#dream of gluttony butter
Good Morning, World!
You can call me Marshmallow Fluff. I'm 29 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in Food Town's Candy District. Also, I've yet to marry. To make a living, I own a library, and I also occasionally sell my own novels. After I close up shop, I return home no later than 9:45 PM. I don't drink, but do enjoy an occasional smoke. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a habit to get no less then 8 and a half hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake reborn and recharged as a child, ready to take on the day's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health...
Wake up. It's currently 7:30 AM. I would've liked to stay in a little earlier, but it's laundry day, and I would really prefer to get that done in the morning. I then crawled out of bed, still nude, and went off to go to the bathroom to clean up. ~🎵.
I'm nearly out of toothpaste, man... CONSERVE, brush (always bet on bubblegum), apply a bit of concealer to any blemishes, to which I've noticed that they're disappearing now. I mean, marshmallows don't have blemishes, they're marshmallows. Perfect little thingies~
Take a bit of hair gel, and gather my hair upwards. Just enough to keep the lot upwards throughout the day. Tie it in a pony, and there you have it. I suppose Candy can go some few days more until harvest day. Splash some water on my face, and that’s it for this one. 
 Now it’s time for breakfast. What shall I have for today? Hmm… Maybe an omelet with fried rice? Or a bagel with some cream cheese and jelly? Hmmhmhmm~🎵 Aha! Baguette! I bought some cod roe a few days ago, and I’ve got a nice idea… Take a turkey baster, fill it up with the crushed roe, stick it into one end and push, stick it in the toaster for a few minutes, slice and serve with olive oil. Just got to remember to spread some butter before the roe. This is going to be good. 
"Mornin' Maflu!" A highly familiar voice called from under the table, the moment I popped it in to toast. Pretending to ignore it, I just sat down at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. Nothing interesting, of course, but still, I'm curious. Tales taken from what's going on in Food Town, one or two pages regulated to the closest human settlement for some God-forsaken reason, the usual things. Nothing on the Spice District, as usual... 
"Good morning, Candy," I finally responded in kind. Do I even bother asking how long she's been hanging under there. Not going to find any info through that. 
"You still going through the newspaper? You're like an old lady! Candy knows for a FACT that ain't fun! What part are you on???" She crawled off the floor, and hung off my shoulder. 
"The human sect. You're more interested in the human news. What even is there to look at? Candy bets they don't even have good candy there!" It's where they get supplies, you know... 
"I'm not harvesting the marshmallow fluff, if that's what you're implying." I know exactly why she's here. Whenever my hair, my namesake, soft, pure white and fluffy, reaches the floor, Candy will cut it all off, and eat it at her leisure. And every time it gets long enough, she tries to squeeze it out earlier, and I never budge. 
"Pleaaaaaaaaassssseeeeeee??? It's at the floor!" She insisted, making little puppy eyes on occasion. 
Sighing, I stood up straight. An inch or two off the ground is not on the ground. She started drooling, as expected. 
"I'll let you cut it this time around, how does that sound?" 
"AKSJEKTJTKJWLEBRKDNWKNFKGJF!" Dunno how she makes those noises. Or how that would make a difference. But Candy shall do what Candy pleases. She quickly left the house, still crawling. 
*ding!* Alright! This is going to be good... 
Cuuuuut it cut it cut it cut it...
Hmmhmhmm~🎵 As I thought, this is quite good. Yes, this went better then I suspected. Nom. One would think the flavors would be jumbled, but it's not at all. I made a good call here, now. After breakfast, I'll take care of the laundry~
Minutes later, it's now 8:15 am. I'd expect Dumpling to already be awake for his usual rounds. Rounds of avoiding Cinnamon, rounds of patrolling and getting lost in the woods, the works.
Grab the near-overflowing basket of dirty clothing from the basement, separate the whites from the rest of the lot, head outside to load up the washing machine, pour the right solutions in it, and after it's on, I don't have to do anything until the next hour or so. And luckily for me, the library isn't far a ways from the house. Just set a reminder on a clock, and we're done. Yoink. Beep. Presto. 
Now it's time to get dressed. The usual lot will do... White shirt under beige vest, black tie, yellow skirt, long enamel boots, fluffy wrist bands, little soft earrings, black hair bow~ And don't forget my glasses. Ta-da. Time to head to work. 
Flip the "Sorry, We're Closed :(" sign over, undo the blinds from inside. Let's begin... I recently gained access to a handful of... manga, I think it's called, and some movies that I haven't gotten to sorting out that I ought to take care of today. I wonder what's inside...
I opened the boxes and dug into it. Movies of varying topics it may be, the one thing that matters to the one that's checking out is how cool the cover looks. Moving to the DVD shelves to start, I don't even think I payed attention to what I saw, which ones I recognized. I have little interest in movies, but Risotto always liked watching them. Hey, now that I think about it... where is he? Hmm... 
Belle, Black Swan, Blazing Saddles, Carrie, Detective Pikachu, Grease, Midsommar, Midsummer Knight's Dream, Mugen Train, Pulp Fiction, Rebellion, Se7en, Spirited Away, Walpurgisnacht Rising. A very curious mixture, but the M section was looking a little thin, so it's a welcome addition. I put them all away like clockwork, sorting the rest of the shelf out on the way. It's a very relaxing thing to do, sorting things out. 
The moment I put away the last flick, someone comes in for a book. The chime I installed last week is a lifesaver. 
*ting-a-ling~* "Morning, Marshmallow Fluff!"
"Good morning, Tomato," Quickly, I headed back to the check-out area. I know exactly what will happen. 
He simply needed to return the books he took out last week. And he didn't get any tomato sauce on it this time, so there's that bonus.
*beep* Before I moved here, the library in where I used to live had an automatic drop-off. Maybe I'll go ask Cinnamon about adding something like that later... 
Then he was off to fetch something else. The card just needs to be scanned, and this transaction is finished. 
"Is that all for you this time?" ...Jujutsu Kaisen? I thought he wasn't like that. Oh well. 
"Yeah. Real fun stuff this time. *ding* Thanks, man!" And just as quickly, he left. 
"Have a good day."
By this time, the rest of the box had been put away, though my alarm hadn't gone off yet, which is odd. Even Chili of all people came in for a book, though it was brief, as expected from someone like her. By this time, I should head out to find those who are late, and remind them of such. In that case, it would be... Dumpling. It shouldn't be that bad. Low Tide is the title that was missing for a while, and if I remind him, he'll move faster then he can scramble to pet a cat. And while I look for him, I can ask around for where Risotto went, because I believe he owes me, too. And people know to simply wait until I return from my rounds. Okay, let's head outside...
It's now 9:35 am. Letting the laundry go over an extra 25 minutes seems to have done the trick. The unusual-origin stains have come out. I've since stuffed the lot in the drier, while the colors have gone in their place. Now, I am headed to the Grains District. 
"Hey, Marshmallow Fluff!" "Oh, good morning!" It's Bread and Butter. Maybe they know some...Why is she covered in flour? 
"Hey you two, have you..." Catching myself, I asked about that other thing. "Butter, why are you drenched in flour?"
"I found a recipe for baking bread. But while we were making it..." She began to giggle a little. It's a funny sight, I'll admit. 
"Something got up my nose and I sneezed," He added. Well, as they say. If at first you don't succeed, figure out why.
"Uh... huh. You really need to be careful with that. Oh, by the way..." I nearly left without mentioning why I was here at the moment. "Have either of you seen Dumpling or Risotto around here?" 
"Oh, that's it? One of 'em owe you?" She knows me well... 
"That, and Risotto hasn't called me on when he disappeared, like he tends to..." 
"I think I saw him follow Dumpling in the woods. I caught the two dashing out when I woke up from the window." Really now? What business do they have running about in the woods? Dumpling, I can understand with his designation as greeter (for whatever reason he wanted to be such), wanting to find fellow Food, but Risotto? Come on now. He's afraid of his own shadow. 
"Seriously? Well, thank you for that regardless. If you two see them again, tell them I'm looking for them. ...And when you're done with the baking, tell me the results, okay?" When I was given confirmation, I decided to go there now. Bread may have called out to me as I ran off to the woods, but I chose to ignore it. I shall have to take care of drying clothes when I get back. Shouldn't be too hard, now, right? 
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feverdream-society · 2 years
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My favorite part of fandom is making this specific list
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 months
I wish you would write a fic about just how much of a crush Aurora has on Mountain (bc I cannot stop thinking about the harvest blessing fic)
I don't know if this is what you wanted but it's what I wrote and we all have to deal with that now. (Bonus just for you: weird ghoul lore)
Aurora was born of gluttony. All tongue and teeth and wailing starvation, no matter how much she stuffed into her small body it was never enough. She remembers the clawing ache of hunger in her stomach more than anything else of her time in the pit. Her fellow hunters learned to leave when she was in the area very quickly; lest they be considered prey as well.
Aeon was the exception to this. He tried to steal her food, a downed behemoth who's killer she had killed and eaten in turn, stomach still hollow with the desire to feed. She’d been near mindless when she fought him and feeling the poke of his cock on her belly awakened her to an entirely new form of hunger.
This one at least, was easier to satiate.
“You're quintessence, like me.” He'd panted in the afterglow. “You're not going to survive on what everyone else does.”
She kissed him, and tasted his emotions on a tongue she felt no desire to chew on. When he slid his fingers inside her, curves them just right, she finally felt full when she whispered her name and he whispered it back in reverent awe.
Two mouths were surprisingly easier to feed than just her own, she was pleased to discover. And though a duo-pack was hardly a respectable number, she grew fiercely protective of Aeon, forever grateful for the way he took care of her appetite no matter how it reared its ugly head.
And walking through the portal with him, hand in hand to their new lives, was the closest thing to a blessing she would ever receive. This body could eat and be filled for much longer than her old one.
This was how she fell in love with Mountain. After an eternity of fending for herself, for Aeon when his head ached too much to hunt, there came this giant of a ghoul that radiated nothing but acceptance. His first action was to give her a soft blanket and lead her to a table where she sat down and was served food she couldn't have even dreamed of before. Bread that was soft with a crackling crust, a hearty golden soup he showed her to dip it in. Meat falling off the bone, she never thought cooked meat would taste better than raw. And he let her snap the bone to scrape out the marrow, even offering her a strange and soft paste to mix it in. He called it butter. He filled what was empty, asked her how she felt and when she fell asleep at the table after gorging herself, he had picked her up and carried her to a wide, square nest space and tucked her in. She fed on the kindness of the action unconsciously and woke with the knowledge he would provide for their odd little pack.
Love as a romantic act was unfamiliar to her. She loved Aeon, but it was a different feeling from what she felt towards Mountain. Aeon was practical and familiar; she knew him like the back of her hand. She wanted to prove herself to the large earth ghoul, prove that should he ever be incapacitated, she could care for him as well as he cared for everyone else.
Hunting on earth was different. She wasn't used to small prey. But she was a quick learner and soon presented the earth ghoul with a clutch of dead creatures with long ears and soft fur, plump and well fed on the lush vegetation of the surface, to see what he could do with them.
And he taught her how to cook. He let her have the second fattest “rabbit” for herself, to snack on as he readied his knives and pans and bottles. She learns about brining, and seasoning and cooking meat slowly so it was juicy and flavorful. Hell was so hot that corpses burned up quickly, devoid of the magic intrinsic to surviving the flames, so all meals had to be as quick as possible. This “slow-cooking” is maddening, but he opens a cupboard, unwraps something and gives her a large rectangle of foodstuff the color of rich, fertile earth. It smells bitter with an underlying sweetness and she nibbles the corner of it, savoring the way it melts and spreads over her taste buds. When she eats it, there are little crunchy bones mixed in and he laughs when she tells him this.
“Almonds.” He corrects. “Dark chocolate with almond toffee.”
Her purr when he ruffles her hair startles them both. 
“Like hearing that.” He says. “Better sound than your stomach rumbling, huh?”
She decides she's going to give him a thousand chocolate bars in return if he keeps looking at her like that, with an emotion so fulfilling it keeps her satisfied for three days straight. Even when the rabbit stew is done, she doesn't take a huge portion for herself like she usually does. She lets others eat as much as she wants, pride welling up when Mountain tells them she caught the rabbits and they congratulate her with with wide smiles and warm eyes. 
She kisses him after the clean up. With a full belly and full heart, she's still got a third appetite to calm. He understands without words. Takes her to his bedroom where he put her through an agonizingly slow warm up. Prepares her until she's tender and dripping, tests her with his fingers and fits himself in; they feast on each other until the sun sets through one window and rises again in the other.
She still bites him though. Sometimes she still doesn't understand which hunger drives her, but he's willing to help her navigate it. Sometimes this emotion is so much she feels it fill her stomach up completely, crawl up her throat and she waits to choke on it but she never does. And with his help too, she learns to say the words that help it stop hurting her in such a strange and wondrous way.
I love you.
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darksideofthemoonbot · 4 months
As I previously covered my favourite chaos god, Nurgle, I thought I'd go on to my second favourite: Slaanesh. Not my favourite but the one I relate to the most. Fair warning, this gets personal and not especially amusing. Rather dark actually.
For context to start: I have chronic pain, fibromyalgia stemming from childhood trauma, since I was nine years old. I also have significant mental health issues for which I get therapy and medication. I have only been treated for the chronic pain for a few years, after about 27 years of literal constant torture by my own nervous system.
I understand obsession and chasing the next sensation. Of extremes of passion and self destructive indulgences. I self medicated in various ways for a long time. I am also, as I joke sometimes, a "recovering yandere". I've had times where I've become so obsessed with someone I only know online, that I spent the entire day staring at a message screen waiting for a reply, despite them probably being at work or otherwise busy; because interacting with them was the only thing that mattered and gave my life purpose. New sensations, greater sensations, were always needed to escape the torture chamber of my body.
On a lighter note: on to the circles of seduction
Avidity – I grew up in the 80s and 90s, when "greed is good" was really taking hold in public consciousness. Despite that, this temptation has rarely been much of a love of mine. I collect sins as a hobby but my desire for money has not generally been for money's sake, more on that later.
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Gluttony – for so long, food was more an annoyance to me than anything. The suffering drowned out any enjoyment so it was merely a tedious habit I had to partake in to survive.
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However! Now that I am getting treatment, I can enjoy things again. And the lack of familiarity with pleasure from food makes it so intense sometimes! Most recently I had a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich on generic store-bought whole wheat bread. It was so good. Unbelievably good. My mouth tingled so much it tickled and I almost had to stop eating. The savoury all natural peanut butter, the sweet tang of the jelly, and the soft squishy texture of the bread. Oh dear gods it was heavenly.
Carnality – this seems to be what people first think of when they think of Slaanesh, which to people not on the ace spectrum is probably obvious. For a long time I thought I was ace. No interest, in fact I was hostile to the idea due to trauma. But trauma response is not the same as being ace, and it turns out I am not. Very not. Switch/vers, bi. And in a committed relationship of 24 years with a partner who has no complaints, heh.
Paramountcy – power, control, influence. These are a heady wine for many. I have considered running for local office, school board or something, with ambitions to perhaps state level. Not that I have the means, I am regrettably disabled and the demands of power are too much for me. Doesn't stop me dreaming. And thinking I am more worthy than others to wield such power. Perhaps foolishly.
Vainglory – remember greed above? This is where it gets me. I don't want money for money sake; I want it for all the good I could do with it. Buy and forgive debt. Start businesses that pay better and sell lower. Scholarships. Political influence to improve people's lives materially. Providing food to those in need free of charge. Building low/no rent but well maintained housing. Just do a whole lot of good with vast fortunes. Because then people will love me, cherish me, praise me for my largesse kindness. I will be invited to all the public events, have hospitals named after me, get messages of gratitude from all those I've helped. To be worshipped, in a secular way, for my use of my money. And yet remain rich, for after a certain threshold money compounds upon itself indefinitely.
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Indolency – here's the circle where I die. I am... so tired. Decades of misery have drained me. Medications sap my energy even as they reduce my pain. I've had long swathes of time where I'd go to bed around 21:00 and sleep until 10:00. And then nap in the afternoon. Napping in fact was my chief hobby for many years. I didn't know relaxation until recently, as I was always tense; trying to hold myself up so less of me was pressed on a surface, because it hurt. I still struggle to relax and let a bed or chair hold me up without my effort. It is an alien sensation, frightful in a way, as though I will fall through the world if I let go.
The Palace of Pleasure – no line uncrossed, no barrier unbroken, no debasement too low, no extreme too high. Worry not, dear reader, I do in fact have scruples. But I relate to the notion well. After half a lifetime of senses dulled by endless unchanging aches and an unbalanced mind, I yearn. I yearn for all those experiences that many take for granted. The joy of a sandwich, the thrill of minor ambition, the softness of restorative rest. Pleasure. It isn't what I expected. I imagined pleasure as a passive feeling, a relaxation and untroubled feeling. A soothing of the pain, I couldn't imagine more. Yet it is more than that. It feels very much like the opposite of pain, an intense and sometimes stabbing sensation. A good one. Like a pain but you want to experience it. Pleasure can be so good and so intense, a mirror of what life used to be.
And I want more.
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I have a horny friday question for you I suppose, although it is just a rearranging of your question from the other day. Lol
If you had to realistically prove to a feedee that you were dedicated to feeding their gluttony and worthy of being the keeper of their ever expanding belly, how would you do it and why. 😉
been sitting on this one for awhile because I’ve been thinking about it.
short answer? what wouldn’t I do.
long answer? whatever you wanted me to ;)
I would of course talk with you and come up with plans, boundaries, goals (if any), biggest turn ons and turn offs….I would want to make sure I’m able to get you as horny as possible, press all the right buttons so you’re more or less putty in my hands. Can’t do that if we don’t talk about it first.
I would ask you all of your favorite foods and snacks and have them always around for you to graze on. I’d indulge your every craving. I’d cook you big, homemade meals with heavy ingedients - butter, starch, whole milk, cheese, sugar, fat. I’d ask you gently to have seconds and then, not so gently, ask you to have thirds. We’d have dessert every night. You all know I love baking and I’d be thrilled to have someone there to try all of my creations (and eat all the leftovers). I’d push your boundaries because I know you’re so eager and capable.
I’d soothe your aching gut for you every night, rub you down with lotion and touch you, everywhere, so you quickly and easily link that heavy stretch in your belly to the heat in your groin. I’d help you waddle to bed, full beyond belief, spoon you, kiss and caress you. Make you feel so sexy and loved as you drift off to sleep and let those calories turn into more fat.
I’d keep things fresh in the bedroom, buying new lingerie, trying new positions or living out fantasies you always dreamed of. I know exactly how to turn you on, remember? It’d be easy to make you a begging, desperate mess.
I’d take you clothes shopping, so you can be as stylish as you want as you grow. I’d research stores that carry bigger sizes and treat you to whatever you wanted, knowing fully well you’re going to grow out of it sooner than later.
I’d do whatever you wanted me to. In return, I’d just ask you to keep eating.
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alternative-ffa · 1 year
This story would normally begin with an alarm blaring; waking Emmitt up from a night full of pleasantly arousing dreams of gluttony. But Emmitt was always awakened by his servants rolling his breakfast trays into his room. No alarm is needed - once the smell of bacon, eggs, beans, sauages, toast, and more hits his nostrils.
His eyes opened. Both hands automatically cradling the side fat of his impossibly huge belly. He would gently scratch his fat fingers across the prominent stretch marks. They were so sensitive, due to his fantastically quick weight gain.
He loved being fat. Being able to reach down to grab handfuls of lard surrounding him caused ripples of pleasure throughout his body. Especially knowing that the hundreds of pounds of fat trapped him where he was. It was almost a badge of honor for him.
The servants themselves couldn't stand what they believed to be an immoral attraction to fat on the part of their employer. But it didn't change the fact that they were paid well, so they were required to bring him plates and plates of food throughout the day.
The chefs, who prepared his one and only pleasure: food; always tried not to think about where that food was going. Their job was to come up with the most flavorful creations for their gluttonous master. To them, keeping the distance between their skillful cooking and who was going to consume it, was what kept them from quitting entirely.
The chefs did not envy the tasks of the servants. At least they could practice their culinary art without their eyes being affronted with the immobile obese man who employed them. The servants didn't have that luxury.
The breakfast trays were rolled next to the king sized bed which was the permanent home of the 900 pound man they worked for. Due to his extreme size, they never needed to help him sit up to eat, because he couldn't lie flat on his back anyway. If he did, the weight of his breasts would choke him. Blubber, like a river, settles with gravity. So Emmitt was almost always propped up with pillows and his adjustable mattress - the head of the mattress at a 45° angle.
The trays were delivered and parked next to his bed. Then, the food was placed on a large table with a swinging arm that moved horizontally to rest in front of him - almost like a hospital tray that could move over his nonexistent lap. As he grew over the years, the table attached to the bed needed adjustments. Mainly to raise it higher and higher as the fat of his belly accumulated vertically. He loved the fact that his belly grew rounder and rounder, rather than the fat looking deflated and reaching his knees like a blanket.
Once the food was delivered, he ate.
And ate.
And ate.
It was almost impossible for him to get full. This always frustrated him. He loved the feeling of being full; so full he almost felt nauseous. But he had developed a tolerance to his own gluttonous appetite. At this point he could eat all day, constantly sucking down calories, and his belly never felt full. The satisfaction of a rock hard belly was no longer possible for him now.
His fantasies of a feeding tube - lard, butter, cream, extreme caloric intake... was what he wanted. The dream of reaching half a ton was going to be fulfilled, even if he couldn't match his sexual desires.
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scarletgemstone · 7 months
dracula hungry for another one
Disiclamer i own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
(dracula’s castle is seen as jonathan wakes up in front of the door with he gets up and gose in )
Narrator” you don’t look like you belong here(jonhathan finds a lantern) did you pinch yourself to see if you’d wake up from a nightmare or could you still be asleep”
(jonhathen is seen sneaking around as the brides and count invite him in a living room)
Jonathan” i tell myself  it’s all a dream (he gets sleepy) and monsters are not all they seem”
(jonhathan wakes up in a bed with his candle on a night stand he takes it and leaves the room and walks down the hail way)
Narrator”you took a fall into the maw were hungers always peaking (some vampires are seen feeding) all we got for cargo are the meats for feasting (johnathan hides) lots of chomping jaws and rotten teeth for eating button up your coat this submarine is leaking”
(johnathan is hiding as bats fly around and the brides crawling on the walls)
Jonathan” i’m stuck in the dungeon (sees the bats) with some ugly company watching me hungrily  stumbling bumbling (he runs) thundering after me clutching their cutlery ducking and jumping they’re above and under me all of them wanna just smother and butter me gut me and dunk me in gravy  to cover me hide in a cupboard but not in the oven i don’t want go in that pot they got bubbling could i be sleeping cause i don't feel slumbery (his seen going through tunnels) tumble through tunnels their gonna discover me i’m on a boat  but it’s not any luxury (johnathan opens a door and slides under it before it closes) all that i got is my cunning to comfort me “
(two men are seen loding boxes to the castle as jonathan looks on through a window)
Jonhathan” if i get luckly somebody wil come for me time i depart from my prison under the sea take me away where the sun is abundant and give me some grub that i honestly wanna eat cause i’m fed up with this stuff i’ve been stomaching (his stomtcah growls and holds in pain) sick of this scum my tummy is grumbling (sees a loaf of bread) should i succumb to my hunger i’m wondering will i become a victim of gluttony?”
(john is seen hiding from the castles resentents)
Narrator” this nightmare ain’t over (johnathan looks out a window) i watched my window for the morning sun i know it’s over i’ll just be hunger for another one hungyr for another one (gluttony is over run) hungry for another one (wonder where your coming from) hungry for another one (do you know what you’ll become you’ll become are you hungry for another one)”
(the count is seen holding a mirror)
Dracula” oh mirror mirror how the face you show disgusts me (throws the mirror out the window) find me a child for whose youth my heart is hungry (johnathan hides in a box with earth in it) your vanity will eventually lead to your demise humanity a profanity under watchful eyes “
(johnathan gose through the catcacomes )
Jonathan” how can it be who sent for me a better question why  at the end of these dreadful fantasies i hope the sun will rise” 
(the count brings a child to his brides and they feed)
Narrator” but until the sun is up we’d better greet our guest with the wonderful buffet where all the meat is fresh they don’t even to eat this is so grotesque at least i’m not alone i hope the nomes know best “
(johnathan is seen letting a a nome out of a cage )
Narrator “hey follow us and you might make it alive (a rat is eating one) even thought not many of us survive (john hugs one) give me a hug tell me it’s alright whatever you do just stay out of sight powerful eyes watch all the time don’t ever step in the light that they shine (johanthan gets hunger again as a nome offers some food) we’ll give you something for your appetite the number six is the end of the line”
(johnathan bites the nomes neck and drink it’s blood)
Narrator” this nightmar ain’t over i watch my window for the moring sun i know when it’s over i’ll just be hungry for another one hungry for another one (gluttony is overfun) hungry for another one (wonder were your coming from) (shadow kids are seen) hungry for another one (do you know what you’ll become you’ll become) are you hungry for another one”
(johnathan is sneaking around the count’s room as the brides try to find him)
Jonathan” i’ve never been easily frighten  by the wrost in all my dreams was once a nightmare is bursting at the seams (johnathan trys to sneak past the brides) as i try to get by their eyes stare feel them burning into me did they come to have a good time here or where they force to feed (johnathan’s hair begins to turn white as he clutches his stomach in pain ) stomach is turing and churing with greed (shadow jonathan apperes behind jonathan) has someone cursed me i’m yearning to eat (shadow jonathan”eat) need something fresher than bread or dead meat (sees a rat and grabs it johnathan’s teeth becomes fangs and hair is white as he bit it’s neck) i want it to squirm in my teeth”
(johnanthan is seen with blood dripping from his mouth his hair is white and his eye’s are red shadows spin around as he walks down a hail way)
(he makes it to the count with a mirror and faces him)
Narrator” this nightmare ain’t over i watch my window for the moring sun i know when it’s over i’ll just be hungry for another one (the mirror blasted the count back) hungry for another one (gluttony has over run) hungry for another (wonder where your coming from) (the count grabs jonathan by  the throat ) hungry for another one”
Dracula” do you know what you’ll become”
Narrator” you’ll become you’ll become are you hungry for another one”
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kharrisdawndancer · 10 months
DWC - November 2023 - Day 2 - Success/Sin
A night in her own bed was usually a success, though not always. She would count this one. She stretched and gave a soft sigh, intending to rouse, but then pulled her blanket over her head again. Tinnaire had never been a morning person. Not that it was morning anymore. (Sloth)
The sun was well past noon by the time Tinnaire had bathed and eaten, but even so her feet dragged. Her coffee had been quaffed and no less than three delicious scones smeared with jam, butter, and clotted cream had been devoured (Gluttony). There was nothing keeping her from heading back out to where she’d been working in the Dream.
She smiled softly to herself as she locked up, tracing one of the old runes etched into her door jamb before stepping away. Her pack was resettled on her shoulder and her hair done in a practical braid down her back. However, her eyeliner was sharp and her lipstick glossy. (Pride)
Her route took her by a familiar haunt; he lived in the same district, after all! She knocked, but no answer came. Something else had Andaeros’s attention, or someone. And with a pursing of lips and a lifting of her chin, she moved on. (Envy)
Leaving Silvermoon was easy. She opened her spirit to the mana of the portal magistrix, Tinnaire more than pleased by the thrumming arcane. She licked her lips and shivered, drawing just a sliver extra from the transmutation of it. Her heart raced everytime. (Lust)
She supposed Greed and Wrath were both ribboned around her work with the other mercenaries. Greedy for belonging, friendship, and the hope of the world tree that was being born. Wrath for the ones who would extol their own sins as the only virtues left on Azeroth.
Tinnaire looked up at the canopy as if in prayer, knowing some of her sins. mentions: @andaerosdawnflare
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galenwilson · 1 year
As a fat he/they I spend most of my time maximizing my gluttony to help fill the void. Queso and chips are good, sure, but what if you mixed in a nice sweet BBQ sauce for that little kick? If you have cocoa pebble cereal, you can take some slightly thinned peanut butter and make bootleg (but very tasty) rice krispies. Did you know that boursin cheese makes everything taste better? Come with me, throw off the shackles of what society deems "adequate," and experience the kind of sins you have only previously dreamed possible. I will demonstrate the most decadent ways to destroy yourself, and you will thank me for it
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dream-of-chao · 2 years
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spooky-cherry · 3 years
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A stupid but cute doodle I made to comfort myself.
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feverdream-society · 3 years
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Brb gonna microwave some grapes I'm sure nothing bad will come of this whatsoever
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dummieartz · 4 years
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Butter doodle 💜
Please play dreams of gluttony it's so good
Butter belongs to @uminoaoi
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Hi there! Not really an ask, but a more complete answer to your question about proving one's gluttony. I suppose my first answer didn't quite do your question justice. First off, I do think this is a great question. The idea that someone would possibly ask me to prove my gluttony to them is an incredible turn on and I found myself really giving it a lot of thought throughout my day today.
Before I tell you what I would do, I want to tell you a little story so you know that I mean what I say. So I can reassure you that i am not bullshitting you about the amount I can eat and that this is very well within reality. And so you can gain a sense of me and how I feel about my belly and what I am truly willing to do with the right encouragement.
I have always felt the call of gluttony. I have had dreams about it since I was a toddler. When I was only 8yrs old I had dreams about rooms full of naked 400lb+ people having orgies while gorging themselves. I had dreams about growing larger and larger as I consumed insurmountable proportions of food. I remember when I was 15 and the first time I saw stretch marks on my belly the after my first huge binge and only wishing that I could keep eating more without it being noticed. I have made it my goal over the years to consume as much fattening food in the smallest amount of time possible while also trying not to be a burden on those I love. I would love to be let loose and set free to eat to my heart's content. Now, while I feel that alone is likely enough to prove my gluttonous nature, I would have to demonstrate it too you first hand. There have only been a handful of times where I really felt like I was really pushing myself the way I wanted to be pushed and only with a little encouragement from a couple of long distance feeders. My confidence and determination really soared after the first time I chugged an entire gallon of ice cream. I wanted to take it even further so I started really focusing on having multi day stuffing sessions. I was able to consume around 13,000 calories a day (reaching up to 15,000 a handful of times) for about 3 days straight on a couple of occassions. On one such adventure I started with 40 wings from wingstop and chugged two peanut butter moods from jamba for my first meal. And then ate an entire family meal from panda express and still chugged 3 quarts of ice cream and 3 beers for my last meal. Every meal for those 3 days were of the same proportion and I only stopped because I had to due to money and time. I gained about 40 lbs in two months during this time frame. I have gone so hardcore during these times because the amount of food I see people eat in videos never seems like enough, so I wanted to prove to myself that I was truly gluttonous and enter into the realm of eating amounts of food that people only dream of.
If you were my feeder, and you asked me to prove my gluttony, I imagine you might have to brace yourself for several days of feeding. I would need a decent amount of weed as well. I would push myself beyond full at every moment; eating to the brink of maximum and then drinking the most fattening substances I can find to fill in the cracks. Heavy whipping cream is my recent go-to chugging beverage. I can drink down two whole quarts on top of a large meal. While trying to prove my gluttony to you, my goal would be to drink 6 quarts throughout the day on top of all of the wonderful food that would need to be brought to me. My other goal would be to push myself in this way for at least 5 days. I would be doing anything and everything I could to prove to you how gluttonous I can be in this way because l would also be trying to push myself further than ever before. Forever trying to prove to myself that I can be more gluttonous, because the goal is always more. Always.
There. A complete answer to your query. Lol. I hope you have a lovely day. ☺️
holy shit, lol. this is certainly comprehensive.
I think this would absolutely impress me and I appreciate the time you took to type it all out! Fellas, take note - this is how you get a feeder’s attention ;)
thank you for the message and I also hope you are having a good day 😊
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pesiko · 3 years
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Aria - chose to believe you weren’t in love with him [36k]
Unspoken - pianist Mark Lee was your inspiration [32k]
Launch - dreaming to be the first man on the moon [26k]
A Clouded Fate - “call it quits, call it destiny” M [17.2k]
La Vie en Rose - how do you ruin your ex gf’s wedding [15k]
Mark Lee’s Gluttony - you suffer the consequences [13.5k]
Realize - he avoided what needed to be confronted [12.5k]
Amor Libertatis - fisherman Mark and a princess [12.4k]
Sunflower - when he isn’t making you hyperventilate [11.5k]
Book Hogger - holding onto that book for 2 months [10.1k]
Daydream - 90s AU, summer meant being home [8.2k]
Seasons - royalty AU, may change but I love you [7.9k]
Blind Love - he is more than just your best friend [7.2k]
Pretty Boy - in which Mark Lee has a crush on you M [7.1k]
Among the Stars - “or will I have to rip it off you?” [6.9k]
Fight for You - making a deal with a certain knight [6.8k]
The One with the Internship - turns out they’ve met [6.3k]
The World is Ending and I’m With You [6.1k]
Paper Scribbles - wishing he did things differently [6k]
Mark Lee Sucks at Technology - social influencer AU [5.8k]
The First Time - first time with your boyfriend M [5.4k]
Meeting Death’s Son - you’re suddenly being chased [5.4k]
Superhero - he promised to be your spiderman [5.3k]
A Fairy King and an Elven Warrior Walk Into a Nerd.. [4.4k]
Little Surfer Girl - skater Mark and a surfer girl [4.4k]
Good Enough - “but I love you, isn’t that enough?” [4.3k]
The One with All the Spoilers - the only ones left [4.2k]
Dark Cloud - time in quarantine w your roommate M [4.1k]
A Poem Titled You - he embodied a lot good things [3.6k]
Counting Puppies - caring for pups w stranger Mark [3.5k]
Miscommunication - he thinks his flirting is obvious [3.5k]
Serendipity - breaking into an apt for peanut butter [3.4k]
Lights Out - reassuring him when he has doubts [3.4k]
Comfortable - the kind of boy you’d have a crush on [3k]
Throwaway - you n Mark are paired for another mission [3k]
The One with the Tattoo - sudden disappearing tattoo [2.7k]
Summer Endings - the one that kept your heart warm [2.7k]
Liar - he knows how to lie and he knows you [2.5k]
Not Yet - a surprise when traveling the world with him [2.4k]
You’re My Cup of Tea - when you’re on your period [2.2k]
That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling - was it you or the weed [2.1k]
Promise - royalty AU “did you mean it? all of it?” [2.1k]
Meet Me on the Rooftop - spiderman AU, bestfriends [2k]
Dress Up - “could you tell me if you like it” M [2k]
Sleeping Beauty - sleepwalker Mark goes to your door [2k]
Boy Without a Car - “I owe you one, really” [1.9k]
No Choir - when everything feels overwhelming [1.8k]
Best Part - telling him u love him for the first time M [1.8k]
Enough for You - you wanted to be enough for Mark [1.7k]
I’m in Love with You - noticing how much u love him [1.6k]
The One with the Water Bottle - not filled with water [1.6k]
The One with the Anniversary - he forgets but so do u [1.5k]
Uniform - police officer Mark, “I’d like that” [1.5k]
Small Victories - when you want it to be love [1.5k]
Good Morning - when someone is in your dorm [1.5k]
Ride - a match made in heaven, thank you cupid [1.4k]
Baby - a drunk and affectionate Mark Lee [1.2k]
The One with the Study Room - Rock Paper Scissors [1.2k]
Slip-Ups - “2 in the morning, what are you doing here?” [1k]
[main masterlist] [nct masterlist] updated 7-30-21
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scarletgemstone · 1 year
hungry for another one
Hungry for another one
Disclaimer i own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
(the maw is seen as the lady turns to the teddy bears)
(azulin wakes up)
Narrator” you don’t look like you belong here (gordi is seen walking) did you pinch yourself to see (a door close behind him) if you’d wake up from a nightmare (the twins are hiding as the janitor looks for them) or could you still be asleep”
(azulin is trying to find a way out while hiding)
Azulin”i tell myself it’s all a dream (sees the janitor) and monsters are not all they seem”
(the maw is seen underwater )
Narrator” you took a fall into the maw (a meat locker is shown as achuchones hides) where hunger’s always peaking (the chiefs are seen cooking) all we got for cargo are the meats for feasting (the cousterms are seen eating) lots of chomping jaws and rotten teeth for eating button up your coat this submarine is leaking “
(azulin is seen looking up as the janitor is seen dragging a cage)
Narrator” i’m stuck in the dungeon with some ugly company (pandi is hiding from the chifes as one comes down in an evlatoer) watching me hungrliy stumbling bumbling (caricias is seanking around) thundering after me clutching their cutlery (gordi is seen swinging from a light) ducking and jumping they’re above and under me”
(pandi runs away as the chief chases him)
Narrator” all em wanna just smother and butter me (sonrisas is seen hiding as a fish is gutted and gets coverd in butter) gut me and dunk me in gravy to cover me (the twins and padre are seen hiding in a box) hide in a cupboard but not in the oven (a pot is seen as azulin gose near it) i don’t want to go in that pot they got bubbling could i be sleeping cause i don’t feel slumbery (azulin holding a lighter as he gose through the tunnels) tumble through tunnels they’re gonna discover me”
(coco is seen in a cage as the janitor takes another one away)
Narrator” i’m on a boat but it’s not any luxury (coco gets out and uses the cage to get to the laver) all that i got is my cunning to comfort me (coco opens the door) if i get lucky somebody will come for me (the door close but coco slides under it before it close) time i depart from my prison under the sea (azulin is seen unlocking a door) take me away where the sun is abundant (he sees a plat of food) and give me some grub that i honestly wanna eat (bread is seen as azulin stomach growls) cause i’m fed up with this stuff i’v been stomaching (cluches his stomach) sick of this scum my tummy is grumbling (azulin sees food in a cage gose over to it) should i succumb to my hunger i’m wondering will i become a victim of gluttony”
(the jantors captures him gordi is grabbing onto a hook as it takes to the upper room)
Narrator “ this nightmare ain’t over (the twins are trying to escape a room some light is shinning through a hole) i watch my window for the morning sun (pandi is seen trying to escape the granny) i know when it’s over i’ll just be hunger for another one (the chifes are seen chopping something) hunger for another one (padre is hiding for the lady) gluttony has over run (azulin gets out of the cage and escapes) hungry for another one (coco is watching a toy train go by) wonder where you’re coming from hunger for another one (the lady is seen) do you know what you’ll become you’ll become you’ll become are hungry for another one”
(the lady looks at the mirror)
The lady” oh mirror mirror how this face (takes off her mask) how this face you show disgusts me (she is seen watching the customers) find me a child for whose youth my heart is hungry (caricias is seen sneaking around the lady’s room as she brushes her hair)”
Narrator” your vanity will eventually lead to your demise (azulin is outside the maw he trys to get back in as he watches the customers go in) humanity a profanity under your watchful eye (gordi is climbing up the stares) how can it be who sent for me a better question why (achuchones is seen hiding from the granny as a nomie guides him to safety) at the end of these dreadful fantasies i hope the sun will rise”
(coco is seen running from the jantior pandi is hiding from the chifes) 
Narrator” but until the sun is up we’d better greet our guests (padre seanks passed a sleeping customer) with the wonderful buffet where all the meat is fresh (sonrisas pandi and achuchones are swinging from the lamps as the custermrs try to grab them) they don’t even to eat this is grotesque (a nomie is seen running away) at lest i’m not alone i hope the nomes knows best”
(gordi is helping a nome get out of a cage the nome runs away)
Nome” hey follow us and you might make it alive (nomes are seen around a fire) even though not many of us survive (a rat is seen eating a nome) give me a hug (gordi hugs a nome) tell me it’s alright (a light from an eye shines azulin backs away quickly as it movies) whatever you do just stay out of sight (padre uses a rolling trash can to get passed the light) powerful eyes watch all the time don’t ever step in the light that they shine (azulin is seen clutching his stomach as a nome offers him food) we’ll give you something for your appetite the number six is the end of the line”
(the janitor is see)
Narrator” this nightmare ain’t over i’ll watch my window for the morning sun i know when it’s over i’ll just be hungry for another one hungry for another one (gluttony has over run) hungry for another one (wonder where you’re coming from) hungry for another one (the shadow kids are seen) do you know what you’ll become (you’ll become you’ll become) are you hungry for another one”
(the janitor is seen heading a room as azulin runs passed him)
Narrator” i’ve never been easily frightened by the worse in all my dreams what was once a little nightmare (leeches are seen) is bursting at the seams (azulin is looking at pantens with eyes) as i try to get by their stare feel them burning into me (azulin is watching the customers) did they come to have a good time here or were they forced to feed (azulin’s stomatch growles as he holds it) stomach is turning and churning with greed (azulin falls to his knees as shadow azulin apperes behind him) has someone cursed me i’m yearning to eat (shadow azulin”eat”) (a rat gets in a trap azulin walkers to it) need something fresher than bread or dead meat (azulin eats it) i want it to squirm in my teeth”
(a door opens as azulin has shadows around him as the coustersms fall as he walks by them)
Narrator” this nightmare ain’t over i watch my window for the morning sun i know when it’s over i’ll just be hunger for another one (gordi is seen finding the others) hungry for another (gluttony is over run) (the lady is fiting azulin) hungry for another one (azulin holds the mirror it blasts the lady back) wonder where your coming from (shadow azulin is seen) hungry for another one (azulin walks passed some broken mirrors ) do you know what you’ll become (shadow azulin “ you’ll become you’ll become”) are you hungry for another one (another one another one)
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