#dr light novels
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hopeymchope · 1 year ago
The entire "Danganronpa Kirigiri" series is now available in English.
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I don't do Reddit much, which is probably why I only just learned yesterday (courtesy of @vampietears) that Danganronpa Kirigiri Volumes 1-7 have all been translated into English and made available as PDF versions in the past year.
I searched Tumblr for any mention of this and found absolutely none, so I feel confident that I'm far from the only person who didn't know these were available.
CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULES, DR fans! It's definitely going to take me some time to work through the whole series, but I hope (eh? eeeehhh?) to enjoy the process.
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originalartblog · 1 year ago
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[Storm Bringer]
“In fact, I was against using Adam for such a frivolous investigation from the very start,” Dr. Wollstonecraft began in a huff as she crossed her arms again. “The government is always like this. They send a mechanical detective, then blow him up once they’re done to keep any secret information from getting out. [..] I suppose this is the government’s way of saying we ought to neglect science in favor of human life!”
Dr. Wollstonecraft, ma'am, I think your ethically-dubious opinions on science are better saved for other audiences.
Dr. Wollstonecraft (aka Mary Shelley) based on @videogamelover99's design!
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courtesanofdeath · 2 months ago
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Why did the heavens spread the petrification weapon among the people? At first, I thought it was divine punishment. But it's strange... If the goal was to petrify everyone, it would have only taken one device. And why are they made to be so easy for us humans to use? It's almost as though they intended for us to use the devices against each other. That's what upsets me the most. I want the heavens to suffer for it, Matsukaze. I want them to see that we humans aren't that foolish. That they're underestimating us.
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isabeauwolf · 9 months ago
I can't fangirl enough about this Illustration and cover for Law's Novel! We need this printed in English, I'm begging!
Tell us what happened after he left escaped The Bird Cage and The Donquixote Family, how he met Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, and forming The Heart Pirates!
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sengenism · 19 hours ago
What's the moment you started shipping Sengen? Mine is definitely when Gen and Senku agreed they'll condemn their soul together to hell, it's small but it's the moment I started loving this ship.
I know there's the Gen asking for cola while injured scene but idk... They condemning their soul together to hell stirred something deep inside my heart...
- 🧅
the "senku ishigami and asagiri gen will be condemning themselves to an eternity of hell" scene is so insane i think about it all the time
funny thing about this scene is that the only other time they used such phrasing was in the light novel, where it narrates homura's loyalty to hyouga
Even then, Homura had no regrets. She had offered her very own future to the other prisoner, Hyouga. Even if the future was pitch black, if it was to fall to hell with him she did not mind in the least.
homura... who is in love with hyouga... hmm interesting
btw loved them ever since the observatory scene in the anime!! the anime, specifically, because i read the manga first. but only when the anime came out in 2019 did i realise how romantic the observatory scene actually was... like... it hit me that this was the most perfect gift one could present to senku then. how much thought gen put behind it all, to the point of manipulating senku into giving him a hint to calculate senku's birthday.
it's such a lovely scene and gen orchestrating the whole thing with the help of the villagers truly speaks volume for his love and care for senku. and i don't necessarily mean love in a romantic way– well, could be– but no matter the form of love the reader interprets this scene as, it's undeniable that gen genuinely loves senku for being senku. it is the purest kind of love, for he admits he likes senku regardless of the gain he gets from it.
and this scene is so so so so gen. there's manipulation, sure, but there is also kindness hidden behind it– that's the core of gen's personality. he is a good man who hides his kindness behind layers of manipulation. similarly, he manipulated chrome into picking the card that would allow chrome to ride the parachute first because he knew how baaaadly chrome wanted to.
and one of the best parts about the observatory scene? inagaki-sensei had revealed in a Q&A session that the saturn that senku saw through the telescope was merely his own mental imagery. with gen's limited science knowledge on making a telescope, the telescope made by him and the villagers wasn't advanced enough to see a planet. which means senku was so touched, he had lied about the telescope being good.
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anyways, i've talked about how important gifts are to the ishigamis here and i'd like to point out that this makes the gift mean so much more to senku than a simple (maybe useless) telescope. thanks for coming to my ted talk~
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nwseems · 1 month ago
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If you need a sign to start danganronpa kirigiri, this is it. This is a canon interaction
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The moment she realized gay people existed
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scarletmaster143 · 3 months ago
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Where do I even start???
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i-am-a-fan · 2 months ago
yes yesss join me in the trenches everything's fineeeeeee
I was serving tea in these trenches for a while now. I just also hop trenches so i experience many wars but fight in none.
although maybe i need to put it on my rewatch list. I’ve been meaning to learn how to draw them anyways
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michelada12 · 1 year ago
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IndieRPG’s compilation no. ???
Note: some of these games contain body horror and sensitive themes.
Creepy Creepy Love by BYYONI
Game about a student name Rosa who’s fights for love.
Balvenie’s Birthday by jo sipu
Game where you help Balvenie celebrate her birthday and it’s all cute and there’s lots of bun buns (characters from the YouTube vids from the same creator).
Vermin God by Neurotic Games & Kenomic Games
Game where you play as Sye, who has woken up in a strange building and there’s bugs (based on SCP-027).
Lakeview Cabin 1 by Hypnohustler
Game where you’re just chillin at your cabin and a pregnant zombie lady tries to make you the baby daddy.
Seven Nights Ghost by TozukuGames
Game where your staying at a company house and your roommate is a ghost who likes cats and keeps stealing your donuts.
Confess My Love / Transparent Blank by LR Studio
Game where you help Willie, a boy who is trying to confess to his crush Liza. Plus sequel where you get to know Liza and her great friends.
It’s Not Me, It’s My Basement by arcadekitten
Game where you play as Embry and help them with their daily chores, and may or may not be scared of basements.
HOUSE by barkbarkgames
Game you get to spent some time with your family and your house is definitely not haunted.
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crittercisms · 2 months ago
i swear i’m from an alternate timeline because i strictly remember polaris p polanski having official art
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princescar · 7 months ago
Not doing v3 characters for Genshinronpa, but if I did, Tsumugi would work for Yae Miko just because I know it would make her happy
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troythecatfish · 1 year ago
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newsintheshell · 9 months ago
Fire Force, Witch Hat Atelier, Omniscent Reader, Natsume degli Spiriti, Yakuza Fiancé, Blue Exorcist e ancora Black Butler, Blue Lock, Il Monologo della Speziale e chi più ne ha ne metta!
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Sono stato di parola eh! Incredibile, ma vero. La seconda parte è arrivata, ma non sono stato proprio un fulmine di guerra diciamo, ma quasi!
Come vi avevo anticipato, tutte le novità che trovate qui di seguito sono state presentate durante l'Industry Panel di Crunchyroll, credo l'appuntamento sempre più atteso dell’ANIME EXPO, un po' come le nostre conferenze annuali a Lucca.
Va da sé che ogni annuncio e trailer è di serie delle quali è stato confermato ufficialmente per il simulcast qua in Italia. Sono tutti titoli già attesi, con qualche sorpresa importante, in arrivo già nei prossimi mesi e nel corso del 2025.
🔶🔸FIRE FORCE (Stagione 3)
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Confermata ormai ben due anni fa, finalmente la terza e ultima stagione della serie ci degna finalmente della sua presenza!
Il capitolo finale dell'anime, tratto dal celebre action manga firmato da Atsuhi Ohkubo (Soul Eater), edito da Panini Comics, verrò diviso in due parti: la prima andrà in onda da aprile 2025, mentre la seconda... da gennaio 2026. Ouch.
Insomma di tempo ce n'è per recuperare le prime due stagioni, che potete trovare comodamente in streaming su Prime Video, anche doppiate.
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Per tutti i fan di shojo e reverse harem, è in arrivo da gennaio 2025 la serie sullo scolastico sentimentale di Haruka Mitsui.
Al momento, sappiamo solo che in capo al progetto c'è il regista Junichi Yamamoto (Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion, Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen).
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Ricompare anche il sequel dell'avventura fantasy isekai andata in onda nel 2019! Questa seconda stagione, in arrivo da ottobre, vedrà un cambio di staff e studio.
I nuovi episodi saranno infatti diretti da Kazuomi Koga (Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, TenPuru: No One Can Live on Loneliness), presso GEKKOU (My One-Hit Kill Sister, Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again).
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Nuovo capitolo all'orizzonte per il mystery soprannaturale, che a quanto pare tornerà sui nostri schermi in inverno, con una sorta di prequel, se non ho capito male.
Le prime due stagioni di questa interessante serie cinese sono già disponibili, anche doppiate in italiano.
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A sorpresa, dopo mille anni, l'anime di Natsume degli Spiriti arriva anche da noi!
Incredibilmente, da ottobre potremo seguire le nuove catartiche avventure di Takashi e dei tanti ayakashi che popolano il mondo del longevo slice of life soprannaturale, creato da Yuki Midorikawa, il cui manga è pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
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Qua parliamo di una conferma quantomai scontata. Sì, nel 2025 rivedremo Maomao e Jinshi e questo lo sapevamo. Sappiamo tutti che la situazione in quanto a doppiaggi è ferma, al momento, ma se c'è una serie che si merita di parlare anche italiano, è fuori di dubbio questa! Incrociamo le dita e speriamo.
La prima stagione sottotitolata c'è, abbiamo anche il manga e la light novel, grazie a J-POP Manga (che lo chiama I Diari della Speziale) e a Dokusho Edizioni. Manca solo quello dai! Pretty please!
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Parlando di relazioni veramente complicate, da ottobre partirà il simulcast del romantic crime drama tratto dal manga di Asuka Konishi, pubblicato qua in Italia da GOEN con il titolo Nella prossima vita non voglio conoscerti.
L'adattamento è affidato allo STUDIO DEEN (Sasaki and Miyano, Days with My Stepsister) e ha come regista Toshifumi Kawase (The Flowers of Hard Blood, Washimo).
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Svelata direttamente durante il panel la notizia della produzione di una serie animata, basata sulla web novel action fantasy di singNsong, di cui esiste anche una versione webtoon curata da Sleepy-C e UMI.
Non si sa ancora chi se ne sta occupando o quando arriverà in streaming, ma intanto siamo sicuri che la potremo seguire su Crunchyroll.
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Datemi il tasto magico per il fast forward, il 2025 è ancora troppo lontano! Questa ce l'avevano già spoilerata a giugno, ma adesso la possiamo anche veder prender vita.
Lo stile grafico è, ovviamente, diverso da quello del manga fantasy firmato da Kamome Shirahama, che possiamo trovare sui nostri scaffali assieme allo spinoff culinario Kitchen of Witch Hat grazie a Panini Comics, ma il trailer per me è comunque bellissimo. Non vedo l'ora!
La serie è diretta da Ayumu Watanabe (Summer Time Rendering, La Fortuna di Nikuko) ed è una produzione di casa BUG FILMS (Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead).
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Dopo la Shimane Illuminati Saga, la quarta stagione della serie andrà ad adattare due archi narrativi, accompagnandoci da ottobre con la Beyond the Snow Saga e da gennaio 2025 con la The Blue Night Saga!
L'action soprannaturale di cui abbiamo atteso per anni il ritorno (la seconda stagione risale al 2017 ragazzi e la prima al 2011, fate un po' voi) è tratto dall'omonimo manga firmato Kazue Kato, pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
🔶🔸BLUE LOCK (Stagione 2)
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Two blue is megl che uan. Non credo ci fosse davvero bisogno di confermarlo in via ufficiale, ma lo hanno fatto: i nuovi episodi della serie animata, tratta dal popolare manga (anti)sportivo di Muneyuki Kaneshiro e Yusuke Nomura arriveranno da ottobre.
Oh e vi ricordo che il film, tratto dallo spinoff su Seishiro Nagi e Reo Mikage, uscirà nei nostri cinema la prossima settimana!
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Giga combo di anime tratti da manga con etichetta Panini Comics! Anche questo, come Blue Exorcist ha fatto attendere i fan per un bel pezzetto.
La quarta stagione della serie animata, che va ad adattare il popolarissimo mystery sovrannaturale di Yana Toboso, ci è stata consegnata giusto quest'anno e ora, per il 2025, abbiamo la conferma che vedremo anche una quinta stagione! La storia proseguirà con l'Emerald Witch Arc.  
🔶🔸SOLO LEVELING (Stagione 2)
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Tornando in campo action fantasy, è stato mostrato un teaser trailer per la seconda stagione della serie che ha portato in tv il famosissimo fumetto coreano, importato qua in Italia da Star Comics.
Il sequel si chiama Arise from the Shadow e non ha ancora una finestra di lancio, purtroppo. Nel frattempo vi ricordo che i primi 12 episodi dell'anime sono stati anche doppiati.
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Questa non è uscita dall'Anime Expo in verità, ma la metto comunque qua perché sì. Alla fine fa sempre parte del catalogo Crunchyroll e poi chi mi ferma?
Pubblicato un primo teaser trailer per la seconda stagione della serie, che verrà trasmessa dal 13 ottobre, per altri due cour consecutivi come la prima stagione.
L’action adventure di Katarina e Ryosuke Fuji, edito anche questo da Panini Comics, ha infatti già ispirato 25 episodi trasmessi in simuclast proprio fra l'autunno e l'inverno scorsi, che sono stai anche doppiati in italiano.
Oh, è stata anche svelata una locandina per Dr. STONE SCIENCE FUTURE, la quarta e ultima stagione dell'anime che arriverà Soon™
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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bubbles-the-banshee · 2 years ago
Happy STS! If you had to throw one of your characters into another world, which one would you choose? Would they thrive or hate it?
Thank you @toribookworm22 for the ask. (I hope you don't mind that I copy-pasted, so that I could answer this on my writing Tumblr vs. my personal.)
TW: allusions to murder, emergecy room scenario, mentions of police, blood, rabies, heart faliure, delirium/hallucinations, ghosts, demons, and burns scars/scars in general.
I really had to think about this one. There are so many OCxworld combinations that could be really fun and silly and/or really tragic. (Some of the others I've considered are Eliott in Steven Universe and Acon in The Last of Us.) If I had to throw one of my OCs into another world, I would throw Dr. Dante "Day" Huerta from Goddess Dead into the @morvantmortuary universe.
Why? Because I'm a huge fan, and how fucking funny would it be to have a shy werewolf with a savoir complex working as a doctor in Greymoon, Louisiana's local ER?
Like, just, hear me out, okay? Someone fucks up (we're not naming names), and a mortuary victim gets away. He stumbles, bloodied and broken into the ER. He's ranting and raving about monsters in the woods. Ghosts in the cemetery. Demons. Undertakers, etc. The nurses write him off as having a bad trip or a severe mental-break, but the cops are called just to be safe.
Of course, the new, emergency doctor—Dr. Huerta—sees the truth and the danger behind the patient's frenzied tale.
(I don't have a faceclaim for Day, so imagine a chicano man with long, dried-seaweed-brown hair with streaks of silver, thin lips, and 3 long, raking scars across the right side of his face. When he smiles, only the left corner lilts up.)
There are others here in Greymoon, he realizes. People like him, who have been touched—consumed by the darkest parts of this world and the next. And, if they are discovered, then it's only a matter of time before Dante is discovered, or worse his partner. He promised himself he'd never do this, never hurt anyone, but he has to. He has to protect himself. He has to protect the people he loves. He has to.
A growl, deep and hungry, itches along his throat. He removes his gloves, revealing heavy burn-scars, and ties his hair back with the hair tie around his wrist. He asks the nurse to fetch some more gauze. She leaves. He locks the door, and he gets to work.
The police don't show up until the patient is already dead. He suffered anemia-related heart failure, and he was rabies-positive, so sad. Don't mind that the patient has more flesh wounds then he entered the facility with, it was a simple miscount. It's very difficult to do a complete body-scan when a patient is in the throes of late-stage rabies-induced delirium. Yes, those are claw marks; obviously, a large animal did this. Don't worry. We'll notify animal control. Nothing else to see here.
The next day, a box of the cheapest store-bought, frosted sugar cookies appears outside the mortuary's front-door with a "Get Well Soon" card which reads:
I took care of your problem. Please, be more careful next time. - Day
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tower-of-hana · 1 year ago
Dr. Seuss Light Novels Be Like
I will not reincarnate in a box
I will not reincarnate with a fox
I will only reincarnate in a land
with a big titty elf harem
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jimintomystery · 1 year ago
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So anyway I started reading Danganronpa: Kirigiri...
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