#dragoon md
shinxeysartgallery · 2 months
Art Fight 2024 Defenses
All the lovely art I got from everyone this year! Putting it below the cut!
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Defense #1 was drawn by Blood9paws Defense #2 was drawn by ThatMyrtleGirl Defense #3 was drawn by @azureisdark
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Defense #4 was drawn by Blood9paws (the other character is their OC, B!) Defense #5 was drawn by @evswashere Defense #6 was drawn by ShroomGloom
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Defense #7 was drawn by @vaporwavethe-synth Defense #8 was drawn by FlamingPhoenixDragon Defense #9 was drawn by @sammehshark
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Defense #10 was drawn by NURBURGRING Defense #11 was drawn by @robo-enjoyer Defense #12 was drawn by Sparklecat16
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Defense #13 was drawn by FoxerHoneyzz Defense #14 was drawn by @dibrobraintaichi Defense #15 was drawn by @whosskazu
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Defense #16 was drawn by rupurist Defense #17 was drawn by @salempaw Defense #18 was drawn by Blood9paws (the other character is their OC, Akemi!)
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Defense #19 was drawn by wenddrawsblockhands Defense #20 was already posted here! Defense #21 was drawn by Vuskle Defense #22 was drawn by Thaim
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Defense #23 was drawn by TeamGeeks Defense #24 was drawn by @7dreamondreamer Defense #25 was drawn by @sam1artz
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Defense #26 was drawn by Kaiyzonite Defense #27 was drawn by herburningchaos Defense #28 was drawn by @ollie-alooffloof
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Defense #29 was already posted here! Defense #30 was drawn by eggtoast Defense #31 was drawn by SpoxxieRuckus Defense #32 was drawn by JemtheGem
[Hit Tumblr's 30 image limit, so continuing this in a Part 2! The "thank you"s are there as well!]
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johntayjinf · 1 year
Naofumi Hataya, John Tay - [Alternate] (S&K) Boss Theme (YM2612 + SN76489)
There's not a lot to say for this track in general. Maybe some people have their curiosity on why this sounds how it does, so I'll explain.
I didn't put too much thought into writing the boss themes but I thought that it'd be a great idea to redeem Sonic Forces' well-known Classic Sonic theme (behind Green Hill, with terrible instrumentation), (Battle with) Egg Dragoon Mk. II. Couldn't decide on whether to use my personal spin or the original composition, so I took both, for the sake of my troubles.
Written by Naofumi Hataya, I felt like this was kind of a missed opportunity since the psuedo-Mega Drive FM synthesis didn't do the tracks any favors, so I thought it'd be a great inclusion to add, despite me, again, not putting too much thought into it. This is probably an unsung composition of the Classic Sonic songs because of its goofy nature, but it reminds me of the unused boss themes in Sonic 3D Blast (MD), so I took a liking to it. Jon Burton would disagree though (haha).
I also thought that making a fusion of both the S3K Major Boss themes together in the song would be nice, because why the fuck not. This was inspired by Sonic Robo Blast!'s SHOWTIME!! With the Mad Gigglyman... Eggman Boss Theme (well, if that isn't a mouthful then idk what is) by PhantomCryptik and Deadlyname15.
This song referenced Sonic 2's boss theme melody, and while I didn't take anything from Sonic 2, I did learn from it by giving the song a dedicated section to reference both the S3 miniboss and major boss themes, just to fill things up in the background. Some audio candy to chew on, if you will.
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bancho-zx · 7 months
【Genesis | Mega Drive】
Alisia Dragoon | アリシアドラグーン ~Intro/Demo
// Music: Mecano Associates | メカノ・アソシエイツ
// MiSTer FPGA / MegaDrive Nuked-MD core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT TV
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paperanddice · 3 years
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Ashworms are inhabitants of particularly sandy deserts, able to burrow quickly and easily through the soft surface to hunt prey and hide from more dangerous predators. They are effective in their niche, so much so that many different groups have sought to domesticate them as mounts. It is an ongoing process in most cases, though an elite force of ashworm dragoons have managed to establish themselves. Others who seek to train ashworms typically amputate the poisonous stinger to make it easier to handle.
About 14 feet long and covered in pale purple scales, ashworms resemble much, much smaller purple worms in some ways. They may be distant relatives of the massive monsters, but if so they are far less dangerous and aggressive. This doesn't mean they aren't dangerous, as wild ashworms travel in large herds that will often bring down large prey in order to feed the entire group. On its own, a single ashworm will usually avoid attacking creatures as large as an adult human, sticking to much smaller targets.
The ashworm's affinity to burrowing sometimes gives them an opening to escape dangerous attacks. If they are fast enough they can sometimes dive below the surface of the sand, completely escaping from the threat. On its own an ashworm will usually flee the battle at that point, but if directed by a rider or with its pack it will return to continue fighting.
Originally from Sandstorm. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as a spot on the Paper and Dice Discord server, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Ashworm Large beast, unaligned Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24) Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 5 ft. Str 21 (+5) Dex 10 (+0) Con 17 (+3) Int 1 (-5) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 6 (-2) Senses tremorsense 60 ft. passive Perception 11 Languages - Challenge 2 (450 XP) Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) piercing damage. Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. Reactions Evasive Diver. When the ashworm is on the ground and succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw in order to take half damage from an effect, it can instead take no damage and burrow 10 feet directly underground without provoking opportunity attacks. If the ashworm can't burrow into the terrain it is on, it can't use this ability. Any rider on the ashworm must make a separate DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, being swept off of the ashworm and left in the ashworm's space on a failure, or remaining mounted and taking no damage from the effect on a success.
13th Age
Ashworm 2nd level troop [beast] Initiative: +4 Poison Stinger +7 vs. AC - 5 damage Natural Even Hit: 5 ongoing poison damage. Evasive Dive: 1/round, as an interrupt action when the ashworm would take damage from a missed attack and it’s on a sandy surface, the ashworm can negate the miss damage of the attack and pop free of all enemies. The ashworm gains a +2 bonus to AC and PD until the start of its next turn. Any creature riding it when it performs this move must succeed on a saving throw or be knocked off the ashworm and left behind. Sand Burrower: The ashworm can burrow through sand and loose dirt without having to make a save, but cannot burrow through rock or similar surfaces at all. AC 17 PD 16 MD 12 HP 36
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echoofawind · 2 years
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Thank you Dragoon!!!!!
So let's see, I have at least a Google doc started for the following
- House, MD but making it SSHG . Snape is House, Hermione is Cameron, Draco is Foreman, George Weasley is Chase.
- While You Were Sleeping, but make it SSHG
- so many cultures have their version of Cinderella. What would the HP world one look like?
- A Time Travel SSHG inspired by the songs of Meatloaf, specifically I would do anything for love but I won't do that and two out of three ain't bad with a sprinkle of the Umbrella Academy
- Finishing up my Clone A Wand (A Willy lol) series
- A Gift fic that is based on The Young and the Restless
- A Gift Fic that has courting rituals (Snupin)
- another stalled gift fic. I need to not do gift fics because they stress me out and put too much pressure on me because I love the recipient too much and nothing I produce will be worthy of them but that's for another therapy session.
- A pure smut piece with Snape prototing Hermione's Masters thesis in potions
- OHHHHHH!!! DRAGOON! I THINK YOU WILL LIKE THIS IDEA. I have most of an outline for a Star Trek Original Series/SSHG Soulmates crossover. Every other chapter would read like an original series episode and away mission while the in between chapters would be the parallel HP world plot. Book 7 timeframe. McCoy would end up breaking Spock from Naginis wounds. GAHHHH!!! I could talk about this plot all day, I'm very excited about it. I need to just start writing it. I'm blocking myself hard on the actual writing part. Idk why
- oh and a secret one that I'm very excited about but I'm really scared that someone will steal the idea? I know I'm being paranoid and I purposely search out fics that are based on the same idea and that I should write for myself and because I think it's a clever idea (because I think it's really clever). I tried to tell my IRL sister a bit about it and she was excited about it, but not the amount of excited I needed it to be? I dunno. I'm going to go off on another therapy tangent here and say I think because it's not fair to expect someone else to give me something I can only give myself? I look too often for outside validation and this idea is forcing me to use self validation. I need to grow up some before ready to write and share this idea. One day, though. One day.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
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Another big restock is in for BattleTech from Iron Wind Metals! 10-045 TRO 3085 Lance Pack 20-444 Atlas II AS7-D-H 20-454 Warhammer WHM-8K 20-463 Striker Light Tank (2) (3058) 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V 20-621 Wraith TR1 20-623 SRM Carrier (2) 20-627 LRM Carrier (2) 20-783 J. Edgar Hover Light Tank (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-804 Crab CRB-27 20-812 Lancelot LNC25-01 20-885 Hermes II HER-2S AR20-257 FIRESTARTER FS9-O PRIME AR20-341 BRUTUS ASSAULT TANK AR20-371 LIGHT SRM CARRIER (2) AR20-651 SNOW FOX AR20-669 ANV-3M ANVIL AR20-939 COBRA CBR-02 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 AC-002 Small Space Base AC-008 Small Cast Stem BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-171 Bandersnatch BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-225 FireFighter BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-238 VTOL Infantry BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-259 Hauberk Commando (Running) 28mm BT-261 Coyotl Prime BT-262 Coyotl A BT-265 Lupus Prime BT-266 Lupus B BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-360 Vengeance Dropship BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-394 Dragoon AEM-01 BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-421 Templar III TLR2-OC BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options BT-457 Steiner MechWarrior Pack CATLTD-06 Limited Edition Catapult FT-010 Komodo KIM-2A MS-001 Union Dropship AND MORE! www.ariesgamesandminis.com #battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #mechwarrior #mwo #mecha #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #hovertank #6mmminis #6mmscifi #tank #dougram #gundam #robotech #armypainter #thearmypainter https://www.instagram.com/p/CFV5eY0n4jV/?igshid=fpp19li9jfbx
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posthumanwanderings · 5 years
dang I totally snoozed on the Sega Megadrive 31st anniversary (JP) so I’m building up a lil queue just for the rest of the day now of Genesis jams. The NA anniversary is in August but as my devotional followers know I go ham on SNES posts then for its anniversary. Even the Sega CD got a lil time in the limelight so I can’t pass up on the MD. No write ups this time, I love the early days of Sega and all but it wasn’t until the Sega Saturn came out that I was finally hooked. Word of the wise tho is to play every Treasure developed game for it, Gleylancer, Alisia Dragoon, PULSEMAN and Phantasy Star IV B-)
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Sega MD games card – Alisia Dragoon with box for Sega MegaDrive Video Game Console 16 bit MD card
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sarumaru-official · 5 years
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For #inktober2019day15 I present you with #chibi art something I'm playing on the MD mini, Alisia Dragoon! With all the commotion of travel, I almost thought I want gonna make it in time before the day was over (in PST at least). 😝 #megadrive @SEGA #fanart #alisiadragoon #retrogames #segagenesismini https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qz9QNHtgp/?igshid=1kvyt60npmt22
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infocelulares · 5 years
Ya tenemos la lista completa de juegos para la Sega Genesis Mini.
El anuncio de que Sega lanzaría una Sega Genesis Mini no llegaba como una novedad al mundo, básicamente porque ya hubo alguien que se le adelantó a la idea e impuso casi con normalidad el que existieran este tipo de consolas a un “bajo precio” que nos permitiera rememorar esas tardes de juego en nuestra infancia, pero a pesar de no ser una sorpresa, Sega supo arreglárselas para jugar al misterio con los fanáticos del gaming, porque en vez de dar el anuncio con toda la información de la consolas y sus videojuegos, decidieron anunciar cada cierto tiempo parte de los títulos que integraría esta versión moderna de un clásico del gaming noventero.
Hasta la fecha conocíamos la mayor parte del catálogo de videojuegos que vendrían en la Sega Genesis Mini, pero ya se termino de entregar el listado y resulta que en vez de llegar 40 videojuegos, nos sorprendieron con un par de títulos extras, lo que dejaría el listado en 42 nombres.
Darius and Tetris make their Genesis and Mega Drive debut in our final 12 title announcements for the Mini.
That’s right, 12!! That brings the total game count to 42!
Genesis Mini: https://t.co/zRqELdIXgt Mega Drive Mini: https://t.co/sixM972Sh9 pic.twitter.com/tFHcUciBn6
— SEGA (@SEGA) June 4, 2019
Dentro de los títulos que se destacan, podemos encontrar Tetris, Darius y Monster World IV.
Estos serían los últimos 12 títulos, tanto para la versión japonesa que lleva por nombre Mega Drive Mini, como para la versión occidental que lleva por nombre Genesis Mini:
Mega Drive Mini:
Alisia Dragoon Assault Suits Leynos Columns Darius Dynamite Headdy Monster World IV Langrisser II Lord Monarch: Tokoton Sentou Densetsu Road Rash II Slap Fight MD Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Tetris
Genesis Mini:
Alisia Dragoon Columns Darius Dynamite Headdy Eternal Champions Kid Chameleon Light Crusader Monster World IV Road Rash II Strider Tetris Virtua Fighter 2
Estos 12 títulos se suman al resto de listado que ya había sido publicado por Sega:
Mega Drive Mini:
Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor: A Successor of The Light) Comix Zone Contra: The Hard Corps Dyna Brothers 2 Special Game no Kanzume Otokuyou Ghouls ‘n Ghosts Golden Axe Gunstar Heroes Landstalker M.U.S.H.A. Madou Monogatari I Mega Man: The Wily Wars Party Quiz Mega Q Phantasy Star IV Powerball Puyo Puyo Tsu Puzzle & Action: Tant-R Rent A Hero The Revenge of Shinobi Shining Force Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Space Harrier II Street Fighter II’: Special Champion Edition Streets of Rage 2 Super Fantasy Zone The Hybrid Front Thunder Force III Vampire Killer World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyou Touitsusen
Genesis Mini:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Altered Beast Beyond Oasis Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Castlevania: Bloodlines Comix Zone Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine Earthworm Jim Ecco the Dolphin Ghouls ‘N Ghosts Golden Axe Gunstar Heroes Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole Mega Man: The Wily Wars Phantasy Star IV Probotector Shining Force Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic Spinball Space Harrier II Street Fighter II’: Special Champion Edition Streets of Rage II Super Fantasy Zone Thunder Force III ToeJam & Earl Vectorman Wonder Boy in Monster World World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Como suele pasar en el mundo de los videojuegos y especialmente en esto de las consolas Mini, las opiniones son bastante variadas, algunos encuentran que la elección es bastante buena mientras otros creen que faltaron algunos nombres en el listado, pero nada del otro mundo, se sabe que jamás lograrás dar el gusto en todo y mientras la critica inicial sea mayormente positiva, todo va bien, lo que es el caso de Sega con esta mini consola.
Si estas esperando esta Sega Genesis Mini, cada vez falta menos para su llegada ya que se lanza al mercado el 19 de Septiembre con un precio sugerido de USD $79.99, y digo sugerido porque muy posiblemente en otros mercados llegue con un valor un poco más alto.
Fuente: Sega. Autor: Elias Villagrán Donaire.
The post Ya tenemos la lista completa de juegos para la Sega Genesis Mini. appeared first on Tecnofanatico.
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idahofreereport · 5 years
from https://youtu.be/5BRkOpFy4WY December 24, 2019 at 11:50AM
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shinxeysartgallery · 2 months
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A Part 2 happens.
(Part 1)
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techcarecenter · 5 years
Sega Mega Drive Mini Games
Price: QR 395
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alisia Dragoon
Altered Beast
Assault Suits Leynos! (Target Earth)
Beyond Oasis
Castle of Illusion
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Comix Zone
Contra: Hard Corps
Darius MD
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim
Ecco the Dolphin
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Golden Axe
Gunstar Heroes
Langrisser II
Lord Monarch
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Monster World IV
Phantasy Star 4
Road Rash II
Shining Force
Shinobi 3
Slap Fight MD
Snow Bros
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Space Harrier 2
Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition
Streets of Rage 2
Super Fantasy Zone
Thunder Force 3
ToeJam & Earl
Wonder Boy in Monster World
World of Illusion
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Sega Reveals Final 12 Games for Genesis Mini Console
  When Sega first revealed the Genesis Mini, 40 games were planned for the console. Now, with the lid finally off the final set, that number has been bumped up to a nice and neat 42, and the last set of games include their own unique surprises. 
  As with the rest of the titles, the emulation is being handled by the well-regarded M2, which was responsible for throwback packages like the SEGA AGES series and SEGA 3D Classics Collection. Here's the final 12 for the west and Japan:
  The West:
Virtua Fighter 2
Alisia Dragoon
Monster World IV
Kid Chameleon
Road Rash II
Eternal Champions
Dynamite Headdy
Light Crusader
  Alisia Dragoon
Assault Suits Leynos
Dynamite Headdy
Monster World IV
Langrisser II
Lord Monarch: Tokoton Sentou Densetsu
Road Rash II
Slap Fight MD
Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom
    Here's all 42 games you can look forward to in the western release:
  Sonic The Hedgehog
Ecco the Dolphin
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Space Harrier 2
Shining Force
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
ToeJam & Earl
Comix Zone
Altered Beast
Gunstar Heroes
Earthworm Jim
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Contra: Hard Corps
Thunder Force III
Super Fantasy Zone
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Streets of Rage 2
Mega Man®: The Wily Wars
Street Fighter II®: Special Champion Edition
Ghouls 'n Ghosts® 
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Beyond Oasis
Golden Axe
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball
Wonder Boy in Monster World 
Road Rash II
Virtua Fighter 2
Alisia Dragoon
Kid Chameleon
Monster World IV
Eternal Champions
Dynamite Headdy
Light Crusader 
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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paperanddice · 3 years
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Dythan's cavalry forces consist of a team of elite dragonborn soldiers mounted on liondrakes captured from a desert far to the south and trained. Only a few dragoons are stationed in the Vale now, patrolling in pairs or triplets with their drakes to communicate between the infantry squads searching for relics. If someone wanted to start disrupting legion activities around the Vale, attacking and eliminating these teams could be a good start. If Dythan starts making a move to actually conquer the Vale however, a force of charging dragoons could shatter through much of the region's defensive lines.
Originally from the 4e Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as a copy of my premade adventure Experiment X63L, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Dythan's Legion Dragoon Medium humanoid (dragonborn), any alignment Armor Class 18 (breastplate, shield) Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) Speed 30 ft. Str 18 (+4) Dex 15 (+2) Con 17 (+3) Int 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 17 (+3) Skills Animal Handling +5, Intimidation +6 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Draconic Heritage. Draconic Ancestry. Choose one of the following dragon colors. The dragoon has resistance to the damage type assocaited with that dragon, and its breath weapon deals that type of damage: • Black, Copper: acid • Blue, Bronze: lightning • Brass, Gold, Red: fire • Green: poison • Silver, White: cold Mounted Charge. If the dragoon's mount moves at least half its speed in a straight line toward a creature and then the dragoon hits that creature with a lance attack before the start of the mount's next turn, the target takes an extra 19 (3d12) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Actions Multiattack. The dragoon makes three longsword attacks, or two javelin attacks. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage. Lance (Mounted Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+4) piercing damage. Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage. Breath Weapon (1/Short Rest). The dragoon exhales elemental energy in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage type is determined by the dragoon's Draconic Ancestry. Reactions Incense Mount. When the dragoon takes damage while mounted, it spurs its mount. The mount can use its reaction to make a single weapon attack against the creature that damaged the dragoon.
13th Age
Dythan’s Legion Dragoon 6th level leader [humanoid] Initiative: +10 Lance +11 vs. AC - 25 damage and the target pops free from the dragoon and is dazed until the end of the dragoon’s next turn Limited Use: 1/battle, while the dragoon is mounted. Cavalry Sword +11 vs. AC - 12 damage [Special Trigger] Incense Mount +11 vs. AC - 10 damage Limited Use: 1/round, as an interrupt action, while the dragoon is mounted and an enemy attacks the dragoon and rolls a natural odd attack roll. C: Breath Weapon +11 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies in a group) - 12 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage (depends on the dragoon’s Draconic Heritage) Limited Use: 1/battle. Battlefield Mastery: 1/battle, as a quick action, the dragoon lets all nearby allies (except its mount, if mounted), move as a free action. Draconic Heritage: Each dragoon has a draconic heritage that gives it resist damage 12+ against one damage type and determines the damage type of its breath weapon. Pick from the following list for each dragoon: • Black, Copper: acid • Blue, Bronze: lightning • Brass, Gold, Red: fire • Green: poison • Silver, White: cold AC 22 PD 20 MD 16 HP 90
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nancyedimick · 7 years
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
(Here is the latest edition of the Institute for Justice’s weekly Short Circuit newsletter, written by John Ross.)
The growing bipartisan movement to rein in occupational licensing has claimed some important victories in recent weeks, writes IJ Communications Associate Nick Sibilla at Forbes.com, with the repeal of restrictions on hair braiders in New Hampshire and shampooers in Tennessee. Read more here.
Feds: Honest folks don’t accumulate stockpiles of cash or have family members schlep stockpiles on trains. Thus, a couple (charged with no crime) from whom we seek to forfeit $17.9k must have obtained it illicitly — or at least they haven’t shown they obtained it licitly. D.C. Circuit: It’s for a jury of laypeople to decide whether the couple’s story is really so suspicious.
Nazis loot Hungarian baron’s fine art collection. Do U.S. courts have jurisdiction to consider his heirs’ suit seeking recovery of or compensation for the trove, some of which is now displayed in several Hungarian museums? D.C. Circuit: Yes, for some of the pieces. For the rest — maybe. (Your editorial staff found the district court’s opinion interesting as well.)
Veteran coal miner believes biometric hand scanning, a newly introduced measure to track miners’ work hours, puts him in league with the Antichrist. He retires rather than submit to such scans. EEOC: The company failed to accommodate his sincere religious beliefs. Fourth Circuit: Pay him back wages but no need for punitive damages.
That (among other things) a Langley Park, Md. brothel made use of condoms manufactured out of state means the robbery of said brothel implicates interstate commerce, says the Fourth Circuit, so the robbery is a federal case.
Texas dentists who specialize in implant dentistry, dental anesthesiology, oral medicine, and orofacial pain would like to advertise that fact, but Texas law prohibits using the word “specialist” to refer to anything other than one of nine specialties recognized by the ADA. Fifth Circuit: Which is an unconstitutional restriction on commercial speech.
Plaintiff: The Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause automatically waives the gov’t’s sovereign immunity, which means I get to bring my takings suit wherever I want. Fifth Circuit: You might think so, but binding precedent says the opposite, which means you belong in the Court of Federal Claims, not here.
Former inmates: Marion County, Ind., jail officials regularly delayed our release for up to three days — in part because officials used a computer system that didn’t work with the court and police systems; certify our class action. (Fun fact: That computer system was a gift from the jail’s phone company, which charged high rates for calls that generated beaucoup profits for the phone company and the sheriff.) District court: We’ll certify some of the subclasses, but not all. Seventh Circuit: We’ll certify all.
Putnam County, Ind., officer (6’3”, 270lbs) is convicted of excessive force for beating up restrained, compliant arrestees in two separate instances. Seventh Circuit (2016): The district court needs to reconsider or better explain its far-below-guidelines sentence of 14 months. Seventh Circuit (2017): Again, 14 months seems lenient given the officer’s prior conviction for beating up a three-year-old.
Allegation: Oak Lawn, Ill., strip mall owner displeases politically connected tenant; village officials force the owner to remedy nonexistent code violations to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars — ultimately forcing him into foreclosure. Seventh Circuit: His deadline to sue the village accrued when the foreclosure process began, not when it concluded.
Peoria, Ill., police officer interviewing for specialty assignment (pursuing asset forfeitures) declines to answer any questions until she has read aloud a “nine-page manifesto.” She does not get the gig. Seventh Circuit: She may not press her sex-discrimination or other claims.
Rancher tells officer looking for missing cattle that “if you can step foot on [my] property, mister, you’re not going to be walking away.” North Dakota jury: Which was not a true threat but protected free speech. Eighth Circuit: The officer’s subsequent tasing of the rancher did not constitute excessive force.
Plaintiff lends her car to her brother-in-law. Yikes! His license is suspended; cops impound the car. She tenders valid license and proof of ownership. LAPD: Sorry, we’re impounding this baby for 30 days, in accordance with policy meant to punish unlicensed drivers. Ninth Circuit: That’s a seizure. Maybe also a taking. Her suit should not have been dismissed.
Allegation: An IRS investigator used threats of criminal prosecution to dragoon innocent tax preparers into using their own money as bait in a sting operation to catch scammers fraudulently seeking tax refunds. The sting works, but meanwhile the preparers are out $2 million dollars and have been forced into bankruptcy. Is the IRS immune from suit? Not nearly as immune as it thinks it is, says this Ninth Circuit panel.
Student: School officials failed to investigate a rape committed by basketball player (and son of a former NFL player) of another student, after which he raped me, too. Tenth Circuit: No Title IX violation. The school wasn’t required to investigate the earlier [alleged] rape, because only campus security officers knew about it.
In light of his mental-health issues and general immaturity, a sentence of 70 days (plus five years supervised release) is not unreasonable for a 24-year-old who kidnapped his ex-girlfriend at BB-gunpoint, handcuffed her, and drove her to another state blindfolded in an effort to win her hand in marriage, says two-thirds of a Tenth Circuit panel.
Environmentalists: Mismanagement of the Okeechobee Waterway, which runs from Florida’s Atlantic coast to the Gulf of Mexico, results in algal blooms that kill off wildlife in surrounding waterways and taint drinking water. District court: The Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the waterway, enjoys sovereign immunity. Eleventh Circuit: These issues can’t be litigated without the South Florida Water Management District (a state agency) as a party, and, as it’s immune from suit in federal courts, the case can’t go at all.
Plaintiff: Defendant, a lawyer, maintains email accounts that serve no purpose but to receive spam, over which he files meritless suits if his demands for compensation are not met. He filed such a suit against us; we seek recompense. Defendant: The plaintiff — an entity doing business under a fictitious name traceable to a dissolved company that purports to have transferred all its assets to a third entity — doesn’t have standing. California court: Plaintiff’s suit should not have been dismissed.
In March, the Eleventh Circuit ruled that IJ client Mary Lou Wesselhoeft could truthfully label her skim milk as “skim milk,” even though it did not meet the gov’t’s definition. Florida regulators had previously insisted that Mary Lou either add additives, which would contradict her all-natural philosophy, or call her skim milk “imitation milk product,” which would be ridiculous. As of last week, her skim milk is back on the market. Hear, hear for commercial speech! Learn more about the case.
Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/06/26/short-circuit-a-roundup-of-recent-federal-court-decisions-61/
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