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nijigasakilove · 3 months ago
I gotta support every shoujo seasonal so I’ll stick it out, but ngl y’all this is ass 😭. Way too wish fulfilment-y. Like how do you grow up in paradise with 4 hot dudes and somehow forget your adolescence? Premise not even making sense. It is fire to see an anime take place during COVID though and I love some drama.
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Not me thinking Miuzho was about to get isekai’d when she was standing in front of that traffic lmao. I was nervous as hell. But again, her not remembering being 17 and all the adventures she had with these guys makes no sense. What do you mean was your adolescence that sparkling?? Of course it was you grew up in paradise damn near with that scenery and the guys around you.
This dude Kizuki is wayyyyy too pushy for me though. I get trying to be assertive and let a girl know how you feel, but it’s giving obsessiveness at this point. Being rude to his senpai when all he was doing was telling Kizuki about how Mizuho confessed to him, grabbing Mizuho and kissing her in the shower like cmon dawg boundaries. Mangaka might be into that sort of thing so fair enough but it’s weird to me.
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Mizuho is super pretty though, one of my fave designs this season so I’ll stick around for the J-drama esque tension lol.
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chiisanahoshi · 3 months ago
He Confessed With A Stolen Birthday Wish | Anyway I’m Falling in Love with You
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newsintheshell · 9 months ago
Fire Force, Witch Hat Atelier, Omniscent Reader, Natsume degli Spiriti, Yakuza Fiancé, Blue Exorcist e ancora Black Butler, Blue Lock, Il Monologo della Speziale e chi più ne ha ne metta!
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Sono stato di parola eh! Incredibile, ma vero. La seconda parte è arrivata, ma non sono stato proprio un fulmine di guerra diciamo, ma quasi!
Come vi avevo anticipato, tutte le novità che trovate qui di seguito sono state presentate durante l'Industry Panel di Crunchyroll, credo l'appuntamento sempre più atteso dell’ANIME EXPO, un po' come le nostre conferenze annuali a Lucca.
Va da sé che ogni annuncio e trailer è di serie delle quali è stato confermato ufficialmente per il simulcast qua in Italia. Sono tutti titoli già attesi, con qualche sorpresa importante, in arrivo già nei prossimi mesi e nel corso del 2025.
🔶🔸FIRE FORCE (Stagione 3)
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Confermata ormai ben due anni fa, finalmente la terza e ultima stagione della serie ci degna finalmente della sua presenza!
Il capitolo finale dell'anime, tratto dal celebre action manga firmato da Atsuhi Ohkubo (Soul Eater), edito da Panini Comics, verrò diviso in due parti: la prima andrà in onda da aprile 2025, mentre la seconda... da gennaio 2026. Ouch.
Insomma di tempo ce n'è per recuperare le prime due stagioni, che potete trovare comodamente in streaming su Prime Video, anche doppiate.
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Per tutti i fan di shojo e reverse harem, è in arrivo da gennaio 2025 la serie sullo scolastico sentimentale di Haruka Mitsui.
Al momento, sappiamo solo che in capo al progetto c'è il regista Junichi Yamamoto (Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion, Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen).
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Ricompare anche il sequel dell'avventura fantasy isekai andata in onda nel 2019! Questa seconda stagione, in arrivo da ottobre, vedrà un cambio di staff e studio.
I nuovi episodi saranno infatti diretti da Kazuomi Koga (Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, TenPuru: No One Can Live on Loneliness), presso GEKKOU (My One-Hit Kill Sister, Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again).
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Nuovo capitolo all'orizzonte per il mystery soprannaturale, che a quanto pare tornerà sui nostri schermi in inverno, con una sorta di prequel, se non ho capito male.
Le prime due stagioni di questa interessante serie cinese sono già disponibili, anche doppiate in italiano.
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A sorpresa, dopo mille anni, l'anime di Natsume degli Spiriti arriva anche da noi!
Incredibilmente, da ottobre potremo seguire le nuove catartiche avventure di Takashi e dei tanti ayakashi che popolano il mondo del longevo slice of life soprannaturale, creato da Yuki Midorikawa, il cui manga è pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
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Qua parliamo di una conferma quantomai scontata. Sì, nel 2025 rivedremo Maomao e Jinshi e questo lo sapevamo. Sappiamo tutti che la situazione in quanto a doppiaggi è ferma, al momento, ma se c'è una serie che si merita di parlare anche italiano, è fuori di dubbio questa! Incrociamo le dita e speriamo.
La prima stagione sottotitolata c'è, abbiamo anche il manga e la light novel, grazie a J-POP Manga (che lo chiama I Diari della Speziale) e a Dokusho Edizioni. Manca solo quello dai! Pretty please!
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Parlando di relazioni veramente complicate, da ottobre partirà il simulcast del romantic crime drama tratto dal manga di Asuka Konishi, pubblicato qua in Italia da GOEN con il titolo Nella prossima vita non voglio conoscerti.
L'adattamento è affidato allo STUDIO DEEN (Sasaki and Miyano, Days with My Stepsister) e ha come regista Toshifumi Kawase (The Flowers of Hard Blood, Washimo).
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Svelata direttamente durante il panel la notizia della produzione di una serie animata, basata sulla web novel action fantasy di singNsong, di cui esiste anche una versione webtoon curata da Sleepy-C e UMI.
Non si sa ancora chi se ne sta occupando o quando arriverà in streaming, ma intanto siamo sicuri che la potremo seguire su Crunchyroll.
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Datemi il tasto magico per il fast forward, il 2025 è ancora troppo lontano! Questa ce l'avevano già spoilerata a giugno, ma adesso la possiamo anche veder prender vita.
Lo stile grafico è, ovviamente, diverso da quello del manga fantasy firmato da Kamome Shirahama, che possiamo trovare sui nostri scaffali assieme allo spinoff culinario Kitchen of Witch Hat grazie a Panini Comics, ma il trailer per me �� comunque bellissimo. Non vedo l'ora!
La serie è diretta da Ayumu Watanabe (Summer Time Rendering, La Fortuna di Nikuko) ed è una produzione di casa BUG FILMS (Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead).
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Dopo la Shimane Illuminati Saga, la quarta stagione della serie andrà ad adattare due archi narrativi, accompagnandoci da ottobre con la Beyond the Snow Saga e da gennaio 2025 con la The Blue Night Saga!
L'action soprannaturale di cui abbiamo atteso per anni il ritorno (la seconda stagione risale al 2017 ragazzi e la prima al 2011, fate un po' voi) è tratto dall'omonimo manga firmato Kazue Kato, pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
🔶🔸BLUE LOCK (Stagione 2)
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Two blue is megl che uan. Non credo ci fosse davvero bisogno di confermarlo in via ufficiale, ma lo hanno fatto: i nuovi episodi della serie animata, tratta dal popolare manga (anti)sportivo di Muneyuki Kaneshiro e Yusuke Nomura arriveranno da ottobre.
Oh e vi ricordo che il film, tratto dallo spinoff su Seishiro Nagi e Reo Mikage, uscirà nei nostri cinema la prossima settimana!
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Giga combo di anime tratti da manga con etichetta Panini Comics! Anche questo, come Blue Exorcist ha fatto attendere i fan per un bel pezzetto.
La quarta stagione della serie animata, che va ad adattare il popolarissimo mystery sovrannaturale di Yana Toboso, ci è stata consegnata giusto quest'anno e ora, per il 2025, abbiamo la conferma che vedremo anche una quinta stagione! La storia proseguirà con l'Emerald Witch Arc.  
🔶🔸SOLO LEVELING (Stagione 2)
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Tornando in campo action fantasy, è stato mostrato un teaser trailer per la seconda stagione della serie che ha portato in tv il famosissimo fumetto coreano, importato qua in Italia da Star Comics.
Il sequel si chiama Arise from the Shadow e non ha ancora una finestra di lancio, purtroppo. Nel frattempo vi ricordo che i primi 12 episodi dell'anime sono stati anche doppiati.
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Questa non è uscita dall'Anime Expo in verità, ma la metto comunque qua perché sì. Alla fine fa sempre parte del catalogo Crunchyroll e poi chi mi ferma?
Pubblicato un primo teaser trailer per la seconda stagione della serie, che verrà trasmessa dal 13 ottobre, per altri due cour consecutivi come la prima stagione.
L’action adventure di Katarina e Ryosuke Fuji, edito anche questo da Panini Comics, ha infatti già ispirato 25 episodi trasmessi in simuclast proprio fra l'autunno e l'inverno scorsi, che sono stai anche doppiati in italiano.
Oh, è stata anche svelata una locandina per Dr. STONE SCIENCE FUTURE, la quarta e ultima stagione dell'anime che arriverà Soon™
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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conflagrate · 2 months ago
Douse, Koishite shimaunda 02
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Ikemens think they can be shitty!
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Lol I'm starting to dislike Kizuki a lot🚩🚩
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Tbh I hope she picks none of 'em in the end...
Well I went & read bits of the manga and I'm probably gonna drop this one. Not a fan of Kizuki at all and though it looks like Shin might get a chance (in current timeline) I really can't with the thought of having to see Mizuho fall for that creepy, pushy crybaby����
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nerice · 2 months ago
ok. winter season thots
(continuing) ao no hako, though ive grown more and more lukewarm on it with every episode. hina should've been aroace send post
(continuing) chikyuu no undou ni tsuite aka orbshow, second cour lfgggg i miss badeni's bald little head so much :(
100 girlfriends s2, i feel like the charm has worn off a little but it's simply too entertaining to jump ship from, also i need to view hakari's insane horny exploits. i forgot abt her upper thigh mole and lord jesus chara design of all time fr fr
apothecary diaries s2, glad to be back!!!! this one's just solid i have no notes same gripes abt convoluted mysteries as before, same none of my gripes matter bc maomao nd jinshi are just that good w.
zenshuu, was my high profile high hopes pick and while the animation is stellar that is about the only redeeming quality it has. the problem with getting reincarnated into a shitty isekai anime is that. it's still a shitty isekai setting like they could've given any of the charas actual good designs and i wld be all over it but it's so fucking bland im sorry. doubly offended bc they have the Designated Refined Magical Archer Girlie that cld have been the highlight of my season, alas we will sideline her as is the trope. kys. also the way the zenshuu overhaul is used has been.... so boring..... i thought she'd be doing actual environmental/story retcons rather than Summon Monster That Wipes Out Enemies. what a waste
okitsura, singlehandedly swung this season around for me. okinawa language+culture focus, solid love triangle, stupid humor (a zombieland saga AND evangelion reference in the first episode alone) it's so fucking good. kyan's design is also @/me in ways im not getting into rn but i am EATING >:3
aquarion (myth of emotions) ok listen i went into this unaware it was part of a franchise. am now debating whether to go back and watch prev installments since apparently they are somewhat standalone nd this show gave enough of a gist that i'm not totally lost. just hard to tell if it'd be more enjoyable with full context or the other way around where it leaves me wanting to discover the full story after the fact. thinking on it. also the soundtrack goes HARD
hanashura, god BLESS the girls hanging out and doing things genre. breath of fresh fucking air, bonus points for airing right when i'm back in japanese study cycle bc i can rly rly appreciate the readings they're doing >:3
koishima, frankly run of the mill hs romance stint idk if i care enough to stick with it but was entertaining enough. what rly fkcin trips me up is the fact that it's set during covid but only like, vaguely? legally distinct 'infectious disease' that cancelled everyone's inter high's but we are still going 2 school and having swim club meets?????? lmao
sakamoto days, ik it's a beloved fan favourite. the gags are funny enough but it's not hitting sxf highs or anything. i'm curious to see if smth will pull me in more (one girl design from the op.....) but mostly just a fun weekly dinner entertainment show
pour one out for fate/strange fake i didn't know it was a leaked pre-screening my investment economy is in shambles. whichever season it drops in tho SOTY, AOTY thanks
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aceshadowstar · 7 months ago
'Anyway I'm Falling in Love With You' Manga Gets Stage Play https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-08-19/anyway-im-falling-in-love-with-you-manga-gets-stage-play/.214492
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anm-blog · 1 year ago
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twisted-lies · 3 years ago
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༊·˚ Ejiro Kirishima Usernames
| kirichomp | strawberry-sharks | kirisuro | luvredriot | bloodyxriot | reddsharkyy | kirubabes | kirisavalanche | shxttyhair | indestructible-spirit | redriot-unbreakable |softie-sharkie | kiriushine | ch3rrybxmb | koishima | manly-protector | sturdy-hero | kirichigo | kiringo | cIoudred |
*the L in cloudred is a capital i
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goodguidanceptc · 8 years ago
Race Report: Puerto Rico 70.3          Race Date: March 19, 2017
Dominoes, games of flipping black tiles to match white dots, factor large in Puerto Rican culture. One version is played by standing them on end in rows and pushing the first one to knock the rest down. This can be fun or frustrating, depending on how well it’s planned.
1st Domino: I forgot my bike shoes. Unclipped them to pack my bike and left them on my dining room floor.
2nd Domino: Bracket that holds skewer, cassette and chain derailleur got bent during transport. A tech at the race expo fixed it.
So while I’m sweating a strange tech trying some bike repair magic, I’m Googling speed plates and bike shoes. Nobody at the remarkably small race expo had any solutions, but I found a tiny store in San Juan (with the grandiose name, Koishima Tri Club. More syllables than square footage), run by a Guardian Bro named Abraham. He pulled some thoroughly used speed plates off his own shoes and mounted them on a pair of $40 shoes.
Problems handled (sort of). Good dinner, in bed early. 
Race day
Up very early to rendezvous with Team Well-Fit at 4:30. Too early. Ate. Set-up T1 and “t-.05.” Normally, I like to be “kicked out” of T1 with very little extra time to overthink the race. That said, so much positive energy from the other Well-Fit folks is hard not to love.
PR swim exit is a third of a mile away from T1. So we set up a “t-.05″ with shoes to make that extended run. Susan–new knick-name, “Number One Sherpa”–stood guard over shoes and water bottles (to rinse salt water). I put my tri-top and HR strap there, knowing I could use the run to put it on. We loitered at “t-.05″ for about an hour before we walked over to swim start.
Lesson: I’m well prepped on race day. Too much time leaves too much room for negative head chatter.
Swim (:36:56)
Went with WF tri shorts only. The first 400 yards were rough. Assholes and elbows everywhere. Getting my hips pushed was new. But sorted out by first turn. Stayed along buoys, felt the cool ocean current as I reached the bridge, sighted the swim out and went hard.
Need more technique work. FIVE WHOLE MINUTES slower than expected :32.
Lesson: double check buoy placements day of race. Course was practically a crescent moon. Could have saved time by NOT hugging course buoys after second turn.
Lesson: next 70.3 I will dominate my fearful chatter and conservative approach, take the pole position and force the other guys to swim around me. I’m taking the beating anyway and maybe I could draft better…
T1 (6:36)
Smooth but could have skipped rinsing off salt water and pulling on shoes. BUT! learned a trick to pull tri-top on like a dress (vs. overhead, like a t-shirt). Thanks to Dan K!
Bike (2:40:06; averaged approx. 21mph)
First race on new bike with power meter…and last-minute replacement shoes. Had a hard time calibrating PM (twice!) so although I did not have perfect confidence in readings, I held 80% +/-5% (210-230watts) for majority of two loop lollipop. Given avg mph, I probably wasn’t too far off, given head/tail winds.
Followed nutrition/hydration plan…mostly.
Just after the second turn around (Mile 45-ish) my right foot felt odd. I thought it was surely the used speed cleat failing. Nope. Cleat was fine. Sole was coming unglued from upper… a little more with each stroke.
Mashed the last ten-ish miles of rolling hills dealing with flappy shoe. Lots of mental chatter during this section, mostly R- and X-rated versions of:
why are there so many expressway exit/entrance ramps on 70.3s?
Shoe. Idiot. Shoe. Idiot.
Is my bike broke? What’s that sound?
At the dismount line, I unclipped left but just peeled the right upper off the sole. Fuckit.
Lesson: remember shoes. Simple.
Dismount / T2 (3:21)
Dominoes falling. Forgot shoes…replacements failed-ish…didn’t take in as much salt on back third of bike…flappy flappy flappy into dismount…forgot bottle of Gatorade in T2 (hydration plan for first third of run). None of which occurred to me as I went about my business. I was not rushed or panicked, yet I clearly lost focus here. And it cost me…
Run (2:09:43 or 9:54/mi)
One teammate declared intention was for 9:00/miles. I thought she was being cautious because she didn’t feel well. I sincerely expected sub-8:30/mile average.
St. George has hills. Atlantic City has heat. I’ve done both. But StG is temperate  and the AC Boardwalk run flatness literally inspired the board game Monopoly. Plus, I’d been acclimating for weeks. So I was not intimidated by the hot and hilly run profile or the legendary “oven” along the backside fort walls.
I should have been. Words fail. Murder. Brutal. Brutal murder. Brutally murderous.
My interior quads (vastus medialus) on both legs started cramping up around Mile 3. I administered at least two salt licks to every little “clench.” Burned through my positive self-talk and chatter early on. I walked the aid stations to hydrate and the uphills on the second loop. It was a war of attrition as they clenched up more frequently and locked more firmly as I went. At mile 11 the right calf cramped up like a padlock. A Guardian Bro from Boston asked if I was okay and even though I said, “No,” we ran those last two black and terrible miles together. Lost track of him towards the end. Grinded it out.
Finishing Chute / Post Race
Didn’t recognize Andy Potts when he congratulated me at the finish line. Had to go back for a fist bump.
When I sat down, the muscles below the knee cramped up on both legs. One after another… left and right calf (gastrocnemius), left and right shins (peroneus longus) on a spectrum of pain in various sequences for minutes on end, from “please make it stop” to “hot death” to “so bad they scared my wife.” I’ve never been shot, but I suspect I know something close to what it feels like to get shot.
Work to do on running techniques.
Lesson: Clear the mechanism when the dominoes start to fall.
I had faster time expectations in all three phases. An argument could be made against comparing PR70.3 vs AC70.3:
PR70.3 early season vs AC70.3 late season.
AC swim course cut for safety concerns, skewing subsequent bike and swim splits.
New gear in PR, some planned (bike and power meter), some not (shoes and cleats).
Dramatically different T1 layouts.
Dramatically different run course profiles.
That said, overall times indicate that PR70.3 was not an improvement.
PR70.3 =  5:36
AC70.3 = 4:56
DIFF =       :40
I expected time closer to :32 with better cadence. Also, I was in a very small minority of racers without speed suits.
Who forgets their fucking shoes!?! Also, lost focus on hydration plan towards end.
Literally a step backwards in pace and evolution. Heat and hills were devastating yet better focus in T2 could have helped deliver better result.
Might have to go back to beat that run course. Whoah... domino.
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nijigasakilove · 2 months ago
Weekly Kizuki hate post. How they gonna reward the most toxic person with the girl!! Shin would be the much better pull for her.
Speaking of which, Shin in the future pulled up in a Tesla and is a doctor?? Girl if you don’t marry his ass lmao.
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Wait so Kizuki did watch the fireworks with Mizuho technically so then wtf happened in the future?? Why’s she closer to shin seemingly than Kizuki. Airu and the others with the cockblock of the century lmao Kizuki was so close to that kiss. That probably would’ve been the point of no return with them. There’s still life for the other boys now and it seems like Shugo and Airu are about to make their moves.
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I didn’t really care about Airu before this ep, but I came away lowkey thinking he’s the best option for Mizuho since he’s content with just watching over and standing friends with her. That’s true love. It doesn’t prioritize your needs over the other person’s. You just want the person you love to be happy. Respect.
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chiisanahoshi · 2 months ago
"I Know You'll Fall In Love With Me" | Anyway I’m Falling in Love with You
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nijigasakilove · 1 month ago
Oh shit, it’s getting spicy! We even got a new guy. I swear this feels like watching a J drama with all the drama. This was a turning point in the series for sure. Shin’s making his move on Mizuho, Kizuki being annoying af as usual and pushy since he knows Shin is making his move, and Airu might be changing his mind too about staying friends. Mizuho must have some insane aura cause no way all these dudes are this down bad 😂
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Interesting that shin and Kizuki rivalry for Mizuho goes back to middle school! And apparently Airu confessed back then too, it would be nice to get some more flashbacks of what happened then since Mizuho memory has already proven to be horrible given she forgot everything in the future 💀
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Mizuho Yukata is soo pretty omg! “Actually this Yukata was my mom’s” dawg, I’m sorry but that shit was funny af how they all got stone faced and felt stupid after laughing at her Yukata. It’s cute that even with their faults she’s happy to have them all around tho!
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Uh oh, Shugo brother look like he has a thing for Mizuho too. How old is he tho because he doesn’t look like a high schooler???
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nijigasakilove · 13 minutes ago
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Ok this show was so trashy and Kizuki annoyed the hell out of me at the start, but y’all why did I come to kinda like it by the end 😭 it’s so low budget and the story isn’t great, but it just has something that hooks you. I think the timeline jumping while frustrating to watch at times, was actually a big part of that because you just wanted to know wtf happened to everyone.
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It’s good we got an episode focusing on Airu finally too. I’ve always thought he was the best of the bunch because he’s the only person who truly puts Mizuho first. It wouldn’t hurt for him to be a little more honest with her, but the fact he’s never been pushy or made her uncomfortable gives him a lot of bonus points in my book. So sweet how he was the first person to comfort Mizuho after she didn’t get accepted in the competition, just like she comforted him after he got beat up. He gives genuine best friend vibes. Good dude.
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I will definitely be there for season 2 because I need to see their reunion in present day, I need to see how Mizuho eventually got to become a Shojo Mangaka and how things got to the point they’re at in the future.
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newsintheshell · 2 hours ago
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I 12 episodi della prima stagione dello scolastico sentimentale, tratto dallo shojo manga di Haruka Mitsui, sono tutti disponibili in streaming su Crunchyroll, sottotitolati in italiano.
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nijigasakilove · 28 days ago
Yea at this point I’m like 90 percent sure Kizuki died in present day and that’s why Mizuho seems so depressed. He must’ve been the winner and died or got in a coma or something. But what happened??
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Back in the past timeline, finally some shine for Shugo. W for interrupting the grooming route and not letting Togo be alone with Mizuho lmao. In all seriousness though, I actually think his big brother is just being an amazing big bro and trying to push Shugo and Mizuho closer, making him jealous so he makes his move like today. Bro got so flustered by Mizuho he had to stop the car and get in the front seat lmaoo
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But COME ON man. Is there only one girl on this island? I was really hoping that Shugo would actually be in love with his teacher and not just another love interest for Mizuho, especially when that ship’s basically already sailed. For better or worse, she’s in love with Kizuki and those feelings have even prevailed to present day! All these dudes are nice looking and talented, go branch out lmao
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What’s even the point of the romantic scramble at this point, Kizuki has the W. I don’t see anything changing that. Poor Shugo had to watch from the cuck spot on the roof as Mizuho and Kizuki had a cute moment. That’s tuff 😢 feel bad for buddy.
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nijigasakilove · 1 month ago
I swear this show is just a straight up soap opera. Like genuinely even has the direction writing of an NBC soap opera. Like of course Mizuho first love is Shugo’s brother who’s now her teacher 🤦🏽‍♂️ had to have the grooming option in the series. Bro is 25 competing with teenagers for a girl cmon now. It’s like this author just wanted every negative shoujo stereotype in a show.😭
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Fitting this is the first episode we see Shugo’s crush, Shiraishi-sensei. “I’m an adult and a teacher and I’m simply not interested in you. Not one bit” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bro I’m in tears. That was brutal. Looks like we’ll be going into a forbidden love arc from here on out. He’s gonna be going after her and Togo will keep making his moves on Mizuho.
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This is like a train wreck you just can’t take your eyes away from
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