#dr. brick
Am I the asshole for setting traps for a family friend's pet?
I'm an inventor/electronic engineer by trade, and my inventions are very expensive and usually somewhat fragile, but a friend of my daughter's has a pet that keeps getting into my apartment and damaging them (knocking them over, knocking stuff onto them, pushing buttons to cause malfunctions, etc.) It's really hurting my livelihood.
So, I decided to set traps for it. Just non-lethal stuff — no poison or anything like that, mostly just various boxes and cages to keep it away from my inventions. But my daughter doesn't seem to approve.
(Context: I'm 47M. Pet is platypus, 6)
What are these acronyms?
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technically-a-kiwi · 9 months
Pizza Horror/ Peppino Pizza
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One of many spin off ideas of Pizza Tower, I stumbled upon Mc Pig's sketchs while exploring the wiki and just looooooved this concept
It's also so interesting I have so many questions, like what the could gameplay looks like ? What's the plot ? How do the characters interact with eachother ? I doubt that Peppino Pizza will ever be a fully fleshed out game or a comic serie but we can always dream right ?
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(I'd show a video but when i tried recording he got startled by the flash and scurried away like a rat?)
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giftboxxworld · 29 days
Time for me to go plush posting again…
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These were taken on our anniversary, I gave him a bouquet and we ate baked spaghetti 💖💕
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Peppino rammed a little too hard into The Noise (he was running at Mach 5)
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And a very epic group picture
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immediatebreakfast · 10 months
The idea of Van Helsing not only attending the same university as Henry Jekyll, and Hastie Lanyon, but also being good friends with them is something that is so wild, so scary, yet so funny to me.
Because there is the very real possibility of Van Helsing contacting Jekyll, and simply telling him his theories regarding Lucy's supernatural condition. Since on J&H it's established that Jekyll does believe in the supernatural, but you know in a very mad science way.
I can't even imagine the kind of gothic disaster that could happen if doctor Henry "morality can be a mask if you try!" Jekyll went to the Westenra household with Van Helsing as "help" for Lucy.
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart commentary and extras.
This is what I gathered during my first watch. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the audio bits like I did for seasons 1-7 eventually! I'll catch all the little details then 💛
Let me get this out of the way. They did not answer the most important question of all.
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In the past, Doc and Jackson have said that what they say in the commentary isn't necessarily canon. What is canon is what's in the actual show, not what they explore outside of the show because they're always changing their minds. Sometimes they disagreed while answering questions. Take that as you'd like.
Jonas didn’t abandon The Monarch after the plane crash intentionally. He assumed he died or he ran away before he got there. They hinted that Jonas downed the plane himself.
When asked if Jonas loved Rusty they say he’s a bad person, the villain of the show, and a monster. Jackson thinks he might have been a boy adventurer himself. They compare him to baby boomers forcing their children to live the lives they wanted themselves.
Does Rusty have the other twin killed when only one dies? Jackson says only when they witness the death. He referenced Ice Station Impossible. Brock has done it before.
Ritchie Valens refused to join The Guild and Red Mantle and Dragoon’s (Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper) initiation was to kill him so he wouldn’t tattle.
Doc says the second sons are the ones who succeed in The Guild, not the first sons, because they’re most likely to become evil and that’s why Dean was chosen as The Guild’s successor.
Doc described two episodes he would like to do: 1. "Heads in the water." Which is the heads of characters bobbing in the water after a crash for the entire episode. An all dialog bottle episode. 2. An episode that starts off like a regular Venture Bros episode. Then a henchman dies and everything pivots. 21 calls his wife and says “Real sorry but your husband died in service” (Doc put on his 21 voice here). We then see the wife and daughter (from another marriage) and follow them in their lives.
What is The Monarch's favorite ABBA song? Doc thinks Waterloo and Jackson thinks Take a Chance. They riff as Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend for a few seconds.
Gary's a big Sneaker Pimps fan.
Rusty doesn't have a middle name. If you ask Rusty he'll say the S stands for sexy or science or SUPER science. Rusty’s favorite musical is Starlight Express or RENT (Jackson disagreed). He's never actually watched them but he likes the advertisements.
Brock Frog is the guy that "brings in bagels". A 3rd generation Italian American from "bricklayer stock." He fell out with his dad because he wanted to bring bricks into the future. He teamed up with Professor Vigo Dale, who screwed him out of half of the company after Brick Frog gave him all of his brick ideas.
Mantilla has the ability to make things invisible by touching them but claimed it was teleportation. “It’s all bullshit…and she had money from her past”
Mantilla has been "garbage picking" from The Monarch’s trash, such as Dr. Mrs.'s costume ideas in season 3 that she had thrown away and their wedding invitation.
The guys in the warehouse with Jefferson were all roommates in the 90s.
We would have had a full episode of Force Majeure and Jonas Venture's rivalry.
We would have had another episode of Billy and Colonel Gentleman "John Wicking" after Mischa was found dead right before a doggy costume contest.
Matt Berry was supposed to voice Force Majeure.
Why does The Monarch hate Doc so much? Jackson says “Obviously it (the thought that Debra left him for Rusty) bothers him a little more than he said.”
They called Gary's hair “the popular millennial cut” and made him "half Glen Danzig half Wolverine."
Doc has drunk his own urine multiple times because they pee in bottles in the Astrobase. "Recently".
During the last scene in the movie when everyone is talking, Gary and Hatred were talking about a loofah. Hatred asked Gary "Ah...you use a loofah?". Dr. O was talking about intermittent fasting.
24 made a guest appearance in the "Fan Questions" extra for a few seconds.
They refused to answer the questions about Scare Bear and what Rusty and Billy were doing in the time machine in case they're able to continue the story.
They made a joke about telling people just enough in the commentary to get them excited and want more. (A “joke” haha)
During Prom, Pete and Billy would have studied the Push It video extensively. Pete would’ve entered the dance floor and “boxed it out” to make space. Billy would’ve walked in the circle nonchalantly. Then they would have recreated the entire dance.
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wolfstarr-the-sequel · 6 months
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6kuros · 2 years
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td-brick · 1 month
id in alt text and below the cut
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Rewatching dr strangelove right now and it reminded me that i was drawing this. I'm posting it because i fear i'm probably never going to finish it 😓😓 full metal drama if it was good or whatever
[ID: 5 separate drawings of total drama characters in place of dr strangelove characters in certain scenes. the first is of beth and lindsay. beth is looking up and lindsay and lindsay is looking forward and has a very sad expression on her face, her hands clasped in front of her chest. she's saying, "He'll see everything. He'll see the big board!" there is a marked-up map behind her. the second drawing is of jo and brick as jack ripper and lionel mandrake. the third drawing is chris mclean as dr strangelove. the fourth is of heather and duncan getting into a fight on the ground. they both look angry. harold is standing in front of them, also looking angry, and saying, "gentlemen, you can't fight in here! this is the war room!" the fifth and biggest drawing is of izzy sitting on the bomb like at the end of the movie. End ID]
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dognightmare4 · 2 years
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just realized i forgot to post this here
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quebeck · 1 month
Oh cool, a fan submitted STEM-inspired build at The Art of the Brick
wait a sec-
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dangerdragoncat · 8 months
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Two lil goobers!
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Returning with more Venture Bros propaganda in the form of Dr. Henry Killinger and his magic murder bag, Brick Frog, and David Bowie. None of them play the roles that you would expect them to. Except Brick Frog. He's fairly straightforward.
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stonesparrow · 3 months
Concept: childhood friends trio as adults at some sort of fancy banquet with high profile guests and Yuzuriha (as the glamorous fashion designer she is) is chatting with some people when some rando makes a comment that she doesn’t like and then instantly Taiju and Senku are looming over them from behind Yuzuriha and the offending party quickly excuses themselves.
Bonus: Taiju didn’t hear the conversation he’s just saying hi to his wife and looks scary on accident. SENKU on the other hand DID hear and is like “would you like to hear some fun facts about the human body’s reaction to neurotoxins”
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rosiesriiveters · 5 months
i do think the doctor at the flak house was great. he read rosie inside out. he tried a straight forward approach at first, pointing out that he went through something unbelievably traumatic, only to be met with a brick wall. he lets it go, and waits until rosie comes to him - which comes when they meet during that night, when neither of them can sleep, and we get to see rosie finally make himself even a little bit vulnerable. he comes into the conversation, guns blazing, assured that he needs to get the hell out of the flak house before he looses that rhythm... only for the doctor to reframe it so that its not just about what rosie needs, but also what rosie's crew needs too. and it's this conversation that propells rosie to reach out to his crew and take care of them, listening to thier stories and accept that he must stay.
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deliriuxe · 3 months
I can't for the life of me decide whether or not I'd want to write this with an OC or a Reader insert but if I do ever get around to it I'd love to write a little x Baggs one-shot from the perspective of someone who suffers from severe agoraphobia: so intensely afraid of the outside world that they shut themselves out of it completely.
But in doing so they deprive themselves of their own needs, and their health plummets as a result.
And one day in comes a little knock on their door, by someone claiming to be a doctor who was asked to perform a little wellness check by some concerned neighbors...
But now they're desperate, because after all the effort to keep themselves away from the outside, now that very outside is trying to get in.
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