#dr entry 57
magz · 5 months
Palestine related news summary from LetsTalkPalestine, May 1 to May 4, 2024.
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May 1.
(Instagram reel of UCLA protest. Includes footage of treating n washing a pro-palestine protestors' bloody head)
Day 208
🇨🇴 Colombia to cut diplomatic ties w/ Israel
•⁠ ⁠33 killed, 57 injured in the last 24 hours. Real number likely higher
⚖️ US lobbying ICC not to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, after Israel's threat to respond by retaliating against Palestinian Authority for sparking ICC investigation
🇫🇷 France denies selling weapons to Israel used in Gaza, claiming what's sold will be re-exported to 3rd countries via Israel, but did supply Israeli Iron Dome defense system
🇹🇷 Turkey set to follow Columbia & Nicaragua by joining South Africa's ICJ case against Israel
🎓 Zionist mob attacked Palestine protestors at UCLA w/ fireworks & pepper spray for 3 hours, police didn’t intervene (📹👆). Columbia & CUNY asked NYPD to raid & arrest 280+ student protestors. New encampments across UK, Tunisia & Canada
🚚 First aid trucks enter through Beit Hanoon crossing to north Gaza despite Israel's promise to open 1 month ago. Nearly half of aid convoys to north Gaza denied by Israel.
May 2.
(Instagram post, news update. The Israeli occupation has killed Palestinian Dr. Adnan Al-Barash.)
Day 209
• 28 Palestinians killed, 51 injured in last 24 hours. Note that the toll is underreported.
🏥 Dr. Adnan al Barash killed in captivity after IOF abducted him in Dec (📷👆)— 496 medical personnel killed in Gaza + 309 in captivity
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia arrests many for anti-Israel online posts, incl. an executive & media figure. Timing suspicious w/ reports of renewed normalization talks
• IOF attacks aid convoy, killing 1
🇹🇷 Turkey stops all trade w/ Israel after banning 54 exports to Israel
🇺🇸 US House pass “antisemitism awareness” bill using repressive IHRA definition of antisemitism despite antisemitism covered in anti-discrimination law. Why is IHRA definition problematic? See tinyurl.com/ynsfy8sx
• IOF airstrike in central Gaza killed 5, incl. a child
🪨 37m tons of rubble in Gaza, heavy contamination w/ unexploded ammunition & 800,000 tons of asbestos
🎓 Columbia & Emory University face federal investigation for anti-Muslim discrimination, reports of doxing & harassment
May 3.
Day 210
• World Press Freedom Day: Israel killed 100+ journalists since Oct 7 + holding 53 captive
• 26 killed, 51 injured in the last 24 hours. Note the toll is underreported.
• Israel attack on Rafah killed 7, incl. a mother & her children — the children’s bodies were shredded by the airstrikes
🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago recognizes the State of Palestine as West Bank & Gaza
🇬🇧 UK sanctions 2 Israeli groups + 4 settlers for violence in West Bank, warns of more sanctions if no Israeli action against settler attacks
• Israeli strike on Bureij camp killed 5, incl. a child
💰 UN estimates cost to rebuild Gaza at $40bn; more than post-WWII reconstruction
🎓 Goldsmiths University students in London win & obtain demands after occupying library — @ goldsmithsforpalestine on instagram for details
🎓 University encampments for Gaza go global spreading to 🇨🇦 🇮🇳 🇳🇿 🇪🇸 🇦🇷 🇯🇵 🇰🇼 🇱🇧 🇹🇳 🇯🇴. US crackdown w/ 2,200 students arrested
• Iran-backed Bahraini militia launches attack at southern Israeli port Eilat
May 4.
Day 211
✝️ Israel blocks entry of many Palestinian Christians to Jerusalem for Holy Saturday celebrations
•⁠ 32 Palestinians killed, 41 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours. Toll underreported
•⁠ ⁠IOF killed 5+ in 15-hour siege on Tulkarem (West Bank) & clashes with Hamas resistance fighters. IOF targeted fighters’ homes w/ women & kids inside, demolished homes trapping many under rubble
•⁠ ⁠Israeli strikes on Gaza kill 11 incl. 3 in bombings of tents in Rafah
•⁠ Head of UN WFP says north Gaza experiencing “full-blown famine” and it’s only a matter of time before south Gaza faces same level of starvation
🇫🇷 British-Palestinian @ dr.ghassan.as denied entry to France for Senate address as witness of Gaza Genocide as Germany put year-long ban on his entry to Europe (Schengen)
🇺🇸 88 US lawmakers warn Biden that Israeli aid blockade violates US ‘foreign assistance’ law
•⁠ IOF abducts 5 overnight in West Bank
🎓 Uni encampments spread to Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Cuba & Costa Rica
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thegoatsongs · 1 year
Though critics generally read Lucy as a frivolous naif, there is far more to her than the sweetness her beaux enthuse over. (26) Her nerve and intelligence come through in her diary entries and in the remarkably lucid memorandum she pens just before her death, when she realizes the importance of giving "an exact record of what took place" so that "no one may by chance get into any trouble through me" (130). Lucy, like Ibsen's Nora Helmer, is a shrewd performer of naivety. An astute observer of character, she analyzes Dr. Seward, even as she detects him trying to analyze her as if she were one of his patients. Whereas Seward never sees beyond the frivolous femininity that he finds so enchanting, Lucy discerns the nervous personality that underlies Seward's apparent calm. She notes how he fiddles with his lancet and nearly sits on his hat as he works up the nerve to propose marriage to her. Her tears silenced his unwelcome proposal, she gaily reports to Mina, noting how his hands trembled as she wept. She ventriloquizes Quincey Morris's Americanisms, observing that he indulges in them only when he is around her and "there was no one to be shocked" (59).
Lucy is a free spirit. She enjoys using slang and doesn't mind who hears her. Though she's wealthy, she finds fashion "a bore" and dismisses "Town" as "pleasant," with barely a mention of the galleries and parks she visits (56-57). [...]  in her conversations with Dr. Seward, she analyzes the analyst. She has the audacity to admit, not only to Mina but also to her would-be husbands, that she loves a man who has not yet declared his love for her. Though she does not say that she had to "do the proposing" to Arthur Holmwood, her vague description--"all so confused"--of the meeting that settled their marriage allows for that possibility. [...]  I agree that Stoker endows Lucy with a sensuality perhaps offensive to Victorian convention, just as he endows her with intelligence and initiative, but, as I will argue, the novel works on the whole to endorse rather than condemn unconventional traits in women.
Winstead, Karen A. 2020 Mrs. Harker and Dr. Van Helsing: Dracula, Fin-de-Siecle Feminisms, and the New Wo/Man.
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idesofrevolution · 2 years
The following is the final transcript from Dr. Harold Ferrier in Trial 151 of the Tranquility Experiment. No further trials were conducted. This document is classified, destroy after reading.
DAY 1 - 10:25 AM
Dr. Ferrier: “Alright. Subject 151, government name is Logan Marquette. Subject is 47 years of age, height of 5’2, weighing in at just over 253 pounds. Acquired from official test subject pool in Louisiana. According to intake documentation, the subject suffers from acute social anxiety, body dysmorphia, erectile dysfunction, and low testosterone. Upon introduction, Mr. Marquette expressed mild reservations in partaking in the experiment, but had signed the agreement. He now understands his legal obligation. How are we doing today, Mr. Marquette?”
P151: “When are we going to start the experiment, doctor? It won’t take long, will it?”
DF: “No, Mr. Marquette. This is going to be a quick and painless observational study. We are studying the effects of cannabis on musical creativity. Thus, as outlined in the experiment summary, we are going to to administer the stimulus in smoke form.”
P151: “Okay. Fine. I haven’t smoked anything since my college years. That wont be a problem, will it?”
DF: “No, sir. If anything that is precisely what we are looking for in a subject. Now, the cannabis is in an ashtray on the coffee table there. Please go ahead and ignite and inhale. Finish it in its entirety, and document your sensations as they occur in the questionnaire. We will see how day one goes. If you need any assistance, I will be right behind that partition.”
P151: “Wait, day one? Is this a long term commitment?”
DF: “I will bring in a copy of the agreement you signed for you to look over. Now please, let us begin.”
10:57 AM
DF: “I have exited the testing chamber, and left the subject to his own devices. Moderate apprehension is clear in the subjects demeanor, however, should any defiance arise, restraints will be employed and the experiment will proceed as planned.
Upon the first inhalation of strain XTQ, subject immediately shows signs of relaxation and euphoria. Logan here has reclined in the the sofa, and is slowly inhaling the drug. No signs of physical metamorphosis have materialized at this time. However, he is seemingly increasing his intake at a rapid pace. As noted in trial 112, the speed in which inhalation occurs has a strong effect on the overall changes. Consequently, for this trial, we have significantly increased the dosage and concentration of strain XTQ to observe any potential differentiation on bodily form and function. The next entry in this observational log will occur tonight at 1900 hours.”
7:00 PM
DF: “Good evening, Logan. How are we feeling?”
P151: “I’m doing fine, Dr. Ferrier… just fine.”
DF: “Subject exhibits decreased pace of communication and muscle movement. Have you filled out today’s questionnaire?”
P151: “Oh fuck, I forgot. I’ll get to it. I just got lost for a minute there.”
DF: “Please make sure you do, Logan. Wait, what’s this?”
P151: “What’s what? Hahah!”
DF: “First sign of physical morphology has occurred. Subject seems to have developed changes in the right arm extremities. Marginal increase in the scale of the hands and fingers, while subsequent loss in adipose tissue is evident. Logan, have you always had these tattoos?”
P151: “What? Oh wow… I don’t remember getting those… that’s… that’s weird. They look kinda cool though.”
DF: “Indeed they do. Now, Im going to go ahead and photograph this for documentation, okay Logan?”
P151: “Yeah, sure man. Do what you have to do.”
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DF: “Alright, excellent. Now. Go ahead and start getting settled for the night. There’s a bed by the window over there with some sheets and a few pillows. You let the nurses know if you have any feelings of discomfort or pain during the evening. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on your progress.”
P151: “Yeah, sounds good. I’m feeling a little tired anyway. I’ll get some shut eye.”
9:00 PM
DF: “We are coming to a close on day one. Subject has finished their questionnaire much later than anticipated. He has expressed senses of euphoria, tingling in the limbs, and substantial sedative effects. Observations seemingly confirm this.
I am astounded at the record increase in transformative pacing. Within just two hours of the last entry, the subject has lost nearly half of body mass. Significantly increased perspiration seems to correlate with the loss of liquids in the body, though this does not explain the further loss of adipose tissue across all portions of the body. Further, the impossible manifestation of subdermal ink is both concerning and intriguing. As ink is not a biological compound, I am perplexed by its sudden appearance on his right arm. Further, upon second observation, the ink seems to have spread further up the arm onto his shoulders and neck. Potential skin sample may be taken at a later date for analysis.”
Day 2 - 8:45 AM
DF: “This… this is day two of Trial 151… The physics changes… they’re… impossible. A light scent of perspiration… of sweat, has lingered in the air, and the air is noticeably more humid. Will adjust environmental parameters as needed.
Uh, Logan… how… how are you feeling?”
P151: “Morning, doc. Slept like a rock last night. You wouldn’t happen to have any more of that stuff from yesterday would you?”
DF: “I do, Logan. You will get your second dosage in just a moment. But, I have to ask… do you… notice anything different? Physically?”
P151: “Huh, nah not really. I feel pretty great if I’m honest!”
DF: “Have you… looked in the mirror this morning? There is one in the corner?”
P151: “Of course I did! Sometimes I can’t look away, you know what I mean?”
DF: “You don’t notice anything strange? Nothing off compared to yesterday?”
P151: “Nope. So can we get started? I had the dopest dream last night and I wanna write down a few riffs. I bet that stuff could help me out, ya feel?”
DF: “I will have the nurse bring in your dosage for today. Just… just be sure to write down your own observations for today, okay? It’s very important.”
9:00 AM
DF: “Subject has… changed almost entirely over the course of the night. He has lost further weight, according to our measurements today. He now sits at 191 pounds. That’s 62 pounds of weight loss in a single night. The ink has spread across his entire body. Designs seem not to follow any geometric or biological pattern. This is impossible…
Uhm, he has also seemed to have… reversed his aging process. His heart rate is more stable, his cholesterol is completely healthy, skin elasticity seems to be on par with a man ten years his junior. Hair growth has also been stimulated both cranially and across the legs and feet. It also seems his body temperature has steadily increased, and his perspiration has stayed in tandem.
I must speak to Dr. Irving about the continuation of this trial. The second dosage has already been administered, but I have serious ethical qualms after witnessing these changes.”
1:59 PM:
DF: “Logan?”
P151: “Ayyyy Doc! Come over here, I gotta show you this sick fuckin tear-ass solo I wrote.”
DF: “Perhaps later, Logan… I have a few questions to ask you… Ugh… have the nurses not brought you to the showers yet?”
P151: “Haha, they’ve brought me already, man. Can’t get rid of the funk! Sorry ‘bout it if it bothers ya. I kinda like it.”
DF: “No… no, it doesn’t bother me. But if you wouldn’t mind pulling your pants up, I’d appreciate it. Logan, have you filled out your questionnaire?”
P151: “For sure, dude. It’s over on the table over there by the bed.”
DF: “I see… I couldn’t help but notice the stains on your sheets… or your underwear there.”
P151: “Hahah, I mean you know how it goes, doc. A guys gotta let some tension out every now and again. I’m sure y’all have been watching, hope you enjoyed the show.”
DF: “Logan, I actually need to talk to you about that… I am going to ask you to refrain from your… flirtatious remarks with our staff. It is distracting the nurses and research assistants.”
P151: “Can’t make any promises, bruh. But I’ll do my best. Just for you, doc.”
DF: “Alright. Please don’t wink at me, Mr. Marquette. We need to keep this a professional environment. Now, are you feeling anything different?”
P151: “Man, I can’t believe you say I came in here all shook up and stressed out all the time. This shit you been givin’ me has been working man! I feel fuckin’ great!”
DF: “That’s… that’s great, Logan. Now, the lead researcher on our team has decided… against doubts, that we should increase your dosage. I’m legally obligated to ask for your consent on this matter, but I have to tell you, Logan. I have grave concerns…”
P151: “Ayyy, chill out, doc. I’m on board with that! I might need to grab a few grams of this when I head out, haha!”
DF: “We’ll see. I need to take another photograph, just keep writing your music, okay? I’ll be back tomorrow to do another checkin.”
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9:32 PM
DF: “Dr. Irving has denied my request to stop the experiment, despite everything I have showed her. The subject is unrecognizable from the man who entered the room yesterday morning. Nearly every physical metric of his body has been changed somehow. We are unsure if it is truly the work of strain XTQ, but I am certain of the closed nature of our experiment and the lack of extraneous factors interfering with the results.
The subject has developed a nearly insatiable libido, masturbating four times between the last check in and now. Staff has also been subjected to numerous sexual advances, both male and female, which we immediately and directly intervened. There were no signs of aggression during these encounters, as nursing staff reported feeling strongly persuaded by what they called his ‘charm.’ We suspect that heavy pheromone production in his sebaceous glands is partly to blame, as six out of seven staff members directly referenced an ‘irresistible musk’ emanating from him.
He is nearly half the age he was when he arrived. I cannot make sense of these developments, and am anxious to proceed with the experiment as outlined in Dr. Irving’s plan. A second dosage was administered today, which seems to have only further increased his euphoric demeanor and shift in personality. On his questionnaire, he’s developed deep seeded interests in subjects he’s never before attempted. He’s mentioned his favorite pastimes are skateboarding, playing guitar, writing music, and… in more appropriate terms, organizing polyamorous activities.
I am unsure as to how much longer we can ethically work on this project. The complete overwrite of one’s persona is too far a risk for the general population.”
Day 3: 10:12 AM
DF: “Good morning, Loga… oh… oh my god.”
P151: “Whassup, doc. Happy to see me? Hah!”
DF: “Logan… I can’t continue with this project. Look at you! You’re over six feet tall. Your face is completely different. Your hair color is different, your eye color is different, your feet barely fit in those socks anymore!”
P151: “Hahah, you checkin me out, doc? You like what you see?”
DF: “Put your arms down, Logan. Stop flexing and listen to me. We need to stop these trials. You have become someone entirely contrary from who you were when you came here. I mean you look 27 years old for god’s sake!”
P151: “Babe, calm the fuck down. Let’s say I am different from when I walked in. You said I was all fucked up. Anxious, stressed, unhealthy, tired… isn’t this so much better than before?”
DF: “I…”
P151: “Why the fuck would I wanna go back to that, babe? I’m havin the time of my fuckin’ life. Bangin’ all the hourlies, smoking the good shit, jamming out, writing my good fuckin music. Dude, I’m as good as it can get!”
DF: “No, wait! Logan, give me the recorder back. Wait! Don’t touch me! Mmmph!!”
P151: “There, on your knees, babe. You need to chill the fuck out. Put your face on my bulge, man. Sniff it. Let it all in. You remember Matty the nurse, right doc? Yeah I bet you remember his tight sexy ass. Right after we plowed eachother all last night he slipped me another one of your j’s. I think it’s about time you took some of your own medicine, babe.”
DF: “Logan! Ugh… please… it smells so… buttery. And… salty… and musky…”
P151: “Here, doc. This one is for you. It’s already rollin’. There ya go. Just breathe it in. Just like that. Yeahhhh. See, man? It feels so fuckin’ good right?”
DF: “I… yeah. It does… I… I want…”
P151: “Take ‘em off. He’s dripping and waiting for that mouth of yours. Ahhh fuck.”
DF: *slurp* *slurp* *gag*
P151: “Fuuuuuuuuck babe. Yeahhhhh. You’re a fuckin keeper, babe. Here, lemme just snap a lil something for later. Ugh, fuck that tongue is good.”
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P151: “Fuck yeah babe. We gon get you stoned as fuck. You’ll end up like me. Free, sexy, chill… we can hang, and jam, and fuck, and skate, and shred… ohhh fuck. Yeah, babe. This is gonna be fuckin’ sick.”
Day 9: 11:59 AM
Dr. Irving: “It is now day nine of trial 151 of strain XTQ. I am meeting with Dr. Ferrier on his lack of updates since day 3. I’m not pleased with his insubordination since that day. I am worried he has shut down the experiment prematurely. He is even now late to the meeting.”
*door opens*
DF: “Yo, Jenny! How’s it going?”
DI: “Uhm, Im sorry, who are you? How did you get in here? Dressed like that? Where is your shirt?
DF: “Hah, it’s me! Harry! I know you haven’t forgotten me!”
DI: “Harold? Harold Ferrier?”
DF: “You know it! What did you wanna see me about, boss lady?”
DI: “What on earth are you talking about? You’re not Harold Ferrier.”
DF: “You’re tripping, Jenny. And ya didn’t even share, what the fuck? Hah! Ayyy, Logan! Come meet Jenny!”
DI: “Who… wait… no. The subject… you can’t be…”
Last known photo of Dr. Harold Ferrier. Must be located and contained with Subject 151 at all costs.
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tenebraevesper · 2 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 57: Heat Wave
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''There's no time to be standing still, because there's something to be chasing after tomorrow. Nor to regret in that time, for night will soon fall. Living is like an unending race. It's the goal you can't see within your heart! Becoming the radiant wind, creating a storm that runs past the world! Gotta keep on running! You know I'm SONIC!''
– Just Call Me SONIC ~Mabushii Kaze ni Nare~ by Sonic X
''I can't believe I hadn't realized this before,'' Dr. Starline said, a little baffled by the conclusion he just came to. He walked over to the computer, typing something on it and scrolling through the displayed data. Behind him were purple-coloured Motobugs and Egg Pawns, all of them reprogrammed to serve him as he took over Egg Base Sigma without Dr. Eggman's knowledge, to the point of even painting his own logo on the wall.
He completely ignored his two companions who were standing at the entrance, leaned against the wall. Ferra and Metal Sonic exchanged glances, having brought Starline here and were now watching him slowly descending into his mad scientist era. Ferra had a good idea of what Starline was up to and decided not to interfere. She and Metal Sonic gave him a chance by saving his life, and now they would probably be watching him as he was slowly digging his own grave. Admittedly, it was possible that he could avoid his own fate, but that was up to him.
'We need to leave now. Dr. Eggman has requested our presence.' Metal Sonic looked up to Ferra, reminding her of their obligation.
''Yeah, I know,'' Ferra muttered, sighing. ''I really don't want to go outside, though.''
Metal Sonic understood her sentiment, as he knew that the weather outside was completely merciless, but he also knew that they couldn't leave the Doctor waiting.
Sonic took a deep breath, feeling the cold breeze as he was sitting right in front of a fan as it slowly swayed from one side to another. Tails was sitting next to him with a bucket of mint-flavored ice-cream, while Lucas and Warren were sitting behind them, with Warren trying to fix some kind of gadget.
''Honestly, I don't know whether you can even finish working on that cooling device,'' Lucas said, giving Warren a look of concern. ''It feels too hot to even think.''
''If I install this into the fan, it will blow cool air. Besides, I need to take responsibility for not paying attention to the weather forecast, since I would've known about this heat wave and finished it before it hits.''
''You can keep yourself cool in different ways,'' Tails pointed out, eating another spoonful of ice-cream. As much as he wanted to help Warren, he simply couldn't move due to how hot it was. He was certainly at a disadvantage by being covered in a fluffy amber pelt.
''Tails, you barely slept last night and we couldn't open the window due to the hot air. This is the least I can do,'' Warren replied. Tails smiled at him, happy that Warren cared so much about him, as well as feeling guilty that he couldn't do anything.
''When they said that there would be a heat wave, I didn't expect it to be this bad,'' Sonic said. ''It's too hot to even run around.''
''It must be driving you crazy to be unable to go anywhere during this heat,'' Tails said, giving Sonic a sympathetic look. Sonic just waved him off.
''Don't worry, little bro, I can handle staying in one place to cool down. Even though I am the coolest person around,'' Sonic said, rubbing his nose as he smug look formed on his expression.
''Shadow begs to differ,'' Lucas commented, with Sonic getting startled for a moment, only to give Lucas a sly look.
''That's still up to debate,'' Sonic told him, lifting his head to give off an air of superiority. ''But, I'll admit that Shadow is a close runner-up.''
''I think you're the coolest, Sonic,'' Tails said, him and Sonic fist-bumping. Lucas just sighed, deciding to not make any further comments. He knew that Sonic was being his usual self, showing a bit of his own ego, although he also suspected that the hedgehog secretly wanted to admit that Shadow was just as cool, but refused to do it so in public. It certainly amused Lucas a lot.
''Speaking of which, do you guys think Dr. Eggman is going to launch an attack?'' Lucas asked.
''Seriously? During this heat wave? He'd have to be mad to consider anything,'' Sonic said, quite confident that Eggman would lay low.
''Well, about the 'mad' part…'' Warren trailed off, with all four of them suddenly realizing that Eggman would be capable of doing something like that, imagining him doing a mad laugh as he destroyed Neos City. All four of them lowered their heads in exasperation.
''Let's hope that we didn't just jinx ourselves,'' Tails said.
Lucas, Sonic and Warren quickly nodded in agreement.
''Thanks again for having us over,'' Minami told Lily, with her, Amy, Makoto and Silver having been invited over to Lily and Knuckles' home, which had an air conditioner, keeping everyone cool. ''Honestly, I have no clue how we made it from Westoru to Eas without getting a heat stroke.''
''I guess you were lucky,'' Lily said, sipping the cold soda that had been served to everyone. They were currently at the living room, sitting and talking while enjoying the chilling air.
''I don't think it was that bad,'' Silver said, enjoying his drink. ''I experienced even worse heat waves back at my own timeline.'' There as a moment of sudden and uncomfortable silence, with everyone staring awkwardly at Silver. The grey hedgehog looked worried, glancing at his friends. ''D-Did I say anything wrong?''
''Don't worry, you didn't,'' Makoto assured him. ''We were just thinking how this is probably nothing compared to Neos City in the future. If one puts it like that, then there is no reason to complain about this heat wave considering how in the future, the city would be engulfed in fire.''
''Well, so far we're avoiding that from happening. Who knows, maybe there is no fire in the future,'' Amy said, giving Silver a kind smile.
''I hope that's the case,'' Silver replied, a bit relieved by their comfort.
''We don't know for certain,'' Knuckles spoke suddenly, drawing everyone's attention. ''However, as long as we eliminate Mephiles, things should be fine.''
''Right,'' Lily agreed. ''Speaking of which, do you know where they'd gone after your fight over the Chaos Emerald?''
Makoto and Silver shook their head, with Makoto adding, ''No, we just left the moment the Chaos Emerald was gone. We knew it would take a while to make it to Cosmo River, where the battle against Perfect Chaos would be, so we didn't really pay much attention to those two.''
Silver hummed, his eyes narrowing. ''I wonder if Mephiles was right, if it really was possible to use Dual Chaos Control to travel through space and time.''
''Even if it was possible, I don't think you should be taking advice from someone who destroyed your future,'' Knuckles pointed out. Silver just nodded in agreement.
''…but, thankfully, due to he intervention of a Good Samaritan, the toddler was saved from dying from a heat stroke,'' Midorikawa finished her report, the amateur footage of said rescue behind her vanishing. She then pointed at the car behind her, with Kero opening the door and taking out a thermometer. ''As you can see in our experiment, we had put this thermometer in the car only 10 minutes ago, and the temperature has already climbed rapidly past 40⁰C. Imagine being a little child, a baby or a toddler, or even a pet, and be left by your parent or owner in the car during such a heat.''
''It would be the same as being slowly cooked to death,'' Kero commented.
''Indeed. This is why the police is issuing a warning to everyone who decides to leave their child or pet inside the car during the summer months – you will get arrested for child endangerment and animal abuse. It doesn't matter if you decided to go for a quick run to the store or even your own house, nothing excuses leaving a helpless being in a vehicle that practically becomes an oven when left too long in the sun,'' Midorikawa added.
''Unfortunately, there are parents and pet owners who disregard that, thinking that it possibly couldn't happen to them,'' Touka commented. She and Shadow were at Club Rouge, sitting at the bar along with Rouge and Omega and watching the news broadcast on TV. The club had it's shutters pulled down, keeping the place dark, and the air conditioner was running, keeping it cold enough. Touka then continued, ''Kisaki had told us that she already had two cases of toddlers being rushed into the ER because they were dehydrated, overheated and suffered from a stroke, and she's furious because she knows that there will be more of this in the upcoming days.''
''Oh, my… You'd think parents would be more responsible,'' Rouge commented, taking a sip of her drink.
''Apparently, the father of one of the toddlers fought the police officer over this, only to get arrested,'' Shadow added.
''Justice was served,'' Omega concluded, only to add after a moment of pause, ''Allow me to rephrase – the father should've been locked into the car permanently. Then, the car should've been blown up.''
''You're absolutely right, Omega,'' Rouge said, smiling slightly. Despite being a former Badnik created to destroy everything in sight, even Omega knew that human life was fragile enough to be aware that this was an awful situation, even if he decided to go a bit too far in his idea of justice.
''Well, the good thing is that in these kinds of cases, one would be allowed to smash the window without getting into trouble, so long as the cops are told about what's going on,'' Touka pointed out, taking a sip of the soda. ''In any case, there isn't much to do. Even Solar Stadium had been closed for the day because of the heat wave.''
''It sounds to me like this is going to be a rather calm day,'' Rouge pointed out.
''Disappointment due to lack of action rising,'' Omega complained, sounding quite annoyed.
''All three of you should watch out what you're saying, or you might jinx yourselves,'' Shadow pointed out. ''The next crisis might be right around the corner.''
''You would be fine with that,'' Touka said in a snarky tone.
''Hmph, you know well that I had been trained to deal with extremes. I'd be fine fighting in this heat,'' Shadow replied in a confident tone.
''Right, and that's why you dragged the fan out of the closet downstairs and put it in our room this morning,'' Touka said, giving Shadow a knowing look.
''Tch, I was just looking out for you… Why are you giving me that look?'' Shadow narrowed his eyes, glaring at Touka, who just kept up the knowing look.
''It's nothing,'' Touka replied in a casual tone, acting innocently.
''I know there's something you want to tell me, so be honest,'' Shadow replied, only to grow more annoyed when Touka just shrugged.
''I have no clue what you're talking about,'' she replied, her plain tone irritating Shadow, as he knew that she was up to something. However, he decided to ignore her.
Rouge and Omega exchanged glances, a little confused by Touka's grin and Shadow's irritation. ''Do you have any clue what's going on?''
''Negative,'' Omega responded.
Ferra and Metal Sonic practically ran into the Egg Base, escaping the afternoon heat, with Ferra taking a deep breath of relief. ''Man, it's crazy hot outside. What the hell is up with today's weather?!''
'Despite the heat, you were summoned here,' Metal Sonic pointed out. 'Dr. Eggman refuses to take a break.'
''Yeah, unfortunately,'' Ferra sighed. ''Honestly, I'd rather be at home and take an nice and long nap. Oh, well… Duty calls, I guess. I wonder what the Doctor is up to this time.''
''Hello, Ferra, Metal Sonic. How are you doing?'' Orbot greeted the two at the entrance towards the main control room.
''It's too hot to do anything,'' Ferra replied. ''I just hope that Dr. Eggman won't be sending is into a battle at a day like this.''
''Well, I don't know what the Boss is up to, but he's waiting for both of you,'' Orbot said, pointing them into the nearby room. Deciding not to let their boss waiting, Ferra and Metal Sonic walked inside.
''Ah, Ferra, Metal Sonic, you're here just in time,'' Dr. Eggman said, having been checking something on the screen.
''So, what are we supposed to do this time?'' Ferra asked, placing her hands on her hips. ''Should we attack Team Neos directly or do you have a different kind of plan?''
''Actually, I have something else I wanted to do. In fact, I believe that Metal Sonic is due for an upgrade,'' Eggman told her. Ferra and Metal Sonic gave him a confused look.
''An upgrade? What do you mean?'' Ferra asked. Eggman pressed a button, showing off a video of Super Sonic.
''That blue rodent and his friends are growing stronger and stronger. Obviously, Chaos Surge won't be enough in the future, so giving Metal Sonic an upgrade that would allow him to get ahead of Sonic would be beneficial in the long run,'' Eggman explained. Ferra exchanged glances with Metal Sonic.
''Would you really be fine with going through it?'' Ferra asked.
'So long as it allows me to defeat Sonic, I'm ready,' Metal Sonic replied. Ferra nodded and turned back to Eggman.
''Metal Sonic is fine with it, although I would like to know what this upgrade actually is,'' Ferra replied. Eggman smirked, snapping his fingers, with the monitor showing the image of Metal Sonic, but having a new appearance.
There were several distinctive traits with his base form, such as black eyes with red irises, a similar torso with a rocket engine in the center, and the primary blue color with red shoes. However, there were also several differences that gave this form of Metal Sonic a distinct appearance. His head had five long quills as opposed to his regular three, with white stripes and markings around his eyes. The yellow color in his ears had been replaced with red and his once grey nose was now black. He also possessed more pronounced body armor, with black and curved shoulder plates, larger gauntlets and leg armor with pointy kneecaps that had white outlines, a plate covering his pelvis and elf-like shoes. He also sported a spiky belt with a black cape that protruded out of the back of his waist.
Ferra's eyes widened in stunned surprise. ''Hey, that's…''
''Neo Metal Sonic.'' Eggman kept grinning, pushing his glasses back as they gleamed. ''I'd prefer to have Neo Metal Sonic on my side this time rather than get imprisoned.''
Ferra snorted in amusement, knowing well aware what Eggman was referencing. She then smirked. ''Having Metal Sonic transform into Neo Metal Sonic would give us a necessary boost in power.''
'Would it be a permanent transformation?' Metal Sonic suddenly asked.
''Huh, a permanent transformation? Well, I don't know…'' Ferra trailed off.
''It won't be permanent,'' Eggman said, understanding the nature of their conversation. ''This form would need to be manually triggered, but it would provide you with a lot of power. I was currently working on a way to ensure that you would be able to trigger the transformation on your own.''
''Great,'' Ferra replied happily, with Metal Sonic nodding, only to turn to Ferra when she had an additional question. ''Wait, what about Metal Overlord?''
''Unfortunately, Metal Overlord requires very specific data for it to occur. To grow stronger, Metal Sonic would obviously need to the data of strong opponents, and while we know where to find that, it would still be too much of a hassle. Although, I will make sure that, if Metal Sonic does attain the data, he would be able to trigger the transformation immediately,'' Eggman explained.
''I see… Then, let's go for it!'' Ferra said in a confident tone.
'Sonic won't know what hit him,' Metal Sonic added, feeling just as confident.
''However, it will take a while for me to complete this task,'' Eggman told the two. ''Especially since I had been planning on launching an attack on Team Neos.''
Ferra groaned. ''I should've seen that coming. Look, Doctor, it is way too hot to be doing anything right now. Could we at least wait until the heat wave has lessened in the evening?''
''Don't worry, you won't have to do anything,'' Eggman told her, feeling a little irked, with Ferra and Metal Sonic looking genuinely surprised. ''As a matter of fact, I wanted to take advantage of this heat wave and use a new robot I had been working on.''
''If that's so, then go ahead. They probably won't be able to fight due to the heat,'' Ferra said.
''That's the point,'' Eggman replied.
''I think this should work,'' Warren said, connecting the device to the fan, with Lucas, Sonic and Tails enjoying the cool air flowing through the fan. ''There, this feels better, doesn't it?''
''Yeah, it is much better,'' Lucas said, glancing at Sonic and Tails, who inched closer to the fan, agreeing with the sentiment. He then opened the holographic screen on his AR Visor.
''What are you doing?'' Sonic asked, leaning over as he looked curiously at the screen.
''I was just checking whether there are any news about aggressive Irregulars or Eggman attacking,'' Lucas told him. ''Frankly, I don't believe that Eggman wouldn't try to do something. After all, I'm sure that he is somewhere in Neos City.''
''What do you mean by that?'' Tails asked.
''Lucas actually wanted to figure out where Eggman's main base is and he believes that it is somewhere in Neos City,'' Sonic explained, turning to Lucas. ''However, so far, you haven't found any trace of his whereabouts.''
''I know, but that doesn't meant that I should stop searching. It would be much easier if we knew where exactly Dr. Eggman is,'' Lucas replied.
''I'm fine with not knowing,'' Sonic replied in a blunt tone, much to everyone's surprise. ''I mean, Eggman launches an attack, we defeat him, he runs off, we celebrate. I don't think there is any reason for us to know where he's hiding and go after him.''
''You're too relaxed about this,'' Tails commented in a dry tone. Sonic just waved him off casually.
''Nah, Eggman's just predictable,'' he replied.
''That, and you have plot armour,'' Lucas added in a snarky tone, with Tails and Warren snorting at the comment, only to start laughing.
''Yeah, that makes sense,'' Tails said, still laughing as he glanced at Sonic, who also found the whole thing amusing.
''I don't have plot armour, I'm just the best at the thing I do,'' Sonic bragged.
''What the- Eggman?!'' Sonic leapt on his feet and quickly dashed outside, only to feel as if he got punched by the heat, the air around him feeling heavy. To his amazement, the quiet suburban afternoon was interrupted by a huge mech piloted by none other than Dr. Eggman. Sonic sighed, with Lucas, Tails and Warren joining him. ''You know, I had been hoping he wouldn't try to fight us in this heat. I guess he's just that mad.''
''That's the Death Egg Robot, but it kinda looks different,'' Lucas pointed out, recognizing the mech, albeit with a blue and silver colour scheme. ''I have a bad feeling about this.''
''So do I,'' Sonic said, stretching his arms. ''Let's destroy it before the heat gets to us.'' He then rushed ahead, trying to ignore the heat as best as he could and stopped right in front of the mech. ''Yo, Egghead! Why are you here? It's a bit too hot to fight right now! Can't you come back some other time?''
''Oh, don't worry about me, you pesky rodent! The new and improved Death Egg Robot is equipped with a cooling system that keeps the temperature quite pleasant, so I can fight however I want regardless of the heat outside,'' Eggman bragged, with Sonic frowning. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he did envy the Doctor, considering he could feel the heat radiating from the pavement he was standing on.
''Luckily, I'm capable of keeping a cool head at all times, so- agh!'' Sonic leapt to the side, almost getting hit with a huge snowball from one of the Death Egg Robot's arm cannons. ''Dude! I wasn't done with my speech!''
''I don't care!'' Eggman snarled, with Sonic being forced to avoid more snowballs. ''Now stand still, Hedgehog!''
''Not a chance!'' Sonic dashed around the street, only to feel a sudden sense of dizziness overwhelming him, followed by a headache. He really wanted to end this fight as soon as possible, but it felt like someone was hitting his head with a hammer constantly. He slowed down, realizing that his own body was shutting down, only to get hit by a snowball.
''Ha, I got him!'' Eggman gloated, watching the pile of snow on the street, with Sonic popping his head out of it, shivering and hugging himself.
''S-So cold… Achoo!'' Sonic sneezed, his body feeling as if a truck hit him and dropped a tank of icy water all over him. He could feel his arms and legs growing numb, only for someone to grab him and drag him out of the snow.
''Are you okay?'' Lucas asked him, with Sonic feeling the temperature suddenly change from freezing to hot once more as he was pulled onto the heated pavement.
''Honestly, I don't know whether Eggman wants me to die from heat exposure or cold exposure,'' Sonic replied, still shivering. He then shook his quills, getting the snow out of them and tried to warm up, only to feel faint.
''You should take it easy,'' Warren told him.
''Unfortunately, I don't have the liberty to take it easy,'' Sonic replied, trying to ignore the pounding headache. He then rushed towards the mech, curling into a ball and spin attacking it, with the Death Egg Robot taking a direct hit, even getting pushed back, only for Sonic to uncurl as he felt a searing pain in his back.
''Agh, hot, hot, hot! How long did that thing stand in the sun?!'' he cried out in pain, quickly flopping over into the melting pile of snow to cool down.
Eggman rose an eyebrow, having to admit that he didn't expect for the casing of the mech to get heated so fast, but then he grinned. If that was the case, then Sonic couldn't touch him at all. ''How the tables have turned! You are too fatigued due to the heat and cold, and now you can't even attack me without seriously burning yourself. Defeating you will be easy!''
Sonic's eyes widened when a claw grabbed him and lifted him up. Fortunately, the claws weren't as hot as the outer casing, but it was certainly uncomfortable being held like this.
''Hohoho, now you're at my mercy!'' Eggman continued to gloat, bringing Sonic closer to the window, where the hedgehog could see the Doctor's victorious expression. ''Any last words before I turn you into an popsicle?''
''Actually, I do,'' Sonic said, giving a confused Eggman a nonchalant gaze. ''If you turn me into a popsicle, what flavour am I going to be? I hope it's a chili dog flavour.''
''Your big mouth won't save you from this-'' Eggman suddenly stopped when he saw Tails fly up to the claw, his eyes now glowing and amber energy sparking around him. He placed his hand on the mech's arm, causing it to malfunction and release Sonic, whom he had grabbed.
''You're right, Egghead! Maybe I can't rely on my quips, but I can always rely on my friends!'' Sonic replied, with Tails chuckling, while Eggman just growled furiously. He was about to fire another snowball at them, only for the whole robot to suddenly stop moving as a pulse of energy covered it, shutting it down.
''What? How?!'' Eggman tried to frantically turn on the robot, only to see Lucas and Warren flying past on Lucas' hoverboard, with Warren still being powered up thanks to the Chaos Surge. Both teenagers just waved at him in amusement, leaving the Doctor seething. Apparently, one could cook an actual egg on his bald head due to just how angry he was. He started rummaging through the consoles, trying his best to get the robot back online, or at least turn the manual controls on. Unfortunately for Eggman, things weren't as easy as he thought, and he could feel the heat rising inside the mech, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Finally, he slammed the console in anger. ''Damn it!'' He then pushed another button, opening the top of the Death Egg Robot and flying out in the Egg Mobile, only to get hit with a heat wave the moment he as outside the mech. He then quickly started typing, grinning as the Death Egg Robot finally started to move. However, just as he got his hopes up, he heard the dreaded shout of ''Chaos Surge!''.
Eggman's expression fell when he saw a blue streak slamming through the Death Egg Robot, leaving the mech in pieces. Despite wanting to curse the hedgehog, Eggman could feel the heat getting to him, and realizing that things were over, he flew away.
''Huh? I'm surprised that he just up and left,'' Sonic said, de-powering as he joined Lucas, Tails and Warren. Fortunately for him, the Chaos Surge did allow him to handle the heat a little better.
''I guess that once the Death Egg Robot's power system was down, even Eggman couldn't handle the heat,'' Tails said, with Sonic giving him a thumbs up.
''You know, maybe the attack wasn't such a bad idea,'' Sonic said, kicking the snow he was standing on. ''The temperature is just right now.''
''Yeah, but I'd rather go back inside,'' Tails replied.
''Agreed.'' Sonic nodded, with the group leaving, hoping that the afternoon would pass without more conflicts.
Blaze the Cat slumped in her seat as an assistant brought over more papers to the office she and her partner, the imperial princess Sana Jai, had been sharing. Sana picked up the papers, quickly reading through them.
''We have more and more pirate sightings, some of which are ARNavs and others which are… robots?'' Sana rose an eyebrow. Normally, her parents would handle such matter, but considering how she was the partner of the Blazing Guardian, the protector of the Surya Empire, she insisted on helping Blaze as much as she could. That had also included her investigating the pirate raids, mainly those caused by Irregulars as their navy could handle the human ones.
Blaze sighed tiredly. ''I need to call Marine and ask her whether the ship had been repaired. We'll have to head out as soon as possible to deal with this.''
''Right,'' Sana said, with Blaze giving her a hesitant look, only for a look of confidence to appear on Sana's expression. ''We both agreed that we would work together to stop the raids, didn't we?''
''We did,'' Blaze muttered. ''I still can't believe that you had actually managed to learn how to use Chaos Surge.''
''It's because I have a partner I can trust, as well as friends who gave me advice on how to use it,'' Sana replied, only to pause for a moment. ''Honestly, I kind of wish they were here. We could really use Team Neos' help with this.''
''Didn't Minami and Amy send us a message about fighting a water deity named Chaos, which left part of Neos City in ruins?'' Blaze brought up. ''I'm sure they're busy with their own problems.''
''I guess, but still, asking them whether they'd want to visit us wouldn't hurt,'' Sana pointed out. ''If they're too busy with protecting Neos City, they can decline.''
Blaze sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. ''If you want to do that, go ahead.'' She then looked up. ''Normally, I would be against it, as this is our duty and we shouldn't be dragging anyone to do our work, but knowing how capable Sonic, Lucas and their friends are, we might benefit from their help.''
''I'll send them a message immediately,'' Sana said, rushing off.
Blaze smiled, leaning back in the seat and taking a deep breath. Despite her reservations, she was looking forward to seeing Team Neos again.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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b4rk1ng-l0t · 2 years
TMC Timeline
I'm not including anything before Mark's birth. Aside from that, lmk if I'm missing anything or somethings wrong.
July 24— Mark is born
?- Thatcher is most likely born this decade
MandelaTech is formed, US Department of unforeseen temporal phenomena too
95% increase in MAD cases
January 18th— Adam is born in Mandela
March 7-- Jonah is born
?— Eve is most likely born
?-- Sarah is born when Mark is 15
Population: 19,867
June 8— Jude and Lynn married
Population: 19,465
Population: 14,763
April 4— Thatcher’s and Ruth’s promotion, Thatcher is in his twenties
April 18- Car passes through Mandela/Yonder border numerous times within 11 days
August 29— Jude and Lynn divorced
August 30— Pictures of window (exhibition)
September 13-15— Mark and Cesar. Mark died on the 15 (Sarah is 3)
September 14— Adam is tested at 4
September 21— Mark's body was discovered
?— Intruder Alert takes place. Alternate(?) Jude calls Ruth and Thatcher. Ruth is killed and Thatcher gets an alternate (N). 
?- Vol 5 takes place over the span of two-ish days. Jude joins the Midwestern Relocation Services to evacuate/start a new life. He talks with Dr. Williamson about his medication, Timoril. Alternate Thatcher swings by to ask about the TV. Jude later declines the vehicle picking him up much to Dr. Williamson's dismay. Jude then hallucinates a preacher-like alternate closing in on him.
Population: 5,024
March— Newspeak issue ("Off duty mandela officers withhold information about alternate invasion")
Population: 2,403
July 3— Post created for Mandela Meerkats vs Brighton Bunnies soccer game on the 21st (old Mandela police site leak)
July 24— Sarah recorded the message on mandelapolice.com
November 12— Post is created about Mandela’s population decrease (old Mandela police site leak)
Population: 2,069
US Department of Temporal Phenomena releases "Know Your Enemy-A guide on alternate types as of 2005"
Population: 1,786
June 11— Sarah advertises BPC
Population: 1,687
July 10— Adam is added to BPC, and it becomes BPS! Adam makes the first entry in his diary
July 14— Adam shows Sarah the first piece of footage
July 15— Adam and Sarah watch the green hand video. Adam makes his next diary entry about this
July 17— Adam finds Jonah online
Population: 1,687
Population: 1,347
June 24— Thatcher accepts Eve into department. (I'm not sure if this part is still canon to the series because it doesnt really line up with Vol 4 and Alex had taken the video down)
August 14— Adam's 3rd diary entry about sleep paralysis
Population: 1,075
Soccer game video and Mymovie.mp4 (no longer canon)
(Winter break) Jan 10-13— Volume 2. Takes them a day to arrive.
Jan 13-- Jonah leaves and offs himself. Adam eventually leaves the house, and walks through snow until he finds the van
Past Jan 13— Sarah and Adam talk about Jonah
Jan 14- Dave's death at Gabriel Church (church Sarah and Mark went to) is reported on Channel 3. His death was around midnight. Nurses talk about him later in the evening.
Jan 15— Adam's 4th diary entry about waking up and hearing his screams from the van. It makes him feel bad
Jan ?- Adam goes all 'Preacher Mode' on Eve. Sarah eventually contacts her asking about him.
Jan 16- Thatcher drives out to Werksha at 1:57 and finds Adam in his home at 2:21. Adam starts screaming (and Thatcher does too from MAD). At 4, he drives him to the station and comforts questions him. Meanwhile, Sarah hacks into the security cameras and watches this go down.
(Last edit: June 25, 2024)
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monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Titan History: The Awakened Gods
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we embark on the undertaking of rounding off the remaining handful of Titans known to have been awakened by Monster Zero in 2019. Currently, the Monarch database does not hold enough information on each Titan to warrant giving them their own entries, whether due to digital sabotage, loss of data amid containment breaches, or some other cause.
If more data does resurface, we will act accordingly and revisit these Titans as is relevant, but for now, let us round off the remaining Awakened Gods.
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(Pictured above: Part of a global Titan map, containing the locations of outposts and the name of the Titan they are studying)
This list will be compiled based on numerical order of Monarch outposts.
Titanus Leviathan
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(Pictured above: Infamous 1933 photo of the Loch Ness Monster, possibly the first notable sighting of Leviathan)
Formerly contained within Outpost 49, Leviathan was found within Loch Ness, Scotland by Monarch. This Titan gets its name from the aquatic counterpart to Titanus Behemoth from the Hebrew Bible.
Titanus Quetzalcoatl
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(Pictured above: A stone carving of Quetzalcoatl, found on a temple in Teotihuacan, Mexico)
Formerly contained within Outpost 57, Quetzalcoatl was found within Machu Piccu, Peru. This Titan gets it name from a feathered Aztec serpent god.
Titanus Sekhmet
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(Pictured above: Depiction of Sekhmet in ancient Egyptian artwork)
Formerly contained in Outpost 65, Sekhmet was found in Cairo, Egypt. This Titan gets its name from the Egyptian goddess of medicine.
Titanus Baphomet
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(Pictured above: A statue of Baphomet flanked by two children, unveiled at the Satanic Temple in 2015)
Formerly contained in Outpost 68, Baphomet was found in Volubilis, Morocco. This Titan got its name from a perversion of the name of the prophet Mohammed, later associated with a goat-like diety in the 19th Century with ties to Satan.
Titanus Mokele-Mbembe
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(Pictured above: Recovered footage from Outpost 75, showing Mokele-Mbembe's escape obscured by smoke, circa. 2019)
Titanus Mokele-Mbembe, formerly contained in Outpost 75, in Jebel Barkal, Sudan, got its name from a water-dwelling diety in the Congo River Basin, later becoming popularly depicted as a sauropod-like cryptid in the 20th Century.
In reality, the Titan is a massive quadrupedal beast with a snake-like tail, a head much like a hairless elephant, with jaws that open like a crocodile's, a horn atop its head that glows a faded green, and downward-facing tusks.
When Monster Zero awoke the world's Titans, the director of Outpost 75, Dr. Kearns, refused to kill the Titan under the belief that the military just wanted an excuse to kill the Titans. Mokele-Mbembe killed most of the outpost's staff upon its escape, pulling some into its mouth with its trunk. Upon reaching the surface, Mokele-Mbembe battled Monarch forces and the Egyptian military before being pacified by the ORCA.
Titanus Abbadon
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(Pictured above: Artistic depiction of Abbadon battling Christian, from The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan)
Formerly contained in Outpost 77, Abbadon was found in the Devil's Tower, Wyoming. This Titan got its name from a place of destruction, the 'sister location' to Hell (Sheol), a name later used for an angel who commanded an army of locusts in the Book of Revelations.
Titanus Yamata no Orochi
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(Pictured above: A woodblock print of the storm god Susanoo slaying Yamata no Orochi, by Toyohara Chikanobou)
Formerly contained within Outpost 91, Yamata no Orochi was found by Monarch in Mount Fuji, Japan. This Titan gets its name from an 8-headed serpent from Japanese mythology.
While the only current footage relating to Yamata no Orochi shows its outpost collapsing from the Titan's escape, it is known that the Titan had attacked a cruise ship in Japanese waters before being pacified by the ORCA. The Titan has been reported by one account to also have multiple heads.
Titanus Typhon
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(Pictured above: Depiction of Zeus aiming a thunderbolt at Typhon, upon a black-figured hydria, circa. 540-530 BC)
Formerly contained within Outpost 92, Typhon was found within Angkor Watt, Cambodia. This Titan gets its name from a serpentine giant from Greek mythology, the father of monsters.
A member of Monarch's primary mythology department, Greg Keyes, had lost vital information regarding Typhon during the Titan's awakening in 2019. To this day, he still working to retrieve this data from a corrupted database.
Titanus Bunyip
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(Pictured above: Artistic depiction of Bunyip in 1935, by Gerald Markham Lewis)
Formerly contained in Outpost 99, Bunyip was found by Monarch within Uluru (Ayer's Rock), Australia. This Titan gets its name from a swamp-dwelling creature in South Australian aboriginal folklore.
And there you go! We apologise for being unable to provide much more information on these Titans, but rest assured we are hard at work scouring our databases and working to recover what we can so that we can provide more detailed accounts in future.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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what’s important in marble hornets is that entry 23 has the classic scooby doo hallway doors gag
77 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
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🏳️‍🌈 🐠 🌈 finphasis
105 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
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See the full post
137 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
i love the bmc bway decision for jeremy’s look. they were like hey cmere. put on this oversized sweater it’s so big on you and goes past your wrists. here fluff up your hair. he looks like he’s like fourteen when he’s supposed to be all of sixteen. they were like you’re baby. we’re putting jere bear in the damn script. tysm
148 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ummmm princess tutu post here where the starting point / inspiration is “romance doesn’t particularly matter here lbr” which honestly is further inspired as a counterpoint re seeing occasional mention of like oh it’s Thematically Relevant that ahiru realizes she’s Not actually in love w/mytho b/c like, tl;dr it’s not really imo, when her having a crush at the start of things was always Kind Of beside the point. bring your mytho appreciation and/or willingness for that perspex to be illuminated & know that this will have plenty of tangents b/c it’s me & b/c already it’s like, this has to build on how there’s that essential theme throughout the series of Hope vs Despair as opposites. in fact, spoilers, idk this post is me getting down things i was just Thinking Through while trying to fall back asleep earlier, it’s like, the Hope overlaps with Love so much that it’s like, it might be Essentially the same around here. and i don’t know, maybe in actual life too, see you next week for poetry hour, but for now here’s a cut where i just really start going off on Ideas
anyways like whenever people are going like “people’s roles in pt are subverted and changed & they have to fight against them sometimes” it’s like Yeah but then when an example given is like “ahiru being In Love w/The Prince was Assigned to her & her Questioning that is a key part of the self acceptance & defiance needed to avoid tragedy” like No, again it really never mattered how much she was or wasn’t in love with him in like, a [becoming the princess] endgame romance soulmates way, b/c it was always about her having this genuine love for him that really didn’t hinge on that. and Questioning whether she wants to be with him is really more a matter of drosselmeyer having this shallow understanding / disinterest in the feelings & motivations of his own characters, when a) those characters are Real People (in their world. of course in Real Reality these are all fictional characters) and b) he just wants One Conclusion that’s as tragic as possible for fun, so saying like oh the princess marries the prince, the knight protects the prince, etc, as these simple but high stakes asserted goals for everyone’s roles, is conducive to that
like it’s right there in the first scene like, ahiru’s talking about wanting to dance a pas de deux with the prince, which is certainly potentially romantic, and it’s not like a secret once she’s human that she does Like him, but even then, once she does Sort Of get such a moment when mytho dances with her in the Fire Festival episode deal, she’s excited about having danced with him herself but a) is more substantially excited that Mytho Wanted To Do Something and did it, and then later b) isn’t bothered about him dancing with rue instead. and in that first scene, although she originally says she’d give her life for the chance to dance w/the prince, she also says he looks sad/lonely, and that’s what she repeats later and builds on to say that she’d give her life just to help him on that front in some way, which makes drosselmeyer appear again. drosselmeyer needs princess tutu to also want to restore mytho’s heart so that the story can reach a conclusion, rather than kraehe being fine with him having no heart if it means she can have him, while he wants tutu to also confess her love so that there can be that tragic ending for her, so wanting to generally help but also be with the prince would seem like the key elements to who should get to be tutu out here, while of course for ahiru she does actually want to help him more than she wants to Be With Him in the first place. it’s evident again in the season one finale wherein she does For Intents And Purposes confess her love through dance, but that love is also tied to, again, just wanting him to have his heart back and be Able to dance with her or do anything else, whereas kraehe’s love can’t reach mytho because her approach is a destructive and controlling one about trying to possess him as a Concept of the prince who should be with her as the princess. whereas tutu is like yeah i want you to have your heart back, and then if that meant you wanted to dance with me that’d be cool. and that when they Do dance together afterwards it’s sure Able to serve as an ending, but doesn’t need anyone to really more directly declare Love or eternal togetherness or anything, it’s all good b/c mytho has his heart back (i mean, he doesn’t, but only when there’s Definitely a season two, b/c otherwise you could believe that Love was the final piece. and even if you don’t you could just presume tutu kept doing her thing until he was good to go)
anyways and then season two when there’s like more blatant will they won’t they with her and fakir which, maybe unsurprising disclaimer that that just falls flat for me lmfao b/c a) i think their unfolding dynamic is fun re being friends and a team but everything else just feels kind of tacked on to that wherein also b) idk it never really seems to affect what ahiru does in any especial way lol which would potentially make it more interesting if she did. but otherwise it’s like well great job morally supporting each other out here, fakir’s having antics on his end, but other implications of like “ooh...romance???” are like idk, it just doesn’t do anything for me, and in the end, Again we don’t need any unambiguous answer when it’s like, we’re talking about accepting True Selves and not needing to worry about being alone and then that means hanging out with a duck on a lake, doesn’t really Need to be asked like, is this guy in Love with that duck? when again the love is There between all these characters and drives them already and any potential for romance is, if anything, just kinda like the bonus layer after everything else has already served as adequate motivation all around
anyways i have to go ahead and link it to Hope wherein like. it ends up firmly established that tutu is literally this embodiment of hope, which saves the day in the series finale, so that’s Relevant. and then the raven is embodying despair, but beyond like wanting to destroy the prince and all, that involves people not being able to be themselves, and having to give up on getting to be themselves, and we see from the raven himself and from the people who stand in for the raven / as that antagonist (so kraehe and/or raven mytho) that the general approach to interactions that aren’t just “im gonna kill you” are about trying to control someone, and possibly also still being like “im gonna kill you” but as a less imminent threat, or even “haha yeah you should also kill me, go for it” possibly, re mytho when his jumping in for episodic antagonist lets kraehe’s material become more about her as rue again, and her obviously feeling pretty hopeless with this new context like oh, also, she thinks the prince and kind of also the raven are the only people who even Could possibly love her, b/c of the raven. 
meanwhile there’s also drosselmeyer who wants characters to have enough hope to continue the story and to provide Setup for the later tragedy, but also wants them to be able to despair at the Correct time (namely, the Ending, when tragedy is great / players dropping out of the narrative is fine) and all these characters are dealing with their stories being controlled by someone who does want to push things towards more tragedy. which like, surely Not Very Coincidental overlap of tragedy, despair, and control there. drosselmeyer has a degree of control over everything, though it seems More direct the more people are getting into the “staged” zones, or say, being in his clockwork puppets behind the scenes world, whereas edel’s function was to try to exist within the world and direct the story the way drosselmeyer wanted it to go, rather than him just being able to do it himself (or necessarily Wanting to do it himself, since he’s just here to be entertained, and even if he Could write it all into reality, seems he might instead be letting it play out w/o more interference b/c that’s more fun for him), but we see even through edel, who’s entirely a puppet rather than a person and definitely has never had a heart in the first place, that she still manages to become interested in and understand more about emotions and arguably have them herself, since she ends up having motivations in conflict with drosselmeyer’s and takes actions he didn’t direct, and if that goes for her, it has to go for his created characters turned real people, too, even when, say, they don’t have their heart
which idk i’m making up segues as we go here, but at the start, you have people who see mytho as a Concept and how he has a role in whatever role they imagine for themselves. like rue seeing him as the prince to her princess, or fakir being threatened by his being the prince to his knight, and their sort of begrudging alliance when neither of them want mytho to have his heart restored b/c rue knows he could wind up with someone else and fakir knows if the story could possibly resume, as the knight, he’d have to die. yet they both see mytho as enough of a person to also want to protect him, which is sure a manifestation of love that we see around here. but that protection also involves control: they both control what mytho gets to do, when they know that otherwise anyone Else could potentially direct him around, b/c mytho can’t know what he wants or doesn’t want to do, but he would if he had his heart. which they Can’t return, b/c apparently only tutu can do that, and evidently drosselmeyer hasn’t tried to give either of them the ability to return it, but even before it’s started to be returned they’re both decidedly Against that happening. and when they do realize it’s being returned, you have rue taking that role as kraehe and doing everything she does trying to stop tutu or tell mytho about how he Has to be with her, and just kind of shove fakir out of the way if he’s trying to interfere with the latter, while he’ll Also get in on trying to stop tutu, and while when push comes to shove he won’t really try to oppose mytho once mytho tells him what he does or doesn’t want, it takes a minute to get there, and his approaches to trying to stop mytho from regaining his heart are the classics like, tell him he sucks all the time, lashing out like hitting him that once, the “if i lock him in a dark room forever that’ll be so depressing it’ll just make him stop having feelings” effort lmao like it’s not gonna work....instances of the connection drawn between control & despair like, thinking of someone acting out of despair as, say, despairing of their being any other options for themself. which someone else can try to push them into by telling them there’s no other option / trying to put them in a situation where they seemingly have no other options
and it’s interesting how it’s not only like oh Despair / thinking you have no options is only something antagonists engage in, because we can say it’s in the choice to Self Sacrifice as a way to protect others, which comes up a lot, for example, mytho’s drive to protect defenseless things as a quality that motivates him even when he has no emotions. and you have the finales where, in both cases, fakir has to figure out how to fight anyways (and the second time around is inspired to risk tapping into his Author Powers again b/c he’s aware of how everyone’s been protecting him, like mytho managing to stop his dramatic Evil Self from just killing fakir w/a sword lol), and the first time around tutu’s supposed to see no other option but to save mytho by confessing her love and thus vanishing into a point of light, but she trusts in her own feelings and thus herself and refuses to give up, in the series finale, it’s rue who sacrifices herself by confessing love (which now manifests as her desperate to save mytho from the raven rather than her standing in for the raven, when she was willing to control him just so she could possess him, whereas now it’s been made entirely obvious to her where that approach wound up) and ahiru has to again face down despair, but then brings in Hope in the end for everyone else’s sake even when it seems she has no options b/c she seemingly can’t do anything. fakir won’t give up writing even when it seems he can’t do anything (and is told that), mytho won’t give up by shattering his heart again and figuring he can only die in the end even after defeating the raven, and ahiru’s apparently like summoned some form of the original tutu via all this Hope, wherein it’s sure interesting how original tutu apparently Also self sacrificed but did successfully give the prince hope in the process, because people are considering the self sacrifices in the first place to protect others, who in turn might try to stop them from doing that to protect Them, and that means creating other options / convincing them of other options
so tutu is out here sure creating options for mytho by returning his heart, and the reward in this for her is all about helping him and seeing him getting to be more of himself again and exercise his agency. which is so genuinely important to her that she also was ready to give up returning his heart / being tutu at all when she thought she was only hurting him and that he might not even want his heart returned; and that returns again in the next season when she again can’t know if he wants his heart back b/c he again can’t be his full self to communicate the answer one way or another, but she’s realized that she’s had a piece of his heart with her all along and that that being the source of her power to return his heart means that regaining his heart was always a genuine desire of mytho’s and why they should risk everything now to restore his heart in full when they don’t know that’ll go great. and at that point it’s obvious that rue no longer acts on her love through the Despair angle of thinking that her only option is him loving her, so she can only accept his loving her being His only option too, thus trying to control what he does so she can own him; now rue is acting out of hope, encouraged by tutu, where even if she can’t see it working out she knows that acting on that despair Isn’t The Way and is now trying, even as distantly as this, to work with mytho’s genuine self and what he wants, even just trying to let him exist again, really
and it feels like all the Birds all over the place might have to do with the freedom and creation in hope vs stifling and limitations via despair, what with flying and all, not to mention one intro being about the fairy tale with someone who wants their Magical Winged Lover to be guaranteed to stay with them, so magically removes her wings, but the wings were the source of her life, so she dies. it’s like kraehe with mytho in season one, where by trying to control him / remove his freedom she can technically be with him by virtue of like, yes, he’s physically present, but she can’t actually engage with him as a person nor he with her in turn because, as i’ve just remembered, her ripping away his feeling of Love while kissing him just shuts down his access to his emotions again, which is sure Something, tap into some [metaphorical trauma response?] if you want maybe....she can’t truly be with him as a person, with any actual relationship, when her efforts at getting there via the despair/control route are incompatible with him getting to actual exist and live as his full self, even if he’s technically physically there, she can’t truly just Have Him like that....meanwhile, mytho has this affinity for / connection with birds, he saves that canary chick who’s trying to fly in the first episode (and Does manage to fly when tutu also steps in to save them both), and ahiru is also actually a bird (who can fly a bit but seems to struggle with that) while tutu appears to others as either a swan or a figure with wings for arms (which might be tutu’s Original form as well), and ahiru as a girl is already out here supporting mytho as a person so that in that moment that’s just like, Scream, there’s that instance in the first episode of season two where he says that ahiru is like his bff and the person he feels he can trust most? or i think what he says is she’s the one person he feels he can tell anything. and then never knowingly interacts with her again lmao like scream....but the fact that Relationship is established even without him knowing she’s tutu where he still feels like yeah i can trust this person with my heart too, in essence. and to tie this back to the Ostensible premise of all this lmfao, it’s clearly not particularly outright Romantic, but that really doesn’t matter, and when he eventually at least realizes tutu is like, a duck, obviously he has no negative reaction to that whatsoever like yknow what, sure, who Isn’t kind of a bird, god bless you
anyways i think it’s sure neat how like. sure maybe only a few people know mytho’s literally a fairytale prince with literally no heart, and everyone else just thinks he’s like kind of weird / mysterious, but ahiru notes he doesn’t seem to be happy / seems lonely and she hopes(tm) she can help change that, and soon embraces knowingly returning his heart, even though she could’ve taken the route of going yeah oh since he Can’t want anything, why both returning it, if his current experiences Can’t upset him, why try to give him anything else.....she sees him as a person from the start, and wants him to have as much ability to want and enjoy things as possible, whatever he chooses to do with that. Couldn’t Be Me when ppl think mytho’s just boring or he’s basically not a person like, well again in reality none of them are people b/c they’re characters, but in that world like, even with yes him being technically a character There, drosselmeyer’s creations Are just real people, where even the actual puppets can gain autonomy and have wants and feelings of their own, and ahiru was sure always able to treat edel like a person, too
running out of steam here lmfao & i always of course take long pauses in writing these so remembering what was going on takes even more effort lol but as a fun postscript like galaxy brain of autistic appreciators of mytho lmao like, that’s me, it’s Fascinating like again i don’t think [oh boring] about him not having feelings, i think that’s interesting & fun of him lmfao. and of course it’s not about like oh autistic people Can’t feel anything, or that they even feel any less, any more than it’s about autistic people all being fictional princes who can summon a swan sword and defeat the raven or anything. but it’s like, thinking of people being seen as Not Expressive Enough and how that must mean they don’t have feelings (and the fact like also mytho sure does Have the capacity for those feelings, and there’s even some ambiguity about whether those feelings are still Active while separated from him / affected by things that are happening to him, but he just can’t draw from that at all until its returned) or those feelings are like, diminished / deficient. also thinking of, i forget the word for it, difficulty identifying what you’re feeling, wherein you know it’s like, being autistic where people misinterpret how you’re expressing yourself or a lack of some particular expected/desired manifestation of expression, and react (negatively) to that misinterpretation (thinking of like. all the times people around mytho are reacting to misinterpretations about him and his intentions and feelings. second episode where mytho hasn’t had a single heart shard returned yet, but already is getting hit by someone b/c while he’s giving No Reaction and expressing No Emotion b/c he can’t feel anything yet, she’s reading this like desire to sabotage her / disdain for her into it) and people being left to wonder if They’re the one misinterpreting their own emotions / ways they’re expressing it when nobody else is recognizing this or responding to that, and rather asserting they must be acting on some xyz other emotion actually....and all this pushback as mytho Is exploring his own genuine emotions and trying to act on his own genuine wants and interests even while other people are like what no, that’s ridiculous, cut it out, etc, and being shocked & surprised when he does show some open expression of [whatever emotion] like, king of not masking lmao. thinking of how i could surprise ppl with the most mundane things like “i think basketball is fun” like i have a zillion opinions & things i can talk abt & i’m fairly spontaneous & excitable & theatrical & talkative as hell but like the “default” or safe approach i have has none of that and people will then just assume like oh if it’s not being shared with me in a way that seems obvious enough or expressed Naturally / Correctly Enough, it must not be there at all. and ahiru just seeing mytho as a person in the first place and gaining the ability to Help Him Be Himself because of that. i think it’s soooo neat and i love that funky little guy, again s/o to the wisdom of autistically enjoying mytho as a character
and you know i think that’s ahiru of course acting as this force of Love by supporting mytho’s personhood & autonomy & wanting him to have options and the ability to actually choose b/w them, and Hopefully i connected that to Hope b/c you know, it’d be Despairing to figure actually no she’s not going to try to help him and there’s nothing anyone can do and this is the only way it can be. where people’s love for each other in all ways and all combinations around here is about not giving up, wanting to give the other person hope / getting hope from that person. the heart shart tutu gets is hope, wherein even interacting with her lets mytho feel hope, and where in turn there’s that line in the season one finale about her wanting to protect him and that the way she feels when she sees him is what lets her become tutu, wherein clearly also that is powered by the hope heart shard, so another love / hope link, wherein does it even seem like that love being Romantic was what really mattered, vs just that it’s a more general love for him as a person, where Liking him sure can fall under that, but it’s clearly never really that big a deal, like, even recognizing rue as a rival doesn’t introduce any conflict when instead ahiru’s like wow i love rue she’s the best yeah if she was with mytho that’d be cool, she’s my best friend now, i want the best for her too....there’s no like, “oh she Liked mytho at the start b/c she was Supposed to, it was an imposition of her Role” like that might be more of drosselmeyer’s assumption but what Really mattered from the start was simply wanting to help him, and Everyone Wanting To Help Each Other keeps being what wins....ahiru gets to be tutu for that reason, not b/c she’s determined to be with him romantically, which, you know, it’s also pointed out that tutu’s role being so Tragically Fated means you’d have to accept not getting to be with him anyways, in theory....and what motivates her re: mytho was never imposed, it’s love powered by hope & vice versa, and even when season two is all will they won’t they abt her and fakir that never like gets in the way of her main goal still being helping / protecting mytho, b/c again, that was never Just All About Liking(tm) Him anyways, so if she ever wonders about Liking(tm) anyone else it’s like yeah okay that actually is not that related lmao, her crush on mytho in the first place is mostly just like, funny and lively lmao. Wish the would they wouldn’t they material in season two was that way also b/c then it might’ve been engaging / interesting to me lol, but if it’s enjoyable like cool then, it’s just not really in conflict with anything actually lmao or that glorious defiance. all the climactic moments of the like ultimate Hope and Love saving people isn’t outright about romance. b/c this is all about any forms of relationships really, it’s not like oh yeah this way of treating people is good for Romance, but not other kinds of love, or vice versa
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productsreviewings · 2 years
TL;DR Samsung introduced some new PC displays for CES 2023, together with the 57-inch Odyssey Neo G9. The curved monitor can have a facet ratio of 32:9 and is the equal of two UHD shows on one display. Samsung has but to announce launch dates or costs for any of the brand new displays. Samsung is kicking off its CES 2023 bulletins a bit early at present with the reveal of a number of new PC displays. The largest new entry is the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 gaming PC monitor. This enormous 1000R curved 57-inch show has an 8K 7,680×2,160 decision display with a 32:9 side ratio. Meaning house owners will get the equal of two UHD screens on one show. Against this, the Samsung Odyssey Ark monitor that launched in 2023 was “solely” 55 inches and “solely” had 4K decision assist.The mini-LED display on the Odyssey Neo G9 will even have a matte show to scale back annoying gentle reflections whereas taking part in your favourite PC or console video games. It's going to even have a 240Hz refresh price for a smoother search for video games that assist that top price. Lastly, the monitor can have DisplayPort 2.1 assist, which transfers knowledge twice as quick in comparison with the older DisplayPort tech.Samsung additionally introduced the 49-inch Odyssey OLED G9. The 1800R curved OLED show helps quantum dot know-how to permit for higher distinction and deeper blacks on the display and in addition has a 32:9 side ratio and a 240Hz refresh price. The monitor will even include the Samsung Sport Hub that helps numerous sport streaming companies, together with its collection of apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and extra which are included in Samsung sensible TVs.Lastly, Samsung revealed two new 27-inch displays. The ViewFinity S9 is designed for artistic professionals with a 5K 5,120 x 2,880 decision show with a matte end. The beforehand launched 32-inch Sensible Monitor M8 will quickly be accessible in a 27-inch model with 4 coloration selections  (Daylight Blue, Spring Inexperienced, Sundown Pink, or Heat White). It's going to additionally assist Samsung’s sensible TV apps and Samsung Gaming Hub.Launch dates for these displays haven't been revealed, nor have their costs. Contemplating the Samsung Odyssey Ark was priced at $3,500 when it launched, we suspect the Odyssey Neo G9 can have an analogous price ticket. Feedback #Samsung #reveals #huge #57inch #Odyssey #Neo #gaming #monitor #CES
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drjohngkuna · 2 years
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justdemo · 2 years
Readwrite think diamante
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King to think about his “big” words, then they write about their own “big” words and dreams. Inspired by the book Martin’s Big Words, students explore information on Dr. How Big Are Martin’s Big Words? Thinking Big about the Future.King’s dream by doing 100 acts of kindness. In this project, students participate in Dr. This lesson provides the “action piece” for any study of Dr. King and themselves through journaling and inquiry-based research. Day by encouraging students to explore the connections between Dr. This lesson provides ideas for celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Students explore the “I Have a Dream” Foundation’s website and brainstorm ways they can help themselves or others at their school achieve their educational dreams. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, taking students on a quest through time to the Civil Rights movement. Nikki Giovanni’s poem “The Funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr.” is paired with Dr. Entering History: Nikki Giovanni and Martin Luther King, Jr.Students explore the ways that powerful and passionate words communicate the concepts of freedom, justice, discrimination, and the American Dream in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Exploring the Power of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Words through Diamante Poetry.Students study Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and work in groups to create a mural that depicts Dr. The materials range from mini-lessons to complete units and cross the grade levels. Biographical activities you can use to explore Dr.Day this month, read on! This post includes materials on the ReadWriteThink site that fit three categories: If you’re looking for some activities to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. New Strategy Guide on using mobile devices: Reading on the Go (for teachers of grades 5–12).Lesson Plan: Using Tiered Companion Texts to Comprehend Complex Nonfiction Texts (for grades 3–5).
Mobile App: Venn Diagram for iOS and Android (for grades K–12).Podcast: Barnyard Antics, Episode 57 of Chatting About Books: Recommendations for Young Readers (for grades K–5).In addition to those timely topics, check out these new resources for more ideas for the classroom: Celebrate by exploring an exhibit online and writing “A Day in the Life” narratives that tell about a person, animal, or object they saw in the exhibit. Today, it has expanded to a network of 16 museums and 129 affiliate museums–including the National Zoo and the National Air and Space Museum. The Smithsonian Institution was founded August 10, 1846. This week also marks the anniversary of our national museum. In sports history, the first woman swam the English Channel (August 6). This week’s featured birthdays focus on President Barack Obama (August 4), French author Guy de Maupassant (August 5), science writer Seymour Simon (August 9), and writer Alex Haley (August 11). Budding astronauts can explore the first satellite picture of Earth, taken in 1959. If you’re looking for STEM activities, it’s a good time to talk about computers and the prototype for the World Wide Web, which was created in August 1990. In the featured classroom activity, students share details about their lives with one another using the interactive Graphic Map and share their memories in small groups or with the whole class. You can find back-to-school booklists, icebreaker activities, and community-building resources on our back to school calendar entry.
With teachers getting ready to head back to the classroom, the calendar is jam-packed with resources to help make the first days full of fun learning.
Create a Timeline of significant events in Angelou’s life with the interactive or mobile app.Īugust is a hopping month on ReadWriteThink.
Work with text from Angelou’s writing or poetry to compose found poems with the Word Mover interactive or mobile app.
Use the BioCube interactive to record information about Angelou’s life.
Read biographical information about Angelou and write an Acrostic Poem with the interactive tool or with the mobile app.
For excerpts from an interview with Angelou, consider sharing ‘Fresh Air’ Remembers Poet And Memoirist Maya Angelou with students.Ī simple way to remember Angelou in your classroom this week is to ask students to explore some resources about the author and then use one of ReadWriteThink’s interactives or mobile apps to write about her: In addition, she authored several books chronicling her youth and adolescence, including I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.įind related web resources and lesson plans on Angelou on the ReadWriteThink calendar entry for her birthday. Angelou is considered one of the finest poets of her generation. Poet and author Maya Angelou died Wednesday, May 28, in her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
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darlingstarstuff · 5 years
dream journal. 57.
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july 14th, 2019
no lucid dreaming today, woke up too early and knocked right back out. but i’m remembering more dreams again, most of them i’ve come to realize manifest after my second waking- i’ll have to research why that is, i’m sure there’s a paper on it.
anyway, my first dream, i was in a classroom, and in the middle a girl was showing off her aquarium tank, i get up right to the glass and peer inside. now, this tank is huge, it could probably fit a small shark inside, and the fish swimming around is no joke either. it was one fish who was probably the size of two footballs, and one smaller fish, maybe… close to the size of a wallet. and it was pretty uneventful just looking at a close up of these fish just flowing there in the water. but then, suddenly and literally out of a nowhere this huge, gigantic fish just comes into view and eats the other fish whole. i get shocked and have to back away, water’s splashing out of the tank from this huge monster of a fish. it was a little crazy.
second dream was similar to my robin movie dream from two nights ago, though i think instead of a hotel, i was watching tv in a house, hm, maybe now that i think about it, it looked like a grandma’s house, with only a couple of other people. this time it was us watching a transformers animated series, very similar to transformers prime, but the animation was like-so fluid and movie-grade? i’ve never seen 3d animated like that, especially not with transformers. it was a chill dream, nothing much happened other than that.
third dream, it’s a work related dream. woo hoo. and its about people trying to steal money too. fun! i don’t know what stared it. two older women, one tall and one short, where standing by the counter. but i couldn’t help them for some reason, so i left the counter, thinking they would go about their day as well. i go to the corner to do some stuff, my back turn, and when i turn away, i see the two women are now behind the counter opening the tills with some key they probably stole, and taking money from them. immediately i start yelling- i’m the only one in front and since they’re older ladies, i’m somehow just able to grab the both of them and hold them down. i yell out my shift’s name, and she comes out, sees what’s happening, and calls the cops. unfortunately, the cops of course take for-fucking-ever and in the meantime i have to walk around with these two ladies under my arms, because they’re wiggling and me moving around keeps them secured under me. finally a police officer shows up, and i’m like “holy shit, please just take them” and pass them onto her. they’re her problem now.
last dream, i actually only remember tidbits, but i do recall the setting pretty well. imagine a summer camp, the kind where you go away from home for a couple months, except its for kids who are occult or monstrous in nature. kids are who like crypts but you also got the human kids who are deeply rooted in ancient magic and ritual and shit like that. their parents are most definitely cult leaders. but in this camp as well, some of the parents sign up to be chaperones and helpers. i remember one scene in particular, where i bumped into this cliche vampire looking down, but he was tubby and had a ‘beach bum’ vibe to him, and he was trying to tell me that i shouldn’t be frumpy because this was supposed to be fun and i was going to have a blast. i’d probably have to hold him to that expectation.
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reachartwork · 2 years
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(because I'm pretty sure the other word is still censored on tumblr)
tl;dr - create a horror art media (writing, comic, music, whatever) based on one of the 57 non-cameo monsters of Watching Us, as seen below, telling their story and why they are so... horrific. You have until May 1st. 1st Place will acquire 200 dollaridoos in USD, while the four runners-upsies will acquire 50 dollars each.
Bonus points given to people who can integrate the monster's mechanics into its tale!
And also, please DM your entries to me or send them in an ask - I get too many notifications to clear out and it'll be lost otherwise. You can still totally post them on tumblr though, and I will gladly reblog them!
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic Cyber Revolution/Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
Sonic Cyber Revolution
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Sonic the Hedgehog, an Irregular ARNav, usually spends his days racing across Neos City and living his best life. The Blue Blur is always in the search for the next adventure along with his friends, but when trouble calls, be it in the form of aggressive Irregular ARNavs, secret government projects, dangerous rivals, like Metal Sonic and Mephiles, or Dr. Eggman taking advantage of the advanced AR technology present in this universe to expand the Eggman Empire, there is nothing that will stop Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Shadow and their friends from taking on the challenge and protecting those they care about.
Entry 0: Ready, Set, GO!
Entry 1: Team Up
Entry 2: Showdown At Eden
Entry 3: The Awakening
Entry 4: Project Shadow
Entry 5: The Looming Shadow
Entry 6: Chaos Surge
Entry 7: Countdown To Destruction
Entry 8: The Illusion Of Hope
Entry 9: Live and Learn
Entry 10: His World
Entry 11: Believe In Myself
Entry 12: Unknown From M.E.
Entry 13: My Sweet Passion
Entry 14: Dreams of an Absolution
Entry 15: I Am... All Of Me
Entry 16: What I’m Made Of
Entry 17: The Challenge
Entry 18: Escape From The City
Entry 19: Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N.
Entry 20: Catch Me If You Can
Entry 21: Sonic Speed Riders
Entry 22: The Treasure Hunter
Entry 23: Stop & Rewind
Entry 24: Artificial Life
Entry 25: For Your Sake
Entry 26: The Chosen One
Entry 27: Never Turn Back
Entry 28: The Kitsune’s Deception
Entry 29: Amy’s Cursed Day
Entry 30: The Chaotix Detective Agency
Entry 31: The Starfall
Entry 32: The Tricore
Entry 33: The Blazing Guardian
Entry 34: Green Hill Zone
Entry 35: Speeding Through Stardust
Entry 36: A Twinkle of Chaos
Entry 37: Breaking The Fields
Entry 38: Operation ARMS (Part 1)
Entry 39: Operation ARMS (Part 2)
Entry 40: The Spy and The Network
Entry 41: The Irregular Hunt
Entry 42: Mission: Omega
Entry 43: Team Dark
Entry 44: When The Shadow Calls
Entry 45: I Will Fight Like I Always Have
Entry 46: This Machine
Entry 47: Cream’s Rough and Tumble Adventure
Entry 48: The Seven Mysteries of Nagatsuki Academy
Entry 49: Operation! Starline’s Total Chaos
Entry 50: The City Of Floods
Entry 51: An Ancient Ally
Entry 52: The Chaos Emerald Caper
Entry 53: The Scream Of Perfect Chaos
Entry 54: Open Your Heart
Entry 55: Walking In Your Shoes
Entry 56: Vandalize My Heart
Entry 57: Heat Wave
Entry 58: The Rush Adventure
Entry 59: Romance Dawn
Entry 60: The Sol Dimension
Entry 61: What I’m Here For
Entry 62: Neo Genesis
Entry 63: Mission Dark
Entry 64: A Punk Philosophy
Entry 65: The Guardian and The Thief
Entry ??: Impostor Syndrome
Entry ??: Eclipse
Entry ??: Alien Family
Sonic Cyber Revolution: Night of The Werehog
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Sonic is not feeling well. He had been vanishing night after night, returning home the next morning with no memories. To make things worse, there are reports of a strange beast roaming through Neos City, attacking people. As the full moon rises, Sonic and his friends need solve the mystery behind the attacks before they succumb to the beast's bloodthirst.
Entry 0: Night of The Werehog
Sonic Cyber Revolution: Christmas Truce
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It is Christmas time in Neos City, and Sonic and his friends have decided to join the festivities, each in their own way. Unfortunately for them, Dr. Eggman has decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to launch an attack and ruin their Christmas spirit.
Entry 0: Christmas Truce
Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer
The Story, Lore & Characters
The Metal Irregular Arc
The Ultimate Lifeform Arc
The Memories of The Past Arc
The Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N. Arc
The Babylon Rogues Arc
The Final Haunt Arc
The Starfall Arc
The Green Hill Zone Arc
The Team Dark Arc
The Chaos Rising Arc
The Neo Genesis Arc
The Impostor Syndrome Arc
The Black Arms Arc
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Ultimate Lifeform Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Memories of The Past Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N. Arc & The Babylon Rogues Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Final Haunt Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Starfall Arc & The Green Hill Zone Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Team Dark Arc)
Vandalize My Heart
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Sonic knew that he shouldn't be feeling like this. They were rivals most of the time, but that didn't mean that they weren't friends when the occasion called for it. It was just their dynamic and he was fine with it. This was how things always were. So, why was he feeling like someone stabbed him in the chest when Shadow accepted that proposal?
Entry 0: Sound The Alarm
Entry 1: Leave Your Mark
Entry 2: Vandalize My Heart
Shatter Me
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After the events of the Shatterverse, Sonic finds himself reminiscing of what had happened, especially when it comes to his interactions with Shadow. Even though the two returned to their normal routine of racing and fighting with each other, something has changed in their relationship.
Entry 0: Fight Together
Entry 1: Ambivalent
Entry 2: The Reason I’m Here
Entry 3: Vandalize My Heart
Entry 4: LOVE or HATE?
Entry 5: Shatter Me - Sonic X Shadow Generations
Knuckles - The Epilogue
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Knuckles and Wade return to Green Hills from their road trip and victory over Pistol Pete and The Buyer. But, what awaits them at home? Knuckles is assured that there will be a celebration as he tells his tale to his tribe, and while Sonic and Tails are excited to hear about his adventure, Maddie has a few choice words for him.
Entry 0: Knuckles - The Epilogue
Sonic The Hedgehog Analyzer
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Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer is a compilation of my personal analysis of the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comic regarding the story, characters and whatever else catches my interest.
Sonic Forces
Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth
Sonic Forces: Stress Test
Sonic Forces: Looming Shadow
Sonic Forces: Rise of Infinite
The Fallout Arc
Issue #1: Fallout (Part 1)
Issue #2: Fallout (Part 2)
Issue #3: Fallout (Part 3)
Issue #4: Fallout (Part 4)
The Fate of Dr. Eggman Arc
Issue #5: The Fate of Dr. Eggman (Part 1)
Issue #6: The Fate of Dr. Eggman (Part 2)
Issue #7: Meet the New Boss
Issue #8: Silent Support
The Battle For Angel Island Arc
Issue #9: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 1)
Issue #10: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 2)
Issue #11: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 3)
Issue #12: The Cost of the Battle for Angel Island
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019
The Infection Arc
Issue #13: Calling Card
Issue #14: Misdirection
Issue #15: Patient Zero
Issue #16: Infection
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Imposter
Issue #2: Ambush
Issue #3: Betrayal
Issue #4: Showdown
The Crisis City Arc
Issue #17: Plague
Issue #18: Victims
Issue #19: Crisis City (Part 1)
Issue #20: Crisis City (Part 2)
The Last Minute Arc
Issue #21: The Last Minute (Part 1)
Issue #22: The Last Minute (Part 2)
Issue #23: The Last Minute (Part 3)
Issue #24: The Last One Out
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020
The All or Nothing Arc
Issue #25: A Sudden Shift
Issue #26: All or Nothing (Part 1)
Issue #27: All or Nothing (Part 2)
Issue #28: All or Nothing (Part 3)
Issue #29: All or Nothing (Part 4)
The Out of the Blue Arc
Issue #30: Cured
Issue #31: Recovery (Part 1)
Issue #32: Recovery (Part 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys (Miniseries)
Issue #1: A Few Bad Men
Issue #2: Smash & Grab
Issue #3: Trust Issues
Issue #4: No Honor Among Thieves
The Chao Races and Badnik Bases Arc
Issue #33: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 1)
Issue #34: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 2)
Issue #35: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 3)
Issue #36: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 4)
The Test Run! Arc
Issue #37: Test Run (Part 1)
Issue #38: Test Run (Part 2)
Issue #39: Test Run (Part 3)
Issue #40: Test Run (Part 4)
The Zeti Hunt! Arc
Issue #41: Zeti Hunt (Part 1)
Issue #42: Zeti Hunt (Part 2)
Issue #43: Zeti Hunt (Part 3)
Issue #44: Zeti Hunt (Part 4)
The Trial by Fire Arc
Issue #45: Trial by Fire (Part 1)
Issue #46: Trial by Fire (Part 2)
Issue #47: Trial by Fire (Part 3)
Issue #48: Hit the Pavement
Issue #49: Wound Up
Sonic the Hedgehog - Free Comic Book Day 2022
Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Imposter Syndrome (Part 1)
Issue #2: Imposter Syndrome (Part 2)
Issue #3: Imposter Syndrome (Part 3)
Issue #4: Imposter Syndrome (Part 4)
The Battle for the Empire Arc
Issue #50: Battle for the Empire
Issue #51: Escaping the Empire
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022
The Overpowered Arc
Issue #52: Overpowered (Part 1)
Issue #53: Overpowered (Part 2)
Issue #54: Overpowered (Part 3)
Issue #55: Overpowered (Part 4)
Issue #56: Overpowered (Part 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Scrapnik Island (Part 1)
Issue #2: Scrapnik Island (Part 2)
Issue #3: Scrapnik Island (Part 3)
Issue #4: Scrapnik Island (Part 4)
The Urban Warfare Arc
Issue #57: Urban Warfare (Part 1)
Issue #58: Urban Warfare (Part 2)
Issue #59: Urban Warfare (Part 3)
Issue #60: Urban Warfare (Part 4)
Issue #61: Urban Warfare (Part 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog 5th Anniversary Edition
The Misadventures Arc
Issue #62: Misadventures (Part 1)
Issue #63: Misadventures (Part 2)
Issue #64: Misadventures (Part 3)
Issue #65: Misadventures (Part 4)
Issue #66: Misadventures (Part 5)
Issue #67: Second Chances
Issue #68: The Protector
900th Adventure
Endless Summer
A Very Chaotix Halloween
Winter Jam
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis)
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Final Conclusion)
Misc. Analyzer
Vandalize - Sonadow Prime
Shattered Memories (Sonic Prime)
Sonic Boom Shatterverse (Sonic Prime/Sonic Boom)
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
Sonic Prime (Timeline Placement)
Sonic Prime (My Interpretation of The Ending)
Locke’s Mistreatment of Shadow & The Shadow Android Theory
King Shadow (The Altered Future & The Altered Character)
King Shadow (The Alternate Story)
Isekai'd As My Past Self (Sonic the Hedgehog AU Story)
The Sonic Adventure (Story Concept)
Not So Different (Sonic and Shadow’s Interactions With Metal Sonic)
Our Last Meeting (Sonic & Shadow... & Knuckles)
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (My Thoughts)
Shadow in TailsTube
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
Sonic X: The Perfect Chaos Plant
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Slaad Lord, Chourst
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Image © @tredlocity​
[And we’re back! With a bit of a bang, as I am going to be posting the four slaad lords from 2e over the next couple of weeks. Ssendam and Ygorl are as old as the slaadi are, having first appeared in the 1e Fiend Folio, but Chourst and Rennbuu were introduced in Dragon Magazine in 1995. Between them, Chourst has only one canonical illustration and Rennbuu two, so there was a lot of room to work with. One thing that I hope to accomplish with these slaad lords is to make them feel appropriately chaotic, but not evil. Slaadi have always had that issue.
The biggest mechanical change between the 2e Chourst and my version has to do with the shift in cosmology. In Planescape, the plane of Limbo is filled with random assortment of all four elements and can be shaped by a strong will. Chourst causes that to all fall apart into chaos with their mere presence. Since the Maelstrom of Pathfinder doesn’t work that way, I changed it to a thematically similar aura of wild magic.]
Slaad Lord, Chourst CR 22 CN Aberration This gangly giant is a humanoid frog more than three times as tall as a man. Its skin is a yellowish white, shot through with mottled silver veins. It has blank staring eyes, long fingers and toes, and a triangular head. Strangely, it is dressed in a dapper traveler’s fashion, with cane, hat and cape.
Chourst, the Whimsical, Lord of Randomness CN agender slaad lord of randomness, exploration and antisocial behavior Domains Chaos, Destruction, Liberation, Travel Subdomains Freedom, Exploration, Slaad, Whimsy Worshipers anarchists, free-thinkers, wanderers Minions chaos beasts, grey slaadi, shoggoths Holy Symbol a triangular face looking down, with circular staring eyes Favored Weapon greatclub Obedience For one hour, do as thou will. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to saves against compulsion effects Boons: 1: hideous laughter 2/day; 2: freedom of movement 2/day; 3: wind walk 2/day
Chourst the Whimsical is a force of nature, moving like a hurricane and creating devastation in their wake. Not all of this destruction is intentional, as Chourst is as likely to pick flowers as fights. But magic warps and twists in their presence, and spells can fire out of control easily wherever they go. Chourst spends most of their existence navigating the cerulean seas of the Maelstrom, but can and does transverse the planes to go a-wandering as the whim suits them. The Lord of Randomness has many admirers among free-thinkers and the more philosophical hedonists, but they tend to admire the slaad lord at a distance.
It can be difficult to keep Chourst’s attentions long enough to engage them in prolonged combat. When traveling long distances, Chourst can and does appear in a great explosion, as much to announce their presence and gain attention as to cause damage. Their signature weapon is a cane tipped with a likeness of his own face, but their claws and fangs are deadly weapons as well. Creatures bitten by Chourst lose their ability to maintain a constant shape, and eventually collapse into chaos beasts. Chourst tends to save their bite attack for those that truly offend or annoy them.
Among the slaad lords, Chourst and Ygorl have a tenuous alliance. Ygorl approves of Chourst’s more destructive moods, and encourages them to create more chaos beasts and transport slaadi across planar boundaries. But Chourst’s attention frequently wanders from any kind of mission. Chourst is not stupid despite their lack of focus, and has impressed some protean choirs with their defense of random action as a manifestation of philosophical chaos. The only things Chourst seems to genuinely dislike are inevitables and other lawful outsiders, which they often polymorph into humiliating forms or simply kill.
Chourst is among the largest of the slaad lords, standing 22 feet tall.
Gigglestick Aura strong enchantment and evocation; CL 17th Slot none; Price 181,250 gp; Weight 40 lbs Gigglestick is Chourst’s signature weapon, a wooden cane tipped with a representation of the slaad lord’s own head. In combat, Gigglestick functions as a Huge+3 anarchic greatclub that changes size with its wielder. It also functions as a rod of wonder, except that the save DCs to avoid particular effects are DC 25, and a wielder can use its function as a rod of wonder as a swift action three times per day. Construction Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Quicken Spell, creator must be chaotic, chaos hammer, confusion; Cost 90,625 gp.
Chourst                CR 22 XP 615,000 CN Huge aberration (chaos, extraplanar, slaad, slaad lord) Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., detect law, detect magic, Perception +24 Aura cloak of chaos (Will DC 27), wild magic (300 ft.) Defense AC 38, touch 18, flat-footed 32 (-2 size, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 deflection, +20 natural) hp 434 (28d8+308); fast healing 20 Fort +24, Ref +18, Will +26 DR 20/epic and lawful; Immune charm and compulsion effects, sonic; Resist acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20, fire 20; SR 33 Defensive Abilities fortification (50%), freedom of movement Offense Speed 40 ft., air walk Melee Gigglestick +35/+30/+25/+20 (3d8+22 plus 2d6 against non-chaotic opponents), bite +30 (2d12+6 plus corporeal instability) or 2 claws +32 (3d8+13), bite +32 (2d12+13 plus corporeal instability) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks explosive entrance Spell-like Abilities CL 20th, concentration +29 Constant—air walk, cloak of chaos (self only, DC 27), detect law, detect magic, freedom of movement At will—astral projection, cloudkill (DC 24), confusion (DC 23), greater dispel magic, solid fog, wind walk 3/day—quickened displacement, earthquake, fire storm (DC 27), empowered greater shout (DC 27), polymorph any object (DC 27), symbol of insanity (DC 26) 1/day—gate (DC 28), implosion (DC 28), summon slaad (CR 20 or less, 100%, 9th level), symbol of strife (DC 28) Statistics Str 36, Dex 21, Con 33, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 28 Base Atk +21; CMB +36 (+40 disarm or trip); CMD 55 (57 vs. disarm, trip) Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower SLA (greater shout), Greater Disarm, Greater Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (displacement), Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack Skills Acrobatics +26 (+30 jumping), Bluff +19, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +19, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana, geography, nature, religion) +22, Knowledge (planes) +25, Perception +24, Spellcraft +25, Stealth +18, Survival +24 Languages Aklo, Common, Protean, Slaad, telepathy 100 ft. SQ change shape (animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast, shapechange), no breath, slaad lord traits Ecology Environment any land or underground (Maelstrom) Organization unique Treasure double standard (Gigglestick, other treasure) Special Abilities Corporeal Instability (Su) Claw—contact (curse); save Fort DC 35; effect amorphous body and 1d4 Wisdom drain per round (see below); cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Con-based. A creature cursed with an amorphous body becomes a spongy, shapeless mass. Unless the victim manages to control the effect (see below), its shape constantly melts, flows, writhes, and boils. An affected creature is unable to hold or use any item. Clothing, armor, helmets, and rings become useless. Large items worn or carried—armor, backpacks, even shirts—hamper more than help, reducing the victim's Dexterity score by 4. Speed is reduced to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is less. The victim gains the amorphous quality, but cannot cast spells or use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (–4 penalty on attack rolls and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the attack roll). A victim can temporarily regain its own shape by taking a standard action to attempt a DC 20 Will save. A success reestablishes the creature's normal form for 1 minute. Spells that change the victim's shape (such as alter self, beast shape, elemental body, and polymorph) do not remove the curse, but hold the creature in a stable form (which might not be its own form, depending on the spell) and prevent additional Wisdom drain for the duration of the spell; shapechange and stoneskin have a similar effect. The victim takes 1d4 point of Wisdom drain from mental shock every round that it ends its turn in an amorphous shape—upon being drained to 1 Wisdom, further Wisdom drain ceases and the creature is transformed permanently into a chaos beast (no further number of saving throws can cure the condition at this time). A creature transformed into a chaos beast can only be recovered using a miracle or wish spell. Explosive Entrance (Su) Chourst can dismiss wind walk on themselves as a standard action. When they do so, they appear in an explosion, dealing 10d6 each of fire, force and sonic damage in a 40 foot radius (Reflex DC 33 half). The save DC is Charisma based. Slaad Lord Traits (Ex/Su/Sp) Chourst is a slaad lord, a powerful slaad that has assumed quasi-divine traits. A slaad lord has the following abilities:
DR 20/lawful and epic
Resist acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20, fire 20
Immune to two of the following: charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, energy drain, fear effects, poison, petrifaction
Summon Slaadi (Sp) As a standard action once per day, a slaad lord can summon one or more slaadi constituting a CR 20 encounter. This is     the equivalent of a 9th level spell
Immortal (Ex) A slaad lord does not need to eat or drink, and cannot age.
Capable of granting followers spells, as per their cult entry above
Wild Magic Aura (Su) Any creature attempting to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability within 300 feet of Chourst must succeed a DC 33 Will save or the spell is effected by a wild magic surge. Creatures with the chaos subtype are immune to this effect. The save DC is Charisma based.
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forineffablereasons · 3 years
What kind of things do you have on your to-do list when you get hundreds of things done in a week? I have like five things (make lasagna, vacuum, do laundry, write, call grandma) on a busy day.
some stuff i have on my list that you probably wouldn't - for instance, "shower and dress" is on 7 times, because i do that every day. it's on the list now because sometimes when depression is bad, it's hard to do stuff like this. "take vitamins" is on 7 times. "take darcydog to daycare" is on the list, so i don't forget on thursday, and "pick darcydog up from daycare" is also on the list, because even though i will not forget she's at daycare, when i think about thursday after work, and what i'm going to do that night, and what my options are, i have to remember that she'll be with me and not waiting at home. it would be easy for me to plan, say, on tuesday, "stop by store after work thursday" because on tuesday, she is not yet at the daycare, so picking her up is not a task that has laid its foundation yet. it doesn't 100% exist yet. so "pick darcydog up from daycare" is on the list so i don't inadvertently plan to do something thursday night that is later complicated by picking her up from daycare.
some stuff i have on my list gets many more items than you probably would put down - for instance, instead of saying cleaning, i have "clean bathroom, clean entry, clean kitchen (island, fridge/freezer, dishes)" etc so that cleaning the house becomes its own 20 things. this makes it easier to cross things off, and also easier to start, because if the goal is "clean the bathroom" instead of "clean all 800 sq feet of this apartment" it is an easier goal. "write 500 words" is a goal for every day, and so appears 7 times, but each section of the fic i'm writing also has an item on the list.
and some stuff i have on my list just to track. i know, for instance, that i am not going to finish all 5 stitching projects i put on the list this week. but i wrote all 5 of them down to help me envision future priorities, and to offer some motivation to finish the current thing. look, if you finish that, there is also this.
so my weekly list is just a snapshot of these things, which is why it is never finished. this week's list is 158 things, and i hope to finish maybe 100 of them. last week's list was longer because i had more daily responsibilities at work which i no longer have this week bc i was covering for my secretary.
i also have a The List, which is the overarching repository of things i want to do, movies to watch, books to read, things for this project or that project, fics to write, etc. that has something like 700 things on it right now but i need to rewrite it this week and determine a more streamlined approach. (this is, in fact, item #57 on this week's list.) because i have a bit of adhd i live in a world where if i didn't write it down, it didn't exist, and because i have a bit of depression, i also live in a world where i am somewhat prone to listlessness and disinterest. it is sometimes hard to make decisions. it's sometimes hard to know what comes next. some days (like yesterday) i look up and realize that it's 3 pm and i have done nothing but lay on the sofa doing. nothing, really. the List is long because it is something i can always go back to when i need an exterior boost to Do. this is also why some tasks are broken down very small, because it is easier to bargain with myself: ok, if you clean the bathroom you can have a 20 minute lie down. ok, we can't manage to clean the living room today but you do at least have to water the plants. then i can do the partial task of watering the plants without becoming overwhelmed by the larger task of cleaning the living room.
so tl;dr the answer is: it's just a style of listing that relies heavily on tiny bite-sized tasks and explicit statement of every single thing that will happen to help my swiss cheese brain motivate itself and remember important things as i plan and move through the week.
this week's list is 158! let's see what we can get done.
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introvertguide · 4 years
The Best Years for American Cinema
One of the great arguments that comes up for cinephiles is what was the best year for movies. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with awards since some of the best movies were not recognized at the time, but looking at the Academy Awards helps as a start. As far as American movies go, looking at the two AFI lists, the original and the updated, can also help. Looking at rating systems like Metacritic and IMDB are also a factor. One of the hardest things is staying objective, because picking the year when your favorite movie came out is pretty easy to do. Her is a list of years when an extraordinary amount of great movies came out and attempting to judge the best film for that year was simply an embarrassment of riches. I am going to stick to a list of years for American films since considering the world of film would make any year possibly the best year.
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This is generally considered by film historians as the best year for American movies. It exemplified the height of creativity amongst film studios to circumvent the Hays Code while also integrating the relatively new color and dialogue aspects of film. Transforming books into visual media was all the rage and writers were scouring books to find the next great adaptation. There were a myriad of self imposed decency rules and so many directors wanted to push boundaries...and what resulted was amazing. It was nearing the end of the Great Depression and nearing the entry of the U.S. into WW2, so a lot of people were looking for cheap ways of escape. Nothing was quite as wonderful as going to the movies for American audiences and the population flocked to see visualizations of their favorite novels.
-Gone with the Wind; AFI #6, 8 Oscars
-Goodbye, Mr. Chips
-Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; AFI #26
-The Wizard of Oz; AFI #10
-Wuthering Heights
-Of Mice and Men
-Stagecoach; AFI #63 original list, John Wayne’s breakthrough role
-The Hound of the Baskervilles
-The Man in the Iron Mask
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After the end of WW2, a lot of countries had begun rebuilding and American had the opportunity to travel. Many returned from the horrors of war, but America did not have to deal with fighting on the continental home land. What seemed to be the greatest perceived threat was the infiltration and spread of communism. The biggest movies were anti-Communism, pro-Christian, and pro-American in nature. In fact, Death of a Salesman did very poorly when first released since it depicted an All-American in a wonderful profession being a total failure. However, it seems like creativity seems to thrive most when those in power attempt to oppress it. 
-A Streetcar Named Desire; AFI #47
-The African Queen; AFI #65
-An American in Paris; AFI #68 on original list
-A Place in the Sun; AFI #92 on original list
-Death of a Salesman
-Quo Vadis
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Over a decade since the end of WW2 and the Cold War had turned in a competition for patriotism. A race to be the best pushed invention forward and individuals overcoming overwhelming odds was popular. America worried about spies after severing ties with Cuba in 1961, and a very young President Kennedy delivered the first State of the Union urging the country to stand together. The Civil Rights Movement forces the United States to look inward and examine old ideals that might make the country weak. It was a year of innovation, invention, and introspection, all of which are represented in the wide variety of films produced that year.
-Lawrence of Arabia; AFI #7, 7 Academy Awards
-To Kill a Mockingbird; AFI #25
-The Miracle Worker
-Dr. No; First James Bond movie
-Mutiny on the Bounty
-The Manchurian Candidate; AFI #67 original list
-The Longest Day
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The Motion Picture Association created the rating system currently in use that informs the audience about content instead of banning films that did not maintain a certain moral standard. It was the summer of love and the height of freedom movement, so all boundaries were tested and broken. Attacking the American architype was very popular so many of the biggest films had something to do with cowboys. Cowboy pimps in New York, murderous cowboy groups, and cowboy outlaws ruled the movie screens. Testing the boundaries of the MPAA delivered some interesting results: 2 of the top grossing films that year were rated X and that included the film that won the Oscar for Best Picture, Midnight Cowboy, for the one and only time in the history of the award. 
-Midnight Cowboy; AFI #43, only X-rated film to win Best Picture
-The Wild Bunch; AFI #79, X-rated with over 100 on screen deaths
-Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; AFI #73
-Easy Rider; AFI #84
-Whatever Happened to Baby Jane
-Birdman of Alcatraz
-Hello, Dolly!
-True Grit, John Wayne’s only Oscar win for Best Actor
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The Watergate scandal rocked the political climate causing an outcry for the oppressed to take their shot since those in power might not have the people’s best interest in mind. Individual’s taking the fight into their own hands and overcoming adversity for good (Rocky and All the President’s Men) or for bad (Taxi Driver) become the heroes of film in 1976. A new innovation was the blockbuster following the release of Jaws the previous summer, allowing producers to get big names in movies in exchange for a percentage of the profits. Movies become a gamble for many actors and directors, much epitomized since Star Wars began filming with George Lucas refusing his director payment in exchange for all rights to future sequels and merchandising, a gamble that netted him $4 billion in the long run. 
-Rocky; AFI #57
-All the President’s Men; AFI #77
-Network; AFI #64
-Taxi Driver; AFI #52
-King Kong
-A Star is Born
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The 80s were all about making money in the United States, and, with the sudden growth of computer technology, this was reflected on the big screen with some of the highest production value special effects movies of all time. The THX sound system is created so the immersive experience of the theatre is at an all time high. At the same time, President Reagan was trying to break up the communist threat and popularized those people who had suffered through war and oppression. Many critics at the time stopped worshipping at the church of the Academy Awards because Ghandi beat out E.T. the Extra Terrestrial as Ghandi was an epic historical drama and E.T. was a family film. Blend in Sophie’s Choice, one of the most memorable yet horribly depressing movies of all time, into the competition and you see that the Academy favors a certain type of movie (long dramas based on history or novels) and it becomes apparent that it isn’t the end all for judging the quality of a film.
-Ghandi; 4 Oscars  
-E.T the Extra Terrestrial; AFI #24
-Tootsie; AFI #69
-An Officer and a Gentleman
-Victor Victoria
-Sophie’s Choice; AFI #91
-Blade Runner; ; AFI #97
-The Thing
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I am not certain exactly what triggered the sudden burst of creativity that came out this particular, but it was a watershed moment for animation musicals, independent films, glorified violence, and adapting books that depict intense suffering and redemption. More than anything, I find that when I list off movies from this year, there is a lot of surprise about how many great movies came out at the same time. I also have a little bit of personal bias for this year because it was the first time I saw all the Oscar nominees and cheered for my favorites during the awards. 
-Forrest Gump; AFI #76
-Pulp Fiction; AFI #94
-The Lion King
-Quiz Show
-The Shawshank Redemption; AFI #72
-Four Weddings and a Funeral
-True Lies
-Interview with the Vampire
-Natural Born Killers
This is simply a list of good year for movies, but it is fun to disagree about the best. If I missed any great years, feel free to comment. What is the best year for American film, or film in general, in your opinion?
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