#drawing them is so healing ough
croh3 · 1 month
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Good Touch
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ant1quarian · 3 months
It’s a me, Story Anon (as you nicknamed me /pos)! I’m back on my bs again so you get worldbuilding about how spite works in my hcs
Spite souls are not a natural part of a trait. Spite appears as a dark maroon/red- a mix between determination’s red and perseverance’s purple- and fills in cracks (or makes them) on the soul’s surface. It doesn’t mix with other traits’ colors, unlike every other trait. Monsters deem it very unnerving to look at.
A soul that is full spite is never a healthy one. It’s not really a sign of a bad person, but more of a bad environment or significant trauma- what the hell would someone have to go through for their soul to be mangled in such a way?
If someone has enough spite in their soul, they’ll actually damage monsters on contact with their intent (even if they don’t mean to). In, say, a pacifist run where humans and monsters are in the same area (but not everything is perfect esp the human government), spite souls are required to wear intent-blocking gloves so they don’t unintentionally hurt someone. I’d think they’d have to have “spite soul” somewhere on their legal docs too.
Of course, this doesn’t actually fix anything. And being shunned for a part of you- a part of your soul, no matter how “corrupted”- probably just makes these people want to cling to their spite even more. Because fuck you, actually, I’m not a goddamn dog to be muzzled. It would feel really unfair, I think, and only add fuel to the fire.
Spite souls would also be incredibly hard to heal. Their soul actively fights against it, along with healing others. Full spite souls are constantly stuck with a little less than full HP because their soul is damaging and repairing itself ad nauseum. They’re literally any healer’s worst nightmare.
They’re not really accepted, usually getting thrown both fearful and dirty looks every time someone sees their gloves. This leads to them feeling isolated, feeling angry and ashamed at their treatment, and consequently increasing their spite- it’s a cycle.
In addition, for full spite souls the usual “you are filled with _____” prompt says,
Vitriol because they’re literally living on poison (and I will never get over how fucking cool the word “vitriol” is istg). Kind of like how your body gets used to alcohol and shuts down without it. Reminder that this is full spite, though- a little spite filling in the cracks can even be beneficial for some, as long as you don’t let it take over your entire being.
…for a monster, especially one like Sans with so little HP, befriending a spite soul would feel like befriending a dragon. One that is fiercely loyal to those that have never wronged it. Its claws, razor sharp, never hurt him. They’re only there to protect, to pull him closer to the hard scales and only pleasantly warm fire, where he can be better protected. Closer to the dragon’s underbelly and heart, its most vital places, so no matter what draws near he will be safe.
(I’ve had that vivid imagery, of a dragon carefully pushing him back with a single paw to the small space between the underbelly and armored, scaly front legs for a long while. It’s such a pretty image in my head I wish I could astral project it into this ask lol)
uh yeah. spiteful characters, worldbuilding, and the word vitriol my beloved. hope y’all have a good day! time to return to my eons long slumber to incubate more ideas
-Story anon!
y e s .
that's my only response because. yes.
Also welcome back story anon!! Very awesome, intriguing, and complex lore and thoughts ough-
Your braincells- Your braincells I wish I had it-
That is a beautiful image, I think the brainwave has caught onto me
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muzzleroars · 29 days
A little thing I’ve seen is some of your more recent drawings of luci has less cracks on his mask, I know it’s probably just for time and detail’s sake, but I like to imagine that as time passes and he mourns, he finds these little joys, and slowly starts to build himself up, and the way his mask looks kinda matches him not necessarily fixing himself, but repairing his bonds with his family, staying with beel, getting used to those two filth that ask for smores, and eventually he notices that those spiderwebbing cracks have faded and healed… OUGH I WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY HE DESERVES SO MUCH
i will say it's definitely more or less how much detail i want to draw in a particular piece, but i'm all about the healing process and finding a better life when it comes to my little guys ;o; i'm still not entirely sure what lucifer's happiness looks like, but i do think there is something deeply important to him in coming to realize he is no longer rejected by the whole of creation. the angels he once knew now understand his innocence, the angels who fell with him largely hold no malice toward him for their fate, and even god had known from the beginning his mistake in banishing lucifer. he is likely eternally wrapped up in the guilt of allowing so many who followed him die as a consequence of his actions, but those that remain gather to him as the bright seraph they remember. they stay in the distant reaches of hell, rarely seen once they have been gathered and content to be mostly untouchable by hell's other denizens. lucifer may actually be seen most often, usually in the wastes of treachery, with beel never far behind him. he concerns himself only with caring for his angels, though i think he does become increasingly open with the archangels when he begins to understand their sincerity in approaching him (he remains quite skittish around any other angels...though skittish in his case largely means blaspheming profusely as beel chases them off).
yet as all this happens, as he creates a world for himself and his angels, as the archangels (particularly michael) extend their apologies and begin to work through all that had happened in the celestial war, and as he finds himself gathered with old friends who begin to build, to sing, to simply be again, lucifer's sparks occasionally flare. beel helps him clean and repair his halo, though his head can no longer hold it; the fallen angels carve out a place for themselves far from humanity (their souls tend to avoid such deep layers anyway....i think save for those little filths, who get sort of adopted lol); and lucifer can breathe in the quiet. he leads nothing, demands nothing, just allows them all to rest and retire. he knows their time is past, yet there is something good in that. because there is nothing left for them to do. after all this suffering, he and his angels will answer for nothing, to no one, and exist out on the edge of nowhere. there i think lucifer can begin to heal if only in small ways, hairline cracks in his splintered body gradually fading away but each one a little triumph. he can ask for no more, and he does not ever want more. he is content, which feels better than the rapture he once had in heaven.
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morawcrumb · 1 month
I feel like a lonely goat now that I dont see a 52 yr old man’s face, music and appearance all the time. I seriously do not know what to do with myself. Like I still listen to his music at some degree… (Right now its only 🍫🇺🇸 I can listen to without feeling weird) and like just not talking about his music, projects, himself all the time feels abnormal…and sad
Like I’ve been sad and I’ve been trying to get hook up to something to feed that loneliness but it just makes me even more sad. That podcast has helped me a-lot and it made me who I am and it just really helped me deal with my own issues. Now, just not being as enthusiastic as before just feels like “Who am I anymore?” What am I without that special ‘quirky underground’ podcast that you can tell to someone with or without context and it still makes you sound like a madman?
Another thing is that my fixation is still the collective but I need something to draw that involves it otherwise I barely have drawing ideas (Which at this point It might take a while to even think of something) to like keep myself sane. Im so used to having some idea all the time and drawing the same character in my sketchbook 100 times and filling an entire page with them but now I dont know what to draw. I do draw him every now and again (the janitor) as little doodles but I dont …know
I still like it because it holds a special place in my heart and plus he has been a comfort character and I can see myself in the janitor (I will not go in depth) I know you can separate art from the artist because I do do that but its just…so complicated theres a-lot of stuff that It just… it connects to him yknowww….
Ough this sounds like im going to never listen to his stuff and never listen to the podcast ever again, in which I will…possibly in time (Plus I listen to 🍫🇺🇸) Not as deranged listening as when I was well… deranged but like maybe revisit? I’m still healing and trying my hardest to cope with this new change in life. But basically in short terms I feel out of place, lonely and lost, like really lost.
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to let go is to embrace; astarion x oc fic
to let go is to embrace (763 words); astarion x gleam; t rated, tw injuries, act 3 spoilers - also on ao3
finally finished Astarion's quest. ough ough ough. it was perfect. he didn't go through with the ritual, and the ending of Cazador was fucking perfect.
His throat aches from screaming. His limbs burn with exhaustion. His vision is blurry, tears dried on the eyelashes. His hands still remember the grip of the dagger and the breaking bones and flesh of Cazador as he killed him one final time.
But his heart feels… lighter.
The weight of two century old pain is so much easier to bear when its creator can add to it no more. Not to him, nor to anyone else. But the guilt and the fear still lurk on the edges, threatening to return and to crush him, now that there is no barrier of a seemingly unachievable goal. 
The lights of the inn room are dimmed, all is quiet. Astarion, resting on a bed, looks up at Gleam, who sits beside him, a sponge in their hand. Bottles of salves are lined up on a bedside table, and there is a wash basin with water, diluted with blood. 
They offer Astarion a kindness after another, this time by helping with the plentiful wounds that Cazador and his minions left in the fight.
Astarion's heart fills with affection, just as his eyes sting with tears. He is too tired and too weak to push it all back. For once, he thinks, for fucking once someone cares about him. For him. He wants to be grateful and return it twicefold, but he doesn't know how. What does he have to offer? 
Gleam draws the sponge gently down his arm, washing away the blood, the pain. They drip the salve where bruises remain, those that Shadowheart's magic could heal no longer. Astarion watches quietly, as cuts close up into smooth skin and purple blemishes disappear.
"All right?" Gleam asks, noticing Astarion's glance. 
"Quite so," he replies, offering a small smile. Nothing else he knows to say, and his throat closes up on words.
Gleam pauses, resting the sponge aside.
Their eyes shine softly in the dim light. Light blue against black sclera, just like stars. Have they always been so bright? 
Unbidden tears make themselves known again, and Astarion swallows.
"Come here," Gleam offers, their voice softened. And Astarion moves, away from the pillows set up for him and into his tiefling's arms. 
To let go of all the worldly hardships, to let go of pain of memories and of things that have finally come to an end. To embrace a new future, because he has one now. Uncertain, but a future nonetheless.
Gleam's arms hold him strongly. Astarion breathes them in, soaks soundless tears into the soft folds of their shirt. He does not notice how his fingers curl into it, knuckles whitening against already pale skin. 
"I don't know what to do," he whispers into Gleam's shoulder, his voice weakened.
Gleam's arms remain solid strong around him, and soothing with comfort. They are a rock in a crashing sea, they are a lighthouse on the edge of a cliff, they are a rope thrown into the depths of a darkest well. 
"Astarion," Gleam says gently, yet firmly. 
Their hand runs through Astarion's hair, and momentarily he is distracted. 
"You have all the time in the world to figure it out. Free, safe. And with me by your side, if you will have me." 
Astarion's scoffs, pulling back to look at Gleam. Gods, he is beautiful. With a hero complex, proven so many times over, but Astarion cannot help but like that. Love that.
"Well, of course," Astarion smiles through tears. "Where shall I be without my handsome and daring barbarian?" 
Gleam laughs, reaching over for the sponge again as Astarion lays his hand upon theirs. Their fingers lace together, and he cannot help but love the way it looks. All the little things, he craves them like water to a dying man, but cannot allow himself to take any more than what he finds acceptable.
And even that is too much.
“Thank you,” he says at last. “For this. And for everything you have done for me. Which is an awful lot, I hope you are keeping tabs.”
Gleam smiles and draws Astarion’s hand to their cheek.
“I think your tab can be forgiven. Anything you need, on me.”
Astarion’s lips spread into a wider smile, he is about to make quite a joke of that, but another tearful gasp escapes his mouth instead. Since when does laughter makes him cry?
He rests against the pillow once more, watching Gleam resume the process. His mind is calmer, his heart is gentler.
Astarion wonders if Gleam knows that they are healing more than the visible bleeding wounds. 
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i’ve been going insane about Hamlet recently. so I’ve been a comprehensive list of everything in this play that makes me absolutely lose my mind, and here’s the list for Act 1.
- The play starting and ending with Horatio. Hamlet is the protagonist, the prince, the titular character, but it’s Horatio’s story to tell. Horatio is the one charged with recounting the occurents which have solicited, and as such he’s the first and the last of the main characters that we see. Love a good bookend.
- Hamlet’s first line (first two lines really) being a bit of wordplay. Much of this list will touch on his extensive need to pun about, and there’s no more fitting way to introduce such a character. I love his silly little lines so much
- The complete normality of the Royal Court in the first scenes. Given what this play becomes and where most of them end up before it’s over (six feet under), it’s so important to me to be able to see, as an audience, the tail end of what once was, especially given that we never get to see Hamlet prior to his grieving state. There are so many subtleties in this play that hint at the world the characters lived in before the events that happened did, and I think about them far too often.
- Hamlet asking to go back to Wittenberg, being asked by his mother to stay, and complying. God, this little moment on so many levels. If Hamlet had gone back to Wittenberg, he would’ve likely been able to grieve and move on in a healthier manner, likely being surrounded by a greater support system (than one that tells him to get over it) or at the very least a place of comfort, where he is free to express himself and pursue what he specifically likes. By staying in Elsinore, he is putting his individuality in that sense aside for the duty he owes his country (or the one he will owe the Ghost, which is still to his country in a manner, avenging treason). And of course, by staying in Elsinore, the events of the play are allowed to transpire. Also Hamlet’s relationship with Gertrude is so important to me and so often under-acknowledged, and this brief moment is again, one of the subtle few where we can draw larger conclusions about their relationship prior to the play’s events.
- The religious stuff in this text and especially surrounding Hamlet’s character and motives is also something I like looking into, and this moment where Hamlet considers that he would kill himself if it weren’t for the notion of divine punishment is also so. In less than a page, we’ve been presented with two alternate ways that the events of the play could’ve been avoided- Hamlet’s return to Wittenberg, which would’ve likely allowed him to heal and move on, and Hamlet’s suicidal thoughts, which although the worse option by far, still technically would’ve worked as a preventative measure: lives would’ve been saved. Either way, it’s just another tragic facet of his character, and the first of what will be many cries for help from this character over the course of the play.
- Hamlet and Horatio’s reunion, of course, but specifically the moment when Horatio tells Hamlet about the ghost. OUgh. Shoutout to that person who wondered if post-play Horatio ever lay awake in night, wishing he hadn’t told Hamlet about the ghost at all because I think of that every single time I read it. Horatio’s closeness to Hamlet increases greatly due to the events that occur as a result of this one line, and their relationship is just so. interesting to me from a comparative standpoint. between the events of the play and what might’ve been. but we’ll get into that later. and also Hamlet, once again, taking every opportunity to be a little sassier will always be funny to be. who said this wasn’t a tragicomedy?
- and Hamlet’s reaction to hearing that he may be able to see his father again
- Ophelia from the very beginning being told what to do by the men in her life, having her femininity and body reduced to a sexual object, being the victim of that good ol’ fashioned misogyny right out of the gate and it hits. I love Ophelia’s character so much, and it really just does set the bar straight away what we’re to expect. She’s talked over, told what to do, held to unreasonable standards by men who wouldn’t meet them himselves. It’s early days again, and I’ll get into this more later, but wow.
- Again, Hamlet’s reaction to the ghost on the roof, and specifically his threat to ‘make a ghost’ of Horatio or Marcellus should they try to stop him. It’s a grim little nod to what’s to come, and it’s an interesting little setup to both the desperation and the dedication explored regarding Hamlet and his father. Followed shortly thereafter by the ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’, and you’ve got yourself the equivalent of your hair standing up on end in anticipation of the lighting strike that sets the play in motion.
- ‘If thou didst ever thy dear father love (O God!) Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.’
- ‘Murder?’
- this whole scene. goodness. Every time I’ve recounted this play to some poor soul who couldn’t escape my segues into it, I’ve always gotten a reaction when Hamlet Sr reveals that the snake that poisoned him is the same one that now wears his crown. And that’s also why the previous normalcy is so important, because Claudius hasn’t explicitly come off as like that bad a guy yet. Maybe a bit of a douche for slipping into the sheets of his brother’s queen, but he’s at the very least acted onstage with nothing less than a formal and respectable air to him. But now we’ve passed the point of no return at the same time as the prince, and we can’t let the villain get away with this. Because that’s what he is, right? A villain. A murderer. And everything Hamlet’s been worried about or concerned with or thinking about prior is wiped away, trivial, unimportant, and there is no normal to return to.
- also, absolutely insane move to tell your depressed (and possibly manic?? i’ve been trying to look into the modern psychology side of things someone please help me out) son that he has to kill a guy to restore heavenly vengeance. this can’t go wrong. surely
- Horatio and Marcellus swearing their secrecy and dare I say involvement by complicity (oh, Horatio) and Hamlet deciding that the logical course of action is to. naturally. fake madness. put on an antic disposition. his decision-making process in this play is something I’d like to put under a microscope and study
I’ll update with the following acts over the next few days, and reply if I think of anything I forgot to intitially add. feel free to add thoughts :D
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goatpaste · 2 years
thank you for drawing Lucy Steele as a child, I'm so used to her looking like a weird small model that's oversexaulized. It's nice to see an underage character allowed to be underage and wear normal covering clothing instead of pin up clothes. (I love her character for her potential but Araki really did just treat her like bait for some gross folk)
I LOVE LUCY IN THEORY she deserves someone who will draw her normal
when they first introduced her she was silly and cute, like.. she's only a year older than my own brother and he's my best friend. i was like!! ough!! adopting her!
idk how you look at lucy and go, i think she needs BOOBS and to have a HORRIBLE and SEXY life
SHES 14!! -zapping araki with beams-
but she's just 14 and was just kinda a silly kid who cared about people
also this tag left on my HP and Lucy art is so real
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SBR main themes should have been about obsession and the idea of some magic cure all item could blind people from actually improving themselves. How the true thing they needed to get better in life and as people, if connections around them... the characters of p7 NEED each other,,
and im so mad because Lucy would have been a PERFECT driving force for them to come together. this child begging them for help and snapping them out of their own tunnel visions and coming to her aid. realizing this magic corpse was never going to be what healed them, it was going to be people and caring for others...
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Lucy Sibling posting
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meili-sheep · 2 years
I have a drawing of Leyline Diluc i wanna share Soo bad but alas i have to do WORK later so I'm gonna dump my insane rambles as an anon
Asmoday! Diluc I'm never forgetting this guy. Theyve been eating my brain for DAYS now
Caribert and the whole thing oh god
Omg imagine Caribert was revived and is just seeing Kaeya, probably either his kid or his descendant, hanging out with Asmoday!Diluc, and they are training together on how Kaeya with his cryomancy and sword can coverup Diluc's weakspots when he's slinging them guns and claymore around as a bonding activity
how'd he probably react?? probably horrified lol
Have an even better thought!! Asmoday is part of the hexenzirkel but currently she's missing bc she's getting disciplined by Celestia. However, just in case she gets caught again she told her fellow witches that
"If ever I disappear, do not fear, for as long as the moon shines it means i am alive."
Because like apperantly 2 moon sisters are either dead or off somewhere else
and one is still in the sky of tevyat.
So it's absolutely POSSIBLE that Asmoday could've fallen and lived in Tevyat after ripping out the core that controlled her.
And the Djinn... Oh boy... I wonder if Asmoday has a similar ability to make something similar..
Also just something, Paimon isn't that scared of the archons, even someone like Baal. But she's scared of and extremely polite to Diluc.
I wonder why is that? Compared to God's she only cowers when riches and food are involved, but with Diluc he just says things in a stern voice and she's already "On it M-master Diluc!" i think she even confides in the traveller that she's scared of him but not the reason why.
I don't remember if she's that scared of someone like Ayato tho, i don't even think she's that scared of Childe, she's scared of the Harbinger Tartaglia but not Ajax
But she's scared of Diluc and he hasn't given her any reason to be scared(I think)
Also Waaa I miss dadsleif... we need to bring it back
Dain coming around Mondstadt more to look over his grandkids, Bennett, Barbara, Fischl and Razor and maybe even Diona! Klee and Albedo by extension as his technical niece and nephew mayhaps due to Diluc's connection with Alice
Oh my god imagine Dain getting drunk at Angel's share rambling to himself about the gods and slandering them and Venti is like "Cheers to that brother"
Dainsleif and Diluc are casually slandering Barbatos but Venti comes in and kisses Diluc before they banter about wine, causing a very confused Dainsleif
But ouGH... Dadsleif and his grandkids... Dain protecting Bennett the best he can from his bad luck and even saving the poor kid... Imagine Dain finds out that Bennett got his vision when he nearly died i think he'd actually kill everyone on Celestia
Dain entertaining Fischl by playing along with her fantasy... and even understanding her bc he was a royal knight. He's a bit rusty but given time he can understand her completely
Dain doesn't get to see Razor much bc of Andrius at the start but maybe he helps deal with the Rifthound problem and gets the trust and mayhaps even help Diluc in teaching Razor some techniques or maybe they just camp in the wild together...
Then Barbara. Imagine being just some guy and then seeing This fancy and scary guy in blacks and blues with blond hairs and starry blue eyes shaking those concert glowsticks at Barbara's concert looking serious n all.
Oughh imagining Dainsleif teaching them or singing to them Lullabies from Kheanriah and Barbara memorizing it and singing it back to Dainsleif whenever she's healing him to help calm him down
I imagine that bc Kheanriah was underground, i think they would've had a culture of singing bc of the echo effect there would be. So mayhaps from Dain's memory he would teach Barbara some songs of Kheanriah and he tears up at the fact he's teaching his new family how to sing his homeland's songs and maybe just maybe even if he disappears maybe he can live on in the songs they bring with them given by him...
Just WAA... Grandadsleif REAL!!!
-Leyline!Anon who is NOT being normal about Dadsleif rn
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Oh boy, you really made me bust out my tts to read all that. and giving me a load of work with the tags.
I'll be honest the last quest did not have enough Dain. Like I'm not the biggest Dain fan but serious about his once-a-year appearance. We did not get enough. And what's funny about shipping Diluc with an Archon I feel Dain could at least learn to like Venti a little bit.
But Zhongluc? Morax?
That ship is 10 times funnier to me with Dadleif.
Also, he'd call an archon with Diluc a cradle robber, I'm just saying.
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let's see, for Jia and her Raak: 13, 14, 59, 99? 😼
Aah, thank you very much for these asks, Lumi! 🥰
💕ask game💕
13. What is something they find hot about their S/O?
Okay, I have mentioned this before quite a few times—both Miraak and Jia think of intelligence as a desirable trait, so they find it hot when they unfold their knowledge and intellect to one another, when they teach each other new things. I'd also say that Miraak (a little more than Jia here, even though she likes this too) is quite attracted to the display of power, so he rips his clothes apart enjoys it when Jia stops being a pathetic wet kitten full of fleas and allows her dragonfire to show. Especially for a person like her who keeps sabotaging her potential, it's somewhat of a double pleasure to Miraak when he finally sees it, her feral side covered in blood, totally unhinged...👀 Now, concerning their physical appearance, I believe that they are so ridiculously in love that every single thing on them has them like "!!!😍!!!", but if they had to choose, I'd say for Jia is Miraak's giant embrace where she loses herself as he spreads it around her, his deep voice, both when he sings and talks, and their height difference because she laughs when he tries to kiss her and bumps his mouth on her forehead. For Miraak, it's her freckles! He finds them both endearing and attractive since they're not only on her face but all over 👀other parts👀 he loves like the horny man he is, and we might see him tenderly draw constellations with his finger on them...😼
oh, sometimes Jia raises her eyelids very slowly when she looks up at him, and while it's a thing she does mostly unconsciously, Miraak finds it very very hot, too!
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
OUGH, in the AU I'm preparing they argue constantly over everything—we will see them argue over small things and more serious issues (Miraak is usually the one who grates on Jia, and she pulls a Jamie "I'll slap you until your ears are red!" Fraser). In TPATD, however, their relationship hasn't had many tribulations (that I know of; they may decide to change that🤷), except for One Big Issue that will occur at some point and involves a deep-seated topic between them; this might be painful to be confronted with them...🥺
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitual?
For Jia, it would be Miraak's hands—his knuckles, palms, and wrists, and it matters that she kisses/caresses these spots habitually; in a future chapter, they will thoroughly discuss this...🥰
For Miraak, it'll be either her forehead, when it comes to a kiss, or her shoulder, for both when he caresses and kisses her. It's the spot he knows she is scarred by Alduin, a wound that although healed still bothers her with random pains and aches, and she's almost always sore there (to the point she has difficulty using a bow anymore). Also, it's a spot where she has a cluster of freckles so he can't really resist!
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
Again, in the WIP AU, Jia is the one who gives off "he said no pickles" energy. She's Miraak's guardian angel, always has his back, and protects him while he's busy being pathetic, despite her being six/seven years younger than him. In the main fic, they are somewhat balanced and equal in that aspect, with Miraak giving off The Vibes and being Jia's angel a liiitle more, but just a tiny bit!
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twiggyart6 · 7 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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chaos-has-theories · 7 months
MARCIA SIBLINGS AU I can't remember how it was in the old version but in the new and improved 2023 version she is the youngest child <3 she has 2 older siblings one sister and one vaguely genderless individual and they r twins <3 they're like 6-7 yrs older than her and both were super supportive of her learning magyk and helped her hide it from their parents. They got found out rlly quickly unfortunately and when marcia was 8 her siblings got into a massive fight w their parents and took her and left. They move into the same room in the ramblings Marcia stays in when she's a Hopeful/apprentice in canon (next to the heaps) and her sister is bffs with silas and marcia thinks silas is So Cool bc he's older and rlly likes magyk. Her siblings try and talk to her abt magyk but they don't rlly care abt it all that much so silas is her Favourite Person right after her magyk teacher at school. Her sister works at the manuscriptorium and her sibling tailors clothes for ppl. Btw. She becomes a Hopeful the same as canon except she's just staying at home she's not dramatically moved out like she did in canon. Right up until silas quits his apprenticeship and eventually she gets the offer and ofc she accepts. But silas quit bc of the draw and the darke week and he told her siblings abt it and so when she comes home with the news they're all like oh well maybe u actually shouldn't do this, maybe u should think abt it. And she takes massive offence and everything escalates and she leaves home to live in the wizard tower and doesn't talk to her siblings again for almost her entire apprenticeship (she sees them a few times and they try and talk and she brushes them off bc she's still upset) and it's when alther+the queen die that they rlly desperately try and get in contact. And this is the major change from canon bc she actually lets them and after they explain why they said what they did and everyone apologises for being kind of shitty, they r once again a family <3 and marcia is not. Having to take on the responsibility of being eow all on her own and actually has time to grieve and process and eventually somewhat heal. And she can't take down the custodian (I am taking what marcia says in magyk v seriously) but she does sort of. Funnel kids out of the ya. Every single kid that is sent to guard the wizard tower ends up disappearing and eventually it's basically known among the kids as a death sentence. Jenna gets found out much sooner bc the custodians were investigating ppl Marcia might be close to/consider trustworthy and its v well known that her sister is besties w silas heap. The guy who has a daughter who looks exactly like every princess ever. And so the events of magyk happen earlier and teeny tiny 412 is outside the tower bc he acted out after losing 409 and he is Terrified. And I'm head empty on exactly what happens but I think he doesn't officially get adopted or apprenticed or anything bc. Even marcia can't justify making a 7 yr old an ExtraOrdinary Apprentice. But he just sort of lives in the wizard tower and marcias siblings homes and the heap room and the palace. Everyone is happy and nothing bad happens the end <3
OUGH OUGH I love this *cries*
families...... overresponsible siblings............ tiny 412.... Marcia Silas hero worship. UGH
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coldbug · 2 years
if its ok to ask, besides the hairdresser part, what in UHV is inaccurate abt working in a tattoo shop?
totally!! but ough honestly i blocked a lot of it out bc of the psychic damage hold on gimme a sec… i live-blogged my biggest complaints when reading it but i don’t tag my posts anymore lol lemme find them
okay okay my red flags/sus shit
1) luke?? i think? is smoking inside his shop. i’m sure there’s shops in the world that still do this but that’s a no from me 🙅🏼‍♀️
2) i know this is technically solved by the plot, so not a Real red flag, but genital piercings heal super fucking fast, so i was 👀👀 at first about the infected scrotum piercing (edit: not to mention, infection is generally a Lot less common for healing piercings than most people think. 8-9/10 times it’s not actually infected at all. go to your piercer before your doctor if you’re worried about infection please for the love of god!!!!)
3) a shop that gets mad about you getting tatted at a different shop is a bad shop. do not continue to go to/work at that shop
4) frank wanting to both pierce and tattoo isn’t like. Technically a red flag, but it’s questionable. i’d only trust someone who does both if they were one of those things for a Long time before learning the second (you do see that sometimes irl). which. frank does not seem to be. it’s about focusing on one profession so that you can master it
5) of course hair cutting in the same shop as tattooing and piercing is just inherently super unsanitary. ❌
6) only kind of a Red Flag but frank is a real dumbass for getting a hand tattoo and immediately going back to work as a piercer. a good piercer is washing their hands Constantly throughout the day (before/during/after clients), not to mention putting on/taking off gloves all day as well. both of which are really unhelpful for healing a hand tattoo well. it just shows a lack of knowledge about these things (on bexless’s part, on the meta level. but i don’t think i’d trust a piercer who got a huge hand tattoo and was piercing the next day. what do they know about proper healing??? also. you’re gonna pierce me with an open wound on your hand?? even if it’s covered by a glove. that’s sus. to me.)
7) frank is also a huge dumbass for just using that mystery goo. anyone who Actually has many tattoos has Their Healing Regimen and they don’t stray from it unless they’re unhappy with it. if frank is working in a tat shop/around the culture&industry, he’d already have his established healing routine and would throw that mystery goo in the fucking trash. no wonder he gets stigmata he’s dumb as shit
8) the way bexless constantly calls it a “needle” instead of a tattoo machine kills me. okay yeah there’s needles but it’s more than that. at least she never calls it a gun i guess
9) the mention of a pigeon getting into their shop. sure, i’m sure that happens. but uh. 👀 that’s deeply unsanitary
10) here’s a screenshot bc i say it best here:
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11) the last thing i noted was that. if frank wants to be a tattoo artist so bad, why is there literally zero mention of him doing art?? bro you gotta be able to draw before you become a tattoo artist… unless you want to only trace flash as a career i guess… 🤷🏼‍♀️
there you go anon, i have a lot to say. i’ve only read the first work in the series, but if someone tells me truthfully that there’s tattooing/piercing that happens in the following works, i’ll read and criticize those too just lmk
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muzzleroars · 1 year
um .. hiii i love ur art and writing so much and i jus. wanted u to know fallen gabe occupies my brain very often and i love the symbolism you use in a bit of your artwork, concepts and writing n its cool to see how much passion u put into everything :} i like hearing your understandings of the characters in their depth its really cool...
are there any little tidbits or scenarios youve thought of that you havent written about or shared yet, either deep or just fun and silly?
aaaaa thank you so much!!! i'm so happy you all give me the chance to express my thoughts and that you enjoy reading them even if i talk a whole lot.....i have definitely gotten very attached to this au and i'm glad you enjoy it with me, it's been so fun building it up and also getting to explain why make the choices i do (plus getting ideas from asks!!) also just so you know,,,,you have beautifully delicate work, it is so incredibly romantic in appearance and i absolutely love it ;o; it's so light and dreamy...i'm always amazed by how lovely it is!
as for other little scenarios, i have,,,,so many,,,,but i'll talk about a few of my faves!!
one scene i REALLY would like to draw out is raphael meeting with gabriel after he shows the councilor's head to heaven - raphael finds him before he leaves for hell and it's just...very quietly tragic, because the archangels in my headcanon are all connected, sharing in their souls and emotion. for gabriel's light to be ripped from him, for him to be bound for hell and surely for his death, is incredibly traumatizing for raphael, who will now also essentially be alone - michael left when god disappeared and uriel is in "meditation" (a coma really) so it's just been raphael and gabriel left, seeing each other in their brief times for rest (they all lived together - they would check on uriel before sitting together in the little time they had) they had drifted with all their duties, but they were forever bound as siblings and they took a lot of solace in each other's presence. at least that was constant. but now michael is gone, uriel won't wake up, and gabriel is dying. raphael is left as the last archangel standing and surely all of heaven will look to him for leadership. and gabriel knows he will be a good steward, not power hungry in the slightest. yet raphael is betrayed, hurt, he can't understand why this happened, why gabriel has to go now. there's so much to say and no time to say it. so ultimately raphael just embraces and blesses him (to gabriel's surprise given his slaughter of the council), telling him to take care even if there's no time left. i just. i love the archangels as a little sibling group that's fallen apart, yet there is still love in each of them ;~;
another scenario (or...set of vignettes i suppose) deal with v1's time before man's extinction, when it was still being tested in its facility. v1 was actually fairly "close" with the mechanics that repaired it and they got to know a lot of its idiosyncrasies (as well as v1 still using a lot of their vocabulary when it signs now) i have like. an entire silly scene where they wake it up for a little office party (NOT supposed to!!!!) and how v1 sometimes liked to "play hooky" from drills by pretending to be broken in some way (the mechanics got wise to it eventually, telling it that if it keeps that up they're gonna turn it back into scrap!!!) it didn't form any deep bonds with them like it might be able to now since it wasn't advanced enough then, but v1 remembers them fondly now that it has the capacity to. additionally, in that comic i made about meeting its makers in violence, i thought about including a little scene where one of the husks repairs some damage that had been done that blood couldn't heal and v1....sort of having a split-second of hesitation. because. that must be a mechanic. and in some way, it misses them. but really, all they want is for v1 to survive - that's why they would always fix it, even now.
OUGH also when v1 absolutely freaks out earlier on in its relationship with gabriel - i feel like i mentioned this at some point, but i really like the idea of gabriel becoming seriously injured in a fight with some demons/machines when he's adjusting to his fallen status, and in a panic v1 performs a blood transfusion. but. every single thing in its code screams at it not to, it has to bypass about a dozen security measures and shut down a decent portion of its functioning to allow itself to do so. but once it does, it realizes how off-programming the behavior was, to the point where it's convinced if it goes any further the corruption to its software will be so complete it risks fatal errors and brain death. so it bolts the minute gabriel comes to and it actually takes him about a week to find it again, absolutely terrified himself the entire time as he's not ready to lose v1 BUT ALSO significantly pissed off lol he's ready to give it plenty of shit upon reuniting with it, but with some explanation (as he REFUSES to let it run again), he comes to understand how serious this is...and just what v1 did for him in spite of all of its programming to the contrary.
THEN i just have a lot silly or cute things, like how v1 greatly enjoys bath time much to gabriel's surprise and often asks for "a wash" even when perfectly clean. i also KNOW i said this before, but v1 loves generating liminal pool rooms and impossible "animals" in its mind - it can spend HOURS doing this, and get VERY invested in it, but it didn't want gabe to be lonely so it made a "chatbot" to interact with him while it does this (v1 likes to call its internal bots "worker vee-s") he found it pretty funny since it was terrible, and quickly retired. oh oh and i also really like v1 and fallen gabriel staying with the ferryman for a bit when they don't yet have a place to live...and i talked about how the ferryman struggles accepting gabriel again, but i like to think gabriel still sings. he and v1 will snuggle in by the fire and he'll sing, just as beautiful as he did in haven even if it's now in the infernal language...and the ferryman will linger outside their door, listening to him sounding just the way he always has (they can get overwhelmed by it sometimes, but it helps when v1 cuts in with a midi remix lol) and finally since i've. gone on long enough. i know a lot of ppl do bird-coded gabe (rightfully so!!) but to me he is. sheep-coded. man will eat flowers right out of a window-box and headbutt as a primary way of attack. thank you.
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dinodogs · 1 year
💕✨ for the ask!!
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? -
I first got into rwby because of the godly fight scenes, the og nevermore fight is what hooked me and I still consider it to be one of my top 5 animated scenes of all time. Nowadays its moreso the amazing worldbuilding and characters, I have my issues with it, but rwby breaks so many tropes for anime and goes against so many standards, and I can really respect the writers for trying new things even if they don't work out. Rwby has so many queer, poc, and disabled characters, way more then your standard anime and it makes me so happy. Kerry, Eddy, and Kiersi are all great people and you can tell they listened to the communities feedback on the more diverse characters. I love seeing myself represented on screen in a way that feels accurate and really resonates with myself and many others.
That, and who doesn't love a bunch of fruity women with guns, swords, and gun-swords fighting monsters?
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Ough how do I even start with how fucking much I love Ruby Rose. This idiot has taken over my brain waves and she refuses to let them go. Ruby is just so much like myself, to the point that seeing her beginning to heal from her trauma has pushed me to really start working on myself as well. Especially in v9, god a lot of that got to me because Rubys emotions and experiences lined up with my own so closely, it was like seeing myself on screen. The portrayal of her decline and struggles were so real, I wasn't even shocked to learn that a lot of it was based on the writers own struggles. Ruby has so much depth to her, no matter what people say, she's so much more then a black and white protag, hell she's one of the only good female protags in anime I know of. It makes her even better when you learn she's canonically neurodivergent!!! Ruby has far, far too much to her for me to get into without making a mile long post.
I just want to squeeze her like a squeaky toy
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m1d-45 · 2 years
" archons who lose their character, things they held dear falling to dust, their minds swallowed by the alternate and their separate realm of existence- OH WHAT If"
you got pretty much exactly what I was trying to convey, I wanted the archons to lose their minds by praying/being near alternate creator and the children to be more susceptible/the first to fall in this apocalypse scenario
BUT ALSO THE SHIT U MENTIONED AT THE END, it's so good angst and sadness that I love. having people put there complete and utter trust in a lie and be corrupted by this incredibly horrific disgusting thing. that just keeps sucking away at them
but just how I love angst I love happy endings. so what about the reader descending down to teyvat? how would their presence respond to the cold darker place teyvat has turned into
but also if the reader couldn't escape their alternate in their reality, how would they go about surviving in teyvat? what would the alternate!archons do? what if the reader healed the broken spirits of the people? what if reader meets one of the archons and they just know, they know they've been played but that it's you who is their god
ooo just thoughts, let's just say I love this au, it has potential.
-🍄 (most of what I've been writing about isn't really in the Mandela catalogue I think, I'm mostly using it as a basis of my thought process so don't feel bad that you haven't seen it. I think where both pretty even on our understanding of the canonical Mandela catalogue, anyways ily take care)
mushroom welcome back my dear
as always, below the readmore :)
i’m reading this with the alternate!creator being readers alternate bc they’re the creator btw, so i imagine they’ve at least encountered one, even if they don’t remember it.
but alternate!archons meeting reader…
if we take that to mean the alternates of the archons, they both recognize you on sight and are either deathly afraid or insanely angry. you’re the one thing that can topple their empire, so they’re either afraid of you for it or pissed off at you. why would you ruin what they’ve built? can’t you see it’s perfect enough?
if we take that to mean corrupted archons being driven to the alternate!creator by their own twisted faith, then….. ough…
corrupted archons who don’t know why they feel so strongly for you, emotions they forgot they had resurfacing with a vengeance. they’re husks, empty shells of gods, puppets who don’t know anything but their ‘god’. their friends have left them and they don’t do anything without a given order, sitting in mental stasis until they’re called upon.
so you?
when you come in, and they feel, and they need, and they have urges and temptations and suddenly it’s as if they’re seeing color for the first time, the beautiful shade of your eyes drawing them back to a world they barely remember.
i can see it going two ways.
either the alternate’s hold on them forces their hand without their meaning to, and they have to watch as they destroy the one light in their life of shadow. their body is hateful when their mind is not, and they have to watch, stuck, as you run in fear, betrayal in your eyes.
or, they still have a semblance of control. they can hiss in a breath, reaching a hand for you, slowly and shaking as they reach, hand outstretched. the corruption within them hisses and seethes, yanking them back from the light, and the best they can do is repress the pull until you’re far enough away that they can scream.
they’re caught in a web they can’t control, strings pulling at their body and telling them to kill, to remove the brightness, and they don’t know whether to follow. they like you, they like the light you bring and how it feels as if everything will be okay, that they don’t have to worry, that they can close their eyes and rest.
the darkness says that your light is evil, that youre made of poison and full of knives. and it’s the only thing they know, so they listen.
(should they?)
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staghunters · 1 year
7, 21, 34
7: Have tattoos?
One on my bicep! I got it from my first salary from the bookstore I work at, so it's got a lotta meaning just for that. It's based on the Seven Ravens tale by the brother's Grimm, which is my fave.
When it's summer and customers spot it, I usually get the question if it's an M.C. Escher design. (It's not, I did draw it myself and maybe I'll not like it as much in the future, but then at least I can still say it's my own thing. Like a bad kids drawing. They always keep some nostalgia)
(not the best pic because it curls around a bit, but this is when it was just healed)
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21: What I love most about myself
Ough! Eeeeh I like that I can remain super chill in most situations? Maybe 'cause I'm always under some sort of stress, but I don't tend to get panicky or on edge that easily. It makes me a good listener, too, or so I'd like to think.
34: What I find attractive in women
Haha Generally? Hair, some kind of softness, careful touches but tight hugs, an inate sense of understanding without words.
Specifically, I do seem to have a type in gingers lol (this is not me saying I simp for Van/Liv or smth sajkdhfjd. I respect them, but I lean more towards futch/femme, if we wanna put a label on it). But yeah! Freckles! Toothy smiles! When people match my energy but don't really go over it. Talking about movies and shows and getting Deep with it, or just silly. Long hair that I can sift through my fingers like it will never end, frizzy from the humidity that's outside, and then braid it because that's something I've yet to cross of a list.
Idk, lying in bed and playing some spot-the-differences between them and me. I've always liked to spot details and catalog them.
Thanks for asking!
Nosy Asks
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