dasloddl · 11 months
3, 4, 17 for the ask game :)
3. how many liked songs do you have?
currently 218 :)
4. which is your third liked song?
third most recent: through me (the flood) - hozier
thirst oldest: my blood in the live lounge - twenty one pilots (this is a local file tho, so no one can play it except me)
third (available) oldest: drive - oh wonder
17. do you listen to any podcasts? recommend one?
not really, I don’t have the attention span for that… I only listen/watch 5 Minuten Harry Podcast (only because of Coldmirror, fuck jkr)
spotify ask
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moonriseblueeyes · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Hey! Thanks for the ask <3 <3
Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5
(Till I) Run With You - The Lovin' Spoonful
Everything She Wants - Wham!
Chemicals - SpaceAcre
Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys
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dr-milfi · 1 year
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“Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky.”
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calliettes-posts · 10 months
I think some people already made up their mind about bobbie being toxic and are now unwilling to see her in a different way
I'll be honest, when the season description was published, I wasn't too keen on Bobbie either, because 1. Its wtfock and I don't really trust them and 2. I thought they would go a completely different route than we're at tight now. But watching the clips I realised that Bobbie is simply just trying to help and be there for Anais, and also, she's just 16, she's trying her best. and I also think the show doesn't want us to think of Bobbie as the villain, or else twhy wouldn't have put so much emphasis on Bobbie helping Anais or noticing her when her friends didn't
Also, isn't the point of Skam that everyone is fighting a battle you don't know about, so be kind, always? That phrase always gets misused when it comes to genuinely bad characters with bad motives, but when it comes to Bobbie, it's suddenly radio silence lol
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curiosityjams · 9 months
my future when it comes to still being Active on social media is teebeedee, but my main resolution for 2024 is like...be comfortable w/ being completely offline even if it's just for a day or a week.
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Just saw a Do Revenge review on letterboxd and the person is lucky this is on a website, cuz otherwise they would've gotten a ride to the fucking hospital istg
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cowlovely · 2 years
they’re literally. so fucked up and in love why did this movie do this to me.
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laufire · 2 years
sometimes I do a little exercise after a story, especially one that’s given me mixed feelings or left me somewhat unsatisfied, where I like to imagine how I would’ve approached it. it’s not about “fixing it”, because I’m not judging it on its own merits, but simply thinking of what the story would look like if *I* had been given the barebones of the original premise and left to run with it.
in this case I was thinking about Do Revenge. big spoilers under the cut.
as I’ve mentioned before, I would’ve gotten rid of the secondary love interests. they gave me nothing I was interested in, so. goodbye.
I would’ve also dealt with Max differently. he wouldn’t’ve been the Final Evol to defeat for Drea and Eleanor to come together, because in my hands this film wouldn’t have a happy and reconciliatory ending between them lmao.
the reveal about Eleanor’s true past victimizer being Drea, and the whole thing being her revenge quest against her, would’ve probably happened around... half the story (I don’t quite remember if it was closer to the middle or to the end of the film). the latter half would’ve been Drea’s panicked plans to subvert it failing.
one thing I’m unsure of at the moment is whether Eleanor would’ve been completely or just partially successful in his revenge against Drea. one idea I have is Eleanor framing her for Max’s murder LMFAO; not sure of how said murder would’ve happened, but Drea wouldn’t have been 100% culpable neither 100% innocent of it. the metric of Eleanor’s success could be measured by whether Drea suffered legal consequences (in which case I’m picturing the final scene being Eleanor visiting her in jail xD), or just social ones -where everyone would’ve known she killed Max, because his true nature had been unmasked beforehand, but unable to prove it because Drea was partially successful against Eleanor. I actually can see her Drea coming to like this state of affairs on some level...
OH, also: Drea and Eleanor would’ve fucked in my version, obviously. post-reveal (pre-reveal it would turn Eleanor in the predator Drea made her out to be), with the two of them trying to do the most damage to the other through it. there would be debate over the ambiguity of how genuine they were being the whole time; there was obvious sexual attraction (although I picture Drea going about it homophobically on some level afterwards xD), but how much is it Eleanor enjoying her revenge? how much is it Drea trying to emotionally compromise her? etc. etc.
it would also have a very different aesthetic but that's a whole separate issue lol.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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More of these vibes, please.
@dr-drea thanks for the timestamps 🫶
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watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, and adult content. Some mentions of multiple dimensions. Oral sex, rough sex, fang play, claws kink, size kink, and cock-warming, red rope bondage (shibari?), submissive Miguel…
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use spanishdict to translate to help…)
Chapter 11- Perfection Can’t Be Obtained…
“Are you sure you want to do this?” You ask as you tie the red rope around Miguel’s broad shoulders. “Sí, amor. I do. I had to deal with Carnage in my last mission and they had me…tied up in a way that slowed me down. If I had better training. Then I would’ve gotten out of the ropes faster.”
You were curious about something though.
“Baby, why don’t you just web yourself instead of using this rope?” You ask, bringing the rope around one of his thighs. “Because, amor. I can easily break out of my webbing. It’s like shredding candy floss to me. But this rope, is a bit of a challenge.”
“Oh, well anything to see you tied up, I’m all for it.” You tie more rope around his other thigh and when you’re done you give a nice hard tug. “A…amor I didn’t know you could tie knots so tight.” You dust off your hands. “It’s not rocket science, Miguel. I know how to tie knots. Now, the rules you said is that under no circumstances am I to help you get out of these ropes. No matter how much you beg, no matter how much you plead-you know this is making my kink list just bigger right?” You say as you wrap your arms around Miguel’s roped waist.
“I bet you’re thinking up the most right now. Ah, amor can you?” You go to loosen a rope but he jerks away. “That was a test and you failed.” You narrow your eyes at him as he smiles as if he’s won a prize.
“Hmm, I’ll do better next time. Like right now. I have therapy. You have fun.” You go to leave and Miguel gets a slight panic in his eyes. “Wait, amor? Tommie! Wait what if I need to you know?”
“If you can find the trick rope you’ll be able to get out easy as cake. Now don’t hurt yourself while I’m gone. My session is two hours long. I might cry so make it two hours and a half. Love you, baby!” You call out as you leave him tied to a chair in his apartment.
As you sit in the waiting room you smooth out your shirt and move one of your curls out of the way.
Maybe I’ll ask Erica to do faux locks next time. You think to yourself.
You look up at the clock and wonder if Miguel got out of your ropes when you hear the door open. “Tommie Valentine?” A woman announced. “Present, I mean here. I’m here.” You get up and follow the woman down the hall.
“Here you go.” She ushers you into a room and there you meet your therapist, Dr Elizabeth Osborn. “Hello, Miss Valentine. Please have a seat.” She gives you a warm smile and you sit on her comfortable lounge chair.
“This is nice. I like this.” You mutter to yourself as she takes out a note pad. “Well, Miss Valentine, I understand that you have had a therapist before me and I was able to get your paperwork with your permission of course. I have caught up on your paperwork and now I want to dive in, if that is okay with you.”
You give a nod and she writes something down. “Alright and just so you know, anything discussed here will be confidential between doctor and patient. Unless you talk about bringing harm to oneself or others.” You give another nod and look around the office. “If there is any subjects you’d like to discuss, please do not hesitate to bring it up. Now it is my understanding that you’ve had a reoccurring dream?”
“Yes, as I’m sure you’ve read in my email, I was one of the victims in the attack on downtown Nueva York from the green goblin…I’m afraid that incident has left some lasting effects on me.” She nods and writes that down. “Please continue Mis-”
“You can call me Tommie. But, um, the drea-nightmare it always starts the same. I’m sleeping over at my boyfriends apartment and when I get up to go use the bathroom I feel that something is watching me. I get up, look around and nothing is there until I turn and there I see the Green Goblin and they shove a pumpkin down my throat. I always wake up at that point and feel terrified because I genuinely feel as if someone is watching me.”
She was quiet for a moment writing down in her note pad, when she looks up she gives a soft smile. “From what your dream describes it’s obvious that you suffered severe trauma. You almost died and it’s something your brain is trying to bury, however a small part in your brain doesn’t want you to forget. So it is giving you these dreams as a form of making you alert at all times. It’s something similar to when domestic violence victims as well as soldiers have moments such as your own. In other words, Tommie you have PTSD.”
You frown at her diagnosis. “I guess you’re right on that, but I don’t feel as if I do. I don’t get anxious or feel uncomfortable when I’m outside.”
“Tommie, look at your hands.” You look down and you were clutching the cushion so fiercely you thought you might tear it into pieces. You let go and place your shaky hands in your lap.
“Dr Osborn, I’m not broken.”
“No one said you were, Tommie. I just sai-”
“I’m fine. I am perfectly fine. Sure I almost died. Sure when I hear loud noises I jump a little, sure when I’m alone in my bedroom late at night I stare at the ceiling wondering if I’ll see those terrifying glowing green eyes. But I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine.” You lie.
She nods and purses her lips. “Tommie, if I may change the subject. Can you describe to me what it was like when you lost your parents?” Your hands stop shaking in your lap and you give a nod.
“Right, when I lost my parents, I was sad…because I lost the two people in my life that I saw as my heroes. When I was in school I was made fun of because I liked science. But my mother and father? They made it fun, they made it exciting. It was like I lost my superheroes. A-I don’t want to sound ungrateful when I say this. But when I went to live with my grandparents, I felt so…depressed because my grandparents weren’t my parents. I have to give them credit, it wasn’t easy raising a teenager. But I wanted my mom and dad back. They left me. I didn’t get to enjoy those daddy and daughter dances…I didn’t-“ You wipe your eyes and continue on as your therapist gives you a tissue.
“-thank you. I didn’t get to tell my mom about the boy I was crushing on in my study hall. I just wanted my life back. And I know it’s not my fault that they’re gone but I felt like I was the problem. I lashed out and felt like….I needed to be better. I needed to be like how I seen my parents. I needed to be…perfect.”
“Tommie you do know that no person can obtain perfection?”
“I know but, I needed to do something. I needed the perfect grades. I needed to go to the perfect college. I needed to have the perfect career. Because in this world, I am a black woman. My competition are white women and men in general. If I slip, if I let this perfect life I’m striving for drop from my hands then I lose them again. I love my dad and my mom. I can’t let them die again…I need them to live on because in my head I am the little girl that was left on the stoop waiting for them to come home to me.”
You couldn’t breathe. God why couldn’t you breathe.
“I’m so-“
You get up holding your chest and your therapist rushes to your side. “Tommie. Look at me, breathe. Everything is fine, everything is okay.” Your legs buckle a bit and you grab the couch arm and you crouch down letting your chin rest on your knees.
“I’m sorry.” You breathe out as you shut your eyes.
If you were perfect you wouldn’t be here. If you were perfect you’d still have your parents. If you were perfect you-
Stop that.
A small voice calls out to you and your ear drums sounded like they were in rushing water.
You aren’t perfect, you aren’t going to ever be perfect, and that is okay. You found another way to fail and that is okay. Now get up, and breathe.
Something flickers in your mind.
You see Miguel on his knees in front of you. He was crying and you were holding him. You were telling him that he wasn’t going to be the perfect Spider-Man. He was going to be the best one he could be. You told him that perfection can’t be obtained like in the movies. He was going to make mistakes, he wasn’t going to be able to save everyone. He was going to come home with someone else’s blood on his hands. But as long as he did his best you would be proud of him. Just like your parents were proud of you..
The vision fades and it caused your panic attack to fade as well because that…that talk never happened. At least not to your knowledge.
You open your eyes and your therapist was there helping you up off the floor. She sits you down and hands you a few more tissues. Once you’re sure that you won’t have another panic attack you look at her with a frown.
“Doctor Osborne. I know this session is all over the place but can I ask you something?” She nods. “Yes, of course.”
“I…is there a such thing as multiple dimensions? Like say I made the decision to eat an apple for breakfast but in another dimension I chose to eat a burger. Would you think that’s possible?”
“I’m not sure about that, but there has been cases where people have said that they’ve felt that they were in a loop of their own life but had a different outcome.”
“I know this sounds, crazy-”
“We don’t say that word here, Tommie. And I would never think of you as such.”
“Right. Well, there’s been moment when I’m with my boyfriend that I’ve felt like I’ve lived another life with him. Like he knows my quirks and I know his. For example when I was a little girl, I would get ice and crack the ice try just to eat the top layer on it. Well my boyfriend when we started dating he cracked the ice and gave me the top piece. Which was strange because I never did that in front of him. When I look at him sometimes I feel like…we’re married. And it’s not just this feeling it’s like something inside of my head is missing and my boyfriend is the key to that.”
“From what I can tell you is the brain is a fascinating thing. It will do anything to protect its self even block certain memories. I can help you through guided meditation to help you unlock them if that is what you would like.”
“Yes, I…I just want to know what am I missing?” The therapist tells you to lay back and she grabs something from her desk. You glance and see she has what looks like a chime.
“Tommie I want you to close your eyes and relax. Listen to the sound of my voice and the chime. You’ll feel yourself going to sleep, don’t fight it. If you do seem to have any trouble I will snap my fingers and you’ll awake. Are you ready?” She asks as you look at the ceiling. “I’m ready.”
She sounds the chime and she tells you a few key words.
As you hear her voice and you hear the chime you feel your body just relax and you slowly, but surely fall asleep.
You open your eyes and you’re laying in a California king bed. You stretch out and feel something thick laying beside you. When you look over you see your husband fast asleep.
You look over at the clock on the dresser and it was after eight. Miguel has to be up before nine so you lean over and you kiss his lips. He stirred in his sleep and his arms wrap around you.
“Time to wake up, baby. You have work remember?” You tell him as you cup his sleepy stubbled face. “Cinco minutos más, mi corazón.” He tells you in a sleepy deep voice. “No, five more minutes. It is time for my husband to get up and start his day. Come, I’ll make you breakfast.” You go to get up but Miguel pulls you back down and rolls on top of you.
“How did I get to have such a caring and beautiful wife?” He kisses you all over your face, causing you to laugh and you stop him. “You’re just lucky I guess. Now don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. Come on, let’s go Mr O’Hara.”
You hear small foot steps and the both of you peek over and you see him. “Mommy! Daddy! Can I watch tv?” Your son, Xavier had ran into the room and Miguel had scooped him up, tickling him causing him to laugh.
“You can if you say it in Spanish.” Miguel says teasing him a bit. “Mommy, how do you say it?” Xavier asks you and you stroke his pretty curly hair. “You would say, Papá, puedo ver la televisión?” Xavier stutters a bit but he says it. “You can go watch it. Just don’t be too loud.” Miguel kisses him on the head and places him down on the floor. He run out of the room and you tell him to not to run or he would hurt himself.
As Miguel gets up you grab your robe and put it on. “Do you think he’ll have them? Your powers?” You ask Miguel as you hand his towel. “I’m not sure amor. It’s been four years and Xavier hasn’t shown any signs. I hope he isn’t like me. I hope he’s like you.” Miguel kisses your temple as he heads into the bathroom.
You go to the kitchen and you see Xavier sitting on the couch with his Spider-Man plushie. “Mommy, can I have Spider-man cereal?” He asks as he looks over at you from the couch. “You can but that means you can’t have Spider-man French toast sticks.” His little hazel eyes light up as you cut up some strawberries and bananas.
“Really! You make th..the best breakfast mommy!” He gets up and as he goes to hug you, you feel a shiver down your spine. You look away from him for a second because the atmosphere felt off.
“Oof!” Xavier collides into you and you accidentally nicked yourself with the knife. “Ouch!” You yelp causing Xavier to look at you in fear. “Mommy? You’re bleeding! I’m sorry! Can I kiss it?” You shake your head. “No, baby. Mommy has to go clean it. But I’ll be fine after and then I can make breakfast. Now go sit down on the couch.” Xavier hesitates but he goes and sits down after you give him a kiss on his head letting him know you’re okay.
You go to the guest bathroom and you clean your finger. As the water turns crimson, you look in the mirror and your face looks different.
You look harder and your reflection glitches, like a computer screen. It glitches again and you see yourself but in black in white. It glitches again and you see yourself as a cartoon.
The glitch happens again, and again and again-
You wake up and your head felt funny. Doctor Osborne was sitting there writing in her note pad. “Alright Tommie. What did you see?” You go to answer but stop.
“I…don’t remember. Is that normal?” You ask her as to sit up. “No, patients always remember. You called out two names. Miguel and Xavier. Who are those people to you?”
“Well Miguel is my boyfriend, and Xavier? I don’t know an Xavier.” Your therapist writes more down and you feel in the back of your mind that you’re forgetting something.
Maybe it wasn’t too important…maybe?
Therapy was a success for you. You had went to a sub shop to get some sandwiches and as you call Miguel his phone kept going to voicemail. “What is going on with-” You then remember how you left Miguel in his apartment.
Surely he got out of those ropes right?
You get your sandwiches after paying and you get to your car, calling Miguel once again. Still no answer.
“Oh shit, I know he’s going to be pissed.” You mutter getting into your car and driving off to the apartment building.
Once you’re inside you take the key Miguel gave you and you unlock his door. You listen for a moment as you step in and place the food in the fridge.
“Miguel?” You call out to him and you hear a loud crash in his bedroom. You run in there excepting the worse and only to see him in the chair struggling to get the rope off.
As soon as he sees you he stops. “Help me, please.” He begs. You stifle a giggle and Miguel glare. “Amor. Esto no es gracioso. Necesito ayuda.” You cross your arms over your chest and stride into his bedroom.
“Baby, I thought you said under no circumstances am I to help you. No matter how much you beg.” You say as you stand in front of him. “I know what I said but that was before I knew you could tie these ropes extremely tight.”
“Wait, why didn’t you use your claws?” You ask him as you give him a puzzling look. “You don’t think I tried, amor? My hands can’t reach. Now please help me.” You nod and you go to pull the trick knot but you stop.
“On second thought, no.” You smile at him devilishly and Miguel jerks his body but fails at breaking the ropes. “Amor, please. I just want-” You grab a hold of his lips and you lean in.
“But baby, I like you like this. You look so vulnerable and pretty. I just…want to take advantage of you.” You lick his bottom lip causing him to whimper.
“Mi corazón, you don’t want to do that.” You nod as you suck his bottom lip. “Oh yes I do. Now be my good boy, please.” You kiss him and you circle the chair a little.
“I did great job, not even Spider-Man can escape. I wonder if I do this…” You reach under his shirt and you bring your hands to his chest. “Oh, now I see why you love playing with mine.” You pinch his nipples and he jerks causing you to feel excited.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” You ask against his ear. “No, I…I don’t like you pinching there.” You pout and tug at his ear with your teeth. “Don’t lie to me. I know you do. I can see your dick getting hard. Wait…is this a secret fantasy of yours?”
“No-” You yank him by the hair and pull his head back. “Miguel, don’t lie to me, you know I won’t kink shame you. But I’m a merciful woman. So how about we…role play? I’ll set the scene…” You let his hair go and circle back around. You sit on his lap and you smile innocently.
“You found my hide out, and just when you think you’re going to bust me. I get the jump on you and tie you up in a chair. Because you have infiltrated my area, that gives me right to do whatever I please.” Your smile leaves your face and Miguel studies you.
“I’ll get out of these ropes and when I do, you’re going to jail.” You’re pleased he’s playing along. “The thing is Spider-Man, I don’t plan on going to jail. I plan on having some fun with you and making you beg, like a good boy.” You stand up and you tug on the rope causing him to wince.
“Oh, I’m sorry did that hurt? Here let me help you feel better.” You straddle him and you feel his hard dick between your legs. You lift his chin and you lean in for a kiss but he jerks his face away. “Don’t touch me.”
“Spidey, you’re going to beg for me to touch you…” Your move off of him and you get on your knees in front of him. Miguel watches you and you unzip his pants. “Would you look at that, a big present for me.”
You pull out his dick and as you look up at him you lick the tip like a lollipop. You see his eyes flutter shut as you roll your tongue around the head and you stroke him. “Still don’t want me to touch you, Spidey?” You tease as you watch him struggling to get loose.
“Ju…just don’t stop.” He moans. “Thought you’d see it my way, but why should I keep going? You said I was going to jail.” You rub the tip only and Miguel’s eyes were red.
“Because, I’m the good guy.” You tsk. “No, you’re my good boy. Now say that and I’ll keep going.” You instructed to him. “I’m your good boy.” He obeys and you let your drool cover the tip, smiling as you do.
“That’s right you’re my good boy.” You slowly take him down your throat and he lets out a low moan. “F…fuck. Amor, princesa, baby please untie me. I want your throat. I want to fuck it. Please.”
“Ah, no. I don’t think so now play along, be my good boy.” Miguel actually growls at you, which was a first.
“I don’t want to role play anymore, Tommie. Let me out of these ropes. Let me have that throat, I want you. Please.” You deep throat him quickly causing him to tense his body up and then you release him from your mouth.
“You might not want to play, but I do. You see, you get to fuck me like a rag doll. You get to tie me up in your web and you get to have my body any kind of way. Which I do enjoy, baby. I really do. But I think it’s my turn.” You stand up and you strip off your shirt, your pants and lastly your panties along with your bra.
You were naked in front of him and if he could break the chair and have you he would. “Next time, I want you tied up in your suit. I’ve always get to have fun with Miguel but I’ve never got to have Spider-Man.”
“Tommie when I get out-” You put your panties in his mouth and you get behind him. “I really love seeing you tied up, but I want to take my stressful day out on you. Now I’ll stop talking and you start begging.” You pull the panties from his mouth and you kiss him, letting him taste himself on your tongue.
He moan as you reach over and play with the tip. You don’t have to say it, you’re already moving back in front of him. You move your lips from his and you have your back facing him.
You look back at him as your bend over slightly and you grab his dick. “Amor, just untie some of the rope, I’ll stay still I just-ay dios mío…” He moans out as you tease the tip in.
You spread your lips using the head of his dick and he lets his head fall back as your pussy swallows him slowly. “I just want to move my hips. Can I just-mami, please sólo fóllame, por favor.” You get him deep inside and you place your hands on your knees as you look back at him and move your hips.
Your eyes roll back, as you fuck him. You lean your body against him and hold his face close to yours. “Watch me, play with myself while you’re inside of me, baby.” You rub your pussy lips together and feel him wanting to thrust, but his hips are tied down. “You want to fuck me, right?”
“Yes, amor. I want you. Just let me move. Please your little pussy is too good to me.” You rub faster as you rock your hips and you moan. “Miguel, you’re so good to me. You’re my good boy right?” Your swirl your hips in circles and you see Miguel’s eyes roll back double time. “Sí mami, soy tu buen chico.” Hearing him like this only made you more wet. You keep rubbing and you move so only just the tip was inside of you.
“Do you want to be my good boy? Or my fuck toy Miguel?” You ask as you move faster on the tip. Miguel was stuttering and whimpering now, barely able to answer you.
“A…answer me baby.” You slow down and he jerk trying to break free. “Yes! I’ll be whatever you want. Your good boy, your fuck toy. I’ll be a chair if you’ll untie me and let me pound into the sweet little pussy.” He moans out.
You slide him out of you and you turn, now facing him. You slide him back and you rock your hips harder making the chair creak. “Just like that, fuck me, mami. Fuck me like that. I’m your good boy. I’m yo-I’m gonna come. I’m gonna fucking come.” You pull at his ropes and you soon feel Miguel coming deep inside of you.
He was breathing heavy as he grunts out his orgasm and you lean against his shoulder. “You are such a good boy for me…but now I need to treat you like my fuck toy.”
You slowly move your hips and Miguel’s dick throbs between your puffy pussy lips. “Wait, it’s sensitive, amor. I don’t think I can d…o tha- fuck.” He moan as your pussy grips him tight. You clench your walls and grip him close.
“This is mine, this dick is mine. No one else can have this but me.” You moan against his ear as you fuck him harder. You bite Miguel lips and he lets out an airy whine. “Oh god, you’re gonna make me come fast again. Amor don’t stop, plea-por favor, mami.” You get a smirk on your face and you still.
“No, don’t do that. Fuck me, fuck me right now, amor. I need that pussy to milk me. Please, I’ll do anything.” You grab his face after hearing that. “Anything?” He nods and you smile like a she devil. “Oh I’ll save for what we can do another time. But does my fuck toy want to come inside of me?”
“Yes, mami. Let me come inside of yo-“ You start rocking your hips again and he moan out yes as well as other swear words in Spanish.
This time you feel a nice build up and you squeeze your walls around him as you feel yourself coming. Miguel feels it and lets out a moan that I’m sure everyone on the floor had heard. You moan into a smile and you look at a very spent Miguel. “Ple-please untie me, amor. Please.” You slide off of him and get on your knees.
“No.” You flick and vibrate your tongue under the head of his dick and he squirms on your mouth. “No…no more. I can’t come anymore. Please j-fuck fuck fuck!” Miguel squirts against you tongue and you smile slurping it up. “Now I can. You’re going to be pissed at yourself when you see how easy it was to get out of this rope.” You kiss his lips and in the center of his chest your pull the trick rope, loosening all of his ropes. He sags against his chair and gives a weak chuckle.
“H…how was I suppose to reach that, amor?” He asks as he flicks the ropes off of him. “Go to the door, kneel by the door handle and loop it through then pull. My knots weren’t rocket science, but I figure even a scientist could figure that out.” You smile as you leave the bed room to go clean up. You expect Miguel to follow but you see he isn’t moving.
“Are you okay?” You ask him. “Y…yes. You….took a lot out of me. I’ll be there in a moment princesa.” You blow a kiss to him and just run a bath for the two of you…
“You said you got to talk about a lot during your therapy session?” Miguel asks while the both of you eat the sandwiches you had brought over. “Yes, it was very eye opening, and healing. I guess I’m not over my parents death still and I have PTSD from the Green Goblin incident. All in all, I have another session next week and I can’t wait.” You say as you get up to get more lemonade.
“Well I am happy that you got a nice break through, amor. Really I am.” Miguel says taking another bite. You pour you and Miguel more lemonade and you pause for a second.
“What’s wrong?” Miguel asks. “There was something else in the session, but I can’t remember what. But I feel like it was important. I guess it’ll come to mind later. Anyways, are you ready to go see your brother tomorrow?” You ask putting the pitcher back in the fridge.
“About that, my brother wants to meet you and in return he wants to introduce me to his girlfriend as well. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course. I would love to meet your little brother. Oh this is exciting, I want to ask him about how you were growing up.” Miguel groans. “Gabe will definitely tell you about my most embarrassing moments for sure, but I got dirt on him too. Anyways we’re going to meet him and his girlfriend at his place. We would’ve went to the park but…” Miguel looks away from you and you know why.
You walk over to him and kiss his temple. “Thank you for considering my feelings, Miguel. I appreciate it.” He smiles at you and nods.
You couldn’t wait to work on your anxiety so that you could be comfortable outside in open settings. But hey one step at a time.
As you two enjoy your food, you catch when Miguel looks at his watch. “Mm, amor I’ll be right back, Spider-Man has to do his thing.” He presses a button and his suit appears onto him. “Be careful, I’ll keep an ear out for you on tv.” You tell him as he kisses your temple and heads towards his window. “Alway, mi corazón.” He opens his window and leaps out of it.
You smile at your boyfriend you clean up the food, putting away whatever leftovers you two had. You turn around flicking on the tv, letting the background chatter fill the room as you spruce up the apartment a bit.
As you pick up, you notice something poking out from under the couch. You pick it up and you see a Spider-Man plushie.
“Xavier what did I tell you ab-” You stop your words and look around for a second. When you look back at the toy it was gone.
“No, no, no, no, I know what I saw. I-who is Xavier?” More questions that I’m sure your therapist is going to enjoy answering for your next session.
You sit on the couch and rub your temples. “Am I going crazy?” You ask yourself wondering what the hell is going on with you…
Miguel was nervous, and you can tell he’s trying to hide it. You place your hand on the middle of his back and give him a gentle push. “Go on.” You tell him as he smoothed down his hair. “Okay.” He rings his brother’s doorbell and we hear someone say they were coming.
His brother answers the door and he gave his brother a long hard stare. For a second you thought maybe you made a mistake on letting Miguel ring the door bell until Gabriel gets a great big smile on his face. “Bring it in Miggy.”
“Oh shut up, Gabi.” The two brothers pull each other in and hug one another. He invites the two of you in and Miguel introduces you. “Gabriel this is Tommie. Tommie this is my little brother.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Miguel has told me so much about you.” Gabriel raises a brow at his brother. “If it’s good stuff then I have some great stories to tell you. If it’s bad, I can tell you what he did in the tenth grade that almost got him expelled from school and almost banned in Canada.”
“Gabi, te mataré.” Miguel says with a smile. But Gabriel was unfazed. “Anyways, Xina just stepped out to go grab some refreshments. She’s a chef and she got a promotion at work so we had invited a few friends over as well. I hope that is okay with you Tommie. Miguel told me about the incident.”
“It’s fine, I’m working through that. But thank you for your kindness.” You tell him. “Gabi how many people will be here?” Miguel asks as you hand Gabriel the dessert dish you had made. It was your salted Carmel and chocolate chip cookies.
“Only four more people. I triple checked, don’t worry Miggy. It will be a controlled environment, and we will have fun. Now, let me give you guys a tour.”
Gabriel starts off showing you two the living room which you can tell Miguel was in awe. “How’s the tv work? Are the specs good? How’s the screen quality?”
“Hermano, es increíble, se siente como si estuviera en un partido de fútbol los domingos. Here let me show you. Uh, Tommie is it okay?” You give a smile. “It’s okay, you two bond, I can place those cookies in the kitchen if you’d like.” Gabriel hands the cookies back to you and tells you where the kitchen is.
When you enter the kitchen you place the cookies down and you pause. “I feel like I’ve been here before…” You comment. To test the theory you close your eyes and you walk forward. You hand goes down and you touch a drawer.
“Spoons…” You open your eyes as well as the drawer and there were spoons there. “Freaky.” You mutter as you close the drawer back.
You hear footsteps behind you and when you turn you see a cute Asian woman enter the kitchen. “Oh! You must be Tommie. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I see the boys have gravitated towards the tv.”
“I am and you must be Xina, it is a pleasure to meet you as well. And yea it was game over when the boys walked past that tv.” You two laugh and by reflex you two hug each other.
When you two embrace you feel as if you’ve done this before. She lets you go first and clears her throat. “Gabriel told me you brought cookies, what kind?” She asks. “Oh, salted Carmel chocolate chip. I hope no one is allergic, I should’ve checked.” Xina pauses and gives you a strange look.
“That’s funny, I’ve been craving that kind of cookie for like the last couple of days. I have been baking them when I can and they just don’t seem to come out right. May I?”
“Sure go ahead.” Xina washes her hands and then she grabs a cookie from the platter. When she takes a bite her eyes go wide. “It’s exactly the cookies taste I’ve been craving.” You smile as she eats and you look around. “Gabriel mentioned that you were a chef, and you got a promotion. Congratulations.”
“Thank you, it’s been hard work but I’m just happy it paid off…Tommie can I ask you something? And sorry if this freaks you out but…have we met before?” You go to answer her but you two hear more voices and two more women enters the kitchen. They congratulate Xina and the both of you lock eyes for a split second almost saying that you’ll continue the conversation another time…
“No, that’s not how I remember it. Mamá dijo que dijiste eso...” Gabriel says as he explains how Miguel was the one who blew up the back porch when they were kids. “No, you were the one who put all that baby powder on the floor y me hizo caer. That’s how it blew up.” We laugh at the bickering brothers but this felt good.
You watch as Miguel and Gabriel talk and you feel a bit sad, wondering what would life had been like it you had a sibling. “Tommie how is it working for Howard Stark? I hear he’s a tyrant at times.” Camron, Xina’s friend, had asked.
“Oh, he has his moments. But I can handle him.” You tell her. “His company does some good when it comes to medical but it doesn’t sit right with me that he sponsors a lot of weapons for the military.” Dallas expresses to the group.
You feel a bit embarrassed but Xina buts in. “That’s not Tommie’s problem. But I’m sure she would rather do her own thing like, have a tech company or something.” You give her a look and nod. She smiles at you and Gabriel claps.
“Alright, I don’t know about the rest of you guys but I am starving. I’m going to go check on the food on the grill.”
“Yeah, I don’t want you burning the burgers, Gabi.” Miguel says as the rest of the guys joins them. “What? Charcoal is good for the teeth, Miggy. I thought you knew that, since you’re the science.” The brothers joke and you hear Xina clear her throat. “While the boys play with fire and meat, I’m gonna go and grab some more drinks. Tommie can you help me out?”
“Sure, I’ll be right there.” You follow her to the kitchen and she looks back to make sure you two had time to talk. “So, about earlier-” You stop her. “I…thought I was going crazy. I have these moments with Miguel where I feel like we’ve known each other before this.”
“Same! Well I mean with Gabriel. I told him that our whole relationship felt like deja vu. Does…does Miguel knows your like quirks?”
“Yes! Oh my god I tried explaining that to him and it’s like he refuses to acknowledge that.” You close your eyes and you make sure you were holding onto the kitchen counter.
You feel arms hug you and when you open your eyes it was Xina. “I thought I was the only one.” You hug her back and the two of you cry a little. “No, you’re not alone. Um, can I get your number so we can stay in touch?” You ask wiping your eyes. She gives a grin as she mirrors your movements of wiping her eyes.
“I was going to ask you the same thing. God, I feel like I’ve found something I’ve lost. I have so many questions, but obviously we can’t talk as freely.”
“I’m free next week. Well after this dinner party, which I don’t even want to go to but my boss is making me go.”
“Next week let’s go out for lunch. Now, let’s get these drinks out there. Maybe everyone will get drunk enough to barley taste the burnt food.”
You laugh at that. “Wait Gabriel can’t cook?” Xina shakes her head. “T, I’m the chef. Gabriel can barely boil water without scorching it. Can Miguel cook?” You nod. “Yeah, he cooks for me all the time. He said his mom taught him and Gabriel.”
“Thank god Gabriel is pretty and I can cook or else we would starve.” You two joke as you gather the drinks for everyone.
As the night goes on you enjoy this, because Miguel didn’t get a single call to be Spider-Man. He was a big brother telling stories about his childhood. He was a loving boyfriend who stole kisses from you, every chance he got. He was simply Miguel O’Hara.
For the rest of the night you put the mystery of your mind on the back burner and just enjoyed the moment with Miguel and his family….
Previously, Next
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punchhazard · 3 months
Feels Like A Drea
Feels Li
Feels Like A Dr
Feels Li
Feels Like A Dre
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flowerscentedartist · 2 years
Killer: For hating your brother so much, you sure do love to talk about them.
Nightmare: Pfft, no I don't
Dust: Say their name
Nightmare: Dream
Horror: Now say it without smiling
Nightmare: Dream- wait. Drea- no, wait, seriously, Dr- STOP looking at me like that!
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Dream record — log 32 (archived)
Subject: Children of the Dreamscape
Written by: Dr. Ambrose - Head of Dreamscape Research and Exploration Agency (DREA)
The Dreamscape is an unpredictable place, as we all know. It is home to various of entities unknown to even our most avid researchers. One of the most commonly encountered entities in the Dreamscape is the Children of the Dreamscape.
As the name suggests, they are humanoid entities that the Dreamscape claims as its own. They are approximately the size of a ten year old child and wears an off white gown. That is all what normal about them. They have something akin to bandages wrapped around where their eyes should have been, their mouths seem to have the consistency of melted wax.
These entities are often seen roaming among dreams, they are rather docile and will interact with our researchers once encountered.
Additional information: by Researcher Florian — Research Department 8
They have a really strange, dreamy voice, as if it was taken out from a distant memory that you have forgotten about. That is one uncanny factor that makes the Children of the Dreamscape so terrifying every time one encounters us on our exploration.
Another factor is that they can mimic voices, tones, and accents from the people they have interacted with. One nearly gave us a collective heart attack when it spoke to us with the voice and manner of one of our researchers.
God help us all if they know how to shapeshift.
end log
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @identity-theft-101 @moonlit-midnight @ceruleancattail @minimallyminnie @ang33333333l @leonistic @bun-lapin @red-viewe @savanaclaw1996 @i-like-forgs @twistwonderlanddevotee
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drippling-thoughts · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @dr-drea
Last song/album:
Galina by Allie X
Favorite color:
Blue and turquouise
Sweety, spicy or savory:
Last TV show:
Last film:
Drive-Away dolls
Last thing you googled:
The contact data of the new executive assistent of my professor, so i can call her and hopefully finally arrange a meeting with him as they both haven't answered my emails for weeks..
Relationship status:
Since always decidedly single as people so far being interested having been obvious trash, i'm not exaggerating
Current obsession:
Crisps and binge watching Sandman but there were shows i were more obsessed with. There sadly? aren't really obsessable shows atm
Tagging @calliettes-posts and @therhythmismyblanket
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calliettes-posts · 10 months
To be honest i don't get why so many people are calling bobbie manipulative. Her actions on saturday really weren't cool and you could definitely call them problematic/toxic, but manipulative? i think she expressed her emotions very strongly and in my opinion honest way, but I don't see her doing something to get a particular response from Anais. I see her flirting with Finn in an "I am mad at you so I am doing something to hurt you, too" way and not in an "I will make you jealous so you will want to be with me" way.
Same, and also, they're 16, we can't really expect rational responses from any of them tbh
What Bobbie did was NOT okay, and its good that Anais just didn't take it and that Bobbie apologised, but also they're still trying to figure things out, they've known each other for 4 weeks, and two of those Anais couldn't stand Bobbie, and they've been officially dating since Wednesday only, they're still getting to know each other, and I think they also have a bit different expectations when it comes to how they want to navigate the relationship, I honestly think, if they talk everything out, and when they make their relationship public, there won't be problems in the relationship at least
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lifewithaview · 3 months
Tumblr media
Ron Perlman, Mark Boone Junior, Kim Coates, Charlie Hunnam, and Glenn Plummer in Sons of Anarchy (2008) Pilot
When the Mayans, a Latino gang led by Marcus Álvarez (Emilio Rivera), steal their stockpile of weapons and burn their warehouse, SAMCRO is placed in a difficult position, as they've already taken payment for the guns from the 1-9ers, a powerful African-American gang led by Laroy Wayne (Tory Kittles). As SAMCRO president Clarence 'Clay' Morrow (Ron Perlman) plots their revenge, his step-son and club vice-president Jackson 'Jax' Teller (Charlie Hunnam) finds an old document written by his dead father John 'JT' Teller (voiced by Nicholas Guest), one of the Sons' founders. In it, JT writes about the direction in which he wanted SAMCRO to go; nothing like the gun-running direction in which Clay and his wife Gemma (Katey Sagal), Jax's mother, has taken them. When they locate where the Mayans are hiding their weaponry, Clay calls upon Jax to bring his friend Harry 'Opie' Winston (Ryan Hurst) back into the fold. However, Opie has recently been released from jail after refusing to testify against SAMCRO, and has promised his wife Donna (Sprague Grayden) he'll go straight. Meanwhile, Jax's estranged wife, Wendy (Drea de Matteo), takes a drug overdose, leading to an emergency C- section and life-threatening surgery for her and Jax's son, who's ten weeks premature. Complicating matters is that the case is being handled by neonatal surgeon Dr. Tara Knowles (Maggie Siff), Jax's childhood sweetheart, who has recently returned to Charming after ten years away.
*Jax (Charlie Hunnam) is always seen wearing white Nike Air Force 1 sneakers throughout the entire series, which is a very notable part of his look. However, in the pilot, he is seen wearing black Adidas, low-top sneakers.
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