#dr organic toothpaste
thetoothfaerie · 1 year
Website: https://www.thetoothfaerie.com.au/
The Tooth Faerie is a passionate provider of 100% natural, effective oral health care.
Tooth Tonic and the Black Whitener and remineraliser are 100% natural alternatives to the toxic and harmful toothpastes. Tooth Tonic is made from 100% essential oils in the base of black sesame seed oil and organic virgin coconut oil these oils have been chosen for their amazing capacity to keep healthy gums and teeth and to help in cases of bleeding and receding gums, sensitive teeth inflamed and infected gums (check the long list of ingredients on our website). The Black Whitener and remineraliser is made from organic food grade ingredients which not only whiten our teeth but also put minerals back into our body to help strengthen our teeth. Together they are fast proving effective and healthy alternatives to toothpastes.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thetoothfaerie.com.au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetoothfaerie/
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karniss-bg3 · 9 months
I would like to hear your thoughts about Larian giving Kar’niss female pedipalps?
Personally I feel like it was just another f you from Lolth
Alright so, this is a complicated and detail-heavy topic. For that reason I’ll be splitting this theory into two sections: Technical Aspects & Lore. There will be a TL;DR at the bottom.
Technical Aspects
Kar’niss is a complex model and I imagine the rigging on him was wild. To my understanding his walking animation was done by hand which makes sense. His torso could be motion captured but the arachnid portions needed to be moved in engine. The best time to witness the separation is if you play music for him as a bard. His torso will bob and sway the same as the rest of the NPCs but his legs stay perfectly stationary. I do get a kick out of the idea of the Larian devs trying to put a tiny motion capture suit on a spider but alas.
I bring this up because the pedipalps add an extra layer of complication that the devs didn’t really need. In fact the concept art for driders doesn’t include them at all which suggests they weren’t part of the original design. A lot changed from concept art to the final version it seems. He used to have extra arms, his legs were longer, and his facial features were more twisted. His skin was also darker but it was either changed because he is a Szarkai or because his skin tone blended too heavily with the color of the chitin.
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This would align with a lot of the concept art from D&D. There are many examples of driders without pedipalps, both male and female.
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All that said, when it comes to the technical aspects, I have a theory as to why the original and final designs were so vastly different: Time. Kar’niss is one of the more detailed models in the game and even the final version didn’t turn out perfect. If you look closely at where his torso attaches to the spider body you can see some model tearing when he turns at certain angels, as well as what I refer to as “tubing”. I’ve seen this in a few games and it’s where limbs or portions of a body thin out to an impossible degree and they look like a squeezed out tube of toothpaste. This could be due to improper skeleton models, broken seams or rigging but as I don’t work in the industry those are my best guesses.
When you have a strict budget and time limit sometimes a development team has to cut some fat. They didn’t have the time to add in the extra arms, super long limbs or highly detailed face model. Perhaps they looked at the final design and weren’t satisfied with the lack of monster features. Thus, the pedipalps were introduced. But since drider are canonically sexless they designed the palps in such a way that they were made for battle; hence the sharp barb present at the tip of each. They are located face level for most races which make them perfect eye gougers or maybe they use them to subdue prey. Palps are also used to “taste” in most spider species and he could likely use them to discern if prey is edible or not.
“Pedipalps contain sensitive chemical detectors and function as taste and smell organs, supplementing those on the legs”
As for why they are female in design the simplest answer I have is that it was an oversight. If they were already scrambling to finish the model then they were likely going for the path of least resistance. Male pedipalps would’ve required a bit more work and either they didn’t think that much about it or chose the easiest design to model. I know about the Kar’niss is trans theory and I’ll be touching on that in the next section.
Anyone who has followed me for a while knows I’ve discussed drider lore a lot here so I’ll try to be a bit more brief in this section. Drider are meant to be sexless as Lolth didn’t wish for them to reproduce and rise up against Her. If Larian’s design of the palps were with intent then I believe we’re looking at Jurassic Park situation here. Maybe Lolth’s manner of birth control was to make all spider bodies female regardless of the gender of the drow who is changed. It would also align with the Matriarchal society drow come from as well as Lolth choosing to make driders in “Her image”. So yes, a “fuck you” from Lolth would be accurate in this case. The issue I run into is that Kar’niss is the only drider model in-game and so I have nothing to compare him to. I don’t know if all driders in this universe look the same or if there would’ve been a difference between females and males. It leaves it all up to pure speculation, sad to say.
There is a theory that’s been around for a while now that Kar’niss is transgender. While I think it’s a perfectly fine theory I don’t necessarily agree with it. It’s not because I’d be against him being trans, it’s more that I can’t find enough evidence to support it. For starters if he is trans, is he a trans man or a trans woman? We’ve learned that Kar’niss is a female name according to drow naming conventions and of course his palps suggest a female body. The name can be explained as an act of defiance as it is stated that if a man takes on a womans name they are considered troublemakers. If he is a trans woman, why would he ever allow himself to be misgendered?
There are several NPCs that refer to him as “he” and Kar’niss never once barks at them. It’s not as if he’s shy and in fact he’s proven to have quite the temper. He no longer follows nor worships Lolth and he’s under the protection of the Absolute, a cult that allegedly loves and accepts him. Why hide himself as a trans woman under these conditions? Especially in a game that is very progressive in terms of character creation and pronoun usage.
If he is a trans man then the spider body becomes a moot point. Did he transition before the drider transformation or did Lolth change his sex but slap on the female spider body as a way to mock him? Is that why he was changed? I imagine in a drow society where being a woman is a big deal having one that wanted to become a male, a lesser, would be the talk of the Underdark. I’m sure it’s worse for men who want to be women as that could be seen as “rising above their station”. It’s hard to say as modern day gender identity isn’t really addressed in drow lore.
There is a trans woman in Baldur's Gate 3 that the player meets during Shadowheart’s storyline. It can be easy to miss as her past isn’t revealed unless Shadowheart consumes the noblestalk Tav picks up in the Underdark. This is an excerpt from Nocturne’s journal.
“I am Nocturne. I think as her. I see her when I look in the mirror. I can't remember the last time someone called me by the wrong name - Shadowheart has been swift to gently correct slips of the tongue, and even swifter in challenging those who'd use my forsworn name in malice. I'm lucky to have her as a friend. “
While it seems she had trouble in the beginning, those under Shar came to accept her in time as far as I can tell. With this we can at least say that Larian has no issues adding in trans characters but Kar’niss doesn’t receive this treatment. Another thing to note is that Nocturne is voiced by a trans woman, Abigail Thorn. Where as Kar’niss is voiced by, what I assume to be, a cisgender male. In my mind if Larian would take that much time and care for accuracy wouldn’t they do the same for Kar’niss?
With all of that said if people have the headcanon that Kar’niss is trans that is a-okay, I have no issues with that or any other character! It’s simply a theory I don’t personally subscribe to because the elements don’t line up well enough for me. But hey if they ever expand on his story and he is trans that’d be cool. I don’t know if there is a trans man elsewhere in-game so it’d be nice to see that representation there.
Phew, that was far longer than I anticipated but I hope I covered the topic well enough as it has been debated quite a bit in the fandom. Once again I want to express that I believe folks are allowed to write and draw these characters how they see fit. It’s fantasy fun folks, go wild and enjoy your faves as you desire.
TL;DR: I think the female pedipalps are a technical oversight and were only added in to give Kar’niss a more monstrous appearance or to round out his design. I don’t believe he is trans due to the lack of evidence to support the theory. If Lolth had any bearing on the spider body it was likely to prevent reproduction or in an effort to make driders in her image. Overall, the pedipalps are more up to interpretation than hard evidence.
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feralwifey · 9 months
Improvements I've recently made in my life:
Most food is organic/grassfed/pasture raised
Significantly reduced sugar intake
Natural soap for face and body (still haven't figured out anything good for my hair but will try Dr. Bronner's as soon as my shampoo runs out)
Having protein ice cream, cheese sticks, jerky, dates as snacks instead of stuff like snickers
No tap water, only mineral water mostly out of glass bottles
Using only cast iron pans
Steel and wood utensils + cutting board
Homemade cleaners, air fresheners and detergent
Taking vitamins every day
Going on a walk every other day
Lost a little bit of weight
Using coconut oil in my dental routine (can't make the switch to no fluoride though I literally get gum bleeding every time, but using toothpaste and mouthwash with the least amount of ingredients I could find)
Implemented routine and a schedule for entire household
Got an air purifier
Rosary every day
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frithwontdie · 5 months
Pls share your tips for nature preservation
Sure. Like I said in the last anon ask. Use vinegar cleaner instead of harmful over the counter products. Weed killer made from vinegar, salt, and Dawn dish soap. If your food goes bad. Don't throw it away. It can be turned into compost soil. Or if you live out in the country, walk out in the woods and leave it. That'll way it won't go to waste and a critter won't go hungry.
Also what @unclejingo stated in the other anon post.
Get a Litter Spike: Take it with you on walks in the woods and bring a medium sized garbage bag with you. Don't have to go crazy but you feel good for having done it.
Also, you can make your own homade toothpaste and mouthwash without harmful chemicals.
Also as @stillnotwriting mentioned, make soap from tallow aka cow fat.
You can also make soap without Lye, I believe @forknightshonor has the link.
Or if you don't want to make your own soap, you get it here:
Hope this was helpful.
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aprincessofthevoid · 3 months
The filling that fell out almost a year ago has finally come back to haunt me... could hardly sleep last night cus my face hurt so bad. TWO naproxen didn't even touch the pain. (Tho that's nothing new tbh). Don't want a long aas post clogging up anyone's dash, so rest is under the cut.
Also didn't proof read this super well cus now that I'm not as sore I'm getting sleepy cus I didn't sleep much last night so if it's a Lil choppy I apologize lol.
Over the years, I noticed pain meds never really worked, so I didn't bother with them. The option was to take the max dose, or potentially more to get relief, but doing that consistently was just not something i was down for. But at the dentist for the filling that fell out more recently, dude dipped into multuple syringes of the lidocaine, and had to numb the nerve in the hinge of my jaw for me to not feel him digging around in my face.
Found the same when I had an iud inserted, took meds before as instructed, even brought a joint lmao. As well as going for the discomfort of that giant ass 10g needle stabbed into my cervix, and it did NOTHING... I've got a fairly high pain tolerance, but I stg I had a better time when I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once... and those were ALL infected, two were impacted, and when treating said infection, I had a freak reaction to the amoxicillin for the first time in my life... go me...
ANYWAY, shit I tried off Google and how it worked...
Sensitivity toothpaste rubbed into my gums/teeth helped a very short time. Sent the bf for orajel the next morning n honestly it worked about as well as the toothpaste, just for longer.
Also strongly mint?? Like specifically just peppermint antacid in my mouth helped rhe ache?? Apparently it's a thing lol. Honestly was just looking for a distraction from the ache n felt like the minty feeling might help.
Salt water rinse helped a little too. Did a rinse but a VERY gentle swish, better to puff out your cheeks and roll your head back n forth. Kinda burns but it will help kill any infection as long as it's minor.
Had some tea earlier on with sage, lemon balm, clove and rosemary. As all of them have geberal anti inflammatory or anti bacterial properties. Weirdly another tip I found was just a damp black tea bag placed against the affected area, actually felt FANTASTIC but the downside was it made my spit SUPER bitter if I swallowed it, so my option was wanting to gag at how gross it was, or be in pain... and obviously couldn't sleep with it in there cus that would be dangerous. Might try just drinking some black tea or brewing the black tea with the other herbs for some extra kick, no honey sadly but I'll have to deal with the bitterness.
Acetaminophen worked a lot better than the naproxen here. Was told by a Dr for a different pain I was in, that I COULD take them together tho (as in one of each), but since the naproxen didn't seem to do fuck all I'm gonna just do 2x extra strength Acetaminophen. Which also isn't ideal long term, but I CANNOT sleep with the pain I'm in so for a temporary situation I'm just gonna have to drink extra water or sum...
Other option is the T3 I had leftover after my tooth removal, had some ibuprofen too but left those when I moved away from fam. I'd rather take an extra Tylenol than the codeine tbh. Just feels a Lil less harsh on the system.
Fingers crossed the boyfriends work insurance goes thru so I can get this delt with... otherwise I might have to just have to be in pain to give my organs a break from all the drugs 🙃 gonna try my netti pot to hopefully clear any gunk out my sinuses as the ear on that side is a Lil plugged too (tip. Take a deep breath, close mouth, plug nose, and swallow. Works WAY better than plugging your nose and blowing).
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Hidden deep within your brain the pineal gland is regulating daily and seasonal rhythms in response to sunlight. Unfortunately, accumulating neurotoxicity, inflammation, and calcification, is silently crushing this critical gland.
Pineal Purpose
The pineal-body is a pea-size pinecone-shaped endocrine gland weighing just 0.1g and floating in its own pool of cerebrospinal fluid, above the roof of your mouth. It contains photoreceptive cells that switch on, and off, hormone and neurotransmitter production on or off in response to sunlight.
Seeds, greens, avocados, and burro bananas - make sure you fuel pineal production. Dr. Sebi taught us that “Real Soul food is food that enhances the Soul, our central Sun, our carbon. Fruits, vegetables, grains, this is REAL food.”
Master Conductor
The pineal gland controls other endocrine glands, interlinking the brain with the body via hormones and neurotransmitters. Acting like a biological-clock, the pineal gland coordinates our interaction with the sun:
Rhythms: sleep and wake cycles, seasonal responses.
Reproduction: fertility levels and sex hormone production.
Regulation: growth, body temperature, and blood pressure.
Immune: activation, tumor suppression, cell rejuvenation.
Neurotoxins and Calcification
Toxins cause inflammation, reduce mental efficiency, and deregulate hormone production. Sleep disorders, depression, and neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s) are all associated with calcification of the pineal gland.
Deposits of chalky calcium restrict the gland, reduce its size, and impede the production of neuro-endocrine substances. The pattern of pineal calcification is similar to teeth-enamel, and fluoridation (water and toothpaste) is linked to the destruction of this enigmatic gland.
Detoxification, Relaxation, and Nutrition
Chronic inflammation causes calcification. Reducing exposure to inflammatory neurotoxins begins to restore the correct mineral balance, and decalcify the pineal gland:
Fluoride: highest concentration in the body found in calcified tissue in the pineal gland.
Chlorine: public water is bleached with chlorine, associated with neurological birth defects.
Aluminum: leaches from pots, pans, and foil, associated with plaques seen in Alzheimer’s.
Sugar & chemical sweeteners: over-stimulate and damage neurons, reduce dopamine.
MSG & derivatives: confusingly labeled, many processed foods include this neurotoxin.
Endotoxins: bad bacteria in the gut produce toxins that inflame the gut and brain.
Stress: prolonged fear is toxic, causes the amygdala to shrink, and emotional fatigue.
The next step is supporting the brain to clear the waste and rejuvenate:
Sleep: at night the brain is ‘washed’ clean, detoxified, and replenished with nutrients.
Hydration: to bathe the brain and pineal gland you need to keep fluids flowing.
Meditation: like exercise for the brain, rewires, and strengthens your emotional health.
Berries (except cranberry): reduce free radical damage and nourish with flavonoids.
Coconut oil: alternative fuel for the brain which produces less oxidative damage.
Apples, seeded grapes & prunes: are high in boron which naturally displaces fluoride.
Tamarind: increases fluoride output in urine, helps retain zinc and magnesium. Fresh organic tamarind pulp or paste is easily mixed with water into a sweet and sour flavored drink, add a little agave if the taste is too lip-puckering!
•Dr. Sebi
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midisdying · 2 years
Ok. Hear me out!
ME3 Sleep deprived MShepard shenanigans and very brief Mshenko.
I had this idea for a long time now and I need to let it out. I haven't written anything in a while so you will have to excuse me poor writing skills...
I just wanted some fluff ok?!
also Happy late N7 day ppl!
It wasn't unusual to see Commander Shepard hanging around random areas of the Normandy. Talking to his crew or just doing paper work.
When asked why he wouldn't make use of his personal quarters he'd say it helped him stay focused and awake. The only thing he'd skip over was the amount of time he'd actually stay awake for. Like the time while still working for Cerberus, Shepard had stayed awake for three days in a row (against the very sound medical advice of Dr. Chakwas) before the Normandy's first touchdown on Tuachanka.
Nevertheless, Shepard knew his limit and upon reaching it he would head back to his quarters for a few hours of rest before repeating the cycle.
So to say that finding their CO passed out at one of the mess hall tables was a bit of a surprise to some of the lower rank crew members of the Normandy would be an understatement.
"He's been out for a while now, hasn't he?" Garuss asked, joining the little circle of some of the oldest members of the Normandy crew that had gathered around the table occupied by Shepard's slumped body. Others either actively avoiding or sending curious glances towards the group.
"I guess even that abomination couldn't keep him up at this point. Swear I saw him adding three tablespoons of coffee into that thing last night.” Kaidan said while taking a long, disgusted look at the cup standing not too far from Shepard's face.
"Good thing then that he has all those cybernetics, otherwise his heart might’ve stopped. Again." Joker mentioned sitting at the opposite side of the table.
"Should we do anything? Like wake him up? I can't imagine that this is the most comfortable sleeping position for humans.” Tali spoke up, turning her head towards Liara who just came up behind her.
"I suppose we could, but we could also get some markers, or if we're feeling especially mean-"
"Not if we don't want to get a biotic throw to the face as soon as he wakes up, we don't." Kaidan swiftly interrupted whatever Joker was about to suggest.
"Yeah, you'd know something about that, right? Cause you know, you almost shot him."
"You're never going to let that go, are you?" Kaidan looked back at Joker who was mildly amused by the major's irritation.
"Can we backtrack a bit? Why markers? What would we even do with them?" Garrus spoke up before the two could start anything else.
"I assume that Jeff and Major Alenko are talking about a form of a popular hazing prank done by humans in which the sleeping person, in most cases, has their face drawn on or covered with various usually viscous substances. Like toothpaste, soap, whipped cream, or glue.” Explained EDI.
There was a moment of silence where the non-human crew looked at eachother and then at the two awake humans in the room. Liara first broke the quiet atmosphere.
"That seems… incredibly childish."
"Yeah, it does." Garrus agreed then added "SO, where do we keep the markers?"
The asari turned her gaze towards the former C-Sec officer with a disappointed expression. "You can't be serious about this.”
"Come on, Liara, it'll boost morale." Garrus said trying to jokingly convince the asari into joining the mischief.
"Can we draw something nice, though?" asked Tali.
"You can draw whatever you want, Tali" Joker answered slowly standing up from the table.
"You're really going to let them do this, EDI?" Kaiden asked, making his voice a bit louder, even though he knew he didn't really need to.
"I am taking this as an opportunity to expand my knowledge on organic humor."
"Just no dicks, alright?" He said mainly looking at Joker in mild defeat.
For now Joker staggered over to the medbay to ask Dr. Chakwas about the markers, Tali and Garuss disappeared to ask about them in the crew’s quarters, and Liara went back to her room in search of something. Kaiden was left alone in the mess hall with his sleeping boyfriend.
He brought himself to sit in a chair closer to Shepard, looking over his relaxed form. It was a rare sight these days. Understandably, with what felt like the entire galaxy pushing down on the commanders shoulders. He slowly reached out to delicately caress Shapars cheek, to which he unconsciously leaned into the touch. Kaiden slightly startled that he accidentally woke up his lover retreated his hand but even after a minute of stillnes Shepard hasn't shifted. The only noticeable movement was his chest slightly rising and falling with every breath.
The major sat back for a moment taking in the sight before him then stood up taking the cup, containing the now cold, disgusting beverage, to dispose of it. He may love this man, but he definitely doesn't approve of his taste in coffee.
Three hours later Shepard woke up to a glass of water and a ration bar with a note from Kaidan, a blanket he saw laying on Liaras bed during one of their often talks, as well as a surprising amount of doodles on his face in blue, red, and black marker.
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prodentbeenfit · 1 year
ProDentim - Price, Reviews, Results, Uses & Where To Buy?
Product Name - ProDentim
➾ Main Benefits – Dental SoluTion
➾ Side-Effects—NA
➾ Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➾ Dosage - 2 Pills per day
This 100% natural product boosts the immune system in the nose, throat, and ear while providing you with a fresh, clean breath. It helps expand beneficial bacteria to support your dental health. ProDentim has been rated as effective and safe by thousands of users from the UK, Australia,
Does ProDentim Work?
ProDentim is a natural probiotic that protects your gums and teeth. This dental supplement will give you a fresher breath and prevent your teeth from yellowing.
ProDentim, a probiotic treatment that also protects the gums, will improve your teeth. This product was created by Dr. Drew Sutton in order to maintain dental health. It stops the growth of harmful bacteria and reduces their negative effects.
The organic blend helps reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums. ProDentim Reviews can help you detoxify your mouth and support your immune system.
This product continues to eliminate bad odours from your mouth while also reducing harmful germs. It protects dental health by reducing salivation around the mouth. This book provides practical ways to treat gum disease and cavities. This ProDentim supplement is made in the USA and contains soft-flavored capsules that help maintain your health.
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Prodentim Canada & USA Reviews
ProDentim Reviews is a front-line oral supplement that contains a unique blend nutrient and bacterial strains, which have been proven by clinical trials to enhance the growth of gums and teeth.
ProDentim is not a toothpaste or mouthwash, but it does contain essential dental components. ProDentim is a solution that you have never experienced before. It is the only supplement that replenishes the beneficial bacteria in your mouth with billions probiotic strains.
It is a blend of mineral and botanical extracts with anti-inflammatory properties.
ProDentim products are regularly tested for purity, resistance to pollutants and poisons, and have been thoroughly verified as safe.
Effective as ProDentim
ProDentim Ingredients List ProDentim is a doctor-formulated blend that combines five powerful strains of bacteria with 3.5 billion beneficial ones.
ProDentim contains only pure herbal probiotic strains. Each ProDentim also contains five clinically tested substances unique to each ProDentim, which together with over one billion probiotics strains, improves the health of your gums and teeth. The following active ingredients are listed for your reference.
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* Lactis BL-04Your oral microbes and intestinal bacteria's balance is in part maintained by B.lactis. ProDentim aims to improve the respiratory system. A healthy mouth cavity preserves the ability to boost immunity. It reduces the amount infection caused by gut bacteria.
BLIS K-12 These strains of probiotics help maintain healthy respiratory and dental health. It boosts your immune system and reduces the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria on your mouth. Streptococcus salirius, the probiotic strain in Pro Dentim is made by bacteria.
BLIS M-18 The BLIS M-18 strain helps maintain a healthy smile and the color of your teeth. These strains are naturally found in your mouth and throat. It helps to keep them clean. ProDentim oral tablets help maintain a healthy mouth, reduce bad breath and promote fresh breath.
Inulin: It helps eliminate bad breath and promotes oral flora growth. It helps to maintain healthy teeth, gums and mouth. ProDentim promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system, and helps to boost beneficial oral flora.
How to take ProDentim pills? Each ProDentim capsule contains 30 capsules. The composition of each capsule has been scientifically tested and is designed to support healthy gums and teeth, as well as fresh, strong breath.
Take one tablet with a glass of water to keep your digestive tract and system in good shape. Each capsule contains a probiotic strain that is great for your oral hygiene.
ProDentim is easy to use and all-natural. Your body will absorb it quickly. It does not contain stimulants or form habits. Take one capsule per day to strengthen your immune system and improve health in the ears, throat and nose. The recommended dosage is for maximum results. Please do not increase the dosage above.
Is ProDentim a Scam or Real? ProDentim, a real and 100% legitimate dental health program that strengthens your gums and teeth health. This product cannot be purchased online or offline at Amazon, e-Bay Walmart, Chemist Warehouse etc. There may be a cheap product or a duplicate. Please keep a good distance from these sites if you see this product.
ProDentim should only be purchased from the official website to ensure that you receive an original product and money-back guarantee. ProDentim can be used by both women and men of all ages.
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What are the benefits of using ProDentim tablets? ProDentim is a daily supplement that provides the following benefits to everyone: The health of the teeth and gums is improved. It also promotes the growth and development of healthy bacteria in your mouth Fresh breath that lasts for a long time * Boost immunity It is good for the ear, nose and throat. The microbiome in your mouth can be balanced by using this product * Natural and safe * Zero side effects Men and women can both benefit from this product It is easy to use
Where can I buy ProDentim Supplements in Canada and USA? ProDentim is only available through the official website of their supplier in Canada and USA. This legal oral product is delivered to all major regions in Canada and USA (United States Of America). The product is also available for express shipping to New Zealand and Australia. The manufacturer offers a variety of payment options, including credit cards and paypal. No other charges or automatic debit systems are applied. You can buy your bottle without wasting time today!
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ProDentim Final Verdict ProDentim was designed specifically to protect the health of teeth and gums. Even the beneficial microorganisms can help improve your dental hygiene. As you chew it, the probiotics reduce gum irritation, and help maintain your teeth and gum health.
There are several additional ingredients that can support better dental health, including those that promote whiter smiles, healthy gut bacteria, fresh breath and natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Each purchase could include a bonus that strengthens your teeth and gums organically. Each ProDentim package includes a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to loose, so try it risk-free!
More Info ===>https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/prodentim-official-website-price-update-2023-prodentim-truth-surprise-you-must-read-this-news-272517
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Dr. Herbert Smitherman (March 23, 1937 - October 9, 2010) was a chemist and the first African American to be employed at Proctor & Gamble as a doctorate-level employee. He helped improve formulas for products such as Crest toothpaste, Bounce fabric softeners, Folgers’ coffee, and Safeguard soap.
He was born in Birmingham, to the Rev. Otis C. and Alberta Smitherman. He began his studies at the Tuskegee Institute, where he earned a BS and MS in Chemistry. And met his future wife, Barbara. He taught at Texas Southern University before joining the Army for a two-year deployment where he received an officer’s commission after serving in Fort Hood and Fort Benning. He attended Howard University, earning a Ph.D. in Physical and Organic Chemistry.
He was hired by Procter & Gamble, where he became an inventive and well-known chemist. He spent nearly 29 years at the company and was recognized as one of its pioneering chemists. After leaving Proctor & Gamble, served for four years at Wilberforce University as the assistant vice president of academic affairs and a chemistry professor. He worked for Cincinnati Public Schools.
He pushed Proctor & Gamble to train and eventually hire more minority undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students in science, chemistry, and chemical engineering. He was a founding member of Proctor & Gamble’s Black Technical Ph.D. Group which advocated for African American scientists and engineers to be recognized, compensated, and rewarded for their accomplishments. He continued to inspire and encourage students of color to pursue STEM education and careers, establishing the National Organization for the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.
He died in Cincinnati, leaving behind his wife, Barbara, and five children. He was a remarkable trailblazer who worked relentlessly to remove obstacles for future African American chemists and scientists. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Scientists make biodegradable microbeads from cellulose - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/scientists-make-biodegradable-microbeads-from-cellulose-technology-org/
Scientists make biodegradable microbeads from cellulose - Technology Org
Microbeads are small plastic spheres less than 0.5 mm in size that are added to personal care and cleaning products, including cosmetics, sunscreens, and fillers, to give them a smooth texture. However, they are too small to be removed by sewage filtration systems and so end up in rivers and oceans, where birds, fish, and other marine life ingest them.
Microbeads are found in cosmetics and personal care products such as toothpaste, sunscreen, hair gel and shower gel.
It is estimated that a single shower can result in 100,000 plastic particles entering the ocean, contributing to the eight million tonnes of plastic that enters the ocean every year. It is feared that the particles could enter the food chain, harm wildlife and potentially end up in our food.
As a result of recent campaigning by environmental groups, the UK Government has pledged to ban plastic microbeads in 2017.
Now a research team, from the University’s Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CSCT), has developed a way of producing a biodegradable renewable alternative to plastic microbeads in a scalable, continuous manufacturing process.
The beads are made from cellulose, which is the material that forms the tough fibres found in wood and plants. In this process our scientists dissolve the cellulose to reform it into tiny beads by forming droplets that are then “set”. These microbeads are robust enough to remain stable in a bodywash, but can be broken down by organisms at the sewage treatment works, or even in the environment in a short period of time.
The researchers anticipate they could use cellulose from a range of “waste” sources, including from the paper making industry as a renewable source of raw material.
They have published their results in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering.
Dr Janet Scott, Reader in the Department of Chemistry and part of the CSCT, said: “Microbeads used in the cosmetics industry are often made of polyethylene or polypropylene, which are cheap and easy to make. However these polymers are derived from oil and they take hundreds of years to break down in the environment.
“We’ve developed a way of making microbeads from cellulose, which is not only from a renewable source, but also biodegrades into harmless sugars.
“We hope in the future these could be used as a direct replacement for plastic microbeads.”
Davide Mattia, Professor of Chemical Engineering and part of the CSCT, said: “Our goal was to develop a continuous process that could be scaled for manufacturing. We achieved this by working together from the start, integrating process design and chemistry optimisation, showing the strength of the multi-disciplinary approach we have in the CSCT.”
The beads are made using a solution of cellulose which is forced through tiny holes in a tubular membrane, creating spherical droplets of the solution which are washed away from the membrane using vegetable oil. The beads are then collected, set and separated from the oil before use.
The physical properties of the beads can be tweaked by changing the structure of the cellulose, for example making the beads harder. A team, led by Dr Scott and including Professor Davide Mattia (Chemical Engineering) and Professor Karen Edler (Chemistry) has also just been awarded funding of just over £1 million by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council to develop porous beads, capsules and microsponges.
They will work with industrial partners, to develop materials that could be used in cosmetics and personal care products, or impregnated with agrichemicals for use in, for example, slow release fertilisers.
Source: University of Bath
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tejalbele-2024 · 7 months
Mouth Ulcers Treatment Market to Reach $2.37 Billion by 2030: Allied Market Research
According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the global Mouth Ulcers Treatment Market generated $1.65 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $2.37 billion by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 3.8% from 2021 to 2030. The report provides an extensive analysis of changing market dynamics, top segments, top investment pockets, regional landscape, value chain, and competitive scenario.
For Right Perspective and Competitive Insights, Get Sample Report at: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/1495
Surge in prevalence of mouth ulcers due to rise in tobacco consumption, chemical-based toothpaste, smoking cessation, and acidic foods and increase in dental and oral hygiene awareness drive the growth of the global mouth ulcers treatment market. However, lack of awareness and availability of traditional substitutes hinders the market growth. On the other hand, innovative product launches present new opportunities in the coming years.
Covid-19 Scenario:
The demand for mouth ulcers treatment increased during the pandemic due to weakened immune system with lack of sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in patients suffered from the Covid-19 disease. However, non-urgent surgeries were postponed to take care of increase in number of patients suffering from Covid-19 infection. Hospital staff was relocated in Covid wards and only urgent surgeries were performed. The report offers detailed segmentation of the global mouth ulcers treatment market based on drug class, formulation type, indication, and region.
Do You Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to Our Industry Expert: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/1495
Based on drug class, the anesthetic segment held the highest share in 2020, accounting for more than two-fifths of the total share, and is estimated to maintain its lead position during the forecast period. However, the analgesics and corticosteroids segment is expected to manifest the highest CAGR of 4.4% from 2021 to 2030.
Based on formulation, the gels segment accounted for the highest share in 2020, contributing to nearly two-fifths of the global mouth ulcers treatment market, and is projected to maintain its leadership status during the forecast period. However, the lozenges segment is estimated to manifest the largest CAGR of 4.6% from 2021 to 2030.
Based on region, North America contributed to the highest market share in 2020, holding more than two-fifths of the total share, and is expected to maintain its dominance by 2030. However, Asia-Pacific is projected to portray the largest CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period.
Leading players of the global mouth ulcers treatment market analyzed in the research include Blistex Inc., Church & Dwight Co, Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Dr. Reddy’s, Colgate Palmolive Company, Patterson Dental Supply, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, plc, Prince Care Pharma Private Limited, Pfizer Inc., and 3M.
About Us
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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nityarawal · 11 months
Dr. Kazi-
Elon, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump & my cousin Kvon Moezzi; as well as your nurse reccomend hydrochloriquine for my condition.
Could you please send prescriptions?
She said government was restricting your release of this essential healing medicine for covid malaria variant!
Also ivermectin cream & pills.
Make sure other 8 billion loved ones on globe get this too.
I love humanity.
Don't you?
I don't think war mongers should be allowed to kill off natural humans. Maybe AI already went too far?
Read up in Musks malaria remedy & find out what his mother is doing for skin cancer; and Madonna bacterial infection!
Britney and Kanye post Psyche purge?
Thanks for caring about moms!
Did you know 4billion have lymes?
It's been around for 2000+ years used in wars.
It's unacceptable our Dr's are failing to address it appropriately.
The biomatter debris is pretty intense!
Got more of new cream though!
I managed to buy my favorite natural oils w/ bday $ f/ folks & am making some healing ointments for my friends too.
Obviously most can't afford a $650 Ivermectin cream or get a honest medical panel to prescribe it!
$10 at feed store for 1000 lb dose!
Do you need some?
What should I charge?(:
It's only a nickel to provide to people by big pharma- but they wanted to make more money. Tests cost more likely! Scams from BBVA AI & Google/Apple etc.
Pharmaceuticals clog gut and organs.
This is mass murder what our Dr's have done in court.
2 million are caged here too.
It's a underground Palestinian cold war in USA.
Israel attys hoping for a kink everywhere; violent gaslighting to hide.
I don't feel my children are safe in this system nor am I.
Elon Google Bot invited us to Texas.
It's a good idea.
Could you please have my family released from all Gag orders and prescribe some appropriate meds for lymes?
Another type of antibiotic? Spirochetes remedies? Pink salt helps and charcoal mint toothpaste. Take care of yourself & staff.
I might write a book. There's a black hole in medical field.
We all become better Dr's because we can't find a good one!
Elon said he nearly died over malaria drama and when Jujitsu bros almost broke his neck for birthday w/ 400 lb mate!
Drama drama drama. Please- just let us work in peace!
Does everyone want endless war and self Demise?
Why? I don't.
I feel our government is suicidal and murderous- its been a dangerous combo being targeted by 22.7 million ignorant mean minions in a war.
Everyone feels this needs to stop.
Shake your Gag orders please.
It feels so good and is essential in restoring your health & peace/vibrant spirit. (:
Blessings &
Jai Guru Dev,
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vanshika393 · 1 year
Oral Care Market - Key Players, Growth and Opportunities 2030 | Credence Research
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The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Oral Care Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2023 – 2030. The worldwide Oral Care Market has been gradually expanding in recent years and is expected to develop at a CAGR of 6.60% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued USD 47.5 million in 2022, and it is expected to increase to USD 79.2 million by 2030.
The Oral Care Market refers to the industry that produces and sells products and services related to the maintenance of oral hygiene and the overall health of the mouth. This market encompasses a wide range of products and services designed to help individuals take care of their teeth, gums, and overall oral health. Common products and services within the oral care market include toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, dental exams, cleanings, orthodontic treatments, and various oral hygiene accessories.
The oral care market is driven by the growing awareness of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and the prevention of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Additionally, advancements in oral care technology, the introduction of new and innovative oral care products, and a focus on cosmetic dentistry have contributed to the expansion of this market.
Oral care is an essential part of overall health and well-being, as it can help prevent various oral health issues and may even have an impact on one's overall systemic health. The market is highly competitive, with numerous companies manufacturing and marketing oral care products and services, ranging from multinational corporations to smaller, specialized brands.
Oral Care Market Major Challenges and Risks
The Oral Care Market faces several major challenges and risks that necessitate careful consideration by industry players. One key challenge is the increasing demand for natural and organic oral care products, driven by growing consumer awareness of health and environmental concerns. This shift in consumer preferences poses a risk to traditional brands heavily reliant on synthetic ingredients, as they may face decreased market share if unable to adapt their formulas accordingly.
Additionally, maintaining product quality standards while incorporating new technologies such as smart toothbrushes and electric flossers can be another hurdle. The integration of these innovations requires thorough testing, regulatory compliance, and investments in research and development - all posing potential risks if not executed effectively.
Furthermore, geographical limitations due to varying cultural practices around dental hygiene present unique challenges for companies attempting global expansion. Adapting marketing strategies to resonate with diverse cultures without compromising brand values can be a complex endeavor fraught with potential missteps or misunderstandings.
Some of the major players in the market and their market share are as follows:
Colgate-Palmolive Company
GlaxoSmithKline plc.
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Dr. Fresh, LLC
Lion Corporation
Sunstar Suisse S.A.
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Browse 247 pages report Oral Care Market By Product Product Type (Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Mouthwash/Rinses, Dental Floss, Teeth Whitening Products, Denture Care Products, Oral Health Accessories (Tongue Cleaners, Dental Picks, etc.) By Distribution Channel (Retail Pharmacies, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Retailers, Dental Clinics) By Age Group (Adults, Children) – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2023 – 2030 - https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/oral-care-market
Oral Care Market Growth Factor Worldwide
The Oral Care Market has been experiencing significant growth worldwide due to various factors. One of the key drivers is the increasing awareness among individuals about dental hygiene and its impact on overall health. With rising disposable incomes and a desire for better oral health, consumers are willing to invest in preventive measures such as regular dental check-ups, brushing techniques, flossing, and mouthwash usage.
Furthermore, technological advancements have revolutionized oral care products with the introduction of smart toothbrushes, automated flossers, and teeth whitening kits. These innovative solutions cater to consumers' demand for convenience and efficiency while ensuring superior cleaning performance. Additionally, the growing prevalence of dental issues like cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath has led to an upsurge in demand for specialized oral care products targeting specific conditions.
Consequently, manufacturers are investing heavily in research and development activities to introduce novel formulations that effectively navigate these concerns. The aging population also plays a crucial role in driving market growth as older adults tend to prioritize oral hygiene more than ever before. Lastly, aggressive marketing strategies employed by market players through celebrity endorsements or digital campaigns have successfully created brand awareness among a wider audience segment globally.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Oral Care Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Oral Care Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Complete Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/oral-care-market
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Credence Research is a viable intelligence and market research platform that provides quantitative B2B research to more than 10,000 clients worldwide and is built on the Give principle. The company is a market research and consulting firm serving governments, non-legislative associations, non-profit organizations, and various organizations worldwide. We help our clients improve their execution in a lasting way and understand their most imperative objectives. For nearly a century, we’ve built a company well-prepared for this task.
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koreangermanium · 1 year
Must-Buy Products from DM When Traveling to Germany
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When planning a trip to Germany, it's important to consider the essential items you may need during your stay. One of the popular retail chains in Germany is DM, a drugstore that offers a wide range of products for everyday needs. In this article, we will explore some must-buy products from DM that can enhance your travel experience in Germany. From personal care items to local souvenirs, DM has you covered. -
DM: A One-Stop Shop for Travelers
DM is a popular drugstore chain in Germany that offers a wide range of products catering to various needs. Whether you're looking for personal care items, health products, or even local souvenirs, DM has it all. With numerous locations throughout Germany, you'll easily find a DM store during your travels.
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Personal Care Products
Skincare Essentials Maintaining your skincare routine while traveling is important to keep your skin healthy and glowing. DM offers a wide range of skincare products, including cleansers, moisturizers, and face masks. Look out for popular German skincare brands such as NIVEA and Balea, known for their high-quality products. Travel-Sized Toiletries Traveling light is always a good idea, and DM has a variety of travel-sized toiletries that are perfect for your journey. From mini shampoo and conditioner bottles to travel-friendly toothpaste and deodorant, you'll find everything you need to stay fresh and clean during your trip. Sunscreen and Insect Repellent If you're visiting Germany during the summer months or planning outdoor activities, don't forget to pack sunscreen and insect repellent. DM offers a range of sunscreens with different SPF levels and insect repellents to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and pesky bugs.
Health and Wellness Products
Vitamins and Supplements Maintaining your health while traveling is crucial, and DM provides a wide selection of vitamins and supplements to support your well-being. Whether you need vitamin C to boost your immune system or supplements for specific dietary needs, DM has a comprehensive range of options. Over-the-Counter Medications It's always wise to be prepared for minor illnesses or discomforts during your trip. DM stocks a variety of over-the-counter medications for common ailments like headaches, allergies, and indigestion. Make sure to consult a pharmacist or read the product labels for proper usage instructions.
Travel-Friendly Accessories
Travel Adapters and Chargers Staying connected is important while traveling, and DM offers travel adapters and chargers to ensure your devices stay powered up. Germany uses the Europlug (Type C) electrical outlets, so having a compatible adapter will allow you to charge your devices without any hassle. Travel Pillows and Sleep Masks Getting some rest during long journeys is essential for a comfortable travel experience. DM offers travel pillows and sleep masks that provide support and block out light, helping you relax and get some much-needed sleep while on the go.
Local German Souvenirs
German Chocolates and Snacks Germany is famous for its delicious chocolates and snacks, and DM is the perfect place to find a wide assortment of these treats. From famous brands like Ritter Sport to local specialties, you can satisfy your sweet tooth and bring back some tasty souvenirs for friends and family. Traditional German Skincare Products Take a piece of German skincare expertise home with you by exploring the selection of traditional German skincare products available at DM. Brands like Weleda and Dr. Hauschka offer natural and organic skincare solutions that can rejuvenate your skin and provide a unique touch of Germany to your beauty routine. Souvenirs with German Designs DM also offers a range of souvenirs with German designs, such as keychains, magnets, and mugs. These items make great keepsakes to remind you of your trip or as gifts for loved ones. Look out for products featuring famous German landmarks, traditional patterns, or phrases in the German language.
When traveling to Germany, make sure to visit a DM store and explore the diverse range of products they offer. From personal care items to health products and local souvenirs, DM is a one-stop shop for all your travel needs. Remember to pack essential items like skincare products, travel-sized toiletries, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Don't forget to check out the local German souvenirs and bring back a piece of Germany with you.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Q: Can I find English labels on the products at DM? - A: Yes, DM often provides product information in multiple languages, including English. - Q: Are the prices at DM reasonable? - A: DM offers competitive prices, and you can find products to fit various budgets. - Q: Can I pay with credit cards at DM? - A: Yes, DM accepts major credit cards, making it convenient for international travelers. - Q: Are DM stores easily accessible in Germany? - A: Yes, DM has numerous locations across Germany, including major cities and towns. - Q: Are DM's own-brand products good quality? - - A: DM's own-brand products, such as Balea, are known for their quality and affordability. Tag Read the full article
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carl-mccarthy · 1 year
5 Must-Have Items for Your On-Road Toiletry Bag
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Compact Mirror
Hydration Mist
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Oil-Absorbing Sheets
When it comes to travel, having a well-stocked toiletry bag is essential. Whether you are on a short business trip or a long vacation, you need to be prepared with all the necessary items that will make you feel comfortable and confident on the road. The On-Road Toiletry Bag by None is a versatile and stylish option for those who want to keep their essentials organized and within easy reach. In this article, we will explore 5 must-have items for your On-Road Toiletry Bag that will help you stay fresh and put together on your travels.
Compact Mirror
A compact mirror is a must-have for anyone who wants to look their best while traveling. Not only will it allow you to touch up your makeup and hair on the go, but it can also be a useful tool for checking your teeth and other hard-to-reach areas. None's On-Road Toiletry Bag has a convenient built-in mirror that makes it easy to freshen up whenever you need to.
"Studies show that people who feel good about their appearance are more confident and perform better in social and professional situations," says Dr. Elayne Daniels, a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin. "Having a compact mirror on hand can help you boost your self-esteem and project a more positive image to others." [1]
Hydration Mist
Traveling can take a toll on your skin, especially if you are flying or spending a lot of time in air-conditioned spaces. Keeping a hydration mist in your On-Road Toiletry Bag can help you keep your skin moisturized and refreshed. Look for a mist that contains hyaluronic acid, which can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water and keep your skin plump and hydrated for hours on end.
"Hyaluronic acid is a powerful ingredient that can help you combat the effects of dryness and environmental stressors on your skin," says Dr. Jane Kim, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital. "It can be especially beneficial for travelers who are exposed to different climates and conditions." [2]
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Keeping your teeth clean and fresh is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding embarrassing situations on the road. None's On-Road Toiletry Bag comes with its own toothbrush and toothpaste, so you don't have to worry about packing these items separately. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and use a fluoride toothpaste to protect your enamel and prevent cavities.
"Oral hygiene is critical for overall health and well-being," says Dr. Natalie Collier, a dentist at the Mayo Clinic. "Neglecting your teeth can lead to a host of problems, including gum disease, cavities, and bad breath." [3]
Oil-Absorbing Sheets
If you have oily or combination skin, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with shine and excess oil while traveling. Oil-absorbing sheets are a simple and effective way to mattify your skin and keep it looking fresh and clean. None's On-Road Toiletry Bag comes with a pack of oil-absorbing sheets that you can use throughout the day to remove excess oil and sweat.
"Oil-absorbing sheets are a great option for people who want to keep their skin looking matte without using heavy makeup or powders," says Dr. Laura Chang, a dermatologist at Stanford Health Care. "They are also less likely to clog your pores or irritate your skin compared to other mattifying products." [4]
None's On-Road Toiletry Bag is a practical and stylish option for travelers who want to keep their essentials organized and within easy reach. To maximize its effectiveness, make sure to pack a compact mirror, a hydration mist, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and oil-absorbing sheets. These 5 must-have items will help you stay fresh and confident on your travels, no matter where your adventures take you.
Article by None. What do you know about on-road toiletry bag.
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Personal Hygiene Products w/ Links ♡
Greetings, everyone! ♡
I thought I'd assist you in getting comfortable in your clean journey. Many of you have expressed that you're looking for products that are both affordable and useful. Being clean, feeling your best, and maintaining an aesthetic all at the same time does NOT have to be overwhelming or unattainable. It may feel as though you don't know where to start with improving your personal hygiene, but luckily, this post exists!
Below are links to products I recommend purchasing to make an improvement in your personal hygiene. Many of these are items I've used or continue to use. From my personal experience, even the smallest of hygiene products can make a huge difference in the way you feel about yourself. So, be sure to look into the items with an open mind. If you've never used a product, read the ingredients and such to avoid any allergic reactions or disappointments!
Links may be a bit difficult to see if you're on desktop, but hover your cursor over them and they should show up just fine!
🧴 Body
Unscented Soap: Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Bar Soap, Unscented
Liquid Body Wash: Love Beauty And Planet Plant-Based Body Wash Nourish and Illuminate Skin Rose Water and Niacinamide
Deodorant: Love Beauty And Planet Deodorant, Murumuru Butter and Rose, 2.95 Oz
Body Lotion: Love Beauty and Planet Delicious Glow Body Lotion for Soft, Glowing Skin Murumuru Butter & Rose Moisturizers 13.5 oz
Sunscreen: [Beauty of Josaon] Matte sun stick, Mugwort+Camelia, Beauty of Josaon Relief Sun Organic Sunscreen SPF50
👁 Eyes
Sleep Mask: LULUSILK Mulberry Silk Sleep Eye Mask & Blindfold
Brow and Eyelash Growth Serum: Pure Body Naturals Organic Castor Oil for Eyelashes and Eyebrows with Applicator Kit, Brow and Eyelash Growth Serum, 1 fl oz
Eye Drops: TheraTears Dry Eye Therapy Eye Drops for Dry Eyes, 0.5 Fl Oz
🧖🏾‍♀️ Face
Silk Pillowcase: Mulberry Silk Pillowcase for Hair and Skin
Facial Cleanser: Cetaphil Face Wash, Hydrating Gentle Skin Cleanser for Dry to Normal Sensitive Skin, NEW 20oz, Fragrance Free, Soap Free and Non-Foaming
Hyaluronic Acid: Asterwood Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum for Face; 29ml/1 oz
✨ Fragrances
Body Mist: Ari By Ariana Grande Body Mist, 8.0 Fl Oz
Body Mist: Ariana Grande Moonlight Women Body Mist 8 oz
Body Mist: Victoria's Secret First Love Fine Fragrance Mist 8.4 Fl Oz
🦷 Mouth
Tongue Scraper: MasterMedi Tongue Scraper with Case
Toothpaste: Hello Oral Care Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Fluoride Free and SLS Free Toothpaste, 4 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Mouthwash: Hello Activated Charcoal Extra Freshening Mouthwash
💭 Word of ADVICE
Just because I enjoy these products doesn't necessarily mean that you will. Purchase with wisdom, gain insight on the ingredients used. Take note of the prices, the ethics, the scents labelled, etc. If you DO purchase and enjoy these products, be sure to come back, comment, and let me know what your experience with them was.
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