#dr nugget
catfindr · 1 year
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charliefqirie · 3 months
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i did it. i finally fucking redrew it.
old ver and unfiltered ver below.
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darkrootmushies · 8 months
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What the freak Bloodborne x Aardman au??
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blackthewolf17 · 9 months
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hear me out 🕴
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flowery-laser-blasts · 3 months
You can't stop me 'cause I'm Kim-Bur-ri-to
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Had to doodle this stupidiness because I started watching 닭강정/'Chicken Nugget' on Netflix.
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giddlygoat · 9 months
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i absolutely adore melisha in the first movie. i loved fry’s potential. that’s all i have to say about that
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taliscat · 8 months
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Like, amazing design and it’s a really- uh interesting character like I swear visually incredible so good such a cool design, peak character design I’m serious I’m
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crystallizedmiracle · 8 months
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Power and control I'm gonna make you fall
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kinderchaos · 4 days
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It’s my birthday so I’m showing u guys my kindergarten wall so far:3
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pant--eater · 2 months
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Of course I had to jump on this train too lmaoooo
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starleska · 9 months
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help me this moment with Dr Fry is so goddamn funny 🙈💖 the eyebrow raise and the cocky little head wiggle, as if to say to Reginald, 'Yes, this smoking supervillain of a woman is my wife. Jealous?'
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phantom-rats · 9 months
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it’s impressive how many of my buttons he’s pushing
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cartoondrawer · 2 months
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Based on this image..
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darkrootmushies · 8 months
Her ass is NOT the beef bastard!!
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peppermintpillz · 3 months
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This game is cute
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nuggetofthesea · 4 months
Iris and Animal HRT Part 2
EDIT: Part 1 is Ashe's comic linked below. Sorry for any confusion. I wrote this as a sequel to that comic.
Content Warning: Mentions of Death and heavy themes.
The doc closes the door, his last patient having left again. He looks discouraged as he had to sign off on a bunch more "crossroads" patients. He is tired, and as he closes the door he lets out a long sigh.
"You know… I have a door for a reason." He says before turning around.
A clear distress in his voice. He looks over to the back of the room. There he sees the witch, hat as big ever and looking through her notes. Her name is Iris.
Iris previously visited Dr. Erian in regards to her notes. Warning the doc to not tamper with the spells used for animal HRT.
Iris continues to read the notes. Not looking up at the doc or even giving any form of acknowledgement.
The doc speaks up again, saying "So what, here to threaten me again?"
Iris barely looks up at Dr. Erian. Her expression unchanging. And answers "No."
The calmness in her voice sending chills down the doc's spine. But the lack of acknowledgement and clarity get to the doc. He starts to get angry and shouts at Iris.
"Your friends… They are losing years of their life to your spells! I know as a medical professional you need me to distribute them. But I also have to follow procedure! And you keep threatening me if I don't sign off on this for them!"
The anger rising in his voice as he continues
"Do you even care about the harm this is causing to them!? How many years are being taken away from them? Do you even-"
"OF COURSE I DO!" Iris interrupts. Shouting furiously back at him and scaring the doc into silence.
"How do you think you found my notes in the first place, Doc? I needed you for this. I knew the risks of introducing this system." Iris proceeds to calm down, taking a deep breath as she continues.
"In the case of some of my friends, it literally saved their lives." As she thinks of Sophie's conditions that led to her taking mouse HRT. "And this isn't without hardship. I know it is hard for them. I know it means potentially losing them…" Considering Eris and Sabine's directions.
Iris begins to choke up a bit.
"…But you should have seen how it was before. They weren't happy. They came to us at wits end not feeling like they were where they wanted."
Iris closes the book slamming it on the table next to her.
"They wanted me to do a transformation spell on them. But I couldn't. My transformation spells are superficial at best. Mind stays the same, and is no different from putting on a suit. It doesn't fix the problem. So, I wrote the formula for the tablets."
She looks at the notebook with a sadness on her face.
"But the city deemed that that was a magic induced medicine, so I needed a licensed doctor to distribute them. So left the notes here. With THAT supply of charged crystals."
Iris points to a storage crate filled with glowing gemstones and crystals illuminating a corner of the room, but slightly faded. And losing their charge, slowly.
Iris speaks up again.
"I know it isn't a perfect solution. I know they still suffer so much with trying to adjust, and with JERKS that feel they can look down on them for this choice." As she slams her fist on top of the book. An injury previously unnoticed on her hand. Bruised knuckles, looking like she had punched someone or something on the way over.
A deep breath again as she collects herself and calmly states
"But you should see when they leave this office. Some of them the very idea has them smiling for the first time in a while. First time I've seen a genuine smile from them in a long time.
And besides…"
She begins to visibly calm down as she reassures herself.
"…most stop before the point of cutting down their life. And even the ones that go the full way, the tablets are designed so that as long as they keep up taking care of themselves, once the changes are far enough their health will be peak for the species they've chosen. While there are complications in the transformation process, even if they go all the way and end up with a shorter life span, they'll be able to live that remaining life to the fullest."
Dr. Erian begins to show concern, but has calmed down. Hearing the witch out this whole time, and taking her words to heart.
"So why then are you here now? I haven't experimented with the quick versions, and haven't gone against your notes."
"Though I do wish people would stop breaking into my office" He grumbles under his breath.
Iris points back to the crystals required to charge her spells.
"Those crystals are losing charge. I'm here to help resupply. You're going to need it."
Iris begins walking over to the crystals.
"And hey, let's keep this chat between us. I don't want to jeopardize the progress My friends have been making towards their happiness. You understand?" Dr. Erian nods, a little nervously.
Iris holds her book and holds out her hand in front of her. Magic then spreading from her fingers into the crystals below. The crystals react by bursting with light once again.
-Part 2 End-
This is my first piece of writing and it was based on all the Animal HRT. I was seeing others comics on it, but all I can do is write and Ashe said she was stuck on how to continue. This was fun to write as a sequel to Ashe's comic involving Iris. (@iristhedarkwitch comic by @darkmagenugget)
Outside of this, I am probably going to do more transformation, cyberpunk, and fantasy stories. But just wanted to test write something. Feedback is appreciated. Glad to exist. ^-^
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