#dbza mr popo
Erlang: As the new vessel for the Jade Emperor's power, you shall assume the role of the Jade Emperor, supreme ruler of the Celestial Realm and the universe. Nobody is thankful, there are no days-off, and no one ever visits. Ne Zha: Ugh, sounds like being a parent... Ne Zha: Fine. I graciously accept the position of your almighty God.
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Ruby: Wow jaune! You've gotten strong how'd ya do it?!
Jaune: Well ruby, I just trained under a certain good......not scary trainer that's all
Ruby: Cool, What's the Trainers name?!!
Jaune: *Horrific flashbacks*
Mr Popo: Any questions?
Jaune: Ah yes, Will this help- AHHHHHHHHHHH
Mr popo: Enjoy the climb back up bitch!
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Things that are canon in Dragon Ball Z Abridged but NOT in actual Dragon Ball Z (Part 2)
A lot of people have pointed out some other details in DBZA that I missed, so I put them all together in a second part. Enjoy!
Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta formed a club called Team Three Star while on Namek.
Radtiz is sleeping with Dodoria.
Goku loves pineapple on pizza while Beerus hates it.
The jockstrap incident.
The Justice League exist. And so does the Star Wars movies.
King Cold calls Frieza his “Princess”.
Vegeta and Bulma refer to Baby and Future Trunks as their “baby boy”.
Zarbon is straight and has a girlfriend, but has a habit of making gay innuendoes on himself.
Sailor Moon exist and had an existential crisis after Piccolo blew up the moon. 
Yamcha killed himself in Future Trunk’s timeline after finding out Bulma is pregnant with Vegeta’s child. Also Puar shapeshifted into the rope Yamcha used to hang himself.
Mr Popo is banging the Pokémon Jynx.
Chichi fired a kamehameha when giving birth to Goten. Also Goten was born on Christmas and Gohan played the role of the midwife.
Guldo has a wife and it’s speculated that Recoome had an affair with her.
Cell has a vendetta against Tein for him spamming his kikoho attack.
EVERYONE is terrified of Mr Popo.
Lord Slug is the good half of Super Kami Guru.
Piccolo’s antennas help him connect to the internet and go on social media.
King Cold is the head of management in hell.
Imperfect Cell originally wanted to be called Jiren.
Vegeta, for unknown reasons, hates Santa Claus and wants to kill him.
Jaco has a burger joint.
Vegeta has an Official Saiyan Handbook he carries around and it was written/edited by Turles.
Android 13 punch Goku in the nuts so hard it erased Goten from existence.
Cell is one of the only people who like and actually respect Yamcha.
The frog in Captain Ginyu’s body is in hell and being treated like a pet by the Ginyu Force: collar, food bowl, dog house, etc.
Christmas is known as Frieza Day in outerspace.
Mr Popo stopped the Garlic Jr arc from happening single handedly.
Krillin’s ex girlfriend Maron is an undercover government agent who tracks down and arrest people who commit insurance fraud.
The Ginyu Force hosted game show called “Wheel of Death” and Frieza was a frequent watcher.
Vegeta killed his brother Tarble, shooting down his pod thinking it was Santa’s sleigh.
All the villains are apart of a rehabilitation program in hell called HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers) that is run by the ogres who, for some reason, have German accents.
Vegeta throws dog biscuits at his enemies (mainly Guldo and later Android 19 and 15)
Nappa babysits Baby Trunks and gives Vegeta good? bad? parenting advice.
Salza and Jeice are cousins and Jeice had a sister who was eaten by space dingos.
Cell’s bussy.
Check Out Part 1 And Part 3
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragonball Z: Abridged Episode 6 Review
Originally posted August 13th, 2015
A failed experiment, but an experiment nonetheless.
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“No One Ever Listens to The Magical Dragon” is the obligatory training episode of any shounen anime, where the characters push themselves to their limits and become even stronger than they were before. So naturally, you’d expect it to be pretty boring. And it could have been. But Team Four Star recognized the creative freedom they had with such an episode, and made the wise decision to relegate all of the training mumbo jumbo to throwaway lines and gags, while taking the opportunity to experiment with the form of their storytelling.
Most of the experimentation takes place with Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Chaotzu, as they train under the delightfully creepy Mr. Popo, who takes them to a rather satanic looking portal and transports them to where they’ll be training: the ruins of an epic space battle. Chaotzu and Krillin quickly get lost, and Yamcha and Krillin are left to defend themselves from two powerful, unknown assailants.
All of this happens while the atmosphere is set through sound design, as KaiserNeko, their lead editor, attempts to give this place an eerie feel, and when the entire team is overwhelmed by the unknown assailants, he allows it to quickly devolve into a cacophony of agonizing screams. Unfortunately, the elements of the sound design don’t fully come together, but this experiment shows their ambition, as they attempt to move past the minimum expectations of an abridged series and do something great on its own.
Let’s talk about abridged series, for a moment. Most abridged series are designed with a singular purpose: to be a parody of the original. Their amateur production and the inexperience of those involved lead to very low expectations; it’s not very often they are expected to be anything more than funny, and since the audience is usually exclusively fans of the source material, there’s no pressure to be inclusive of viewers outside of the fans.
This means that most jokes end up being based upon ideas the show hasn’t established yet, or being related to drama or debates present in the fan community. And Dragonball Z: Abridged certainly shares these weaknesses in its first few episodes, as I’ve already been over. But the difference between DBZA and other abridged series is that its creators choose to push themselves constantly, experimenting with sound design, comedic timing, and storytelling constantly to find what works, and what doesn’t. These first few episodes of DBZA may lean towards what doesn’t work more than what does, sure, but eventually, Team Four Star will find their creative niche (but we’ll get to that).
Rating: 3/5
If you liked this review, please consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
That Goku’s training session focuses on his questions about his father and people and relegates him learning the Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb to a throwaway line is evidence that Team Four Star understand what truly matters in a story better than Toriyama, and you can fight me if you disagree.
It’s truly unfortunate that Team Four Star missed a great opportunity to actually define the relationship between Kami and Piccolo, especially given how well it is developed later on.
Shenron’s complaints are entirely valid. Too bad they’ve not really been established in DBZA itself.
Mr. Popo: “I’ll tell you where they’re not: safe.”
The Krillin Owned count is now up to four.
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In your dbza au who is Mr popo?
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"Alright maggots, listen up. Big's about to teach you the Pecking Order. It goes: you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Big's stool, Froggy, then Big. Any questions?"
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
Which DBZA character is your favorite? Which parts of the series is your favorite? Is there anything that TFS did that you prefer over the original series?
My favorite character is Vegeta! He has some of the best one-liners and roasts. Mr. Popo is a close second! Never forget the Pecking Order! I also love the addition of Kami and Nail being able to communicate with Piccolo in his mind even after they were absorbed!
Also also, might send multiple ask at some point today so I want to apologize about the spam beforehand 😆
I'd say my top 3 from the series was Piccolo (including after Nail and Kami fused with him), Imperfect and Perfect Cell, and of course the one and only Super Kami Guru ❤ Vegeta does have the best one-liners and delivery, so he's definitely in top 5 for me 😂
My favorite part is really hard to say, any "god dammit Nappa" or Nappa introducing Vegeta as a prison bitch will crack me. If I had to pick one moment, then probably Imperfect Cell flirting with Nicky Town. The entire Halloween episode where they were all trick or treating is a close second!
My favorite movies they parodied are Android 13 and Lord Slug ❤
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mean-and-serene · 4 years
"Mr. Popo, where did you send the united states?"
"I'll tell you where they're not,"
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Me when Trump loses:
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teashadephoenix · 4 years
oh god i got tagged in the wip meme
*deep breath*
that’s gonna be a long list
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gojosunlimitedvoid · 6 years
deprerious? 😍😍
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malcontent7 · 6 years
My Life as an Introvert
When you meet someone with the same misanthropic sense of humour as you.
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araniladin · 7 years
Thwarting my plans
Cinder: What are you doing?
Ruby: What am I doing?
Cinder: What are you doing?
Ruby: Nothing much
Cinder: Thwartin' my plans?
Ruby: Thwarting your plans?
Cinder: Are you?
Cinder: I'm going to @$%^%ing kill you
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Dende is the thirstiest lil green bean in DBZA and I fuckin love him.  I am just now realizing how gd long Dende’s left arm is in the last panel holyyyyshit my bad.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Funny idea for a au
Jaune gets hit with a new experimental dust that gives him the abilities and personality traits of dbza mr popo
Jaune to team crdl : Alright maggots listen up I’m going to teach you the pecking order. : points to Cardin: it’s goes you the dirt the worms inside of the dirt, my crap, ozpin then me any questions?
Yeah, I can’t do this; I know squat about Dragon Balls. And, at this point I’m somewhat scared to ask.
So… Yeah.
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragonball Z: Abridged Episode 11 Review
Originally posted August 19th, 2015
Equal parts reverence and revision.
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The Freeza Saga is, as best as I can tell, the most famous arc in all of Dragonball. As such, the majority of the audience of Dragonball Z: Abridged would inevitably be approaching Team Four Star’s adaptation of that arc with a lot of pre-existing feelings about the story it is trying to tell, inevitably allowing those feelings to guide them in forming a critical opinion of it.
This “baggage” is clearly present among everyone in Team Four Star, and they are careful to open their second season and beginning of the Freeza Saga with a lot of reverence for their source material. But that reverence for the source material never blinds them, as at this point they have begun to recognize that the story they are telling, while related to the original Dragonball, is ultimately a separate being of its own, and they begin to treat it as much.
This is clear from the inclusion of a flashback to Goku’s first time meeting Mr. Popo. We as an audience potentially unfamiliar with the source material can assume that Goku and Popo have met before at some point, though we do not know how they met or what their meeting was like. This flashback very clearly articulates that Goku’s relationship with Popo is no different from Krillin’s relationship with Popo; they both fear him for the sadistic, omnipotent taskmaster that he is. It also serves as a more effective introduction to Popo than his actual introduction.1
Their reverence for the source material comes in how they handle the tone of Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma’s departure for Namek. It’s a dangerous and important mission, and both the source material and DBZA take it seriously. Unlike the source material, however, Team Four Star chooses to let the weight and importance of the mission come through Bulma, in both the performance (thanks to Megami33’s excellent voice acting) and use of score.
This is one of many revisions Team Four Star makes to the text, and they do so with good reason; Bulma is shallow, self-centered, and bitchy in the original, and there’s absolutely no reason one of the two only female characters should be this terrible a person.2 In this, Team Four Star acknowledges the strengths of the original story, while addressing some of the more problematic aspects of that story, and this is a trend that they continue to build upon.
Rating: 4.5/5
If you liked this review, please consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
1I love the “pecking order” speech as much as anyone else, but seeing that Goku is just as afraid of Popo as anyone else more clearly establishes just how intimidating this guy is.
2Another change they make is with Chi Chi, who goes from a bitchy buzzkill to a reasonably concerned mother, countering a very unfortunate trope present in a lot of shounen anime (as well as Western cartoons, but that’s for another day).
Mr. Popo: “Oh, look at that, a woman who doesn’t know any better. What are the odds?”
Cutting to a drugged up, gurgling Goku as he still essentially votes for Bulma to go with Popo is a great visual gag.
Mr. Popo: “Yep, this carpet gets about ten thousand miles to the soul.” Bulma: “What?” Mr. Popo: “The gallon.”
Mr. Popo: “Making toast!”
Bulma: “So it responds to your name?” Mr. Popo: “No, it just knows better.”
Chi Chi: “Did you carry a baby around for nine months with a man who literally thought you had Cinnabons hidden in your shirt?”
Ambient ocean noise at Kame House and the ambient noise at the hospital give us a glimpse at the great sound design to come.
Weird how a Three Stooges reference is basically highbrow comedy in this show.
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tommykretsos94 · 7 years
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6th rule of Popo's training...don't break Popo's stuff
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