#downgrade granola bars
i have reached turning point.
a mile stone.
a new era of my life.
my epiphany is thus:
ration bars can be shortened to Rat Bars.
(chameleonchanging on ao3 is at fault)
Rat bar.
RaT barrrr
seriously tho. why, *why* are ration bars universal?
'love' is universal, alright, i get it. 'family', sure, an extension of biology and progeny and the complex loyalties of a self aware species. 'war', sure fuck okay, makes sense that would bridge philosophies. some things are just consistent like that. the convergent evolution of ideas.
but... ration bars. an invention which seems to haunt every species which eats, from every theoretical world with theoretical life. always rectangular. always sad.
rat bar.
i will never be the same again.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 months
Due to a series of unfortunate events (a cancellation of all direct flights for 2 days), im going to be spending between 90 minutes and three hours in IRELAND of all places. The REPUBLIC of Ireland. I was not expecting this on my american adventure.
I wont get to do any irish things but im flying both flights with Aer Lingus instead of British Airways.
Here is my review of Aer Lingus which is by extension my review of Ireland:
- Holy SHIT this airbus is half the size of the boeing i was going to take. I expected it to have insane turbulence like the KLM washing machines but honestly it's no different to the boeing
- it is nice to hear announcements made in a celtic language first again, even if it's Gaelic and not Cymraeg. I look forward to seeing the "Casnewydd/Newport" sign when i finally take the train home, it's the first symbol of being in Wales.
- We left early. EARLY. On one hand this is leagues above all my BA flights that have never left on time. On the other hand if it left just 60 seconds late, id have recieved a free change of transfer plane. Now i gotta hope we get there "early" enough for me to get through customs and find my next flight. Better prepare to run but theres not much i can do about this. I just hope British Airways dont force me to pay for a rebooked flight because they decided 60 minutes international transfer time was enough (hah!) and i dont have superhuman speed.
- Im sat by an emergency exit. This has funny side effects. I get sliiiightly more leg room, but also im sat by the exit and the door is way, way colder than any other wall in the plane. It's not bothersome but it's funny how i have a free Cooling Wall.
- Internet is about same price as BA and i can use discord (good) but i cant use youtube (very bad, you should probably only go for for the im service)
- The dinner was about the same quality as the British airways food, but they had TWO meat options instead of one. I took the Beef Stew. Very yummy. They had cheese and tomato on the side instead of the cursed tomato couscous yoghurt that looks like strawberry muesli which british airways keep serving (prison food). I also really liked the chocolate mousse, slightly easier to eat than the chocolate brownie i get with BA, but i find it weird aer lingus serve most of their drinks in tiny cartons. Why??? At least i get a tiny water bottle with BA, like a souvenir. Also theres a tinier bread roll and no cheese with it, but the cheese felt out of place anyway. Not as out of place as the tiny creamer pot i get on both airlines, with no coffee in sight. It's like a shot.
- you dont get any free alcohol on this flight, you have to pay for your 1 can can of lager. With a credit card. Mine was in the overhead locker. Thankfully a guy on my aisle was feeling generous and bought my can. Downgrade from BA including 2 alcoholic drinks in the flights
- instead of a nice pasty or bacon egg roll for breakfast they gave me a tiny carton of orange juice and a Nature Valley granola bar. Horrible
- the in flight entertainment is on a screen from 2009 instead of 1999. There is no funny controller that stops working randomly. It is a normal ass touch screen. Unfortunately i lost my provided earbuds at the start of the flight so i havent done anything with it
- no reclining chair on this airbus :( it's an overnight flight. My chair is missing an arm but i assume thats because it is by the emergency exit
- BA do this thing where they dim the lights and turn them back on an hour before arrival. Aer Lingus have decided to "dim" the lights by having these purple lights on, instead of turning them off.
More to come when i arrive at the airport
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semi-sketchy · 7 months
PAW Patrol Episode Thoughts - Season 2
Another cross-post from my DA, although this is the last one since it's been like a year and I still can't bring myself to finish season 3.
Anyways, as a reminder, here's my scoring system that goes from 1-10 based on my initial reaction:
1/10 - The episode you'd force your worst enemy to watch on repeat
2/10 - Just awful
3/10 - Pretty terrible
4/10 - Didn't hate, but wouldn't wanna watch again
5/10 - Just okay
6/10 - Decent, wouldn't mind watching it again
7/10 - The average good
8/10 - Really liked it!
9/10 - This is a must-watch
10/10 - Probably my favorite episode ever like maybe two are going to get this rating
To keep things simple, I'm not getting into point values, so just because two episodes have the same rating doesn't mean they're equal to me. And yes I love my OCs and will be bringing them up whenever I want because this is my post.
Without further adieu, here's how my rewatch of season 2 went.
Episode 1: Pups Save the Penguins/Pups Save a Dolphin Pup
A: Already the animation is a downgrade. Something about Marshall sitting on a swing like a human is very disturbing, although with the debut episode of a new season comes the first showing of Super Spy Chase. But seriously, Adventure Bay gets SNOW, are you now trying to tell me it's a tropical area and an iceberg would last going to and fro southern South America? Weak for a new season's first episode. 5/10
B: Marshall being knocked out of the elevator and his uniform put on a toy dolphin, leaving him to scramble up the pole has to be one of the funniest jokes they've done. Still, it feels lacking. 6/10
Episode 2: Pups Save a Space Alien/Pups Save a Flying Frog
A: Rocky learned how to fly alien tech in a matter of minutes, amazing. Still, this one wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. 6/10
B: Didn't notice it before, but the top floor of the lookout got a redesign for this season. It went from beige to blue. More of Chase's crush on Skye is shown, Chase is actually overall very cute and clingy in this episode and Marshall is also great. 7/10
Episode 3: Pups Save Jake/Pups Save the Parade
A: A cave episode, immediately Tara would be perfect here. Here's the debut of Marshall's EMT gear, I actually like Marshall doubling as an EMT since real fire fighters often times do both jobs. 7/10
B: At first I thought this was cute and then we got inflated Marshall. Please no I've unwillingly seen too much inflation fetish-- Overall okay though, Chase was once again very cute. 6/10
Episode 4: Pups Save the Diving Bell/Pups Save the Beavers
A: Francois stop being mean, as long as something old still works, it's better to use it rather than have it in a landfill. But Turbot...you knew you lost the steering fin so why did you think you could just drive? Although, first episode with Zuma's sub and it was pretty good! Rocky diving and Marshall traumatizing that poor woman on the beach was great. 8/10
B: Yumi, you don't put hay in the coop, you put straw. Hay is for eating, straw is for bedding. This is an episode where Nami's animal skills would really come in handy, though I am just so happy to see them communicating with animals in a way that isn't words for once. 8/10
Episode 5: Pups Save a Ghost/Pups Save a Show
A: They're baiting a trap for a dog...with a chocolate chip cookie. I get they don't know it's Marshall, but...dude. Oh wait, Rubble eats it at the end and calls it a liver chip cookie. Um...ew. 7/10
B: Oh look, Rescue Knights 6 seasons early. But did they just have Marshall try to do a Tim Allen "Uwha" grunt reference?
Episode 6: The New Pup
IT'S EVEREST TIME, BABY!!!! Aight but the first 5 minutes is just an ad for the PAW Patroller, like Ryder I don't think self-driving vehicles are legal and pretty sure having a robot that sits in the seat to do the driving doesn't change this rule, he's clearly not even very good at it yet. But we meet Everest and poor baby is so lonely. BUT JAKE GIVES HER A GRANOLA BAR THAT HAS RAISINS IN IT LIKE BRO YOU WANNA GIVE HER KIDNEY FAILURE? Anyways, Everest steals the show here, but aside from her there's not a whole lot going for this? Kinda sad considering I used to love this episode and I'm probably rating it higher than I should because I just love Everest so much. 6/10
Episode 7: Pups Jungle Trouble/Pups Save a Herd
A: First time in the jungle, huh, and Marshall really just jumped on a snake and then nearly got eaten by a carnivorous flower. I must admit, the dialogue with Mandy just stealing Ryder's Pup Pad is pretty funny, although they really just wanted an Indiana Jones moment, huh. 7/10
B: Ah, the episode that features 3 seconds of a Chase recolor which the whole fandom wanted to return as an actual character. Do love how Chase's bully here is a sheep. 7/10
Episode 8: Pups and the Big Freeze/Pups Save a Basket Ball Game
A: Does the town not have snowplow/salt trucks? At all? Goodway, you should know better than to drive faster than you can control your car, and really they called Rubble to clear the roads and not Everest? She was an afterthought? In a snow episode? Okay but Zuma and Skye skating at the end was cute. 7/10
B: They really are facing off against Boomers, huh. I know this isn't the first time the rivalry between Goodway and Humdinger has been shown, but this is the first full on "yeah Foggy Bottom cheats" moment. Still, Marshall having no confidence in himself and everyone helping to build him up is cute. 7/10
Episode 9: Pups Save an Ace/Pups Save a Wedding
A: This is the opposite of Sonic Lost World where the motor somehow causes damage to the wing, also Marshall just randomly exposing people to radiation with his x-ray screen for no reason. 8/10
B: Do they only invite the PAW Patrol so they get free decorating? Of course though, they censor the kissing because that's...a no, I guess? But Skye was really desperate to catch the bouquet. 7/10
Episode 10: Pups Save a Talent Show/Pups Save the Corn Roast
A: I know they're dogs and them playing music is great, but...ROCKY THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY CHORDS. Why is Al acting as if he's never met the PAW Patrol before like...heck they helped him IN THE LAST EPISODE. I don't normally care for the singing, but here it was okay, just 2 Marshall-has-no-confidence episodes so close together. 8/10
B: Popcorn and roasting corn are two different types of corn, they aren't interchangeable. Regular old yellow corn will not pop. Also they're serving and eating food THAT'S BEEN ON THE DIRT. Pretty sure that's a health code violation. 6/10
Episode 11: Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone/Pups Save the Deer
A: Rubble was the writer's pet of season 1, but honestly I'm enjoying Marshall getting a big spotlight here, I can't believe I didn't like him for a long time. Katie this is why you don't have automatic doors to your grooming parlor, but it means we see Marshall and Katie with a bunch of adorable kittens so I'm actually okay with this. Marshall was funny and cute. I'm glad to say this was even better than I remembered it being. 10/10
B: EVEREST, MY BELOVED! I guess when Ryder made Everest part of the PAW Patrol, that included Jake, too. I don't wanna think how cold it has to be for the bay, which is most likely salt water, to freeze that solid. Also if Nami was a member at this point in time, her animal skills would once again come in very handy. 7/10
Episode 12: Pups Save the Parrot/Pups Save the Queen Bee
A: Are Ryder's dogs not color blind? Cause they can see red and green pretty well. Something that is accurate though is birds being incredibly hard to tell their gender. 6/10
B: This exists. Lots of the stuff in it is accurate to bees though, which is nice. Dogs do love honey, too. 6/10
Episode 13: Pups Save a Mer-Pup
Ah, the fantasy in the show starts. Gotta love Chase being the biggest skeptic around, like don't you know when you're fed this exposition, the myth is gonna come true? Still his reaction was so priceless. You know Zuma and Skye also get along really well in this episode, it's cute. 8/10
Episode 14: Pups Save an Elephant Family/Pups and the Mischievous Kittens
A: Turbot really sleeping in the jungle without a mosquito net, huh. I mean...that was an episode, I guess. 5/10
B: Ah, the debut of the Catastrophe Crew. Did they always have names though? The Rocky kitten was called Tabby. Don't know why Ryder didn't call all the pups to help clean up, but Nami's gear was made for picking up after storms, so she would've been great here. 6/10
Episode 15: Pups Save a Friend/Pups Save a Stowaway
A: Another Marshall episode, but this one is sad. One of those cliché "I heard someone saying bad things and assumed it was about me." That said, it was still an alright episode. 6/10
B: Cats are curious but I can tell you they hate car rides. Surprised she didn't scream the whole way there. 7/10
Episode 16: Pups Adventures in Babysitting/Pups Save the Fireworks
A: Did Ryder get a VA change mid-season? He sounds so different here. Although the theme song playing 3 times was a bit much... 6/10
B: Surprise, show, but mailing most animals isn't allowed and I can assure you, piglets aren't. They do not go through the same mail as apples and shampoo. Also no fireworks either since those are a big safety risk. Chase really just stole a buggy though, huh. 7/10
Episode 17: Pups Save a Sniffle/Pups and the Ghost Cabin
A: I'd question how the virus spread so quickly to all the pups but after the past few years I don't think I need to. I will question why each of them has their very own branded box of tissues, though. 6/10
B: Yes, Chase, the mice will be sad, but that covering Rocky did will not keep them out. You need to stuff the hole with steel wool and CERTAINLY DON'T FEED THE MICE. THOSE ARE NOT PETS. 6/10
Episode 18: Pups Save an Adventure/Pups Save a Surprise
A: Poor Mr. Porter, he just wants a break but he's with a toddler. Also...don't give dogs chili. It's too spicy for them. This episode was more of a fire safety information dump than anything, although learning these types of things as a kid didn't stop me playing with matches. 6/10
B: Contrary to popular belief, tomato juice does in fact, not remove skunk spray. How did this myth even get started. Also he was wearing white clothes and they were still white, like...tomato stains, man. 6/10
Episode 19: Pup-Fu!
I feel like this came out just because it was the height of popularity for Kung-fu Panda, but after playing Xenoblade X and having to listen to Bozé, I can't hear "Sensei" without cringing. This was...something. 4/10
Episode 20: Pups Save the Mayor's Race/Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot
A: I am very quickly getting tired of the amount of problems being caused by the Catastrophe Crew. Do cats always have to be the enemy to dogs? 5/10
B: Annnd another Humdinger episode, you know I don't blame the pups for basically spying on him every time he steps foot in the city. Geez though is he RIPPED he just pulled a huge log! That has to be at the bare minimum 300 pounds! Not as strong as Ryder though, freaking 10-year-old just lifted an entire chest full of gold out of the ground. 6/10
Episode 21: Pups Save Walinda/Pups Save a Big Bone
A: Wally gets ass, confirmed. 6/10
B: Ah, excavation, something Tara would be great for, but that's it. 6/10
Episode 22: Pups Save a Floundering Francois/Pups Save the Pop-Up Penguins
A: Chase, were the cones really necessary when Rubble was just planting a bonsai tree...? But man does Francois cause so many problems, seeing this as a double-rescue though is cool. 7/10
B: Someone tell me how penguins get in a train freezer car in the first place, please. 6/10
Episode 23: Pups Save a Snowboard Competition/Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
A: If Everest could clear the driveway with her snowcat the entire time, why did she sit there letting Jake shovel tons of it by hand? Also Humdinger is back but he's so minor in this episode that it's tolerable. 7/10
B: Okay, Cali underwater was pretty funny. 7/10
Episode 24: Pups Save a Pizza/Pups Save Skye
A: Marshall, sitting in a bunch of food people are going to eat is just gross. Also are they really using dough that fell rather than just making a new batch? Like pizza dough is 5 ingredients, it's not hard to make. Good they differentiated actual pepperoni from the dog kind, though. 8/10
B: Gotta love Skye, something bad happens and she takes it in strides. Everyone being so concerned about her is also very cute. Although don't give dogs ENTIRE BOWLS OF MILK, JAKE. 8/10
Episode 25: Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show/Pups Save an Eagle
A: Cleaning up after a storm? NAMI? But a celebrity is driving themself and that is because this is a work of fiction. Chase's smug grin after being able to tell off his mayor is great and surprisingly, the singing isn't annoying for once. 7/10
B: Ryder you need Byte to help you tinker with the Lookout electronics. ALSO WHY ARE YOU WORKING ON A CIRCUIT WITH ACTIVE POWER TO IT DO YOU WANT TO DIE??? I must say, it is sweet how Ryder's not making Skye deal with an eagle, well, at least right away... 7/10
Episode 26: Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
Remember when episodes like these were just dreams? But these dinos should have feathers and I have to admit, the sound effects they have for them are hilarious. Also dino on dino VIOLENCE. For a dream episode, it was pretty solid. 7/10
Season 2 overall:
While this season was still pretty good and I have a lot of nostalgia for it, I can see the heart starting to go. Some of the characters are losing personality and more than a few episodes feel so lifeless. Humdinger shifted from a rival to an actual villain and Marshall was the big writer's pet this time around, so it evened out somewhat. Just the sheer repetitiveness is really sinking in and I'm afraid even someone as amazing as Everest can't save that.
Will say this half makes me ship ZumaXSkye because they have so many good moments in this season.
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notbadweird · 2 years
Someone asked me why I shipped Portwell and it was a really nice feeling while talking about it so I just wanted to bring it here as well
Why I Ship Portwell
Ok so I think what I love most about them is their growth. I look back at my “Their Growth” edit and I just sometimes cry at their perfect development. Do I think there could have been an added moment to boost the growth even more? Yes, I’ve even written about it in my request book. But even without it everything about them just makes perfect sense to me. They are similar in some ways but also different which means it’s a learning opportunity for the both of them all the time. I love how they both knew what the other wanted without the other person telling them which is why the granola bar is so important even though people try to downgrade it’s importance knowing damn well if it was their ship they would do the same thing. I made a poll about this in the past and what I got from that poll was that most people had to be extremely comfortable around a person before having the courage to fall asleep with them in the same room. It makes me so happy Gina feels safe enough to fall asleep with Ej in the room. Also the fact that Ej clearly makes her feel at home because she brought his Duke hoodie with her to Louisiana, a place she’d never been before. He always seems to have a plan when it comes to her whether it’s a quick on his feet plan, like the fake dating scheme in The Field Trip or stuff that was actually planned, like when he told Gina he would bring her back to the airport in the morning with no hesitations during Spring Break episode. It’s always about planning when it comes to these two, like how without Ej she literally would not have been in the Salt Lake another semester. All of his hard work paid off because look at him now, flourishing and being happy with the girl he brought back on his own. As I said last night I love how most of Gina’s happy scenes in scene packets are with Ej. She’s smiling till her gums show guys and she’s holding it for a bit too. You can’t tell me they aren’t beautiful and that they don’t make each other happy when most of their happiness has come from each other. I don’t know what imma do if I lose them…be prepared for war if something bad happens.
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tommyxhoran-blog · 5 years
NH⁑ Fire Away
based off niall horan’s song “fire away”
italicized words are song lyrics, enjoy xx
warnings: kinda sad, little bit of crying; fluff at the end 
word count: 1.3k 
summary: you have a horrible day and close yourself off from niall. he sings his song to you, and you break. (don’t worry the end is happy)
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you know those days where nothing goes as planned? well, today was that day. everything was going wrong. literally everything. this morning, your coffee-maker broke, you dropped (and ruined) your favorite eye shadow, and to top it all off, niall had to leave early to go to the studio. it started pouring down rain while you were walking to work, and of course you didn’t have an umbrella. when you finally got to work, your boss yelled at you for being late. even though you were only two minutes late. two minutes. basically, you were having a terrible day, and all you wanted was to go home. you counted down the minutes until the clock struck four o’clock, and you could finally be in the warmth and comfort of your shared apartment with niall.
alas, four o’clock arrived. you let out a sigh of relief and began your short journey home. the second you walked into the apartment, you could smell the soothing scent of niall’s cologne. his shoes were placed neatly on the mat next to your door, and his keys thrown on the table.
niall heard the door close and called out to you. “princess?”
you answered with a meek, “yeah, it’s me.”
“how was your day, pet?”
with that, you headed to your bedroom, where you planned to reside for the majority of the night if niall would let you. he wouldn’t. he knew from the minute you walked in the door that something was wrong. so so wrong. you always yelled a chirpy “i’m home!” but not today. you always went into grave detail about your day before asking how his day was and listening intently with small mhm’s and wow’s. this was so blatantly uncharacteristic of you that niall wasn’t sure what to do next.
slowly, he approached the bedroom door. he raised his hand to knock but stopped after hearing your muffled sniffles and quiet sobs. he swiftly walked to the kitchen, and he grabbed two of your favorite muffins and a glass of water. he then returned to the room in which you trapped yourself. he softly knocked three times, awaiting your soft acceptance for his presence. when no response came, he took it upon himself to enter the somber room.
the first thing he saw was your frail body sat against the wall. your knees curled cautiously into your chest as your head rested back on the wall. your eyes were closed and your earbuds were in, which is why, niall assumed, you didn’t respond. niall exhaled slowly and deeply, trying to push back his own pain that comes with seeing you in this state. he glided to your unresponsive body and carefully bent down on his knees so his eyes were level with yours, though you couldn’t see him at the moment. niall gently tapped your knee, and you jumped, startled by the sudden contact. you took your earbuds out of your ears and gave niall a small, but oh so fake, smile.
“princess, i know something’s wrong. you don’t have to smile like everything’s okay. just talk to me, yeah?” niall delicately stated.
“i’m fine.”
“that’s not true, and you know it. listen, i don’t know what happened or what’s going on, but i’m here for you. i’m gonna sit here with you until you’re okay again. i don’t care how long it takes,” he whispered, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
after an excruciatingly long moment of silence, niall began to sing. something he often found himself doing when he truly didn’t know what else to do. plus, it was a good way to fill silences like this one.
“you keep sayin’ that you’re alright, but i can see it through your fake smile, you’re not. there’s a reservoir in your eyes that you’ve been holdin’ back a long time. what’s wrong? darlin’ you don’t have to hold it. you don’t have to be afraid. you can go ahead and unload it ‘cause you know it’ll be okay, fire away,” niall sang to you. at this point, the dam holding back your tears completely collapsed, and you were left a sobbing mess, your tears slowly cascading down your cheeks. you leaned your head on niall’s shoulder, and he turned his body to face you. he pulled you into his lap and engulfed your fragile body in his arms. your head was hidden in his chest, and his chin found its spot on your shoulder.
“it’s okay, princess. i’m here,” he repeatedly assured. “i love you. it’s gonna be okay.”
when you finally calmed down enough to explain the happenings of today, you lifted your head up, and placed it in the crook of his neck.
“what’s goin’ on, darlin’?”
“i just had an awful day,” you sighed.
“i’m so sorry, hun. what happened?”
“i just kept messing up, i guess. it’s really not that big of a deal. i was overreacting.”
“hey, stop right there. don’t ever try to downgrade your sadness, y/n. it’s okay to be sad and have bad days. it happens, and when it happens, it’s okay to say that you’re sad. i don’t ever wanna hear you say that you’re overreacting or that your sadness isn’t a big deal. it’s a huge deal, okay?”
“okay,” you mumbled with a soft smile.
“and i’m sure you weren’t messing up.”
“no, i was. this morning i completely ruined my favorite eye shadow because i dropped it. i was late to work because of the rain, and my boss yelled at me in front of everyone. i forgot to grab my lunch before i left this morning, so i just had a granola bar from my bag. it was just a really sucky day, ni.”
“i’m so so sorry, princess. i don’t think any of those things are your fault, though. accidents happen. your boss is a prick, and he shouldn’t have yelled at you at all, let alone in front of everyone else. why didn’t you just ask me to bring you lunch, love? i would’ve done it gladly.”
“i don’t know. i didn’t really think about it,” you mumble sheepishly.
“well, now you know,” niall chuckled and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “i love you so much, darlin’. next time you have a bad day, please just come talk to me about it. i know it’s hard sometimes, but i’m here for you. forever and always.”
“i will, ni. i love you, too.”
niall quickly stood up from his cold spot on the ground and lifted you up. you were in a fit of giggles, which was the happiest niall has seen you since yesterday, and he thought to himself “job well done.” niall gently laid you down on the soft blue comforter and kissed your cheek.
“what are you doing, ni?” you asked, still laughing.
“we’re going to order pizza and watch all your favorite movies!” niall exclaimed triumphantly. right now, all niall wanted to do is make you smile, and so far, his mission has been successful. you grinned in response to his idea, and gave him a soft peck on the lips. niall chuckled and dashed downstairs to call the pizza place you love, then he grabbed a stack of your favorite movies before returning to your side.
“pizza is ordered, and i got your favorite movies. you ready?” niall questioned lovingly.
“i am. thank you so much, bub. it means the world to me,” you replied softly. he kissed your forehead and whispered, “i love you, princess. i would do anything for you, you know that?”
“i know, and i would do anything for you. i love you, ni.”
the love you two shared was one-of-a-kind, and everyone around you could see that. you both love each other with everything you had in you. and neither of you could ask for anything else.
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goldenchildkatsuki · 6 years
a kacchako drabble, but also not really
Summary:  Uraraka, an aspiring musical enthusiast, runs away from home to chase her dreams and audition for one of the biggest musicals in the country. As she takes one of the first buses to out of town she meets Bakugou, a drummer who has recently left his band and is on his way to somewhere.
Writers note: I'm back from vacation! Though it was really nice meeting two of my best internet friends I did miss writing every day. Whilst I was in Paris, my favorite band The 1975, decided to drop a new song called: Love It If We Made It. Amazing song, I would recommend you to listen to it, especially when reading this fic.
Anyways when I heard this I immediately felt something and I knew I had to write something that suited the vibe it gave me. Very self-insert I know. But it's been a while since I wrote anything I really wanted to write. So yeah, I've gone and did it and I decided to title this work to a line from my favorite verse from the song:
“And poison me daddy I got the Jones right through my bones Write it on a piece of stone A beach of drowning 3 year olds Rest in peace Lil Peep The poetry is in the streets Jesus save us! Modernity has failed us”
(see the end for notes)
Word count: 6.848
AO3 link: (x)
Uraraka couldn't believe she was hungry already. She had hoped getting a ticket for so early in the morning would stall her stomach demanding for food so early on in the trip. But alas, her stomach had started twisting in knots and let out noises of frustration just after checking-in.
She couldn't exactly blame her stomach for asking for food only six hours into the day. At this hour Uraraka would usually be woken up by the smell of a widespread breakfast being cooked by her father. In the early morning, he would prepare himself a bulky breakfast before heading off to a long day of work and leaving most of it for his wife and daughter to enjoy as soon as they woke up. It was hard to stay in bed when the smell of the well-known ‘Uraraka Omelette' seeped through her door and she would find herself at the kitchen table with her dad, trying to fight off sleep as they enjoyed their food together.  
But today her breakfast was a granola bar she found at the bottom of her travel bag. Something she most likely shouldn't eat, since she had no indication of how long it had been laying there. Being extremely hungry was undoubtedly better than throwing up the small content of her stomach that would consist of a granola bar gone bad.
Near the check-in was a shop, a small market or some sorts. Uraraka had peeked inside and saw that besides the usual travel necessities, crisps and sweets they also had something that actually could serve as breakfast. She watched freshly baked chocolate rolls being handed over the counter like it was the new big thing. The scent flew out of the shop into the open and was starting to dominate the brisk morning air. It had her watering at the mouth and smacking her lips.
The longer she stood staring the more upset her stomach got. Uraraka put a hand over it, rubbing it in small circles in an attempt to calm it down. As someone walked right past her nose with yet another chocolate roll, she clenched her fist.
It would be really nice to get one. But that would mean she would have to look for a different hostel, essentially downgrading. And that would practically mean sleeping in a box on the street. With a huff, she turned around on her heels and walked away from the shop. Who knew she would already be angry with herself? Already beating herself up over the decision to leave home as soon as she just had enough money. Had she focused more on money instead of practicing she wouldn't even have to think twice about buying a stupid pastry.
In the end, it wasn't worth digging nails in the skin over. Uraraka could have seen this coming from the moment she decided on the date. But she had to leave the place. Staying there for more than a second would have made her feel sicker than this empty stomach of hers. She hated it so much. How her home made her feel empty as a shell. It made her feel so unhappy to the point she was willing to do the thing she feared the most; being on her own.
Uraraka didn't tell her mother, she didn't tell her father. She didn't tell a single soul. Without a single goodbye, she walked herself to a bus stop out of town and bought a bus ticket. With a boarding pass and a bag with a couple of clothes and other necessities in her hand, she stood among a few tourists. Close as she could be, she stood next to them, trying to avoid the mischievous looks from the homeless that had been circling the area.
She tried to tell herself to not be scared. She had no right to be scared. This is what she wanted. This is what she actively decided to do. And who was she to judge those people anyway? She had been raised better. Not every stranger roaming around the street was out to get you. Though they kept making eye contact with her and winking, flashing their dangling yellow teeth at her, it didn't have to mean anything.
She didn't have to zip up her coat or hide behind one of the largest men among the group of tourists. Uraraka didn't have to, but she still did.
Uraraka practically cradled against the man's back as a homeless man made his way onto the sidewalk, trying to whistle at her. The broken notes of a wolf whistle she tried to block out by squeezing one eye shut. If she didn't move, if she didn't show how shaky her breath was then maybe the homeless man would back down. Or maybe if she pushed into the tourist's back, he would say something about it, which seemed more likely.
At first.
Like a kid, huddling to their parent when meeting a stranger she stayed close to the man but he didn't say a thing. A few times he turned around and he did not have the friendliest of faces on. If he wasn't going to speak up, was anyone going to? Was no one seeing this? Was no one worried for the obvious youngest woman in the group?
She had no right to be scared. This is what she wanted. Yes. But Uraraka would've appreciated a little bit of empathy, an ounce of concern.
If someone would just speak up, she would have some faith for the rest of the journey. That she wasn't only going to encounter people that gave less than two shits about her. That she would be fine. The chances of her getting hurt were smaller than she thought because there would always be at least someone…
The whistling came closer and closer and right before she tugged at the strap of the man's shoulder bag a bus pulled up to the stop. The girl jolted and immediately she made her way to the bus. Almost standing on the parking spot Uraraka waited for the bus the park. The other travelers started gathering behind her. At last, she could let go of her breath as she saw the homeless scatter away from the enormous vehicle.
Uraraka shuffled away from the big, bright headlights and trickled in front of the door, waiting for it to open. A loud puff of air escaped the bus and it leveled with the sidewalk. The bus driver opened the door and without saying a word he opened the luggage room. Confused the non-native speakers walked towards the room and waited for someone to help them with the luggage. The bus driver just stood in front of his door and yawned at the people, with no indication whatsoever to help anyone with their bag.
She watched along with him, how the people slowly started understanding what was going on. Grumbling and spouting unknown curses under their breath whilst they shove their luggage under the bus.
"This doesn't really need to be under there, can I just get in?" Uraraka asked the bus driver.
His eyes shifted from her to the bag, slowly he closed them and nodded. The girl let out a relieved sigh and handed the boarding pass to him before heading in.
It was more crowded than she expected it to be. Almost every seat at the front of the bus was filled. Sleepy heads leaning against curtains or shoulders. Open mouths and light snores.
Scared to wake anyone up Uraraka shuffled past the first couple of rows. The travelers were either traveling with someone or didn't want to and made it clear by putting all their belongings on the seat next to them.
Surely, the company couldn't have made a mistake? Sold tickets for seats that didn't exist?
As Uraraka started approaching the back of the bus she got nervous. But then in the faint yellow lighting, she spotted two seats. She picked up the pace, as people were starting to walk up behind her and would without a doubt push past her if she wasted their time. Careful to not get her bag caught she rushed up to the seats and saw that it was
A seat.
The window seat she was hoping to get was occupied by a guy slouched over in his seat. With his arms crossed and his head hanging forward he lightly snored. Uraraka tried to make herself light as feathers when placing herself next to him. She put her bag between her feet and took off her coat. Every now and then she would check on the guy, and every time she checked he would still be in a deep slumber. After making herself a little more comfortable Uraraka couldn't help but snicker a little at the passenger next to her.
Wearing an oversized denim jacket, over a hoodie that he propped up and tied tightly around his neck. His butt so close to the edge of his seat it made her a little nervous, neck in a worrying position. The boy looked rough. The shadows that cast on his face didn't reveal much, but you could just tell he had one hell of a night behind him.
Uraraka pushed herself closer to the middle armrest as the tourist passed her with their arms full of bags. She could feel the rhythm of the boy's breath against her arm. It was so slow. What had he been through before he got on this bus? It must be a hell of a journey because if you didn't pay proper attention to him, you would think he was dead.
When everyone was seated a loud sound of static filled the room, followed by white noise. Around the bus, heads started lifting up and turning around. After a moment of radio silence, the voice of the bus driver sounded through the intercom. Louder than anyone anticipated, louder than favored at this hour.
It woke the boy next to her up it was that roaring. He shot up cursing and grabbed onto the window curtain and his seat, lifting himself back up his chair. With the back of his hand, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and then slid it over his squinting eye. After he calmed himself down, he looked over to his right and looked her right in the eye.
"That seat is taken." He mumbled in a low voice.
Uraraka frowned. "Excuse me?"
"It's taken." He repeated.
The heart rate of Uraraka sped up and she looked around the bus that was full and already on the move.
"I-is there someone on the t-toilet that's supposed to be sitting here?" She asks as she peers at where the toilet is located.
The guy rubs his other with his thumbs and groans. "Lift your ass."
"Just stand up!" he raised his voice at her.
With a throat thick with saliva she couldn't bring it to defend herself against the sudden rude manner of the passenger. With no real aim, she moved. Did what she was told and lifted herself off the seat. As she tried to swallow down the thickness in her throat, she grabbed her coat from the seat. She wanted to move away to the back of the bus, see if she could squeeze herself in between people but Uraraka was held back by a tug at the sleeve of her coat.
"Where the fuck are my drumsticks?"
"Your what?"
The guy stared at the empty seat and then back at her. When he saw that she really didn't have a clue what he was talking about he ran his hands over his head. Pulling down the hood he revealed his sand blond, spiky hairdo that managed to stay contained inside of there.
"Fuck! I knew I couldn't trust anyone in this fucking bus. Those were expensive sticks as well. I just got those motherfuckers. I swear to God I will-"
The blond guy went on a tangent, completely ignoring Uraraka who awkwardly stood the hallway, and the people in the bus, who were all trying to get some sleep. Not sure what to do, Uraraka crouched next to her chair and placed her hands on the floor.
"-shake every bastard around until I get back what's mine. They could kick me off the fucking bus if they wanted to, I don't care. No one messes with-!"
"Your sticks?"
Uraraka took her head from beneath the seat in front of them and stuck a pair of drumsticks in the air. She made her way out of the tiny space and sat back down next to him.
"They must've slid off the seat when the bus made a sharp turn or something."
The boy who had fallen silent the moment he saw the wooden sticks, looked at her with wide eyes. Like a child that had been surprised with something he long wished for he looked at the pair. Uraraka stretched her hand out further towards him and gestured for him to take them. His lit up face, slowly turned sour as he also started realizing that was more commotion than needed. He yanked the drumsticks from her hand and sank back in his seat.
"You shouldn't leave you sticks on an empty seat in a crowded bus like that next time."
"And you should ask if a seat is taken instead of just sitting down." He said whilst putting his sticks in the pouch of his hoodie.
Uraraka perked up in offense and turned to him. "Hey! You were sleeping, so was I just suppo-!"
Before she could finish her sentence she was abruptly interrupted by a loud shush coming from the split in between the seats in front of them. Angry eyes went back and forth between the teens. Whilst the boy rolled his eyes at the bothered traveler, Uraraka held on to her jacket and hid her face in the fur attached to the hood.
Both of them didn't say a word for a while, the guy had even turned himself away from her and leaned against the window. Uraraka could've done the same, turned towards the aisle and listened to music for four hours straight, but he bugged her. Words that were no longer relevant wanted to come out and waited in the starting blocks of the tip of her tongue. Strongly she bit down, trying to hold back the thought. But before she knew it she was already lifting her lips from each other. Sliding her feet and pointing them to the left, turning her head and taking in a deep breath.
"You should take better care of your instruments." She whispered.
The guy lifted his chin from the palm of his hand and snorted.
"Oh please, what the fuck do you know about taking care of instruments?"
Uraraka laid a hand on her throat. "I'm doing it right now." She continued to whisper.
The blond that had stuck himself to the wall slowly came off of it and gave her a once-over with his eyebrows raised. He snorted again.
"Wouldn't take you for a singer." He said cockily.
She's not exactly surprised that the boy told her that. As harsh as it was, it wasn't the first timer Uraraka has heard that. Not many people knew she could sing. The few that did were very encouraging of her talent. Told her her voice was one of the best they had ever heard, that they could listen to her forever, that anyone would be lucky to have her voice. But as soon as Uraraka started to talk about auditioning for musicals and getting into art schools, their compliments would revert. The people around her would tell her that it was a stretch, that you needed more than a ‘nice voice' to make it in that branch, that she shouldn't even bother getting in that branch anyway since the income wasn't the best. Genuinely hurtful things they would tell her and they would mask it with laughter and a deceiving sweet tone of voice.
Even her parents, the only two people on this entire bright, blue planet she hoped would understand her passion, dismissed what she had dreamed of since she hit her first clear note. Obsessed with the idea of a stable income, they were less than happy when they found out Uraraka was auditioning for plays instead of looking at college's like she told them.
‘You can't make money with a stupid hobby!'
Her dad told her in a heated argument, right in front of the theatre he had caught her leaving.
‘The only way you can do that is investing a lot of money in it, which we don't have!'
‘We don't have money to buy you new clothes and get your hair done for every audition. We don't have the money to get you singing classes and piano lessons. And we definitely don't have the money to keep you in those prestige schools!'
‘So please do your us a favor and let it go.'
He continued to rage on.
Her dad wasn't angry, he was hurt.
It was like she betrayed him.
And though she understood his concern.
It was more upsetting to hear that he doubted her than hearing that she hurt him.
To think that her dad, who was the reason she started singing in the first place, believed she didn't have enough skill and drive to get to the point where she could do what she loved and earn a decent living of it.
It broke her heart.
After that mess of an afternoon, everything Uraraka did other than sing and dance was a waste of time, an attempt to hold her back. The people that loved to hear her sing but doubted her, her parents that kept a close eye on her and everything related to school. They didn't help her. They didn't help her focus on one of the biggest auditions of her life.
Uraraka wanted to raise her voice. She wanted to go into the audition, with all she had to offer, even if it was little and belt her god damn heart out. To think that she considered slowly ‘letting it go' and staying silent. Those were the most unbearable days of her life.
It was so boring, so quiet, so empty.
So now she was here, on a bus to her audition, talking to whoever that guy may be, about the usual.
"Didn't take your for a drummer." She replied.
"What?" The boy said whilst poking one of his sticks out his pocket.
"I don't know why I said that you put me on the spot and this is the only comeback I could come up with. Even though I heard this many times I still can't come up with a good-" She spoke fast.
"Wow, that was pretty fucking horrible." He chuckled at her and continued to look at her.
As if he was still trying to see the singer in her. It was kind of embarrassing that he was looking at her that long. Was it really that hard to make out? What would he even be looking for? Not wanting to make herself seem little to someone who she suddenly felt the need to prove herself so she didn't turn away. Even when Uraraka felt the warmth rushing to her cheeks, she tried to remain calm.  
Suddenly he locked eyes with her and stared right into her. What an intimidating eye he had. He really was scoping her out, wasn't he?
After apparently have seen enough of her, the boy leaned back in his chair and took out the sticks from his pouch.
"Bakugou." He simply introduced himself.
She nodded. "Uraraka."
"I do take you for a drummer actually…Not just because of the sticks! You have that whole punk rock look going on." Uraraka said in an attempt to spark more conversation.
Bakugou looked down at himself and pulled at the buttons pinned to the chest of his denim jacket.
"You look like you should be in a band."
Bakugou sputtered and scowled. "Well, you're off there. Way fucking off. I actually just got fucking booted from a band."
He spun a stick around his fingers and glared to the floor.
That's the last thing Uraraka expected to hear, it did pique her interest though. However, the drummer didn't elaborate on his last sentence. Even when looking at him directly he didn't bother to continue. The longer the silence stretched the more interesting the boy became.
Then Uraraka thought of something. It was not the nicest of things to say. But whoever says A, has to say B.
"Well, it's just a band after all, not something you can really base a career on, so it's not that big of a deal right?" Uraraka divulged.
She tucked the curly baby hair strands behind her ears and stuck her nose in the air in the opposite direction. In the corner of her eye, she could see Bakugou straightening up in his chair.
"Just a band? Just a fucking band? Some musician you are, out of everyone you should know that it's not just…Tch."
Uraraka turned to him and let out a small hum as a response.
"And fuck off with your ‘career bullshit'. Fuck everyone that tells me I can't make it anywhere with my music. No one has any idea what I'm fucking capable of. I'll destroy everyone with my sound. I'll take over the world with these two wooden fuckers alone. Just watch, in a year, you'll see me on billboards and the only thing you'll hear blasting through the car radio is me. You'll be a speechless moron in a year. Just shut up and watch me."
The way he said that it wasn't a threat, but more like a promise. Though he sounded menacing, almost terrifying even, his passion shone through his words more than his anger did. Bakugou said all the things she never dared to voice. He said it with so much pride and confidence she was almost jealous of his attitude. She couldn't imagine how many times he had heard that particular sentence from people. The way he got riled up made her imagine he had heard it more than enough times. Which makes him even more admirable, that he still could essentially give her a big middle finger and speak so passionately about his talent and continue to work on it.
Now, she felt bad for trying to trick him into talking.
Uraraka cracked a soft smile. "That wasn't very nice of me, was it? I was only teasing you, Bakugou. Believe me, I could never say that to another musician. It's the most horrible thing to hear after all."
Bakugou's face slowly softened and he ceased the spinning of the drumstick. She could tell he wasn't fully buying it yet.
"Why do you think I'm on this bus?" She asked.
"Aren't you just a runaway?" he scowled.
"No, well, yes, technically. But I reckon I'm doing the same thing as you."
"So you're saying ‘fuck it' and went off on your own to become a legend."
Uraraka laughed. "I guess you could say that. It sounds a lot cooler than if I said I ran away from home so I could audition for a part in a major musical."
Bakugou shrugged. "Tomato, Tomatoe."
With his sticks, he lightly tapped on the small windowsill. He drummed a soothing rhythm, that wasn't too loud to get shushed at for.
"But musical, huh?" He unexpectedly continued the conversation.
Her heart skipped a beat. The same way it always did when someone showed interest in her passion. She had to refrain herself for not speaking too loudly and rambling until the words were barely understandable. Uraraka kept her breath steady and simply nodded at Bakugou.
He didn't seem like he would be into that plays and that sort of thing at all. They actually looked like opposites of a scale. But still, he gestured for her to continue speaking. Whilst keeping somewhat herself in check she told him everything she had refrained herself from gushing about for so long. Uraraka talked about the musical she was going to audition for, how long she had been preparing herself for that, how hard she tried to perfect her modern dance moves by herself, how many hours she thought she spent behind the piano in school. She could hear herself going from a whisper to a low voice when she started talking about the teachers of the famous art school that would be at the audition, how happy she would be if they recognized her talent and wanted to take her in. How she could finally silence her friends and parents. How amazing it would be if she could make them proud.
During her story, Bakugou kept nodding along and drumming the same rhythm on the windowsill.  Every now and then he would let out a huff of air through his nose or click his tongue against his teeth. He waited until Uraraka got everything out before speaking up.
"So you actually were just teasing me." He said.
"You only starting believing me just then?!"
"Of course. Still trying to figure out why you said that though."
"Because I wanted to know why you got booted from your band!" Uraraka raised her voice at him as if it was the most logical thing in the world.
Bakugou sighed. "Again, you should've just fucking asked."
Uraraka wanted to say something back at him, about how he, yet again, didn't exactly look like he was in the mood to be answering any questions. But she stopped herself, as he seemed to be in deep thought, scowling to himself. As if he was in a debate if he should even tell her or not.
"Do you want to tell me why you were kicked out from the band or not?" Uraraka asked straight up, to somewhat help his inner confliction.
"Well, now I have no choice but to say it. Since I already said I would if you just asked."
"Not exactly but…"
Bakugou ran both hands through his hair and then folded his arms.
"Booted, kicked. Both weren't really the fucking case. They threatened to kick me out and then I just left. I have been with those guys for what? Three fucking years? And I bet those guys didn't think I would actually leave. But how could I not? I don't want to be working with idiots that don't plan on doing bigger and better things. When it finally looked like we were going somewhere, they said it was ‘as big as it's going to get'. No fucking way I'm sticking with that."
Uraraka should've seen something like that coming.
"Why did they threaten to kick you out?" She asked.
"Because I was ‘asking too much of them'. I wanted more rehearsals, bigger venues, more recording. And those weaklings didn't seem up for it."
She also would've left if that was the case. Imagine, spending three years with people you thought you were on the same level with only to find out that wasn't the case at all. Though, she could imagine it was hard for him. After three years she imagined they became pretty good friends.
And though Bakugou didn't refer to his bandmates as that, it became pretty clear he shared a special bond with them. He was quick to show her videos they had put on their YouTube channel, showing her small they started and how big the venues were they played at now. He boasted about how much more they could achieve, how they could do so much better.
Uraraka was obviously a musical star at heart but she couldn't say this wasn't something she also wanted. The single earphone Bakugou had handed her she pressed right into her ear and leaned closer to the phone screen. So many people shouting and dancing. So much heart and soul going into performing the songs, that did sound more catchy and pop-y than she thought it would. Their songs were one hundred, no, one thousand percent something that could hold their own in charts. Anyone could sing along to them, but they weren't too generic. Even if the genre wasn't for everyone, you couldn't really hate it.
Bakugou knew that too. That's why he didn't want to give up and keep expanding. Enthusiastically he showed videos of his favorite performances. Pointing out how the lead singer couldn't even see straight during that one performance because she caught the flu but still rocked it. Trying to contain his laugh when looking at the stunned face of the bassist when seeing the large crowd at their first performance.
Quickly Uraraka learned what kind of band they were. What kind of people were in it. A diverse group, she must say, but a rather fun one.
Their personalities especially sparked when Bakugou showed her the older videos on their channel. She could tell that now the drummer was feeling more nostalgic than irritable. Genuinely cracking up at the older days where the band still did covers of songs.
"Look at fucking Kaminari here, you know he could barely play a single note at this point?" Bakugou pointed at the screen.
"Jirou looks so shy here! She's really changed!" Uraraka ogled and bent over the armrest cackling.
Bakugou wiggled his shoulder and she perked up. She only just realized that she had been invading the drummer's space as if it was nothing. Huddled up to him as if wasn't a stranger at all. Uraraka tried to hide her flushed face by pretending to raise one of her tube socks.
Under her seat, she counted from ten back to zero before raising her head again.
When she reached zero, she would regain her cool.
She looked up and saw that Bakugou had lifted up the middle armrest between them.  He held the one earphone between his fingers and drew his brows together
"Nothing…Just…Socks you know?" The girl couldn't help but stumble over her words.
Avoiding his eyes, she took the earphone from him and focused on the screen. He scooted over to her, well over the barrier that was once between them and started another video.
This one had them cracking up so much, they even got shushed by the people sitting next to them. Bakugou would subtly flip them off and Uraraka would press her hands over her mouth, trying not to make a single sound.
"Tokoyami looks so distraught, I can't stop!"
"Jirou had so much patience trying to teach Kaminari an instrument. Look at how fucking done I looked with them. Yaoyoruzou too, I never heard her sigh this much in my life! She had the roughest time teaching Kaminari how to play the piano though."
He cackled, removed his jacket and raised the sleeves of his hoodie. As he made himself comfortable again something came to Uraraka attention. She took his wrist and turned it to reveal the inside of his arm.
Bakugou had a tattoo at the inside of his arm that said ‘Poison me daddy' in rather big letters.
He looked up at her and groaned.
"Before you say a fucking word. Watch this."
The guy clicked on another video that was titled with the same words as the tattoo had. Apparently, it was some kind of challenge video. Where three members of the band picked out a piece of paper out of a hat, each piece of paper contained a random word and with the words that were picked the band had to make a song from scratch.
After they showed the process of making the song, the final product started playing and Uraraka recognized it. Uraraka looked at the number of views the video had and saw that it had gone viral. She had heard the lyrics being sung around her many times and had even listened to the song herself on repeat for a couple of days. It was quite a comical song, but somehow still so good it could be played at a radio station.
Remembering the lyrics she quietly sang along with them, with the brightest smile on her face she swayed from left to right. She felt the drummer looking down on the crown of her head. For the first time, he didn't commentate over the video. He just stayed silent, not minding her bumping into his shoulder. Bakugou fully paid attention to the sound of her voice.
When the video ended he remained speechless, only when Uraraka moved from beneath him to look at him, he started speaking. But not properly. He got tongue-tied and restless, fumbling with his phone and the cord of the earphone.
As she scanned him, trying to figure out what was going on with him, she noticed the top of his ears. They were flaming red.
Was he actually flustered because he heard her sing for the first time?
Before she could dwell too much about and become an awkward mess like him she continued to talk about the topic they were on.
"So…The tattoo?"
Bakugou immediately took the chance to move on from the horrible state he had put himself in and started explaining.
"We were at our first sold-out show. Naturally, I was fucking excited. In the heat of the moment, my stupid ass said: ‘The first thing I can hear a fan above the crowd shout I will get tattoo'ed on my body.' And I should've known it would be fucking ‘poison me, daddy'. How embarrassing it is, I'm no man to go back on my word, so I did it."
Uraraka stared at his arm and read the line over and over, remembered the melody of the song whilst she read it and looked Bakugou in the eye.
"It's not really embarrassing. It's bound to a good memory. So I think it's quite cool, really."
Now his whole ears had turned red.
"Shut up! Enough about this! You still haven't seen the best shows yet!"
Before she knew it, he had thrown an arm around her and pulled her into his chest. She felt his warm neck, resting against the back of her head and the hot puffs of air blowing on the top of her head.
At first, Uraraka was scared to move. She was tense and tried to make herself somewhat levitate above his body. But Bakugou kept pressing their bodies closer together. He played the next video in the playlist and adjusted himself to the curves of her body.
He really didn't mind having her close to him.
Uraraka's fingers curled around the fabric of his clothes and pressed her ear closer to his chest.
It was going a million miles a minute.
He had such a strong and loud heartbeat, but it was as calming as the rhythm he drummed at the start of the journey.
She couldn't help but focus on the sign of his life than the music that went into the other ear.
The drumming sound of his heart was frankly better than any song he played.
It might be one of her favorite songs.
Uraraka wanted to keep listening to it. But the way he had started to comb her hair behind her ear and scratch her head at the same time, it made it hard to stay awake. Her grip loosened and the heartbeat started fading.
She heard the closing of the curtains, just before she could feel herself doze off.
"Hey." Bakugou poked her cheek with a finger.
"Do you want to start a band?"
When Uraraka opened her eyes again, it felt like only a single second went by. But when she tried to lift her head she felt the full weight of Bakugou on her. He had fallen asleep too. Now she was careful to move. Practically laid still and looked around her.
Bakugou's phone was on the ground, the fingers of her left hand were loosely intertwined with his. His rough and blistered fingers felt strange against her soft ones. Curiously she shifted her hand closer into his and her stomach felt light upon feeling more of his touch.
The sudden white noise of the intercom made the drummer shoot up again. His grip immediately tightened around Uraraka, which made her stomach even lighter.
"We're taking a 15-minute break before going onto the highway again. Please be back in time."
Static ended the short and brief message and everyone started rising from their seats. Uraraka turned to Bakugou and watched him stretch underneath her body and rub the remaining sleep out of his eyes.
"Want to get some air?" Uraraka asked.
She moved off him, grabbed her coat and her toiletry bag and walked to the nearest exit of the bus. Bakugou was right behind her and mumbling complaints about the bright sky. Once grounded on the gas station's parking lot, she took out her phone. She had avoided touching it since the start of the journey, scared of how blown up it could be.
"I'm going to go take a leak." Bakugou quickly said and he ran in the bathroom's direction.
He watched him disappear into the bathroom before unlocking her phone.
There were a lot more miscalls and texts than she expected. She went through the dozen messages left on her phone and it made her stomach turn from peacefully light to stone heavy. Her dad was pissed, even more, angry than the day he caught her leaving the theatre.
She felt all of that emotion, in the several texts that said the same thing.
"You better be okay, Ochako."
Uraraka swallowed and hovered her thumb above the keys. Tears were starting to swell up in her eyes and she had looked to at the sky. In the corner of her eyes, she noticed someone waving at her. She tried to blink her tears away and looked over to see Bakugou waving her over.
Uraraka put the phone in the pocket of her coat and ran towards the guy who held the door to the toilet open. A little sketched out Uraraka looked around if anyone saw them.
He pulled her into the bathroom that was definitely not meant to fit more than one person. Her lower back was pressed against the sink and her arms were mushed against Bakugou's chest. He loomed over her and looked over her head.
"So do you still want to start a band?" He asked sternly.
Uraraka could vaguely remember him asking her that but she hadn't changed her answer.
He took her hand that held on to her toiletry bag and zipped it open. Casually he took out one of her lipsticks and held it in front of her face.
"See, if we want to get ourselves out there, we have to make ourselves known. So let's start out by writing the name of our band on a dirty gas station bathroom mirror. You know that's how all legendary bands got known?"
"No, I'm fucking with you, but I did this with my previous band and it worked so, fuck it right?"
Bakugou opened the tube of lipstick and leaned over, making her bend backward over the sink completely.
"But we don't even have a name yet."
"Of course we do, I thought of one when you passed out."
When he was finished he took a few small steps back so Uraraka could turn around. With big red letter he wrote the words;
‘Runaway Rioters'
On the mirror.
"I like it. I like it a lot."
He wrote it down a few more times, not just on the mirror, but also on the walls and on the door. Until the lipstick was smooshed and unusable. Then he opened the door and threw his arm around her.
"Don't even you dare sulk about that damn lipstick because you know I'll get you a new one." He said as they walked out of the bathroom.
"I can get you like fifty when we become famous. You'll fucking nail your audition and I will keep being awesome and then we'll become legends together, got it?"
Damn. The guy was cool. Though this dream of his seemed very child-like, she was willing to go along with him. He was the only one that believed she could become something, a legend of all things. It would be stupid if she didn't pour a least a little bit of faith into him, stranger or not, he was pouring at least some of his faith into her.
She leaned her head against Bakugou's chest and unlocked her phone. She created a new message to her dad.
‘I'm sorry for leaving without telling you. But I can assure you that I am okay.'
Uraraka glanced at Bakugou.
‘More than okay. You'll see me soon. Lots of love.'
Writers note: I've got more ideas for self-insert fics brewing in my head. So stay tuned!
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (HAIN) Reaches $42.34 After 7.00% Up Move; Boston Scientific (BSX) Shorts Down By 13.79%
The stock of The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) is a huge mover today! The stock increased 3.02% or $1.24 during the last trading session, reaching $42.34. About 1.11 million shares traded. The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) has declined 22.27% since December 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 38.97% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $4.40B company. It was reported on Dec, 1 by Barchart.com. We have $45.30 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:HAIN worth $307.65M more.
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) had a decrease of 13.79% in short interest. BSX’s SI was 11.84 million shares in December as released by FINRA. Its down 13.79% from 13.73 million shares previously. With 6.37M avg volume, 2 days are for Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX)’s short sellers to cover BSX’s short positions. The SI to Boston Scientific Corporation’s float is 0.87%. The stock decreased 1.33% or $0.35 during the last trading session, reaching $25.93. About 5.79M shares traded. Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) has risen 19.12% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.42% the S&P500.
Among 30 analysts covering Hain Celestial Group (NASDAQ:HAIN), 11 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 37% are positive. Hain Celestial Group had 89 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. S&P Research maintained the shares of HAIN in report on Thursday, August 20 with “Buy” rating. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, August 30 by BMO Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by Oppenheimer with “Hold” on Tuesday, August 29. Maxim Group maintained it with “Buy” rating and $5000 target in Thursday, July 13 report. The company was downgraded on Friday, February 17 by Argus Research. The company was maintained on Wednesday, January 13 by Maxim Group. Canaccord Genuity maintained it with “Buy” rating and $47.0 target in Tuesday, January 12 report. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, August 16 by Maxim Group. The firm has “Hold” rating by Susquehanna given on Tuesday, August 22. The stock of The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) has “Hold” rating given on Friday, June 30 by Oppenheimer.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.96 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.20, from 0.76 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 51 investors sold The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. shares while 107 reduced holdings. 60 funds opened positions while 92 raised stakes. 91.90 million shares or 8.26% more from 84.88 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Panagora Asset Mgmt has 0% invested in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN). Metropolitan Life Ins Ny reported 97,317 shares. Great West Life Assurance Commerce Can has invested 0.01% in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN). Miller Management L P owns 5,220 shares. Bluemar Mngmt Ltd Liability Corporation owns 24,000 shares or 0.54% of their US portfolio. Putnam Invests Ltd Limited Liability Company has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN). National Bank & Trust Of America De invested in 0.01% or 824,435 shares. Moreover, Northern Trust Corp has 0.01% invested in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) for 839,976 shares. Moreover, Ls Investment Advisors Ltd Liability Com has 0.02% invested in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) for 8,221 shares. Amalgamated National Bank stated it has 20,269 shares. Parkside Bankshares And Tru holds 0% in The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) or 21 shares. Thompson holds 0.08% or 11,100 shares in its portfolio. Wellington Shields Capital Mngmt Limited Liability Co owns 12,580 shares. 173,414 are held by Swiss Financial Bank. M&T Retail Bank has 16,444 shares.
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. manufactures, markets, distributes, and sells organic and natural products. The company has market cap of $4.40 billion. The Company’s grocery products include infant formula; infant, toddler, and kids foods; diapers and wipes; rice and grain products; flour and baking mixes; breads, hot and cold cereals, pasta, condiments, cooking and culinary oils, granolas, and cereal bars; canned, chilled fresh, aseptic, and instant soups; Greek-style yogurts; chilies and packaged grains; chocolates; and nut butters, as well as plant beverages and frozen desserts, such as soy, rice, oat, almond, and coconut. It has a 65.14 P/E ratio. The companyÂ’s grocery products also comprise juices, hot-eating products, chilled and frozen desserts, cookies, crackers, frozen fruits and vegetables, pre-cut fresh fruits, refrigerated and frozen plant meat-alternative products, tofu, seitan and tempeh products, jams, fruit spreads, jellies, honey, marmalade products, and other food products.
Analysts await The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) to report earnings on February, 6. HAIN’s profit will be $44.64 million for 24.62 P/E if the $0.43 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.23 actual EPS reported by The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 86.96% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.03 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.14, from 0.89 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 41 investors sold Boston Scientific Corporation shares while 173 reduced holdings. 56 funds opened positions while 165 raised stakes. 1.22 billion shares or 0.64% less from 1.23 billion shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Cap Rech Global Invsts has invested 0.09% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Braun Stacey Assoc Inc accumulated 1.23% or 685,640 shares. Iowa-based Cambridge Investment Rech Advisors has invested 0.01% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Yhb Advisors Inc holds 0.04% or 8,400 shares. Arizona State Retirement Sys reported 0.16% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Checchi Capital Advisers Lc invested in 12,081 shares or 0.04% of the stock. 31,365 were accumulated by Ameritas Prtn. Korea Invest Corporation holds 2.49 million shares or 0.32% of its portfolio. Fincl Service Corporation owns 13,477 shares for 0.19% of their portfolio. Howe And Rusling holds 0% or 251 shares in its portfolio. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa reported 0.07% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Norway-based Dnb Asset Management As has invested 0% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Geller Family Office Ser Lc has invested 39.02% in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). First Mercantile Tru invested 0.11% of its portfolio in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX). Clarivest Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability holds 0.02% of its portfolio in Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) for 24,363 shares.
Boston Scientific Corporation develops, makes, and markets medical devices for use in various interventional medical specialties worldwide. The company has market cap of $35.61 billion. It operates through three divisions: Cardiovascular, Rhythm Management, and MedSurg. It has a 46.39 P/E ratio. The firm offers interventional cardiology products, including drug-eluting coronary stent systems used in the treatment of coronary artery disease; other coronary therapy products to treat atherosclerosis; intravascular catheter-directed ultrasound imaging catheters, fractional flow reserve devices, and systems for use in coronary arteries and heart chambers, as well as certain peripheral vessels; and structural heart therapy systems.
Since June 1, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $379,736 activity. $82,313 worth of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) shares were sold by Pierce David A. $271,261 worth of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) shares were sold by Pratt Timothy A..
Among 28 analysts covering Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX), 23 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 82% are positive. Boston Scientific Corporation had 75 analyst reports since July 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, November 29 by Canaccord Genuity. Goldman Sachs upgraded Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) rating on Thursday, August 27. Goldman Sachs has “Neutral” rating and $20 target. The stock of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) earned “Buy” rating by Citigroup on Thursday, November 12. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, February 25 by Suntrust Robinson. The rating was maintained by Needham on Friday, November 3 with “Buy”. BMO Capital Markets maintained the shares of BSX in report on Monday, June 19 with “Buy” rating. As per Wednesday, June 28, the company rating was maintained by Oppenheimer. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, July 28 by Oppenheimer. The stock of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, September 1 by Argus Research. BMO Capital Markets maintained the shares of BSX in report on Wednesday, October 11 with “Buy” rating.
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from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/01/the-hain-celestial-group-inc-hain-reaches-42-34-after-7-00-up-move-boston-scientific-bsx-shorts-down-by-13-79/
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