#dragon ball z abridged super kami dende
Erlang: As the new vessel for the Jade Emperor's power, you shall assume the role of the Jade Emperor, supreme ruler of the Celestial Realm and the universe. Nobody is thankful, there are no days-off, and no one ever visits. Ne Zha: Ugh, sounds like being a parent... Ne Zha: Fine. I graciously accept the position of your almighty God.
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andrewmoocow · 10 months
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A conclusion that I came to recently.
For those who don't get the joke, Michael Kovach plays Angel Dust in the Hazbin Hotel pilot, N from Murder Drones, Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus, and Rocky Rickaby from Lackadaisy. Meanwhile, Takahata101 is best known as Nappa, Super Kami Guru, Cell, Bardock, Dende and tons of other characters in Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Crump and Dartz in Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, and Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged.
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Episode 30 Review
Originally posted December 9th, 2015
Six stories coalesce and get satisfying resolutions.
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“Freeza: The Final Cut” is the most densely plotted episode of Dragonball Z: Abridged that I’ve reviewed (and also, if memory serves, that Team Four Star has released). There are around six different story threads all intersecting at various points that we’re made to keep up with, and the fluidity with which Team Four Star moves between the stories and their intersections is downright impressive; the most apt comparison to make here is to compare “Freeza” to an episode of the early seasons of Game of Thrones.1
We’re given a focal point for this episode early on in King Kai, who is telepathically keeping an eye on everyone involved while simultaneously forming a master plan to undo all the damage caused by Freeza. It’s pretty damn clever too: while Goku distracts Freeza, he has Mr. Popo gather the Dragonballs on earth and wish back to life everyone who was killed by Freeza and his women and men, restoring most of Namek’s population.
Of course, this is thrown into disarray when Freeza decides to detonate the planet, but thankfully, Super Kami Guru restarts his heart just in time for Dende to wish everyone to safety on earth. After that, King Kai returns to watching Goku battle Freeza, where he is endlessly frustrated by his “star pupil’s” stupidity.
Goku and Freeza, of course, spend most of the episode doing battle, with Goku’s pain over Krillin’s death causing him to transform into the “Hope of the Omniverse,” a Super Saiyan. And in a snap, Goku becomes tactical, forceful, and utterly terrifying, demanding Gohan return Piccolo to the spaceship immediately.
MasakoX brings an intensity to Super Saiyan Goku that we’ve never seen before, and rewatching this, I was honestly a little frightened by Goku, as his newfound rage and determination means that he could do just about anything. This also brought a new layer to his dynamic with Freeza, and watching as Goku slowly beat the shit out of an ever more desperate Freeza was incredibly satisfying.
The other four stories we follow play small but important parts. As Vegeta is resurrected, he rushes to the Dragonballs, proclaiming that immortality is finally his. Dende of course, makes his wish first, and Vegeta is transported back to earth with most everyone else, and upon arrival, decides to strike fear into the hearts of the Namekians and flirt with Bulma a little. Gohan flies Piccolo to safety and rescues Bulma before being teleported back to earth and getting to spend time with Dende as they wait for the Dragonballs to regenerate.
Dende of course, ruins Freeza’s chance at immortality by wishing his people to safety, and after he summons Porunga, we get a great moment where he confesses his love for Gohan, only to freak out at Gohan’s lack of a response and wish all of his people to their new planet. And the Namekians themselves show us a new side, as Super Kami Guru confesses to being responsible for the slaughter of their Albino brethren, and being subsequently killed and eaten by the new Grand Elder. The Namekian’s subsequent time on earth is great too, with their golf tournament being delightful to watch.
Out of all these stories, the only two that feel a little dull are Vegeta’s and Gohan’s, as they end up not being particularly important in the long run, since Vegeta’s wish is foiled as usual and the risk of Gohan not getting off Namek is undone by Dende’s wish. Dende’s cleverness and confession of love work wonderfully however, and the revelation that Super Kami Guru is not just an asshole, but a genocidal asshole, is incredibly satisfying, as is his death and subsequent cannibalization. “Freeza” in general, is a very satisfying episode, with even the less perfect stories coalescing as part of the whole; this is a damn fine way to end a season of a webseries.
Rating: 4.5/5
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Stray Observations
1The only major difference is in the complexity of character motivation in each show, though Goku’s priority shift upon going Super Saiyan gives Ned Stark’s abandonment of personal honor a run for its money.
Is it just me, or is Goku’s pose when he first goes Super Saiyan reminiscent of Dio?
King Kai: “I can’t believe it! Goku has become the one and only Super Saiyan! Right?” Narrator: “…Yeah…” King Kai: “You hesitated there for a second.”
“So this is what counts for omnipotence these days.”
Mr. Popo: “I’m so f***ing high right now!”
Namekian: “And now that I have devoured Guru, I have become the new Grand Elder!” Krillin: “Huh. Seems legit.”
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invaderdoom78 · 4 years
Eros part 1
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saiyan98 · 2 years
Dragon Ball Super AU (Part three)(Leo X Calypso Three-shot)
Table of Content
Part 1
Part 2
Leo Valdez: The following is a nonprofit fanbase story. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha and Akira Toriyama. Please support the Official Release.
Author: At least this is the last part for the Dragon Ball Three shot.
TFS Nappa: We made so much memories, didn't we?
Author: a day doesn't go by where I wish I can strangle you in your sleep.
Leo: Isn't he stronger than you? I mean he blew up a city with just his fingertip.
Author: Shut up, you're gonna die in this episode.
Leo: Dude... spoilers.
TFS Nappa: Don't worry, we got the Dragon Balls. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to make this a strong series.
Author: I'm starting to regret making this series with you now. Oh also, to everone that do not understand the reference, TFS stands for Team Four Star, it's a youtube channel that use to do a parody series on Dragon Ball Z. I reccomend on checking it out, along with Hellsing Ultimate Abridge and Final Fantasy VII Machinabridge. Good content and some really funny jokes. Anyways, enjoy.
Important Notes:
BOLD: Author's Comment
Itallic: Flashback and narrations
Cue any Dragon Ball Openings (I'll let you decide)
Last Time on Dragon Ball Super:
Atlas, Calypso's father, has arrived to Earth and threatens to destroy it for Calypso. Goku and Vegeta refused and fought him, but they struggle against his energy draining ability. Even with the power of the Super Saiyan God, they were unable to prevent Atlas from taking the regenerating ability from Calypso. In their final push against Atlas, Leo arrived, saving them from the brink of destruction. Will Leo be the one to stop Atlas? Find out, now...
The End of Atlas! Leo's Noble Sacrifice!
Goku and Vegeta look at the distance and see Leo, standing on a cliff.
"What that idiot doing?" Vegeta said.
Atlas was irritated, "You are really annoying, kid. Should've killed you while I had the chance."
Atlas fires a blast at Leo, but he disappeared the moment it reached him. Atlas looks around and saw him standing next to Goku and Vegeta.
"Here, Piccolo told me to give these to you."
Leo handed out Senzu beans to them and they took it.
"Thanks, now I'll go finish him once and for all!"
"Vegeta, wait!" Leo stopped him, "I'll take care of him."
"Don't be stupid! Even you should know that-"
"You and Goku won't stand a chance against his energy draining AND regeneration powers. But I do..."
"No... you didn't!"
"Goku," Leo spoke, "Take Vegeta and head back to Bulma and Calypso. I'll end this once and for all."
Vegeta grunted and was about to refuse, but Goku was grabbed him by the shoulder and nodded.
"Be careful, Leo," Goku said as he used Instant Transmission to teleport Vegeta and himself.
"Should've asked for their help, boy," Atlas said. "If two of Frieza's most powerful adversaries can't beat me, what makes you think a little mechanic like you can do?"
"I have my ways. Don't you worry, by the end of today, you'll be burning in hell."
Atlas laughs, "Oh you think you're being cute?"
Leo smirked and started powering up. "Bitch... I'm adorable."
Goku and Vegeta arrive at the lookout and see (Super Kami (TFS Joke)) Dende healing Calypso.
"You guys!" Bulma yelled as she ran toward them, "Where's Leo?"
"He stayed behind to fight Atlas," Goku said.
"That idiot!" Vegeta yelled, "He shouldn't have use that wish!"
Bulma explained, "After you guys went off to fight Atlas, Leo used the wish to gain the powers to fight Atlas and stop him. But... It comes at the cost of his life."
"In other words, Leo needs to defeat Atlas before his time is up."
"How long does he has left?" Vegeta asked.
Piccolo answered, "Not long, I'm guessing."
Atlas throws as many punches he can against Leo, but he keeps dodging them.
"How? How are you this fast?"
"Oh you know: Push ups, Sit ups and plenty of juice."
TFS Vegeta: That... bastard...
Atlas charges at him and grab him by the neck.
"Got you! Now to grab your energy and-" Leo then started bursting into fire, but Atlas didn't move. "Oh, silly boy, you really think that's gonna stop me?"
Leo scoffed and smirked.
Atlas then realized that the heat is getting to his arm so he let go of Leo to stop the fires spreading to his arm. "I see, you must have used the Dragon Balls to gain this ability. However, burning me won't stop me; my regeneration is far superior than your..."
The flames on his arm won't fan out and continues to spread.
"Those aren't your ordinary flames, Atlas. Those are magical ones, the kinds that won't stop burning no matter what."
Atlas struggles and decided to cut off his arm before the fire spread to his body. Unfortunately, he was able to regenerate another arm like the Namekians.
"I see, not a bad trick. But unfortunately for you, I won't let you get another easy shot like that again. You may have the powers to defeat me, but you don't have the skills to fight me."
Leo chuckled, "I figured that, so I asked for not just the powers, but also the skills to fight you. Since I'm no fighter, Shenron gave me the tecniques of Vegeta and Goku combined to fight you head-on."
Leo dash forward and punches him at the stomach and then kicks him to a cliff, destroying the whole structure.
"In other words, Atlas," Leo said. "You're not dealing with the average warrior anymore."
Somewhere in space...
Frieza looks toward the abyss.
"My lord? Is something wrong," One of his officers asked.
"I sense... a disturbance." Frieza answered. "As if... someone said something so... irritating that it makes me want to kill the next person that enters this room."
Just as Frieza says that, the soldier that was about to enter the room turns around and never came back.
Author: What? Not gonna kill him for that one?
TFS Vegeta: He pissed off Frieza. So I'll let it slide, for now.
Leo powers up and punches Atlas to the ground and then fires a fire blast at him. Unfortunately, Atlas was quick and used his energy shield against it. He then expands it to reach Leo's location, hoping to either push him away or make him distance himself away.
It worked, and it made Leo put some distance between each other.
Atlas got angry and then fired a ki blast that became a cluster of blast, heading straight toward Leo.
Leo then made a fist and flail it in front of him, summoning a giant fire wall, blocking the blast and covering Atlas vision on him. He then charged from the firewall and kicks Atlas to the air and flies towards him, giving him a quick chop at him toward the ground.
Leo was toying with him.
He should be finishing him off as quickly as possible.
But he's mad.
Mad at him.
For trying to harm Earth.
For helping Dr. Gero.
For creating Cell.
For killing his mom.
For harming Calypso.
For everything...
"You're going to suffer, Atlas!" He yelled as he powers up on his hands and clash them together toward Atlas. A giant red Ki energy was powering up. "For making Cell... For killing my Mother... For hurting Calypso... You will die!"
He fired a fiery blast toward Atlas.
Explosions emerges.
Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo felt the energy from that blast at the Lookout.
"You feel that?" Goku said to the two.
"Yeah, and it felt strong," Piccolo said. "But why is he toying him? He needs to finish him off now."
Bulma answered, "This fight... it's personal to him."
The three warriors looks back at Bulma as she hold Calypso head while being healed by Dende.
"Leo and his mother were at Nicky Town when Cell attacked. And he helped Calypso out when she needed a place to stay until the ship was repaired. He saw his mother get eaten from Cell and then saw Atlas pierce through Calypso."
"I see," Piccolo said. "So, Atlas made his life a living hell. Now I get it."
"But if that idiot doesn't finish him off soon..." As Vegeta spoke, Calypso called out.
"Please..." she said. "Help him... save him... please..."
"Calypso!" Bulma said. "Hang in there!"
The three warriors would like nothing more but go there and help. However, Atlas was far stronger than Piccolo; he managed to beat him with just a simple throw. And Goku and Vegeta can't go, they promised Leo and it's their Saiyan pride to follow it.
But Vegeta vowed to never let anything bad happen to his family.
"DAMN IT ALL!" He yelled as he dash off to help Leo.
"Vegeta, wait!" Goku yells as he tries follows.
"Goku, wait!" Piccolo intervened. "I have a task for you."
Atlas kept dodging every fire Ki blast he can, but he's losing ground. Leo was relentless, he won't stop until Atlas burns.
"You're gonna pay for everything you've done!"
Leo then disappears, Atlas looks for him but can't find him. Suddenly, Leo appears from behind and land kick to his legs, which then proceeds to burn from his flames.
Atlas grunts in pains as he has no choice but to cut off his legs to prevent the spreading of the fire.
Leo walks toward Atlas with rage.
"What's the matter? Aren't you gonna grow out your legs? Aren't you supposed to be the perfect warrior? Or was that a just a joke?"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Atlas fires a Ki blast at him, but Leo blocked it. Suddenly, Atlas appears from behind and fires another blast from behind.
The second blast hits Leo, but it didn't faze him.
"Pathetic," Leo then kicks Atlas.
Panting, Atlas managed to regenerate his legs but was losing energy.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!"
TFS Nappa: Ha! He's pulling a Vegeta.
TFS Vegeta: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!
TFS Nappa: Ha! See?
"This can't be the end! I worked so hard for this!"
Leo stands in fronts of him with pure rage.
"Really? You worked for a sinister Emperor, became an Android; helped create Cell that terrorized my world AND murdered my mother in front of me; tortured Calypso, your own daughter, and stabbed her, all so you can become perfect?!"
Leo puts out his hand and started charging a blast.
"I hope they sent somewhere deeper then hell!"
TFS Nappa: it's actually called HFIL.
Author: I don't think these people understand the reference, Nappa. Also, we really need to stop commenting in-between these chapters.
Just as Leo was about to fire, he felt an immense pain in his body. He notices that parts of his body is starting to crack.
"No!" Leo yelled. "Not yet, just... need... more..."
"I see..." Atlas says, "In order to defeat me, the Dragon gave you immense powers and skills to fight. But... at the cost of your life."
Leo tries to throw a punch, but Atlas blocks it. He then punches Leo and began his counter attack. Atlas continues his attacks as he starts to regain in prime condition. However, he lost a lot of energy because of Leo's flames. He'll need to drain more energy soon or he'll be too weak to go up against any of the Z-Fighters.
TFS Nappa: Even Yamcha?
Author: Sure...
Leo was slowly starting to lose conscience from the pain.
As he was about to pass out, a memory spurred.
On a normal day, Leo was coming home from Capsule Corps. as he saw Calypso working at the flower shop.
"Hey Sunshine, still at work?"
Calypso saw Leo and greeted, "Hey Leo, just about to finish up. Head back to the apartment, gonna head to the grocery to get some food for us."
Leo shrugged, "I'll go with you. I ain't got much to do right now."
As the two went shopping after work, Leo asked Calypso something.
"Hey Calypso, why do you like working at that flower shop?" He asked curiously.
"Well, I lived in a planet that was desolated from Frieza and his army. No plants, trees or any sort of life. It was a wasteland. But here? There's so much beauty, greenery, life..."
Calypso sighed. "I can't help but want to be a part of it... even if it's for a short while."
Leo notices the sad look on her face.
"Why not just stay? We saw how powerful Goku and Vegeta are, I'm sure you'll be safe here," Leo offered.
Calypso shook her head, "I don't want burden the Briefs or their friends anymore than I have to."
Leo wants to persuade her to stay.
Stay with her friends.
Stay and see the beauties on earth.
Stay and have a normal, happy life.
Stay with...
...with him.
"W-well, before you leave..."
Leo stutters, "B-b-before you leave, you should come to my hometown, Nicky town. There's this big field filled with flowers. A-and I figure... maybe you want to see it before you go?"
Leo didn't look back at Calypso, too scared to face rejection.
"Of course," She said with a radiant smile. "I'd love that."
At that moment, when he saw her smile, he knew.
He gone and got himself fall head over heels on an alien beauty that's totally out of her league.
But... he made a promise to her.
One he intends to keep.
Atlas was about to finish Leo off with a blast when Leo suddenly wakes up and launches another fire wall at him.
Panting, Leo spoke, "I promised... Calypso that I'd show her the flowers at my hometown." He then proceeds to power up one last time. "And I WILL keep my promise!"
The two duke it out once more. Both losing time and energy but going all out with everything they got. Atlas refuse to surrender and continues regenerating before Leo's flames can burn him down; while Leo continues to using his fiery magic to try to either worn down Atlas or burn him to death before his time limit runs out.
The two will not give up.
One fought for selfish needs.
The other for those dear to him.
Vegeta flies as fast as possible to reach toward Atlas and Leo.
"That idiot! What makes him think he's strong enough to fight him? He's not even a fighter!"
Vegeta understood what Leo is going through. He's been there before.
But Leo is not a fighter.
Nor is he a killer.
Vegeta then thinks back to a talk he had with him.
Vegeta was babysitting Bulla as Leo was walking out of the Hangar and is taking a break from work.
Leo sat at the Balcony where Vegeta was at.
"Man, your wife is really a workaholic."
"She's persistent," Vegeta added. "And too stubborn to give up."
Leo chuckles, "That explains how my mom and her got along so well. Two peas in a pod."
As Vegeta babysat Bulla, Leo asked him a question, "Hey Vegeta? Did you ever miss being feared acrossed the Galaxy?"
"Mrs. Briefs told me how you used to work for Frieza and once terrorized the Galaxy with your strength. Do you ever miss it?"
"Hmph, I was young and naive. I thought that because I was royalty, nothing can defeat me; aside from Frieza and his elites. But, after meeting Kakarot and his friends, I realized something. Power doesn't just come from blood, there's more to it than that."
Leo ponders as he listens, "You see, I was in Nicky Town when Cell attacked. I watched him eat my mother alive, and I was too afraid to stop him. Sometimes... I wonder if I had the strength like you and Goku, I'd be strong enough to protect my mother and my home."
Vegeta scoffed, "You're a fool if you think you can handle this power. It takes time and commitment to reach at least a fraction of my power"
Leo laughs, "I guess..."
"Then just focus more of what you're good at."
"You're a mechanic, you fix things."
"But what if someone like Cell or Calypso's father shows up and-"
"Kakarot and I will take care of them. You don't have to worry about a thing. Instead, just be there for those important to you."
Vegeta is irritated that he had to rely on a mechanic that used a wish from Shenron on himself to fight a simple doctor.
"Don't you dare die on me, mecanic boy."
As Vegeta tries to reach Leo and Atlas, the two were heavily beaten and are all worn out. Because of Leo's magic, Atlas is unable to absorb his energy; and since Goku and Vegeta aren't around, he can't grab theirs.
Panting, Atlas spoke, "For a mere a human, you're a real pain in the-"
Leo kicks Atlas to the air and then fires another Ki blast. Atlas barely managed to create another energy barrier. However, it collapse after the blast hit.
Lying on the ground, Atlas was out of energy.
"It's over... Atlas," Leo said as he walks toward him. Little by little, small cracks were appearing on Leo. As if the body is starting to lose it's grip on the power Leo was given. "Just take your punishment like a man."
Atlas chuckles, "What about you? I can see that your body is starting to fall apart. If you let me live, I'll-"
"Save it! After everything you did. Cell killed my mother; you harmed my friends; and worst of all, you tortured and hurt your very own daughter. The woman I love..."
Leo charges up one last energy blast toward Atlas.
"When you go to hell, give Cell my regards."
As Leo was about to fire his attack. A sharp pain hit across his body. He screams in pain and falls to the ground as his body starting showing more cracks. His time is almost up.
"Damn it!" Leo yelled.
Atlas laughs, "Looks like you're out of time."
Panting, Leo tries to get up. He can't is being pinned down by Atlas himself.
"You were so close, boy. But now it's over."
Atlas was about to finish Leo off, but Vegeta arrived just in time.
"Get your hand off that boy!" Vegeta yelled.
Atlas is in no condition to fight a fully recovered Vegeta, so he use Leo's weakened condition to his advantage.
"I don't think so, Vegeta. Get near me, and this boy gets it."
Vegeta hesitated.
Back in his Frieza force days, he wouldn't hesitate on killing his own allies for his own personal gains.
Now though, he's different.
"Forget about me, Vegeta. Just finish him! I'm already a dead man."
Vegeta replied, "You idiot! And how would Calypso feel? Have you even thought about that when you made that stupid wish?!"
"Just shut up and kill the bastard!" Leo yelled.
"I see... so you ARE special to Calypso. I could've used you and make this whole situation easier on everyone."
Atlas grabs Leo and walks forward.
"I'll be taking my leave now, with the boy. Follow and he dies."
Just as Atlas was about leave...
Goku appears out of nowhere and kicks Atlas off of Leo.
"Kakarot?! Where the hell have you been?" Vegeta asked.
"Sorry, had to go to make some arrangements. It's being taken care of at the moment," Goku takes out a Senzu Bean and hands it to Leo, "Here, eat this; it should be able to give you your strength back and-"
"Forget it, Kakarot. The idiot used a wish that requires his life energy. His time is running out."
Leo chuckled, "Sorry guys. I just hate being useless... I don't want to see another person die in front of me."
Goku grabs Leo, "I'll take Leo back to the Lookout."
"I'll take care of that bastard and finish this once and for all."
"You can't!" Leo said, "Atlas can absorb energy. The powers I was given is not energy, it's magic."
"Magic? I see... so he's unable to absorb magic energy."
"Exactly, I'm the only one with the power to stop him. My flames can stop Atlas and send him straight to hell!"
As Vegeta was just about to argue, he felt a sudden energy charging toward them.
"Kakarot! Dodge!"
Before Goku could react, Atlas was already in front of him and was about grab onto him. Leo reacted quickly and managed to use magic and force Atlas to back off. Unfortunately, it was already too late for he already stole some energy from Goku.
With that energy, Atlas was able to heal his wounds.
"Ah, back to pristine condition."
Vegeta charges but Atlas once again uses an energy barrier and expands it, pushing Vegeta away.
"I'm getting real tired of this squabbling! It's time I finish this once and for all!"
Atlas flies high towards the sky. He reach his right hand out above and summons a huge energy blast. The skies darkens and winds burst from the immense presence of energy coming from Atlas.
"Damn it!" Vegeta yelled. "He's gonna do it again!"
Goku sets Leo down nearby and stands next to Vegeta.
"We're in a pickle here, aren't we?" Goku said.
Leo looks out towards the energy. He once took out something like it earlier, but now he's too weak to even move.
Leo tries to think of every possible way to end this nightmare before it's too late.
"Damn it!" Leo yelled. "I failed... I'm sorry..."
"Don't give up!" Vegeta yelled. "A real warrior never gives up, even when facing impending doom."
Goku chuckles, "I'm with Vegeta on that one. No matter how dire the situation is, we never back down from a fight."
Atlas laughs sinisterly, "This is the end for you, Saiyans! Say goodbye to your world!"
Atlas fires his final attack towards the Saiyans; but they charged forward and stopped the blast before it could collide towards the ground.
"We Saiyans won't let you destroy our planet! So long as we breath, we will protect our home!"
As Vegeta yells, Leo was once again given another memory flashing towards his mind
It was late at night, Leo was resting on the couch when he heard whimpers and groans coming from the main bedroom, where Calypso was sleeping.
"Calypso?" Leo asked as he woke up. As no replies was made, Leo ran toward the main bedroom and knocked on her door.
"Calypso?! You okay?! I'm coming."
He opens the door and on the bed was Calypso, rolling around the bed and was sweating. Leo shook her to wake her up.
"Calypso, hey, wake up!"
Leo does this several more times before she finally woke up.
"What happen? What's wrong?"
Calypso was trying to catch her breath; and when she notices Leo by her side, she hugs him.
She started crying on his shoulder and held tightly on him. Leo was startled, but held her softly. As soon as she stops crying, he asked her what's wrong.
"I... I had a nightmare. About the time my father... used me."
Leo didn't respond, he knew how traumatizing it must have been to relive that memory.
"I'm sorry, for waking you," Calypso said. "You should go back to sleep. I'll be okay..."
Leo shook his head, "I'm staying."
"But Leo..."
"It's okay, you're safe now. No one will hurt you again."
Leo hold Calypso tightly, assuring her that she's safe...
The two stayed there for a while before Calypso spoke.
"Leo... can you promise me something?"
"If I get another nightmare... will you be there to help me get back up?"
Leo smiles.
"I promise Sunshine... I promise I'll protect you."
"That's right..." Leo said as he ate the Senzu bean that Goku gave him earlier. "I made a promise..."
He gets back up, but barely for his body starting to lose function.
He looks toward Atlas and realize that he left himself wide open.
Leo chuckles, "Sorry Sunshine... looks like I won't be able to take you to my hometown... but at least I'll end the nightmares once and for all."
Leo charges forward and towards Atlas, flying past Goku and Vegeta.
Before the two can even react, they struggled to keep the energy blast at a standstill.
Atlas saw Leo flying towards him and was about to use his energy barrier once more, but Leo was too fast.
"What the-?!"
Before Atlas could even react, Leo went behind him and grabs onto him.
"Get off, you insulate brat!"
"This ends, now!"
Since Atlas is being distracted, Goku and Vegeta were able to divert the blast towards the air and prevent the Earth destruction.
"Leo!" Goku yelled.
"Get back!" As Leo started bursting into flames, he warned the Saiyans. "I'm gonna use the last of my energy to burn Atlas to crisp. I'm ending this once and for all. Get out of here! You're in the blast zone!"
Vegeta was about to refuse until Leo spoke again.
"Please... let me keep my promise to her."
As Vegeta hesitated, Goku grab Vegeta by the shoulder and used Instant Transmission to get away.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Atlas yelled. "Kill me and you'll die as well. Don't you want to see my daughter again? Don't you want to live? I can give an invincible body!"
Leo chuckles, "Sorry pal, ain't gonna happen. Beside..." He thinks back all those time he spent at Capsule Corps. All the friends he made; the crazy but memorable memories and given the opportunity to meet the loveliest woman in his life.
"Gotta keep my promise."
Atlas tries to struggle out, but with no avail. His body is starting to disintegrate. Leo's body was also starting to disintegrate as well.
Atlas screams in pain, still struggling to escape but he couldn't. Even with the power of energy drain and regeneration, he can not escape the fiery pits of hell.
In his final moments, Leo just simply smiled.
"Sorry Calypso, looks like I'm gonna be late for dinner at home."
Goku and Vegeta arrived at the Lookout and saw Calypso finally recovery from her wound.
"Goku, Vegeta, where's Leo?"
Vegeta didn't say a word. His silence was enough for her. Out in the distance was a huge light flashing.
"No..." Calypso said as everyone saw the light brightens along with intense heat; until suddenly...
...it ended.
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Piccolo finally broke the silence and answered, "I... I can't sense his energy or Atlas'.
Calypso collapse on the ground, tearing up, "You idiot! We could've find another way! But you just have to be an idiot and get yourself killed!"
"Calypso..." Bulma tries to calm Calypso down. But she ignored her. She just kept crying.
"You promised me... you'd show me your hometown."
"Stop crying," Piccolo said. "He's not gone forever."
"What?" Calypso asked.
Goku then spoke, "Oh! So that's why you asked me to go there!"
"What the hell are you talking about Kakarot?" Vegeta asked but Piccolo answered everyone.
"Since Leo used the Dragon Balls to finish off Atlas, it'll take a year for them to return. However, Leo only has one year before he is unable to return."
"Return?" Calypso asked. "You're saying we can bring him back?!"
Piccolo nodded. "I am; however, he used the last wish on the Dragon Ball so we can't use Earth Dragon Balls. So I told Goku to head to New Namek and ask for the Namekians for their Dragon Balls."
"Than that means-"
"We can still save Leo!" Bulma exclaimed.
Later that day, Goku, Piccolo and Calypso went to Namek while Vegeta headed off toward the final resting place of Atlas, making sure that he never comes back.
As the three made it to New Namek and spoke with the locals about their situation. Thanks to Goku and his friends deeds of helping the Namekians in the past, the locals were willing to help them out. They managed to grab their Dragon Balls and summoned their own Dragon, Porunga.
Just like the Dragon balls on Earth, the Namek Dragon Balls did the same scenario, dark skies and lightning flashing, along with the Dragon Balls flashing. Finally, Porunga was summoned.
The Grand Elder spoke, "Tell me, what is the wish you desire?"
Piccolo nudge Calypso to answer the elder her wish.
"My wish... is to bring Leo Valdez back from the dead. He gave his life to save the world and me from my father. He deserves a second chance at life."
The Elder nodded and spoke to Porunga in their native language.
Porunga replied, "YOUR WISH... SHALL BE GRANTED."
A bright light flash before their eyes. Once light disappears, Leo appears before them, covered in soot and his clothes all burnt up.
"Leo!" Calypso yelled as she ran toward him. He groans as he starts waking up.
"What?" He said. "Where am I?"
"LEO!" Calypso yelled as she hugs him tightly, never letting go. "You idiot! Don't you ever do that again!"
Leo grunted in pain, "Calypso? How-"
"We used the Dragon Balls on Namek to bring you back," Piccolo said.
"And Atlas?" Leo asked.
"Vegeta is there right now, making sure he's finished.
Meanwhile on Earth, Vegeta arrives at the destination. The area is nothing more but a crater with several flames bursting around. Vegeta looks around to find any pieces of him. Finally, he found him at the center, with nothing more but his torso, right arm (burned up the hands already) and head, slowly being burned from the never-ending flames.
Vegeta laughs, "Well, well, well, looks like in the end, all your research went down like a ball of fire."
Atlas tries to speak but Vegeta interrupted.
"You were right on one thing about me, Atlas. I did miss having respect from The Frieza Force. But... even if I were die, no one would remember me. No one would mourn for me. No one... would go to far lengths to save me."
Vegeta crouch down as Atlas was losing more of his body parts before he incinerates completely.
"I got the way I am BECAUSE I had something to protect, as well as my rivalry with that brain-dead idiot, Kakarot."
Vegeta chuckles, "In my whole life, I realized now, that you can go beyond your limits when you fight for something precious to you. When you fight... for someone else other than for yourself, you can achieve power greater than your own."
Atlas finally spoke, "Vegeta... please... help me..."
Vegeta ignored him and fire a Ki blast to finish him off now that he can no longer absorb energy and regenerate.
"You had your chance."
And just like that... The battle was over.
Days has passed since the battle against Atlas occurred, and everyone went on with their daily lives.
Leo and Calypso on the other hand...
"Amazing! You told me it looked nice but this..." Calypso says as she gaze upon the flower field that was bursting near Leo's hometown, Nicky Town.
"Yeah, but it's the second most beautiful sight I ever seen."
"Oh really? Than what's the first?" Calypso smirked.
"Not what, who," Leo said as he hugs her from behind. Calypso relaxes in his arms as they both gaze upon the beauty in nature. "It was nice of Bulma to give me some vacation time to come visit my hometown."
Calypso nodded.
"So... you sure you staying?" Leo asked.
"Yeah... figure you'd leave the apartment a mess and go back to eating cup of noodles without me."
Leo snickered, "You're right, I'm totally a mess without you. But that can't be the only reason, right?"
Calypso blushes, "Not gonna tell you. Now c'mon, your mother making your favorite. I still got to ask her about your childhood."
Leo pales at the thought of her knowing his embarrassing memories.
The two finally managed to get the peace they both deserved. Leo finally made peace with the nightmares that has been eating him inside; and Calypso was finally free from the tyranny of her father's grasp.
As for our fellow Saiyan warriors...
Out in the desert, our two Saiyan warriors were once again going back at it on training.
"So Vegeta," Goku said. "Atlas was really strong, huh?"
Vegeta scoffed, "That bastard was just a madman trying to cheat his way into becoming the strongest warrior. That kind of tactic won't work on us."
Goku laughs, "I don't know, you were pretty beat up when I got to you in time."
Vegeta punches Goku, "S-shut up! I won't let a pathetic madman get the best of me, ever again."
Vegeta then powers up to Super Saiyan Blue.
"And, I won't let you surpass me. I will be the strongest warrior and defeat you, Kakarot!"
Goku chuckles and also turns Super Saiyan Blue.
"Bring it on, Vegeta!"
And so, once again our heroes have finally defeated another sinister foe and prevent the destruction of their planet. But, their journey doesn't end. Soon, more powerful enemies will rise up and challenge our heroes. However, no matter how dire the situation is, Goku and his friends will always step up against the forces of evil.
Next time... On Dragon Ball Super...
Cue any Dragon Ball Ending
A/N: Phew, I finally finished this Three-shot. Still, it was fun writing it. I never got to write a Dragon Ball Fanfic so I had fun. I tried not to put too much into detail, but I just can't help myself. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story. My next story will to finish that Isekai plot and then afterwards, got a Caleo/Percabeth Double Date one-shot AND a Fullmetal Alchemist AU. I hope you guys enjoyed this story, because FMA AU will be one of my best writing yet.
TFS Nappa: With me to help.
Author: NO!
TFS Nappa: I'm afraid so, my friend. Hollywood called, they loving the concept you bring.
Author: HOW IS HOLLYWOOD INVOLVE? THIS IS A FANFIC? Oh well... I'm stuck with Nappa as my producer now. I'll TRY not kill him but...
Anyways, I also based Leo's skills and moves also from Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Moveset is similar of that of the Earthling CaC. As for his techniques, here's the list.
Super Attacks:
Burning Shot (Pikkon)
Power Impact (Jiren)
Blazing Attack (Super Saiyan God Vegeta)
Burst Charge (Energy charging technique, anyone can use)
Ultimate Attacks:
Power Wall (Jiren)
Prominence Flash (SSG Vegeta)
Final Explosion (Majin Vegeta/SSG Evolved Vegeta)
Evasive Skill:
Dragon Burn (Nuova Shenron)
I chose these moves from the game because all of them give a similar fire-like attack and since Leo Valdez has fire abilities, I had to find a good combo. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story, until the next update.
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tsuki-sennin · 6 years
Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Episode 60 - Part 3 - #DBZA60 | Team Four Star (TFS)
The following is fan-based reaction to a fan-based parody. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha, and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged was created by Team Four Star. Support the official release, will ya? Also, Spoilers, I guess...
>GOHAAAAN! -Piccolo, and all of us.
>Actually, Krillin. That’s a very good question... I suppose it’d be considered an impediment, but really, it all depends on who you ask.
>King Kai is awesome.
>Goku is giving out some utterly awesome encouragement right now.
>You are Son Gohan!
>This is literally anime dialogue. It’s fucking awesome.
>Oh shit. Vegeta!
>Off to the lookout!
>Piccolo takes up the role of hate-boner haver!
>Mr. Satan takes the credit as expected.
>King Furry.
>Hello, Super Kami Dende. Sorry to bother you, but we’ve got dead people we need to bring back.
>Yamcha, death literally means nothing.
>Krillin and 18 have a really nice, if not awkward moment.
>Sup Shenron?
>I see Trunks met King Enma already.
>Oh, hello Mr. Popo. I’d ask how you’ve been since the start of the saga, but... well, you know.
>Goku is choosing to stay in heaven to keep Earth safe.
>Goodbye... for now at least.
>”THEN WHO DOES?” “Hi.” “Because they’re incredibly fair and balanced!” Best exchange so far.
>17 never got that boat.
>God, I love these dorks.
>Ah, Yajirobe! Whiskers the Wonder- I mean, Korin!
>Oh... Chi-Chi... I forgot you existed for a minute.
>Oh, Ox King... I forgot about you too.
>And thus, the Cell Saga draws to its conclusion. I gotta say, everyone at TFS has come a long way since their early days. The comedy, the character building, the references, the music... God, you guys are great. Is it weird that I feel proud of each and every last one of you? Cause I don’t feel weird at all.
>16 in a land filled with birds... and things that are not birds... where he can live in peace. Cell was wrong. He had a soul, however synthetic it may have been. There’s no need for him to kill Son Goku anymore.
>Season 4 is happening boys and girls and those of not previously specified genders! AND I’M GONNA COMMENT ON EVERY SINGLE EPISODE THAT COMES OUT FROM NOW ON!
>O h... that means... Super Buu... God... if Freeza gave me nightmares, and if Cell crushed them beneath his heel... what would Majin Buu do?
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