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katrasining · 10 months ago
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IvanTill in a historical drama 🖤💚
ok so my brainrot while drawing this was...
Ivan's a noble that gets hurt in an assassination attempt in the countryside. He's left behind, nearly dying by the river when Till, a commoner, came by to get water. Till was an apprentice apothecary so when he finds that Ivan was not breathing, he does cpr (cus of course) and first aid before dragging him back to the village to tend to his wounds. Ivan wakes up and stays for recovery.
*cue Ivan slowly falling head over heels for his lil savior*
Mizi's the local village sweetheart that Till likes Sua's Ivan's sister, one of the imperial princesses (so Ivan's an imperial prince) Luka is the crowned prince and Ivan's half brother Hyuna is a wanted vigilante (hates Luka cus he executed Hyunwoo on false charges)
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karasukarei · 6 months ago
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 - Oedo-style Fuurin Tale (Part 4 - final)
Translation masterpost here!
Part 1 here! Part 2 here! Part 3 here!
Special thanks to @orewing !
Scene 12 – 21:53~24:40
Choji: That’s great, that’s great! Ume-chan is really strong!
Umemiya: *panting* (t/n: this is really hot) You too Tomiyama! 
Sakura: Come at me again with all your strength!
Togame: Igoatama (t/n: literally “the guy behind”; this is Togame’s nickname for Sakura here instead of othello)... You’re stronger than I expected…
Hiiragi: Umemiya! Sakura!
Choji: Eh? Your friends are here?
Togame: There should’ve been a lot of our guys downstairs too…
Enomoto: If it’s those guys you’rrrrrrre talking about, we’ve cleaned them up!
Hiiragi: Yeah. Surrender now.
Togame: Ehhh? As expected of Fuurin-gumi. You guys are as strong as the rumours say.
*sheathes / drops sword*
Umemiya: We didn’t come to fight with your for the sake of it. I don’t know what your motive is, but stop your evil act of taking haori from samurai right aw-
Choji: Ah! That’s fine!
Umemiya: Eh?
Choji: We’re not taking haori anymore. We were looking for a legendary haori, but we don’t need it anymore.
Everybody: Huh?
Togame: Huuuuuuuuuuh? (t/n: it’s a suuuuper long and slow “huuuuuuuh”. Like a tortoise) Wait, why? You were saying you wanted it so badly just now, right? That’s why we’ve been working so ha-
Choji: I had a suuuper fun time fighting with Ume-chan today! But if I get the haori and become stronger than anyone else, I won’t be able to have fun duels with Ume-chan anymore, right? I thought that’ll be really boring!
Togame: Ehhhhh…?
Umemiya: I don’t really get it, but does that mean you’ll stop coming to wreck the town?
Choji: Yup, I’ll return all the haori we took too!
Umemiya: Oh, is that so? Then as for this incident, let’s just drop it here?
Hiiragi: *with his stomach in anguish* If you guys are fine with it that’s alright.
Kiryuu: Eh? Eh? So we’re really just going to end it like this?
Suo: Looks like it.
Sakura: Anyway, what’s with this “legendary haori”?
Choji: Hmm, recently when I was in town, I heard a rumour! A legendary haori that raises your strength, and makes you stronger than anyone else when you wear it!
Tsuge: What’s that!? Sounds real great!
Choji: Right, right?!
Togame: When I went to ask around, it seems that the samurai who was wearing that haori was in the next town over, and Choji came to look for him.
Kiryuu: So that’s why you were taking the haori of samurai..
Nirei: But in the end, you never found it right? I heard rumours that you’ll recognise it right away, cos it’s a flashy pattern that you rarely see in Edo.
Suo: Ah! Could that haori be…?
Scene 13 – 24:40~end
Umemiya: Alright! Wait there a little till the camera is ready!
Nirei: Understood!
Hiiragi: Even then, who would’ve thought that the legendary haori Tomiyama was after was Nirei’s haori?
Nirei: Ah, ahahah… hahaha…
Tsuge: But in the end, that’s just a regular, flashy haori right? Why did so many rumours spring from it?
Nirei: Uh, that’s… Before I joined Fuurin-gumi, I wanted to at least look like I was a strong person, so I wore that haori. And when I wore it i really looked like I was stronger and I was really happy, and when I was speaking to the people in town, I told them that I was overflowing with power, that I felt strong just from wearing it, and things started to get mixed up.
Kiryuu: So while you were telling many people about this, the story got twisted more and more…
Suo: And it turned into the rumour of the haori that makes you stronger than anyone else when you wear it, right?
Sugi (?): How foolish…
Nirei: I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused!
Umemiya: But we managed to have a meaningful exchange with Shishi-no-Kashira when we previously had no interaction with them at all, it’s all thanks to Nirei’s haori!
Nirei: Umemiya-san!!! *one the verge of tears*
Umemiya: When we spoke they seemed like really interesting fellows too, next time let’s go visit them!
Sakura: But we can’t interfere with my settlement with Togame.
Hiiragi: Looks like we’re getting more troublesome things now.
Enomoto: Since we’rrrrrre taking photos today, arrrrrren’t you wearrrrring that haorrrrrri?
Nirei: Yes! I’m still weak and can only be on lookouts now, but from now on I’m going to work hard so that I can properly protect this town!
Hiiragi: That’s a good ambition.
Nirei: Yes!
Suo: Bye the way, hasn’t Sakura been wandering around here for a while now?
Tsuge: It’s his first time in a photo studio.
Sakural: This isn’t a place I’d just go to like that!
Kiryuu: Is the photo today to commemorate the end of the Shishi-no-kashira incident?
Umemiya: Yeah, there’s that too, but the main reason we’re coming to take photos is to commemorate Sakura and friends joining Fuurin-gumi!
Sakura: There’s no need to take photographs just for this!
Umemiya: Ehhh? It’s fine isn’t it?
Nirei: I’m really happy about it! Sakura’s really happy about it too, right?
Sakura: Eh?! It’s not like I’m happy about it…!
Suo: You’re not really honest are you?
Sakura: Shut up!
Kaji: The camera is ready.
Umemiya: Aight! Ok everyone! Gather here! Sugishita too, don’t leave any gaps, come right here!
Sugi: Yes…
Umemiya: Right! We’re taking the photo now! Smile everyone, don’t move! Thank you!
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hellishfig · 1 year ago
just finished www #23: on your way, and i have many thoughts. all of them make me want to cry.
ame knowing as soon as she got back to the cottage that her actions had burned a bridge, not just with the citadel but with one of her best friends, and yet still needing to complete her tasks as the witch of the world's heart. the spirits she awakens so as not to leave the cottage untended or unprotected, and the way she asks and does not take. the note she leaves, should her friends make it there.
eursulon in the fire, followed by the man in black, who is a brother in the way all spirits are brethren, but not the sibling eursulon seeks. leaving through the burrow, fighting monstrosities, and seeing the citadel raze cities to ruin beside a jungle of rot. finding the tree. his tree. the tree that is emblazoned on his shield, his coat of arms, what he fights to protect. and inside... his sister. a family she made for herself.
and suvi. hurt but still afraid that ame will die if she stays. determined to not let that happen. conversations with steel where she says that another wizard said that the wizard sly lied, or did not tell the full truth. commiseration, but suvi holds back the full truth, and suspects steel of doing the same. an airship to fly north. to protect ame, yes. but the mage armor mean that no creature or spirit or witch will ever be able to touch her again. broken trust, if not broken love.
and through it all, the thread that the citadel represents a threat to the world's heart itself, and to all spirits beyond. the council of elders wishes to neutralize that threat. grandmother wren did not.
questions moving forward: what is the true purpose of the war on gaothmai being waged by the empire? why does kalaya's family look like suvi? is suvi going to have a villain arc? i have my theories, but i'll get into those in other posts.
thank you to the worlds beyond number cast and crew for giving us this incredible story. i'm so excited to see where you take us next.
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blueesnow · 8 months ago
(10/10) Epic of Salvation - LE Event Story Translation (UR Tokiya, SR Cecil)
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Synopsis: ...Once upon a time, there was a war between humans and demons in the world, and the human fought them off with the "power" that was bestowed upon them by heaven. However now that time has passed, the "power" somehow begin to faded away—A royal fantasy drama passionately performed by Tokiya and Cecil is about to start!
Ch 1:
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Tokiya: …~♪ Phew. I wonder if the prayer that I put into the song finally reached someone. Tokiya: (Hm? That sound just now… don't tell me an intruder? …No, the castle's security should be well-guarded) Tokiya: Who's there? Quietly show yourself. Tokiya: Wha… A woman…inside a light? You, are you okay? Tokiya: Oh, you wake up, thank goodness. …You don't seem to be injured. Here take my hand, can you get up? Tokiya: Well then… let me ask you once again. Who are you, and how did you end up lying here. Besides what exactly is those light… Tokiya: …Oi, why didn't you say anything. You could at the very least give me a name… Tokiya: You know nothing? You don't have any memory, you said? Tokiya: …Looks like you're not lying. I do want to trust you but… Tokiya: What's the matter? If you can somehow remember something, no matter how little it is… Tokiya: …You heard a song, you said? Tokiya: You were being led by a singing voice, and that's why you're here. …. Tokiya: (If what she said was the truth, then it matched up with what the legend says. It would also fill up the reason as to why she suddenly appeared too) Tokiya: (And yet that mysterious light just now… Don't tell me, she's actually…) Tokiya: (…No, it's too early to jump to conclusion. Let's wait for a while and see the situation. Besides my song is just a song after all) Tokiya: Hm? Oh… The one who sang just now was me. Tokiya: … I-I see. I'm grateful to hear a compliment from you. Tokiya: It's getting late now. I'll show you around the castle. If you have an amnesia, you probably don't have anywhere to go to, right. Tokiya: You don't need to hold back. Besides I'd feel bad leaving you out here alone in the night. ….Ah, right, I haven't introduce myself, didn't I. Tokiya: My name is Tokiya. I'm the prince of this country.
Ch 2:
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-Edelduhr* Castle's Lakeside- Vassal: Prince Tokiya, so this is where you have been. I've brought the person from yesterday. Tokiya: Oh, good work. …Well then, did you sleep well yesterday? …That's good. Tokiya: Let me introduce myself once again. I'm… the prince of this country, Edelduhr Empire, Tokiya. Vassal: Tokiya-sama is the "third prince" of a noble imperial blood. Please be careful as to not be disrespectful toward him. Tokiya: …Cough. You can return now and continue with your duties. Tokiya: …Although it's only been a night, how's your condition. Did you remember something…? Tokiya: Though it's not like it'll be that easy to recover them huh. Sorry, you can forget about that just now. Tokiya: …What's with that look on your face. Is it so surprising that I'd believe in your story? Tokiya: It's true that I was a bit skeptical of it at first, but… I do have a few things in mind regarding you. Tokiya: …Or what, are you telling me that your true identity was actually an assassin targeting a royal family? Tokiya: …I was just kidding. You don't have to deny it so seriously. Tokiya: I don't sense any hostility or malice from you. I have an ability to discern whether someone is a threat or not after all. Tokiya: …It's not something to be praised for. I've just been trained like this since I was a child. Tokiya: It's a skill that you should have in order to protect yourself. …Especially, for someone like me. Tokiya: …Hm? Oh no, it's nothing. Anyway, I have a suggestion for you. Tokiya: Why don't you live here in the castle and be my caretaker for a while? Tokiya: This is the place where all kinds of information gathered here. Maybe one of them might be related to your memories. Tokiya: It might be much more efficient than just randomly searching for clues, right? So, how about it? Tokiya: …All right, well then I'm going to make an arrangements to welcome you. You don't need to thank me. Tokiya: If there's anyone who lost their way, I will lend them a hand. That's what you should do as someone who was born to lead their people.
*: I'm translating it as Edelduhr's Empire for now. The jp name was エーデルドゥール and you can read it as ēderudo~ūru in romaji.
Ch 3 :
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-A few days later- Cecil: So Tokiya, where is she right now? Tokiya: Wait for a moment. She'll come soon… Oh, look there she is. We're right here. Cecil: Oh, so you're that rumoured "Messiah"! I've been wanting to meet you. Cecil: As I thought, you're such a wonderful person. She looks as if she's a goddess herself. Tokiya: Hey Cecil, look you're bothering her. …I'm sorry for surprising you. Tokiya: This person is a prince from a neighbour country called "Forsden* Kingdom", Cecil. Our country are on good terms with each other. Cecil: Nice to meet you, I'm Cecil. I'm the 3rd prince just like Tokiya, I hope we can get along well. Tokiya: Why you… This is your first time meeting her, so why don't you be a little bit more polite— Cecil: I've heard from Tokiya. You were attracted by his singing voice and that's how you came to this country, right? Cecil: To think that the legendary "Messiah" herself has appeared right before my eyes. It's very assuring to know. Cecil: Eh…you never heard of this story before? Tokiya, you didn't tell her? Tokiya: …I have no proof that she is what we're talking about. Besides I didn't think it was the time to talk about it yet. Cecil: But, she appeared right on this lakedise, didn't she? Isn't that literally matched with what the legend of Edelduhr says? Tokiya: It would be rash to judge based on the current situation alone. I can't be sure until I actually see the Messiah's "power" within my own eyes. Tokiya: And most importantly, she has lost her memory. Talking about it like this will only make her more confused. Cecil: Oh, so that's what it is. It seems like Tokiya really care about you. He may look grumpy, but deep down he's kindhearted. Tokiya: Don't you make fun of me. ….But well, I can't keep quiet about it forever, can I. Tokiya: It might be quite an ambiguous story and it may also be a burden toward you…but even so, would you like to listen to it? Tokiya: …Thank you. First, let me explain the situation of our country right from the very beginning.
*: Same with before, I've just translate this one as Forsden (the same as mtl). The jp name was フォルスデン and you can read it as forusuden in romaji.
Ch 4:
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Tokiya: A long time ago, there were frequent wars that happened between humans and demons in the world. Tokiya: The demons have an overwhelming physical capabilities, and we as humans are no match for them in a proper fight. It was even impossible to communicate with them. Tokiya: However, there were some people who bravely stood up against them. Those people are the one who held special "powers" in their hands. Cecil: For example, some people could freely control the wind at will. While the others could create fire and water, or even heal an injury. Cecil: …And like this the "power" that people can use varies from one and another. Tokiya: People worshipped this "power" that exceeded human knowledge as a gift from the heaven, and those who defeated the demons became heroes. Tokiya: Eventually, they created their own countries, thus establishing the world as we know it today. Cecil: Among the several countries that were formed, Tokiya's country, Edelduhr in particular gathered a lot of people with special "powers". Cecil: As a country that was deeply influenced by the breath of God, it had become a great empire that reigned at the center of the world. Tokiya: …That was once in the past. As time passes the world will change as well. Tokiya: The "power" that was once abundant in the world a long time ago has faded with the passage of time and become a rare commodity. Tokiya: Nowadays, the only people who have "power" are the imperial family, a few members of the aristocracy, and a handful of ordinary people. Tokiya: …Me? No, I'm just a normal human with nothing in my hands. Cecil: I'm also the same as Tokiya. I'm supposed to be a member of the royal family, but I can't even use those "power". Cecil: Even though our older brothers already have impressive "power" in their hands. Tokiya: … Tokiya: …However, recently there have been incidents happened that indicate the resurrection of the demons. Tokiya: There are only faint signs for now, but it won't be long before a conflict breaks out once again. Cecil: Even if we were to try to defeat them again, there are only a few of us who can use "power". There is a huge difference in strength between now and the past. Cecil: But at that time you… the Messiah appeared.
Ch 5:
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Cecil: There's a legend that has been passed down since a long time ago in Edelduhr Empire. Cecil: When the world faces the demons once again, offer a song from the bottom of your heart to the lake in front of the castle. Cecil: And the Messiah of this world shall appear and destroy those demons… Cecil: Look, it's literally the same situation as when you first showed up, right? We've been looking forward for your arrival. Tokiya: I told you before that it hasn't been decided yet, right, Cecil. And besides we don't even know whether the legend itself is true in the first place. Tokiya: It could just be a rumor that was started by someone who was worried and wanted to ease their minds, and naturally those story just grew bigger and bigger on its own. Cecil: You're as serious as always, aren't you, Tokiya. Tokiya: …It's not like I'm completely denying it. I'd be happy too to know if the Messiah herself has finally appeared. Cecil: I know. I think it's the right thing to do to be cautious about information. Cecil: But I can't help but feel hopeful when she finally appeared as if she had sensed our crisis. Cecil: Even though we keep losing our "power", we can still fight against the demons. I can't help but think that this is such a good omen. Tokiya: …Only time will tell if the legend is true or not. Tokiya: Anyway, we just have to do whatever we can for now. Cecil: …That's right. We'll definitely have to fight the demons sooner or later. We need to prepare for that time. Tokiya: …Don't you worry. We're not going to stand by without doing anything. Tokiya: Right now my country and Cecil's country are working together to strengthen the vigilance of the surrounding areas. Tokiya: We're sending out scouts to gather information in various places, so if anything happens we'll be notified right away. Cecil: Our older brothers are also leaving to a neighbouring country to gain more allies. Cecil: I'm sure they'll be back bringing good news with them. Tokiya: ….Right. ….
Ch 6:
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Tokiya: … Tokiya: Who's there? Oh… it's you. What is it, you can't sleep? Tokiya: …Not really, I'm not particularly feeling down or anything. There's nothing for you to worry about. Tokiya: Don't mind me and go back inside. …I told you before it's nothing, okay. Tokiya: …You're more stubborn than I thought. Tokiya: What I'm about to say now is just a trivial monologue. If you want to listen, feel free to do so. Tokiya: Even though I'm of an imperial blood, I wasn't blessed with "power" unlike my older brothers. Tokiya: Ever since I was a child I used to think that my fate was cursed. But even if I lament on it, God won't show me mercy. Tokiya: Once I realized that, I devoted myself to improve my swordsmanship. Tokiya: Even though it may be quite an insignificant power that can't even become real, I couldn't help but do something. Tokiya: …When the signs of the demons' revival finally showed up, I actually volunteered to be a scout. But I wasn't allowed to. Tokiya: I guess the Emperor and my brothers probably don't have any expectations for someone who doesn't have "power" to begin with. Tokiya: No…they probably already aware of it. In the first place I actually prefer music rather than swordsmanship. Tokiya: It was also the same on the day you appeared too. I was actually there singing to vent all of my feelings. Tokiya: I guess it's natural to be disappointed. No matter how much you sincerely love singing, a song like that is useless. Tokiya: There's no way someone like me could summon the Messiah here… Tokiya: …. The song, was my power…you said? Tokiya: I've never thought of that before… But, if that is true…then… Vassal 1: Pardon my intrusion! A group of demons has been spotted in the east. The Emperor has ordered you to attend the meeting immediately. Tokiya: …! The time has finally come, huh.
Ch 7:
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Tokiya: One of you come with me. The other will escort her to her room. Tokiya: …You don't have to worry about anything. Now, let's go. Vassal 2: —That's the end of the status report. The demons are expected to arrive near the border tomorrow. Tokiya: (They're moving faster than I thought. I'm going to plead with my father to let me fight on the front lines as well.) Tokiya: (If what she said was true, that I too have my own "power"…then I might be able to fulfill my duties as a member of the imperial family.) - Tokiya: Brave soldiers of our country and our allies! All of you are gathered here together in response to the Emperor's orders. Tokiya: As someone who has been entrusted with commanding the front lines, I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. I'm proud of all of your courageous will for standing here. Cecil: Let's face this battle with unyielding courage. If our thoughts are becoming one, then there's no need to fear the threat of the demons. Tokiya: The only thing that lies ahead of us is victory. Let's move forward together to a bright future! Tokiya: We will now begin the ceremony before we march to the battlefield. Let's turn our vow of victory into a song and dedicate it to everyone. Tokiya: ~♪ Tokiya: … Cecil: (What is this light…? It's like power keeps coming out from inside his body) Cecil: (Somehow I feel like I won't lose to any enemy right now. …I see, so this is Tokiya's "power"…) Tokiya: Glory to our homeland "Edelduhr Empire" and also to our ally "Forsden Kingdom"! Tokiya: …I'm convinced now. It seems like my song has the power to increase our ability to fight against the demons. Tokiya: To think that I can also fulfill my duties on the battlefield. It was thanks to you to made me realize this, thank you. Tokiya: (This light…! The "power" became much more stronger from where I touched her hand…) Tokiya: (Don't tell me, this is her… the Messiah's power…!?) Tokiya: In my name, I beg of you. Would you please lend me your power to save this country?
Ch 8:
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-Wilderness- Tokiya: Thank you for coming here with us. Don't you dare leave my side, okay. Tokiya: …The demons have already begun their invasion. The situation is not good, and our forces are overwhelmingly at a disadvantage. Tokiya: But there's no need to be afraid. As long as you were here, there's no way we're going to lose. Tokiya: Everyone, prepare your swords! Now it's time to attack! Tokiya: Here we go! …Haa! - Tokiya: *pant* Just how many of them are there exactly? They keep coming out one after another. Tokiya: Although everyone is trying their best, there's just no end to it. If it continues like this… Tokiya: …! You, stand behind me! Tokiya: Urgh… Such strength…! Tokiya: (At this rate, I'm going to lose. I have to at least protect her…!) Tokiya: (This light… it's from her "power"! …That's right, this is no time to be getting weak.) Tokiya: There's no way I'm going to fall down on my knees in a place like this. …Haa! Tokiya: …Even though I was supposed to be the one protecting you, I ended up getting helped instead. Even so, what a mysterious "power" that was. Tokiya: Not only just my physical strength, but I also feel like I'm getting much more stronger mentally as well. Thanks to it, I'm fully awake now. Tokiya: (I'm the prince. To all the people who are waiting for victory, the soldiers who fight alongside me, and also her… I'll make sure to definitely protect them all.) Tokiya: I won't let you lay even a finger on the people that I care about. …Haaa! Tokiya: Everyone, don't give up just yet! Look beyond the hill, the enemy numbers are definitely decreasing. Tokiya: Hold your pride in your heart and swing your sword. Protect those you love with your hands. Tokiya: I'll lead the way. Come and follow me, my dear soldiers. Tokiya: We will definitely win this war and take the first step towards peace!
Ch 9:
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-Edelduhr Castle's Lakeside- Tokiya: …Thank god we made it back safely. I'm glad that I was able to report the victory to the Emperor. Cecil: We were also very grateful to you as well. You were one of the heroes who contributed to the victory without any problems after all. Tokiya: That's right. But I remember you looked like a borrowed cat* during the audience. Weren't you more nervous at that time than when you were on the battlefield? Tokiya: …What you were thinking soon appeared on your face. I'll never get bored watching it. Cecil: What is it, looks like you two seems to be getting along well just now. Getting ahead yourself is unfair y'know, Tokiya. Cecil: To think that he finally awakened a wonderful "power", leaving me, his best friend, behind all alone. Tokiya: Actually I still can't believe that as well. Tokiya: If it's not for that "power" of song, this victory might not have happened. Cecil: Yeah, that was really amazing. But that wasn't the only reason why we win, right? Cecil: Tokiya has also honed his swordsmanship. And your subordinates know as well that you work much more harder than anyone else. Cecil: It was because of Tokiya that was leading the way that everyone was able to perform beyond their capabilities. Tokiya: …I am very grateful to those who believed in me and followed me. Tokiya: But even if you say that, you also took part in the victory, aren't you? You led the reinforcements into the battle after all. Cecil: Tokiya… Tokiya: Thanks to Cecil's army's surprise attack on the back, the enemy's formation was thrown into disarray. Tokiya: It was precisely because our forces were dispersed that our army was able to attack all at once. Cecil: …That's right. If even one of them had been missing, we might have succumbed to the momentum of the demons. Cecil: This victory was achieved thanks to everyone. Of course, that also includes you too. Tokiya: Yeah. Your presence became our hope. Not only did you give us "power", but you also saved our hearts as well. Tokiya: I'm really glad that I met you. …Thank you.
*: It's a Japanese phrase 借りてきた猫 and is used to refer to situation in which someone acts all quiet and meek (in contrast of their usual behaviour) due to nervousness and/or shyness when they are in an unfamiliar environment.
Ch 10:
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Cecil: Hmm, what a nice breeze. It's hard to believe that we were fighting the demons just a little while ago. Cecil: Oh, look. There are birds playing on the lake. They're so cute. Tokiya: What are you being so carefree about… You don't think the war is over yet, do you? Cecil: I know that. This time, we may have only temporarily repelled the enemy. Cecil: Although we were able to reduce the enemy's strength a little, the demons will surely attack once again. Tokiya: Yeah. There's no time to bask in the afterglow of victory. Tokiya: We need to quickly gather forces to be our allies as soon as possible…such as people who possess "power" from each country. Cecil: We should also investigate as to why the demons are being resurrected now. Cecil: If we don't remove the source of the problem, the same thing will happen all over again. Tokiya: …Looks like we need to work together with our brothers to gather information. Tokiya: They're in another country right now, but they'll be returning soon. Since you're the Messiah, I must also introduce you to them. Cecil: If it's like that, then why don't we introduce her to the whole world? Cecil: The fact that the Messiah has appeared will be a ray of hope for everyone. It will also help to unify and bring people together. Tokiya: I have no objections. …Though I'm a little bit hesitant about it. Cecil: Fufu. Don't tell me you don't like it that she'll soon become popular? Tokiya: That's not it. It's just that I thought she might be in trouble if we suddenly drew attention to her. Cecil: If you keep acting like that, someone else might take her away from you y'know? Like me, for example. Tokiya: I told you before it's not like that… You know what, this conversation is over. Tokiya: I would like to thank you once again. I am truly grateful that you were willing to fought alongside us despite the danger. Tokiya: We need your help in order to restore new peace. Please continue to be our goddess of hope.
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sexlovelitpodcast · 11 months ago
Sex Love Lit girlies! I watched Crash Landing On You (my first k-drama) and now I have a conundrum: A) I want to watch more k-dramas, and B) No k-drama can seem to measure up to CLOY 😭 Could you put together a playlist of entry-level k-dramas for new fans that capture the CLOY magic? Bonus points if they’re on Netflix
@sliceoflifegirl thanks for the ask!
(Corinne here) First of all, welcome to KDrama land! Crash Landing on You was my second ever KDrama, and the one that really got me hooked. I’m gonna be honest, it’s a hard one to top when you’re mid emotional hangover! That said, I love this ask and recommending KDramas to people, so I’m more than happy to recommend some. My strategy here, rather than recommend something that exactly mimics CLoY (because imo, there’s nothing exactly like it), is to recommend dramas that I think are some of the best of their genre—with some aspect that might help scratch that CLOY itch ;) So, without further ado, here is your KDrama Starter Pack: 
Goblin aka Guardian: The Lonely and Great God—This fantasy romance is a classic for a reason. The set-up: 900+ year old goblin Kim Shin is on a quest to find the goblin bride to pull the sword out of his chest and finally let him die. The catch: when he finds goblin bride Eun-tak and starts to fall in love with her, he wonders if there might be something to this whole “life” thing after all. Also featured: a glum Grim Reaper, with whom Kim Shin has a top tier bromance, who has a doomed romance of his own. Goblin gave me one of the biggest emotional hangovers post-CLOY in my early KDrama days. One caveat: Kim Shin meets Eun Tak when she’s in high school, so if huge age gaps in fantasy romances give you the ick, maybe give this one a pass (in which case the fantasy romances I recommend checking out instead are Alchemy of Souls and Doom at Your Service, both on Netflix atm). (On Viki)
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Mr. Sunshine—My pick for one of the best historical (aka sageuk) KDramas out there. Set in early 1900’s Joseon, just before/in the early days of Japanese occupation, this drama follows the lives of five equally compelling characters as they navigate the political turmoil of the time. At the center are Lady Ae-sin, an aristocratic lady with a tendency for dressing up as a man and sneaking around at night on missions for the rebels, and Eugene Choi, an American Marine now stationed in Joseon who escaped enslavement there as a child and has mixed feelings about the land of his birth. This one resonates with the forbidden/doomed love of people from different classes and cultures from CLOY. (On Netflix)
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Reply 1988—This slice of live drama set in Seoul in 1988 follows five families who live in the same neighborhood, and especially five of their high school aged children as they grow up during a particularly vibrant time in South Korea’s recent history. Like the other installments in the Reply series, the series uses two of the main characters in the present day (or present to when it was released, anyway) looking back—which means that viewers know the Deok-sun ends up married to one of her four besties, but which one?? Still, while the love triangle mystery is fun, at its heart, this story is about community. It’ll scratch the CLoY itch for the North Korean market lady shenanigans, and a few others as well (especially if you like intense yearning in your dramas). (On Netflix)
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Business Proposal—If you’d like romance of a completely different genre than CLOY, look no further than Business Proposal! In this KDrama, Shin Ha-ri goes on a blind date in place of her friend as a favor only find out that the date is with her boss. This tightly plotted romantic comedy plays with more rom com tropes than you can shake a stick at, but never sits with one so long that it gets old. The B couple is also fire, and helps move things along whenever the A couple gets into a rut. This drama also features some chaebol (rich business family) shenanigans a la CLOY.  (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo–If you’re in the mood for a workplace comedy/drama, look no further than Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Featuring the incandescent Park Eun Bin as rookie attorney Woo Young Woo, this legal drama features about a case per episode as Attorney Woo finds her way in the world alongside a delightful main cast of characters. (On Netflix)
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Little Women—My choice for the makjang to include on this list (a genre in which extreme storylines are treated very seriously), this drama focuses on the three Oh sisters as the oldest finds that her friend who died under mysterious circumstances has left her 70 billion that a powerful political family will stop at nothing to get their hands on. Will the story always make complete sense? No. But will the stellar performances, fast-paced, genre-mixing drama, and wild cliffhangers keep you on the edge of your seat as you binge the whole thing? Absolutely. (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary You—Youth dramas may or may not be your thing, but if you have the patience for the shenanigans of high schools, Extraordinary You is my top pick. In this fantasy romance, Eun Dan-Oh discovers that she is actually a character in a comic–and she’s not even the main one! While still high school appropriate, Eun Dan-oh’s literally doomed-by-the-narrative and impossible circumstances romance with Haru, another side character, is another one from my early KDrama days to stick with me just as much as Yoon Se-ri and Ri Jeong-hyeokk’s. (On Viki)
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Search: WWW—Ayanni’s particular contribution to this list, this modern romantic drama focuses on intersecting lives of three women working in the fast-paced tech industry at the top two competing web portal companies. Just as interesting as each woman’s various romantic entanglement are their entanglements with each other as they put their careers ahead of just about everything else. Ayanni says she especially appreciates this one because it focuses specifically on three women (also in this genre are Be Melodramatic and Because this is My First Life). 
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Happy watching--and do let us know if you pick any of these up!
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naksushadows · 1 year ago
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Lee Jae Wook the versatile actor that you are ✨
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embraceweird · 11 months ago
Look I love Ame and Eursulon with all of my heart
But deep down in my soul I am a wizard and I will defend Suvi with my life
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duahauuoplanh · 8 months ago
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leejaewooknation · 2 years ago
When he's 90% legs lol
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zheniakirsikkalove · 9 months ago
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Search: WWW (2019) - Korean Drama
Ep. 7 - Ex-boyfriend ★Lee Dong Wook★ (and wedding invitation…)
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katrasining · 10 months ago
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goawaywithjae · 2 years ago
One of the best K-dramas of the year, "Queenmaker" is the latest superb female-centric series led by women in their 40s and 50s. It is fast-paced and nail-bitingly good. A political thriller with plenty of twists and turns, it centers on two foes who unite to take down a corrupt chaebol family that will stop at nothing to protect their financial and familial interests.
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teafiend · 1 year ago
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Screenshots and gifs credited to @Nungchae (Twitter/X)
KGY is so, so pretty 😍😍😍
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thebookishcrypt · 2 years ago
THE WITCHER: SEASON 3 UGH. Such a bittersweet feeling, seeing Henry on this season. This might be the last season I watch ’cause there will be no other Witcher for me but him :(. The soundtrack right off the bat, GLORIOUS!!! Oh my god how I missed Yennefer’s outfits. I want her dresses for myself. And the creatures are phenomenal!! They grossed me out which is definitely a point towards this…
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naksushadows · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday to the talented and versatile actor Lee Jae Wook!! 🤍🤍
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so2uv · 2 years ago
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