#draft 4 is gonna take forever oh no
I haven't added any new words to my manuscript the last two days, but that's okay, because I had this distinct sense while writing the most recent several scenes that something was missing. I realized the other night that what I was lacking was tension, specifically tension from internal conflict. Isolde has not been an active enough character lately. I mean, she's been involved in the plot, but she's just kind of going through the motions. She hasn't had to make any important choices in a while.
To that end, I've spent the past two days going through my notes and rereading my manuscript to get ideas on what I could enhance (without adding or rewriting too much). The good news is, I have ideas!
I just hope they are enough.
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been a minute since i've answered yall asks, sorry about that. been having health issues again. sighs.
tw / tags: monster fucking, snake anatomy, breeding mentions
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Do you have any thoughts about slime-like monsters? I personally find monsters with… unstable??? body structure quite interesting cuz of their potential lol. Like, even of they're slow and trembling like jittery jelly, once they have grip on you – you gone, whoops. Struggling r useless, u will only get urself deeper and you can't even do a lot to escape. And bonus points if they're kinda dumb, so by acting silly and goofy they're practically gaslighting lmao —anonymous
i actually have a musing in the work about that one!! its...been in my draft forever...whoops....i'll work on that in just a bit then.
but yes!! theyre also super versatile too! imagine if you have one as a pet...its going to make a pet out of you, oho rip darling.
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I wonder how the 6 arms snake god eat. Does he just shallow his prey whole? chew them? Tear them apart then eat them piece by piece? I wonder what is his favorite part of his prey, and his less favorite. I imagine that some times, he eat messy, so reader clean the blood around his mouth with a clean napkin. —anonymous
i actually kinda imagine him opening his mouth like a snake would since he's no longer a human (w a pic below). but in the beginning, when he's still merging with the snake god, he'd probably start tearing his, ah, meals apart, yeah. i actually don't think his transformation was actually completed by the time he started his initial rampage + he wouldn't have any arm when he first started out too.
oh geez i can see him being super clumsy and floppy trying to learn how to move his new body. poor thing.
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his mouth would be like this, maybe with bigger fangs tho. that said, i cant find the original source now :( so if any of you know who this may be by, lmk so i can link the artist!!
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Hey-hey! Have you read Mieruko-chan by any chance? Maybe it's only me, but i find designs for ghosts from here rlly cool and some chapters can give some pretty cool concepts/ideas.
Gl on ur day! ✨ —anonymous
i actually have been keeping up with it! poor mc, she's trying her best...I'm crushing on the yandere tentacled head lady atm lol
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☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! 💖 — @berrychan03
dawwww <3 thank you!!! i'll be sure to spread them around~!
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Your Jaguar Trube story is really good! I like it. Are you going to make the part 2 for it? —anonymous
im actually kinda stumped on how to continue this one mainly because of the breeding kink being the primary focus and the reader initially being gn. i feel iffy doing this to my fellow gn readers as well, as i don't wish to exclude them and i don't think im that good of a writer to pull off a gn smut.
i could just do two versions tbh because its a little different between if the reader is afab and if they're amab.
if afab, theyre actually kinda in for some bad time because there's so many males around, possibly around 30 to even 50, and there's a lot of dp to go around because they're sharing them.
if amab, there's not many females around at all, maybe around 4 young adult ones (with the rest being old ladies), though that's not to say the males wouldn't touch them because they def would though lol but i kinda imagined that being amab they wouldn't be in too high of demand and would be given breaks. plus, they don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
i'll take feedback regarding this matter though, so lmk your thoughts on how i should proceed!
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anyhoo, gonna try and work on couple overdue commissions i got, but in the meanwhile, feel free to send in whatever (that is currently open lol) love ya bunches!
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aroace-poly-show · 11 months
unit swa p stuff question mark
OH MY FUCKING GOD I HATE TUMBLR IT DIDNT SAVE MY DRAFT THE FIRST TIME. WRITING THIS ALL AGAIN IS GONNA SUCK. FUCK ME. anyway. nothing in particular was specified so i’m going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about whatever.
uhhh nightcord wxs. i don’t have a name for them yet. i wanna rename showtime at 25:00 too later but i don’t have any good ideas yet. but anyway they’re the flip side of the unit swap i never talked about.
i still haven’t decided on how they’ve met up. i’m tempted to write a fic but i’m not starting anything until i have like. a basic idea of how their main story would go. help me i am indecisive as fuck ‼️
anyway this is subject to change but they mostly post kikuo style music videos online, by kikuo style i mean like. don’t look at me in that way, and so you become the moon, stuff like that. cutesy sounding songs with a not exactly happy story to them. 3/4 of them don’t do shows anymore due to bad experiences w/ them in the past. still debating on whether i want have them work on trying to give it another chance or not since shows are so critical to all their characters and i feel weird Not having them do shows but also. there’s still showtime at 25:00. technically i think nightcord wxs would do shows online instead but still. am i really gonna have two theater kid groups?? we will see. my au my rules i can do whatever i want forever.
for a brief summary of the new clowns:
tsukasa: still got those memory issues which led to him forgetting why he wanted to be a star but after not being able to reach the high standards he’s set for himself he feels like Shit and having forgotten why he wanted to be a star in the first place is struggling to find a reason to go on
emu: nothing super detailed yet. but wonder stage has been shut down (but not replaced yet). gonna be using the grief and toxic positivity stuff more for her.
nene: i made the fuck up she had on stage in middle school in canon Worse so after that her social anxiety has gotten worse to the point of being terrified of leaving the house at all. feels pathetic for not being able to sing and also guilty for having rui involved in all this.
rui: sad wet cat good god he feels so so much guilt. him and nene have so much mutual guilt about getting the other involved….who could have done this to them… :3
anyway middle school still sucked for him but he never rlly recovered. i am once again debating w/ myself on whether or not i’m having him still do street shows at least for a bit for Plot reasons or not. idk.
uhhh. that’s some stuff for now. there’s some details/context i’ve left out so if you’re curious ask but that’s all ill say for now since once again!! i am still figuring stuff out‼️
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huginsmemory · 10 months
12, 27 and 30 for ao3 ask!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Oh boy, of projects I'm actively working/want to work on right now, that would include:
Vashwood: 2 (third installation of blackbird, a howls moving Castle au, technically there's another 2 but they're not high up on priority)
Smoace: 1 (canon au)
Kidlaw: 1 (Laputa au)
So technically about 4, and 5 if you include my unfinished satosugu fic on ao3 which I need to finish but have run a bit out of steam on... If we're also including meta posts then I have another meta post half finished in my drafts which I've been on and off thinking about, so maybe 6... The reality of me posting any of these though is slim unless I get a bunch of free time sometime soon haha.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Depends on what I'm writing! Most of the time I write right before I fall asleep, so by then it's usually a shuffle of whatever music I'm listening too at the time. However, if I have time and I'm properly writing on my laptop I'll curate the music to fit the vibe, especially if it's something depressing I'm writing. I also really like taking inspiration from songs I'm listening too for fic writing so if there's a song I'm particularly rabid about in the moment then I will incorporate it into the writing and likely have it at the top of a short list of music I'd be listening too while writing that plays on a loop.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I guess actually putting out fics? It usually takes forever for me to write and I also really didn't expect to end up writing blackbird since originally I was gonna focus on writing a different fic, and then proceeded to write blackbird instead. And then to my surprise wrote a sequel to blackbird, and I've started on a third. So I didn't expect for that to be the biggest part of my year fic writing wise.
I also didn't really expect to write as much meta as I did and it be something welcomed by the fandom as well as it did! (Once while talking with others someone was like WAIT that's you who wrote those meta posts? They're so good! Which was extremely flattering, haha). I really wasn't expecting to get very involved in the fandom since I usually just lurk more than anything, so I quite enjoyed actually being involved for once.
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michellemisfit · 1 year
hiii michelle, i hope you're having the best start to the week! if you wanna play-
list five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!! 🍏🌾
Good morning my lovely stud muffin! 🥰
Life has been a lot lately, which is also why I’ve failed to take part in any tag games and other dashboard fun. But heck yeah, let’s start the day with some positivity! Here goes nothing..
1. In 3 weeks exactly I will be on a plane to Cape Cod!! I haven’t been in absolutely forever as we were due to attend a wedding in America in March 2020, and well, we all know how that ended… I cannot wait to do all the swimming and eat all the ice cream and fish and fresh corn and drink Mike’s Hard Lemonade and say hello to a billion wild turkeys and the occasional humming bird. Oh yeah!
2. I shot Longbow for the first time ever yesterday, and passed my assessment straight away. Get me! I can now independently shoot Longbow, Barebow, Recurve, and Korean bow on the range. If the apocalypse comes, DO beep me. I’ll be super useful!!
3. Our living room ceiling fell down a week ago, and the builder we had booked to come and fix it over the weekend no showed and didn’t answer his phone however much we tried texting and calling. That’s not happy making. What is happy making however is that he’s just got back in touch and apparently he’s dropping materials off today and hopefully fixing it Wednesday. Still fucked off with him, but man, I just want my living room back!!!
4. I commissioned some chibis of Ruth and myself and I’ve just had the final drafts sent through and they are cute AF.
5. I just thought of what to do for @gallacrafts this month and it’s the dumbest most unnecessary most labour intensive thing that no one’s really gonna know what to do with because wtf? And it makes me really happy!! Hahahaha Love shit like that!
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pyrrhocorax · 1 year
4 10 20 35 !
OKAY I know you asked this a bit ago sorry i got busy!!! work!!! turtle took a tiny chunk out of my finger!! the usual! y'know What's a headcanon you need to work out? i am blanking real hard with this but i Guess what i consider to be estonia's true name b/c von bock is von bullshit has been a constant Thought of mine for a long time. sme goes for a lot of nations that have bad canon names or no canon names like what the FUCK would i name them. it takes so much effort for me to decide. How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore? i've been around a while! i can't date exactly when i started but it was at least sometime in 2008. i Think it was in the late fall of 2007, i've been trying to do the backwards math and i think this makes sense timeline wise, but my memory isn't exactly great. i figured out yesterday i am Pretty sure i was into hetalia before den/nor/ice were released?? which is. wild to me. anyway the story is that i occasionally saw hetalia fanart in passing and i was like. what the fuck is this but i don't care enough to investigate. and then i watched darker than black and was like wow i gotta tell my (now ex-)friend about this new cool anime darker then black b/c i am enjoying it a lot and i think she would too! and then my friend was like "i am going to totally ignore you. watch this thing called hetalia instead. you like other countries and history and languages and shit you should like this it's so funny" and i watched it and i didn't find it as funny as she claimed but i thought the concept itself was utterly Fascinating and i became Obsessed. my initial favs were japan/prussia/estonia initially, all for radically different reasons. i can elaborate on that if prompted it's just more text than i care to put here. then the den/nor/ice dropped and we had some comics with the nordic 5 and i was like oH FUCK these character dynamics between them are So Fun!!! and i have been in Hell every since. this is my third time getting back into hetalia after swearing it off for good and uhhh i think i have just been in denial this entire time that i am stuck here forever. Favorite Hetalia relationship dynamic? Any combination of the Anko Trio without question. they're such an interesting little complicated group. Post a Hetalia sketch or draft you want an excuse to share i am not very good at drawing and draw from the perspective of a more refined 8 year old child or something (positive). but i also don't have anything currently drafted writing wise that feels complete enough either so i am gonna share a dumb doodle i did and also share some upcoming things i plan on doing.
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one of the chapters of the SOS sequel is going to be called "The Joy Machine" and i am. very excited about that.
also have a neat NorAus idea i am obsessed with and will probably write soon-ish. once i sleep and think a bunch
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ november 2022
words written: 9835 drafting; 17606 redrafting/editing
projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue, Andromeda Rising
proudest accomplishment: i published my first art zine! oh and finishing the first draft of AR3 is also a thing that happened
books read: Memoria by Kristyn Merbeth; Cinder by Marissa Meyer, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
(book comments first: Memoria (the sequel to Fortuna, which i read a few weeks ago) was MUCH better imo than the first, 4.5 stars. Cinder was very enjoyable but i do feel like i am simply getting too old for YA and would have liked it better if i had read it a few years ago, 4 stars. A Memory certainly wasn't bad, but in the end it fell a bit flat for me, 3 stars.)
this month has been Very Weird. within the span of like 3 days a lot of things happened, including finishing AR3 and other Personal Stuff that resulted in me suddenly having a lot of free time on my hands that i did not know what to do with. but everything ended up working out! and a lot of that free time went to working on my wip.
i had thought that after finishing AR3 i'd work on one of my lower-effort sidewips, or work on other hobbies like drawing, but the motivation for those things just... didn't manifest itself? (also the Secret Space WIP, has become bigger than i thought it would, and i felt it would require more commitment than i am currently willing to give it)
anyways i just ended up going right back to AR kjdfgkjfds whoops
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA RISING (finishing the draft)
did i really finish this draft this month? it feels like forever ago jkfdjk
so my unofficial NaNo goal was to finish AR3. i had originally estimated it would take 15k, and then adjusted it to 10k. i didn't quite make the 10k either but i DID finish the draft, so that's still a win. to me.
this draft turned out way shorter than i had hoped... and there's a LOT that needs to be fixed, and i'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out. but i really was at the point where i had to just get through it to call it done otherwise i never would, so thank fuck that's over with.
(trying not to think about how much needs to be fixed yet. gritting my teeth.)
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA ROGUE (draft... 2!!!!)
so i had this whole plan of letting the entire series rest, then rereading, reoutlining, reworking some plot, character and worldbuilding stuff, and only starting draft 2 in 2023... and then i got impatient lmao.
i was somewhere in the reoutlining stage about a week after finishing AR3 when i realized it felt like i was wasting my time. not much of the main structure of this book is gonna change, so i was pretty much just rewriting the exact same outline i already had. (i plantsed through draft 1 but made a reverse outline as i was writing.) most of the changes are adding or changing certain details to scenes and no amount of planning was gonna help any more than just writing out the changes. so, on the 18th, i started draft 2.
(besides, it's not like i didn't let AR1 rest. i finished it in june 2021 after all.)
i also had a bunch of editing notes from when i was drafting, + stuff i thought about later while writing the sequels on how to better set things up, + notes taken during my reread. so i ended up just annotating the hell out of my first draft to show where i would add or change things, and then i put the old draft on one side of the screen and a new doc on the other side and started rewriting it to include the changes.
i've gone through about 5 chapters and added an epilogue so far! it's going pretty fast haha. i've already added over 2000 words just by fleshing things out a bit more, now that i know my characters and the world much better than when i started. it's SO much easier now that i have the entire series in front of me.
chapter 5 is where i've been slowed down as there is a considerable amount of stuff that needed to be rewritten completely-- it's quite exposition-heavy (it's the scene where Petra gets a rundown of her xenobotany mission), and when i first wrote it, i wasn't exactly sure where i was going with the story. and even though i now have a fuller picture in front of me, it's always hard to write an exposition-heavy chapter and include everything that needs to be said without making it drag. not to mention, foreshadowing and setting things up appropriately.
right now, i'm taking a quick break from redrafting to iron out some of the political backdrop of the story. not only did i need to rest after wrestling with chapter 5, but i was disappointed reading A Memory Called Empire, which was supposed to be a political intrigue, and it was one heck of a motivator to try to make the politics in my book better haha.
very short passage i added to AR1 to further demonstrate how much of a nerd Petra really is.
“Petra,” Dr. Derosy said, “you did your thesis on vitaplants. Would you mind giving us a brief definition?” Petra coughed and sat up straighter in her chair. “Vitaplants are a category of plants that boost the growth and health of other living organisms around them, specifically through the emission of vitawaves," she said. "Vitaplants have been found to have evolved independently on multiple planets around the sector and are not confined to a single genus, which has confounded taxonomists—"
“Thank you, Petra. I did say brief.”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to either.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @stormharbors @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @stormharbors @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa
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maruyaaya · 1 year
Hey Imeda! I am Low! I read your Pandalily fic recently and I adored it! I saw that you haven't had this account long and since I can't peruse/stalk your account to satiate my curiosity I've decided to inquire here :) I hope you don't mind.
Do you have any specific Pandora or Lily headcanons you can share? Do you have any WIPs in the works? Do you have any songs you are listening to on repeat right now? What are the top 5 ships that are giving you the most insistent brain rot currently?
And finally, I am done pestering you and I'm wishing you a day full of wonder <3
OMG HI LOW!! yes absolutely i am always happy to talk about pandalily they are my beloveds <3 yeah i set up this acc relatively recently bc i wanted a fresh start for my ao3 and i haven’t really had the chance to do much on it yet (i am unfortunately a full time university student) but i am so happy you sent an ask bc i am always excited to talk to ppl!! feel free to send more asks or even dm me for whatever reason!!
i’m gonna do the pandalily headcanons last bc i have so many of them, but firstly do i have any wips:
oh i ABSOLUTELY have wips. i actually am the worst at starting wips and never finishing them, but as for main ones i’m working on rn, i have a prongsfoot wip that’s currently around 50k words 75% done, a marauders x daisy jones & the six au, a (you have to hear me out on this one okay bc i know nobody ships this but me BUT HEAR ME OUT) friends with benefits sirius x barty fic that’s about half done, and another pandalily fic that is basically just taking shape but i don’t have much to say about it yet (im actually just the worst multishipper ever and i ship my favourite character, sirius, with every single person who dares to so much as breathe in his direction)
songs on repeat
ok so i am totally willing to just link my spotify, in fact: here and i have a pandalily playlist in the works here, but specifically, i’ve had never love an anchor by the crane wives, three by sleeping at last, and funeral by phoebe bridgers on loop over and over as well as the entire daisy jones & the six album.
top 5 ships giving me brainrot
1. PRONGSFOOT!! prongsfoot is forever in my head as one of my fav ships ever
2. pandalily! i absolutely adore their dynamic and the little version of them that i have created in my head
3. rosekiller. i think this is a relatively unpopular opinion but i am so intrigued by their dynamic and i’m currently in the process of drafting a LONG fic about them but i haven’t done much work on it yet
4. dorlene. UGH MY OG ENEMIES TO LOVERS i am forever obsessed with them and i can’t believe i haven’t written them yet
5. normally i’d have jegulus around here i think but currently i’ve been having intensive brainrot about the idea of a dynamic between barty and sirius. i think they’re two characters who are very similar and yet hate each other and i think it’s really interesting to explore a two sides of the same coin dynamic between them and idk i have a lot of thoughts about them i could absolutely rant for a very long time abt the sirius/barty dynamic i have in my head
bonus bc it isn’t a marauders ship but my favourite ship of ALL TIME is soukoku, aka dazai/chuuya from bungou stray dogs. i like them a Normal amount (i’m crazy abt them)
and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here are a few of my pandalily headcanons that i can think of off the top of my head
first of all, my fav pandalily song is trouble by halsey. it’s literally them. that’s their dynamic to me
pandora’s much more open about her oddness and want for Blood while lily is more closed off about it. it’s still there—absolutely still there—but pandora kind of awakens it in her and helps her to realize that it’s okay to show that part of her
they met through james and regulus and often go on double dates with them
they absolutely get matching tattoos. probably ethel cain lyrics or something abt the inherent eroticism of cannibalism idk
my favourite headcanon is that pandora and evan are twins and evan tries to get lily the shovel talk when he meets her for the first time, but actually just ends up half in love with her bc he thinks she’s so cool
speaking of, evan and lily joke that they’re going to run away and elope so that evans name could be evan evans and pandora thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
bonus headcanon that evan is the older twin by a few minutes but pandora tells everyone that she is and he doesn’t correct her
they watched bones and all together and every 5 minutes they would whisper “this is so us” to each other
they absolutely LOVE baking together. they do it at least once a week and they make cookies or cupcakes or something and decorate them like pinterest photos and give them to their friends
they have two shared pinterest boards. one is really cutesy baking ideas and cute room decor inspo and the other is full of quotes abt cannibalism and blood and eating each other whole. they treasure both of these boards equally
lily is the biggest taylor swift fan ever and she makes pandora listen to her songs together. pandora moderately enjoys taylor swift, but will listen to her constantly to please lily. lily’s favourite song is this is me trying and pandora likes cowboy like me
they give each other flowers all the time (notably lilies ofc). pandora can’t stand to watch them die and always presses them and keeps them all in a little notebook with the date they got them
they’re obsessed with biting each other. like not even just during sex, they do it all the time. they’ll be watching a movie and pandora will just reach over and bite lily’s shoulder for fun
their favourite show to watch together is hannibal. they’re crazy about it. they rewatch it all the time to an unhealthy extent
they often say really strange declarations of love to each other in front of other people like “i want to eat you down to the bones” or “i want to rip open your skin and crawl inside your kidneys and sleep in there” and everyone around them just laughs nervously and can’t tell if they’re serious or not
i probably rambled much more than i needed to but i am always very excited to talk!!
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runicmagitek · 1 year
4, 5, and/or 13?
Answered 4 over here, but will gladly tackle the rest! Thanks a bunch for the ask 💕
5) What aspect of writing have you most improved over time? How did you improve this? What are you trying to improve on now? Oh fuck, that's a lot to wrap my head around, because I've been writing for A While lol. I think in general, my project management of all my fics has improved. Thanks to a lot of spreadsheets, I have a good idea of how many words I can feasibly write per day and how long it would take me to begin and complete a particular fic idea. I've also done a lot to fine tune my editing process, which I was NOT good at in my earlier days. I could probably revisit Darkness/Starlight and shave 20k words off it easily, but hey, it's a learning process. I look at how long it took me to edit that and where I struggled… then look at What Leads You Here, which was longer and took literally a third of the time to edit. I'll take that win for sure.
What I'm trying to improve on now? Being concise. I always ramble too much in the first drafts, so I'd love to do lesss of that. However, I also feel that's just a part of my process and I know I'll edit myself during revisions, so maybe it's fine the way it is.
13) What are some must-read fanfics in your fandoms? Why do you admire these, and how have they impacted your works? If it's on my bookmarks page on AO3, I highly rec it. But here are some faves of those faves that come to mind, along with my bookmark notes for them. As for how they impacted my own works? Well, aren't we always inspired by the art that's around us? You experience something beautiful like catching lightning in a bottle and you never want to let it go, really. That's just being a creative type in a nutshell.
We Are Cinders From a Fire Burning Long Ago (Celes/Terra - Final Fantasy VI) Celes and Terra adjust to their new lives after Kefka's defeat and learn to not only live again, but come to love one another. A delicious treat of a story, equal parts witty and dark with the most well-earned happy ending I've read in some time.
In the Case of Bailey Gilande (Bailey & Royce - Transistor) A heartbreaking glimpse of Bailey's life before she left for the country.
Get On My Wave (Keitaro/Natsuno - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) A lovely mid-destruction missing scene, where these two have a touching moment together, complete with hurt/comfort and kissies~
lifetime in repeat (BJ/Ei - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) ~cries in gay~ oh my god, he's in love with the robot and it hurts so good and I love Them and- ~insert more hysterical sobbing here~
The Villain of Time (Ganondorf/Zelda - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) Don't mind me, I'm just lying face down in the rain and screaming forever. And by rain, I mean my tears. A fucking STUNNING take on Wind Waker and behind Ganondorf's intentions. Grab tissues - you're gonna need them.
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a-study-in-dante · 11 months
WIP titles game!
Thank you @lithugraph for tagging me!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh boy, this is gonna be a long one but I'm so, so excited. (I'll list them all, even if I've begun to post some of them, just for clarity and shameless self-promoting, but won't include the rewrite/2.0 /translated versions I have in mind and/or in the WIP folder). PS: I'm so pissed my computer changed the creation dates of ALL the files when I transfered them on it, because I would have included that. Some of these have been going on for far too long.
Ambassy AU. (The document starts with We need a damn title.) PruAus. Oneshot. 2 pages so far.
AU Pianiste. PruAus. 7 pages so far, no idea if this is a multichapter or oneshot.
(Realized an article's bibliography is saved in the WIPs folder oops lemme just change that real quick)
C'est la faute à Voltaire. FrUK. Empty document.
Champagne in Amsterdam. Ensemble cast but mostly Romano/Belgium. Long oneshot, so far 10 pages.
Château de cartes. PruAus. Fun fact: I ended up using that title for the renaming of my (only) RusPru, originally titled You give love a bad name, when I decided to post it on AO3. So yeah, need another title for this one. 2 paragraphs.
Fine dell'estate. Spamano! Started posting it last year.
Golden Sixties Are You Lonesome Tonight. FrUK. Oneshot, 2 pages so far.
Golden Sixties It's Now or Never. Spamano, Oneshot, 13 pages so far.
Golden Sixties Love Me Tender. PruAus. Oneshot, 2 pages so far.
(Those three are indeed part of a serie, I just listed them separately because this is now the official inventory of my WIPs documents™)
I bet you look good on the dancefloor (also known as Flat White and Barristas for some reason). Spamano. Three drabbles written.
I miss you (which is actually just the first line of the doc, was too lazy to come up with a title). PruAus. One dialogue so far.
I'll take the rain. PruAus. One shot, 2 pages so far.
Moderato Cantabile. PruAus, ongoing (I promise!) publication on AO3!
Nave Espacial. Spamano. 1 page.
Not another teen movie. PruAus. 3 sentences.
Old. PruAus. 4 paragraphs.
OS Noël. I think that's SuFin??? 4 lines.
Patria - PruAus aka Zeitgeist. PruAus. This is technically Patria's 13th chapter, but it was always my intention to publish it as a stand alone oneshot as well. And since it's already 32 pages long (Patria is 65 pages long so far) and I'd say it's only half of it, it looks like an even better idea!
Patria. Spamano. Ongoing publication on FF and AO3 since forever/2018.
Pirates AU. I don't even know!!! It stars England though. 2 paragraphs.
Quatre mots sur un piano. PruAusHun, this is one of my oldest projects and I can't see myself actually writing it. 5 pages.
Renaissance. Spamano. Multichapters but like 5 max (initially planned 3). 30 pages so far. First two parts available on FF.
The Berlin File Die Berlin-Akte aka The Berlin File. PruAus. Publication started on both FF and AO3, this is one of my oldest WIPs: I started this on the drafts of my phone in 2015 🙃
The Winds Are Shifting. Spamano. Also one of my oldest WIPs, even though I only wrote a paragraph so far. Oh, and wrote it as a sonnet titled Tourne le vent (which is still in my WIP folder too btw) for an assignment in first year of uni.
Vincere Tenebras. PruAus. One shot probably, 3 pages so far.
Damn the Weather. Stucky, ongoing publication on AO3!
The Void. MCU, but mostly Stucky. Ongoing publication on AO3!
Bagginshield. Lolz. 6 pages, probably multi-chaps.
00Q - Hunt-Brandt. This is a cross over. Guess the pairings lol. Multichapters, 11 pages so far.
Hymne à l'absent. Enjoltaire. One-shot, 3 pages so far.
Selfindulgent Dark Academia Short Story. Need I say more? Exclusively OC. Inspired by my fall-winter semester in Cambridge. 2 pages so far.
You've Lost That Loving Feeling. Ethan Hunt - William Brandt (Mission: Impossible franchise), it's on AO3 and I SWEAR I'll finish it. Some day.
Waiting for asks lovely people (please)
And tagging @like-a-bucky !
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storybook-souls · 2 years
have spent all weekend holed up in a cabin working on my novel and while it’s been very creatively fulfilling i’m left feeling very very [emotion] about the whole thing overall
#on the one hand every time i spend time writing it's so validating to get to go. 'oh i DO love this. i really really do.'#'i haven't just tricked myself into thinking i like doing this i really do feel like this is the thing i could do Forever'#but there IS a. 'hey am i actually any GOOD at this????' 'is it supposed to be easier than this? feel less like pulling teeth?'#'should the characters feel more real by now? am i as funny as i think i am? do i have the courage to take the swings i need to?#do i really control the plot as well as i need to? are my ideas really even anything at all?'#and then the third thing is. 'jesus christ it's really hard to write a novel when you have a full time job.'#especially when you're also running 4 dnd games and actually working 45ish hours a week and have to#maintain your own apartment and life and try to have some sliver of a social life and have family obligations#and are trying to get more sleep and have recently gotten back into reading books--#i got a lot done!!!! but not as much as i maybe HOPED to#this draft is like. not quite halfway done and i STILL don't know exactly what i'm doing with some of the#later chapters and while i think this draft is BETTER than draft 1 (obviously) it still like. needs a lot of work#and i'm so Tired....i feel GOOD but i'm so Tired and i have to go back to WORK on tuesday....#i. :( i know these things take time and that's okay i can be okay with it but it's just. really daunting to look down that road#and to know that i could only get as far as i did bc i set aside two whole days for it and WHEN am i gonna get that again#instead i'm just gonna have to go back to fitting it in around all the everything else which is. sigh#but i can do it! i literally can and i'm going to.#and i'm very glad i had this weekend it DID do the main thing i needed it to which is that it made me figure out#HOW to do a proper second draft. so now i can keep going#fcm#my writing
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catboys-need-milk · 2 years
Ms ma'am, I NEED asmo and levi lactation kink headcanons PLEASE IM BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES! I can't think of anything for asmo myself but like.... Just take a moment to think about Levi just had a really bad game that he lost massively. He needs comfort, he needs to find solace latched onto your breast. He comes to your room and finds you playing a game on your phone. You put it down to pay attention to him but he's so shy! His face is so red, he's trying to ask you for some of your sweet milk, yet all he's doing is stumbling over his words like a poor bumbling fool! But you see the slightly sad look on his face, you already know what he wants. So you simply beckon for him to come over, and he just shuffles over a little awkwardly, so flustered to be doing such a thing in the first place. You scoot over so that he can lay down with you, his face unimaginably close to your tits. You lift your shirt for him and all embarrassment dissipates into thin air. He immediately goes for your nipple, and begins to suckle. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you as close as he can. You pet his hair gently as he drinks. You know how hard it is for him when he loses a game, especially when he comes to you for comfort. So you bask in the quietness, the only sound being his sucking. You'll stay with him like this for as long as he likes.
*stumbles over and fucking dies* heLLO ANON ALLOW ME TO COMPOSE MYSELF 🥴♡♡♡♡
Omg omg omg ok I have SEVERAL things to say about this
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1. Hunnnghhhghggigidjxhxhchchch damn ok that made me feel all horny and soft??? 🥵 Fuckfuckfuck...omg.....Levi....sweet boy.....I love how embarrassed he gets its so cute and hot...fuck ^_^' ♡♡♡♡
2. Also Im guessing you've seen my Lucifer headcanons? Well so in there when I listed the brothers who like being fed I didn't include Levi—and tbh I've really been regretting that recently because yeah, I think he definitely would~ 😅 So I think I'll probably go back and add him to that list.
3. Dont worry their headcanons are coming!! ♡ I just take forever to do them because I'm super picky and really try to think up ideas that make sense for the character while also being different from the rest. Like I think every character should connect, experience, and engage in the kink all in their own unique ways. It keeps things from feeling repetitive as well as adding an element of believability to the headcanons and I really like that personally ♡ But Im thinking I'm gonna have Asmo be really playful with it and share you with Solomon, and then for Levi I'm going to incorporate his tongue, tail, and some cosplay~. OH and I still have to do Satan's too!!! I did other headcanons for him a while back but I still need like a standard lactation kink headcanon list for him 😅
4. In the meantime though!!! I have something in my drafts that I've been meaning to finish for a long while, and that you'd probably be very interested in 👀 its basically a longer drabble/fic where he's dressed as a cute nekomaid and trying to suckle from you with his freaky demon tongue. I was gonna try and finish it this week! ^_^
WOW SORRY THIS WAS LONG WTF but thanks for the ask!! ♡♡ Honestly I guess I kinda needed this?? Because my heart wanted to make Levi a lil' milk hungry otaku but I kept going like "aw nah dude I can't retcon myself". But uhhhh yeah I think you broke that so thank you 😅🥵🥵 ♡
(˵Φ ω Φ˵)
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jimilter · 3 years
youth (m) | masterlist
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and when the lights start flashing like a photobooth, and the stars exploding, we'll be fireproof — my youth, my youth is yours. ▶ youth by troye sivan
pairing: a member x reader, seven different fics set in the same universe
rating: m (18+)
genre: angst | smut | humor | fluff | drama
tropes: college!au | established relationship!au | friends to lovers!au | enemies to lovers!au | exes to lovers!au | strangers to lovers!au 
summary: a glimpse into the lives of a group of seven brother-like friends as they encounter love and its different faces, while meandering their way through college and early stages of employed life.
chronology: 💟 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 💟
note: this has been in the drafts of my prev blog since december last year, oh god. finallY bringing it out, i’m super excited and slightly nervous! 🥺❤
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— masterlist
— feedback is always appreciated!
— support me!
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↬ read here
oh, darling, my soul - you know it aches for yours; and you've been filling this hole, since you were born. ▶ infinity by jaymes young
— angst | smut | fluff | humor | established relationship!au
— reader nicknamed ◜ANGEL◝
↪ One drink too many at Hoseok’s Halloween party, and you’ve blanked out on the entire night that followed. Now, who’s gonna fill you in when Kim Taehyung looks one second away from breaking into tears when you bring it up with him? From running across the university campus in remnants of your vampire outfit, to dealing with your downtrodden boyfriend’s disappointed stares – you’re left with one hell of a day, and zero recollections.
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↬ read here
i swear she's destined for the screen - closest thing to michelle pfeiffer that you've ever seen, oh. ▶ riptide by vance joy
— angst | smut | established relationship!au
— reader nicknamed ◜HONEY◝
↪ It takes a foolishly trivial incident to unravel how astonishingly little of each other you and Kim Seokjin actually understand. It has you questioning your relationship, and him? Well, he’s questioning his whole life.
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↬ read here coming: feb ’23!
my many artifacts - the list goes on, if you just say the words, i'll up and run -  oh, to you; you - i'd leave it all. ▶ budapest by george ezra
— angst | fluff | smut | friends to lovers!au
— reader nicknamed ◜SUNSHINE◝
↪ Jung Hoseok has the biggest crush of his life on this girl that runs the ice-cream parlor across the rehearsal halls. They are friends, he hopes they can be more – but can that really happen when his mother so clearly detests her? Hoseok doesn’t know if he should follow his heart blindly, or heed to his mother’s warnings and proceed with caution. When this girl’s smiles keep him up at night, all he can do is hope that she won’t break his heart.
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↬ read here coming: june ’23!
and even if i run away; give my heart a holiday - still strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you. ▶ strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan
— angst | smut | exes to lovers!au
— reader nicknamed ◜MUNCHKIN◝
↪ You thought you were protecting yourself from future pain when you brutally broke Park Jimin’s heart at the end of High School. But over three years of time and multiple people in your bed later, you still love him as much as you did then, and there sure as heck is still a lot of ‘pain’ in your ‘future’ in the form of your ex-boyfriend having turned into this campus playboy that loathes your very guts.
And, yeah, that drunken one-night-stand you had with him last Christmas has definitely worsened the situation further. 
You wish you knew how to stop him from hating you – or you knew how to stop loving him.
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↬ read here coming: june ’23!
and you will never see my side and i will always think i'm right but i always regret the night i told you i would hate you 'til forever. ▶ forever by chvrches
— angst | humor | smut | enemies to lovers!au
— reader nicknamed ◜HELLION + DEWDROP◝
↪ A student has recently started writing music reviews for the university’s myriad of boybands in the quarterly journal. Min Yoongi doesn’t really get why he should pay attention when he isn’t a ‘band’ in any shape or form, until -
Until she decides to threaten his post-grad gold medal with her ridiculous review.
Now, this Hellion doesn’t know who she’s dealing with, because Yoongi doesn’t give up without a fight. Game fucking on.
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↬ read here coming: aug ’23!
from the second you walked in the room my night is ruined~ ▶ piece of you by shawn mendes
— angst | humor | fluff | smut | strangers to lovers!au
— reader nicknamed ◜CUPCAKE◝
↪ So maybe Kim Namjoon is being a bit paranoid. But is it really his fault when the list of what-ifs surrounding this whole issue seems to be endless? His entire career is resting in the palms of a stranger that he’s only ever met once.
He just hopes he would be able to graduate without this ‘Cupcake’ person accidentally getting him expelled, thanks to the university’s dumbass old-fashioned regulations.
On that note – what in the stripping club kind of a name is Cupcake, anyways?
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↬ read here coming: sept ’23!
it was love at first sight, felt like you were chosen but that blood in your veins, yeah, i know it's frozen. ▶ die for me by post malone ft. future & halsey
— angst | drama | smut | strangers to friends to enemies to lovers!au
— reader nicknamed ◜PRINCESS ◝
↪ Jeon Jungkook is like a breath of fresh air to you – someone honest, humble, sweet and selfless in your world full of deceit, greed, pretense and lies. But as you find yourself wanting to spend more time with him the in name of finishing your team project, it never occurs to you that the feeling might not be as mutual as it seems.
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taglist: @shrimpmsg @codeinebelle @afangirllikeme-blog @duchesskaren @opaljm @ressjeon​ @knjsnoona​
© jimilter + bangtae-shotddaeng | 2022
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pallasperilous · 4 years
Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover
{on AO3} “Despair” Studio Draft 09/18/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.) CASTIEL is verging on tears, joy and sorrow fighting for dominance. He knows what he’s about to say will be enough to summon THE EMPTY to claim him forever. DEAN is still struggling to process, but a terrible understanding is beginning to dawn on his face. CASTIEL ...I love you. DEAN (tearfully) I love you, too... ...buddy CASTIEL (Sighs grimly.)
> “Despair” Studio Draft 09/19/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.) CASTIEL ...I love you. DEAN (meaningfully) I know.
Haha sorry dude I’ve just always wanted to say that CASTIEL opens the door for THE EMPTY and wordlessly walks into the sweet embrace of OBLIVION. > “Despair” Studio Draft 09/20/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.) CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN Cass, man...I...how long have you felt this way?
CASTIEL Maybe...season 6? But I would’ve... (He pauses, overcome with emotion, then steadies himself to meet Dean’s gaze.) But I would’ve totally dicked down by mid-season 4.
DEAN Are you...are you fucking kidding me? That’s twelve seasons, Cass!! Network length seasons!
CASTIEL I didn’t think you could possibly reciprocate –
DEAN I had DESPERATION SEX with KETCH, Cass. ARTHUR KETCH. I had to get a TETANUS BOOSTER after that shit!  What the FUCK!
The pounding at the DOOR abruptly ceases. 
THE EMPTY (O.S.) Hey, so, this is getting weird, I think I’m gonna take off. 
CASTIEL Wait, no–
> “Despair” Studio Draft 09/21/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.) CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN (tearfully) Bazinga.
CASTIEL opens the door and hurls DEAN into the glistening maw of THE EMPTY. > “Despair” Studio Draft 09/22/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.)
CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN (tearfully) I love you, too.
BILLIE (O.S.) (Muffled, through DOOR) Pay up, bitch!
THE EMPTY (O.S.) Fuck!!  BILLIE (O.S.) There’s an ATM twenty minutes from here up 281. I’ll wait.
THE EMPTY (O.S.) Uggggggh you suck. > “Despair” Studio Draft 09/23/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.)
CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN I love you, too.
DEAN ...what?
CASTIEL Uh. Wow. I just...didn’t anticipate this. I’m...not sure what to say. I kind of thought the EMPTY would, you know, take me. Before you could say anything back.
DEAN Huh. Good job on the wards, I guess.
CASTIEL Thank you.
A beat.
CASTIEL (nervous laugh) I really thought the EMPTY would have taken me by now.
DEAN Do you want me to check on her, or...?
CASTIEL If you wouldn’t mind. I just worry.
THE EMPTY (Opening door) Haha I’m fine guys, this is hilarious. Seriously Castiel, I’m super flattered that you think I could  come up with anything worse than dating an unemployed closeted dude in his forties who’s obsessed with Zeppelin and lives with his adult brother in a basement in rural Kansas, LMAOOOO enjoy couple’s therapy, bitch > “Despair” Studio Draft 09/24/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.)
CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN (tearfully) I love you, too. CASTIEL I mean that I love you in a romantic way. Just to be clear. DEAN No, I get it. Same. CASTIEL Sexually also. I mean, probably? Not super clear on that one, but I’m open to experimentation. DEAN I am ready to explore that with you at whatever pace and in whatever way is comfortable for all involved. CASTIEL Just making sure we’re on the same page, here: this is a homosexual declaration of romantic love. DEAN Yep. Super gay. ...queer? CASTIEL No, I like queer. It’s inclusive. DEAN An umbrella term, yeah. Reclaimed and shit. CASTIEL Because, while we’re both male-presenting, and I don’t want to diminish the significance of that, I’ve got a whole potential genderfluid situation going on, maybe also on the ace spectrum, and you’re...do you prefer bi, or pan, or...? DEAN Bi works. But, you know, 2020 style. CASTIEL Right, so meaning you experience attraction to more than one gender, not just two binary genders. DEAN (finger guns) Bingo. CASTIEL This has been a very helpful conversation. DEAN Yeah. I’m so happy we finally got to talk about this stuff, man. CASTIEL So am- THE EMPTY bursts through the door, seizes CASTIEL, and vanishes again. DEAN sighs.
> “Despair” Studio Draft 09/25/20 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.)
CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN Don’t do this, Cass.
CASTIEL throws DEAN against the far wall as THE EMPTY pushes through the door.
THE EMPTY Yeet?? C’mon man, this is my last scene. I don’t even have a line, I’m just a fucking special effect. Throw me a bone here. 
CASTIEL I apologize. Let’s go again.
THE EMPTY Thank you.
CASTIEL (clears throat) Yoink me, Void Daddy.
THE EMPTY Oh my god. > “Despair” Studio Draft 09/25/20 #2 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT. (CONT.)
CASTIEL ...I love you.
DEAN Nice try, Chuck. Now let him go.
CHUCK appears, looking miffed. CASTIEL suddenly relaxes, like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
CHUCK Shit. How did you figure it out? 
DEAN Cass and I hooked up all the way back in 9x06, man. 
CHUCK Wh...no you didn’t! The crew just lost the light but had to wrap the sequence!
CASTIEL That’s exactly what we wanted you to think. We’ve been together ever since.
DEAN We had a vow renewal ceremony last month when we legally adopted Jack. 
CASTIEL It was very moving. 
CHUCK This is insane. You can’t do this! I control everything that happens in this universe!
DEAN Becky taught us about coda fics, Chuck. And that was all the opening we needed. 
CASTIEL Dean. It’s time.
DEAN I’m ready.
CHUCK Wh...what are you doing?
CASTIEL Your power only extends to shots that make it to air, Chuck. 
CHUCK (glancing at watch) No. NO.
CASTIEL That was a very long speech you had me deliver. Almost enough to take us to end credits. And then on to another show entirely. 
CHUCK I think it’s OUTPOST. I haven’t...I haven’t even watched it.
DEAN Jack likes it okay.
CHUCK (sputtering) You bastards. You may try to fuck with me between eps, but whatever happens to me still has to fit logically with the situation at the beginning of the next episode!  
DEAN Ah, yes. Tell me, who’s writing the next episode, Cass?
CASTIEL (with sinister resolve) Bucklemming.
The blood drains from CHUCK’s face. 
DEAN Then I’d say...
CASTIEL shakes his ANGEL BLADE out into his hand.
DEAN ...Sky’s the limit. SMASH CUT TO CREDITS. {on AO3}
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Work to Home
Summary: Spencer x reader, where the reader usually goes over to Spencer’s almost every night, but one night she doesn't and he gets worried and goes to find her, and turns out she just fell asleep.
A/N: Hey y'all sorry for not writing after a while, this was in the drafts from long ago, so here is another Wholesome Spencer fic I hope you enjoy this one! I’m also posting a couple more stuff throughout the night.
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When you and Spencer started dating, the team had found out, 4 months in. You saw Spencer forget his book at your house and you knew he was gonna worry about not having it if he was called out of town for work, so naturally you brought it in. He told you where he worked in case you ever needed everything, so you knew where to walk in. As you passed the glass doors, you looked around for Spencer, but was nowhere to be seen. You saw a guy walk up to you as if he knew you were looking for someone. And that one person was morgan.
“Hey can i help you with something?” he asked.
“Oh yeah, I'm looking for dr. spencer reid.” you asked as morgan’s eyes widened, spencer was never asked for so this was definitely a surprise for him.
“Uh yeah, i'll get him for you. What is your name?” he asked.
“Oh gosh, im sorry, my name is y/n.” you said as you shook hands.
“Nice to meet you, im derek, i'll get dr. Reid for you.” he said, smirking and finding spencer in the break room making coffee.
“Hello pretty boy.” he said nonchalantly.
“Hey morgan, did you know that some studies indicate that men take twice as many selfies as women 'cause it's considered to be an acceptable form of male vanity.'' Reid said as Morgan just stood with excitement.
“I did not know that pretty boy, but I do know that there is a lovely lady named y/n out there asking for you.” he said as Spencer's emotion changed and he ran out running to you. At first he thought something might have happened, but he saw you were calm so he walked towards you with a smile. You two walked outside the glass doors for a little more privacy.
“Hey, I didn't know you were coming.” he said as you smiled and got his book out.
“You forgot this at my place,” you said as he gasped.
He was looking for it all morning and he felt so glad you had it with you.
“Oh thank you. I was worried I was not gonna have a book to read on the flight.” he said as you nodded.
“I figured, well I should get going,” you said as he nodded and gave you a hug.
“Okay, i'll be at your place tonight, if i don't get called in out of town.” he said as you nodded and he watched as you walked in the elevator.
He walked back to his desk with everyone from the team huddled around him.
“So who is sheee.” Penelope asked as Morgan smirked.
“She is someone I know.” he said with a hidden smile.
“Uh huh, i think pretty boy has a girlfriend.” morgan said.
“Reid, she's perfect for you.” jj said as he smiled.
He then admitted you were his girlfriend and they were so happy. They got to meet you a little but after that, and they loved you, you were perfect for him as jj said. He had given you the key to his apartment 9 months into your relationship and you had given him one as well. Once he gave it to you, you would almost always be at his place when it was your turn. At first you would alternate, but when he was gone, you would help him out cleaning his place, or organizing his books if needed. When he was coming home that night you would be there to be there for him.
He loved it when you were there for him. It made him forget about work. You would almost always make a meal for him and have something planned for you two to do. One night when he was away for awhile, he noticed you haven't talked to him for a while and he got a little worried. On the way back he was all fumbly and his leg was jumping up and down very fast. He didn't even read his book on the way back. Morgan had seen the way his friend was acting, he was worried something was wrong.
“Hey you okay?” he asked as Spencer shook his head.
“Uhm, well y/n hasn't really answered my calls, and i'm getting worried, but maybe she’s just working.” he said as he nodded.
“Hey it's fine, she's probably fine, she'll call you. Heck she might be at your place right now.” Morgan said as Spencer calmed down at the thought. I mean you were always there so he didn't get that worried, but he was still worried. He was just hoping his friend was right.
As he landed he quickly ran or well walked, to his place hoping you were there.
He noticed the lights were off and saw that your stuff wasn't laid out on the couch.
“y/n?” he said as he looked around and saw you weren't there. He then just hoped you were in your place and quickly placed his stuff down and headed over to your apartment. As he entered he saw your stuff was where they were supposed to be.
You heard the footsteps, and you quickly got up and got the gun, Spencer told you to hide in case of this situation. You honestly had no idea what to do, so you just stood there getting ready to pull the trigger on whoever this was. As the door opened you saw Spencer, and he immediately put his hands up as you sighed in relief.
“Oh Spencer, it's just you.” you said as you sat down. He quickly placed you in his arms for a hug.
“Oh I'm glad you're safe. I was so worried you were-” he said you looked at him.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Well you weren't answering your phone and you weren't at my place like usual i got worried.” he said as you saw his puppy dog eyes.
“Oh I'm sorry bubs, I fell asleep and I didn't even have time to check my phone.” you said as he nodded.
“I'm just glad you're safe.” he said as you hugged once more.
“Don't worry, I'm not leaving you anytime soon.” you said as he smiled.
He had gotten comfortable laying with you as you played with his hair and he talked about his day at work, and taking turns to talk as well. You were always a great person to talk to and he was happy he got to see you every time he comes home from work and hopes he can forever.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ bitch ✦
this chapter pairing; warlock!seungkwan x witch!reader
genre&warnings; warlock!seungkwan, witch!reader, enemies!au(not hate fucking tho), hallucinations/tripping, high sex, cockwarming, overstimulation, forced orgasm, the smallest bit of switch!seungkwan, dirty talk 🥴
notes; it’s the way the draft for this chapter was completely different for me 🤪 He was a lot meaner in the draft but my natural thought was like HE WOULDNT BE THAT MEAN 😩😩 lmao fjkhkfh also can we just have a laugh at the fact seungkwan was doing a we remember kpop vlive and todays his monster mash fic day? thank u sir for all the content 🤣💕 As always, thank you for your interest with Monster Mash~ 3 chapters left! Say a prayer that maybe drunk me will post the last three in order!!! Have a great weekend! Be safe!! I love you!!! 💕 👻 🎃 
word count; ~1700
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - x - x - x
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we do things a different way;
it’s up to you and it’s up to me
i’m your bitch, you’re my bitch!
boom, boom!
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You hurry down the dirt path towards the small home where you knew Seungkwan would be; adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Of course this would happen.
You let out a frustrated noise, hoping that you were right in assuming Seungkwan had taken the spell book from your own home; there was no time to waste if your assumptions were wrong.
“That fucking bastard, I swear when I get my hands on him!” Mumbling angrily, you enter the clearing in front of his small abode; hands balled up into fists at your sides.
In fairness, part of it was probably your fault for leaving the spell book unattended and without a protection spell to keep it safe, but also, you’d only been gone for about ten minutes.
Unfortunately, that’d been enough time for Seungkwan to sneak in and take the book for himself.
You’d known Seungkwan for a while now and you’d even go so far as to say from your early teens. He was always using his magic for silly pranks and while he’d never done anything harmful with his magic yet, there were definitely spells in your spell book that could be used for harm if in the wrong hands.
You march up to his door, forcing it open as you storm in.
“Where the fuck are you, Seungkwan!?”
Scanning the small space, you walk around, no sign of the male anywhere in sight. You head up the small set of stairs to the second floor; noting one of the two doors was cracked open slightly with light coming from inside.
You all but sprint towards it, flinging the door open as you find Seungkwan holding a vial of liquid with the spell book open in front of him on the table. “You son of a bitch, Seungkwan!”
“Hey, wait, don’t----”
You slap the vial out of his hands as it knocks another one off of the table, plumes of purple and red smoke filling the air as the two of you start to cough violently. “Fuck, why did you do that!?” He shouts, trying to cover his mouth and nose from the odd smelling smoke.
“What the hell are you trying to do!?” You scream back, eyes watering as you, too, try to cover your mouth and nose.
“Fuck!” His fingertips wrap around your wrist as he tugs hard, pulling you out of the room and into the one directly across from it. He slams the door once the two of you are inside, coughs and gags filling up the space.
“Seungkwan, what---what the hell!? What was t-that!?” You shoot him an incredulous look, brows furrowed when he starts to look a little weird in your eyes.
Did Seungkwan always have four eyes? Or was it eight?
“Damn it!” Seungkwan mutters, sitting down on the bed in the middle of the room. “It was just one of your stupid illusion spells, okay? And maybe if you didn’t slap the damn vial out of my hands and make it knock off whatever god knows was in that other vial, I wouldn’t be seeing two of you right now!”
“Wait? You’re----You’re seeing t-things too?”
“Well, duh. I mean I don’t think it’s supposed to be quite like this but then again neither of the liquids in those vials were meant to mix on the floor either.”
You stumble over to the bed where Seungkwan sits, mouth hanging open as you stop in front of him. Leaning down, you stop until you’re face to face with him, shaky fingers reaching out to touch his cheeks where his other two eyes seemed to be.
“You have, um, four eyes?” You whisper.
“Oh, god. What did those vials do.” Groaning, he flops back onto the bed. “I don’t know what the hell that mixture is doing but it’s not good.”
You sit on the bed next to him, throat oddly dry.
There’s a weird warmness that floods your senses at the same time the room starts to shift; body swaying slightly as you let out a soft moan.
“Seungkwan, there’s s-something weird h-happening…”
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re feeling it too…”
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There’s two things you always promised yourself.
One: Keep the spell book safe.
Two: Don’t fuck Seungkwan. Even if you thought he was really handsome.
“Stop moving, damn it.” Seungkwan growls; hands on your hip as he keeps you in place. You drool slightly in response, head rolling and blown out pupils finding it hard to focus on the male when he had two heads. “M-me? You’re the one who w-won’t stop moving!”
You sit in Seungkwan’s lap, his cock snug inside of your pussy. His lap is exorbitantly covered in your wetness as the two of you stay unmoving; accusing each other of moving every few minutes. Or so what you both thought.
God only knew how much time had already passed.
Blinking slowly, you convince yourself you’re as still as a stone; soft giggles spilling from your lips. “What---what the hell are you laughing at?” Seungkwan mumbles, pupils shaking as he tries to focus on your swaying body.
“I’m---I’m suuuuuper still right now. Can’t you tell?”
“No, you literally w-won’t stop moving. How many times am I going to say i-it?”
Groaning in response, you swivel your hips slightly, “No, see idiot, that was me moving!” Seungkwan’s already overly sensitive; moans spilling from his lips at the simple movement.
“This is the worst, I can’t believe you’re sitting on my cock like this right now. I mean you’re hot, yeah, but fuck.”
“Wow, thanks Seungkwan, that made me feel great.”
The two of you fall into a somewhat comfortable silence and you find yourself slowly leaning down until your head rests against his shoulder. You can’t stop the drool that pools on his skin underneath your mouth; eyes focused on the wall that seems to warp endlessly.
“I think I want to cum.”
“Okay. Go ahead.”
You lift your head from his shoulder, a trail of saliva connecting your mouth to his skin making you laugh. “Oops.”
Seungkwan’s blunt nails dig into the skin of your waist, mouth parted slightly. “Didn’t even have to do anything and you’re already gonna cum, huh?” You reach a hand down between your bodies, a shocked expression on your face when you feel just how wet you really were. “I’m---s-soaking…”
“I can tell.”
Your fingers rub circles on your clit, loud moans and whines falling from your lips at the way your body is already on the edge of an orgasm. “Ngh, ‘m already c-close…” Your eyes clamp shut as you start swiveling your hips; odd patterns dancing behind your eyelids as you start to feel the tension snap.
“Ah, Seungkwan!”
He feels your walls fluttering around him and despite him trying to resist all of his urges, he can’t deny the way he wants to press you into the sheets underneath him.
So much for self control, he thinks.
It only takes a split second before Seungkwan is using all of his strength to reverse your positions as your back meets the bedsheets. You let out a choked sob as the pleasure continues to wash over you and Seungkwan starts to chase his own pleasure as he starts fucking you.
The sound of your wetness makes you blush a little as Seungkwan chuckles under his breath. “Don’t worry, I know this isn’t all my doing. I’m not that big of a jackass.” You open your bleary eyes; attempting to focus on Seungkwan as the ceiling behind him turns into a black hole. “Uh---uh huh…”
The remnants of your orgasm start to ebb away and you honestly can't even tell when your fingers went still on your clit, but you close your eyes, moving your hands to his forearms. “You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, s’just everything’s f-fuzzy and--and it feels like I’m f-falling…”
Seungkwan fucks into you faster, brows furrowed. “Shit, I--I’m already close t-too.”
A weird wave of emotions wash over you and you find yourself oddly wanting to dominate Seungkwan. “Yeah? Gonna cum? You get to fuck my pussy for what, 2 seconds, and you’re already close? You’re so weak, baby boy. But okay, go ahead.”
You laugh deliriously, nails digging into the skin of his forearms as he lets out a choked sob. “Ah, ‘m s-sorry, I just--I can’t help i-it…” He whines, overcome with an odd feeling, himself.
“I know you can’t help it, baby boy. You’re just so easy.”
His moans become breathy and he finds himself mentally trying to fight off the way he wants you to keep talking to him.
Seungkwan bites his lip, growling. “Fuck!” His hips piston into you, cock throbbing as he finally cums. The feeling makes you moan and Seungkwan quickly finds himself annoyed almost as quickly as he felt himself wanting to submit to you.
He places his thumb on your clit as his orgasm washes over him, rubbing harsh circles on the nub as your back bows off the bed and his hips stutter.
“Ah, S-Seungkwan, wa---wait, I--I can’t, I’m t-too sensitive…” You mewl, thighs shaking as the sting of overstimulation starts to bleed into pleasure quicker than you can process.
“Don’t care, you’re gonna cum again. I know you want to.”
And you hate how right he is.
Your choked cries mix with his sultry groans and when your second orgasm hits you, it feels like it lasts forever.
You can only assume that Seungkwan feels exactly what you’re feeling.
It takes a second for your body to finally go slack and your chest heaves in deep breaths. “O-oh my… g-god…” 
Seungkwan groans, pulling out of you as he lays down next to you in bed, completely spent as the room continues to spin. “It feels like I’m falling but I’m--I’m not...” He whispers. Your thighs continue to tremble even when you sit up, slumping forward slightly as you gain some of your senses back.
You turn to Seungkwan, watching as he starts to get overcome with the desire to sleep. 
“Are you tired, Seungkwan?” He only nods once, eyes already closing as he gives in. 
“I jus’ needa s-sleep for--for one minute...” Seungkwan mumbles. 
You had to get the book before he got up. 
Whether or not your body wanted to cooperate.
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When Seungkwan wakes up, he doesn’t know how long it’s been.
His head is pounding and he’s naked is all he knows. 
“What... happened?” He whispers to himself; eyes dancing over to the window. 
It was still night time.... 
...Ah, shit! The book!
Seungkwan gets up from the bed, tripping over his own feet as he all but rips the door open to find the door to his study still open. He sighs frustratedly, turning back to get dressed before he assessed the situation.
Clearly, the two of you had experienced something bizarre together. That was for sure. 
Once he gets his clothes back on, he heads over to his study, already noticing that some of the things on his shelves were gone. He groans, knowing you’d taken important ingredients that it’d taken him weeks to collect.
A small note sits on his table, held down by a small dagger and he leans in close to read what it says; rolling his eyes almost immediately.
“An eye for an eye, bitch! x” 
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