#dr henry killinger
Returning with more Venture Bros propaganda in the form of Dr. Henry Killinger and his magic murder bag, Brick Frog, and David Bowie. None of them play the roles that you would expect them to. Except Brick Frog. He's fairly straightforward.
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beyondtoast · 1 year
Dr. Henry Killinger and Phantom Limb
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madscientistic · 1 year
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i think about this often
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Showdown at Cremation Creek pt. 2 - Screenshots (part 1)
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I can't believe the monarch wore those fuck ass curly toed jester shoes to his wedding.
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loafymeat · 4 months
Oki must say i before is too late
Im in love with the Venture bros serie, i so good and saddly i can just see clips, but its literally how i want to write my stuff and all the character are so well writen.
I hope this help tumblr to show me more VB stuff, im going to try to make some fanart to show my love to the amazing world of the Venture bros
Go team Venture
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midnightwinterhawk · 2 years
The final Venture poll. Make it count.
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The series:
Who's your favorite Venture family member?
Who's your favorite Monarch team member?
Who's your favorite Venture associate?
Who's your favorite Guild of Calamitous Intent member?
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shiftingpath · 10 months
STRONGLY feeling an inquisitor deathknight, investigation apocalyptic, bureaucracy + probably larceny, socialize, melee, dresses like harry dresden and acts like dr. henry killinger. big hat bureaucracy blues
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midnightowlgames · 4 months
Things I stole for my DnD campaign pt. 1 -
Dr. Henry Killinger
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I've been playing TTRPGs for quite some time and whenever I'm DMing I often use tropes, ideas and sometimes whole characters from other media I enjoy. Of course I always modify those things to fit neatly in my game world and make sure those things do not break immersion. 
One of the characters I almost wholesale stole from The Venture Bros. show is Dr. Henry Killinger. Powerful supernatural creature equipped with his signature Murder Bag. 
I decided that in my game world a good doctor will have demigod level powers and will be a creature born at the same time the first mortal sentient beings were created. He was not born, made or created. He and his 8 brothers just manifested as a cosmic force of the universe. Each of them represented a different aspect of the alignment chart. For Henry it was natural evil. In the game world he is known as The Consultant. He has a lot of knowledge and experience gathered over the eons of his existence but he is not all knowing. He uses that knowledge to consult promising mortals with capacity for evil. He trains them, helps them figure out more tedious parts of villainy and build long term plans and agendas. He is not interested in world domination or senseless murder. His favorite clients are small-time villains with small goals and aspirations. Warlords that are interested in conquering only one city state, necromancers whose only goal is immortality, dragons that are more interested in kidnapping princesses than anything else and so on. Additionally Killinger have his Murder Bag. Black leathery variant of bag of holding filled to the brim with hundreds of magical and cures items acquired through the years. 
In my campaign he started as an advisor to one of the Baldie. Very friendly and helpful orc NPC that thanks to players' help recently acquired a large chunk of land and abandoned castle. My players met him on his vision quest and helped with killing a deadly sentient hydra that was tormenting the local population of goblins. After the whole affair goblins chose Baldie as their new leader and king (he was only present greenskin in the party at the time). After a few weeks my player decided to visit Baldie and check out his new domain and there they first met Killinger. He sensed that Baldie has some capacity for villainy if he would be pushed in the right direction. Henry decided to become Baldie court advisor and helped him with stabilizing his power over goblins and bringing little bit of order to those chaotic creatures. Not too much of course. He did not want to push them towards lawfulness. 
During his first meeting with the party he was as always polite and cordial. Yet somehow his presence alone made everyone feel very uncomfortable. Over the next months of the campaign a new villain appeared. Truly BBEG.  The Thin White Duke - David Bowie (my next post will probably be about him, I also stole him from Venture Bros. Kinda. It is complicated). Over the course of a few next months people of Arcan-Tau (continent of the campaign) were faced with sheer uncering chaos that Duke brought to their homeland. Undead, mutated orcs, giant hornets with human faces, dominic cults and many more. All without the goal, just in name of sheer chaos. For shits and giggles as they say. My players as the heroic sort were at the front of brave souls battling this chaotic menace every way they go. 
I've been playing TTRPGs for quite some time and whenever I'm DMing I often use tropes, ideas and sometimes whole characters from other media i enjoy. Of course I always modify those things to fit neatly in my game world and make sure those things do not break immersion. 
One of the characters I almost wholesale stole from The Venture Bros. show is Dr. Henry Killinger. Powerful supernatural creature equipped with his signature Murder Bag. 
I decided that in my game world a good doctor will have demigod level powers and will be a creature born at the same time the first mortal sentient beings were created. He was not born, made or created. He and his 8 brothers just manifested as a cosmic force of the universe. Each of them represented a different aspect of the alignment chart. For Henry it was natural evil. In the game world he is known as The Consultant. He has a lot of knowledge and experience gathered over the eons of his existence but he is not all knowing. He uses that knowledge to consult promising mortals with capacity for evil. He trains them, helps them figure out more tedious parts of villainy and build long term plans and agendas. He is not interested in world domination or senseless murder. His favorite clients are small-time villains with small goals and aspirations. Warlords that are interested in conquering only one city state, necromancers whose only goal is immortality, dragons that are more interested in kidnapping princesses than anything else and so on. Additionally Killinger have his Murder Bag. Black leathery variant of bag of holding filled to the brim with hundreds of magical and cures items acquired through the years. 
He was a powerful spellcaster and master of psionic art. 
In my campaign he started as an advisor to one of the Baldie. Very friendly and helpful orc NPC that thanks to players' help recently acquired a large chunk of land and abandoned castle. My players met him on his vision quest and helped with killing a deadly sentient hydra that was tormenting the local population of goblins. After the whole affair goblins chose Baldie as their new leader and king (he was only present greenskin in the party at the time). After a few weeks my player decided to visit Baldie and check out his new domain and there they first met Killinger. He sensed that Baldie has some capacity for villainy if he would be pushed in the right direction. Henry decided to become Baldie court advisor and helped him with stabilizing his power over goblins and bringing little bit of order to those chaotic creatures. Not too much of course. He did not want to push them towards lawfulness. 
During his first meeting with the party he was as always polite and cordial. Yet somehow his presence alone made everyone feel very uncomfortable. Over the next months of the campaign a new villain appeared. Truly BBEG.  The Thin White Duke - David Bowie (my next post will probably be about him, I also stole him from Venture Bros. Kinda. It is complicated). Over the course of a few next months people of Arcan-Tau (continent of the campaign) were faced with sheer uncering chaos that Duke brought to their homeland. Undead, mutated orcs, giant hornets with human faces, dominic cults and many more. All without the goal, just in name of sheer chaos. For shits and giggles as they say. My players as the heroic sort were at the front of brave souls battling this chaotic menace every way they go. 
Henry started to appear to them during their travels. Often bringing advice or direction. And always asking for monetary payments in return. Slowly but shortly my players figured out that he does not like Bowie at all and coordinated a lot of events behind the scenes to ensure his defeat in the near future. You see, Kilinger was not fun of too much chaos going around. A little bit yes, of course everybody loves a little bit of chaos. But apocalyptic levels of chaos were way too much for him. You may ask: “Why Killinger did not kill Bowie himself?”. He could not. You see he and all his brothers could not interfere in the mortal world too much. They could advise and guide mortals toward the desired path but direct interference was simply impossible to them. Their souls simply do not allow them to even think that way. They existed to guide sentient mortals. That's all.  And that's how uneasy alliance started between Dr. Henry Killinger (almost godlike avatar of neutral evil) and a group of heroic adventurers that found themselves in the middle of global level mess. 
Do any of you do that? Like still whole characters and modyfie them for your game world?
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literally impossible for me to picture accord as anything other than dr henry killinger
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thegayestminotaur · 10 months
What’s your All or Nothing AU about? I’m pretty curious about it, IK it focuses on Dr. Venture (had hair LOL) and Dr. Orpheus. Srsly I am interested about it and its lore. 👀
I'm really gonna try hard to be brief here.
The basic gist is that after Season 2 Ep. 10 "I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills", Byron and Rusty start dating. Their relationship is rocky at first for various reason, like the fact that Rusty is kind of a terrible person and has a lot of internalized homophobia and Byron's unresolved trauma following his divorce along with his rather lawful personality clashing with Rusty's chaotic nature. They do fall in love, of course. I'm not in the business of writing a slowburn with this one. Dr. Henry Killinger showing up during Season 3 Ep. 2 "The Doctor Is Sin" is a major turning point for Rusty in the fic. Upon the revelation that Rusty is in love with Byron, Killinger switches from setting Rusty up as a supervillain to setting him up for superscience success. Ya know. Because Byron wouldn't like dating a villain. It's hard work, but by following Killinger's 'Action Plan', Rusty's able to go from literal joke to a superscience powerhouse. The fic is split into two parts. The first part is a pretty straightforward romance that goes over Rusty and Byron's relationship up to and a little ways after them getting married during the events of All This and Gargantua-2. The second part is more of an action-thriller that goes over Rusty's fight against... well... everybody. First it's just Guild, but after Rusty gets shot in the head during a protest in NYC, he declares war on the NYPD. Not like, actual gunfire and bullets war, but when you're a billionaire living in the USA, you can do a lot of shit that makes life difficult for people and Rusty is nothing if not petty. By sheer unbridled spite, he starts threatening to tip the balance of power that the OSI has carefully maintained so Hunter declares him too dangerous to live. Turns out, though, that it's incredibly hard to kill Rusty now since he has been training to not be hit and also is married to a dude who can bring people back from the dead. But while Hunter is concerned with Rusty taking over the world because he's too petty to stop and think, Rusty's concerned with something way beyond the scope of governments and Secret Governments. Aliens. Okay, okay, hang on, now - Aliens are canon to Venture Bros. In Season 2 Ep. 5 "20 Years To Midnight" we actually see two different aliens. One of them happens to be one I quote all the time with the wonderful line "IGNORE ME!" But like... if Jonas Sr was communicating with aliens to the point where 20 Years To Midnight happens and he maybe felt like the construction of Gargantua-1 was necessary (this is just me speculating) then why don't we see them again? (Probably because the series was cancelled i'm fiiineeee :'''3) but I think with both Rusty and Byron advancing their respective talents in leaps and bounds to the point where OSI considers them too dangerous to be left alone, then a threat from outside Earth makes perfect sense.
Plus, this way I can also write "Hyper-Competent 21, The Monarch, and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Threesome" because The Monarch always steps up his game to match Rusty's EMA (Equally Matched Aggression Rating) and I love that also sooo But why does Rusty have hair? During the events of the fic, Rusty takes a look at the DNA sequences his dad left behind and realizes that his genome is fucked up. (This is canonically confirmed in Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart, but is something that you can glean through other episodes/seasons.) In fic, he goes in and uses gene therapy to patch things up a bit which causes some minor physical changes.
Don't get me wrong, I also love canon Rusty. He's a pathetic lil meow meow, a totally wet lil bastard, and I love him. I have nothing wrong with his bald headed-ness, but this way you/I can see the progression of him in fic from Pathetic Bastard to Hyper-competent Alien Fighter depending on how much hair and which facial scars he has. Same thing with Byron and his scars and how pointy I draw his ears and teeth.
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barkycatbros · 4 years
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Save Venture Bros
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Remember how Killinger had Hank probably kill a henchman?
That boy already has so much trauma what the FUUUUUCK I HAD FORGOTTEN
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Showdown at Cremation Creek pt.1 - Screenshots (part 3)
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Prolly gonna do part two's screenshots tomorrow, my back is KILLING me. Sitting hunched over at my desk, watching a 22 minute long episode for like, 2 hours lol.
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theconjurervfx · 5 years
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Dr. Henry Killinger vs.The Investors. 
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rosetintmyworld84 · 6 years
On Dr. Henry Killinger
So no one REALLY knows whether Dr. Killinger is a good guy or bad guy, or some benevolent/neutral force, mostly guiding people to be the best villains possible. He is purposefully mysterious, even after all this time and all the reveals. But one nagging question  is what is his interest in Dr.Venture?
 In I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills, he is shown to have set the Oni on Dr. Venture. Most believe it to have been a ploy to bring Myra and Venture back together, as if she WAS the boys mother, but it is later established that she definitely is NOT their mom. ALSO when Dr. Killinger reunites with the Oni he laments that he could not reunite them, but that at least the Oni helped save his (Dr. Venture’s) boys. This establishes both that A) Myra was and is a danger to the boys and B) she WAS renuited with Venture so that couldn’t have been what Killinger had intended to do. 
Then of course there is The Doctor is Sin. He COULD have just wanted Venture to accept his jealousy and hatred of his brother, OR he could have been trying to show Venture where a path like that could lead him, and make him decide if that’s who he wants to be. 
Overall there are just so many questions as to WHY Killinger has tried to involve himself in Dr. Venture’s life. The only other person I can think of that Killinger would try to reunite Venture with, out in the desert, would be his father in the ProBLEM from Gargantua 1 (which fell out of the sky just the episode before). If it were any other show I’d say they just they didn’t really think about when they put it in.
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true-patriciaa · 6 years
Just rewatched the episode "The Doctor is Sin," and remembered Killinger having Hank kill (?) one of the Venchmen.
So ... more evidence that Hank is going to be a villain come season 8?
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