#dr Lanik
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
🥺 first time headcanon. For our Chicago Med boys please?
And I hear that you’re having a birthday soon. I know what you’re favorite animal is but what’s your favorite flower/plant?
Lmao my 36th birthday would you believe. I am really digging peonys at the moment! And peace lily's for plants.
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So I have already written a fic on this but to revise it, the two of you met when you were both helping Goodwin with the Chicago Med Christmas Toydrive. The two of you got roped into wrapping in the conference room. Both of you got a little tipsy off home made eggnog and ended up making love on the conference table amidst the wrapping paper and bows. Jimmy knew he was in love because he never does shit like that and you bring something out in him.
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Ohh you make this baby work for it.
Initially he makes a pass at you and you turn him down. Your next convo has him leaving the table pissed but the third... he tells you about Harper and you tell him why you got into children's custody law. It's the first time he's been up front with anyone and he kinda likes it.
It's the fifth date when he eventually gets to undress you. By this time he's gotten to know you as a person, and he's falling in love. He's slow, the way he strips off your clothes, lingering kisses on your skin as he whispers tender words over your form. He makes love for the first time in years that night.
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Connor Rhodes - You are friends that turn to lovers. You met in Molly's bonded over a tough day and you make each other laugh. You move in seperate circles but always end up in the same space, gravitating towards one another. It starts with little touches, a hand on the shoulder, palm on the lower back and hugs and it starts from there.
One night he invites you back to his apartment to test his top shelf booze and you end up in each other's personal space, clothes brushing and he asks you why have we never...
You kiss and it's all over for that two of you. He makes love to you on the couch because he can't stand not being able to touch you, or waiting any longer. You straddle his waist, hands in his hair tugging just a little and it blows his mind.
Throughout the duration of your friendship you have care of one another and even in bed you are still taking care of him.
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Will falls in love with you the moment he sees you. When Jay introduces you as his colleague from Intelligence he is smitten almost immediately and the feeling is mutual. A couple of drinks later and the chemistry is flying. You end up going home with him that night. He's attentive in his love making, taking you apart and leaving you wrecked in his sheets. When you try to leave the next morning, he's already drawing you back into bed for round two and how can you resist
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annieradcliff · 2 years
@bullet-prooflove  @daniacat  @cosmic-psychickitty
“What were you doing out there? It’s minus 10 degrees!” Lanik snapped gruffly, placing his stethoscope over your heart and lungs, listening intently. Even though he wasn’t the doctor assigned to your case given his relationship with you, that didn’t stop him from checking you out himself to make sure you were all right.
Of course, he knew the reason you were outside on Med’s 10th floor balcony, especially after the horrible day you’ve had - the coldest day of a typical Chicago winter not much of a deterrent for you. The court decided against your petition in the case you had so carefully constructed over the past month and that decision had shattered you. It sent you reeling the way it always did in social services when your client was a child in need of your advocacy. Despite all your efforts and late nights working up a plan, the matter was concluded with the stroke of a pen and the strike of the gavel.
Now you found yourself in a hospital bed recovering from hypothermia. You looked up at Jimmy who was avoiding eye contact as he made adjustments to the multiple leads and tubes connected to you.
“Jimmy, after everything that happened today, I just … needed a moment alone. To contemplate.”
His gaze finally fell on you. The concern was definitely there, but so was a fair amount of anger.
“Contemplate what exactly?” he said a bit gruffly, as he busied himself with checking the output monitor dials. He knew he’d find everything in place and in perfect working order, but he was trying to suppress the crushing anxiety he felt by keeping himself occupied. He was on the verge of being overwhelmed at how close he came to losing you today. When you’d been brought inside and taken to the ED, you were in hypothermia and bradycardic. And he felt powerless in the face of it and he hated that. He had to watch helplessly from outside the trauma bay as the ED team worked hard to get your vitals and core temperature stabilized.
You could see the spiral of worry in him and decided it was time to snap him out of this before he went further down the rabbit hole of “what ifs”.
“Well, Jimmy – if you must know, I was contemplating the universe and my place in it.”
That response caught him off guard as you expected it would. He looked hard at you for moment and you couldn’t resist an impish glint when you locked eyes with him.  He knew what you were doing and it amazed him again how well you knew him.
“Well, did you find it – your place in the universe?” his tone softened and lost the harshness from earlier.
“Not out there on the balcony today – but I’m sure I’ll find it with you.”
He smiled, shaking his head slightly before reaching out and taking your hand. “You scared the hell out of me today, Y/N.” he said quietly.
You interlaced your fingers with his. “I know and I’m so sorry. After everything that happened at the courthouse, I wanted a moment alone. It didn’t feel that cold when I first went out there. Time got away from me ...”
He sighed deeply, the whole of the traumatic events finally pouring out of him. He looked down at you, his expressive eyes reflecting his love for you.
“Please come find me whenever it gets that bad, okay? Don’t carry that burden alone. I’m here. Always.”
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kae-tastrophic · 2 years
chicago med ocs (from diff seasons). know more? ask 😭
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funfandomtournaments · 7 months
These characters really annoy me. Some more than others
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 26 Madeline
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"Jay, you're the best the thing that has happened to me"
Chicago Med S4 EP 19: Never Let You Go
"Good morning," I said looking over some files on the computer.
"Morning," Will said smiling at me, "I saw you went to that concert you were talking about. How was it?"
"It was amazing! I screamed my heart out, and I lost my voice but it was totally worth it" I said smiling thinking about the concert.
"Did Jay go?" He asked.
"No, he was working a case and it's been keeping him busy the last couple of weeks but tonight we are having a date," I said.
"Well, glad you had a good time"
"Thanks," I said as he walked away.
"Dr. Sanchez," Dr. Lanik said walking towards me.
"Yeah," I said.
"Treatment 4," he said handing me the iPad, "16-year-old female, 38 weeks pregnant. Rear-ended while she was driving. Now I cleared her C-spine and she has labs brewing, but I figured you could check her cervix before calling the OB"
"Sure," I said walking towards the room.
"Lily? Hi, I'm Dr.Sanchez." I said standing in front of the bed, "I understand you're 38 weeks. Are you family?"
"I'm her father, yes. Joseph Cooper. And this is Edie Thompson" he said.
"I'm not family exactly," she said with a smile.
"Uh, she's adopting my baby," Lily said.
"Great. All right, well, let's take a look" I said placing the iPad down and grabbing the gel and placing it on her belly.
"Thanks," I said as Monique handed me the wand I turned to look at the screen, "Baby looks healthy and the placenta looks good. All right, Lily, I'm going to ask your dad and Edie to step out of the room while I check your cervix" I said smiling at her.
"We'll be right outside, honey," he said and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you. All right, now you let me know if anything's uncomfortable or if you feel any pain, okay?" I said putting on some gloves, "All right, if you could just put your knees up and then let them fall open. Thank you. All right you ready"
I insert the vaginal speculum in and she let out a huge gasp, "You okay?" I asked her.
I looked up and started at Monique, "Everything okay?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Um, I'm feeling that you're two centimeters dilated and seeing that you started contractions. " I said removing my gloves.
"What does that mean?"
"Oh, I think the car accident caused you to start labor," I said.
"You've got to stop it. I don't want to see the baby" she said, "That's why I scheduled a c-section"
"I'm sorry, Lily, but it doesn't work that way. Um, you can't stop labor once the baby is full-term. " I said.
"I just want to be put to sleep and wake up with it gone, okay?" Lily said looking at the both of us.
"I will call Labor and Delivery and see what we can do, okay?"
"Hey, so good news," I said walking into Lily's room again, "Dr. Patchefsky called and she can schedule you for a c-section today if you still wanna do that"
"So that means the baby's coming today?" Edie said.
'Oh, that's--that's incredible. I-I have to text Howard"
"Are you sure you're okay, sweetie? I know this is a lot" Mr.Cooper asked Lily.
"I'm ready to get it over with, Dad"
"All right, well, we'll send you upstairs as soon as a bed becomes available, okay?" I said getting ready to leave the room.
"And where's Lily at? Lily Cooper?" a voice said.
"David, what are you doing here?" Lily said.
"Hi, Jessie told me. Are you all right?" David said.
"You need to leave," Mr.Cooper said.
"It's okay, Dad. I'm fine, but they said the baby's coming out today"
"It--it's happening now?" he said.
"You better go, David" Lily said.
"That's right!"
David walked into the room, "I'm ready to take care of you and our baby"
"You're telling me this now?" she whispered.
"Yeah, you never answer my calls," he said, "All right, I get that you're mad. When you told me, I'd just lost my job and my mom was sick and I freaked out. But I got a good job now, all right? They're paying me 12 an hour at the tire and rim--"
"It's too late, David!" she said her voice cracking.
"No, listen, listen, they're giving me full-time hours," he said pleading with her.
"That's enough! You need to leave" Mr.Cooper said pushing him out of the room.
"No, no. This isn't about me"
"Maybe I should wait in the lobby?" Edie said.
'No, no. He's the one who's leaving"
"Okay, everyone calm down," I said but they didn't listen, "Hey, Maggie, call security?" I yelled at Maggie.
"Dad, stop! Please!"
"Don't touch me" David said.
"All right, I'm going to need you to wait in the lobby, okay," I said looking at David.
"But that--that--that-that--that's my baby!" he shouted pointing at Lily.
"Not anymore!"
"Security," Maggie said.
"Well, what does that mean?" he said looking at us, "What does that--what does that mean? Lily?"
"I'm giving the baby up"
"Did he talk you into this?" David said.
"Hey, Hey!" I said.
"Hey, that's my kid!" he said trying to push back against Mr.Cooper, "You can't take--no, no! You can't take my kid"
Security grabbed him, "Let go!, Hey, hey!"
"Let's go, son"
"I'm the father! I have a say!" He yelled, "Hey! Let go! Hey, no! You can't take me from my kid!"
He continued to scream and fight as the security escorted him out of the hospital.
"And the baby looks good, so we're gonna take you up and get you prepped for the c-section," I said, "Are you ready?"
"I guess," Lily said.
"It's going to be fine"
I smiled and turned to look at Maggie, "Hey Maggie, will you page OB and tell them we're on our way up?" I said.
"Copy that," she said.
"Thanks," I said and turned to look at the bed.
"David" Lily said causing me to turn around and see David standing in the doorway of the room.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of everything" he said reaching for his back pocket and pulling out a gun.
"What are you doing?" Lily said standing up but I quickly blocked her with my arm.
"Whoa. David, put that down" Mr.Cooper said.
"You think I'm gonna let you come in here and steal my kid?" he said.
"Dad, Dad, Dad, no. Dad, stop!" Lily yelled as Mr.Cooper rushed and pushed David out of the room.
They started to fight for the gun in the room.
Security, code silver! Active threat in the ED!
A gunshot was heard and Mr.Cooper fell onto the ground. Lily started shouting for her dad. I rushed towards Mr.Cooper not caring that I could get shot myself.
"David no!" I yelled at him.
Drop your weapon!
He fired his gun again at Earl, and he fell onto the ground, and the glass shattered. Nurses, doctors, and patients started to scream and run out of the ED into the waiting room. I covered the gunshot wound as I saw Will come out of the waiting room and make eye contact with me.
Edie rushed out of the room but David grabbed her and used her as a hostage.
"Stop! Stop!" David yelled pointing his gun at the officer.
"No, drop it! Drop it! Now!" The officer shouted.
"Frank, listen to the man. Listen to him" Earl said grunting with pain.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm a doctor!" Ethan shouted, "Let me just take a look," he said moving towards Earl.
David grabbed the Earl gun that had fallen onto the ground when he shot at him. Will walked towards me.
"Hey! I said stop moving" David shouted at him.
"Dad, Dad, are you okay? Please help my dad!" Lily shouted.
"I'm a doctor. I can help" Will said.
"Get in this room," he said pointing at a room
"Okay, okay," Will said pointing at the room.
Conner peaked out of the room and took small steps towards me holding a pair of gloves in his hand, "We need to help this man" he said pointing at Mr.Cooper.
"Dad! Daddy! Dad" Lily cried out.
"It wasn't my fault," David said.
"But you don't want him to die, do you?" Connor said.
David shook his head, "No. Help him, help him"
"Okay," Connor said and dropped to his knees putting on the gloves.
I got up slowly and rushed towards Lily as David continued to yell for orders. I brought Lily into my arms.
"Lily, I need you to take deep breaths okay" I said running my hands down her back.
she nodded her head and tried to take deep breaths, Maggie and Ethan rushed to help Connor with Mr.Cooper.
"Listen, I just want to get my girlfriend and my baby out of here. I don't want to hurt anybody else, but I will if you get in my way" David shouted, "Hey, you back where you were" he said.
He had his back turned from me, I took a deep breath and made the dumbest decision known to mankind. Me and Ethan made eye contact as David and Conner were talking among each other. He sent me a small nod, I rushed towards him and knocked him onto the ground he dropped both guns and I got on top of him trying to pin his arms down to the ground like I was taught in the academy but he was able to react quickly and brought his arms up and grabbed my neck tightly and flipped us around.
"You stupid doctor!" he shouted at me and leaned over me to grab the gun and point it at me.
"Let her go!" Will shouted.
"Shut up!" he yelled pointing his gun at him.
I clawed to get his hands off my neck but he was stronger than me, "Use her a shield, her uncle is a sergeant! he won't let nobody shoot at you if you're holding her" Ethan said.
He looked down at me and I nodded my head at him, "He-he-he's right" I said in between gasps.
He got up picked me up and flipped me around so my back was against his chest.
"He won't make it, let me bring him upstairs," Connor said.
"No, he stays here"
"He might not make it if you don't let him go upstairs"
"You're a doctor. Do something!" He shouted at Connor.
"He doesn't have the supplies he needs," I said.
"I need blood, plasma, and platelets. Now! Otherwise, he dies" Connor said.
"Okay, what do I--what do I do?" he said stumbling over his words.
"Pick up any one of those phones dial 911 and tell them who you are. They'll find someone for you to ask. Now!" Maggie shouted at him.
"Okay, grab a phone and call him," He said pushing me towards the phones.
I nodded my head picked up the phone and started dialing 911, I felt David push the gun up against the back of my head.
911, what's your emergency
"I'm Dr.Sanchez calling from Chicago Med," I said into the phone, "I need blood, plasma, and platelets now"
"Tell them to send Goodwin in with the supplies!" David shouted at me.
"Can you please send Goodwin in with the supplies"
He ripped the phone away from my hand, "I know what she looks like if you don't send her in I won't hesitate to put a bullet in the doctor's head" he said and hung up the phone.
"Lily might be fully dilated. She needs to deliver the baby" I said turning to look at Lily who stared at us.
"You!" he pointed at Will, "Go help my girlfriend to deliver the baby"
"No, I don't want to push it out!" she shouted as Will walked into the room.
"I know this isn't how you wanted it to happen but we cannot wait any longer," I said to her, "Will, please"
"Can't you just do the C-section?"
"It's not safe to do it here," Will said putting on gloves.
"I'm sorry, Lily, but I need you to deliver this baby," I said, "David let the doctor get a precip pack from that blue box in the pyxis. It's for the delivery"
"You heard her. Grab them now!"
Lily was moaning out in pain, "Just breathe Lily, breathe in and out Lily" I said as David walked us towards the door of her room.
"It's going to be okay, Lily. I promise. It's going to be okay" he mumbled.
"You shot my dad" she cried out in pain.
"Let me help them," I said, "You can stand next to me for protection"
"It was an accident. I swear--I swear it was. But there's a doctor looking at him--there's a doctor looking at him right now, all right? And it--it's going to be okay. I promise you. He's going to be okay"
"Dr.Halstead is going to need another set of hands to deliver your child. Can I help him" I asked him once more.
He nodded his head and let me go and I rushed over to her, "You got this, Lily. Keep breathing" I said as Will handed me the box.
"I just couldn't let him take our baby like that, Lily," he said looking at Lily, "I could--I couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry"
I moved towards the front of the bed, "You doing great Lily. You're doing great. Just keep looking at me and breathing in and out, like you have been doing since the beginning. Breathe with me Lily" I said.
"We can raise this kid together. I know we can. And I know that's what you want too"
she shook her head, "No. I just want my life to go back to normal. I wanna finish high school. I wanna go to college" she said.
"No, no, no, no. That's your dad talking, all right?" he said closing his eyes and opening them up, "And I'm gonna fix everything as soon as we get out of here"
David's attention went away from us when he heard glasses and he walked away from us.
"Lily, honey--"
"Next person to move, I will not hesitate to shoot anyone!" he shouted.
Goodwin had come in with the supplies I had asked for then shouting was heard when they were moving Mr.Cooper from the ER.
"Mads, fetal heart tones just flipped to the other side," Will said as we lowered the bed.
"I just felt something shift," she said looking between us, "Does that mean the baby's coming out?"
"Let me see," I said placing my hands on her belly, "The baby just went transverse," I said looking at Will.
"Wait, what does that mean?" David asked as he stood at the entrance with Goodwin.
"The baby's turned sideways in her uterus. She can't deliver like that" Will said answering his question.
"So what happens now?"
"We need to move her upstairs" I shouted.
"No, you do it here," he said.
"Fine, I need you to get me something out of the Pyxis," I said pointing over at the room, "A medication, Terbutaline"
"I will get it," Goodwin said and walked away with David following her.
"Just look at me. Look at me. Breathe" Will said, "Good. Are you gonna turn the baby?" he whispered.
"Water hasn't broken yet. And the Terbutaline should soften her uterus" I said.
"She's in labor. We could cause a placental abruption or a prolapse" he mutters.
"Well, he's not giving me any other choice" I whisper shouted.
Lily shouted before she went cold. The Machines started beeping.
"She's hypotensive," Will said.
"What's that?"
"Her blood pressure is dropping," Goodwin said.
"She must be bleeding from somewhere," I said.
"We are losing the baby," Will said looking at David.
"Fix it!"
"We need to do a C-section or you're going to lose them both!" I shouted at him.
"Well, if either of them dies, I'm gonna kill you" he shouted pointing his gun at me.
"Hey!" Will yelled at him pointing his finger at him.
"Fix it! Now!"
David grabbed me by the shoulder roughly and walked over to Conner where he and Maggie were with his Dad.
"Dr.Rhodes?" Maggie said as she saw me standing in front of them with a gun pointed at me.
"Lily needs your help," David said.
"I'm not leaving my father," he said.
"Connor, I think her uterus ruptured," I said taking a deep breath, "She needs immediate surgery before she and the baby bleed to death"
"I will do the surgery. If you agree to transfer my father upstairs" Connor said.
"No, you fix him here," he said shaking his head.
"I can't. He needs an operating room with a bypass machine!" he shouted.
"Operate on Lily or I will kill you right here," he said and pointed his gun at Conner.
"God damnit David!" I shouted, "Let Dr. Rhodes's father move upstairs now! So he can save them all you're just losing fucking time. Pointing your gun around the whole room"
Connor chuckled, "You want to kill the only person who can save her?" he said.
"I will transfer his father. And I give you my word, I will not let SWAT in" Goodwin said, "Please, David, Lily, and the baby are losing valuable time like Dr.Sanchez had said.
"Okay," he mumbled.
Connor walked out of the room and I followed behind him, "Bring whatever blood we have to the Hybrid OR. Prep her belly, and scrub in. I'm gonna need your help, all of you"
"Sats are good. Ketamine's in" Will said.
"Everybody ready?" Connor asked looking at all of us.
"Mm-hmm" I mumbled.
"Okay," he said and cut down the middle of Lily's belly.
Blood started squirting out quickly out of her belly, "Her uterus ruptured" Connor said.
"The baby's floating in the abdomen. Need suction" I said as I grabbed one side of the belly.
"I'm in there," Maggie said putting the tube in.
Connor's hands went deep into the belly and he pulled the baby out of the belly which was covered in blood.
"Mom's pressure is crashing. O neg's running in" Will said.
"All right, we're losing her," Connor said, "Keep suction going. More laps"
I grabbed a blanket for the baby wrapped him up and cleaned off the blood
"His color's coming back, He's stable for now," I said.
"Guys, I need a little help over here," Connor said, "She's lost a lot of blood. What-What do we got left?"
"I'm hanging my last two of FFP. She's not stable" Will said.
"All right, keep suctioning," Connor said.
"I can't see a thing," Connor said then more blood squirted out hitting both me and Connor in the face.
"The rupture extended into the uterine artery," I said.
"Keep suction going"
"She's bottoming out, Connor," Will said.
"All right, hold on, hold on. I think I got it" Connor said, "Give me an 0 prolene on a needle"
"Pressure's rising"
"Bleeding's under control. All right, Let's finish this and then we'll close the uterus" he said breathing heavily.
"My baby" Lily mumbled.
"Healthy little boy," I said sending her a smile.
The door opens and David walks in with Goodwin, "Hey, Lily, we're gonna go right now, all right?"
"That's not happening," Connor said.
"She can barely move in her condition," Will said.
"Stop talking. We gotta go. Lily, we gotta go right now. All right?"
"David, no," she said.
"No listen, all we have to do is get to the neighborhood, all right?" he said, "Because I know people who'll help us get out. I promise it's gonna be okay. All right?"
"No," she said, "It's over, David. It's over"
Good walked towards the baby's bed slowly and picked him up into her arms
"If you change your mind when you do, call my mom. She'll tell you to get in contact with me and the baby" he said and turned to look at the empty bed.
"What are you doing?" he asked Goodwin, "Give me my son"
"I can't do that, David"
David turned towards us and pointed his gun at us, "Get back. Get back" he said, "Everyone back against the wall now" and turned back to look at Ms.Good still with his gun pointed at us, "Miss Goodwin, hand him over"
"I said I'd help you, David, and I meant that," she said taking steps back and shaking her head, "But I'm not giving you this baby"
"I'm not leaving here without my son"
"Sharon?" Maggie called out for her.
"You don't have a choice"
"No, you don't have a choice. I will kill everyone in this hospital before I leave my son!" he shouted and shot his gun at the ground.
We all jumped a bit, Will pulled me behind him quickly so now both me and Maggie were behind the guys.
"Then you're gonna have to start with me"
"Give me my son!"
A gunshot was heard and David's body fell to the ground with a loud thump, and the SWAT team rushed in. Both me and Connor rushed over to David's body. He was shot in the neck blood came out of his mouth as he held the side of his neck with both sides before he finally let go.
"He's gone," I said as me and Connor looked at each other.
"Madeline, Madeline" a voice yelled.
I looked up and saw Jay standing in front of me, "Jay--Jay" I mumbled getting up from the floor.
"I was so worried about you," he said grabbing my head with both his hands, "You're covered in blood are you hurt" he mumbled checking for wounds.
I shook my head, "No, estoy bein amor" I said smiling at him.
"Thank god," he said kissing my lips.
I walked into Mr. Cooper's room with a smile on my face, "Hello, Dr.Sanchez"
"Hi, I'm glad to see you're feeling better. Just wanted to come in and check and see if you needed anything"
"Hi, Lily Cooper?" a nurse said stopping in front of the room, "Dr.Lang cleared the baby. I'm having a hard time finding the adoptive mom, though. Edie Thompson, right?"
"I saw her leave the hospital. I don't think she'll be coming back" I said.
"I'll call the agency tomorrow," Mr.Cooper said, "Have them find another couple. I'm sure it won't be a problem. Can you take him back to the nursery until we get this straightened out?"
I looked at Lily as she kept staring at the bed that held her baby, "Hang on a second. Lily, is there something you want to say?" I asked her.
"Would it be okay if I hold him?" she asked.
"Just for a little bit"
I smiled at her, "Of course" I walked towards the baby picked it up into my arms carefully, and headed towards Lily, "Here you go honey"
"Sweetie" Mr.Cooper said.
"Dad?" she said with tears in her eyes.
"But he's mine, dad" she whispered looking at her son with a smile.
After getting out of the shower I sat at my vanity and started to do my makeup. After finishing my makeup, I grabbed the blue dress I had laid on the bed and put it on, sitting on the seat I grabbed the black heels I left by the table and put them on, I grabbed my Chanel chain wallet purse making sure I had put everything in it and left the room.
My heels clicked against the wooden floor, "Hey you ready?" Jay asked looking at his watch.
"Yes" I said smiling at him.
"Woah" he muttered as he looked me up and down, "You look so sexy, why don't we stay home instead and" he warped his arms around my waist and kissed me.
"Jay! You promised me a nice dinner, after dinner you can have your way with me all night" I whisper in his ear.
"Fine. Let's go now so we can back home earlier"
We finished dinner and it was amazing and now we were just eating dessert.
"Babe, I wanna give you something" Jay said pulling something from his pocket.
"What is it?" I asked putting the fork down.
He pulled out a small red velvet box, a gasp left my lips and I covered my mouth.
"Jay" I whispered.
He smiled at me, "I'm giving you this promise ring because I promise to you forever and soon replace it with an engagement ring"
"Jay, you're the best the thing that has happened to me" I said crying.
He grabbed my hand and slid it onto my right finger, it was beautiful.
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
Promise Ring:)
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 3: Natalie’s phone 
Will ❤️: hey sighs idk bured helpful me wit thes crossword\sw puddle 
Attachment: 1 Image: Screenshot 
Natalie Manning: Translation: Hey (?) I don’t know if I’m bored. Help me with this crossword puzzle.
Will ❤️: lamp I ment I amm biredd 
Natalie Manning: 🙄🙄🙄 I give up. 
Sharon Goodwin🐅: How did you pass middle school?
Natalie Manning: With the help of his fairy godmother.
Sharon Goodwin🐅: 🤣
Maggie👯: Good question Sharon. How did he pass preschool? 
April👭: With Elsa’s help
Elsie 🤨: Huh? Why are you talking about me?
Natalie Manning: Wait, your name’s Elsa?
Elsie 🤨: Yes?
Natalie Manning: …Nevermind
You have changed Elsie 🤨 to ELSA not Elsie❄️
Charles, Daniel 🛋️: The answer to 5 across is: Papillon. 
Connor💸: and for 5 down it’s Aston Martin 
Ava Bekker🫀: only rich people could possibly know that 🙄🙄🙄
Dr. Latham🫀: For 38 across the answer is The Brothers Karamazov
Sarah👩‍⚕️: you guys are so old fashioned i can’t believe you are seriously doing crosswords
Ethan🩺: The answer to 45 down is buffalo obviously 
Will ❤️: «buffalo obviously” died not fits 
Ava Bekker🫀: …
Sarah👩‍⚕️: …
Sharon Goodwin🐅: Why did I hire you?
Noah🙄🙄🙄: The answer to 7 down is cat
Lanik🙄🙄🙄: No, it’s not.
Dr. Latham🫀: I am sad to say that you are incorrect. 
Sarah👩‍⚕️: lmao no
Ava Bekker🫀: noah ur a dumb bitch💀
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
Did I just hear the name Dr. Lanik?!!
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felicitysmoaksx · 10 months
You’re one of my favorite writers for Sarah/ Conner and I couldn’t pass up your advent writing challenge.
I would love to see your take on Sarah /Conner taking care of each other after those tough moments on the job.
Like Conner finding out that Sarah as the new intern in the psych department has to speak to the families of the dead and she’s just so exhausted and emotionally drained and he’s just there taking care of her being protective etc
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Hi! Thanks so much for the kind words! So I took a version of your idea and went off the rails of what you intended. Also there is an ambiguous ending. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! This is set in my amnesia au, after Sarah is discharged and returns to work. But she still doesn't have her memories.
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"It'll be fine," Connor reassured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead as they walked across the parking lot to the ED. Her hand was firmly interlocked with his large palm. Whether this was to keep her from running away or not, Sarah didn’t know. There was a secondhand Deja vu running through her too and it was annoying that she couldn’t remember why. “I’ll be around the ED if you need me, which you won’t. But if I’m not around, you’ll have Will, Maggie, April, Ethan, and all of our other friends even if you don’t remember them yet.”
She only remembered two weeks into her ED rotation, so it had been Dr. Choi’s and Dr. Halstead’s idea for her to essentially redo the rotation in hopes of jogging her memory. Sarah didn't think it was quite that simple, but she didn’t have any better ideas, so she went with it.  
Her husband sounded so optimistic that she didn’t want to tell him otherwise. But there was a nervous tug in her stomach that disputed his reassurances.
Spoiler Alert: her stomach ended up being right.
“Too bad, your medical license will be taken away before you even remember how to use it. Seriously, what fourth-year can’t do a groin line?” 
She would not cry. She would not cry. A tear slipped down her face and fell onto her hands as she kept her head low. She didn’t want to face any of the other three people in the room. Even if Dr. Marcel and Dr. Asher were defending her. (No, they weren’t defending her. They were defending their friend. They were defending the Sarah she was before the accident.) 
“Ms. Goodwin, we both heard it. Dr. Lanik was deliberately taunting her.” Dr. Asher explained, shaking her head. 
“What did I even do to him? Dr. Lanik?” Sarah asked, looking for Crockett to Hannah, and finally facing Ms. Goodwin. Both of her new friends exchanged looks, but it was Hannah who answered her. 
“I don’t think it was anything you did to him, Sarah. I think you’re just guilty by association.” The brunette blinked at the other woman’s words. 
“Guilty by association? What do you mean?” Hannah grinned sympathetically. It was a patronizing thing that people did now. Because she didn’t remember anything from the last four years. It grated on Sarah’s nerves and made her want to scream even though she knew everyone probably didn’t mean anything by it. If they even knew they were doing it in the first place. 
“It’s my understanding from Will that Dr. Lanik and Connor really do not get along.” 
…And she was being punished because she was married to-
“I’m here. I’m here. Sorry, got caught up removing a tumor from someone’s lung. What happened?” Her husband burst through the door and Sarah frowned as the familiar feeling of getting called down to the principal’s office worsened. 
“Nothing. I’m fine.” She hoped her voice didn’t shake and give herself away as she stood up from her chair and lied, “I was just telling Ms. Goodwin that today has been a lot for me so I think I’m going to go home.”
Thankfully no one corrected her. She met his eyes just long enough before she avoided them again. In her peripheral vision, Connor frowned. Then after a beat, he nodded. “Okay, just let me get my stuff then we can-”
“No, you stay.” Sarah was already shaking her head. Connor deserved one day where he didn’t have to take care of her, where he didn’t have to be shackled to her because of her amnesia. “I can take the bus. I checked the schedule last night just in case something like this happened.”
“Sarah, we’ll have you work the shift with Dr. Charles tomorrow. Give you a break from the ED.”
“Actually, Ms. Goodwin, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. If today has shown us anything, it’s that I’m more of a liability right now. If you need to fire me, I understand.” 
“Sarah,” her husband said softly, but she ignored him except to give him a sad smile. With a nod to everyone in the room, she passed Connor and patted his shoulder. He was still looking at her worriedly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
It was only after Sarah was gone that Connor looked at Crockett, Hannah, and Ms.Goodwin in turn because his wife wasn’t acting like his wife. She looked like she was about to cry and she didn’t meet his eyes. 
“Okay, does someone want to explain what just happened?”
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phlarmingo · 11 months
Chicago Med: 6x1
The staff adjusts to the new normal of the pandemic. Dr. Choi, Dr. Lanik and April fight on the front lines. Dr. Halstead and Hannah face a troubling reality. Dr. Charles tries to clear the air with his daughter following recent developments.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Radio Prompt #7 - I could tell when you locked the door just what was going on (with Jimmy Lanik)
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It's the look in Jimmy's eyes when he locks the door to your office that makes pause. You're leaning against the edge of your desk reading a report one of the admin staff had handed you on the way out when you look up and see him standing there, turning the bolt.
"Jimmy..." You barely manage to say his name before his lips are on yours, his firm body pressing against the length of you. You don't where the report ends up because your fingers are already tangling in his hair as you shift onto the edge of the desk so Jimmy can take up residence between your thighs.
His hands, the ones that save so many lives, come to rest on your hips. His thumbs skirt under the fabric of your blouse, ghosting over the tattoo of a butterfly on your hip.
"Do you know it's been six days since I last saw you?" He mumbles against the corner of your mouth before he kisses a heated trail down the line of your jaw. "Six days since I've kissed you, loved you..."
You moan as his teeth graze that deviant little spot just underneath your earlobe, your hips arching against his. He's hard already, your fingers reach for his belt buckle, but he pulls away and you whine at the loss of contact.
"No honey." He murmurs as he sinks to his knees instead. "Let me take care of you for a change."
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annieradcliff · 2 years
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@bullet-prooflove; @daniacat; @cosmic-psychickitty
I had to giggle when I saw this today. Look at Jimmy’s eyes in this gif!!!  He’s obviously interested in something April is doing but he’s being adorably surreptitious about it. Kind of this sideways glance, like he’s taking an interest but trying not to get caught.
In my headcanon, this is the way Jimmy looks at Reader when he takes an interest in something she’s working on at home and he’s trying his best not to be obvious about staring at her, but she catches him looking. 
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‘Chicago Med’: T.V. Carpio Set To Recur In NBC Medical Drama – Deadline
I wonder of she'll b e villainous like Lanik and Gwen.
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redridinnghood · 2 years
Just some Dr. Lanik Gifs since there is not enough of him🌺
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Stomps feet for Chicago med rp's
Man I wish the fandom wasn't so dead... like I understand the last seasons (so I've heard) where kinda crappy but but look at all the pretty people
Yuh anyway if you rp chicago med, do mxm, double or play cannons like comment whatever this post so I can get my brainrot
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 5: Maggie’s phone
Will🙄: Hello my fellow doctors, nurses, and my boss! How are all of you doing this very fine morning? 
April👭(bff): Wtf I think Will is broken. 
Annoying rich dude: you good dude???? do you need me to call 911??? 
Daniel: I guess your therapy session worked. 
Nat👯: I em so prison of you WilliM!
Will🙄: Do you mean: I am so proud (?) of you William!
April’s idiotic little brother: Omg freaky friday!!!!!
Annoying blonde med student: Freaky Friday?
Ethan: Even I know what Freaky Friday is. 
Maggie: How do you not know what Freaky Friday is?
Annoying (Lanik) has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
April’s idiotic little brother: Who’s that?
Annoying (Lanik): Dr. Abrams. He lost a bet and the punishment is that he has to be added to this group chat.
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) left the group chat
Annoying (Lanik) has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): I do not want to be here Lanik. 
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) left the group chat
April’s idiotic little brother has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): Fine. I give up. 
Maggie: Welcome to the group chat, Sam!
Nat👯: Hiijj aramssas
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): Natalie, why can’t you spell?
Will🙄: Will stole my phone.
Nat👯: asnj she stolw mien
Annoying rich dude: will can't type fyi
Will🙄: Translation: And she stole mine. 
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): How do we work in the same hospital?
Sharon (my boss): 🤣
Ava: abrams, it’s good you’re here, we need to discuss our plan for the surgery tomorrow
Ava: i made a new group chat with connor, latham, and you Latham: Good idea, Dr. Bekker. Annoying rich dude: ok avey :)
Maggie: ;)
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It’s objectively insane that I’m still watching Chicago Med, even though I hate practically every character, for the occasional scene with Jimmy Lanik and his perfect, perfect hair.
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