jacnaylor · 7 years
for the headcanon meme: james hathaway & ★ ,☆,▼,∇ (with or without robbie, whichever you prefer) 🙂
ooh so many, thank you!
★ - sad headcanon: sometime after robbie and laura leave for australia, james’s dad gets worse and passes away. He loses contact with Nell (again) but he doesn’t tell Robbie and Laura because they seem so happy visiting her relatives. Obviously he’d hoped that by getting back in contact with his family things might be different, but Nell has her own life and without their parents they drift apart again, leaving James to remain reclusive and to dive too much into his work.
☆ - happy headcanon: One day, sometime in the future, maybe at a wedding, as he watches his best friends dancing and being happy, James thinks maybe love isn’t total rubbish after all. Someone else who doesn’t think love is rubbish either is the dashing waiter who’s been eyeing him all night, stuffing people with canopes in a desperate attempt to move his way to the same side of the room and catch our equine nine’s eye. Since James is not a joiner of things, he’s all ready and set to spend the function on his own, until the waiter accidently spills said canopes on him. Blushes ensue. Their first date is somewhere quiet with absolutely no canopes or cheesy wedding music.
▼ - childhood headcanon: “James the just we used to call you.” We know he grew up in that big house, where of course James would think it was a castle. But maybe the rich kids made sure he never got to play the prince, always reminding him where he came from. But Will, his childhood friend, always let him be whoever he wanted because he was kind, and gentle, and he reminded James to be all those things too. (this is also sad considering oh my god why am i doing this) 
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon: He basically turns into Morse 2.0. But mostly he gets a cat (or rather, the cat adopts him) and despite his fears of suffering the same illness as his father, james remains sharp and quick all his life. Never stops quoting bloody Thomas Aquinas.
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charlyritter · 7 years
sooooo the fourth series of bron/broen is out and no one bothered to tell me?! smh (but how is it so far, any good?)
it iiiiiis and it is a GREAT season if you like watching Saga Norén suffer!!!!
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gaietygirl · 7 years
#3, 5, 11, and 19, please 🦄
Thanks! 3) Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?I honestly didn’t listen to many new artists this year but I did start listening to Sondre Lerche and his music kind of became my soundtrack for my semester in Norway. I went to see him live in November as well. 
5) TV show of the year?
I binged so many shows these past few weeks because it was too cold to go outside and I think my favourites were “Brooklyn 99″ and “Timeless”. “Alias Grace” was also really, really good. (I also watched all episodes of “Buzzfeed Unsolved” but that’s not a TV show. Still…) 11) Something you want to do again next year?
I want to go to a lot more shows than I did this year and I want to travel again. My friend and I really want to go back to Brighton again and I hope that’s going to happen. Other than that I’m saving up for a weekend trip to Paris and maaaybeee Prague again if I can afford it.  19) What’re you excited about for next year?I’m going to learn to play the mandolin and I’m proper excited. I play the guitar so I should be able to learn quickly and I’ve already fallen in love with a shiny black bluegrass mandolin that I’ll buy with my Christmas money in January. I used to write music and I wanna get into that again and playing two instruments instead of just guitar will probably help with that. I’m also going to be finally done with uni this summer and I’m excited for that as well but also a bit scared. End of the Year Asks 
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hayaomiyazaki · 7 years
space asks woohoo: constellation, cassiopeia, and meteor, please! 😊
woohoo ♥
constellation: have you ever read a book that is worse than the movie?what an interesting thought experiment(!) i am a graduate of film theory so i have really convoluted opinions about adaptation and cross-media comparative theory…tbh i hate it, i really don’t film literature and cinema are comparable in nearly any way, and i never have :’(
cassiopeia: what do you like most about yourself?i like my sense of humour (irl) and how easily i can keep a room or a conversation from becoming awkward…i assume that an extrovert thing, and i’m quite glad for it 😁
meteor: do you have a favorite historical figure?my boy…
from x
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spacecoyote · 8 years
9, 17, 25, and 28 please :)
hey hey!!
9)   a song that reminds you of yourself
essays and university and life is breaking me. good thing john k samson is relatable as ever
17)  a song with great lyrics
there are many, many songs i can list here, but because it’s great and because i’ve loved the ‘laid back to panic attacks’ line since i first heard it, have you heard bury me in the pantheon by ben marwood yet? it came out today, and the album is out on the seventh of april and i cannot WAIT
25)  a song from before you were born
my 88 year old, saaf landan former mobster type grandad has recently got back into completing the gaps in his jazz collection, and he told me he wanted a specific vinyl, but he couldn’t remember the name or the cover, only that it included ben webster and coleman hawkins (but it’s not 'encounters’.) i’m not really getting anywhere finding the jazz album with those helpful clues but i do love body and soul. (1939!)
28)  a song you want to see live
i imagine seeing stan roger’s son play northwest passage live is something akin to a religious experience, judging by this video
thank u!!!
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letsblackmeout · 8 years
dragonslayingbeekeeper replied to your photo “I was meant to be growing my hair out but I just cut it all off and...”
#relatable, that happens to me all the time :D i love the colour btw!!
thanks!! glad to hear i’m not alone in my total lack of hair self-control :)
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notajoinerofthings · 8 years
some of us go through some changes, some of us go through some phases
things we fall into, and then fall out. 
psa: sherlock has come full circle and i feel like i should do, too. back to the roots and all that. 
so. dragonslayingbeekeeper it is. for now, at least. 
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olympain · 6 years
i was tagged by @jameshathaways to do this endeavour ‘get to know me’ voice meme!
apologizing in advance for my terrible voice and my excessive usage of the phrase ‘oxford city police squad’ 😅 
i’m tagging @junomarlowe @eutermesan @peterjakes @dragonslayingbeekeeper @proudbright @emilynightshade89 
it’s all entirely up to you if you want to do it or not. no pressure ^^
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daisyfornost · 6 years
Tag game, shipping edition
tagged by @a-candle-for-sherlock.  ❤️❤️
First ship you ever read fic for: probably Frodo/Sam. (Other popular ships in my dim-and-distant were Zoe/Wash/Mal, Xena/Gabrielle, Hawkeye/BJ, and every combination of the residents of Moya, especially John/D’Argo.)
First ship you ever wrote fic for: also Frodo/Sam, but that particular story is lost to the mists of time. My first extant fic is Gimli/Legolas, and I’d rather count that anyway.
Ship you write the most now: I almost never write anything at all now, so there’s no “most”, but I’m trying to write Lewis/Hathaway atm, so that.
Ship you read the most now: Lewis/Hathaway. Holmes/Watson second.
Newest ship: Sal/Tip (Jam and Jerusalem/Clatterford)
Rare ship you wanna read more of: Dorothea Frazil/Max DeBryn (Endeavour)
Your taboo ship: Is this the same as a notp? As in “You do you but I have zero interest”? (Or as we used to call it back in my Usenet days: YKINMK?) Mystrade. Also Bagginshield.
They never met in canon ship: I don’t think I have one.
Your unexpected ship: Phryne/Jack. I mean, I usually ship people because it’s not canon, but those two... *fans self*
The ship you always forget to give love to: Rat/Mole (Wind in the Willows bookverse) and Momoko/Ichigo (Shimotsuma Monogatari). Got any recs for these? Toss ‘em my way.
Ship your OC with a canon character: Uh… that’s the entirety of Aulë’s Gift. Assuming you count Freor as an OC.  Freor/Legolas.
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Jack Harkness/anybody. It’s just too easy, you know? But… Jack!
Your most romantic ship: That I read: Lewis/Hathaway. That I’ve written: Gimli/Legolas.
Your sexiest ship: see above
Your most tragic ship: Henry/Radar
I’ve been having so much fun reading others’ answers; I’d love it if you wanted to play, too! Including @ancientreader @greenapricot @thetimemoves @klinger @weeguttersnipe @maraschino-merry @glenmoresparks @flootzavut @roselightfairy @sarahthecoat @dragonslayingbeekeeper and everyone else who wants to play. Please tag me if you do!
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jameshathaways · 6 years
tagged by @greenapricot :)
Relationship status: married this past february but we’ve been together two years and known each other since we were fifteen
Favorite colors: pink!!
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick, i can never get lipstick to stay looking nice
Last song I listened to: little white lies by one direction, oops
Last movie I watched: okay my wife made me watch the land before time the other day because i’d never seen it. but the last movie i watched like, of my own volition was ingrid goes west (that was like, over a month ago though? i don’t watch movies often).
Top 3 shows: endeavour, lewis, and oh god i don’t know what the third would be. the office? the thick of it? star trek: voyager? parks and rec? does cabin pressure count as a show?
Currently reading: no books at the moment, but i’m working my way through this jane eyre endeavour au. 
Time: 7:24pm
Last thing I googled: "james hathaway” wow that’s on-brand
Song stuck in my head: slide by james bay, which incidentally everybody should listen to while thinking about “sway” and try not to cry. it’s a TON of fun i promise
i tag whoever's in the morseverse fandom who hasn’t been tagged yet! @endeavouringmorse, @cowboyjakes, @thetravellingcheese, @ange-face, @olympain, @dragonslayingbeekeeper, and anybody who’d like to. no pressure of course. :)
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eutermesan · 6 years
Get to know me tag
Rules - Tag 20 followers you'd like to get to know
Thanks @kingsmanassemble and @missthursday for tagging me and sorry it's taken like three weeks
Nicknames: Becca
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 175cm, or 5'9"
Sexuality: possibly gay ace, but who knows really
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favourite Animal: Otters! They're so adorable but they can kill you. like me
Average hours spent sleeping: 7-8, any less and I can't function
Dogs or cats: both, motherfuckers
Number of blankets: random, erm, one duvet
Dream trip: I want to go to Iceland again
Dream job: Author/MI5
When I made this account: about this time last year?
Why I made this account: wanted more doctor who content
Followers: 136 and I love every one of ya
I'm tagging: @inspector-loki, @gallihafry, @george-fancys, @gingerpop42, @dragonslayingbeekeeper, @cowboyjakes, @pinkfloralcake obviously don't do it if you don't want to and if I've not tagged you and you want to do it, go for it. Live your dream.
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jacnaylor · 6 years
tagged by dragonslayingbeekeeper - thank you! x
If I were a month, I’d be: June
If I were a day of the week, I’d be: tuesday
If I were a planet, I’d be: venus
If I were a sea animal, I’d be: oh man i know nothing about the sea. i’ll just go with...seal? because they’re like giant sea dogs?
If I were a god/goddess, I’d be: norse goddess freyja, because of the giant cats
If I were a piece of furniture, I’d be: a big comfy armchair
If I were a gemstone, I’d be: garnet or ruby
If I were a flower, I’d be: lavender
If I were a kind of weather, I’d be: sunny but slightly cloudy
If I were a colour, I’d be: pink
If I were an emotion, I’d be: does tired count? bored? is boredom an emotion
If I were a fruit, I’d be: nectarine
If I were a sound, I’d be: breeze in the trees
If I were an element, I’d be: water
If I were a place, I’d be: wales
If I were a mythological creature, I’d be: fairy
If I were a taste, I’d be: buttered toast
If I were a scent, I’d be: lavender
If I were a body part, I’d be: hands
If I were a song, I’d be: oh god this is so difficult...wilson (expensive mistakes) by fob
If I were a pair of shoes, I’d be: small cute white pumps
tagging anyone as usual
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charlyritter · 7 years
#19 and 22, please!
19. What’re you excited about for next year? I’m excited about not being in Germany for at least 3 months which is always good, but also (I’m gonna regret saying this) I’m kiiiinda looking forward to when my semester starts in April because as much cooler as studying abroad is, I kinda miss the feeling of being involved at my home university
22. Favorite place you visited this year? Obviously Iceland but naming my favorite place IN Iceland is insanely hard. I can only narrow it down to Reynisfjara, Jökulsárlon or the Highlands…
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gaietygirl · 7 years
hi there darling, please do K A T I for the book questions thingy ❤️
Aw, this is really sweet!
K) Favourite male writer?
Let’s pretend you people don’t already know who it is… Oscar Wilde, and he probably will be forever. But I do like some modern male writers as well. I adore Christoph Marzi for example, “Memory” is one of my favourite Young Adult books. A) What’s the first book you see with a red spine?
It’s the German edition of Mackenzi Lee’s “The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue”! You’re lucky it’s red because it is literally one of only three print books I brought to Norway with me and it’s right in front of me on my desk right now.T) Used or new?
I’ve never really cared. I love new books because they’re nice and shiny but I buy a lot of used books as well, I like how they have a history already. 
I) Do you have a favourite poet?
I’m super basic when it comes to poetry! Wilde of course, the Romantics (especially Shelley), Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas… the usual stuff people who aren’t that into poetry like. I also like a lot of the beat poetry stuff. For the Books And You Meme
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cricrithings · 6 years
Stolen from @dragonslayingbeekeeper (who tagged whoever likes to do this).
#1: RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag people!
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I read poetry • I want to travel the world • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I see emotions in colors not words • I can charm most crustaceans except the maxillopoda • My voice is thunder upon the mountaintop • And the work of my hands shall bring all your cities to ruin
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I love the bustle of the forest • Conifers sing to me but usually request I not sing back • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I am highly trusted by the people in my life • If asked, I vehemently deny I have ever traded my integrity for coffee • But no one ever asks
AIR: I have small hands • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see the dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me • The smell of justice is comforting • I love the bustle of the countryside • Eagles love me but acknowledge that sometimes I’m a pest • Like get your own damn eyrie already
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • Street lamps wink out when I pass by • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • I love horses • Dogs love me • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing • I love the chill of the refrigerator air • I’m valued for being entertaining • Not to toot my own horn or anything • I don’t know if horses love me but they might if they got to know me better
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I love the night sky • I can always smell deceit • At any given time I can’t find either my keys, wallet, phone, or gloves • My favorite season is feasting • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I see single-digit numbers in colors not words • I can love unconditionally
Feel tagged if you’d like to do this!
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hayaomiyazaki · 7 years
tagged by @dragonslayingbeekeeper​ & @rominatrix​ (◠‿◠✿) 💕
rules: we’re snooping up on your playlist. set your entire music library to shuffle and report the 10 tracks that pop up, then choose 10 additional friends.
01. midnight show - the killers 02. snow - abel korzeniowski 03. silly love songs - paul mccartney & wings 04. sad songs (say so much) - elton john 05. opus 23 - dustin o’halloran 06. safely - hot rod circuit 07. sanssouci - rufus wainwright 08. plus ones - okkervil river 09. the lady don’t mind - talking heads 10. you go to my head - judy garland
oh, very random ! tagging some pals bc i like these music ones and you should indulge me if you feel like it 😋 @ofbeekeeper @eclogues @maurice-1987 @andthatsthytea @thepurplekoala @takeyourdamngrapes @honeybeees @goldenhare + of course @soundsofmyuniverse 💛
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