hoity toity about it. I like to imagine some kid will watch the last few eps after being “omg Millie is soooo me <3" and think “wow. I want to change for the better like Millie did. I like having friends, and I was unfair to judge people based off minor traits they have”. I like to live in that world
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pepperf · 5 months ago
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Lila has lived life to the full, embracing chaos and uncertainty in the name of adventure. Many people have tried to cast her as their manic pixie dreamgirl, and she's always managed to escape that trap - but now she wants to find a stable, boring man to help her centre herself and settle down.
But is accountant Diego really that man, or is he a little bit of a manic pixie dreamboy himself?
(Tag to follow/block: tua diego/lila au inspo
Feel free to use any of these as jumping-off points for fic etc, if any of them grab you.)
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ao3feed-tomarry-harrymort · 28 days ago
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larissaligus · 1 year ago
When you hold me in your arms
I feel so safe and warm
Ehen you look into my eyes
You have me hypnotised
You give me all your love
You're all I'm thinking of
You made my dreams come true
My heart belongs to you
You're my dreamboy, you're my dreamgirl
You show me your love in every way
You're faithfull to me every day, every day
Now I know that dreams come true
You're my dreamboy, you're my dreamgirl
You don't neglect me in any way, your love is mine baby
You make me feel special every day, every day
Now I know that dreams come true
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gentleman-aster · 10 months ago
Transitioned from manic pixie dreamgirl to manic angel dreamboy
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neopronouns · 1 year ago
may I request perspeque terms for:
manic pixie dreamgirl, dreamboy, and dreamperson
having a chill personality & unbothered way of carrying oneself,
Moonlight Soft Butch, Sunlight Thistle Femme, and Eclipse Futch,
and a forest spirit/creature that has isolated itself from modern society and has mushrooms growing all over its back?
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genderstarbucks · 2 years ago
hello this might seem weird but : in my dreams that these two flags and there was some sort of genders flag and I'm not sure what to call them any suggestions. and that's all the contacts I can give. so I was thinking you could come up with a name them for this flags. /srs. and sorry for my bad grandma I use vice to text
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these are the flags in question
Hmm maybe dreamboy/dreammasc and dreamgirl/dreamfem?
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lilworms · 2 years ago
enough about dreamgirls and dreamboys what about dreadgirls and dreadboys
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lyrasky · 2 years ago
John Frusciante【Dream Boy/Dream Girl】和訳ジョン・フルシアンテ弾き語り セットリスト John Frusciante Setlists
John Frusciante【Dream Boy/Dream Girl】和訳ジョン・フルシアンテ弾き語り セットリスト John Frusciante Setlists Lyraのブログへ #johnfrusciante #ジョンフルシアンテ #redhotchilipeppers #dreamboydreamgirl #cynthiaandjohnnyo #cover #setlist #Portugal #France #live #tour #cynthia #johnnyo #SetlistJuly62023 #PasseioMarítimodeAlgés #Oeiras #Tour2022 #tour2023 #GlobalStadiumTour #☆July112023 #GroupamaStadium #DécinesCharpieu
Chers abonnés, comment allez-vous ? Merci pour votre soutien continu. Caros seguidores, como estão? Obrigado por seu apoio contínuo. Queridos seguidores, ¿cómo están? Gracias por su continuo apoyo. 現在ヨーロッパツアー中のRed Hot Chili Peppers。ドびっくりしたのが、John がまたもや超ポップな曲、それもOK バブリ〜!な曲をチョイスし弾き語りをしたのである。 それも、熱く熱く! まさかJohnよ、この後に及んで(笑)恋でもしてるのか? 違うわよね、だって〜奥様が��るんだものね〜。 全くLyraには興味がない事だが、John Frusciante…
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pinksoak · 3 months ago
november 24, 2024
joshua took me to see gladiator II friday night. dimes. i drew chairs and tables and showed him my clown and he gave me a new inky black pen. i never really underestimate his love for me, because he photographs me pretty much every time we are together
i thought i’d meet nic but he was too sleepy. i slept only 4 hours and woke up and wrote and wrote until it hurt. back to sleep, hannah cancelled on me. so i went to drop the dry cleaning, and went to st. marks for some new, cheap septum jewelry. they put it on me and purred
eve dropped by and we went to the market. she got me some flowers to bring to adrian’s friendsgiving. but when i gave it to him, he said he’d selfishly keep them in his room. did you ever think how stupid “friendsgiving” sounds?
there were about 20 people there i think. we did a karaoke duet of johnny o and cynthia’s dreamboy/dreamgirl
the next day i called randee outside a cafe in ktown, fell asleep again and later went to a meeting. adrian left me a tube of mini m&m’s and a copy of the verve’s bittersweet symphony cassette on a chair to save me a space. after the meeting, someone came up to me to issue an apology for some poor choice of words spoken a few weeks ago. i pretended i had no idea what they were talking about and quickly produced a hug
2:25am. bedtime xx
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bobcat-pie · 3 years ago
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contextless meme i made for an rp server
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bordsteinkolibri · 5 years ago
Jede Nacht ist es das selbe, es macht mir manchmal ziemlich angst, da ich mich einsam fühle ohne dich, tagsüber gehts, abends wird's schlimmer. aber wenn ich dann schlafe und die augen zu mache, bistu da, jede nacht bist du bei mir, in meinen Träumen. und es sind die besten Träume.
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ao3feed-tomarry-harrymort · 24 days ago
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larissaligus · 1 year ago
My favorite game is find John in the picture.
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I think he has some ninja skills.
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