#draco malfoy blond with big blue eyes
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whowhowhoareyou · 28 days ago
as we kick off black history month, please allow me to share these absolute bangers from the 6-year-old of the family I clean for:
6YO: It's hard to be a girl. And it's hard to be a black girl. Because that's, like, two things.
6YO: When was MLK arrested?
Mom: Well, which time?
6YO: When he was alive.
6YO: I'm white, right?
Mom: Yes.
6YO: So is dad black?
Mom: Mm, no.
6YO: ...Not even a little bit?
6YO: Who's the woman who wouldn't move on the bus?
Mom: You mean Rosa Parks?
6YO: ...Could she have sat in the middle?
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agirlsguidetolove · 2 years ago
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pairings: draco malfoy x fem!gryffindor!reader, platonic!golden trio x reader.
word count: .9k
summary: Draco Malfoy was your least favorite person in the world, and you thought the feeling was mutual. What happens when you realize he’s actually obsessed with you?
part 1
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Hogsmeade was your all time favorite place, especially in winter. Dressed in your favorite patterned scarf, big black jacket, long tights, and black boots, you felt warm and cozy. You and Hermione have your arms draped around each other’s shoulders as the two of you exit the Three Broomsticks, the taste of Butterbeer still on your tongue.
The two of you giggle at who knows what, stumbling from how hard you’re laughing. The slight falling of snowflakes doesn’t effect your mood, you watch as one lands on your nose as you and Hermione come down from your fit of giggles, choosing to focus on what you guys came here for; Christmas shopping for the boys.
Harry and Ron were a pain in your arse, but that didn’t mean they two weren’t simple. They wanted quidditch gear for when the season starts up again in spring. Easy as pie for you and your seemingly infinite money.
You and Hermione’s feet leave footprints in the snow, it crunching beneath your boots as you walk to Spintwitches Quidditch Supplies. Your smile seems untouchable as you walk with a pep in your step, staring down at your shoes. When you look up your smile falters, a frown threatening your lips at the sight of him.
White blond hair, a tight hoodie and a jacket thrown over that. Malfoy stands with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott on either of his sides. He leans against the wall of Honeydukes that leads you down into an alley. He nods along to whatever Nott was saying, clearly not paying attention. His eyes drift from his friends to yours.
Draco Malfoy is, simply put, your least favorite person in the entire world. There are no words to describe the absolutely anger the boy causes you. His arrogance and disrespect towards you and your friends is a mood sourer, and he was ruining your amazing day with just one look at you. His effect on you was irritating, and you could feel your own heart race and hear your breathe hitch when his blue eyes met yours. Fuck.
Your warm eyes turn cold in an instant as you watch Malfoy smirk. He reaches a hand up to ruffle his already messy hair as he starts to walk over to you and Hermione.
Too busy glaring at Malfoy as he saunters over, you miss the knowing look Nott and Zabini share with Hermione.
“Just ignore him,” Hermione urges. You give her a look, a pout plastered on your lips. She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
Easier said then done.
“Well, well,” Malfoy taunts. He’s grinning over at you, hands tucked into his pockets as he tilts his head at you, not even bothering to glance at Hermione. “Look who escaped the clutches of her boyfriend,” he spit, the words directed toward Harry, even though he wasn’t your boyfriend. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
Your eye roll is immediate. “Why don’t you mind your own business, Malfoy?” you sneer, before sarcastically saying, “Surely a man like yourself has much better matters to attend to then bothering some Gryffindors.”
Malfoy’s smirk deepens as his eyes flicker down your body for a moment. “Don’t cut yourself short. I prefer it here.”
“Can’t we go, Y/N. Please.” Hermione tugs on your arm, already dragging you up the hill, away from the boy who seemed to never be capable of staying away from you.
“Yes, please,” you groaned, throwing your head back and rolling your eyes as you linked yours and Hermione’s arm together.
You can hear Malfoy’s footsteps behind you as he hurries to catch up to you, desperate for whatever he gains from annoying you. “Running away so soon? I knew you were a coward,” he exclaims.
That makes you pause, turning around, eyebrows scrunched in aggravation. “Excuse me?” you scoff, releasing Hermione’s hand and rushing to where the boy stood. “I’ll punch you in the face just like I did third year, don’t doubt that.”
His eyes sparkle as he looks down at you, your threat bouncing off of him. “Believe me, I don’t doubt you. Never have.”
What in the bloody hell was he on about?
”Mate,” Nott called from behind him, deep voiced annoyed with his friend. He raises his brows at Malfoy. “Let’s go.”
He shrugs at his friends, sticking his hands into his pocket. He smirks at you, tongue coming to press into his cheeks. His cheeks are red from the cold (or, maybe, from his raging crush on you).
“I’ll see you around, L/N.”
“Screw you, Malfoy,” you sneer, hair whipping as you trudge up the hill to meet Hermione where she stands, looking at the pair of you with an unimpressed expression.
When you make it to her, you link your arms together again. You smile at her. “Shall we?”
Hermione rolls her eyes, but nods.
When the two of you begin to walking, you stick your tongue out over your shoulder, catching a glimpse of Malfoy still standing where he last stood, watching you.
Draco doesn’t bother trying to hide his smile.
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not proofread 🥰
xx, lovey🫀
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dracoxmalereader · 1 year ago
Draco x Male Reader
Context: A sequel/part two to All at Once (but it's not necessary to read that first), not set much long after, maybe a couple weeks. Reader is a fifth year Ravenclaw, a year above Draco. I read in one of those "people also searched" tabs about Draco that people would tease him after fake Prof. Moody turned him into a ferret and immediately thought of a scenario like this. <3
Also I know there's no curtains on the windows by the courtyard but ??? I needed a plot device so just pretend it's supposed to be like that.
Summary: Draco just can't seem to catch a break. After a little scuffle with Ron and Harry, he trips and falls through a curtain only to be met with the older Ravenclaw he's found himself entirely enthralled by. What a coincidence.
Wordcount: 1158
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Footsteps echoed down the mostly empty hallway, chatter filtering out as students ebbed from the hallway into their respective classes. The courtyard was barren, grass dull and wet from the temperamental weather. Though not far past lunch, the sun was hidden by clouds and the air dark with rain.
Draco twirled his wand mindlessly between his fingers, not paying much attention to where he was going. Deep in his head, he hadn’t noticed the approaching figure in front of him until his shoulder roughly slammed into theirs. His wand thunked to the ground, rolling away from him.
Dark hair and a scarred forehead marred his view, Harry Potter’s green eyes looking at him without a semblance of remorse. 
“Watch where you’re going, crackpot.” Draco scoffed, bending down and reaching out to pick up his wand.
“You first, Malfoy.” Harry hissed back. 
Ron stood behind him, hand on his shoulder glaring at Draco. 
Draco rolled his eyes. A mean smirk pulled at the left side of his mouth. “You taking weasel-bee on a date, Potter? What would that little mudblood think?” 
“Big talk for someone that couldn’t even see us coming down the hallway,” Ron retorted, squinting at the blonde. “What would ‘father’ think?” He pushed his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout, voice taking up a mocking tone.
Draco blew a puff of air from his nose, stepping closer and shoving his face closer to Ron. “Why don’t you go call Potter’s little Hufflepuff boyfriend?” He spat. “Oh wait, you can’t.”
Ron's expression didn't change. “Professor Moody is right behind you.” 
Draco stepped back, head whipping around to look behind him; the empty hallway stared back at him. He turned back to Harry and Ron, face heating up. His pale cheeks reddened and he huffed in rude embarrassment, his brows furrowed angrily.
A sneer etched into his expression. Wordlessly, he shoved past Ron and stomped down the hallway, turning the corner with another loud exhale. He tramped along, shoes loud against the floor. He clumsily shoved his outer robe to the side, fumbling to slip his wand into his pocket as he walked, only to lose his footing and tumble sideways.
No regaining his balance, he fell through a curtain into the windowsill behind it. He clambered to break the fall with his palms, landing with his fingers splayed out over the blue border of Ravenclaw robes. He snapped his head up.
There you were, book in hand and a look of shock and confusion painted on your face. Your blue tie was messily undone, wrinkled and bent where it spilled out the collar of your dress shirt and laid over your chest. Draco felt sick, almost jealous, and he wondered if his hands would blend in as well with the color of your sweater as the tie did. 
He clambered upright, scooching so he wasn’t sitting on your robes and set himself against the opposite side of the windowsill from you. Your lips pursed as you tried to find something to say, and it felt like the air had vanished from the windowsill entirely. Draco's face felt alarmingly hot, mind racing. He almost hoped you wouldn’t say anything, just so he could better imagine what it would be like to kiss you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, folding down the corner of the page in your book and closing it, setting it down against your knees. 
He trailed off, eyes boring holes into yours. “Uh…”
The candle-lit lights high on the walls in the hallway outside did little to seep through the curtain covering the sill. His mouth hung open, taking in the way the gentle and dull lighting bled into your skin. 
He forced it shut and swallowed. “What are you doing here?” He parroted. 
“Hiding.” You replied shortly, blinking at him. 
It was a shame he couldn’t see your eyelashes well, but the way the low light softened you made up for it more than enough. Your hair sat on your head perfectly, done in a way it hadn’t been when the two of you had detention together. Draco was enamored, wholly too tempted to pet it, to pet you.
The light made it hard to discern the details of your clothes, and he’d never seen a uniform sweater look so comfortable on someone. Merlin, you were marriage material.
He cleared his throat, taking notice of the awkward silence that had settled over you. He broke eye contact, instead focusing on the clouds outside. “What are you hiding from?”
“Filch and the professors, obviously.” You replied, adjusting the curtain Draco had messed up before opening your book back up. “So please keep it down if you’re staying.”
Draco felt butterflies fly up his throat. “You want me to stay?” His voice cracked as he said it, chasing the words out of his mouth.
He felt his stomach churn, but he couldn’t stay embarrassed for long when you looked at him again. You silently stared at him for a moment, electing not to answer. You opened your book to the page you’d folded the corner of. With the angle and lighting, he couldn’t tell much of what the book was outside of its blue-stained color. He admired your fingers where they held the book at its spine. 
“What are you reading?” 
“The dream oracle,” You tilted the book so he could see the cover better. “It’s for divination.” 
If you were someone like Granger, he would have been quick to make fun of you for ditching one class to study for another, especially for one he found as ridiculous as divination. But his lungs tightened at the picture his mind conjured of you reading his palms, and all he could think about was letting you tell him about tea leaves while running your fingers along the insides of his knuckles. 
He was thankful for the darkness around you two, because there was no way he wasn’t getting visibly more flustered by the second. “Do you like divination?”
“It’s more tolerable than potions.” You said with a smile, a joking lilt in your voice that made his knees feel weak. The butterflies in his chest were stampeding at the reference to the detention you'd met.
“I like potions, you’re just bad at it.” He muttered, hoping you could tell he was joking too. 
You laughed through your nose, smile stretching further into your face. “I hate potions, you’re just good at it.”
The parody made him nauseous. Nobody ever bantered with him like this, not lightheartedly and without malice. A part of him wanted to stay in the windowsill with you forever, follow you out of it, march into the headmaster’s office and demand that stupid hat switch him to Ravenclaw so he can follow you to your dorms and sleep in your bed with you. 
He takes a shaky breath to pace himself, and hopes no professors come down this hallway anytime soon.
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I hope Ron and Harry aren't too OOC 😭 I haven't re-watched the movies yet and I am yet to even touch a book.
Sorry if there are bald people reading this and feel left out because I made the reader have hair it took me like 7 passes to realize that I was not only writing a hair-having MC I was writing a hair-having MC with my hair. Whoopsie daisies. 3b hair (involuntary)
Had to fix that but I still feel bad for anybody with no hair that reads this. </3 As always lmk if there's typos/goofs.
Tags: @gayaristocrat @nowayisthistakenyet
@written-in-cheese just in case this counts as a part 2 <3
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zwolfgames · 1 year ago
Yandere Draco Malfoy x reader (Part 1)
Requested by: /
Warnings: None yet.
Not yandere yet, this is a part one.
parts: Part 2 , Part 3
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(3rd person POV)
Potions, always goddamm potions.
Yea, you hated the subject with a burning passion, as did many of your peers. Who could blame you when the teacher was such a greasy haired git.
You've had to suffer professor Snape's tyrany since you were eleven. But this, this is the last straw.
"Hello? Earth to who-ever you are. Atleast move."
Some annoying, grating voice whined in your ear.
Draco Malfoy, your potions partner for this year. He didn't seen happy with you either, as you're not one of his pure-blooded slaves.
"..Sorry." You sigh silently, did you want to punch him? Yes, but his dads Lucius Malfoy, so unless you wanted your parents to go bankrupt, you'd shut up.
Malfoy scoffs and pushes you aside so he can reach some random worm like ingredient.
You retreat back to your spot at the cutting board and cut up the root infront of you like the instructions said. As much as you hate the Slytherin you're working with, he knows what he's doing. Probably the only upside of this arrangement: good grades.
"Not that small. Gods you're useless." Malfoy grits his teeth and takes the knife away from you. He reminds you a bit of your friends' mean mother. So controlling and arrogant.
"They're as big as the instructions say." You almost scoff but you keep in a nasty scowl as to not anger mister blondie.
"The instructions are wrong. I've made this potion before, it's better if the roots are in bigger pieces." Malfoy lectures absentmindly and starts anew. At this point you'd just let him do everything since you do it wrong anyways.
But no, he'd tell you off and call you names. So what does he want you to do? You don't know. He doesn't want you to do anything but you also can't do nothing. At this point you should just drink the unfinished potion and see if thats alright for him.
The potions class ticks by incredibly slow. Due to not wanting to piss Malfoy off, you end up being the one who just has to hand him stuff and wash the used lab materials. Utterly boring, but oh well.
You don't think you're going to last a week more with him before you get mad and let loose all the damm insults you've carefully crafted.
But would it be worth it to endure years of bullying just to smack that smug grin off of his face? Yes. Yes it would.
But no! Don't doom yourself now, potions class is only for... Another hour. Okay yea, you're not making it trough this one.
"L/N, spoon." Malfoy orders and holds his pale hand out for a spoon you're supposed to hand him.
"It's next to you." You answer plainly. Not wanting your irritation to show.
"I didn't ask for words, I asked for the spoon." Malfoy snarls, as a 'last warning'.
"It's next to you."
You repeat calmly. This bossy Slytherin turns his head around in such a quick snap you almost feared he'd broken something.
You facial expression remains neutral, while on the inside, you're screaming at yourself to jump out of the window.
"The. Spoon." Malfoy hisses angrilly.
"It's. Next. To. You." You mimick him, done with this absolute shit.
"My father will-"
"Hear about this. We know Malfoy." The dude in the group next to you speaks. Neat, people who're not against you.
Malfoys eye twitches a bit before he glares at you with cold grey eyes.
He finally grabs the spoon himself and stirs the potion at a pace wich, to your knowladge, is way too fast for this potion.
A minute later, you were proven absolutly correct as the dark blue goo explodes and douses you, Malfoy and some neighbouring students under the hot slushie of grossness.
You hear multiple sounds of distaste around you, tough your vision is mostly obscured by the goo you refuse to let enter you eyes.
"Who did this?!" You hear a loud and angry voice... and theres the worst part of the day, Snape's wrath.
"Malfoy did!" Some brave student pipes up. Poor soul, thats the last you'd ever hear of her this class.
The blonde lets out an audible snarl of rage as he's tattletailed on. Hopefully he also has goo in his eyes, so that he won't be able to see who snitched.
"Malfoy, five points from Slytherin." Snape ends this quickly and sends all the damaged students off to the closest lavatorys to wash up.
You walk half blindly trough the hallways in search of a lavatory. A hand on the top of your back seems to be leading you, you haven't a clue who it is but you mumble a quick 'thank you'.
You reach a lavatory with the help of the mystery person and wash up. Tough when you're done washing the gunk out of your face alone, they're already gone... a shame.
As such, weeks go by of Hogwarts lessons. Malfoy's still a bitch, but that was expected, atleast it's only in potions class...
So it is to your dear surprise when the blonde himself comes up to you in the hall.
"L/N. When do you want to make that potions paper? I don't like making things last minute." Draco scoffs as he stands before you with his arms crossed.
You didn't have a problem with making things last minute. But bratty mac brat face did, ofcourse.
"I'm free now, if thats fine." You sigh and get mentally ready for this study session if he said yes.
"Great. Library." Draco organizes chastely and walks past you towards the library. Unfortunatly, trough a less popular part of the. Now, if he were to stick a wand up your nose you'd have no witnesses...
Tough, all goes well, Draco seems to actually just want to get this done. So you two silently walk to the slightly dark hallway.
You hear him sigh as you two walk, you're a bit on edge, yes. You've heard about Malfoy's urges to hex people.
Nothing happens... he just keeps walking.
That is untill you hear a creak from up above and a nasty metal sound.
You body reacted before you even knew.
You jumped at Draco like some kind of tiger and rolled onto the floor with him as the chandelier you two were under had crashed where he had just stood.
You blink rapidly to get the dust out of your eyes and stare at what could have been both of your dooms.
Draco coughs up some dust and focusses his gaze onto the chandelier just before he was about to insult you for pushing him.
"Did you do that-" You two asked in sinc.
Draco sighs as he realizes you have no clue either.
You get up and pull the blonde up with you. A lame 'thanks' comes out of his mouth as a mumble.
"So... You know, like who did that?" You look on at the chandelier in shock, your life had just flashed before your eyes.
"Maybe it was a coincidence?" Draco suggests. You side glare at him.
"Obviously not. Everyone hates you, someone must have tried killing you." You sneer now, realising you just risked your life to save him.
"Hate me? I'm the most popular boy in this school- outside of Potter- But my word still stands!" Draco protests. Glaring at you with cold grey eyes.
"You're a loud mouthed, insulting git. But sure, if thats how you wanna be know, do continue." You furrow your brows.
"Excuse me?! You could be a bit nicer after saving my life-" Draco stops mid sentance as he realises it himself.
"You... saved my life? Why?" Draco's voice gets quiter.
"Honestly, I don't know. I just did." You shrug, not wanting to make as big of a deal of it as it truly was.
"... Thank you. Y/N." Draco speaks, full on eye contact.
You've never heard him say your name... first name at that, in such a.. non mocking manner.
You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrasment.
"No problem... Let's go report this to a trusted adult." You brush off and start walking.
"Trusted adult? Really?" Draco snickers in amusement at your words and behavior. It's like your little life saving action opened his eyes.
You weren't incompetent anymore. No longer an annoyance. You were just.. Y/N L/N.
"Well I can't say teacher, theres a lot of teachers I ouldn't even trust to hold my pen." You scoff. Draco perks up in curiosity and walks next to you.
"Spill." He muses simply. Looking at you from the side.
"Obviously Filch. Snape, just because he seems to hate me. Umbridge, it explains itself. Dumbledore, don't ask, its a personal grudge." You roll your eyes and Draco nods, amused.
"Fair enough. So who are we telling?" He asks you as you two walk down the halls. Now on edge as the one trying to murder you both may be around.
"Uh... How about McGonnagall? Or maybe Sprout. I'm sure they'll care." You answer and keep walking. Draco nods along. Wow, this is the first time you two must have agreed on something.
You two end up finding proffesor Sprout's office first. Draco takes the lead in explaining the events and your houses both get five points... for not dying you suppose. Or maybe not being as stupid as Harry Potter and his squad and actually telling a teacher whats going on.
As you'd expected, the woman instructed you two to go to your dorms for the night, dinner would be in seperate houses as the school would be inspecting for the evening.
You and Draco parted ways, tough you could see the reluctance in the blonde's eyes as you were about to walk away.
So with a deep sigh you walked him to the Slytherin dungeons entrance and walked back on your own from there.
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This one shot was way too long for me to finish in one writing session, so it's getting split. Woops.
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delqcate · 1 year ago
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day two is finally here!! just a small sort of disclaimer, i have never experienced autumn/fall before but i am a lover of the season and aesthetic so this is just my idea based off of photos and films. also i'm back to my roots i love that for me 🫶 | flufftober | navigation
p.s. i appreciate your guy's love for the first fic. jellydoger liking my fic was definitely a small fangirl moment for me
summary: a game of hide and seek in the forbidden forest ends with worry over your cold hands
warnings/cw: no use of y/n , lots of descriptions , lmk if there's more
word count: 0.7k
paring: draco malfoy x you
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Hogwarts always had a special charm to it when the chilly seasons came. The castle was already decorated with pumpkins and the air had never felt better, oh, and the leaves. The crunch as you step on them, how beautiful they look on or off the trees. Autumn in Hogwarts was definitely something worth experiencing.
Which is how you were able to trick Draco into a small game of hide and seek with you after some drinks in The Three Broomsticks. "I know you're here somewhere, darling. The leaves aren't really your best friend today." He calls out in a teasing manner while you were trying your hardest to not step on said leaves, no matter how crunchy they seemed.
The closer he got, the more you started to rethink your hiding spot. There weren't many places to hide in the forbidden forest besides trees, trees, and more trees— and as tempting as hiding in the leaves would be, that would be too much work— so you had to act fast and quick.
You quickly found a clear path but Draco was always close behind, staying still and silent to find you quicker. As you continued to run, you were definitely running out of breath, so as soon as you found a big enough tree to hide behind, you sat there and scanned your eyes all over the forest. Shades of orange and red fill your vision.
He felt close by as if he was right behind you. You weren't too tense since besides harmless creatures frolicking around, it was just the both of you, but you still had to keep your guard up. Something did catch your eye though: a leaf in the shape of a heart. Some parts of it were bent, but it also seemed natural.
A smile grew on your face as you continued to look at it, carefully pocketing it with the worry of getting it crushed. What you didn't realize, was that Draco—
"Boo!" He quickly taps your shoulders and yells, laughing as you flinch and slap his arm instinctively. "Draco!" Your breath was heavy, but you couldn't help but let out a laugh as well. He crouches beside you, your back pressed up against the tree and your legs curled up to your chest.
He had a soft smile on his face, perfect gray-blue eyes, and beautiful, kissable lips. He was perfect in your eyes, you were perfect in his. He leans in and gives your lips a soft peck before taking your hands in his.
"Your hands are freezing, love. I told you, you should've worn your gloves." He frowns, slipping off his own. "It's fine, I promise. I don't need yours, don't worry." She takes his hands to stop him, but he gently nudges them away, slipping one of his gloves on your hand.
"If you won't take both, at least take one. Mother made them..." He smiles, admiring the black gloves with the signature 'M' embroidered on the top with silver.
You look at the glove with a smile, it didn't fit properly, but it felt like it did too. Your eyes meet his and you let out a soft giggle as you noticed his face, his nose was pink, as well as his cheeks. You gave a soft kiss on all three spots, his cheeks seemingly getting more pink.
"The autumn chill hasn't been too kind to you now, hasn't it?" You tilt your head to the side a little to admire his face a little more, a small smile on your face. He chuckles and shakes his head, his blonde hair moving along.
"Maybe, maybe not. How about we warm up in the castle? The others are probably there as well anyways." He stands up and offers a hand to you, taking it graciously. "Sure. Oh, I wanna show you something I found!" You say as your smile grows wide, pulling out the leaf you found.
"Isn't it beautiful?" There was a sparkle in your eye, he loved that about you. He nods and smiles wide, wrapping an arm around you as if to warm you up from the cold weather. "Mhm, just like you." He kisses your head as both of you walk back to the warmth of the castle.
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sheeple · 2 years ago
Miracles don’t exist | 3: Well-mannered friends
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): None this chapter [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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The welcome feast is as usual, delicious. The company also helps. This year, Hogwarts has the honour of hosting the Triwizard Tournament. After a speech about it, Dumbledore welcomes the other schools. 
First up is Beauxbatons, the magic school located in France. They only send their girls, which are absolutely beautiful, with their blue silk uniforms and butterflies.
Next up is Durmstrang. My oh my. What do they feed those boys up in the north? Everybody obviously starts to point and whisper as Victor Krum. Draco bounces excitedly up and down the bench.
"I would assume you are far too distracted by Krum to even notice any of the French girls, even the Vila one", you tease Draco, which earns you a glare in return.
The French students take place on the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrang boys make their way over to your table. You try not to stare at them, so you turn towards the conversation Draco is having with his friends. 
Suddenly, someone clears their throat and you all turn around. A tall guy with dark green eyes and blond hair stands in front of his group of four friends, all equally tall. "Can we sit here?", he points towards the empty space around you.
You nod, dazzled by his sharp jawline and accent. The guys send you smiles before sitting down and conversing among themselves in their native language.
"Who's distracted now?" Draco gives you a shit-eating grin. You give him a push, which makes him fly off the bench.
The Durmstrang guys snicker at your cousin as he jumps back up, whipping his hair back in the process. His friends also laugh but shut up as he gives them a glare.
"Talk shit, eat shit, buddy", you muse, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
This makes the blond guy bellow a hearty laugh. "You are a very funny girl. My name is Gjol Lundström." He reaches out a big hand for you to shake.
"And she's not interested." Draco narrows his eyes at Gjol while he pushes the blond's hand away.
But, before he has a chance, you slap Draco's hand away. "I'm sorry. My cousin-", you glare at him, "thinks he has to be a big brother. (Y/n) Black, nice to meet you." You shake Gjol's hand. It's warm, firm, and rough with calluses. And on top of that, it engulfs yours completely.
You quickly let go of his hand to not make it awkward. And also because the food has arrived. Golden plates upon golden plates appear with the most delicious meats, vegetables, and freshly baked bread.
You don't particularly fancy the scrutinizing stare Draco gives you, so you turn towards the Durmstrang boys. "I saw your ship arrive, it's truly magnificent. I do hope the trip to Hogwarts wasn't too long."
Gjol nods as he swallows a big bite of pork. "Sailing the seas has always been a passion of mine, so I did not mind it. But Sigge." He elbows the boy next to him, getting a side-eye in return. Another one sniggers as he motions to me the gesture of puking.
You giggle, turning to the boy- Sigge, and give him a reassuring smile. "Oh, I don't blame you. My stomach isn't strong enough either to handle the waves." That's a lie. You never had set foot on a boat. But you can imagine Sigge needs a bit of solace.
This makes Sigge open up, going on about how he begged his teachers if he could take a Portkey or even fly. But their Headmaster made this big deal about arriving in style.
"So, are you going to join the tournament?", asks Gjol.
You shake your head. "Nah, I'm not old enough to participate. And besides that, I don't think my family would approve of me putting myself in danger for 'eternal glory'. And what about you guys?"
"Sigge and I are both one year too young. But Bjarne could. He is not going to, though. Headmaster Karkaroff appointed a hand full of students he deems worthy of participating. Bjarne is too skinny. Not enough meat on his bones." Both boys chuckle as they shoot a dark-haired boy on the other side of Sigge's teasing looks.
Bjarne starts to mumble and grumble some things in his native tongue, what you can only imagine to are swears, by the looks of the others.
The rest of dinner goes by without a hitch. The three Durmstrang boys and you talked some more, exchanging stories about your respective schools before they needed to leave. They say goodbye with wide smiles and promise to visit Hogsmeade together.
You also get up to walk towards the Slytherin dorm when a tall figure appears next to you. Blaise gives you something that resembles a smile, but you're not entirely sure.
"Let me walk you back as Nott is... occupied at the moment." He looks smug as you both look over your shoulders, Theodore looking rather miserable as the Bloody Baron is talking rather at him, than with him.
The closer you get to the dungeons, the colder it gets and the more you pluck at your fingers and nails. You don't know what to say, and neither he makes any effort to start a conversation. 
"Thanks for walking me back", you say quickly as the two of you enter the common room. You make your way towards your bedroom and drop yourself on the bed, groaning into your pillow.
Daphne looks up from her bed as she is brushing her hair. "The year has barely started and you're already huffing and puffing away."
You roll over so you are laying on your back. "I just know it's going to be a hard year, Daph. Count my words."
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The morning of the first day has gone by without a hitch. While Draco and his gang have Arithmancy before Defence Against the Dark Arts, you have Muggle Studies. This makes you come in later than them into the DADA classroom, having all the empty spots near Draco taken up by his friends.
Theodore spots you and practically shoves Lorenzo from the spot next to him. But you quickly see two empty tables near the front.
As you flip through the textbook, not expecting a book bag to drop on the table next to you, you jump a metre in the air as Hermione reluctantly takes place. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she glares at something ─ or someone ─ behind you.
"Are you... are you okay?", you ask hesitantly, wondering if she's ill. Hermione has never batted an eyelash at you, let alone taken up space next to you. You have never interacted or even looked at each other. At least, not before the train ride.
Hermione sharply turns her head towards you. "I'm quite fine, thank you very much."
You watch how Harry and Ron take place in front of you. Harry gives Hermione a look, and the girl sighs.
"Do you- do you like Defence Against the Dark Arts?" She looks almost pained to ask that.
You shrug. "It's fine, I guess. It's a very important subject. But why are you sitting next to me?" She looks at you disgruntled before you continue, "yesterday, you were saying that there aren't any good Slytherins."
This makes her turn scarlet, matching her tie. Ron visibly shrinks in his seat and Harry turns around, his eyes apologetic.
"Well... Maybe Slytherins just need well-mannered friends", she huffs out quickly as the doors to the classroom and in storms Mad-Eye Moody.
Harry and you make eye contact. You know damn well it's Harry who pushed Hermione to be friendly-er towards you. After all, it's what he has been saying for a year now.
"You always look so lonely. Why don't you have any friends?", Harry asks one evening as you sit on one of the many forgotten staircases.
You scoff. "Who would want to be seen with me? If it wasn't because I am related to Draco, it is because of my last name."
"I can be your friend if you would like? We don't have to be seen together if what your family would think scares you. It could be our secret."
A smile forms on your face. It's no surprise to you that Harry would know that neither Draco nor your aunt and uncle would approve of your friendship with the Chosen One. After all, he is the one true enemy of your father. And you shouldn't be fraternising with the enemy.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover​ @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry​ @choppedpartymuffinwinner​
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zombiiangell · 27 days ago
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AN: so ik it's not 2020 or dracotok but i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOOOVVEEE THIS CONCEPT soo being a writer obvi i wanted to write about ittt. Ps it's not proof read towards the end, if it seems rushed thats why, sorry!!
Hope you enjoy!!
fem!reader Slytherin!reader
The night was cool, it was Christmas Eve. You had just gotten back to the common room from the train station after saying goodbye to your friends. It was rough, them having a place to go while you were stuck here at this school. You hadn't minded though, but that was until you found out your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy wouldn't be staying at Hogwarts over break.
“It's okay, love. I'll be back as soon as I can. You know how my father is about these family get togethers. I'll see you as soon as I can” He said before leaving, placing a small peck on your lips before getting on the train.
You sat in silence in the common room, starring at the pages of an open book, not reading, just thinking of how you'd spend another Christmas without anyone to celebrate with in person. A sigh escapes your lips as you put down the book on the coffee table infront of you.
You stand up, checking the time on the old grandfather clock that stood there for many years, and probably more to come. It's 11:32 PM. Almost Christmas. The people who are still in the school all are in the Great Hall to celebrate, open presents, and eat a grand dinner. You hope to make the most of Christmas despite being alone.
The halls to the great hall seemed longer than usual. The ground clinked lightly under every step you take. Faint music plays through the open door archway. You enter the huge room, Christmas decorations, snowflakes and ornaments of all sorts are decorating the room beautifully. A warm comforting atmosphere filled the room and you couldn't help but smile. You go to the near empty Slytherin table and sit down, turkey, pudding, and other delights appeared out of nowhere.
You fill your plate with all your heart desires and begin to eat. You see house elves dancing to the Christmas music and it can't help bring a smile to your face. The bells ring a jolly tune, it was officially Christmas!
Out of nowhere your owl comes flying through the Great hall, swooping down gracefully dropping a dark green envelope with a silver wax M sealing the envelope shut.
Your heart races knowing who this present was from.
Quietly you open it, revealing a black letter written in sparkly silver ink.
“Merry Christmas, love. Once again I am sorry I couldn't be there with you. I hope this makes you smile. You have always complemented them, and I got a new one today for Christmas. I thought this would suit you more than it ever has suited me. I love you lots my love. I'll see you in a few days.
P.S I figured it would be a bit big, I put it on a silver chain for you. Wear it every day for me.
-Draco Malfoy.”
Your heart races, but you don't see any sort of gift? You open the envelope just to double check if you had mised anything. And there it was. At the bottom of the envelope was a silver ring on a matching silver chain. You stare in awe, picking it up as if it would break. To verify it was actually his you look on the inside of the ring.
There on the inside of the silver ring was two faded initials, D.M
A smile washes over your face, lightly feeling the ring inbetween your fingers.
You let it hang, holding it by the chain. You put it around your neck, struggling to get the clasp on.
“Need some help, love?” You hear a familiar rich boy voice.
You flip around, seeing him standing there. Messy blonde hair, sharp blue-grey eyes, and a tight black suit.
“Draco!” You quietly shout, getting out of the wooden seat at the table. Your arms fling around the boy and your head rests just above his chest. You feel his arms wrap lightly around you, his fingers lightly rubbing back and fourth on your back.
You pull away looking him im his eyes, a confused expression evident on your face. “Wait. What are your doing here? Your parents-” you get cut off. “Don't worry about them, darling. All that matters is that I'm here with you.” He says calmly, his and reaching up and cupping your face gently.
“What do you say we get out of here hm? I'd really like to spend time with you this Christmas.”
You eagerly nod your head with a big smile. You turn around grabbing the ring necklace, pocketing it. You turn back around to him, holding your hand out for him to take. He grabs your hand, interlocking fingers, and yall walk back to the Slytherin common room.
The firelight illuminated the dark common room. It was untouched from whenever you left about a half hour ago. You and Draco both sit on the couch, warmed by the fire.
You pull the necklace out of your pocket and hand it to him. “Could you put it on me?” You ask softly.
“Of course, darling.”
You turn around, back facing him, moving your hair onto your left shoulder. Draco gently places the necklace around you, not struggling with the clasp. “There you go.” He says. You look down at the ring as it hangs around your neck. “Thank you, Draco. This means so much to me.” You say turning to look at him.
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
“Merry Christmas, Draco.”
Snow falls, the atmosphere is warm. Without another thought, without feeling sad, you both lay there slowly falling asleep in each others arms.
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months ago
The Lifeaters (II.5)
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V. The Dueling Club
Chapter Summary: You find a… “allowed” way to… use magic on people you don’t like 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, people getting petrified, classism, taking joy on the prospect of muggleborns being petrified/killed, you know what this is about
Wordcount: 2,3 k 
Notes: I will keep going with this fic, because I know it will take off, and I know in the future this is going to be AMAZING
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You could feel it in class, or in your free periods…
The fear
The uncertainty
You couldn’t when you were in the common room, or surrounded by your friends, because they acted like nothing is happening, in fact, they took pride on it 
Everyone was teasing Draco, about him being the heir of Slytherin, and he only smirked proudly, you wanted to feel the same, you wanted to feel the same thing they were feeling but, something stopped you from doing so, your belly felt heavy.
So as you were hanging around the common room, you looked up at Draco, and all your friends gathered there
“Who do you think is the heir of Slytherin?”, you asked, and to your surprise, he looked back at you and squinted, like really looking into you
“I don’t know”, he confessed, which did surprised you, Matthew chuckled, taking your attention far from your friend
“I don’t know, but that is someone worth befriending”, he said, imitating what Draco said about Potter on the first year, “a great job he is pulling”
You didn't think petrifying innocent people is a “Great job”, but you didn’t dare to say anything 
But a little boy, a first year, had been petrified, he was lucky he wasn’t dead, but he was a muggle born, so the threat was actually becoming a reality.. and it was scary
An “heir”, and by the looks of it, a Slytherin heir, had come back to the school and decided to purge it from muggle born students. 
The next class of defense against the dark arts came around, and to your delight, this wasn’t going to be a normal class like the rest, actually Lockheart made you walk all the way to a big hall on the first floor, where he gathered the rest of the students of second year
There was a large, long platform in the middle, drawings of the cycles of the moon beautifully painted atop a blue fabric. as you all second years students were standing around it, Professor Lockheart showed his face, walking along it
“Can you all hear me?”, he asked as we were his raging fanclub, “Excellent! In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this dueling club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself has done in countless occasions, for full details... see my published works”, you rolled your eyes at him, and Draco snickered
“Maybe we can finally learn something useful”, you mocked to him, and he laughed 
“Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape”, you all looked, entertained how your teacher climbed to the platform, with his common serious face, “He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration, now, I don’t want any of you youngsters to worry, you’ll still have your potions master when I’m through with him. Never fear”, you snickered, not thinking for a second that clown could best the had of your house 
They both got in font of the other, moving their wands in a traditional, dueling manner, then they turned around and gave short paces, to then turn to each other again several steps away
“1…2…3!”, counted Lockheart, but Snape was quicker, throwing him a quick expelliarmus charm to disarm him. You laughed when the blonde teacher flew back several feet and landed on his butt. He came out of his stupor and raised himself from the ground trying to demonstrate the little dignity he had left, just chuckling
“An excellent idea to show them that professor Snape… but if you don’t mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do, if I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy”, you looked at your teacher expectantly for what he was about to answer
“Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells professor”, he tried then
“An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape! Let’s have a volunteer pair, Potter, Weasley, how about you?”
“Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells, he is going to send Potter to the hospital wing in a match box, may I suggest someone from my own house, Malfoy, perhaps?”, you could see the excitement behind your friend’s eyes, especially when Snape commanded him to get up in the platform, he did without hesitation
“Good luck!”, you said quickly
“Like I will need it”, he mocked back, standing on the platform, on the other side, Potter did the same.
They walked until they were face to face, you exchanged excited looks with Pansy who was smiling widely 
“Wands at the ready!”, demanded Lockheart
“Scared Potter?”, you heard your friend ask
“You wish”, he responded rather quickly. They walked away from each other, just like Snape and Lockheart had done
“In the count of three”, the professor chanted, “cast your charms to disarm your opponent, ONLY TO DISARM!”, he warned, “we don’t want any accidents here. One! Two!...”, but Draco didn’t wait on three, he cast the first spell
“Everte Statum!”, Potter flied backwards and fell on his face, which was hilarious, all of Sytherin laughed at him, even some Ravenclaws, but he stood up quickly
“Rictusempra!”, Potter cursed, and it was time for Draco to fly through the air and fall on his behind, the room filled with gasps and a few snickers. Snape grabbed him roughly and rigid him to stand 
“I said disarm only!”, whined Lockheart
“Serpensortia!”, called Draco, clearly not hearing him, a snake was created from thin air and wheezing in front of Potter.
There was an uncomfortable silence, Potter seemed really, really surprised, and in the room you could hear even a pin drop. 
“Don’t move Potter, I’ll get rid of her for you”, mocked Snape, walking in front of Draco, redying his wand. Draco seemed only too pleased with himself, as he saw how people looked at him amazed and some even frightened, conjuring snakes would indicate he was.. 
“Allow me professor Snape, Alarte Ascendare!”, Lockheart interrupted your thoughts, but the snake was only pushed into the air, and landed right back where she was, ready to attack, now, even angrier .
And Potter… he looked at the snake and started walking towards it, and to your surprise, he started chanting in parseltongue, talking to the snake.
nobody could move as Potter made the snake stop as it was directing itself towards another student. 
The entire room was quiet, they were all in shock, you did too, so much, you missed Matthew right by your side, whispering in parseltongue as well. 
“Vipera Evanesca”, interrupted Professor Snape, getting rid of the snake 
Draco looked at me surprised, but they were all looking at Potter
He ran out of the room, and Lokcheart took a while to come out of his stupor, clearing his throat
“Pair up”, he said, Snapped has also vanished, “let’s practice some more”
You were really looking forward to the dueling club, but not as it was directed by Lockheart, at the end, after pairing up with Daphne, you learned nothing, except by a tickling charm Daph hit you with because she didn’t want to hurt you, you instead hit her with the dancing legs spell you learned last year and was the final exam for charms.
it was all good fun until Milicent and Granger actually came to physical blows, forgetting about their wands, you and daphne wanted to help your friend, so you punched on the both of them, and the Parvati twins stepped in to help Granger and you all ended up throwing spells at one another. You actually landed one that made her hair grow quickly, it catched her eyebrows, it was really funny, but Snape returned only to grab you by your robes and un-chant Patil. 
You were actually kind of proud of it. 
The very next week was even more eventful. 
A huge Blizzard had hit Hogwarts with all its might, Herbology classes were canceled because of it, and you were so relieved, last class you had touched a plant and it had died on you, even Professor Sprout seemed concerned about it
You did not like Herbology at all
You didn’t know where the other common rooms were, but you were somehow lucky, yours was underground and under the Black Lake, so the temperature was somewhat even, even though you wished you had sunlight sometimes to read or study, your common room was beautiful. And now with all those attacks, you were… encouraged… to stay in your common rooms and not go about alone 
“Have you heard what they are all saying?”, asked Matthew, entering the room really crossed, you looked up from the book you were reading on taking care of plants for dummies
“What?”, had asked Draco, who you were leaning against. Matthew frowned at the both of you but shook his head angrily
“They are saying Potter is the heir of slytherin”, he growled, “I heard some Hufflepuffs talking”
“That half-blood? it’s ridiculous”, mocked Draco.
“Maybe he is”, you threw in, gaining shocked looks from all of them
“Don’t be silly”, wanted Draco
“He can speak in parseltongue”, you reasoned
“How do you know what that is?”, asked Matthew, frowning
“Because…”, you didn’t really have a good explanation, “don’t we all?”, you tried to salvage yourself, “you all know what a parseltongue is, don’t you?”, and they got quiet
“Harry Potter is not the heir to Slytherin”, Matthew growled 
“Are you?”, you asked him, he smirked, but didn't say anything, you looked back at Draco, and he didn't say anything either, only smiling slyly.
“Of course not”, he said then, more quietly, Theo at his side chuckled darkly, pretending to keep reading his tome on potions mastery for beginners, you hoped he still wouldn’t understand a thing, after the stunt he pulled last year, you had refused to partner up with him again, even though he even asked you a couple of times, you preferred to partner up with Draco so Snape wouldn’t criticize you as much, and you ALWAYS got a perfect grade, sharing the podium with Granger.
But Theodore Nott was still really cute, to your own frustration, Daphne, Pansy, even Milicent and Tracy would almost swoon when he asked them something directly, you found it annoying. He even had followers amongst first years, so… you wanted to keep away from him, refusing to be a member of his fan club.
You looked at Matthew from the corner of your eye, and he was still looking back at you, he even winked at you, like the fact he was the heir to Slytherin should make you swoon instead of feeling terrified
Was he really the heir to Slytherin?
You felt something besides the fear… you felt relief, because if that was truly Slytherin’s monster, and the one who opened the chamber was really a Slytherin heir, you had to admit, you felt relieved.
You would not get attacked, or any of your friends
Furthermore, you didn’t believe any of your friends could actually command a monster to do something like this, most of them were only twelve! Who could do that? it had to be one of the oldest pupils of your house, maybe Flint had a more accepted idea of who that might be 
But he was also pure blood, one of the sacred 28 even…
Maybe he was the heir…
As you looked around at your class, you realized you didn’t have anyone else to share your deductions with, Draco seemed so different from before the summer
The very next day you found yourself taking notes in the History of Magic class, the class itself was boring, Professor Beams, even though he was a ghost, which you thought was pretty cool, couldn’t write on the board or make presentations, so he just limited himself to dictate from memory all he could on a particular subject. And most of your friends would snooze off, Pansy was the only one you could rely on when it came to good notes and paying attention in class, and Draco also seemed determined since he told you Lucius was very disappointed in his performance at school, even thought he had almost perfect scores, he was always second in class…
Maybe that is why Lucius was so crossed
The first one was Granger…
When class was finally over and you had awakened all of your dormant friends, you go out of the classroom and you stopped in your tracks as Potter was standing against the wall, on the floor in front of him, was an annoying hufflepuff boy, whose name you couldn’t remember right now, petrified with a shocked look on his face
And there floating above him, was nearly headless nick, Gryffindor’s ghost, with a wide-eyed horrified expression on his face, completely unmovable
He had been petrified too
How did they manage that? he was a ghost!
Peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist, was screaming at the top of his lungs
“ANOTHER ATTACK! ANOTHER ATTACK!”, Professor Mcgonaggal was already on the scene, and it was general mayhem
You took a second to thank the Bloody Baron for keeping Peeves away from all of you Slytherins, you really disliked him, and he seemed to be the only thing that could somewhat “control” Peeves. 
You were quickly removed from the scene, even though Draco was smiling almost brightly
He might not be heir of Slytherin, but Potter was going to get in sirius trouble
“This is even better”, he said, “he is not getting expelled… he is getting sent to Azkaban!”, he laughed, and he and Matt high-fived each other. As you were walking away, all you could hear above all the murmurs and scared whispers of the students… was Peeves singing. 
“Oh Potter, you rotter, oh what have you done? You are killing off students, you think it's good fun”
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sunnylands-world · 2 years ago
My boy
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Pairing: draco Malfoy
Summary: the song Ophelia for my favorite boy
Word count:1'186
Warning: self harm?, Story is told through readers eyes
Universe: you guys around know, Harry Potter
A/n: please support this, I really would appreciate it. Also if you like the header let me know in the comments!
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
I, I, when I was younger
I, I, should have known better
And I can't feel no remorse
And you don't feel nothing back
5th year you fell for him. a boy who was nothing but cruel to your sister and hated you for something you couldn't change: draco Malfoy.
You don't fully understand why you would choose someone who was so…evil. Maybe it was the fact you noticed he didn't really have anyone, or that he was smart, and was living his life for someone else. But you couldn't help the mix of hate you felt for him. He was a bully and he'd hurt your sister often, and even if he had people to impress, he was his own person with his own decision and he chose the wrong one, and for that you could never love him completely.
I, I, got a new girlfriend
She feels like he's on top
And I don't feel no remorse
And you can't see past my blinders
When sixth year came you met a guy, he was everything draco was not. He was kind, spoke out about what he felt was right no matter who turned on him because of it. He had friends that actually were his friends and most of all he didn't judge you because you were different. He told you:
"Being a muggle born in Hogwarts is amazing. if you made it here without actually being of wizard blood, I'd say you're more special than anyone here."
The problem was you hated it, hated that you pretended to love someone because they were what was best. Sadly it wasn't what you wanted; a part of you still clung to the boy who wasn't anything others would support.
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl since the flood
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
He didn't leave your mind when you slept or when you woke. If your eyes were shut you were dreaming of a life where he wasn't the way he was, just a kind boy in Slytherin. someone who wasn't afraid to be himself and didn't cause fights he couldn't win simply to get others approval. a place where he loved you and your difference with no fear.
with your eyes open you could see him clear as day and know he was in reach but your fingertips didn’t and couldn’t even graze him. It was like an intense hunger for a delicious food that you just couldn’t have because it wasn’t good for you. Draco malfoy wasn’t good for you.
His dark suit and bright smile was a beautiful sight like the night sky with stars; so beautiful you wanted to save it in a box for you to cherish…
I, I, got a little paycheck
You got big plans and you gotta move
And I don't feel nothing at all
And you can't feel nothing small
When seventh year came you saw the fall of the boy you loved. It was like a cloud lurking over his head and he seemed deep in thought and not about something good. His blonde hair that seemed to glow didn’t look as bright, his pale skin looked covered in ash and his blue eyes covered by a storm and well of course he wasn’t seen smiling. If he was a film you’d cut it off and not continue to watch, because you knew it would end even worse than it began.
Honey, I love you, that's all she wrote
Things only got worse. Not that you could ever really know his thoughts but now it was like he hid and disappeared more often than before and it was like trying not to run through fire as you fought the voice in your head telling you to be there for him. A knot in your gut, telling you to help him before it’s too late… I love you Draco please don’t do anything that will cause you anymore harm
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Word was out that he hurt that girl and you didn’t think he was capable of it but you guess you underestimate the things he’d do for his family’s loyalty. You admired his determination to always be loyal, you just wished it wasn’t to someone who clearly didn’t care about him very much. You laid awake at night thinking about the poor girl who suffered for no reason but even now you couldn’t not love Draco malfoy despite his wrongful actions and that made you ill thinking that somehow you were just as bad as him and you understand why he chose to follow his fathers words like law…
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
The next thing you knew Harry was torn about Dumbledore's death and he said that Draco was there and you could only sit by like a woman whose husband had been arrested for murder. You mourned the loss of him but still chose to believe Draco was forced therefore he wasn’t to be hated so you went looking for him and found him crouched down in the corner of the tower sobbing and clawing at his forearm till skin and blood was under his nails. His forearm bled as he continued at his raw arm. You rushed over, snapped out of your shock.
“Stop, please stop!” You begged, pulling his arm away from his greedy claws and he looked up at you without words, just flowing tears.
“I deserve it! I failed, he’ll kill me! I’ve disappointed my father,” he sobbed. You shook your head frantically cupping his face, thumbs on his cheeks to wipe away the rivers leaving his eyes. His breathing was more like gasp and his eyes were bloodshot.
“Shh, it’s alright, just breathe. Nobody’s gonna hurt you Draco” you said soothingly before pulling him to your chest, his tears making the fabric of your shirt damp.
He only shook trying not to cry more and you were heartbroken knowing a part of him still was fighting things that were completely normal. He didn’t want you to see him cry…
“You-you don’t know that! How can you know that?” He stuttered and you ran your fingers in his sweaty hair
“I know this because Draco even though you’ve done wrong, Hogwarts will fight for those inside and you are still a student and if the people inside try to hurt you I will protect you and I’ll count on you to not be afraid to do what’s right..”
You say and he slowly breathes as his eyes shut.
You know others will never accept him after what he’s done but you will and you’ve loved him alone already, so you’ll do it for a lifetime
Forever loving someone others wouldn't because he was yours…
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa, @lovelycassy
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mimilind · 1 year ago
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A Magical Classmate - Part 1
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 1900
Parts: [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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1. The New Student
It was over a month into term and the morning lecture had already started when a strange young man sauntered into the hall, taking a seat among you as naturally as if he owned the place. You were a big class and you would probably not have paid attention to him if not for how out of place he looked, wearing a black suit with a striped tie in green and silver, and with his blond hair combed backwards like a rich Stureplan brat from Stockholm. 
Was he an economics student who lost his way? But even they didn’t look that snobby in this city. Gothenburg was for average people. 
The teacher only gave him a brief look before he continued to write on the whiteboard, and you turned your attention back to the lecture.
In the break, Catrine immediately went over to the newcomer and shook his hand. “Welcome to the class! I’m Catrine.”
She was one of those hyper social persons who knew everybody, and if she didn’t she made sure to get to know them as soon as possible.
He stared blankly at her. “Sorry?”
“Oh, you speak English!”
“How perceptive of you,” he deadpanned.
“That’s super cool! What’s your name and where comes you from?” She was assaulting the language badly, but in her defense she studied chemistry and not English.
“Drake Marley. From America.”
You narrowed your eyes. America? Absolutely not. His accent had made you think of English royalty and BBC reporters, and no Americans you ever heard spoke like that.
“Nice. Why are you in a Swedish university if you’re American?”
“Exchange student.” He glanced at the pile of textbooks in his open briefcase; all of them were written in English. “It’s not necessary for me to understand anything; I already know the required course book by heart. But I thought lectures were mandatory?”
Of course the guy had a briefcase and not a backpack… a snob through and through, it would seem.
“Not at all. Labs are, though.”
“Good to know.” 
“Tell me more about you. Where in America? Why pick chemistry? Do you live in a dorms?”
“I like chemistry.” He was looking at the door as if planning an escape route. Catrine had a rather overwhelmingly inquisitive personality that could take a while to get used to.
“Do you really know all the textbooks by heart?” Martin, your dorm neighbor, cut in. He had been ogling Drake with a starry gaze since he arrived.
You could see why. Drake was tall, wide-shouldered, and he had a nice face. Straight nose, dark eyebrows, chiseled jaw. His eyes were an unusual pale blue color that matched the silver in his tie.
If he hadn’t looked so cocky and upper-class he would have been handsome.
“Do you think I make stuff up?” he scoffed rather arrogantly.
What a jerk! You were convinced he was just bragging; nobody read the textbooks in advance. 
“Then what is the second law of thermodynamics, Mister Know-it-all?” you challenged.
He smirked. “Depends on who you ask. Kelvin? Planck?”
“Kelvin,” you picked at random. A tendril of doubt stirred in you. Why did he look so confident?
A group of students had gathered around you now, clearly curious about the outcome of the confrontation.
“According to Lord Kelvin, ‘a cyclic transformation whose only final result is to transform heat extracted from a source which is at the same temperature throughout into work is impossible,” he quoted.
“Wow!” Martin clapped his hands and was joined by a few bystanders.
That was taken directly from the textbook. You shifted your stance, beginning to feel a bit too hot. So, maybe he had photographic memory then, but he probably just memorized the phrase and didn’t understand what it meant.
“Say that in simpler words.”
“It means entropy always increases – and that means for example that a hot item will become cool, unless you heat it.”
You knew you must be blushing now. ”Okay,” you muttered, defeated. 
“Some are both hot and cool at the same time,” said Martin, eyeing him appreciatively. “I say, you must join us tonight at the dentist students’ pub!”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“Because their pub is the best,” said Catrine. “Cheap drinks, great music. Try it. It’s fun.”
He hesitated. “Maybe.”
The break was over and there was no opportunity to talk for a while, but you had a hard time focusing on the teacher. Who was this genius, British-sounding, American rich guy? Despite the mortification that he beat you, he intrigued you.
You hoped he would come to the pub so you could get to know him better; not because he seemed very likable but because you were so curious. 
Or at least that was what you told yourself.
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When you arrived that night, you saw Catrine and Martin with a group of fellow students at a corner table. There was no sign of Drake.
You ordered your usual pear cider and joined them. 
“Do you think he will come?” asked Martin, sipping his rum and coke. He was nicely dressed in jeans and a shirt with the top buttons open to expose part of his tanned chest.
“I don’t think he will,” said Catrine. “He seems like a fancy restaurant kind of person. He probably only drinks champagne.” She wore a simple, comfortable sweater as always, but with her curvy shape and blonde ponytail she tended to attract guys’ eyes anyway. Not Martin’s obviously, he wasn’t into girls. 
Leaning against the wall, you slowly drank your cider, listening with half an ear at the others’ chatter and the catchy music. 
The dentist students’ pub was small, only two rooms, and the chairs and tables simple and not very comfortable, but the DJ was good and made the most of the cheap equipment. He always put together a perfect mix of new songs and old favorites from the eighties and early nineties.
After a while the others around the table went over to the dance floor in the next room, but you were getting drowsy. Instead you closed your eyes and let the music and alcohol relax you after a long day.
You all but jumped when you heard the door open and shut firmly. Drake strolled in with the same confident air as that morning, and just like then he looked slightly out of place. This time he wore an actual dress coat with tails and everything. Did he think he was going to a ball? 
Ignoring everybody in the room, he ambled over to the bar. “Dry martini,” he ordered. 
“What?” asked the bartender, a gangly dentist student with braces on his teeth.
Drake sighed. “Never mind. Do you have whiskey sour?”
He shook his head. “We have vodka…”
“No.” He leaned over to read the short menu. “I’ll have a gin and tonic.”
He paid rather clumsily for the drink, peering at the coins and twenty-crown note like he was unfamiliar with them, but that was of course expected for an exchange student.
When he scanned the tables for a place to sit, you waved awkwardly. “Here!”
”Oh, it’s you.” He looked down his nose at you.
His arrogant look made you feel like it was you who were out of place. You squirmed uncomfortably, crossing a leg over the stain on your jeans and wished you had dressed nicer. 
To your surprise he chose your table anyway, but first he wiped the chair with a green silk handkerchief. Then he sat, elegantly crossing one leg over the other. His trousers had perfect press creases, and his leather shoes looked expensive and were spotlessly polished.
Nobody dressed up like that to a simple student back alley pub! Was he royalty? An English prince in exile? You tried to recall all the members of the royal family you knew but could only think of the queen and Lady Di. The former was too old, the latter dead, and neither of them was a guy anyway.
If Drake noticed your glances he didn’t show it; he paid no attention to you and could just as well have been sitting alone. He was staring blankly into the air with a bored expression, taking long gulps of his drink. Whenever there was a new song on, you noticed him wincing slightly. 
He finished the drink fast and put down the plastic cup with a suffering look; he would probably have preferred a crystal glass with an umbrella.
If he hated the company, music and drinks so much, why did he even stay?
“Another,” he called to the bartender. “Please,” he added, almost as an afterthought.
The bartender poured it, leaving it at the counter. 
“I think you must get it yourself,” you prompted a bit shyly.
With a resigned sigh Drake fetched the cup. He emptied it equally efficiently as the previous one, but if the alcohol affected him it didn’t show. 
You wished the others would come back but they were still dancing. The silence between Drake and you grated on your nerves. 
You couldn’t stand it.
”I’m sorry I doubted you,” you blurted.
He raised one eyebrow. “Okay.”
New silence.
Your mouth continued rambling against your volition, desperate to fill the void. “But I mean, it’s not strange I did, right? Normally people don’t learn these books by heart… I thought you were just bragging. How did you even have time to both read and learn it? You must be very smart.”
Great. Why had you said he was smart? He didn’t need his ego stroked. If only the greasy linoleum floor could suck you into it and take you away now.
His lip turned up ever so slightly and for the first time he was actually looking at you. “I am, yes. A know-it-all, like you said.”
You dropped your gaze. Damn. Must he remember that?
”Uh, sorry about that too.”
”And actually I do have plenty of spare time; that’s why I memorized the book. But only the first half. I was lucky you picked thermodynamics.”
Slowly you looked back at him. He was smiling for real now and no longer looked arrogant at all. 
”What? So if I had asked about something near the end you couldn’t reply?”
You giggled nervously. ”You asshole.”
”If you say so.” He nodded at your empty cider bottle. ”Want another of those?”
The offer immediately raised him several notches in your eyes. You never said no to a free drink. Plus, he had a charming smile now that he had dropped the superior air.
Or perhaps he had never meant to be superior, and it was just your interpretation because he looked so wealthy. Thinking back, he hadn’t been impolite to anyone, and just the fact he was willing to attend a pub like this was proof he wasn’t putting on airs.
“Why do you sound British?” you asked when he came back with your bottle and a third gin and tonic for himself.
“Oh.” He hesitated. “I have been living in London a lot.”
London! That’s where the queen lived too! You wanted to ask more, but now the other students returned, and soon Catrine took over the questioning like a twenty-first century version of the Spanish Inquisition.
Drake only replied to half of it and clearly grew more and more uncomfortable under the barrage. Not long afterwards he rose to leave, excusing himself with being tired.
You looked long after him as he walked out. Damn Catrine and her curiosity!
But you could understand her, too. There was something highly mysterious about that young man, and you couldn’t wait until you saw him again and had a chance to find out more.
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Hey all, thanks for reading! This is a completely new fandom for me to write in. Let me know what you think. :)
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azrakaban · 9 months ago
Masked Pt 3 - Draco Malfoy
Part 3 of a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
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Summary so far: you've danced, kissed, broken rules and gone against your parents with him... but what will happen with your forbidden romance? 
You waited in your room, having just released Draco's owl through your window to carry a letter back to him.
Over the past three months, you and Draco had exchanged hundreds of letters. Each time Draco wrote to you, he put a white rose in the envelope. You felt bad for the owls, but the roses were always beautiful.
As you watched the owl fade into a dot on the horizon, you wondered if Draco waited for your letters like you waited for his.
A week passed, and practically an entire essay was sent back. Reading the letter, you found your smile growing. You weren't sure when you had started smiling, but that was the effect his letters had on you.
But then your face froze. He asked to meet you again, to see you in person. You considered for a second. He asked to meet you in Diagon Alley, at a lesser known restaurant called The Locket. You folded up the letter, smiling to yourself and locked it in your beside cabinet.
Grabbing parchment, you immediately wrote back, confirming that you'd be there. You waited until his owl was rested, before tying the note to it's leg and sending it on it's way.
A week later, you entered The Locket, and your eyes spotted a flash of bleach blonde hair. Heading toward the person, you turned the corner and walked straight into a figure.
Looking up, your eyes met ice chip blue ones, and you recognised the person to be Draco. You instantly wrapped him into a hug, and his arms snaked around your waist, holding you to him. (BLACK SUIT DRACO)
"I missed you too darling." He chuckled, looking down at you with a smirk. "Don't get too cocky Malfoy, I haven't seen you in four months, I'm a very needy human." You laughed, pulling back and letting him kiss your forehead.
Your eyes slid to his mouth, and he leaned down and brushed a kiss to your lips. Both of you smiling, he pulled back and led you to your seat. 
You both ordered, and ended up talking and laughing for so long that the food nearly went cold.
The two of you left the restaurant, still talking and laughing. Draco had insisted on paying, and to be honest, you weren't about to object. (I mean same 💀) 
Walking down the street, the two of you looked in shop windows, Draco happy to go into whichever shop you wanted, wistfully eyeing Quality Quidditch Supplies.
You looked in the window of a jewellery shop, and your eye caught on a particular necklace. It wasn't big or fancy, just a small chain with a little feather charm hanging from it. It was however, far beyond your budget.
"Which one are you looking at?" Came from behind you, a smile easy to hear in the voice. You turned to meet Draco's voice, and guided his line of sight to the necklace.
"That one. It reminds me of us, constantly writing to each other for the past months. Unless of course, you're writing to some other lover?" You joked.
He laughed with you. "There's no one else, of that I can assure you. Nobody listens to me like you, nobody knows me like you, and nobody is as easy to love as you."
He winked at you, then led you into the shop. You were completely speechless, still registering the last sentence.
You brought your mind back to the present, in time to hear Draco request the necklace from the window.
"You don't have to do that Draco, really." You said, squeezing his hand.
"I want to. I want you to have something to look at and think of me by. So that you don't forget your poor old boyfriend over here." He said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"Boyfriend? Is that what you are?" You asked, needing clarification.
"I'm whatever you want Princess. If you want to call me your boyfriend, I'm your boyfriend. If you want to call me your best friend with a lot of benefits, then that's what I am. We are whatever you want us to be." He stated, pulling you into him and engulfing you with his scent.
He wiped away a tear you didn't know existed and handed over money for the necklace, spinning you around and clipping it around your neck.
"But no matter what, you're mine, okay? You don't belong to your parents, you don't belong to Riddle, you don't belong to anyone. But I want your heart, because you've got mine. And it doesn't seem like a fair exchange if I don't get yours in return." He said as you two exited the shop.
"I don't even know what to say to that Draco." You managed, still trying to process all his words.
"You don't have to say anything right now. I just unloaded a lot onto you. But if the words don't come to you before I have to leave... then I'll be waiting for your letter." He kissed your forehead, and brushed another kiss to your lips. You returned the kiss, letting him pull you closer to him and smiling into the kiss.
And then it all went wrong.
Draco was thrown backwards, away from you, and your father and brother came running. Your father was livid, smoke practically coming out of his ears.
Your brother wasn't quite as mad, but was mad enough to jump on Draco and land him a punch to his left eye. Draco didn't even fight back, just pushed him off, clutching his eye.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" you yelled, running to stand infront of Draco. You clutched at his hand, looking back at him with fearful eyes.
"I'll write to you. Every day. I don't think I'll be able to see you for a good while, so it will be the only way for us to talk." he whispered to you, looking back to meet your father's murderous gaze.
"You get away from my daughter, or there will be consequences." Said your father, twirling his wand.
"I'll take whatever 'punishments' you can give me if it means I can still see her." Said Draco, glaring right back.
Your father just laughed. "Not consequences for you. I have no desire to start a second war between our families. I mean consequences for her. She hasn't felt the cruciatus curse in a while, have you my dear?" he said.
You both froze in your motions. "No.. please..." you whispered, fear limiting your vocabulary.
"come over here yn, or I'll have to envoke those punishments." Your father said, a demeted smile on his face.
You walked over there, head down, refusing to look back at Draco. You reached your father's side, and his hand gripped your wrist.
"Good to see you Lucius. Would you mind keeping your son's filthy hands off my daughter? I don't appreciate his involvement with us." your father snided.
"It is none of my business what my son does, and quite frankly I couldn't give a shit if he puts his 'filthy' hands on your daughter Nikovos." replied Lucius, putting a hand on Draco's shoulder.
"I suggest you start to give a shit then Lucius, or there will be consequences." Said your father.
"And I suggest you don't threaten me. it didn't end well for the last person who tried." said Lucius, walking away with Draco at his side. 
For the next seven weeks you were confined to your room, with only Draco's letters as solace. Your body was still recovering from the effects of the cruciatus curse, and your anxiety was through the roof because of it, flinching away from everyone. 
You kept his letters locked away in your bedside cabinet, preventing them from being destroyed. But then, the letters stopped. You wrote back to him, and then there was nothing. Not a single letter.  
You kept hoping, willing one day a letter would come but nothing came. It was like Draco had just given up. Givin up writing to you, given up sending his white roses... given up on you. 
And maybe he had. Months passed, and the seasons slid into each other, Autumn to Winter, Winter to Spring, and Spring to Summer again. 
It was almost a year since the ball that you met Draco at. A year wasted in your house, the isolation broken up only by your few meetings with Draco. You had mentally separated the year into two sections: months with Draco, and months with silence.
 As August rolled in, you found yourself once again thinking of Draco. What had caused his sudden silence? The most believable explanation was that he couldn't deal with the pressure his family was giving him to drop contact. Of course, you could understand. 
The pressure was huge, and family would have won out over you, naturally. His family had loved him his entire life, whereas you... hadn't even had the chance to return his 'I love you'. To pick you would have been irrational, crazy, and socially suicidal. Well to be honest, given the rivalry, it probably would have been actual suicide. 
An owl came through your window. It was big, tawny, and carried a wax sealed envelope in it's beak, looking rather pleased with itself. You hurried over and took the letter from its beak, smiling your thanks to it before offering it some owl food. 
You returned to your bed, sinking down and turning over the letter to open it. It was sealed with red wax, a crest stamped into it. 
Your heart froze, then started beating double time. You knew that crest. 
Your brother wore it every time he returned to school, the crest of Hogwarts. Hands shaking, you slit the envelope open, letting the letter fall out. 
Scrawled across the parchment in perfectly neat handwriting was an invitation to join Hogwarts. To be with witches and wizards of your own age.   To join your seventh year at Hogwarts. 
You weren't stupid - you knew there would be catch-up work, that you'd be behind most students.  
But you could do it - you had had education, just alone. You knew how to do spells, you could catch up. 
And then you realised - this was it. You would be out of your house, for months on end. If only you could get your parents to approve you going there...
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End of Part 3! If you enjoyed, please leave a like, reblog or comment <3
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just-a-draco-girly · 8 years ago
The Secret - Chapter Seven
CW: swearing
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I am awoken by shouting and the bickering of hormonal teenage girls. It's Yule Ball day. Great. Groaning, I stretch lazily under my blue silk quilt and bury my face in Merlin's soft fur as I pet him, feeling purrs emanate from his fluffy form.
"Get up, lazy bones! I know you're awake" Charlotte exclaims, jumping on to my bed and scaring Merlin. He lets out a low growl before jumping off of the bed and scurrying to the other side of the dormitory. I glare at Charlotte, quickly pulling my quilt off of me and standing up.
"Why'd you do that? You know that Merlin's easily startled" I sigh, straightening my quilt before sitting down on the edge of the mattress. Yawning loudly, I stretch slowly and bend down to place my slippers on my feet.
"You told me to wake you up early" She speaks, feigning innocence and holding her hands up in defence. I roll my eyes and stand up once more, shuffling over to the door. "Where are you going?" She calls after me, hurriedly standing up and walking over to me.
"To breakfast" I reply. A low rumble emanates from my stomach. Her eyes widen in realization and I turn to walk down the stairs with her following me. We quickly walk through the common room and clamber through the portrait hole into the cold stone corridor. I tighten my dressing gown slightly and continue to walk down the corridor.
We chatter about nothing until we reach the Great Hall and locate seats at the Ravenclaw table. I'm about to plate myself some food when Cho Chang, a fellow Ravenclaw in our year, abruptly interrupts me by sitting opposite us.
"Is it true that you're going to the Yule Ball with Draco Malfoy?" She questions in a hushed tone, as she starts placing some beans and toast on her own plate. I nod slowly, slightly in shock. It's not that I'm not friends with Cho it's just that we rarely talk anymore. Cho, Charlie and I were an inseparable group until halfway through third year when she just stopped hanging around with us as much and started dating my brother. Nowadays we rarely see her even in the common room or dormitory. "Wow!" She smiles, tucking into her food. "I mean, I knew you liked him but I didn't know you guys were dating now" Cho adds, through a mouthful of toast.
"Um... we're not dating" I reply, placing a croissant and two crumpets on my plate. Cho's brown eyes widen as she looks at me.
"Well, not yet but if I get my way they'll be together by Christmas. Anyway... Cho, aren't you going with Toria's big brother, Cedric?" Charlie pipes up, elbowing me in the side. I grimace slightly, almost choking on the piece of croissant in my mouth, as I'm reminded of the fact. Cho's face instantly turns a shade of puce. We both stare at her and she fumbles with her words, only a few ums and errs escaping her mouth.
"You know, it's chill. Date my big brother. He's quite a catch. Just don't ghost me and Charlie, and then come back trying to act all buddy-buddy, okay?" I raise a single eyebrow at her, as she continues to almost choke on her words. Probably sensing that her presence isn't particularly wanted, she quickly grabs her plate and makes an exit.
"Damn... Toria, that was ice cold" Charlie speaks through a mouthful of granola. I shrug, listlessly eating another croissant and staring into space. "Draco's staring at you again" She squeals in delight, causing my eyes to flick up instantly and land on the blonde sat on the other side of the hall. His hair is messy and unbrushed, his eyes still full of sleep and he's wearing grey plaid pyjamas. How does he look this good so effortlessly? I smile, waving timidly at him. A grin instantly etches itself onto his lips and he waves back, before grabbing a piece of parchment from the table and quickly folding it. He picks it up and blows what looks like a paper bird. It soars over the tables, catching the attention of nearly every student and teacher, before landing on my lap.
Hurriedly, I pick it up and put it in my dressing gown pocket before Charlie can take it. She whines about wanting to see it whilst I finish my breakfast. I assure her that once I've read it I'll let her dissect every word of it. Once I've finished my food, I hurry out of the Great Hall and find an empty corridor. Leaning against the wall, I pull the paper bird out of my pocket and slowly open it to reveal Draco's scrawl.
Meet me at the bottom of the Grand Staircase at 6:30pm. I'll be the handsome blonde in dress robes.
Draco P.s you look beautiful.
A smile spreads itself across my lips as my eyes scan over the words. I clutch the piece of parchment to my chest, happily. Just as I refold it and put it back in my pocket, hands cover my eyes, restricting my eyesight.
"Guess who?" Draco's deep, velvet voice gives him away instantly and a stray giggle escapes my lips.
"Is it by any chance Drakeypoo?" I laugh, when his hands drop from my eyes and I turn to face him. He smiles gently down at me, running a hand through his tousled silver locks.
"Congratulations. 100 points to Ravenclaw for your use of wit, Miss Diggory" He chuckles at his own joke, clapping his hands.
"I deserve those points for putting up with you for the past decade and a half" I respond, watching him for a reaction. His eyes widen before he cracks into loud laughter. I hurriedly shush him. "Shhh, Draco. Somebody will hear you" I whisper.
"What? Do you think a teacher will reprimand us for this?" He asks, gesturing at the situation.
"Well... no, but there's been rumours going around about us and I don't really want to add to them" I reply, twirling a strand of hair with my hand nervously.
"What rumours?" He questions, slowly stepping closer to me. My cheeks flush slightly as he towers in front of me.
"That we're dating and stuff" I mumble, dropping my gaze to my feet and steadily stepping backwards as he continues to near me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that" He teases, chuckling lowly. My back hits the wall and he's still inching towards me.
"Draco, we both know you heard me" I retort, sassily. He's right in front of me now. I try to sidestep away from him, but he places both of his arms on either side of me, blocking my chance of escape. I glance up at him, only now noticing that his face is mere centimetres from mine. I swallow nervously, blushing so heavily that it feels like my face is on fire. 
"Well, let them talk. Who cares what people think?" He asks, bluntly. His warm breath cascading over my heated cheek.
"You don't have to deal with teenage girls giving you death threats and saying nasty things about you" I speak, lowering my eyes to the floor. Draco's hand gently lifts my chin up so that my eyes are level with his. My brown eyes meet his blue orbs hesitantly.
"I won't let anyone hurt you, understood?" He speaks, confidently. His voice strong and determined. I nod in response and his lips quirk up into a crooked half smile. His tongue glides over his plump bottom lip and he slowly leans in. My heart beat picks up and I can hear it beating loudly in my ears, almost deafening me. His lips ghost over mine. My breath catches in my throat.
"Mr Malfoy! That kind of behaviour is not acceptable at Hogwarts!" The angry voice of Professor Sprout echoes through the corridor. Draco reluctantly pulls away from me, letting out a dissatisfied sigh. He groans loudly as he spots Professor Sprout marching towards us.
"Shit!" He mutters under his breath. Suddenly, he grabs my hand and drags me down the corridor in the opposite direction at a run. We run through many different corridors and up several sets of stairs until we reach the third floor corridor, which is empty due to everyone being in their dorms getting ready for the ball. We come to a halt and I lean against a wall whilst I catch my breath. Draco is leaning against a windowsill, panting heavily.
"Wow, that was fun" I mutter, sarcasm heavy in my voice. Draco laughs quietly as he tries to recompose himself. Eventually, he saunters over to my location, positioning both arms on either side of my small frame once again.
"So where were-" He goes to speak, but is interrupted by Charlie whom is walking in our direction with a face mask on.
"Where have you been?" She shouts, looking at me. She's unable to frown due to the hardened clay face mask.
"Well, I was downstairs, but now I'm here" I answer, earning a chuckle from Draco as he steps away from me. Charlotte glares at the pair of us before grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me back to the Ravenclaw common room. "Mate, you really know how to cock block". 
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darkdevasofdestruction · 7 months ago
Chapter 1 - A Strange New World
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"Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Hasashi Kitsune desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" that's how it all began, really. Just a small, yet impossible to understand introduction from the red haired transfer girl. "...Did you just curse me?" the brunette girl, dressed in green robes, asked, her eyebrow arched, very confused. "No, no, I'm sure she sneezed or somethin'. Uh... Gesundheit." the older, brunet boy with crooked front teeth, who was clearly in his final years spoke out with a smirk.
"No, you idiots, didn't you pay attention?" a snobbish pale boy with platinated blond hair, crystal-like blue eyes, and a noble allure, scoffed at the imbeciles surrounding him. He was definitely the leader of the group, the girl noted. "She said... Kitsune something something. I'm sure she was introducing herself to us. You do know English, don't you?" the boy extended his hand for her to shake. "O-Oh, yes, I am sorry! Sometimes I do not realise I speak in my own language. I have not been here for long, you see... In fact, I got here barely a week ago." she cursed herself mentally, whilst using her sweetest soft voice. "My name is Hasashi Kitsune. It is great meeting all of you, and I hope we will get along well! Please take care of me!" with a bright smile, albeit, a bit shy, she bowed slightly to all of them, in sign of peace. "Huh, culture shock. Here, people don't bow to others. You'll learn soon." the boy who introduced himself as Draco Malfoy, explained to her, as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and straightened her up. "Ah... Right, here you call each other by your... Given name, right? Not the family one." she let out an embarrassed chuckle. "So... It would not be improper to call you Draco, yes? And you can call me Kitsune!" on her pale face, complimenting her beautiful pink outfit, a blush painted her cheeks gracefully, as if she herself was a most innocent and beautiful peony. "You learn fast. Are you from a pureblood family, then? I don't think anything less than a half-blood would be sent to Slytherin." the boy with platinum hair muttered, fixing the girl carefully with his eyes. "I am not sure how pureblood works around here... But, if it makes for anything, I am sort of a Princess. You see, back in the 16th century, there lived a great daimyo - Uh, a Warlord, if you will - He was a samurai... A warrior, the lord of the North of Japan. He was so strong and ruthless, he was called the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu. Date Masamune was his name. His wife gave birth to a daughter, and she was their most beloved child. And down her line, only girls were born, each of them having this hair ornament as a gift from the mother... And this katana from Masamune himself. There are many children from Date Masamune's bloodline, but I belong to the main branch, so... I am a bit more privileged." 
the red haired girl laughed merrily as the others around her looked with wide, shocked eyes, albeit, a bit confused, but still fixed on the whole idea of having such a bright princess in front of them. In fact, she looked like the most beautiful and pure flower of Spring. A Princess amongst their ranks - That single notion was solely what they cared about. Her blood status. "Ehh, you're a Princess? That's so cool! What's it like being a Princess? Do you have lots of clothes? And live in a castle? Do you have tons of servants too?" the brunette girl called Pansy kept rambling on and on. "Parkinson, calm down, she's a foreigner. She may need some time to process what you're saying. You speak too fast." Marcus put his hand on top of her head to get her to shut up already. "Don't mind her, Princess. Anyway, if anyone gives you a tough time, you come to me, alright? I'll deal with them. After all, Slytherins are one big family, right~?" Draco's low, yet confident chuckle seemed to seep into the group's ears easily, as they all smiled at her very welcoming. "Is that so!" Kitsune exclaimed with glee. "That is so lovely! My bloodline treasures tradition, duty and family above all - You all are so kind and welcoming, I already feel right at home! Thank you so much for this, I hope I will not be bothering you." were all princesses as polite and sweet as she was? Draco wondered, as he analysed her with a half smirk on his face, as he realised he had one more person in his gang, not even bothering to listen to Dumbledore's incredibly boring speech for the 2nd time.
While Parkinson and Bullstrode kept fangirling over the newcomer and pestering her with a million questions per second, the young Malfoy heir laid back a little, observing the girl. Her hair was long past heir waist, and tied neatly at the end with a pink ribbon; In the light of the Great Hall, her hair was shining red, like an Azalea flower kissed by fire, and far more beautiful than a nymph. Her skin was flawless, like that of an antique porcelain doll, and her clothes, although odd for this country, suited her incredibly well - Such a delicate shade of pink, like the petals of a pink rose, wrapped around her and highlighting her noble allure. That, and the dangling flowery ornament placed so tactfully in her hair, the only jewellery she wore - And she needn't any more. Draco has seen plenty Purebloods whilst growing up - His family was, after all, just as their Common Room password, Toujours pur - Yet he could say, with his hand over his heart, never once had he seen a living being radiating so perfectly, like an innocent fairy that could do no wrong. Her fingers were long and slender, her nails were long with a slight claw-like sharpness, her hands were delicate and the way she was using the eating utensils were graceful - Never once had he thought he could call eating 'elegant'. Her posture, her smile, the way there was not a single strand of hair out of place, the careful way she was carrying herself and even the inflections in her voice... All of them came together to create this Gift of God, a perfect specimen of pure beauty. 
Kitsune was, indeed, deserving of the title of Princess.
However, above all, there was one thing that stood out to Draco more than anything - It was her eyes - A perfect shade of Aquamarine, a little blue and a little green, so unique and sparkling like the most precious gem; They were twinkling with so many emotions... And when they looked his way, and locked with his own... Draco felt warmth rising in his cheeks and his heart beating in his chest. Charming. Enchanting. Heart-stealing. Those eyes of hers... They were absolutely mesmerising, capturing him like a siren's melody kissing away the life of a most lovestruck sailor lost at sea.And he was afraid he would soon become her next victim.
The day had been so stressful for the young girl - The nerves were killing her - The whole train ride she was alone... She was standing out like a sore thumb. The only colourful thing in a dark, bleak train. The United Kingdom had its share of green spots, alright... But nothing could prepare her for the monochrome feeling of melancholy and nostalgia she would feel. So lonely... Everything looked so cold and lonely...
She missed home, clearly. She missed the always-blooming Cherry Blossoms and Plum Blossoms from Mahoutokoro, she missed her little flower garden from grandma's home, and she missed the festivals where she'd dress up as a Kitsune in one of her rich, Princess kimonos and perform either sword dances, fan dances or play the flute. She missed the colours from back home... And the shrines. This didn't feel right... She was far away from home... From Masamune's land...
Kitsune almost felt as if nobody wanted to join her because she was so different and she knew very well how people were so afraid of things that are even the slightest thing different from the norm.
As soon as she stepped out of the train, the 12 year old girl followed directions, going on the boat with the other 1st years, as she, too, had to be sorted... And eventually given a set of robes. She heard tales of the Giant Squid from the Black Lake, but she couldn't care less. All she could do was look at the mirror-like sheen of the water, as the silver moonlight reflected into the dark water, creating brilliant zircons - And she let her fingers delicately glide the surface of the water, distorting the reality shown... Just as her own reality has been distorted.
There was a stern attitude to this tall, slender woman who, most likely, was a teacher as well, and she guided them to this huge Great Hall... But she could hear the whispers, the gasps, the talks... All of them wondering why was she there... Who was she, anyway? Then... The first years were so mesmerised by the beauty of this Great Hall... But what was so spectacular about it, anyway?
Mahoutokoro was much more beautiful. When she was sorted into her House - the Sakura House, ironically - flower petals were falling down from the ceiling, and it was bright and sunny inside. The Hall had turned into a gorgeous and flowery garden after her sorting - Only to change to another scenery with the next student. Here, it's dark, it's night... And so cold and gloomy... It felt like a dungeon jail. She wanted to go out, to feel the cold breeze on her skin, and she wanted to hug a tree, to plant a flower, to dance to the sound of the forest and its critters. 
Alas... She was stuck here.
Not too fast, not too late either, she heard her name being called - Hasashi Kitsune - Oh, how she wanted to change her name... Hasashi... Yes, beautiful name, very strong, and yet... Date Kitsune.... Masamune's own kin... She was proud of who she was - Sometimes, she'd even think herself vain. She didn't care that she was a Princess, she cared about her heritage, about the Samurai bloodline, and the honour she had to bring her family - The honour she wanted to bring Masamune. 
She wanted to become great like him, the Fire Fox of Oshu, maybe, or something astounding like that, but until then...
"Hasashi Kitsune, she will join the 2nd years. She is a transfer student from Mahoutokoro, so please, treat her well and make sure she gets used to our culture." the woman spoke as Kitsune had to walk up on the pedestal, and the only thing she could think about as she watched the teachers, and then, she looked over at the boring black dots sorted into four tables, she realised how dull and weird the British-Wizard fashion was. What a dreadful mess.
As she stepped on the 3-legged stool, she let the pointy hat be put on her head, and she heard it talk... It had to be telepathic, clearly, since she heard it naught before. 
"Ahh, a transfer student, hadn't had one of you in a while. In fact, you're the first one from Mahoutokoro. I can see you harbour great sadness and nostalgy in your heart... And at such a young age. Yes, I can see, you are proud of your heritage, and you would do anything to achieve your goal. You are strong, and fearless, yet you choose to mask your fierceness under this delicate facade of politeness. I can see that's how you were taught, and yet, this teaching seems to be suiting you. Very intelligent as well, a lot of ambition, and a strict follower of tradition and duty... Clearly, there's no other house perfect for you than....... SLYTHERIN!" ah, yes, it just had to shout out the house's name in her ear. 
"Arigatou." she thanked the hat as it got taken off, then turned to bow at it quickly, and went to the only table that clapped and cheered...
Well, she liked green, at least... It brought out her eyes really nicely.
She carefully stepped in front of the table, meekly looking around, only to see a blond boy pushing one of the bigger boys away from him and motioning for her to take a seat next to him. Who'd have thought someone would actually go out of their way to chat with her? To help her fit in? Clearly, she didn't expect that... So, then, she had to pull that Princess facade the hat spoke about, and make herself be liked.
Perhaps a group of friends... Or at least acquaintances, were exactly what she needed to take her mind away from the loneliness that tainted her heart. And so... A lovely chat began...
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That evening, they chose to rest, since the next day school was going to start full force, and they needed all the strength they could gather, and the chatting and getting to know each other could go through the year with no problem. Breakfast went by excruciatingly fast, and Kitsune's nerves were killing her, she was so nervous, having to meet all teachers one by one now, and she had to make a great impression. She wanted the teachers to be impressed with her, she knew her robes were turning golden very soon, she always had top marks in all her subjects...
But, this day didn't start out very well... They didn't have Herbology as an actual subject back in Mahoutokoro, instead, they would take care of what others would call them "muggle" plants. Children were encouraged to plant and take care of their own flowers in the garden, it was a symbol of diligence and patience, something everyone should have - So, clearly, she wasn't all that familiar with taking care of most magical plants, and there she was, afraid of getting some kind of oral pop quiz and embarrassing herself.
"Come on, don't worry so much, it's gonna be alright! Sprout is the Head of the Hufflepuff house, she's one of the nicest teachers around, trust me. Her and Flitwick, Charms' teacher. You'll be fine." Pansy patted her shoulder, encouraging the girl, who merely nodded and sighed, softly hitting her chest with her fist.
"If I cannot do even something and mediocre as fighting my own fears, than I do not deserve to be Masamune's kin. Let us go. I will not let some stupid plants get to me." Kitsune scoffed, following her new brunette friend, and thus, followed her actions by putting on a very ugly, neutral coloured cape. Not a bad decision, considering she wouldn't want to soil her beautiful pink robes... For as long as she'll wear them, at least.
She held her hands in tight fists, her jaw clenched as she waited for the teacher to arrive in the humid and warm, incredibly cramped greenhouse, where everyone was standing in front of a pot... The girl couldn't help but feel judgemental, thinking back at how pristine clean and luxuriant everything felt back at home.
Then, just as she side-eyed everything with a sort of arrogant allure, a short and stout woman, kinda looking like a smiling pumpkin, walked in, welcoming everyone in a hurried way, telling them they would be repotting mandrakes.
Blinking, she felt bad for judging this place so harshly, this woman seemed to have a nice aura around her. After all, plants can feel people's auras, and they wouldn't grow and bloom so beautifully around people who emanate negative vibes - She was sure of that, and she learnt that since she was young. She really loved flowers.
"Sensei, may I answer, please?" with a soft, timid smile, Kitsune leaned forward a bit, raising her hand mid-way to announce her presence, not being familiar with how things were around this place.
"Ah, you're the new girl, how lovely! Miss Hasashi, yes? Did you have Herbology back in your school?"  oh, she's actually interested in her culture and education?! And she remembered her name so quickly! My, she's flattered! "O-Oh, yes, that is my name, thank you for remembering it! I love all kinds of plants and flowers, however, we didn't have this kind of Herbology as a class back home. Instead, since we start school at 7 years old, and we finish at 18, we are encouraged to plants any kind of plant we want, be it a tree, a flower, a bonsai... Anything - In the School's flower garden - And we are encouraged to properly attend to its every need. It does not only test our patience, hard-work and diligence, but it teaches you that the gentler and kinder you are to any living being, the more beautiful it will grow!" 
Draco looked at the girl as she spoke, and realised the way she pronounced some words - Some letters, in fact - Sounded melodic, albeit in a strange, foreign way. Her difficulty in properly pronouncing the 'R' letter was amusing, yet it seemed to suit her very well. He didn't care much about what she had to say, however, the way the Greenhouse suddenly started glowing thanks to her seemed to attract his attention.
"How fascinating! That is completely true for all plants, be it muggle or magical ones, and just as you said, for all living beings! I would have loved to have a sweet student such as you in my own House, alas, Professor Snape will have that privilege. Anyhow, go ahead and answer the question, please." the professor nodded with a kind smile seeing the petite girl giving such a kitten-like smile, despite the obvious shyness she presented, and yet, the way she spoke wasn't meek - It wasn't stuttery, nor awkward, like say - Longbottom or Weasley.
Despite being soft-spoken, she was sure of every word she said - A certain kind of confidence that wasn't arrogant, nor Know-It-All - It was the kind of leadership confidence that would inspire others and that, Sprout knew, was very hard to find nowadays, and she wondered whether that was a culture difference, or if it was simply how she was.
"Mandrake, also known as Mandragora, in the magical world, is used to create a potion that can return those who have been petrified, back to their original state. However, in the... Muggle world, as you call it, the root can be used to treat several illnesses, such as stomach ulcer, colic, convulsions, rheumatism, it can trigger vomiting, it can be used as a sedative of sorts, and reduce pain, whilst the leaves can be used to create an extract and heal skin ulcers. However, it can also do bad things, since, if you are not careful, its cry can be fatal to those who hear it." Kitsune spoke out, and one girl from her line, with pretty, bushy chestnut hair and doe-like, very kind eyes, looked at her with sparks and admiration -
She only learnt textbook stuff, all the magical things from the books she had for school, and yet, this transfer student could be an intellectual rival to her! Was she a half-blood? Could that be why she's so well-versed in both worlds? Oh, this little Gryffindor was so eager to get to know her better! She didn't seem snobbish, nor mean, like the rest of the Green-Robed horde she had to encounter in the past year.
"Excellent, Miss Hasashi, absolutely excellent! 15 points to Slytherin! Are you perhaps interested in becoming a Healer, my dear?" the teacher asked, very impressed at the vast knowledge, yet, she was well aware that this plant they were studying today has been documented since ancient times and everyone, muggle or not, would know at least a little bit about it.
"Oh, yes, actually, I am! I am interested in many things, however, Healing I find a very important skill to be knowledgeable in, and I hope I will succeed and be able to cure and take away the pain of as many living beings as possible!" with a crystalline giggle, she clasped together her hands to her chest, almost bouncing in her spot from excitement getting to talk - Even if just a little bit - About the things she's so interested in. In fact...
Kitsune had to admit, no matter how much of a sin it may be, she loved to be the center of attention - Only if it was positive, obviously.
"I am sure the Medical field is going to benefit greatly from having someone like you to aid them! Well then, moving on. As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you... Yet. But they could knock you out for hours, which is why I have given you earmuffs, for auditory protection. So, could you please put them on, right away? Quickly. Flaps tight down, and watch me closely." as Kitsune put on her very ugly earmuffs, she could feel the Fashion Police screeching in agony, yet at the same time, she was focusing her hearing so she could hear the instructions and correlate them to the teacher's actions...
Not that it was a big deal. However, she didn't very much like the idea of having to do anything that required strength, in particular, the upper body, as the Fox-like girl preferred to use agility and speed, rather than brute strength which she very much lacked... As seen when she sometimes struggles to open water bottle caps... In front of others.
Her bright, gem-like eyes attentively watched the mandrake being repotted, only for one of the students, one that very much resembled a Nezumi... A small, meek mouse... To faint at the almost-grotesque look of the mandrake root, that looked like a deformed baby.
As the saying goes, Monkey Says - Monkey Does, and thus, the students were then urged to repeat as they saw, and Kitsune chose to go quickly and get rid of this job, but as she was done, she heard a grunt from her left - Her new friend, Draco, after laughing at the ugly plant, stuck his finger in its mouth, only for it to bit him.
"Oh, dear, that is no good!" with a soft gasp, the girl firmly grasped the mandrake's mouth, and dug into it from the sides with her thumbs, prying it open - Thankfully, it opened its mouth quickly, letting the boy rescue his finger - And the girl carefully potted the plant, letting out an exhale, before taking off her own gloves, and his, carefully cradling his injured hand. "Does it hurt, Draco? Are you alright?" she asked worriedly, seeing the red finger, she tapped it with the tips of her fingers and muttered a quick Episkey, healing the inflammation. "Any better?"
"Huh... You'll be a good Healer in the future. Yeah, I'm good, thanks. It still hurts a bit, but it's nothing big." he muttered, blinking as he examined his perfectly cured finger.
"Well... There you go." as the girl held his hand in both of hers, soft like clouds, he realised, so graceful and delicate as only a Princess would, she raised his hand to her mouth, and he watched with wide eyes and mouth agape as he saw her kissing his knuckles. "Obaa-sama... Uhm... Granny, I mean... She taught me when I was a child that you can take away the pain by kissing the place where you got hurt... It sort of acts as a charm, you could say. Not the type taught in magic school, I mean. Such a cute, little thing done from one person to another. So, I am doing it to you. I hope the pain will go away soon, Draco." the girl smiled, and for him, it seemed like the moment lasted for a hundred lifetimes.
He felt stuck in that exact second, and he wished for a spell to be invented to stop time, so he could stay like this with her. All this time, in this short time on Earth, he received love from his mother, and he held her so dear to his heart. And now, he had the luck to have this stranger behave so nicely to him. Not an obsessive and annoying kind of nice, like Parkinson, when she'd always bug him, but one where it gave him the space to not feel smothered, but when needed, it would come by and caress your heart, like a warm, Spring breeze. "Your people are very different from ours. But I guess it worked. I feel much better. Come now, let's get out of here before I lose my hearing to some stupid dirt baby thing. We have Potions now, with our Head of the House, Professor Snape. You're gonna love him. He takes kindly to those who are diligent and obviously interested in the subject, like you. Just... Don't be intimidated by him. Stay around me, and you'll be good." Ha... He's so cocky, Kitsune thought... Does she really seem like someone who needs constant protection?
How amusing. I bet when he'll have the sharp blade of my katana at his throat, slowly digging into his skin, feeling small droplets of blood falling down, he won't feel the same, the girl thought to herself, covering her mouth with her long haori sleeve, stifling her giggle. "Thank you for taking care of me, Draco. You are so sweet and attentive with me." even the most skilled of puppeteers can have strings, dear Draco, and trust me, you're nowhere near as close to being one of the best.
" 'Course I am." he nodded, flashing her a charming smirk, as they rushed to the dungeons - A place so humid, cold and dark, a place where their own House Common Room was... Just under the Black Lake. It almost felt as if they were isolated from the rest of the world.
The wooden heels of her zori made clicks into the cobbled stone, resounding throughout the long corridors, and the boy opened the door, allowing her to go through first, and went to one of the desks closer to the front, wanting to show they were paying attention, but not enough that they would be constantly in his attention - After all, they liked whispering to each other in class, why take that privilege away?
So, they opened their textbooks, and as they were chatting lightly, the door was abruptly slammed open, and in, came a tall, brunet man, with a very stern, almost scary look on his face, dressed in all black. As he rushed in, the Japanese girl stood up and bowed, saluting the teacher, only for everyone to look at her weirdly, including this Snape person.
"...Cultural difference?" she whispered to her deskmate quietly, her face burning with embarrassment as she bit her lip harshly.
"Hmm... I see. Is this your way of saluting and showing respect to teachers, Hasashi?" the teacher asked as he prowled in front of her desk, towering over her small form, almost shadowing her completely.
"Hai... I apologise for offending you with my actions, Sensei, I have not yet gotten used to the English way. I have made a mistake, please punish me accordingly." she bowed lower, only to hear a few stifled giggles around the class, overshadowed by an amused scoff from the man who tapped her shoulder and motioned her to get up.
"It's fine, you didn't offend anyone. In fact, I'd say you should teach this lot to be more respectful of the teacher staff. Since I did not receive any report card on your grades, I will ask you a few questions so I can understand the level of your aptitudes. Do you understand?" he asked, folding his arms at his chest, looking like an oversized bat, at most. Yes, he seemed intimidating, but if she couldn't go past something like this, then she wasn't worthy of sharing the same blood as the fearless Masamune Date.
"Hai. I am ready, Sensei." to show she wasn't afraid, her green eyes, full of life, peered deep into his dark, abyss-like ones, that seemed to hide only death and desolation. If only either of them knew, it was quite the opposite. "What colour should a Shrinking Solution be?" his first question came after a few seconds of pondering, unlike her answer, faster than blinking - Ashido Midori - She said, only to stumble over and correct herself in English, Acid Green, this time. "Good, good. What would you get if you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" "Uh... What do you call it in English... It sends the drinker into a death-like state, comatose like, almost... Flood of Zombie?" she frowned, looking down as she tried to think of the English equivalent. "Essence of the Dead that Lives?" she tried again, which made a few students laugh. She wanted to lash out, to cut off their heads and put them on spikes, to laugh at them, but she had to be polite to everyone... She had to fit in and make friends, and then, as any businessman would say - Profit. "Draught of Living Death, you are correct, Hasashi. As per your incredibly smart colleagues, I will remind them of the tragic grades they took at the exams last year, and how they only passed through sheer luck and the kindness of my own heart. Next. Tell me what is the most powerful love potion, and its distinctive characteristics." oh, yes, the teacher helps the pitiful child who tries their best, but still struggles - If this isn't a plus for me, I don't know what is - Kitsune thought, as she tried her best to keep a smirk from creeping on her face.
"Amortentia... Although, I wouldn't call that love, but obsession. And, uh... The colour of the sheen is like... Pearl. And... Smoke comes up in specific swirls. And it smells different for each person, depending on what they love." she explained, making a motions with her hands to show the smoke raising up. "You already know more than all of these dunderheads who have the audacity to laugh. Last question, and we're done here. Armadillo bile, scarab beetles, and ginger roots, what do you use them for?" he asked once again, and in his heart, seeing this little girl dressed in flower clothes - Red hair, green eyes - He was so bitterly reminded of Her. The woman who once captured his heart, from when she was a little girl, up until the time they grew up... And yet, only one grew to be middle aged, for the other died so cruelly... She was taken away from him... "Smart potion!" she answered quickly, pointing to her head - Her brain, rather - "Makes you think clearly. More attentive." she explained well enough... Yes, Lily was a true prodigy in potions as well. Ask her anything, and she'd know. Just like he was, and still is, a Master of Potions. "20 points to Slytherin... And 10 points off for each of you who dared laugh. Sit down, Hasashi. Fire-Protection potion. I will write down the ingredients and steps on how to brew it..." and so, Kitsune sat down, shared a triumphant look with her platinated friend with whom she fist-bumped quickly before they started taking notes.
The rest of the class went about as one would expect - Twenty cauldrons stood steaming between the wooden desks, on which stood brass scales and jars of ingredients, and every student, paired up, was attending their potion, on which they would lately be graded... And then, just like at the previous class, something had to go amiss, that something being this Gryffindor boy, the meek mouse from earlier who fainted... And now, he made the cauldron explode... Somehow.
There were only 3 steps, how could one go so wrong? Was this boy vision-impaired, or simply incompetent? Not to say that mistakes weren't human, clearly, but this was really something else. Something big enough for Snape to overreact, scold the boy, Evanesco-away the potion and give him a straight Zero on it. Oh well...
This class went by faster than expected, and thus, lunch came by, and Kitsune could only look at the food and sigh - She really craved some Ramen... Or at least one of those super cheap, supermarket instant-Udon... And she missed seeing everyone use chopsticks... And having Bento, eating outside, in the lovely sun. Shaking her head, she took out her own chopsticks and put a little bit of everything on her plate, wanting to eat in peace and quiet... But the gang was anything but that, and she couldn't help but chuckle and partake occasionally in their conversation.
"Did you hear those stupid Gryffindors laughing at you?! Gosh, how I wanted to teach them a lesson. How dare they laugh at our Princess?" Draco sneered angrily, only for the girl to carefully put down her plate and place her hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "Thank you for being here for me, Draco. I know I can rely on you if I ever need you. There is no need to get angry on my behalf, you saw that Sensei punished them accordingly." ever the peace-maker, Kitsune... If only they knew... "All they know is to ridicule and make fun of us, just because we are superior! They are nothing more than disgusting blood-traitors and mudbloods!"  harsh, Parkinson... So harsh... So cruel... "Do you know Quidditch, Kitsune?" after scoffing to calm himself down, the boy turned to look at her. "Oh, yes, I know the game! I never played it myself, but I went to all the matches in our school. I find it very fascinating." she smiled at him - She seemed to have a passive, gentle smile on her face whenever around anyone who would approach her with good intentions. "Then, will you cheer for me at the next match?" he smirked, wanting to hear the praises of all those around him. "Ehhh? You got chosen for the Slytherin's team?! Already?!" Parkinson gasped in shock... The two goons behind him seemed to want to say something, but they were much too dumb to open their mouth and say something that wasn't akin to a gorilla laugh. "Of course! I'm the Slytherin's new Seeker! Not to mention, my dad made a very kind donation to our team. He got us all Nimbus 2001. There's no way we're gonna lose against anyone, including Scar-face!" the boy boasted confidently, only for the girl dressed in pink to almost literally have question marks above her head, as she smiled wider, albeit, very confused. "Uhm... Who is... Scar... Face?" she mumbled softly, not wanting to bother. "Ohhh, right, right, you don't know... You don't know Saint Potter. Honestly, it's better that you don't know him...Yet, you have to know about him, so you keep your distance. Look over there. See that guy with glasses? Yeah, that's him. That's Potter. That ginger hobo is Weasley, and rodent teeth with hair like a bush is Mudblood Granger. They are the worst. And Dumbledore praises them just because they are Gryffindors. It's unfair and stupid. That's why Snape protects us. He's the only teacher who isn't lenient with those idiots there." the boy tried to explain, but such silly misunderstandings seemed nothing but childish for her, and she only chuckled in agreement. "This war between houses seems really silly if you ask me. I cannot say I understand this competition of yours. We are sorted into four Houses too, but they are all representatives of a flower from each season. We have Cherry Blossom for Spring, Lotus for Summer, Chrysanthemum for Autumn and Plum for Winter. They all have their traits, of course, that is why we are sorted accordingly, but in the end, we are all flowers, and we should be kind to one another... That is what we are taught." she explained, hoping they would stop this idiocy, at least in her presence. "Flowers for Houses, huh? How very feminine. Yes, I have to say, flowers and colours suit you well. Then, what are the traits for each House? Tell me that, and I'll tell you about ours." leaning his elbow on the table, as he rested his jaw on his palm, Draco leisurely relaxed in his seat, waiting for the girl to speak. In fact, he realised that, the more native words she spoke, the cuter she was.
"Well, I was sorted into the Sakura house... The Cherry Blossom. My House stands for feminine beauty, strength and mystery, while also acknowledging the fleeting nature of life, and how one must do anything to achieve their goals. The Cherry Blossom is a national treasure, and since we start school in April, the two weeks in which the trees are in bloom, we go watch the beautiful flowers. Most people sorted here choose to go to Kendo classes... Uh... Sword fighting, if you will. And we... We mix dancing and fighting. Like Yin and Yang, we combine the feminine grace with the masculine strength... Et voila. We have this." she giggled softly, thinking with glee at the wonderful sensation of having the handle of her katana... Masamune's own katana... grasped tightly in her hand as she slashed away at the bamboo sticks with perfect accuracy.
"...You mean to say... You can fight with a sword? Like... A real sword?" Pansy gasped loudly, which seemed to peak everyone's interest... The people around, that is.
"H-Hai... Hai. I told you, I come from a Samurai bloodline. For me, it is the highest honour to be able to wield Masamune's katana. Life is short, I fear nothing, and I will allow nothing to come between me and my happiness and ambition. Masamune once said... 'You cannot enjoy life if you spend all your time huddling in fear, hiding your eyes. Let go of your fear. Look where you are. Enjoy yourself. You can do whatever you like, just make sure you are doing that for you, not for anyone else. It's your life, not anybody else's.' I choose to live by his words, and somehow, I believe that most of my house chose this as our House's quote." this foreigner... Is something else. She sounds like a muggle, somehow, and yet, things abroad seems so... Different.
Like it's a whole other world than the one he lives in. This is weird, this is strange, and yet... And yet, Draco's unquenchable thirst for knowledge and for unveiling mysteries makes him want to know more and more about this land of mystery.
"So, you say you have your sword with you? Here? At Hogwarts?" Draco leaned forward, very intrigued. "Sono tori desu." the girl nodded simply, patting the sword attached to her hip, before continuing. "I would rather die than have that sword taken away from me. It means to me more than anything else in the world."
"Show us, then! I've never seen a sword in my life - How cool!" Parkinson chirped immediately, only to be cut off by the foreigner's edged voice. "Kotowaru." she shook her head solemnly. "You are not used to having weapons around you. All you know is that wooden, pointy stick of yours. I could take off your head before you would even be able to blink. I do not make mistakes. I NEVER make mistakes. And yet, if one of you accidentally did something stupid, I would be the one to take the blame, not any of you. I'm not going to entertain any of you. I am a Princess. Only a select few can watch me perform, and neither of you earned that privilege." the girl scoffed, obviously offended. She even looked away like an indignant Princess, Draco thought in amusement. Very dignified and prideful. "Come on, Princess, don't get mad at us. I'm sure these guys are sorry for being insensitive idiots." however, just as Draco scolded his friends, an owl flies into the Great Hall, letting a letter fall into Weasley's food plate... Only for him to stare horrified at it, almost crying. Well, first of all, the bird fell in the food too, but... That's the least of his embarrassment. A Howler, they called it... "Draco... What's a... A... That." she pointed at the letter. "It's a show. Watch and see, Princess." Draco laughed along with all the goons around him and the letter suddenly rose up and started shrieking at the ginger boy, making the girl gasp in shock. "RONALD WEASLEY! How DARE you steal that car! I am absolutely DISGUSTED! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's ENTIRELY! YOUR! FAULT! If you put another TOE out of the line, we'll bring you STRAIGHT HOME! Oh, and Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud." the obnoxious letter must have been from his mother, Kitsune thought, as she watched the letter stick its... Uh... Tongue at him, then rip itself apart. However, as sympathetic as she wanted to appear, she couldn't help but stifle a laughter as well as everyone around. "I surely didn't expect something like this to happen. You were right, this was quite the show. But... No matter what he did, he surely shamed his family. But such a public scolding? My... How dishonourable..." the girl shuddered slightly, cringing at the idea. "The Weasleys are a shame to this wizarding world, Kitsune. They are all Blood Traitors. This is what he deserves." but his harsh words, although they bothered her, she didn't care to refute or anything. This wasn't her country, nor her school, nor her people or her friends. These were all just a bunch of mean-spirited strangers who knew nothing but to be hostile against each other. What an obnoxious place she was stuck into.
Can't she just go home already? This whole ordeal is so troublesome...
Next Chapter >
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keykeep · 2 years ago
Kinktober Day 8: Jealousy Looks Good On You-Draco Malfoy
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Warning:degrading,brat taming,exhibition,mirror sex,fingering,eating out,vaginal sex,breeding kink.
You were in the Slytherin common room after a Quidditch win, the Butter-Beer and Fire-Whiskey flowing, the music booming. The atmosphere was hot and sweaty as the common room was packed with students from all different houses celebrating. 
You haven’t even seen your boyfriend and the reason for Slytherin’s big win, Slytherin Seeker Draco Malfoy. But right now with a few drinks in you, you were dancing with Blaise Zabini .When you locked eyes with blue eyes burning with rage belonging to your boyfriend who was stood in the corner. If looks could kill you’d be dead. 
You pushed through the bodies until you got to his as you wrapped your arms around his neck feeling him stiffen under your touch. “You think this is funny do you?” he spat, “what are you talking about?” you asked him. 
“Everyone watching my girlfriend dancing with another guy”, you laughed, “Jealous are we Draco?”, you spat back at him before disappearing into the crowd of students. 
“Fuck him” you mumbled to yourself as you picked up another shot of Fire Whiskey and downed it, feeling the burning sensation heating up your insides. “so what if I'm jealous” Draco said behind you, turning you around to face him. 
“So when people are throwing themselves at you, it’s fine but when I don’t show you attention and instead enjoy myself dancing you get jealous” his pale face reddened “Why don’t you just go hang out with Blaise instead, then? Because it seems you like them more than me right now.” “you’re right I do” you huffed away from him. 
After dancing with Blaise again, you went back to your dorm room to breathe as your eyes wondered over a black leather skirt. Draco loved the piece of clothing on you but he said he didn’t want anyone else seeing you in it. you complied with his rules all the time loving how processive your boyfriend got and jealous sex with Draco was worth it when you couldn’t walk the next day. 
 But tonight you wanted to break every rule just to get back at him. So you slipped off your school skirt and on the black leather skirt as you fastened it and went back downstairs to join the party. 
You spot Crabbe, Goyle and Draco sitting down talking and drinking, so you and Pansy joined them. You sat down opening your legs to show Draco that you had nothing on underneath the skirt. You watched his blue eyes bulge as his gaze travelled up to your face. 
“wow is it hot in here” you said to Pansy loving the look of anger on Draco’s Face. Pansy looked around “I have never seen so many people in here”. “I told you that you couldn’t wear that” he interrupted over the noise. “well I am wearing it now, what are you going to do about it?” you said as you heard his friend’s roaring laughter explode earning them a stare from Draco silencing them immediately.
“Don’t test me” he yelled, “come on Pansy let’s grab another drink” you said standing up listening to Pansy tell you she has never heard anyone talk to Draco like that. You reached for a Butter Beer glass on the bench, downing the sweet caramel colored liquid. 
Finishing your drink you put the glass on the nearest service, you yelled out to Pansy you were going to the bathroom. Trying to navigate the halls while you were tipsy was a challenge as you giggled walking through the ghosts. You had a conversation with Professor Binns which neither of you would remember tomorrow. 
Surprisingly you made it to the bathroom with the help of the portraits leading the way and as you were washing your hands you felt thick hands wrap around your neck as you looked up at the mirror to see the blonde locks and intense stare belonging to your boyfriend as he whispered in your ear. “how funny do you think teasing is now?” he pressed you against the sink as he pushes his bulge into your lower back. 
“You are being such a brat if only someone could fuck the brat out of you”. You pushed your backside against his erection “seems like you’re up for the task”. He pushed against you harder “I’m going to fuck you here, I want everyone to hear us, hear what a whore you are for my cock” he said tilting your chin up so he can kiss your neck. “All our friends are probably looking for us” you said “let them come in and watch, I will show them that you belong to me” he said taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror.
“Mine” he says biting your neck as his hands run down your sides pulling your skirt up to your stomach exposing the warm flesh to the winter night air. He bends you over making you hold onto the sink as you look at him in the mirror running his hands over your ass tantalisingly slow and unbuckling his belt.“Watch yourself come apart because of me” he says sliding a finger through your slick folds feeling your arousal already. “So wet already, my whore” he spat out. “Can’t be a whore if I’ve only fucked you dickhead” you sad through gritted teeth. You gripped his hair as he slapped your cunt “you’re my whore” he said as he added another finger inside of you.
Pumping his fingers in and out, coating them with your arousal as he changes the pattern of his fingers to fast circles. You bite your lip to suppress any noises as you stare at your boyfriend with lust filled eyes. “I want everyone to hear you moaning” he said feeling you clenching around his fingers.
“I’ll show you that you belong to me” he said pulling his fingers out of you as you whimper. His mouth connects to your throbbing clit licking strokes up and down. You feel a pleasure wave rising through you again as you buck your hips desperate for an orgasm. Your legs shake as you grip the sink to steady yourself.
You moan watching yourself come undone at the tongue of your boyfriend. Slurping sounds fill the bathroom as Draco eats like it’s his last meal. “Only I can taste these sweet juices” he says gripping your thighs so tight that you know you’ll bruise later.
As you come down from your orgasm, he inserts his fingers inside you again. “I’m not finished with you yet” you moan rocking against his hand. “Fuck you” you spit out, “don’t worry whore you’ll get a turn to soon”. Any response you were going to give was muffled by a moan from the increasing speed of his fingers.
You felt pleasure building again as you watched Draco’s reflection, his eyes fixated on you coming apart, “keep your eyes on me” he commanded as you resisted an urge to throw your head back and close your eyes.
The bliss was too much as your body shook, you feel an explosion of cum spill out you and down your legs. Draco kneels down licking your thighs before lapping up your cum filled cunt. He stands kissing you as he cups your face “taste yourself, taste what I did to you my whore” your tongues collide as your kissing increasing in desperation.
You could feel his hard erection press against you “fuck me Draco” you begged as his laugh filled the air “such a needy whore for my dick”. He made you bend over holding the sink as you watched him position himself behind you pushing his dick inside you. You pushed your hips back against him to fill yourself with every inch of Draco’s dick.
He pulled out of you almost entirely before slamming himself back inside you, you continued pushing back against him in desperation to feel him inside you as he slid in and out in a fast pace. “Who do you belong to” he said, “you” you moaned in response. He slammed his cock into you again while you try to match his pace.
He quickened the speed of his thrusts as you could feel your orgasm climbing again as you come apart around his cock. Draco continued thrusting harder and faster until you felt him shaking as him muscles tightened. He moaned as you felt his cum stuffed you full.
He removed his cock from you as he used his fingers to plug the cum inside you. “Now everyone will know you’re mine when your full of my babies my whore” he said pulling his fingers out of you and into your mouth as you sucked them clean.
“You did so good love” he said kissing you sweetly, “Draco I don’t know if I can walk” you muttered embarrassed, “well let’s get dressed and I’ll carry you”. As Draco put his clothes on you watched him in the mirror sweat glistening off him and with a satisfied grin. Draco had to help you get dressed holding you up before carrying you back to the common room.
Whispers filled the room as you felt eyes on you both, no doubt people walked in on you and Draco, it was a public place after all. You buried your face into your boyfriends chest embarrassed as he commanded people move so he can put you to bed. Climbing the stairs he lay you onto your bed.
“At least everyone knows who I belong to” you said smirking at Draco’s smug face.
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delqcate · 2 years ago
yes to heaven.
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credits to gif owner
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in which c rises from the dead to write a fic based on yes to heaven by lana del rey
warnings: terrible writing, i think that's about it :')
paring: d.m. and y.n.
a/n: jesus christ this fic is terrible and all over the place, I apologize in advance
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if you dance I'll dance
and if you don't I'll dance anyway
yule ball, 1994.
THE YULE BALL was a magical moment for not just students but professors alike. the great hall was being prepared, adorned with tables that served drinks and snow falling from the enchanted sky, all while students get ready for this magical event. dorms filled with chatter and excitement, some filled with worry and fear.
as the champions of the triwizard tournament start to dance, a few students accompany them. some students just stand and watch as different colors fill the blue like room with color. one of those students are y/n l/n. a student leaned against the wall wearing a red dress with a not-so-small crush on slytherin prince himself, draco malfoy.
she's always trying to catch his attention, whether it's her gaze focused on him instead of the path infront of her or when she shares the same classes as him and tries to show off a little. so when she sees students walking up to dance, she looks for a familiar blonde haired, blue eyed slytherin to see if he would dance with his date.
she waits, and waits, until she realizes he isn't going to dance. "maybe he's just not in the mood right now." she thinks. a few more minutes pass by and she glances at him, seeing his gaze focused on everyone dancing. something dings inside her head, like a lightbulb switching on. she gets up and grabs her date as she walks to the dance floor with everyone else, trying to perfect this dance everyone had to perfect as well.
she looks over at draco with a shy smile to see if he's looking, but alas, he's more focused on everything else but her. she shrugs it off and decides to just enjoy her night, spending time with her date and making amazing memories with friends.
i've got my eye on you
say yes to heaven
say yes to me
snow day, 1993
HOGSMEADE IS A small little village close by hogwarts where students above second year were able to visit anytime after classes. y/n smiles as her, hermione, and ron all walk to hogsmeade without the familiar scar head with them since his aunt and uncle apparently wouldn't sign his permission slip. something about blowing his uncle's sister up into a balloon? she wasn't exactly sure but that was all forgotten as soon as she'd notice the building up ahead.
" is that..the shrieking shack? " y/n asks.
" yes, apparently it's the most haunted place in britain. do you guys want to get a closer look? " hermione looks at both her friends. " n- no thanks, i'm alright here. " ron replies with accompanied with a nod from y/n. before anything else could be said between them a familiar voice could be heard that made her blush more than the cold made her.
" well, well, look who's here. you two shopping for your new dream home? big grand view isn't weasel-bee? don't your family sleep in umm..one room? " draco says with a cocky smirk. " shut your mouth, malfoy. " ron says, trying to stand up for himself. draco glances beside ron and sees y/n. he chuckles slightly, " l/n. didn't see you there. " y/n looks up with slight wide eyes, draco keeps talking with ron and hermione but all she could think about was him saying her last name.
' he knows who i am. he knows i exist. '
she just wanted to jump at him, to hug him, to at least try to actually talk with him. to be his heaven. but all her thoughts were disturbed by a snowball fight emerging infront of her, watching as crabbe's pants get pulled down and draco being dragged away. she giggles quietly as she watches him run away, looking to her side she sees her friends laughing now with harry. but the thought of malfoy would never leave her.
cause i've got my mind on you
i've got my mind on you
the day after the yule ball, 1994
HE WAS MADLY in love with her.
he didn't know where it came from, like a spell has been casted upon him. but he fell for her so hard not even cornish pixies could lift him up. everyday, from the morning he woke up to the moment he slipped under his green silk sheets in the cold dungeons, she wouldn't leave his mind.
if you dance i'll dance
i'll put my red dress on again
sixth year, 1996
MUSIC WAS SOFTLY playing through out the astronomy tower, cold wind blowing in the sky. red mixed with black. but that wasn't bothering y/n and draco as they danced the night away, staring into eachothers eyes filled with love.
draco leaned down to whisper in y/n's ear, " you alright love? " y/n nodded softly, whispering a soft 'yes' back to him. they kept staring into eachothers eyes, both slowly leaning in for a soft, gentle kiss.
it was almost like it wasn't real . . .
i've got my mind on you
i've got my mind on you...
reality, 2023
Y/N WOKE UP, taking in her surroundings. she was back in her room, her blanket a mess, her shifting script under her pillow, her phone still playing subliminals.
'i shifted' she thought, but it didn't feel right to her. she shifted again and she should have felt happy, overwhelmed with joy, and she did, but all she felt was sadness. sadness over the fact that this was her only way of escaping her terrible reality, her stressful life. a few hours of peace with her comfort characters all gone just like that.
her alarm rang, it was time to face reality.
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taglist: @sunnylands-world
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seriouslysnape · 3 years ago
Minor Mishaps
Draco Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1.3k
“You’re being silly. It wasn’t even that bad.”
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“It’s not funny.” Draco tried to sneer, but it came out more of an embarrassed whine.
The tight press of your lips created an amused expression that couldn’t have been wiped off of your face even if you tried. Entertainment and joviality danced in the irises of your eyes, bringing out the stunning color even more than usual. While Draco’s back was facing you and he couldn’t actually see your face, he could hear your fruitless attempts to stifle your giggles and snickers.
“Dray, it’s really not that big of a deal,” You choked down another laugh, “It happens.”
Draco grumbled something to himself, and while you couldn’t quite make out his incoherent words, you had a pretty good idea as to what he had said. Draco was sitting on the edge of his four-poster bed, his forearms resting against the tops of his thighs with his head lowered past his shoulders. This was a signature Draco Malfoy position that you didn’t really get to see very often, but one you were able to always immediately identify.
He was pouting. 
It hadn’t been a lie. It really wasn’t any major event that would forever alter Draco’s life. If anything, it’d be nothing more than a laughable memory by the end of the week. However, your beloved boyfriend had the tendency to be rather....dramatic. He was proud of his name and his reputation. Any and all attempted blows to his pride; he took them personally. 
In Draco’s defense, you did understand why he felt so ashamed about this whole thing. It had been a rather boisterous scene, and one that you had actually witnessed yourself. It wasn’t often that you were granted the opportunity to attend Quidditch practice, so today had been a special occasion. Draco had offered to you this morning to come by the afternoon’s Quidditch practice to spectate the Slytherins. It had been a beautiful day, one that hadn’t been too warm or too cool. The sun was shining and the sky had been blue and clear. 
The grass was green and cushiony underneath you and Pansy, both of your heads craned upwards towards the players on their brooms. Watching Quidditch had always been one of your favorite ways to spend your free time, and getting to watch Draco play was always an added bonus. He swore up and down that he performed better knowing that you were watching. Draco, per usual, played extremely well and it had been shaping up to be a great practice for the team. However, Draco had a tendency to get a little risky when he was feeling confident. When things were going well, Draco never saw the harm in trying to one up himself. That philosophy was always doubled when you were added into the equation, because impressing you was Draco’s favorite hobby.
And this practice of his was where things went wrong.
You still weren’t exactly sure what he had tried to do. It wasn’t any Quidditch move that you had ever seen. It was definitely some sort of move that Draco had tried to come up with on the fly, and one that had NOT turned out according to plan. Draco managed to fall off of his broom, just barely catching the handle at the last moment to save himself from plummeting to the ground below. Even from all the way at the bottom of the practice field and on the ground, you saw what happened in the process of him nearly pancaking himself.
“Draco,” You addressed in your sweetest tone, approaching him on the other side of the bed once you were sure you weren’t going to laugh at him, “You’re being silly. It wasn’t even that bad.”
“You didn’t rip your trousers in front of everybody. Of course it wasn’t that bad to you.” Draco hissed, his blonde brows furrowing in irritation.. 
Draco had split his pants straight down the middle at some point during his struggle to get back onto the broom. His teammates had laughed at him. And yes, even you had a little chuckle at his expense. You were pretty certain that was the part that bothered him most. While it had been a laughable moment, you knew that this wasn’t going to affect him by the time tomorrow rolled around.
Draco’s mattress was plush underneath you when you sat down, and Draco’s eyes didn’t even flicker over to meet your gaze. Draco didn’t handle embarrassment well, and he often had a difficult time admitting that he was feeling a little humiliated. 
“Are you upset because they laughed at you?” You questioned, bringing a hand to his back and lazily dragging your nails across the material of his dark green Quidditch sweater.
His shoulders raised up and then sank back down as a halfway answer, but you knew to take that as a no. His jaw was clenched the way that it usually did when he was being stubborn, but even then you were still ever so enlivened with this whole situation. 
“Is it because I laughed at you?” You went on, fairly sure that you had hit the nail on the head.
When Draco gave nothing more than a lack of words and a heavy sigh, then you knew that you were indeed correct. Your lips upturned into a grin, spreading into a full blown dazzling smile.
“Oh, Dray, you know that I didn’t mean anything by it,” You wrapped your arms around his slender frame, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
Draco’s pale cheeks flushed beet red at the remembrance of the event, and his entire body tensed all at once. 
“It’s a bloody shame that my own girlfriend mocked me in front of everyone.” Draco scoffed, sitting up from his forward position and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t mock you,” You corrected, “Don’t be like that.” 
“I made a complete wanker of myself. I’m completely justified in my behavior.” Draco growled, clearly not in the mood to argue with you.
With dating Draco for several years, and just knowing him for even longer, you knew that he needed some time to himself. Draco was a sensitive guy (as much as he didn’t like to admit it), and leaving him to his lonesome in the times when he was distressed was often best. Draco didn’t get frustrated with you often, but it did happen from time to time. There was no sense in sticking around if he wasn’t feeling responsive to you.
But you’d never leave him without a few words of admiration.
“If it’s any consolation, I’m always proud of you.” You praised kindly, leaning to leave a tender kiss on his cheek.
The feeling of your warm lips on his chilled skin sent a shiver down his back. Goosebumps erupted all over his body at the gesture, and suddenly his chest was relieved of the immense agitated pressure. Draco did know that he was having another one of his “Malfoy Meltdowns” (as others had so wittingly coined the phrase). He was being a bit much for such a menial situation, and he really had made a lot of progress with handling his pride. Such a small, yet loving action such as your lips on him was enough to remind him that he was being unreasonable. You really had such a sobering effect on him. 
And at the end of the day, he really couldn’t ever stay upset with you.
“Come here.” Draco asked when you went to get up to walk away.
He brought you into his lap, his hands resting on your waist to keep you seated where he wanted you. Your own arms wrapped around his shoulders, a knowing smile plastered on your face.
“I love you,” Draco purred, a charming smile appearing on his face, “Even when you do get a laugh at my expense.”
“And I love you.” You returned, pecking his lips before a devious smirk spread on your face to be accompanied by a snarky comment;
“Ripped trousers and all.”
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