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kedreeva · 6 years ago
I followed you for peacocks and got lots of awesome Good Omen stuff and I'm dang happy about that, because it's my favourite novel!! I read it for the 5th time before Good Omens TV show was released!! I love everything by Mr. Gaiman - bless his pure soul.
Strangely, I have only read 1 other book by Gaiman in my LIFE. I read Stardust shortly after seeing the movie, a long time ago. The book is one of my favorites and the movie is also one of my favorites. I’m not surprised to find the same is true here. I really should read something else by him, his style is delightful to read and emulate. 
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stephanieviolet · 6 years ago
My August spread for my Bujo! Went with a water theme because I love spending my summer days in my parents’ pool! Unfortunately we’ve only been in twice because of the crappy Raincouver weather. • • • https://www.instagram.com/p/B1H2YXsn1S_/?igshid=v4nhzn56jk9j
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thecrackedamethyst · 6 years ago
Congrats!! The Bottanical deck is totally funded!!! How exciting!! (I got the deck and book, but I didn't get the early bird special fast enough, nuts!)
Thanks!! It is exciting!! I am excited!! Lol.
Yeah, I had 10 backers before I even knew how to check if I had backers, lol. It was super fast.
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writeblrs · 6 years ago
I'd like a tag to be included if possible. Thank you!
Of course! Just added you.
About ‘Now What?’ | join the tag list
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mayakern · 7 years ago
Are you going to have more twitchy skirts in soon? I'm sad I missed out!!
yes, we are getting more in a few weeks, hopefully. i’m not 100% how long it will take but i’m working on it!
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stephanieviolet · 4 years ago
I was SO FUCKING MAD at how they screwed over everyone in the show - the women can’t have happy endings - and don’t even think to argue that Nick and Sabrina stuck in a literal representation of the Void for EVER is a happy ending. SHE DESERVED TO LIVE.  Anyway, if you’re interested in my re-write, check out my Fanfiction because fuck if I’ll let that misogyny stand. 
COAS: Alternate Endings by DragonRhapsody
* gasp *
what the hell was
CAOS final episode
what in the actual
living fuck was that
for fuck's sake
how come a full room of writers
read the script and said
yes, that's is
h o w
and I thought season 3 was bad
this is utterly worse
this is game of thrones
season 8 bad
they ruined a magnificent show, it should've ended after
season 2, but nooooo, netflix and its greed.
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pixel-writes · 6 years ago
lets talk abt architecture in worldbuilding: a hopefully helpful post
PS: this is the first “tips” post i ever made, so sorry if it’s confusing/not really that heplful!! if you have questions, please know that my ask box is always open!!!
i’ve seen posts abt worldbuilding giving tips on how to worldbuild everything: From religions to magic systems to languages, but i’ve never seen anyone talk abt architecture. so here i am, trying to do it:
the only thing you need to keep in mind: architecture is directly related to your world’s culture
you can’t tak abt greece without talking abt the temples. you can’t talk abt people from egypt without talking abt the pyramids. god, you can’t talk abt the the way people lived their lives without somehow talking abt where they live. 
if you tell me that your society that depends on the sea and it doesn’t has ocean symbology on their buildings, houses, and possibly temples, im going to laugh at your face. if you tell me that your society is a war centric one, but you don’t translate it by having your “war schools” being the biggest/most important buildings, that’s stupid. maybe your society is very into politics, so tell me, where do they together to discuss and participate in it? you get the point: just like everything in your setting, your architecture will be related to where your society is from, the philosophic believes they have, and mostly their routine. 
things to keep in mind when worldbuilding your architecture
what is climate?
This is pretty simple, hotter climates: More open floorplans, bigger windows, if your society has the technology, probably a lot of “men-made” lakes near buildings to help cool down. colder climates: Closed off floorplans, probably chimneys bc of fireplaces, pointy roofs so that snow can just fuck off easily. maybe they would cover the houses with plants and dirt to keep the heat in.
How are family composed?
 are the concept of family not a thing? Or is it different? Maybe a family is only those who are related by blood, or maybe a family is a couple, their 14 children, the ten children they decided to adopt and also their thirty slaves. You do you.
In some of the first things we consider actual cities, the houses rooftops were used has streets, and every few meters there were an opening for the actual houses: a tiny square where the people lived, with two or three rooms attached, since family wasn’t really a thing. If you look at greek/roman houses, they had two stories, and multiple rooms, bc the families were a thing, and they were very big. also, slaves were kept in the houses, so they needed space too. 
What abt your world’s religion?
Surely, if they are totally religious, they might want to build a shrine in their home. and while in the religious aspect, how are their temples? Or more important, how are their gods? do they like gifts, sacrifices? do they live in between the people, in a high mount somewhere or maybe underground?
You know, greek temples were build in the highest mount of the city. Pyramids were, ya know, pyramids bc they were supposed to guide the pharaoh's soul up, and some were also thought to be useful for the pharaoh to use as steps to “climb up to heaven”. Like I said, Catholic churches were build so tall and extra so that when you, a dying peasant walked in, all you could think was “there’s no way this was made without the help of a higher power, so God must be real!”, “the stone books men build”, i believe is something Victor Hugo said abt religious buildings.
Don’t forget the government!
If you have a monarchy, a diarchy, a democracy, an authoritarian government, or any type of government really, they most likely show their power and stance through architecture. the simple and perfectionist neoclassism was bc people hated rococo’s extravaganza and all it represented. Barroque happened bc Luthero was being a lil dick to the church and the church wanted to show who was the boss.
 If we look at the White House, we could maybe say that the US is a tradicional country, while when we look at Germany’s parliament building, we could say that, after Hitler’s government, they have been trying to be open to their citizens.
Fun fact: The biggest architectural booms happen right after big government wins or loses. The biggest greek temples were built after they won battles, brazil had to go back to being a democracy so that we would have the perfection that is brasilia, and so on 
How is your world’s economic situation?
“Architecture is the autobiography of the economic system and of the social institutions”, said my good ol’ pal Bruno Zevi, a v important italian architect. So, is your country filthy rich and do they use this money wisely? Are the noble withholding everything or do they actually use it for the population? 
How does magic adds in this?
what is your magic system? maybe is blood based, and most people have a small pen with animals to use magic at any given moment (put an inside patio in the house). maybe is like, a language based one (they should probably have a place to learn the magic language. maybe an office like area is necessary for all those wanting to learn magic?).
also! keep in mind that humans (and probably whatever species you are writing abt) are very much mimetic creatures: we mimic things that are around us, especially in art, so things like plants, animals, skies, the fashion of your world, all would probably end up being mixed in your architecture too!
Another thing: always research real life architectural styles. maybe your church is very powerful, so go ahead and take inspo from the gothic or barroque periods’ churches. maybe your nobility is losing money but they need to pretend everything is fine, so go ahead and take inspo in rococo. or maybe everyone wants to destroy a shameful past? futurism is a very good place to start! 
also, tl;dr: have most of your worldbuilding ready, then throw it all in the walls of your houses and palaces and jails, and there you have it: your world’s architecture
@james-stark-the-writer @la--sophia @underhersky @satelsolite @onedayiwillfind @random-nerd-lesbian @sso-heather @thehoveringbrain @delboyanddier @write-like-babs @mymyfangirlsidedontlie @confuzzl @lynn-iswriting @steampunkprincess147 @siriuslyprocrastinating @nightskywriter @mel-thebookdragon @whore-of-god @i-lessthanthree-words @lefoxwriting @ahotpeaceofshit @fancycomedypositivitypeanut @dareyoutoread-blog @starwalker165 @disoriented-writer @my-fanaticdomain @throneofashandfire @dragonrhapsody @livingthelovelylife @wrathfulwriting @al-james-the-author @sinningforasrian @ineedrootsbeforebranches @magnoliablossom509 @knmartinshouldbewriting @youre-imagining-me @cataclysmicblue @djcarrieanne @nostarscancompare @piyosama @distance-does-not-matter @wildforestferret @lupin-patronus @a-humble-waffle @sad-wizard-writes @writings-of-a-narwhal @surroundedbypearls @xxitsgloomboyseasonxx @starrywritingg @kipoints @thewrittenpost @i-rove-rock-n-roll @rogueaicatcanhasdataset @if-all-i-have-are-words @mymainbloghere @flomaker778800 @bookish-actor @inscrutable-shadow @ashes-and-constellations @hans-verver-love @igotablankpage @queenoffloweryhell @ambermagare @thewordsinthesky-andstars @themultifariousweirdo @im-actually-a-superhero @walking-talking-irony
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spacematriarchy · 7 years ago
dragonrhapsody replied to your post “im uncomfortable with how emotional i just got discovering the...”
I prefer Chestnut praline over pumpkin spice any day!
I wasn’t going to reply to this reply, but I watched them unbox the praline topping twenty minutes ago and I’m excited all over again. Pumpkin spice can eat my entire ass - chestnut praline 5ever.
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kehmy · 8 years ago
I think you are an amazing artist, and you have inspired me to draw more occult and witchy things (on my other tumblr, DragonRhapsody) and I want to say that you deserve so much more love than that awful person. Your art is very inspiring and I hope you have a wonderful weekend
I’m really glad I’ve inspired you ! Thank you so much for your message and keep drawing !
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stephanieviolet · 4 years ago
I had almost ALL of the SAME questions!!! And so I started re-writing the endings of the last 4 episodes because I couldn’t take the misogyny and bullshit!!
If you wanna check it out, it’s on Archive of Our Own!
COAS: Alternate Endings by DragonRhapsody
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I’d love to hear what anyone has to say or if anyone has any other ideas to add to it!! I personally wanted everyone to have their happy endings.
Unexplained things and Messed up Plot Holes in CAOS -
Why did Ambrose blow up Vatican?
Ambrose's parents?
What happens to Lucifer now that Lilith banished him from hell?
Lilith's baby? I thought that she was just bluffing about killing and cooking the baby, but she actually did it!?
How did Theo talk to his ancestors?
How exactly is Ambrose related to Sabrina?
Since when a character's death is permanent in this show?
They have a resurrection pit in their garden. They brought hilda back many times and in last season. Sabrina could've Been brought back too!
Stupid things SABRINA did : faking a supernatural emergency, meeting SABRINA MORNINGSTAR knowing that it could have dangerous consequences!
So SABRINA MORNINGSTAR being the daughter of LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR died because of tiny cuts on her face?
Mary remembered about witches? And she chose to side with FAUSTUS knowing that his intention was to destroy everything including GREENDALE!?
And how exactly do witches age?
Why didn't Zelda use the die MAMBO MARIE gave her to bring back SABRINA??
Nick studies NECROMANCY, he could've done some research with Ambrose to bring back SABRINA, but instead he chose to Die!?
Robin and his other hobgoblin friends were planning to move to a realm where they could be safe from all of this! So why didn't all the witches and Sabrina didn't go there, that way she could've been safe.
Sabrina is the daughter of a celestial - LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR for fuck's sake! I mean c'mon he could've done something to bring her back!
Why did most of the characters acted as if SABRINA MORNINGSTAR and SABRINA SPELLMAN were different people, especially LUCIFER!?
Romanticising SUICIDE, a very wrong way to end the show.
During this whole season Sabrina's character was showed in desperate need of a boy - a human out of wax to have a perfect boyfriend?
Even in the AFTERLIFE, Sabrina was all alone, why didn't she reunite with Dorcas or her father or anyone from the coven!?
Zelda was left all alone, SABRINA died, MAMBO MARIE left her, though she does have Ambrose and Hilda but Hilda's married so it's not the same!
The writers literally forgot about PRUDENCE and AMBROSE!
What we were expecting this season was more of LILITH, and Lilith's character development not her killing her own baby!
Sabrina's death should've been temporary and she should've been brought back!
The storyline had so much potential, a few more episodes could've probably explained everything!
• Just too many things left unexplained and we demand a proper closure!
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stephanieviolet · 6 years ago
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I finished it! My favourite Marvel Hero, Captain Marvel! I started this the day after it came to theaters and I got to see it. I’m so happy with house it came out! Who’s your favourite Marvel Hero? Should I draw a few more of them? .. .. .. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zg-ZWpwR8/?igshid=b2t223fka49n
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fanfictionlive · 7 years ago
What fandom do you write?
I see lots of hints of what people are writing, but I'm totally interested in what fandom everyone writes in!
submitted by /u/DragonRhapsody [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2LL0ElN
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writeblrs · 6 years ago
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Send us your elevator pitches! You can make them as long as the ask box will allow (please keep 1 pitch per ask). Sell us your novels and we’ll respond by filling in our bingo board!
DISCLAIMER: The things marked or unmarked by no means state the value of your WIP. This is a celebration of all the amazing things your novels contain! It is also filled out by one person with their own POV so it should not be taken as definitive.
@ohnoitsthebat | @nanders-sk | @enjoliquej | @mareebrittenford | @dragonrhapsody | @contes-de-rheio | @silvercanadian | @bad-carrot | @writingwhithotchocolate | @gotemotrash | @sapphireclawe | @jarrickdexum1991 | @curvyqueer | @ghostgraces | @miss-mysty | @gingersnap3344 | @deadlyessencewhispers | @alexthegr3yp4nda | @petalprose | @writer-feels-n-spiels | @desynchimminent | @chraneness | @writerplanet | @jess---writes | @elliswriting | @davidiswriting | @monstrouswrites
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norsesuggestions · 4 years ago
So similiar its spooky! Indeed!
And for @madamehearthwitch
The problem as such is that emotionally i am in denial about how temperate leaf forest floor looks like, and keeps expecting it to look like a taiga forest floor
While intellectually i know it is not so, emotionally i get the vibe that someone gone in with a lawn mover, chopping away the entire forest floor whenever i see a temperate leaf forest haha
Pine tree forest zone mood: do not understand how temperate leaf forests work
Everytime i see this
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My brain is like:
Who is cutting down the forests floor?! Do they lawn move the forest floor or???
(The reality is that the shadow from the trees kills much vegatation at the forest floor level. Intellectually i know this, emotionally i do not)
Picture source: a forest in scania, sweden
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merelei · 6 years ago
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Tunisian dragon wing shawl video pattern by  Redaktion Hug - Häkeln & Stricken<<
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spacematriarchy · 7 years ago
dragonrhapsody replied to your post “i went to indigo to get a textbook and they had the new spn coffee...”
I love you more knowing that you're Canadian and love books as much as me.
lol, I’m very flattered, but I gotta admit I’m not much of a bookworm these days, since I realized how poorly I absorb information through text and started limiting my reading to fanfiction, spin off novels, and series I already knew I liked. (I do read A LOT of those, tho)
I do love books as like... a thing, tho. I still buy a lot of art/reference books, and have a very particularly organized set of bookshelves.
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